Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Filmy i seriale
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Nowak Szymon Andrzej (1984- )
Piłakowska Magdalena
Lahoda Vojtech (1955-2019)
Lowry Bates (1923-2004)
Solewski Rafał (1969- )
Stankiewicz Sebastian (1970- )
Wasiewicz Jan (1973- )
Wielgosz Andrzej
'Azim'pur Pupak (1971 lub 1972- ). Handmade dolls of the Iranian Nation the representatives of culture and civilization
Aagesen Dorthe (1966- ). The aesthetics of neutrality. The impact of the First World War on Danish art and culture
Abey-Koch Madelaine. History of housekeeping
Abowd Naina. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation
Acevedo Salvador. Designing experiences for audience diversity: a guide for audience-centered program design
Adamowicz Jarosław. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies
Adamowicz Jarosław. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań
Adda-Decker Martine (1960- ). Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development
Addamiano Sabina
Agrafiotis Panagiotis. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach
Ahmadi Amin. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports
Ahmed Sara Radi (1995- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier
Al Kork Samer. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development
Alberska Agnieszka. Policy collection description and storage of ephemera in National Library in Poland
Alberska Agnieszka. Polityka gromadzenia opracowywanie i przechowywanie dokumentów życia społecznego
Alexakis Emmanouil. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach
Alivizatou-Barakou Marilena. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development
Alonso Tak Alejandra
Alonso Tak Alejandra. Research strategies in inclusive museology with the Museo del Prado collections
Alonso Tak Alejandra. To open up art museums to a more social approach
Amato Rosalba. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo Paolo Orsi di Siracusa
Amico Michael. The pulpit of Henry Trumbull
Andraud Christine. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Andrews Daniel. Multimodal serious games technologies for cultural heritage
Angeli Bufalini Gabriella. Il Medagliere MNR la Banca dati Iuno Moneta e il Bollettino di Numismatica del MiBACT. Un trinomio per la tutela valorizzazione e fruizione del bene numismatico. Bilanci e prospettive
Angelucci Giulio
Angelus Silesius (1624-1677)
Antona Margherita. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence
Apanowicz Maria (1958?- )
Apolito Pasquale. Monete medievali da Kyme in Eolide: un rapporto preliminare
Apostolopoulou‏ Maria‏. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach
Apostólou Eva. Les plinthophores rhodiennes et la fin de ce monnayage
Arena Emiliano. L'emissione a leggenda NEOPOLI (TON) e la fondazione di Tauromenion
Arevalo Marlene. Modelling life through time: Cultural heritage case studies
Armenteros Puchades Carmen (1993- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier
Arnold-Biucchi Carmen. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach
Arslan Ermanno A. Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology
Arthur Paul (1955- ). Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy
Arzone Antonella. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona
Asmus John F. Final Endeavors of Monument Man
Asmus John F. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history cultural heritage and nuclear decontamination
Athanasiou Vasilis. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past
Augstein Melanie. Schon Eisenzeit oder noch Bronzezeit? Ammerkungen zu chronologischen und kulturellen Aspekten einer Ubergangssituation
Aumaitre Heloise. Ake Ptolemais sous les Lagides: un atelier au coeur des problematiques Syro-Pheniciennes
Ayala Inigo. Transformations in museums from the audience's perception
Bachini Annie. On haiku and education in Britain
Bachlitzanakis Vasileios. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies
Bakolas Asterios. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach
Balabanova Ludmila. Metaphor and haiku
Balbi de Caro Silvana. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma
Baldi Elena. Online catalogue of the Ostrogoths at the British Museum and possible developments for further research
Baldi Elena. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re)
Balzani Marcello (1962- ). Digital memory and integrated data capturing: Innovations for an inclusive cultural heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling
Banasiak Jakub (1980- )
Banaszkiewicz Grzegorz (1951- )
Banfi Fabrizio. Historic BIM for mobile VR/AR applications
Banzhaf Pia. Ontology of the puppet
Barazzetti Luigi (1981- ). Historic BIM for mobile VR/AR applications
Barkay Rachel. Portraits of the Nabataean Kings as depicted on their coins
Bartalesi Valentina. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost
Bartkevicius Ricardas (1959- ). Interconnection of heritage and artistic activitites: experience in non-formal education
Bartkevicius Ricardas (1959- ). Introduction to the artistic action
Bartkevicius Ricardas (1959- ). Wspólnota dziedzictwa. Wprowadzenie do akcji artystycznej
