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Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Choińska-Mika Jolanta (1957- )
Mika Ewelina (1985- )
Mika Marian Józef (1907-1974)
Miki Fumio
Al Khatib Naim (1968- ). On war and shit
Al Tamimi Fatima. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Allan Ed. The problems of house mice in hostoric houses and museums
Aloni Udi (1959- ). Brooklyn-Jenin: the Binational Popular Front for The Liberation of the Middle East
Amarasinghe Deepika. Efficacy of a low-cost simple solar heating box to eradicate insect pests in Sri Lankan libraries
Amit Gish. When suffering becomes an identity: On the moments of catastrophe and the contours of hope
Anani Yazid. Facebook your space for revolution
Andrzejewska-Batko Karolina
Antonova Natalia. Jamala the Dakh daughters and Ukraine's new femininity
Antonova Natalia. Russia on the run
Antonova Natalia. Weeping willows and dancing dictators: Talgat Batalov on being Uzbek
Arenstein Rachael Perkins. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community
Arenstein Rachael Perkins. The attractive qualities of wool and larval frass on wool to the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella)
Ayas Defne (1976- )
Ayas Defne (1976- ). On WdW Review
Azoulay Ariella (1962- ). Guided imagination
Bacon Louise
Ball Marieanne Davy. Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins
Bancroft Anne. Minus 20 degrees in the sun
Bancroft Anne. Training tools and technology for managing IPM at the Victoria and Albert Museum London
Banerjee Sarnath (1972- )
Banksy (1974- )
Baraniewski Waldemar (1953- ). Architektura a potrzeby reprezentacji władzy
Baraniewski Waldemar (1953- ). Między muzeum a rezydencją
Barnas Maria (1973- ). The Blob
Bartana Yael (1970- ). Wall and tower D.I.Y
Bartana Yael (1970- ). We shall be strong in our weakness
Bellegem Maickel van. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Ben-Ari Shua
Berg Jan-Erik. The brown carpet beetle Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status?
Bevz Mikola. Pałac królewski Jana III Sobieskiego w Kukizowie: próba rekonstrukcji urbanistyczno-krajobrazowej
Beylin Marek (1957- ). The movement of Jewish Shadows
Bisulca Christina. Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins
Blyth Valerie. Minus 20 degrees in the sun
Blyth Valerie. Training tools and technology for managing IPM at the Victoria and Albert Museum London
Blyth Valerie. Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries: a successful campaign
Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Fuck your culture: nudes in four landscapes
Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Getting to know a few hundred degrees: or volcano aesthetic
Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Granite & sandstone
Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Ten entrances to an event
Bobbette Adam (1980- ). The inbetweeners
Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Where does the water touch the bank?
Bocheńska Agnieszka. Warszawski gród i zamek: architektura i archeologia
Boiteux Martine. Papal residences in Rome: multiplicity and complementarity
Borchardt Karl. Secularization of the Hospitaller commanderies in Silesia 1810-1811
Borchardt-Hume Achim. Smell history
Borig Janelle. Mobigas at the National Gallery of Victoria Australia and the struggle for recognition by quarantine authorities
Bosetto Eleonora. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Bończuk-Dawidziuk Urszula. Wykaz klasztorów i kolegiat mających zostać objętymi edyktem sekularyzacyjnym z 30 X 1810 r. w tzw. Aktach Buschinga ze zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu
Bridal Jonathan. Moths Exosex and floor voids at Hampton Court Palace
Bridle James (1980- ). Re-Orient
Bridle James (1980- ). Sons of hypnos
Bromby Louise
Brzostek Błażej (1977- ). Przestrzeń władzy
Budrajtskis Il'a (1981- ). Putin lives in the world that Huntington built
Budrajtskis Il'a (1981- ). The Russian Revolution in dreams and reality
Cabral Udaya. Efficacy of a low-cost simple solar heating box to eradicate insect pests in Sri Lankan libraries
Cabral Udaya. Screening of two plant-derived extracts from Sri Lanka for their potential to control the subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus
Cahill Fiona. Quick quick put the lid back on!
