Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Field Richard Sampson (1931- )
Apanowicz Maria (1958?- )
Domanowska Eulalia (1960- )
Polit Paweł (1965- )
Smolińska Marta (1975- )
Abowd Naina. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation
Acevedo Salvador. Designing experiences for audience diversity: a guide for audience-centered program design
Adamczak Kamil. North-eastern periphery of the Eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture - 80 years later
Ahmad Walid. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Ainsworth Maryan Wynn. Special exhibitions and the panel paintings: a curatorial perspective
Alexander Kirk D
Andrade Guillermo (konserwatorstwo). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project
Arasse Daniel (1944-2003)
Arcimowicz Andrzej (1943- )
Art Piotr
Assonitis Alessio (1970- ). The expanding role of digitized collections: the Medici Archive
Axer Peter (1965- ). Conservation of the miniatures in the Munich residence
Axer Peter (1965- ). Die Restaurierung des Miniaturen-Bestands der Munchener Residenz
Aynsley Jeremy (1955- ). Nowa Typografia jako znak handlowy w Weimarskich Niemczech
Aynsley Jeremy (1955- ). The new typography as commercial sign in Weimar Germany
Baker Wendy. Search for a dimension-neutral effect in the solvent treatment of wood
Bal Mieke (1946- ). Semiotics and art history
Banker James R. (1938- )
Barhatova Elena Valentinovna (1947- ). Fotomontaż i typografia w konstruktywizmie rosyjskim
Barhatova Elena Valentinovna (1947- ). Photomontage and typography in Russian constructivism
Bartosch Christina. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Baszczyńska-Gosz Urszula. Kapliczki z Wodnicy - studium przypadku
Baszczyńska-Gosz Urszula. The chapel-shrines of Wodnica - a case study
Baur Christl. Art with a lifespan: digital technologies and the preservation of bioart
Baxandall Michael (1933-2008). Patterns of intention
Beatti Ashlee. Selecting implementing and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation
Bednarek-Bohdziewicz Agnieszka Edyta. Przedstawić Tajemnicę
Bednarek-Bohdziewicz Agnieszka Edyta. To Present a Mystery
Bednarski Krzysztof M. (1953- ). Moby Dick - Opera Aperta
Bendfeldt Sabine. Stabilization and rejoining of a seventeenth-century panel painting: Portrait of Philip Melanchton Parish Church of Priessnitz/Saxony
Bezur Aniko. Structural treatment of a seventeenth-century Flemish panel painting
Billert Andreas (1944- ). Manor and farm complexes as a cultural space aspect of conservation problem
Billert Andreas (1944- ). Zespoły dworsko-folwarczne jako problem konserwacji przestrzeni kulturowej
Birzaka Vita (1963- ). Sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej Rygi
Birzaka Vita (1963- ). The art in Riga's public space
Bisacca George. The development of a spring mechanism for use in conjunction with auxiliary supports for previously thinned panels
Bisacca George. The treatment of Durer’s Adam and Eve panels at the Prado Museum
Boeve-Jones Gwendolyn P. The structural stability of the plywood panel support of Salvador Dali's Couple with clouds in their heads and their bespoke frames from 1936
Bogucki Peter I. (1954- )
Bohdziewicz Anna Beata (1950- ). Kapliczki warszawskie
Bohdziewicz Anna Beata (1950- ). Warsaw's shrines
Boime Albert (1933- )
Bomford David. Foreword
Bonaduce Ilaria. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project
Bratasz Łukasz. Allowable microclimatic variations for painted wood: direct tracing of damage development
Brosens Koenraad (1974- ). Slow digital art history and KUbism: or situation awareness and the promise of open-World games
Brown Kathryn J
Brown Kathryn J. Feminist digital art history
Bryson Norman (1949- ). Semiotics and art history
Burckhardt Daniel. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Calvesi Maurizio (1927-2020)
Cardoso Bruno. Slow digital art history and KUbism: or situation awareness and the promise of open-World games
Carvalho Rosario Salema de. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party
Carvalho Salome Silva de. Conservation study of the wooden support of The Pentecost by Vasco Fernandes
Castelli Ciro. The conservation of panel painting supports at the opificio delle pietre dure: experiences and methodologies
Champion Erik. Art history heritage games and virtual reality
Cheng Michelle. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum
Chołuj Tomasz. Rekapitalizacja wnętrz obiektów historycznych folwarku w Pawłowicach jako źródło innowacyjnych koncepcji plastycznych
Chui Sue Ann
Chui Sue Ann. Preface
Chwieduk Agnieszka. Miejsca pamięci i zapominania
Chwieduk Agnieszka. Sites of memory and forgetting
Ciatti Marco (1955- ). The conservation of panel painting supports at the opificio delle pietre dure: experiences and methodologies
Ciszewska-Rząsa Magda. 37-611 Dachnów za Karczma
Claxton Juliet E. Chintz China and chocolate : the politics of fashion at Charles II's court
Cocram Sarah D. P. Isabella d'Este's sartorial politics
Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project
Cooke-Nieves Natasha. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation
Coombes Annie E. (1956- ). Inventing the postcolonial
Cooper Nathalie. Education and discipline: deviant objects and dissenting bodies at the Horniman Museum
Cowan T. L. X-reception: re-mediating trans- feminist and queer performance art
Cragg Tony (1949- )
Cranston Jodi (1969- ). Mapping paintings or how to breathe life into provenance
Cummings Alan. Paraloid B72 als nichtwassriges Retuschiermedium fur Miniaturen
Cummings Alan. Paraloid B72 in selected solvents as a non-aqueous retouching medium for portrait miniatures painted in water-colour and gouache
Curschmann Michael (1936- )
Czerniak Lech (1952- ). The emergence of TRB communities in Pomerania
Czop Janusz (1967- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project
Dacenko Aleksandr Viktorovic. Eastern impulses in the eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture
Dahlin Elin (1953- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project
Damisch Hubert (1928-2017). Semiotics and iconography
Davis Peter. The Role of The Ecomuseo Dei Terrazzamenti E Della Vite (Cortemilia Italy) in Community Development
Davis Whitney (1958- ). Winckelmann divided
De Vincentis Stefania. Digital languages for art history: audience engagement virtual and augmented reality
Delayre Catherine. Acces visuel a des miniatures conditionnees dans boites standard en situation de stockage
Delayre Catherine. Miniaturdepot in Standardbehaltern mit Sichtkontrolle
Delayre Catherine. Visible storage of miniatures with conditioned standard boxes
Dembowska Julita
Derbyshire Alan. Developments in the field of portrait miniature conservation
Derbyshire Alan. Neue Entwicklungen in der Konservierung von Miniaturen
Derbyshire Alan. Paraloid B72 als nichtwassriges Retuschiermedium fur Miniaturen
Derbyshire Alan. Paraloid B72 in selected solvents as a non-aqueous retouching medium for portrait miniatures painted in water-colour and gouache
Derrida Jacques (1930-2004). Restitutions of the truth in pointing (pointure)
DiCindio Carissa (1977- ). Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education
Dohring Marei. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1970 - 1979
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Wielka Brytania
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Kapliczki i krzyże przydrożne
Abakanowicz, Magdalena (1930-2017)
Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
Fotografia polska
Galeria Piekary (Poznań)
Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903)
Grafika użytkowa europejska
Hasior, Władysław (1928-1999)
Instalacja (szt.plast.)