Bartkevicius Ricardas (1959- ). Wzajemne związki między dziedzictwem a działalnością artystyczną: doświadczenie edukacji nieformalnej
Bartoli Laura. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Barucci Marco. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation
Baruch Adam (1951- ). Księga Hioba
Baruch Adam (1951- ). The Book of Job
Baselitz Georg (1938- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Georg Baselitz
Basilissi Giulia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver
Bateson J. Donald. Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza's Sicilian Coins
Bauer Margrit (1944- )
Baumer Ursula. Die Bindemittel der Schule von Barbizon
Baziak Jolanta (1956- )
Beatti Ashlee. Selecting implementing and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation
Beier Oliver. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing
Bendix Caroline. Books
Benesz-Goldfinger Zuzanna
Benesz-Goldfinger Zuzanna. Minor remnants from Solna street - Isaac Celnikier’s post-war sketches and the Holocaust experience
Benson Timothy O. (1950- ). Mapping culture in Central Europe: Dada and Devetsil
Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). 1500 drzewek w Yad Vashem. Relacje polsko-żydowskie w kontekście współczesnej wojny o pamięć
Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). 1500 trees of Yad Vashem. Polish-Jews relationships in the context of the war for memory
Berthold Angela. Considerations on the horses of Maroneia
Betts Jonathan (1955- ). Clocks and watches
Bezuidenhout Pieter. Handspring Puppet Company: an international South Afrikapuppet phenomen
Bielat Andrzej (1965- ). Sienkiewicz - an attempt to look theologically
Bielat Andrzej (1965- ). Sienkiewicz - próba spojrzenia teologicznego
Bierzańska Danuta. Impossible is nothing
Bierzańska Danuta. Nic nie jest niemożliwe
Bilek Frantisek (1872-1941). A confiteor of art
Binet Laurent. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Biscossi Edoardo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Wielka Brytania
Sztuka polska
Ochrona zabytków
Galeria Piekary (Poznań)
Konserwatorstwo polskie
Lekcje muzealne
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej (Kraków)
Obóz hitlerowski Auschwitz-Birkenau
Planowanie przestrzenne
Poezja niemiecka
Przestrzeń publiczna (urban.)
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka niemiecka
Wielgosz Andrzej
Abakanowicz, Magdalena (1930-2017)
Aforyzmy niemieckie
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki (Kraków)
Aparatura naukowo-badawcza
Architektura europejska
Architektura polska
Artemida (rel.)
Awangarda (lit., szt.)
Baxandall, Michael (1933-2008)
Bílek, František (1872-1941)
Celnikier, Izaac (1923-2011)
Centrum Spotkania Kultur (Lublin)
Czapski, Józef (1896-1993)
Dokumenty życia społecznego
Duszpasterstwo pielgrzymów i turystów
Epoka żelaza
Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro (Mediolan)
Fotografia czeska
Fotografia polska
Galerie hlavního města Prahy
Galerie sztuki
Gamboni, Dario (1954- )
Gamboni, Libero
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)
Graficy japońscy
Grafika czeska
Grafika europejska
Grafika japońska
Grafika komputerowa
Grafika polska
Grafika użytkowa japońska
Gustowska, Izabella (1948- )
Hara, Kenya (1958- )
Historycy sztuki
Instrumenty muzyczne
Jan Paweł II (papież ; 1920-2005)
Kamienie budowlane
Kishkah, Mishel (1954- )
Konserwatorstwo europejskie
Konserwatorstwo norweskie
Kulik, Zofia (1947- )
Kunstmuseum Solingen
Kutera, Anna (1952- )
Lach-Lachowicz, Natalia (1937-2022)
Lalki teatralne
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Literatura amerykańska
Literatura polska
Malarstwo francuskie
Malarstwo monumentalne
Malarstwo niderlandzkie
Malarstwo polskie
Malarstwo sakralne niderlandzkie
Malarze polscy
Marcolla, Jolanta (1950- )
Mazowieckie Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej "Elektrownia" (Radom)
Memling, Hans (ok. 1430-1494)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Katalogi zbiorów
Dokumenty audiowizualne
Dokumenty elektroniczne
66 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Clarricoates Rhiannon. Dowding Helen. Wright Adèle. Carnazza Paola. Using high molecular weight polysaccharides to clean vinyl paintings: a case study on a mixed-media contemporary artwork and experimental tests Caruso Francesco. Edvard Munch's monumental Aula paintings: a review of soilling and surface cleaning issues and the search for new soultions Cornwell Annie. The application of water-based cleaning systems in the treatment of George Stubbs' wax paintings Christensen Marie. Bulging in wax-resin impregnated canvas paintings Francone Serena. Using high molecular weight polysaccharides to clean vinyl paintings: a case study on a mixed-media contemporary artwork and experimental tests Frøysaker Tine (1957- ). Edvard Munch's monumental Aula paintings: a review of soilling and surface cleaning issues and the search for new soultions Gregers-Høegh Cecilia. Bulging in wax-resin impregnated canvas paintings Harrison Lynne. The conservation of two water-sensitive, 14th century Italian fresco fragments by Spinello Aretino, previously treated and displayed as easel paintings in the 19th century Hellen Rebecca (1972- ). 