Capandova Tereza (1990- ). Vidensky malir Augustin von Worndle: Cesta z centra na periferii aneb krizova cesta v kostele sv. Pavla ve Vitkovicich
Carson Juli (1962- ). Postcards from the real. The Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland
Carvalho Maria Ines. Training tools and technology for managing IPM at the Victoria and Albert Museum London
Checa Cremades Fernando (1952- ). Philip II's Escorial and divine wisdom
Chehonadskih Maria. Cultural and cold wars: notes on multipolar ideology and diplomacy
Child Bob
Child Robert. The wider use and interpretation of insect monitoring traps
Choińska-Mika Jolanta (1957- ). Instytucje parlamentarne i samorządowe w przestrzeni miejskiej Polski i Litwy
Chomątowska-Szałamacha Beata (1976- )
Chomątowska-Szałamacha Beata (1976- ). Rozdarte miasta. Powojenna odbudowa na zachód od Odry
Cichocki Sebastian (1975- )
Cichocki Sebastian (1975- ). A polish language lesson for the settlers' children
Coburn Tyler. Pulp to pulp
Coen-Uzzielli Tania
Crossman Amy
Crossman Amy. Introduction
Crowe Stephen
Cutulle Cassy
Czarniecka Anna (historia)
Czarniecka Anna (historia). Nota redakcyjna
Czechowicz Józef (1903-1939)
Dalon Laure (1980- ). Hokusai et la France : les Manga source feconde d'idees nouvelle
Danon Eyal. Untitled
Degot' Ekaterina Ur'evna (1958- ). Looking for KGB
Deles Przemysław (1975- )
Deles Przemysław. Nota redakcyjna
Demeuse Sarah. Expect the expected
Derwich Marek (1956- )
Derwich Marek (1956- ). Edykt kasacyjny króla pruskiego Fryderyka Wilhelma III z 30 X 1810 r
Derwich Marek (1956- ). Instytucje kościelne na Śląsku Pruskim skasowane na mocy edyktu kasacyjnego z 1810 r
Dola Kazimierz (1934- ). Zabezpieczenie materialne zakonników z klasztorów objętych edyktem sekularyzacyjnym z 1810 r
Dolinskas Vydas (1970- ). Rezydencje monarsze w stołecznym Wilnie oraz innych miastach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego
Doyle Adrian. Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London
Doyle Adrian. Remote monitoring for museum pests: a 21st-century approach
Dressen Christian. The detection of grey silverfish (Ctenolelepisma longicaudatum Escherich 1905) in the Museum of Applied Art Frankfurt/Main
Duncan Neil. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community
Dunietz Maya (1981- ). Fortune telling
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Architektura polska
Ochrona zabytków
Pest Odyssey
Sztuka żydowska
Zbiory muzealne
Alfa (Poznań)
Architektura europejska
Architektura sakralna niemiecka
Architektura sakralna polska
Archiwa państwowe
Archiwum Państwowe (Poznań)
Banksy (1974- )
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka (Warszawa)
Biuro Odbudowy Stolicy
Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych (Olsztyn)
Bizen Osafune Touken Hakubutsukan
Budownictwo miejskie
Centrum Spotkania Kultur (Lublin)
Ceramika japońska
Czapska, Maria (1894-1981)
Dziennikarstwo internetowe
European Parliament (Bruksela)
Grafika japońska
Grand Palais (Paryż)
Historiografia polska
Hokusai, Katsushika (1760-1849)
Instalacja (szt.plast.)