Jażdżewski, Konrad (1908-1985)
Johns, Jasper (1930- )
Kość słoniowa
Krój pisma
Lekcje muzealne
Malarstwo holenderskie
Miniatura malarska
Muzeum Narodowe (Warszawa)
Ochrona zabytków
Piero della Francesca (1416?-1492)
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Rzeźba polska
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka sakralna polska
Sztuka włókna
Wnętrza architektoniczne
Wychowanie estetyczne
Śliwka, Karol (1932-2018)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
24 wyniki Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Kat. 4845 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 26612 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31508 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26186 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 22146 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Muzyczuk Daniel (1988- ). Kurc-Maj Paulina. Fryszkowska Monika. Gilcher William. Jubert Parry. Łągiewska Marzanna. Polit Paweł (1965- ). Połowińska Beata. Śniecikowska Beata (1976- ). Aynsley Jeremy (1955- ). Nowa Typografia jako znak handlowy w Weimarskich Niemczech Aynsley Jeremy (1955- ). The new typography as commercial sign in Weimar Germany Barhatova Elena Valentinovna (1947- ). Fotomontaż i typografia w konstruktywizmie rosyjskim Barhatova Elena Valentinovna (1947- ). Photomontage and typography in Russian constructivism Hollis Richard (1934- ). Awangarda: powielanie idei Hollis Richard (1934- ). The Avant-garde: reproducing ideas Jubert Roxane (1969- ). Revolutionizing and extending the viewpoint Jubert Roxane (1969- ). Rewolucja - poszerzenie pola widzenia Kubiak Szymon Piotr (1979- ). Walter Riezler and form without ornament Kubiak Szymon Piotr (1979- ). Walter Riezler i forma bez ornamentu Kurc-Maj Paulina. Foreword Kurc-Maj Paulina. New vision - the language of modern typography in interwar in Poland Kurc-Maj Paulina. Nowe widzenie - język nowoczesnej typografii w międzywojennej Polsce Kurc-Maj Paulina. Wstęp Muzyczuk Daniel (1988- ). Foreword Muzyczuk Daniel (1988- ). Wstęp Rejniak-Majewska Agnieszka. Edukacja zmysłów w dobie technologii - László Moholy-Nagy i György Kepes Rejniak-Majewska Agnieszka. Education of the senses in the era of tehnology - László Moholy-Nagy and György Kepes Rypson Piotr (1956- ). Modernisation of graphic design in Poland: three generations of the interbellum Rypson Piotr (1956- ). Modernizacja projektowania graficznego w Polsce: trzy pokolenia dwudziestolecia Śniecikowska Beata (1976- ). Pole widzenia = pole słyszenia? Śniecikowska Beata (1976- ). Visual field = sound field? Toman Jindřich (1944- ). Exemplary modernism Toman Jindřich (1944- ). Wzorcowy modernizm Vossoughian Nader. From A4 paper to the octametric brick: Ernst Neufert and the politics of standarization Vossoughian Nader. Od formatu A4 do oktametrycznej cegły: Ernst Neufert i polityka standaryzacji
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konferencji zorg. w: Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi, 10-11 X 2014, towarzyszącej wystawie: Zmiana pola widzenia : druk nowoczesny i awangarda w: Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi od 13 VI do 12 X 2014 r.
Bibliogr. s. 515-547. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31023, II 31057 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Apanowicz Maria (1958?- ). Juruś Jerzy. Polit Paweł (1965- ). Bednarski Krzysztof M. (1953- ). Moby Dick - Opera Aperta Cragg Tony (1949- ). Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Rzeźba dzisiaj? Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Sculpture today? Henatsch Martin (1963- ). Prawdziwa rzeźba? Henatsch Martin (1963- ). Real sculpture? Kelly Julia (1970- ). Mówiąca rzeźba - historie współczesnej rzeźby - historie we współczesnej rzeźbie Kelly Julia (1970- ). Talking sculpture - histories of contemporary sculpture - histories in contemporary sculpture Klaman Grzegorz (1959- ). Body Klaman Grzegorz (1959- ). Ciało Leśniakowska Marta. Jarosława Kozakiewicza przestrzenie nieoczywiste Leśniakowska Marta. The unobvious spaces of Jarosław Kozakiewicz Leśniewska-Zagrodzka Anna (1962- ). Remarks on public art Leśniewska-Zagrodzka Anna (1962- ). Uwagi o sztuce publicznej Polit Paweł (1965- ). Fenomenologia wytwarzania wobec feNAUMANologii Polit Paweł (1965- ). Phenomenology of making vs. PheNAUMANology Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Hans Arp and Polish art: legacies of of organic form in Polish sculpture from the second half of the 20th Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Hans Arp i sztuka polska: reminiscencje formy organicznej w rzeźbie polskiej drugiej połowy XX i początku XXI wieku Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Rzeźba dzisiaj? Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Sculpture today? Szymański Wojciech (1985- ). Rzeźba w (zbyt) poszerzonym polu? Szymański Wojciech (1985- ). Sculpture in the (over-) expanded field? Tarasiuk Agnieszka (1971- ). Matthew Darbyshire, PALAC, 2009
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konf., 20-21 października 2016 r., Orońsko.
Bibliogr., netogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30965 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Marciniak Katarzyna (etnologia). Łuba Piotr. Baszczyńska-Gosz Urszula. Kapliczki z Wodnicy - studium przypadku Baszczyńska-Gosz Urszula. The chapel-shrines of Wodnica - a case study Bednarek-Bohdziewicz Agnieszka Edyta. Przedstawić Tajemnicę Bednarek-Bohdziewicz Agnieszka Edyta. To Present a Mystery Chwieduk Agnieszka. Miejsca pamięci i "zapominania" Chwieduk Agnieszka. Sites of memory and "forgetting" Elwart Waldemar (1976- ). Boże Męki Elwart Waldemar (1976- ). Divine Sufferings Konczal Agata Agnieszka (1990- ). Co skrywa las? Konczal Agata Agnieszka (1990- ). What is hidden in the forest? Marciniak Katarzyna (etnologia). Oblicza małej architektury sakralnej Kaszub i Pomorza Zachodniego Marciniak Katarzyna (etnologia). The faces of a small sacred architecture in Kashubia and West Pomerania Perszon Jan (1958- ). Kashubian chapel shrines Perszon Jan (1958- ). Kaszubskie kapliczki Szaszkiewicz Marta. The contemporary intentions behind the building of chapel-shrines in Pomerania - a field research analysis Szaszkiewicz Marta. Współczesne intencje stawiania kapliczek na Pomorzu - analiza wyników badań terenowych Toczek Sławomir. Cechy małych obiektów architektury sakralnej na przykładzie analizy porównawczej kaszubskich i sądeckich zespołów krajobrazowych Toczek Sławomir. The features of small sacred architecture based on comparative analysis of the Kashubian and Sącz landscapes Walkusz Jan (1955- ). Chapel-shrines and roadside crosses as a history of Vistula Pomerania and its people Walkusz Jan (1955- ). Kapliczki i krzyże przydrożne jako zapis dziejów Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego i losów jego mieszkańców
Indeks R0: BMNK
Na s. red. błędna nazwa autora, poprawna: Urszula Baszczyńska-Gosz.
