National Museum in Krakow Library
Form of Work
Adam Anikó
Ahmad Walid. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Arendt Ada
Assonitis Alessio (1970- ). The expanding role of digitized collections: the Medici Archive
Bartosch Christina. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Baur Christl. Art with a lifespan: digital technologies and the preservation of bioart
Brosens Koenraad (1974- ). Slow digital art history and KUbism: or situation awareness and the promise of open-World games
Brown Kathryn J
Brown Kathryn J. Feminist digital art history
Bryson Anna
Burckhardt Daniel. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Bydzovska Lenka (1956- )
Cardoso Bruno. Slow digital art history and KUbism: or situation awareness and the promise of open-World games
Carvalho Rosario Salema de. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party
Champion Erik. Art history heritage games and virtual reality
Cowan T. L. X-reception: re-mediating trans- feminist and queer performance art
Cranston Jodi (1969- ). Mapping paintings or how to breathe life into provenance
Danyi Orsolya
De Vincentis Stefania. Digital languages for art history: audience engagement virtual and augmented reality
Decimo Marc (1958- )
Dohring Marei. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Dot Anna (1991- ). Noise management in the archival ecosystem: debating principles for classification
Drucker Johanna (1952- ). Blind spot: information visualization and art history
Du Preez Amanda. Approching Aby Warburg and digital art history: thinking through images
Eigl Steffen. Berlin as the avant-garde centre or a dream of the new life. Perspectives on art and European collaboration after 1918
Eigl Steffen. Between self-stylisation and international breakthrough. Some aspects of the major art exhibitions of the 1910s in European context
Fletcher Pamela M. (1967- ). Digital methods and the study of the art market
Foka Anna (1981- ). Art history heritage games and virtual reality
Forgacs Eva (1947- ). Internationalism and its technicalities. The Hungarian avant-garde's outreach to international art 1919-1926
Gagliardi Susan Elizabeth. Mapping Senufo: mapping as a method to transcend colonial
Goodyear Anne Collins. The art-historical catalogue in the digital era
Helmreich Anne (1963- ). Digital methods and the study of the art market
Hodge Nicholas
Impett Leonardo. Analyzing gesture in digital art history
Jackson Ben (1975- ). A service-orientation and open-source approach to developing virtual museums
Jaskot Paul B. (1963- ). Digital methods and the historiography of art
Jeffs Amy. Digital 3D modeling for the history art
Jimerson Lauren. Social media in the art histiry classroom
Joyeux-Prunel Beatrice (1977- )
Joyeux-Prunel Beatrice (1977- ). Digital humanites for a spatial global and social history of art
Joyeux-Prunel Beatrice (1977- ). Paris for central European avant-gardes. What kind of a reception?
Jozefacka Anna. Cubism goes East. Kahnweiler's Central European network of agents and collectors
Kandemir Baris. Computerized analysis of paintings
Kane Steve
Keens Alexandra
Kessler Erwin. Printed networks. Romanian avantgarde magazines
Kiss-Szeman Zsófia (1964- ). Kosice as a model modernist city
Klinke Harald. The digital transformation of art history
Kovacs Anna Zsófia (1982- )
Krebs Sophie (1961- )
Krmelj Vesna
Kruljac Vesna
Kundracikova Barbora (1986- )
Kurc-Maj Paulina. The style of the present. The beginnings of the constructivist avant-garde in Poland
Lacourt Jeanne-Bathilde
Lahoda Vojtech (1955-2019). New art in the last days of mankind
Langmead Alison. Pointers and proxies: thoughts on the computational modeling of phenomenal World
Leigh Allison (1983- ). Social media in the art history classroom
Leitao Ines. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party
Levy Sophie (1967- )
Li Jia. Computerized analysis of paintings
Lincoln Matthew D. Tangled metaphors: network thinking and network analysis in the history of art
Lodder Christina (1948- ). Constructivist dimension
Luther Anne. Digital provenance open access and data-driven art history
Mahler Luise. Cubism goes East. Kahnweiler's Central European network of agents and collectors
Mansbach Steven A. (1950- ). Toward an art of redemption modern mankind
Mihaly Arpad
Mitchell Elspeth. Feminist digital art history
Mulloli Nirmalie. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Nagy Ladislav (1974- )
Newbury David. Pointers and proxies: thoughts on the computational modeling of phenomenal World
Pusztai Tunde
Rodriguez-Ortega Nuria. Image processing and compute vision in the field of art history
Rosa Javier de la. Curation content creation: computer approches to fine arts
Rosenberg Raphael (1962- ). The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915