Konfederacja 1573 r. warszawska
Kultura dworska
Kunsthaus Graz
Literatura polska
Malarstwo japońskie
Malarstwo polskie
Muze'on Yisra'el (Jerozolima)
Muzeum Narodowe (Kraków)
Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej "Manggha" (Kraków)
Muzeum Śląskie (Katowice)
Narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia
Nowosielski, Jerzy (1923-2011)
Opactwo Cystersów (Rudy)
Performance koreański
Poezja polska
Przybylska Danuta Irena
Reżyserzy polscy
Ruch Odrodzenia Żydowskiego w Polsce
Rysunek japoński
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Rzeźba japońska
Scenografia polska
Sekularyzacja dóbr kościelnych
Szajna, Józef (1922-2008)
Sztuka japońska
Sztuka koreańska
Sztuka polska
Sztuka ulicy
Teatr polski
Tolerancja religijna
Yang, Jun (1975- )
Zamki i pałace
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Zabór pruski
Katalogi wystaw
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi zbiorów
Pamiętniki polskie
25 wyników Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Cichocki Sebastian (1975- ). Eilat Galit (1965- ). Wendland Saskia. Wawrzyńczak Marcin (1968- ). Pomorska Barbara. Kassovsky Daria. Aloni Udi (1959- ). Brooklyn-Jenin: the Binational Popular Front for The Liberation of the Middle East Amit Gish. When suffering becomes an identity: On the moments of catastrophe and the contours of hope Anani Yazid. Facebook your space for revolution Azoulay Ariella (1962- ). Guided imagination Bartana Yael (1970- ). Wall and tower D.I.Y. Bartana Yael (1970- ). We shall be strong in our weakness Beylin Marek (1957- ). The movement of Jewish Shadows Borchardt-Hume Achim. Smell history Carson Juli (1962- ). Postcards from the real. The Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland Cichocki Sebastian (1975- ). A polish language lesson for the settlers' children Danon Eyal. Untitled Dunietz Maya (1981- ). Fortune telling Edelman Udi (1977- ). Not in so many words: political movement as conceptualisation Eilat Galit (1965- ). "My heart is in the East, and I in the uttermost West" Gedalyovich Michael Kessus (1960- ). Is the homecoming a homecoming! Geyer Andrea (1971- ). Script #3/Comrades of time Goll Philipp (1984- ). Provoking the sense of possibility. A strategy for an underground within the JRMiP Grupińska Anka (1956- ). Dear Founding Mothers and Founding Fathers of the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland! Hannula Mika (1967- ). For the matters that matter Hatherley Owen (1981- ). Warsaw passages Hendrickson Daniel (1963- ). The Rhizome of Babel Hoffman Thalia (1979- ). Spicy Poland Jakubowicz Rafał (1974- ). Chai Jarecka Dorota (1966- ). New messianism. A polish literature reader Kapela Jaś (1984- ). The truth Kat Wam (1955- ). Emergency plan, or how to start a people's kitchen Kenny Yoav. Not in so many words: political movement as conceptualisation Kim Jeuno J.E. (1977- ). Survival kit for cold weather conditions Kremnitzer Yuval. A Polish state in the Land of Israel Kutyła Julian (1979- ). Team tactics Martens Renzo (1973- ). A recipe for a New Institute Miller Daniel (1954- ). Appendix [F] (The appendix that was removed) Möntmann Nina (1969- ). New Europe's nightmare Nielsson Camilla. Hollywood Exodus Ophir Adi. Guided imagination Perjovschi Dan (1961- ). Mixed feelings and drawings Perjovschi Lia. Basic needs Peter Stefanie (1966- ). Provoking the sense of possibility. A strategy for an underground within the JRMiP Pitchon Avi (1968- ). Save Europe now ask me how Porat Illa Ben (1972- ). A culinary Autobiography Pontbriand Chantal (1951- ). The DNA (No)Recip Radynski Oleksiy (1984- ). Alterzionism: backwards to "Red Zion" Ressler Oliver (1970- ). Untitled Rifky Sarah (1981- ). Instructions from a Dictator The Green Book Sachsse Susanne (1965- ). We shall be strong in our weakness Siegel Marc. Jew know what I mean? Sierakowski Sławomir (1979- ). Terror in the Bauble Republic Thije Steven ten (1980- ). A recipe for history Trainor James. A Potluck anthology Vilensky Dmitry. A declaration on politics, knowledge, and art on the fifth anniversary of the Chto Delat work group Wachsmuth Simon (1964- ). Hommage to Noe Wachsmuth Simon (1964- ). Sweet and sour cabbage soup Zemel Carol M. Yankl's cholent Zook Nir (1976- ). Spicy Poland
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publikacja towarzysząca wystawie: the Polish Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition in Venice, 4 czerwca - 27 listopada 2011.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31953 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Crossman Amy. Ryder Susanne. Al Tamimi Fatima. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Amarasinghe Deepika. Efficacy of a low-cost simple solar heating box to eradicate insect pests in Sri Lankan libraries Arenstein Rachael Perkins. The attractive qualities of wool and larval frass on wool to the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) Bancroft Anne. Training, tools and technology for managing IPM at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London Bellegem Maickel van. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Blyth Valerie. Training, tools and technology for managing IPM at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London Bosetto Eleonora. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Cabral Udaya. Efficacy of a low-cost simple solar heating box to eradicate insect pests in Sri Lankan libraries Cabral Udaya. Screening of two plant-derived extracts from Sri Lanka for their potential to control the subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Carvalho Maria Ines. Training, tools and technology for managing IPM at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London Crossman Amy. Introduction Cutulle Cassy Doyle Adrian. Remote monitoring for museum pests: a 21st-century approach Dressen Christian. The detection of grey silverfish (Ctenolelepisma longicaudatum Escherich, 1905) in the Museum of Applied Art, Frankfurt/Main Fennert Eva-Maria. Preliminary trials with reduced temperatures in humidity controlled warm-air treatment: a gentler and more efficient way to disinfest artworks and cultural heritage objects Ferreira Anabela. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Feston James. The attractive qualities of wool and larval frass on wool to the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) Gonzalez Carlos Austin. Remote monitoring for museum pests: a 21st-century approach Isa Angélica. Preserving Peruvian organic cultural heritage using Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis) extracts Kelly Patrick. Remote monitoring for museum pests: a 21st-century approach Kelly Patrick. The attractive qualities of wool and larval frass on wool to the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) King Melissa. What’s bugging you? Research involved in the development of collection-specific IPM software and pest databases Kolling Thomas. Preliminary trials with reduced temperatures in humidity controlled warm-air treatment: a gentler and more efficient way to disinfest artworks and cultural heritage objects Marasco Tatiana. Remote monitoring for museum pests: a 21st-century approach Martins Ana. What’s bugging you? Research involved in the development of collection-specific IPM software and pest databases McMinn Nathan. What’s bugging you? Research involved in the development of collection-specific IPM software and pest databases Palomino Marilyn. Preserving Peruvian organic cultural heritage using Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis) extracts Parada Carolina. Preserving Peruvian organic cultural heritage using Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis) extracts Pinniger David (1943- ). In memoriam: a personal tribute to Bob Child (1951–2019) Plarre Rudy. Screening of two plant-derived extracts from Sri Lanka for their potential to control the subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Portoni Fabiana. Remote monitoring for museum pests: a 21st-century approach Querner Pascal. Efficacy of a low-cost simple solar heating box to eradicate insect pests in Sri Lankan libraries Querner Pascal. Screening of two plant-derived extracts from Sri Lanka for their potential to control the subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Quispitupac Eliana. Preserving Peruvian organic cultural heritage using Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis) extracts Schmitt Thomas. Preliminary trials with reduced temperatures in humidity controlled warm-air treatment: a gentler and more efficient way to disinfest artworks and cultural heritage objects Senseman Austin. What’s bugging you? Research involved in the development of collection-specific IPM software and pest databases Shah Bhavesh. Training, tools and technology for managing IPM at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London Swindells Chris. The use of technology to manage the next generation of house mice Read Anthony. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Richmond Molly Ryder Susanne. Introduction Van Dyke Alan P. IPM strikes back: reviving a slumping IPM program Veleda Mafalda. An oasis for pests? Setting up IPM in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Vigneau Matthew. Wilke Nikolaus. Preliminary trials with reduced temperatures in humidity controlled warm-air treatment: a gentler and more efficient way to disinfest artworks and cultural heritage objects
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konferencji: konfer. on-line, 20 - 22 września 2021 r.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26577 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Ayas Defne (1976- ). Kleinman Adam (1978- ). Al Khatib Naim (1968- ). On war and shit Antonova Natalia. Jamala, the Dakh daughters, and Ukraine's new femininity Antonova Natalia. Russia on the run Antonova Natalia. Weeping willows and dancing dictators: Talgat Batalov on being Uzbek Ayas Defne (1976- ). On WdW Review Banerjee Sarnath (1972- ). Barnas Maria (1973- ). The Blob Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Fuck your culture: nudes in four landscapes Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Getting to know a few hundred degrees: or, volcano aesthetic Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Granite & sandstone Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Ten entrances to an event Bobbette Adam (1980- ). The inbetweeners Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Where does the water touch the bank? Bridle James (1980- ). Re-Orient Bridle James (1980- ). Sons of hypnos Budrajtskis Il'â (1981- ). Putin lives in the world