Album powstał w ramach projektu "Ostańce Próśb".
Bibliogr., netogr. przy pracach.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30095 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Visual and Material Culture 1300-1700)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 303-332. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34821 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Restauratorenblätter ; Bd. 21)
Koller Manfred (1941- ). Prandtstetten Rainer. Axer Peter (1965- ). Conservation of the miniatures in the Munich residence Axer Peter (1965- ). Die Restaurierung des Miniaturen-Bestands der Münchener Residenz Cummings Alan. Paraloid B72 als nichtwässriges Retuschiermedium für Miniaturen Cummings Alan. Paraloid B72 in selected solvents as a non-aqueous retouching medium for portrait miniatures painted in water-colour and gouache Delayre Catherine. Acces visuel a des miniatures conditionnees dans boites standard, en situation de stockage Delayre Catherine. Miniaturdepot in Standardbehältern mit Sichtkontrolle Delayre Catherine. Visible storage of miniatures with conditioned standard boxes Derbyshire Alan. Developments in the field of portrait miniature conservation Derbyshire Alan. Neue Entwicklungen in der Konservierung von Miniaturen Derbyshire Alan. Paraloid B72 als nichtwässriges Retuschiermedium für Miniaturen Derbyshire Alan. Paraloid B72 in selected solvents as a non-aqueous retouching medium for portrait miniatures painted in water-colour and gouache Fiedler Sonja. Die Pastigliatechnik der Brauttruhen von Paola Gonzaga um 1478 Fiedler Sonja. The technique of pastiglia on the cassoni of Paola Gonzaga about 1478 Flamm Verena. Die Konservierung und Restaurierung der Habsburger-Miniaturen Flamm Verena. The Habsburgsportraitminiatures in Vienna - conservation and restoration Frayling Nick. Developments in the field of portrait miniature conservation Frayling Nick. Neue Entwicklungen in der Konservierung von Miniaturen Furrer Rita. Die Restaurierung Anatomischer und Geburtshilflicher Wachsmodelle im Wiener Josephium Furrer Rita. On the restoration of 18th century anatomical and obstetrical waxmodels in Vienna-Josephium Homolka Elise. Problems concering historical tiled stoves Homolka Elise. Zur Konservierung und restaurierung eines Frühklassizistischen Kachelofens der Salzburger Residenz Höring Franz. A polychrome stone-etching from 1583: The Polheimepitaph at Grieskirchen Höring Franz. Die Pastigliatechnik der Brauttruhen von Paola Gonzaga um 1478 Höring Franz. Eine Polychromierte Steinätzung von 1583: der Polheim-Epitaph in Grieskirchen, OÖ. Höring Franz. The technique of pastiglia on the cassoni of Paola Gonzaga about 1478 Koller Manfred (1941- ). About technique and restoration of scagliola-paintings in Austria Koller Manfred (1941- ). About polychromy on gothic ivories: the diptych at Klosterneuburg Koller Manfred (1941- ). Barocke Klosterarbeiten - Techniken und Konservierung Koller Manfred (1941- ). Klosterarbeiten - baroque works from monasteries with textile, metal and paperwork Koller Manfred (1941- ). Late gothic cut ironwork with paper inlays in Austria Koller Manfred (1941- ). On the technology of pastiglia from 13th to 20th century Koller Manfred (1941- ). Spätgotischer Eisenschnitt mit Papier-Unterlage in Österreich Koller Manfred (1941- ). Zur Farbfassung Gotischer Elfenbein-Reliefs: das Klosterneuburger Diptychon Koller Manfred (1941- ). Zur Technik und Restaurierung von Scagliolabildern in Österreich Koller Manfred (1941- ). Zur Technologie der Pastiglia vom 13. bis 20. Jahrhundert Krisai-Chizzola Carmen. Basic documentation for examination and conservation of portrait miniatures on ivory Krisai-Chizzola Carmen. Copies of historical framing for miniatures in proper style Krisai-Chizzola Carmen. Dokumentationsraster für Untersuchung und Restaurierung von Porträtminiaturen auf Elfenbein Krisai-Chizzola Carmen. Stilgerechte Kopien von Historischen Miniaturrahmen Macho Elisabeth. Barocke Klosterarbeiten - Techniken und Konservierung Macho Elisabeth. Klosterarbeiten - baroque works from monasteries with textile, metal and paperwork Mayr Susanne. Conservation of the miniatures in the Munich residence Mayr Susanne. Die Restaurierung des Miniaturen-Bestands der Münchener Residenz Mercenier Catherine. Restauration et conservation preventive du portrait miniature "Jean Hyppolite Robert" Mercenier Catherine. Restaurierung und vorbeugende Konservierung des Miniaturportraits "Jean Hyppolite Robert" Paschinger Hubert. Die Pastigliatechnik der Brauttruhen von Paola Gonzaga um 1478 Paschinger Hubert. Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen zu den Anatomischen Wachsmodellen im Wiener Josefinum Paschinger Hubert. Scientific examination of the anatomical wax models in Vienna Paschinger Hubert. The technique of pastiglia on the cassoni of Paola Gonzaga about 1478 Petsche Erszebet. Die Restaurierung der Pastigliareliefs der Hochzeitstruhen Paola Gonzagas Petsche Erszebet. The restoration of reliefs in pastiglia from the cassoni made ca. 1478 for Paola Gonzaga Richard Helmut. Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen zu den Anatomischen Wachsmodellen im Wiener Josefinum Richard Helmut. Scientific examination of the anatomical wax models in Vienna Rönnerstam Cecilia. Developments in the field of portrait miniature conservation Rönnerstam Cecilia. Neue Entwicklungen in der Konservierung von Miniaturen Rönnerstam Cecilia. Paraloid B72 als nichtwässriges Retuschiermedium für Miniaturen Rönnerstam Cecilia. Paraloid B72 in selected solvents as a non-aqueous retouching medium for portrait miniatures painted in water-colour and gouache Sadek-Rosshap Monika. Restoration of a leather-antependium in Landsee, Burgenland, Austria Sadek-Rosshap Monika. Zur Restaurierung eines Lederantependiums in Landsee, Bgld. Simon Katharina. Restoration of a leather-antependium in Landsee, Burgenland, Austria Simon Katharina. Zur Restaurierung eines Lederantependiums in Landsee, Bgld. Sismanoglu Gül. Reverse goldpainting on glass with mirror framing for baroque views of Salzburg Sismanoglu Gül. Salzburger Barockveduten als Hinterglas-Goldradierungen mit Spiegelrahmen Thiel Sigrun. Crystal growth on miniatures painted on ivory Thiel Sigrun. Kristallbildung an Portrait-Miniaturen auf Elfenbein Zehetmaier Giovanna. Die Restaurierung der Pastigliareliefs der Hochzeitstruhen Paola Gonzagas Zehetmaier Giovanna. The restoration of reliefs in pastiglia from the cassoni made ca. 1478 for Paola Gonzaga
Indeks R0: BMNK
Brak s. 139-148, 169-174 (brak uzupełniony kserokopią).