Rydiger Monika (1961- ). City space dynamics. Symphony of a metropolis
Santa Olalla Pablo. Noise management in the archival ecosystem: debating principles for classification
Sarkady Krisztina
Sekelj Sanja. Qualitative approches to network analysis in art history: research on contemporary artists' networks
Snyder Lisa M. Research process publication and pedagogy: reconstructing the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893
Soucek Martin (1964- )
Srp Karel (1958- )
Srp Karel (1958- ). Discoverers of new beauties. Devetsil between Life II and the Frony anthology
Srp Karel (1958- ). Unstable Central Europe
Stanford Emma. A field guide to digital surrogates: evaluating and contextualizing a rapidly changing resource
Suarez Juan-Luis. Curation content creation: computer approches to fine arts
Subotić Irina (1942- ). Zenit as ideological foundation of the 1924 International Exhibition of New Art
Travnicek Jiri (1960- ). And so they've gone and killed our Central Europe... On the history of a concept
Truyen Fred. Slow digital art history and KUbism: or situation awareness and the promise of open-World games
Tsiang Katherine R. (1949- ). Digital imaging projects for Asian art and visual culture: transcultural mediations and collaborations
Varkonyi Gyorgy (1951- ). The keen-sighted. The evolution of the Hungarian avant-garde
Vascon Luca Nicolo. Digital languages for art history: audience engagement virtual and augmented reality
Viszóki Agnes
Vojvodik Josef. The dynamics of exsplosion of art at the centre of Europa (1908-1928)
Wang James Z. (1972- ). Computerized analysis of paintings
Wayne Kenneth (1961- )
Wellington Robert J. (1954- ). Metadata material culture and global art history
Werkner Patrick (1953- ). Kineticism
White Martin. A service-orientation and open-source approach to developing virtual museums
Wittlich Petr (1932- ). Ars una
2020 - 2025
2010 - 2019
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
United States
Awangarda (lit., szt.)
Galéria Mesta Bratislavy
Janus Pannonius Múzeum
Magyar Nemzeti Galéria (Budapeszt)
Malarstwo włoskie
Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury (Kraków)
Modigliani, Amadeo (1884-1920)
Muzeum umění (Ołomuniec)
Rysunek włoski
Rzeźba włoska
Sztuka europejska
Subject: time
Katalogi wystaw
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Arendt Ada. Tł. Bryson Anna. Tł. Hodge Nicholas. Tł. Nagy Ladislav (1974- ). Tł. Srp Karel (1958- ). Red. Viszóki Ágnes. Tł. Bydžovská Lenka (1956- ). Danyi Orsolya. Eigl Steffen. Berlin as the avant-garde centre, or a dream of the new life. Perspectives on art and European collaboration after 1918 Eigl Steffen. Between self-stylisation and international breakthrough. Some aspects of the major art exhibitions of the 1910s in European context Forgács Éva (1947- ). Internationalism and its technicalities. The Hungarian avant-garde's outreach to international art 1919-1926 Joyeux-Prunel Béatrice (1977- ). Paris for central European avant-gardes. What kind of a reception? Jozefacka Anna. Cubism goes East. Kahnweiler's Central European network of agents and collectors Kessler Erwin. Printed networks. Romanian avantgarde magazines Kiss-Szemán Zsófia (1964- ). Košice as a model modernist city Krmelj Vesna. Kruljac Vesna. Kundračíková Barbora (1986- ). Kurc-Maj Paulina. The style of the present. The beginnings of the constructivist avant-garde in Poland Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). "New art" in the "last days of mankind" Lodder Christina (1948- ). Constructivist dimension Mahler Luise. Cubism goes East. Kahnweiler's Central European network of agents and collectors Mansbach Steven A. (1950- ). Toward an art of redemption modern mankind Pusztai Tünde. Rydiger Monika (1961- ). City, space, dynamics. Symphony of a metropolis Souček Martin (1964- ). Srp Karel (1958- ). Discoverers of new beauties. Devětsil between Life II and the Frony anthology Srp Karel (1958- ). Unstable Central Europe Subotić Irina (1942- ). Zenit as ideological foundation of the 1924 International Exhibition of New Art Trávníček Jiří (1960- ). "And so they've gone and killed our Central Europe..." On the history of a concept Várkonyi György (1951- ). "The keen-sighted". The evolution of the Hungarian avant-garde Vojvodík Josef. The dynamics of exsplosion of art at the centre of Europa (1908-1928) Werkner Patrick (1953- ). Kineticism Wittlich Petr (1932- ). Ars una Żak Natalia (1984- ). Towards new art. Prefigurations of avant-garde tendencies in the work of Polish artists
Indeks R0
Katalog wystaw: Muzeum umění, Ołomuniec, 20 września 1918 - 27 stycznia 2019, Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Kraków, 5 marca - 9 czerwca 2019, Galéria mesta Bratislavy, 28 czerwca - 27 października 2019, Janus Pannonius Múzeum, Pécs, 29 listopada 2019 - 1 kwietnia 2020.
