Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Experiencing objects in the museum
Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Wyspiański Stanisław (1869-1907)
Łoziński Jerzy Zygmunt (1925-1996)
Kornecki Marian (1924-2001)
Szymanowski Karol (1882-1937)
Ryszkiewicz Andrzej (1922-2005)
Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Experiencing objects in the museum
Wolff-Łozińska Barbara (1920-1990)
Chrzanowski Tadeusz (1926-2006)
Żygulski Zdzisław jun. (1921-2015)
Holzman Joanna (1945- )
Gumowski Marian (1881-1974)
Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- )
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- )
Wiśniewska Monika (1974- )
Białostocki Jan (1921-1988)
Purchla Jacek (1954- )
Wróblewska Danuta (1934-2013)
Król Anna (1958- )
Treter Mieczysław Henryk Kazimierz (1883-1943)
Elster Ernst (1860-1940)
Blum Helena (1904-1984)
Tyczyńska-Skromny Anna (1942-2020)
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Wojciechowski Aleksander (1922-2006)
Kopera Feliks (1871-1952)
Meissner Gunter (1936-2015)
Porębski Mieczysław (1921-2012)
Samek Jan (1930-2007)
Możdżyńska-Nawotka Małgorzata
Jaranowska Lucja
Krzysztofowicz-Kozakowska Stefania (1939- )
Turski Marcin
Czapski Józef (1896-1993)
Gołubiew Zofia (1942-2022)
Lewicki Tomasz
Madeyski Jerzy (1931-2005)
Chylińska Teresa (1931- )
Gregorczyk Monika
Kowalska Bożena (1930- )
Wawrzyńczak Marcin (1968- )
Małecki Jan Marian (1926-2017)
Sikorski Bogumił (numizmatyka)
Chrobak Józef (1948-2015)
Płoszewski Leon (1890-1970)
Makowiecki Wojciech (1944- )
Bochnak Adam (1899-1974)
Lelewel Joachim (1786-1861)
Starzyński Juliusz (1906-1974)
Dobrowolski Tadeusz (1899-1984)
Banach Wiesław (1953- )
Bałus Wojciech (1961- )
Juruś Jerzy
Turecka Agata
Betlej Andrzej (1971- )
Ostrowski Jan K. (1947- )
Steinle Christa (1951- )
Galicka Izabella (1931-2019)
Mitschein Barbara
Fenz Werner (1944- )
Jakimowicz Irena (1922-1999)
Woźniak Michał (1952- )
Herudzińska-Oświecimska Marta
Hermansdorfer Mariusz (1940-2018)
Lorentz Stanisław (1899-1991)
Estreicher Karol (1827-1908)
Holme Charles (1848-1923)
Rodzeń-Leśnikowska Elżbieta
Walicki Michał (1904-1966)
Sitkowska Maryla (1951- )
Sławska Aniela (1918-1997)
Knackfuss Hermann (1848-1915)
Muther Richard (1860-1909)
Sygietyńska-Kwoczyńska Hanna (1930-2017)
Wyrozumski Jerzy (1930-2018)
Dzięgielewska Małgorzata
Estreicher Karol (1906-1984)
Kiljańczyk Grzegorz
Bobrow Ryszard
Mossinger Ingrid
Rożek Michał (1946-2015)
Łuszczkiewicz Władysław (1828-1900)
Szablowski Jerzy (1906-1989)
Kłak-Ambrożkiewicz Marta
Ruszczyńska Teresa (1918-1985)
Wolski Ignacy
Kluczwajd Katarzyna (1962- )
Przestaszewski Ludomir (1925-2011)
Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Słowacki Juliusz (1809-1849)
Balzac Honore de (1799-1850)
Matusińska Maria (1926-2004)
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
Philippe Joseph (1919-2006)
Bal Irena
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata
Chmiel Adam (1865-1934)
Poprzęcka Maria (1942- )
Prugar-Myślik Anna
Tatarkiewicz Władysław (1886-1980)
Apanowicz Maria (1958?- )
Juszczak Wiesław (1932-2021)
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Lekcje muzealne
Wychowanie estetyczne
1 wynik Filtruj
W koszyku
Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Abowd Naina. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Acevedo Salvador. Designing experiences for audience diversity: a guide for audience-centered program design Beatti Ashlee. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Cheng Michelle. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Cooke-Nieves Natasha. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Cooper Nathalie. Education and discipline: deviant objects and dissenting bodies at the Horniman Museum DiCindio Carissa (1977- ). Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Eddleman Stephanie. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Fisher Joanna. Meeting the needs of all museum visitors through family-friendly design Foutz Susan (1979- ). Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Graves Jean A. Amateur, audience, agent: participatory culture and docent roles Gupta Preeti. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Hamaker Cathy. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Handel Elyse. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Hatcher Sarah Junk. Why not a temple AND a forum? Hayde Donnelley. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hayes Leslie. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study Heimlich Joe E. (1957- ). Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hoefling Christina. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Horrocks Allison. Tilden, now and then Howes Elaine V. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Kimpeler Simone. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Kisiel James. Scaling the ivory tower - creating and managing collaboration with the university Knecht Mary Jane. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Latham Kiersten Fourshé‏. Experiencing objects in the museum Mask Ashley. Finding one's way as a novice art museum educator Meier Carey. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Michal Susan. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Mitchell Amber N. Reclaiming our peace: preparing for a career as BIPOC museum educators Nagawiecki Mia. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study O'Quinn Sandra. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Pederson Melissa. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Pederson Melissa. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Prottas Nathaniel. Teaching in the art museum: a classic reframed Rasmussen Briley. Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Rossmanith Eva. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Schero Jennifer. At the crossroads of tradition and transformation: docents in the art museum Shaw Jessica. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Theiler Lena. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Thoma Emmons Claire. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Valle Lucena Lau. Claiming space, cultivating community: Latinx and Asian American ethnically specific museums in a global city Vue Kalia. Culturally sustaining pedagogy in museum education Wallace Jamie. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Weiss Laura. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Wolins Inez S. Relevance, inclusion, and interaction in museums from Peale's perspective: not yet enough Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Essential methods and approaches Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Experiencing objects in the museum Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Introduction Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Museum educators and their purpose past, present, and future Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). The museum educator mindset in the community and in the field
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