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 24670 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The art of art history : a critical anthology / ed. by Donald Preziosi. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1998. - 595 s. : il. (w tym kolor.) ; 24 cm.
(Oxford History of Art)
Preziosi Donald (1941- ). Preziosi Donald (1941- ). Art history Winckelmann Johann Joachim (1717-1768). Reflections on the imitation of Greek works in painting and sculpture Davis Whitney (1958- ). Winckelmann divided Baxandall Michael (1933-2008). Patterns of intention Kant Immanuel (1724-1804). What is enlightenment? Kant Immanuel (1724-1804). Critique of judgement Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831). Philosophy of fine art Wölfflin Heinrich (1864-1945). Principles of art history Summers David (1941- ). "Form", nineteenth-century metaphysics, and the problem of art historical description Schapiro Meyer (1904-1996). Style Gombrich Ernst Hans (1909-2001). Style Riegl Alois (1858-1905). Leading characteristics of the late Roman "Kunstwollen" Warburg Aby M. (1866-1929). Images from the region of the Pueblo Indians of North America Wind Edgar (1900-1971). Warburg's concept of "Kulturwissenschaft" and its meaning for aesthetics Iversen Margaret (1949- ). Retrieving Warburg's tradition Damisch Hubert (1928-2017). Semiotics and iconography Bal Mieke (1946- ). Semiotics and art history Bryson Norman (1949- ). Semiotics and art history Panofsky Erwin (1892-1968). "Et in Arcadia ego" Marin Louis (1931-1992). Toward a theory of reading in the visual arts Krauss Rosalind E. (1941- ). Sculpture in the expanded field Foucault Michel (1926-1984). What is an author? Owens Craig (1950-1990). Allegorical impulse Huyssen Andreas (1942- ). Mapping the postmodern Salomon Nanette. Art historical canon Tickner Lisa (1944- ). Sexuality and/in representation Kelly Mary (1941- ). No essential femininity Smith Paul (1956- ). No essential femininity Jones Amelia (1961- ). Postfeminism, feminist pleasures, and embodied theories of art Melville Stephen W. (1949- ). Temptation of new perspectives Heidegger Martin (1889-1976). Origin of the work of art Schapiro Meyer (1904-1996). Still life as a personal object - a note on Heidegger and van Gogh Derrida Jacques (1930-2004). Restitutions of the truth in pointing ("pointure") Mitchell Timothy (1955- ). Orientalism and the exhibitionary order Duncan Carol (1936- ). Art museum as ritual Coombes Annie E. (1956- ). Inventing the "postcolonial" García Canclini Néstor (1939- ). Remaking passports Preziosi Donald (1941- ). Art of art history
Indeks R0: BMNK
Słownik terminów s. 576-583. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30376 (1 egz.)
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(Routledge Art History and Visual Studies Companions)
Brown Kathryn J. Ahmad Walid. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Assonitis Alessio (1970- ). The expanding role of digitized collections: the Medici Archive Bartosch Christina. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Baur Christl. Art with a lifespan: digital technologies and the preservation of bioart Brosens Koenraad (1974- ). Slow digital art history and KUbism: or, situation awareness and the promise of open-World games Brown Kathryn J. Feminist digital art history Burckhardt Daniel. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Cardoso Bruno. Slow digital art history and KUbism: or, situation awareness and the promise of open-World games Carvalho Rosário Salema de. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party Champion Erik. Art history, heritage games, and virtual reality Cowan T. L. X-reception: re-mediating trans- feminist and queer performance art Cranston Jodi (1969- ). Mapping paintings, or how to breathe life into provenance De Vincentis Stefania. Digital languages for art history: audience engagement, virtual and augmented reality Dot Anna (1991- ). Noise management in the archival ecosystem: debating principles for classification Döhring Marei. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Drucker Johanna (1952- ). Blind spot: information visualization and art history Du Preez Amanda. Approching Aby Warburg and digital art history: thinking through images Fletcher Pamela M. (1967- ). Digital methods and the study of the art market Foka Anna (1981- ). Art history, heritage games, and virtual reality Gagliardi Susan Elizabeth. Mapping Senufo: mapping as a method to transcend colonial Goodyear Anne Collins. The art-historical catalogue in the digital era Helmreich Anne (1963- ). Digital methods and the study of the art market Impett Leonardo. Analyzing gesture in digital art history Jackson Ben (1975- ). A service-orientation and open-source approach to developing virtual museums Jaskot Paul B. (1963- ). Digital methods and the historiography of art Jeffs Amy. Digital 3D modeling for the history art Jimerson Lauren. Social media in the art histiry classroom Joyeux-Prunel Béatrice (1977- ). Digital humanites for a spatial, global, and social history of art Kandemir Baris. Computerized analysis of paintings Klinke Harald. The digital transformation of art history Langmead Alison. Pointers and proxies: thoughts on the computational modeling of phenomenal World Leigh Allison (1983- ). Social media in the art history classroom Leitão Inês. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party Li Jia. Computerized analysis of paintings Lincoln Matthew D. Tangled metaphors: network thinking and network analysis in the history of art Luther Anne. Digital provenance, open access, and data-driven art history Mitchell Elspeth. Feminist digital art history Mulloli Nirmalie. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Newbury David. Pointers and proxies: thoughts on the computational modeling of phenomenal World Rodríguez-Ortega Nuria. Image processing and compute vision in the field of art history Rosa Javier de la. Curation, content, creation: computer approches to fine arts Rosenberg Raphael (1962- ). The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Santa Olalla Pablo. Noise management in the archival ecosystem: debating principles for classification Sekelj Sanja. Qualitative approches to network analysis in art history: research on contemporary artists' networks Snyder Lisa M. Research, process, publication, and pedagogy: reconstructing the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 Stanford Emma. A field guide to digital surrogates: evaluating and contextualizing a rapidly changing resource Suárez Juan-Luis. Curation, content, creation: computer approches to fine arts Truyen Fred. Slow digital art history and KUbism: or, situation awareness and the promise of open-World games Tsiang Katherine R. (1949- ). Digital imaging projects for Asian art and visual culture: transcultural mediations and collaborations Vascon Luca Nicolò. Digital languages for art history: audience engagement, virtual and augmented reality Wang James Z. (1972- ). Computerized analysis of paintings Wellington Robert J. (1954- ). Metadata, material culture, and global art history White Martin. A service-orientation and open-source approach to developing virtual museums Xavier Rafaela. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party
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Bibliogr. przy art. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25671 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Chui Sue Ann. Phenix Alan. Ainsworth Maryan Wynn. Special exhibitions and the panel paintings: a curatorial perspective Andrade Guillermo (konserwatorstwo). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Baker Wendy. Search for a dimension-neutral effect in the solvent treatment of wood Bendfeldt Sabine. Stabilization and rejoining of a seventeenth-century panel painting: Portrait of Philip Melanchton, Parish Church of Priessnitz/Saxony Bezùr Anikò. Structural treatment of a seventeenth-century Flemish panel painting Bisacca George. The development of a spring mechanism for use in conjunction with auxiliary supports for previously thinned panels Bisacca George. The treatment of Dürer’s Adam and Eve panels at the Prado Museum Boevé-Jones Gwendolyn P. The structural stability of the plywood panel support of Salvador Dali's Couple with clouds in their heads and their bespoke frames from 1936 Bomford David. Foreword Bonaduce Ilaria. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Bratasz Łukasz. Allowable microclimatic variations for painted wood: direct tracing of damage development Carvalho Salomé Silva de. Conservation study of the wooden support of The Pentecost by Vasco Fernandes Castelli Ciro. The conservation of panel painting supports at the opificio delle pietre dure: experiences and methodologies Chui Sue Ann. Preface Ciatti Marco (1955- ). The conservation of panel painting supports at the opificio delle pietre dure: experiences and methodologies Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Czop Janusz (1967- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Dahlin Elin (1953- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Duin Paul van (1956- ). Panels in furniture: observations and conservation issues Fife Gwendoline R. Developments in education in the Netherlands for the conservation of panel paintings Fuente Martinez José de la. The treatment of Dürer’s Adam and Eve panels at the Prado Museum Galitzine George. The development of a spring mechanism for use in conjunction with auxiliary supports for previously thinned panels Garcia Miguel. Structural interventions on sixteenth-century monumental oak panels in Tomar, portugal Giani Elisabetta. The conservation of an Insieme: The Madonna of Aracoeli and its original display Grattan David W. Search for a dimension-neutral effect in the solvent treatment of wood Griesbach Monica. A hybrid approach to the structural treatment of panel paintings: case studies from American collections Grøntoft Terje (1962- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Haack Christensen Anne (1980- ). Interim results of a needs assessment survey for the field of panel paintings conservation Hackney Stephen. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Hamm James. Structural treatment of a seventeenth-century Flemish panel painting Harrison Lynne. Finding solutions for mounting ancient Egyptian funerary portraits Hola Aleksandra. Structural consolidation and stabilization of panel paintings at the Academy of Fine Arts, Kraków Hopfner Ingrid. The development of flexible auxiliary support systems for panel paintings and the monitoring of panel movement by strain gauges Kelberlau Sandra. Structural treatment of a seventeenth-century Flemish panel painting Kostecki Grzegorz. Structural consolidation and stabilization of panel paintings at the Academy of Fine Arts, Kraków Kozłowski Roman (chemia). Allowable microclimatic variations for painted wood: direct tracing of damage development Lasyk Łukasz. Allowable microclimatic variations for painted wood: direct tracing of damage development Lemus Elsa M. Arroyo. La Virgen del Perdón after the fire of 1967 Lopez-Aparicio Susana (1975- ). Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Łukomski Michał. Allowable microclimatic variations for painted wood: direct tracing of damage development Marchant Ray. Alleviating stress in the framing of panel paintings Marchant Ray. Experimental evaluation of adhesive-filler combinations for joining panel paintings Marchant Ray. The repair and support of thinned panel paintings: a case study in modifying established techniques Monfardini PierPaolo. Structural and climate control systems for thinned panel paintings Mora Costanza. The conservation of an Insieme: The Madonna of Aracoeli and its original display Myers Alan Miller (1955- ). Marvel seal envelopes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Myers Alan Miller (1955- ). The development of a spring mechanism for use in conjunction with auxiliary supports for previously thinned panels New Britta. Experimental evaluation of adhesive-filler combinations for joining panel paintings New Britta. The repair and support of thinned panel paintings: a case study in modifying established techniques Newman Nicola. Finding solutions for mounting ancient Egyptian funerary portraits Obarzanowski Michał. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Odlyha Marianne. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Ormond Devi. Alleviating stress in the framing of panel paintings Ortega Antonio. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Perla Maria. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Phenix Alan. Preface Provinciali Beatrice. The conservation of an Insieme: The Madonna of Aracoeli and its original display Richard Mervin. Further studies on the benefit of adding silica gel to microclimate packages for panel paintings Roeders Jessica. The history of cradling in the Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem Rogala Dawn V. Structural treatment of a seventeenth-century Flemish panel painting Rubino Angelo. The conservation of an Insieme: The Madonna of Aracoeli and its original display Ryhl-Svendsen Morten. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Saccuman Roberto. The conservation of an Insieme: The Madonna of Aracoeli and its original display Salgueiro Joana Isabel Monteiro da Silva. Conservation study of the wooden support of The Pentecost by Vasco FernandesTechnical and c Scharff Mikkel. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Scharff Mikkel. Interim results of a needs assessment survey for the field of panel paintings conservation Schreuder Kees. Developments in education in the Netherlands for the conservation of panel paintings Seymour Kate (1968- ). Developments in education in the Netherlands for the conservation of panel paintings Soavi Albertina. The conservation of an Insieme: The Madonna of Aracoeli and its original display Sozzani Laurent. Microclimate vitrines for panel paintings: an update Thickett David. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Thornton Jonathan. Structural treatment of a seventeenth-century Flemish panel painting Wadum Jørgen. Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: results from the PROPAINT project Wadum Jørgen. Interim results of a needs assessment survey for the field of panel paintings conservation Weinstein Joan. Foreword Whalen Timothy P. Foreword Williams Donald C. (konserwatorstwo). Some experiences with flexible gap-fillingaAdhesives for the conservation of wood objects Woolston Jonathan. Restoration - a sound practice Young Christina. Experimental evaluation of adhesive-filler combinations for joining panel paintings
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 26405 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Muzeologia : teoria - praktyka - podręczniki / komitet red. Dorota Folga-Januszewska [i in.] ; t. 18)
Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- ). Art Piotr. Davis Peter. The Role of The Ecomuseo Dei Terrazzamenti E Della Vite (Cortemilia, Italy) in Community Development Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- ). Museum and Its Milieu – Bilateral Relations Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- ). "The Responsibility of museums towards landscape" - ICOM Resolution No.1, The 31st General Assembly of ICOM, 9th July 2016, Milan Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- ). Shenzhen Declaration on Museums and Collections - UNESCO High Level Forum on Museums, 10–12 November 2016 Gałęza Jarosław. 110 years, two months and two weeks. Polish museology, its history and present situation in the light of the RESOLUTION no. 1 Approved by the General Assembly of ICOM in Milan on 9 July 2016 Garlandini Alberto. New Museums for New Social Challenges. "Extended museums" facing UNESCO’s 2015 Recommendation on Museums and ICOM’s 2016 Resolution on the Responsibility of Museums Towards Landscapes Godłowski Jan. The Historic Salt Mine in Wieliczka - protection, museum and commercialism Jaskanis Paweł (1958- ). The Villa Rustica Museum in a new city Kotowski Robert (1970- ). The National Museum in Kielce in the Cultural Space of Wiślica Leśkiewicz-Laudy Agnieszka. Museum in the context of changes Litwin Jerzy (1944- ). Responsibilities of the National Maritime Museum in Gdansk in the field of material heritage protection and its activities in the maritime circles Maćkowiak Jan. A Museum of history, natural history, ethnography, or perhaps of agricultural technology - simply: the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry Mairesse François (1968- ). Sur trois néologismes liés aux musées: Muséal, Muséalité, Muséalisation Murtas Donatella. The Role of The Ecomuseo Dei Terrazzamenti E Della Vite (Cortemilia, Italy) in Community Development Murzyn Monika A. (1973- ). The complexity of relations between museums and their socio-economic environment Niezabitowski Michał (1962- ). The City around a museum Piszczkiewicz Katarzyna. Ethnography in the public space, or how to respond to life Raposo Luís. "Extended Museums" in abandoned lands: The case of the "European Far-West" Skrobot Wiesław (1958- ). Museum and landscape - the horizons of a maker’s interactions Wende-Surmiak Anna. The Tatra Museum in Zakopane - a Museum in its surrounding space Woźniak Michał (1952- ). Inside and outside of a Museum of Technology Wyrwa Andrzej Marek (1955-2022). Museums in open space - unextinguished traces of the natural and cultural past
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konf., Warszawa, 16-17 maja 2017 r.