that Huntington built Budrajtskis Il'â (1981- ). The Russian Revolution in dreams and reality Chehonadskih Maria. Cultural and cold wars: notes on multipolar ideology and diplomacy Coburn Tyler. Pulp to pulp Crowe Stephen. Degot' Ekaterina Ûr'evna (1958- ). Looking for KGB Demeuse Sarah. Expect the expected Durmuşoğlu Övül Ö. (1978- ). Here we are: look at us standing, upright in the Sunshine Durmuşoğlu Övül Ö. (1978- ). Rebranding Mesopotamia: the inextinguishable fire Eastham Benjamin. Adding colors to the chameleon Eastham Benjamin. I ain't thick, it's just a trick Eastham Benjamin. The little magazine Eastham Benjamin. The performed self El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). Letter to a Friend El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). Notes on a Dissident, or Founder of the Polish Revolution El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). What I think about when I think of Cairo, on this date, twenty-nine months after The___(Part 1) El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). What I think about when I think of Cairo, on this date, twenty-nine months after The___(Part 2) Frick Winnie T. Garcia Tristan (1981- ). Building a house for modern identity Gat Orit. Future Ginwala Natasha (1985- ). ...and then it drops: on suspended sensing Goddard Patrick. His own personal signed copy Jauregui Gabriela (1979- ). Cancel the counsel! Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). A parallel country Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Ahmedabad mutations Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). May 2013: the wrong side of the River Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Mirrored windows Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Nuances of violation Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Outside the Museum Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Post-election tightrope walks Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). The one city no one was looking at Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). The thorny crown of culture Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Winter in Calcuta Kane Natalie. Fallow futures Keefer Angie (1977- ). The view from the window at Le Gras Keidel Stefan. Person of the day and tomorrow Kleinman Adam (1978- ). 1917 Kleinman Adam (1978- ). 1971 Kleinman Adam (1978- ). On WdW Review Kosova Erden. After the Summer Kosova Erden. Colored rays of Gezi Kosova Erden. On slippery ground Krishtalka Sholem. Land Nick (1962- ). China, crypto-currency, and the world order, Part 1 Land Nick (1962- ). China, crypto-currency, and the world order, Part 2 Land Nick (1962- ). China, crypto-currency, and the world order, Part 3 Langley Pat. Welcome to Drexciya Latimer Quinn (1978- ). Subject: lavender and gas, or that which is not yet a subject Leonova Kseniâ. I do not want to hear Loudis Jessica. An apple a day Mannes-Abbott Guy. As mud as clear Menick John (1976- ). The conquering worm: Part 1 Mohaiemen Naeem (1969- ). The ginger merchant of history (standing in the shadow of "giants") Morozov Alexander. A conservative revolution Marques Pedro Neves (1984- ). The geopolitics of the Virgin Mary Niermann Ingo (1969- ). Army of lovers Normand Vincent (1985- ). The unlimited realm of the limit: objectivity and schizophrenia Novozhenova Alexandra. The Tower Ofak Ana (1976- ). Foreshadowing the future Ou Ning (1969- ). Beijing's climate politics Perjovschi Dan (1961- ). Pinto Ana Teixeira (1974- ). The behavioral sink: on mice, and men Pinto Ana Teixeira (1974- ). The red undead Prévost Bertrand (1976- ). Tintoretto's Ecce Homo Rheinberger Hans-Jörg (1946- ). On epistemic objects, and around Ringborg Theodor (1983- ). Modern times Rojas Pablo. Cancel the counsel! Saktanber Binnaz. Boycotting big music Saktanber Binnaz. Catherine Robbe-Grillet: an eighty-four-year-old dominatrix in Istanbul Šālēm Avîno'am (1959- ). The invention of the Sacrosanct or 'Sacred making" as an aesthetic praxis Salemy Mohammad. All tomorrow's party Schinkel Willem (1976- ). Art and the articulation of the public Schum Matthew. Carrie Scott Alev (1987- ). Human traffic Scott Alev (1987- ). Machismo and his demons Seymour Benedict. The Re-Jetée: 1971, recurring Silva Mariana. The geopolitics of the Virgin Mary Squibb Stephen. On seeing Cindy Sherman in the Subway; or, the Velocity of representation Vajda Danna. Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Birthplace of our globalizing wall Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Chosen cells Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). No signal Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Of loss and retrieval Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Of masks and shadows Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Of public phones and besieged humans Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Sick predators Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Solitary subversives Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). The Serpent's Greek Lair Weist Julia (1984- ). Person of the day and tomorrow Williams Alena (1977- ). In cara, a phantom Williams Evan Calder. Volcano, waiting Zambreno Kate (1977- ). Tania Screams Ziherl Vivian. ...and then it drops: on suspended sensing Zion Amy. Property of a Lady Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Does that make you fell bitter? Relieved? Blasé? Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Headbanger Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Location, location, location Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Shades of no Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). This could have been en exhibition