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There are copies available to loan: III 24843, III 24844 (2 egz.)
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(Routledge Art History and Visual Studies Companions)
Brown Kathryn J. Red. Ahmad Walid. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Assonitis Alessio (1970- ). The expanding role of digitized collections: the Medici Archive Bartosch Christina. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Baur Christl. Art with a lifespan: digital technologies and the preservation of bioart Brosens Koenraad (1974- ). Slow digital art history and KUbism: or, situation awareness and the promise of open-World games Brown Kathryn J. Feminist digital art history Burckhardt Daniel. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Cardoso Bruno. Slow digital art history and KUbism: or, situation awareness and the promise of open-World games Carvalho Rosário Salema de. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party Champion Erik. Art history, heritage games, and virtual reality Cowan T. L. X-reception: re-mediating trans- feminist and queer performance art Cranston Jodi (1969- ). Mapping paintings, or how to breathe life into provenance De Vincentis Stefania. Digital languages for art history: audience engagement, virtual and augmented reality Dot Anna (1991- ). Noise management in the archival ecosystem: debating principles for classification Döhring Marei. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Drucker Johanna (1952- ). Blind spot: information visualization and art history Du Preez Amanda. Approching Aby Warburg and digital art history: thinking through images Fletcher Pamela M. (1967- ). Digital methods and the study of the art market Foka Anna (1981- ). Art history, heritage games, and virtual reality Gagliardi Susan Elizabeth. Mapping Senufo: mapping as a method to transcend colonial Goodyear Anne Collins. The art-historical catalogue in the digital era Helmreich Anne (1963- ). Digital methods and the study of the art market Impett Leonardo. Analyzing gesture in digital art history Jackson Ben (1975- ). A service-orientation and open-source approach to developing virtual museums Jaskot Paul B. (1963- ). Digital methods and the historiography of art Jeffs Amy. Digital 3D modeling for the history art Jimerson Lauren. Social media in the art histiry classroom Joyeux-Prunel Béatrice (1977- ). Digital humanites for a spatial, global, and social history of art Kandemir Baris. Computerized analysis of paintings Klinke Harald. The digital transformation of art history Langmead Alison. Pointers and proxies: thoughts on the computational modeling of phenomenal World Leigh Allison (1983- ). Social media in the art history classroom Leitão Inês. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party Li Jia. Computerized analysis of paintings Lincoln Matthew D. Tangled metaphors: network thinking and network analysis in the history of art Luther Anne. Digital provenance, open access, and data-driven art history Mitchell Elspeth. Feminist digital art history Mulloli Nirmalie. The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Newbury David. Pointers and proxies: thoughts on the computational modeling of phenomenal World Rodríguez-Ortega Nuria. Image processing and compute vision in the field of art history Rosa Javier de la. Curation, content, creation: computer approches to fine arts Rosenberg Raphael (1962- ). The database of modern exhibitions (DoME): European paintings and drawings 1905-1915 Santa Olalla Pablo. Noise management in the archival ecosystem: debating principles for classification Sekelj Sanja. Qualitative approches to network analysis in art history: research on contemporary artists' networks Snyder Lisa M. Research, process, publication, and pedagogy: reconstructing the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 Stanford Emma. A field guide to digital surrogates: evaluating and contextualizing a rapidly changing resource Suárez Juan-Luis. Curation, content, creation: computer approches to fine arts Truyen Fred. Slow digital art history and KUbism: or, situation awareness and the promise of open-World games Tsiang Katherine R. (1949- ). Digital imaging projects for Asian art and visual culture: transcultural mediations and collaborations Vascon Luca Nicolò. Digital languages for art history: audience engagement, virtual and augmented reality Wang James Z. (1972- ). Computerized analysis of paintings Wellington Robert J. (1954- ). Metadata, material culture, and global art history White Martin. A service-orientation and open-source approach to developing virtual museums Xavier Rafaela. Digital techniques for the study of Portuguese Azulejos (glazed tiles): between Alice's white rabbit and the mad tea party
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