Na książce błędny zapis ISBN: 97883-242-3413-4 i 97883-635-8095-7.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32767 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Jabłońska-Pawlaczek Joanna (1982- ). Jakubicki Bartosz (1972- ). Marszałek Agata (1974- ). Chołuj Tomasz. Rekapitalizacja wnętrz obiektów historycznych folwarku w Pawłowicach, jako źródło innowacyjnych koncepcji plastycznych Gajzler-Baranowska Aleksandra (1985- ). Design and implementation of an interactive space for children entitled "The architecture of Wrocław in boxes" Gajzler-Baranowska Aleksandra (1985- ). Projekt i realizacja przestrzeni interaktywnej dla dzieci pt. "Architektura Wrocławia w pudełkach" Grzybowicz Dariusz (1963- ). An original system of stable polyhedron formations as an inspiration for potential modern solutions in interior architecture Grzybowicz Dariusz (1963- ). Autorski system stabilnych zespoleń wielościanów foremnych jako inspiracja do potencjalnych nowoczesnych rozwiązań w architekturze wnętrz Gruszewski Robert (1985- ). Living in the countryside - tradition and the present day. Added value as a stimulating factor Gruszewski Robert (1985- ). Zamieszkiwanie na wsi - tradycja a współczesność. Wartość dodana jako czynnik stymulujący Jakubicki Bartosz (1972- ). Recapitalization of the interiors of historical buildings of the manor in Pawłowice as a source of innovative artistic concepts Jakubicki Bartosz (1972- ). Rekapitalizacja wnętrz obiektów historycznych folwarku w Pawłowicach, jako źródło innowacyjnych koncepcji plastycznych Jakubicki Bartosz (1972- ). Salony gier VR, nowatorskie pole projektowania architektury wnętrz Jakubicki Bartosz (1972- ). VR game rooms, an innovative field of interior design Mastej Patrycja. Graphic design: the development of this role in interiors and its interactive aspects Mastej Patrycja. Project: "Self-service Museum" Mastej Patrycja. Projekt Samoobsługowe Muzeum Mastej Patrycja. Rozwój roli projektowania graficznego we wnętrzach i jego interaktywne aspekty Navratil Tomas (architektura wnętrz). Go paperless! Navratil Tomas (architektura wnętrz). Żyj bez papieru! Palka Jakub. Gogle wirtualnej rzeczywistości jako okno na świat przyszłości Palka Jakub. VR headset as a window to the world of the future Pieczka Michał. Architektura współczesnych wystaw - w poszukiwaniu środowiska ekspozycji artysty i jego twórczości Pieczka Michał. The architecture of contemporary exhibitions - in search of the artist's exposition and work environment Wawrzecka Beata. "Encounters" with exhibitions. Overview of trends and development priorities of museology in Poland, with particular emphasis on multimedia Wawrzecka Beata. Spotkania z wystawami. Przegląd tendencji i kierunków w muzealnictwie w Polsce ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem multimediów Wojtyła-Młynarczyk Agata (1986- ). Recapitalization of the interiors of historical buildings of the manor in Pawłowice as a source of innovative artistic concepts Wojtyła-Młynarczyk Agata (1986- ). Rekapitalizacja wnętrz obiektów historycznych folwarku w Pawłowicach, jako źródło innowacyjnych koncepcji plastycznych
Indeks R0: BMNK
Na grzbiecie dod. do tyt.: Innovation in Interior Design.
Materiały z dwóch edycji ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej, 17 stycznia 2019 r., 17 stycznia 2020 r., Wrocław.