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31791 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bacon Louise. Child Bob. Harris Kerren. Lauder Dee. Phippard Julie. Pinniger David (1943- ). Winsor Peter. Xavier-Rowe Amber. Åkerlund Monika (1946- ). The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Allan Ed. The problems of house mice in hostoric houses and museums Arenstein Rachael Perkins. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Ball Marieanne Davy. Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins Bancroft Anne. Minus 20 degrees in the sun Berg Jan-Erik. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Bisulca Christina. Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins Blyth Valerie. Minus 20 degrees in the sun Blyth Valerie. Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries: a successful campaign Borig Janelle. Mobigas at the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia and the struggle for recognition by quarantine authorities Bridal Jonathan. Moths, Exosex and floor voids at Hampton Court Palace Cahill Fiona. Quick, quick, put the lid back on! Child Robert. The wider use and interpretation of insect monitoring traps Doyle Adrian. Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London Duncan Neil. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Elkin Lisa Kronthal. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Evans Chloe. Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London Evans Gretel. Driven to distraction by moths: IPM on the Riverside Museum Project Grøntoft Terje (1962- ). The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Hakanen Eva Helena. Outsmarting the persistent moths: strategic planning for pest control at Nordiska Museet Hidaka Shingo (1971- ). Integrated pest management at the National Museum of Ethnology, japan: re-evaluation of preventive measures and control strategies Higgs Sam. Moths, Exosex and floor voids at Hampton Court Palace Houston Mel. The measured, slimline implementation of integrated pest management at he National Trust for Scotland Kigawa Rika. Effects of fumigants and non-chemical treatments on DNA molecules and proteins: case studeis on natural history specimens and proteinaceous components of museum objects Kigawa Rika. Efficacy, effects, economics: the problem of distributting pest control advice to cover contingency Kwindt Marcie. Building with pest management in mind: a case study from the Canadian Museum of Nature Lauder Dee. Ten years of integrated pest management at English Heritage Leonard Leona. Dealing with an infestation of Reesa vespulae while preparing to move to new stores Macgregor Colin. To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia Martin Lucy. Quick, quick, put the lid back on! Norris Christopher A. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Odegaard Nancy (1955- ). Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins Pinniger David (1943- ). Ten years on - from vodka beetles to risk zones Querner Pascal. Developing and implementing an integrated pest management concept in the large collections of the National Museums in Berlin Roach Alex. To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia Roberts Heather Mackay. To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia Ryhl-Svendsen Morten. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Schmidt Anne Lisbeth. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Simon Stephan. Developing and implementing an integrated pest management concept in the large collections of the National Museums in Berlin Smith David A. Mapping museum pest activity: a review of the development of KE EMu as a tool for pest management Smith Suzanne. Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries: a successful campaign Smyk Laura. Building with pest management in mind: a case study from the Canadian Museum of Nature Sonoda Naoko (1958- ). Integrated pest management at the National Museum of Ethnology, japan: re-evaluation of preventive measures and control strategies Stengaard Hansen Lise. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Strang Tom. Effects of fumigants and non-chemical treatments on DNA molecules and proteins: case studeis on natural history specimens and proteinaceous components of museum objects Strang Tom. Efficacy, effects, economics: the problem of distributting pest control advice to cover contingency Thompson-Webb Jane. But how do I know I've got pests? Vagn Jensen Karl-Martin. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Vaucheret Sylviane. Dealing with an infestation of Reesa vespulae while preparing to move to new stores Watson Elizabeth F. Minus 20 degrees in the sun Xavier-Rowe Amber. Ten years of integrated pest management at English Heritage Yanez-Lopez Maria. Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London
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