Bibliogr., netogr. s. 138-140.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25761 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Apanowicz Maria (1958?- ). Birzaka Vita (1963- ). Sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej Rygi Birzaka Vita (1963- ). The art in Riga's public space Dąbrowska Małgorzata (historia sztuki). Art in the public space in France as an effect of cultural policy Dąbrowska Małgorzata (historia sztuki). Sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej Francji, jako efekt polityki kulturalnej Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Rzeźba dzisiaj: sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Sculpture today: art in the public space Domoń Michalina. Dialog z przestrzenią, dialog z odbiorcą Domoń Michalina. Dialogue with space, dialogue with the audience Goldberg Thorsten (1960- ). Things are generally different behind closed doors Goldberg Thorsten (1960- ). Za zamkniętymi drzwiami na ogół wszystko jest inne Gomulicki Maurycy (1969- ). Detonators Gomulicki Maurycy (1969- ). Detonatory Henatsch Martin (1963- ). Kontekst czyni różnicę Henatsch Martin (1963- ). The context makes the difference Janz Aleksandra. Art in the public space - why is not worth writing about contemporary projects in the spirit of modernism Janz Aleksandra. Sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej - dlaczego nie warto pisać o współczesnych realizacjach w duchu modernistycznym Johansson Peter (1964- ). Public art in Sweden - how it works! Johansson Peter (1964- ). Sztuka publiczna w Szwecji - jak to działa? Kowalczyk Izabela (1971- ). Projekty odnoszące się do Zagłady w kontekście przestrzeni publicznej Kowalczyk Izabela (1971- ). Projects concerning the Holocaust in the context of the public space Lambion Emmanuel. www.elll.come - witajcie w nowych przestrzeniach spotkań i debaty Lambion Emmanuel. www.elll.come to the new spaces of encounters and debate Oczko Patryk. Between an artist, principal and the audience - sculpture in the space of Tychy Oczko Patryk. Między twórcą, zleceniodawcą a odbiorcą - rzeźba w przestrzeni Tychów Rajkowska Joanna (1968- ). Dziecko Peterborough i Trafostacja Rajkowska Joanna (1968- ). Peterborough Child and Trafostacja Rycharski Daniel (1986- ). Artistic activity in the rural space Rycharski Daniel (1986- ). Działania artystyczne w przestrzeni wsi Ryczek Justyna (1973- ). Przestrzeń miejska - przestrzenią wspólną - odpowiedzialność w działaniach artystycznych Ryczek Justyna (1973- ). Urban space is shared space - responsibility in artistic activities Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Przestrzeń publiczna nawiedzana przez widma: strategie artystyczne i kuratorskie na terenie byłej twierdzy Kostrzyn Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Rzeźba dzisiaj: sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Sculpture today: art in the public space Smolińska Marta (1975- ). The public space haunted by ghosts: artistic and curatorial strategies on the grounds of the former Kostrzyn fortress Szczęsny Jakub (1973- ). Meanwhile in São Paulo: a review of artistic activities in the spaces of megalopolis Szczęsny Jakub (1973- ). Tymczasem w São Paulo: przegląd działań artystycznych w przestrzeniach megalopolis Taig Martina. Task field, general conditions, and projects of KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH Wien (Public Art Vienna) Taig Martina. Zakres działania, ogólne warunki i projekty KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH Wien (Sztuka Publiczna Sp. z o.o. Wiedeń)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konf., 20-21 października 2017 r., Orońsko.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32527 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Kuberka Alicja. Nowicka Hanna. Staniek Lidia. Święch Jan (1951- ). Billert Andreas (1944- ). Manor and farm complexes as a cultural space aspect of conservation problem Billert Andreas (1944- ). Zespoły dworsko-folwarczne jako problem konserwacji przestrzeni kulturowej Dzięgielewski Stanisław (1937- ). The introductory speech Dzięgielewski Stanisław (1937- ). Wprowadzenie do tematyki konferencji Dzikowski Tomasz (etnografia). Kolekcje ciągników rolniczych SAM - konserwacja, remonty i uruchomienia eksponatów Dzikowski Tomasz (etnografia). SAM tractors collection - preservation, renovation and activation exhibits Gałecki Zdzisław. Podmiejski obiekt przemysłowy - aranżacja wnętrza kuźni Gałecki Zdzisław. Suburban industrial building - smithy inside arrangement Gidaszewski Wacław. Narrow - gauge field railway in the Slovak Agricultural Museum in Nitra Gidaszewski Wacław. Wąskotorowa kolejka polowa w Słowackim Muzeum Rolniczym w Nitrze Jagielska Irena. Boats preservation and protection in The Polish Maritime Museum in Gdańsk Jagielska Irena. Konserwacja i zabezpieczanie łodzi w Centralnym Muzeum Morskim w Gdańsku Januszewski Stanisław (1948- ). Dziedzictwo Odry - z myślą o przyszłości Januszewski Stanisław (1948- ). Heritage od Odra - thinking about future Jurkiewicz Jan (1957-2020). "Beautiful machine" - the only one working steam winding machine in Europe Jurkiewicz Jan (1957-2020). "Piękna maszyna" - jedyna czynna parowa maszyna wyciągowa tego typu w Europie Karolczak Zbigniew. Archaeological investigations near the Mars Fountain in the Old Market in Poznań Karolczak Zbigniew. Badania archeologiczne przy fontannie Marsa na Starym Rynku w Poznaniu Klawe Romuald. Problems with restoring large exhibits - based on the example of steam locomobile from MNR Szreniawa Klawe Romuald. Problemy związane z renowacją eksponatów wielkogabarytowych na przykładzie lokomobili parowej ze zbiorów MNR Szreniawa Kłodowski Tadeusz. Antique Odra's ships - student's scientific movement Kłodowski Tadeusz. Studencki ruch naukowy wokół zabytkowych statków odrzańskich Kokociński Wojciech (technologia drewna). Archaeological investigations near the Mars Fountain in the Old Market in Poznań Kokociński Wojciech (technologia drewna). Badania archeologiczne przy fontannie Marsa na Starym Rynku w Poznaniu Kokociński Wojciech (technologia drewna). Badania i konserwacja drewnianych elementów poznańskiego rurociągu wodnego z XVI i XVII wieku Kokociński Wojciech (technologia drewna). Degradation degree and conservation of pine wood of Poznań water pipeline in the 16th and 17th century Kuberka Alicja. Fumigacja zabytków przy użyciu gazów neutralnych Kuberka Alicja. Monuments fumigation with the use if neutral gases Mroczkowski Krzysztof. Konserwacja zabytków techniki lotniczej z okresu I wojny światowej na przykładzie samolotu LFG Roland D VIb Mroczkowski Krzysztof. Preservation of aviation monuments of World War I period based on the example of LFG Roland D VIb plane Pochylski Wiesław. Conservation of working and out of use aircrafts Pochylski Wiesław. Konserwacja samolotów eksploatowanych oraz wycofanych z eksploatacji Rodzik Irena. Pre-war yacht Kunka IV - preservation problems Rodzik Irena. Problemy konserwacji przedwojennego jachtu Kumka IV Święch Jan (1951- ). Preserving problems and restoring prevention of technical exhibits in the open air museums Święch Jan (1951- ). Problemy konserwacji i profilatyki konserwatorskiej obiektów techniki na ekspozycjach polskich muzeów na wolnym powietrzu Wieczorek Beata (muzealnictwo). Methods and means of technical monuments conservation in Muzeum Wsi Opolskiej based on the example of constant exposure of agricultural machines Wieczorek Beata (muzealnictwo). Metody i środki stosowane w konserwacji zabytków techniki w Muzeum Wsi Opolskiej na przykładzie stałej ekspozycji maszyn rolniczych
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34457, II 35764 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Abowd Naina. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Acevedo Salvador. Designing experiences for audience diversity: a guide for audience-centered program design Beatti Ashlee. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Cheng Michelle. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Cooke-Nieves Natasha. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Cooper Nathalie. Education and discipline: deviant objects and dissenting bodies at the Horniman Museum DiCindio Carissa (1977- ). Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Eddleman Stephanie. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Fisher Joanna. Meeting the needs of all museum visitors through family-friendly design Foutz Susan (1979- ). Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Graves Jean A. Amateur, audience, agent: participatory culture and docent roles Gupta Preeti. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Hamaker Cathy. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Handel Elyse. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Hatcher Sarah Junk. Why not a temple AND a forum? Hayde Donnelley. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hayes Leslie. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study Heimlich Joe E. (1957- ). Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hoefling Christina. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Horrocks Allison. Tilden, now and then Howes Elaine V. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Kimpeler Simone. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Kisiel James. Scaling the ivory tower - creating and managing collaboration with the university Knecht Mary Jane. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Latham Kiersten Fourshé‏. Experiencing objects in the museum Mask Ashley. Finding one's way as a novice art museum educator Meier Carey. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Michal Susan. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Mitchell Amber N. Reclaiming our peace: preparing for a career as BIPOC museum educators Nagawiecki Mia. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study O'Quinn Sandra. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Pederson Melissa. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Pederson Melissa. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Prottas Nathaniel. Teaching in the art museum: a classic reframed Rasmussen Briley. Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Rossmanith Eva. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Schero Jennifer. At the crossroads of tradition and transformation: docents in the art museum Shaw Jessica. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Theiler Lena. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Thoma Emmons Claire. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Valle Lucena Lau. Claiming space, cultivating community: Latinx and Asian American ethnically specific museums in a global city Vue Kalia. Culturally sustaining pedagogy in museum education Wallace Jamie. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Weiss Laura. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Wolins Inez S. Relevance, inclusion, and interaction in museums from Peale's perspective: not yet enough Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Essential methods and approaches Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Experiencing objects in the museum Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Introduction Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Museum educators and their purpose past, present, and future Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). The museum educator mindset in the community and in the field
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36464 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Prace i Materiały Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi. Seria Archeologiczna, ISSN 0458-1520 ; nr 47 (2016-2017))
Grygiel Ryszard (1951- ). Bogucki Peter I. (1954- ). Jaskólski Piotr. Maryniak Agata. Maryniak Bogusław. Piątkowska Grażyna. Tokarczuk-Różańska Agnieszka. Adamczak Kamil. North-eastern periphery of the Eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture - 80 years later Czerniak Lech (1952- ). The emergence of TRB communities in Pomerania Dâčenko Aleksandr Viktorovič. Eastern impulses in the eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture Domańska Lucyna (1947- ). Change and continuity Grygiel Ryszard (1951- ). A short summary of the conference: "The Eastern Group of the Funnel Beaker culture - 80th anniversary of the publication of the doctoral dissertation written by professor Konrad Jażdżewski", Łódź, September 14th - 16th Grygiel Ryszard (1951- ). The Funnel Beaker culture in Brześć Kujawski and Osłonki Region (Kuyavia) Gavìnsʹkij Andrìj Mironovič (1982- ). Eastern impulses in the eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture Jankowska Dobrochna (1944- ). The Eastern Group of the Funnel Beaker culture Jaskulak Jarosław. Results of chemical analyses of flint artefacts from the locality of Luboń (site. 65), 2 Kwiatowa St Kadrow Sławomir (1956- ). South-Eastern Group of Funnel Beaker culture Kittel Piotr. The setttement of the Funnel Beaker culture in the region of Wietrzychowice (district of Izbica Kujawska, provice of Kuyavia-Pomerania) in the light of the excavations carried out from 2009 to 2016 Kośko Aleksander (1948- ). Microhistory of the Mound Studies of 4th-3rd millenium BC in Kujawy - the case of the Opatowice complex Kośko Aleksander (1948- ). Strategies for field investigation into Neolithic of the Polish Lowlands: in a circle of attempts to update the vision of the Funnel Beaker community created by professor Konrad Jażdżewski Kowalewska-Marszałek Hanna. From the research on the Funnel Beaker culture in the Sandomierz Upland (on the occasion of the considerations by Kondrad Jażdżewski) Kozłowski Stefan Karol (1938- ). Funnel Beaker transformation in Polish territories Król Dariusz (archeologia). Eastern impulses in the eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture Król Dariusz (archeologia). When, where and how long? Krzyszkowski Andrzej (archeologia). A new find of Świeciechów flint in Greater Poland Kukawka Stanisław (1955- ). North-eastern periphery of the Eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture - 80 years later Lech Jacek (1946- ). The historical context of Konrad Jażdżewski's book "The Funnel Beaker culture in Western and Central Poland" Małecka-Kukawka Jolanta (1955- ). North-eastern periphery of the Eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture - 80 years later Matuszewska Agnieszka. The Funnel Beaker culture in the Szczecin Lowlands - looking back on the last 30 years Nowaczyk Szymon. The current state of research in the Funnel Beaker culture in Pałuki Nowak Marek (archeologia). Funnel Beaker transformation in Polish territories Papiernik Piotr. Excavations of the Kuyavian megalithic long barrow no. 2 of the Funnel Beaker culture, situated on site 1 at Gaj, commune of Izbica Kujawska, province of Kuyavia-Pomerania Papiernik Piotr. The setttement of the Funnel Beaker culture in the region of Wietrzychowice (district of Izbica Kujawska, provice of Kuyavia-Pomerania) in the light of the excavations carried out from 2009 to 2016 Pasterkiewicz Wojciech. Comments on the settlement of the Funnel-Beaker culture in Ukraine Pelisiak Andrzej. Mountains periphery of human activity in the Late Neolithic Piotrowska Danuta (archeologia). The historical context of Konrad Jażdżewski's book "The Funnel Beaker culture in Western and Central Poland" Płaza Dominik Kacper. Excavations of the Kuyavian megalithic long barrow no. 2 of the Funnel Beaker culture, situated on site 1 at Gaj, commune of Izbica Kujawska, province of Kuyavia-Pomerania2 Płaza Dominik Kacper. Scientific attainments of Ewa Niesiołowska and her influence on the research into flint industry of the Funnel Beaker culture Płaza Dominik Kacper. The setttement of the Funnel Beaker culture in the region of Wietrzychowice (district of Izbica Kujawska, provice of Kuyavia-Pomerania) in the light of the excavations carried out from 2009 to 2016 Rybicka Małgorzata (archeologia). Eastern impulses in the eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture Rzepecki Seweryn. About Eastern TRB (and more) Sałacińska Barbara. The settlement in Kownacica, Garwolin poviat - a contribution to a deeper understanding of the Funnel Beaker culture in Żelechów High Plain Sałaciński Sławomir. The settlement in Kownacica, Garwolin poviat - a contribution to a deeper understanding of the Funnel Beaker culture in Żelechów High Plain Szmyt Marzena. Microhistory of the Mound Studies of 4th-3rd millenium BC in Kujawy - the case of the Opatowice complex Szydłowski Marcin (1979- ). The problem of the role of limestone rock in the communities of the Funnel Beaker culture (TRB) in north-western Poland Wicha Joanna. Excavations of the Kuyavian megalithic long barrow no. 2 of the Funnel Beaker culture, situated on site 1 at Gaj, commune of Izbica Kujawska, province of Kuyavia-Pomerania Wicha Joanna. The setttement of the Funnel Beaker culture in the region of Wietrzychowice (district of Izbica Kujawska, provice of Kuyavia-Pomerania) in the light of the excavations carried out from 2009 to 2016 Wierzbicki Jacek (1958- ). Is it possible to define an eastern group of the Funnel Beaker culture today? Winiarska-Kabacińska Małgorzata. Results of traseological analyses of two flint artefacts from Luboń (site 65), 2 Kwiatowa St
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34598 (1 egz.)
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