'It is a formal problem to represent water, to describe water, because it can be anything': watery subjects, media, materials and conservations solutions for paintings by David Hockney Henriksen Karen-Marie. Bulging in wax-resin impregnated canvas paintings Higgs Sally. Paintings affected by mould at the Palace of Westminster Hollis David. Methodology for monitoring the impact of moisture on lined canvas paintings in historic houses Howard Helen. The conservation of two water-sensitive, 14th century Italian fresco fragments by Spinello Aretino, previously treated and displayed as easel paintings in the 19th century Krarup Andersen Cecil. Bulging in wax-resin impregnated canvas paintings Meredith Clare. Twenty-five years after the Perth Museum and Art Gallery flood: reflection Miller Eric. The conservation of two water-sensitive, 14th century Italian fresco fragments by Spinello Aretino, previously treated and displayed as easel paintings in the 19th century Mortensen Martin N. Bulging in wax-resin impregnated canvas paintings Ormsby Bronwyn. Edvard Munch's monumental Aula paintings: a review of soilling and surface cleaning issues and the search for new soultions Ormsby Bronwyn. 'It is a formal problem to represent water, to describe water, because it can be anything': watery subjects, media, materials and conservations solutions for paintings by David Hockney Richardson Emma. Methodology for monitoring the impact of moisture on lined canvas paintings in historic houses Santacesaria Andrea. The conservation legacy of the flood of 1966: the experience of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence through the restoration of the "The last supper" by Giorgio Vasari Seed Alison. Paintings affected by mould at the Palace of Westminster Scott Rachel. 'It is a formal problem to represent water, to describe water, because it can be anything': watery subjects, media, materials and conservations solutions for paintings by David Hockney Slottved Kimbriel Christine (1982- ). Bulging in wax-resin impregnated canvas paintings Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Edvard Munch's monumental Aula paintings: a review of soilling and surface cleaning issues and the search for new soultions Stoveland Lena Porsmo. Edvard Munch's monumental Aula paintings: a review of soilling and surface cleaning issues and the search for new soultions Sučević Miklin Maja. The challenges of reconstructing water-damaged paint layers on painted wooden panelling Thickett David. Methodology for monitoring the impact of moisture on lined canvas paintings in historic houses Vilde Vladimir. Methodology for monitoring the impact of moisture on lined canvas paintings in historic houses Wischniowski Tatjana. Oil-based paint under a layer of water: a rare miniature painting technique from the 18th century
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konferencji: National Museums of Scotland, 12 października 2018 r.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 33820 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Muzeum. Formy i Środki Prezentacji, ISSN 2353-1924 ; 3)
Baziak Jolanta (1956- ). Kopciewicz Inga. Woźniak Michał (1952- ). Bończuk-Dawidziuk Urszula. Dziedzictwo rozproszone. Formy i środki prezentacji dawnych kolekcji uniwersyteckich na przykładzie Muzeum Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Kolekcje militariów na zamku w Malborku od Josepha Theodora Blella do Lecha Kobylińskiego, 1882-2012. Cześnik Lesław. Materia - Twórca - Muzeum Głowacz Aleksandra (1978- ). Smak rzeczy pięknych - edukacja estetyczna w muzeum Holc Jerzy. Namioty tureckie na Wawelu - dylematy konserwacji i wyzwania ekspozycyjne Jankowska Małgorzata (1971- ). Lis w muzeum. Widzieć i odczuwać czyli co jeszcze może się wydarzyć w muzealnej przestrzeni Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). Israel Museum Jerusalem - metodologia i metodyka tworzenia kolekcji dzieł sztuki Kopciewicz Piotr. Instalacje artystyczne w kolekcji muzealnej. Problemy konserwacji na wybranych przykładach Krasznai Réka. Museum experience outside museum walls - new challenges and opportunities in museum education - through the example of the exhibition "Hyperlinks" Kucharzewska Joanna (1973- ). Budynek muzealny jako element współczesnej przestrzeni miejskiej Lebensztejn Anna (sztuka). Zagadnienie dematerializacji w koncepcji rozbudowy Kolekcji Bunkra Sztuki Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Muzeum - niekończąca się źródło inspiracji. Kierunki i zadania współczesnej edukacji muzealnej na przykładzie działalności Działu Edukacji Muzeum Okręgowego w Toruniu Olesiejuk Kinga (1983- ). Konserwacja zapobiegliwa w kolekcji sztuki zdematerializowanej Orosz Márton. The self-reflecting museum in a discursive space. How exhibition can change the ontology of a collection? Pater Renata. Twórczość i edukacja w muzeum (nie tylko) sztuki Radecki Gerard. Muzeum (ruchomych) obrazów. Filmy na ekspozycjach muzealnych w Polsce Rut Michał. Fasada muzeum - architecture parlante XXI wieku? Sarkowicz Karolina. Dwa, ozdobne komplety łoża z Zamku w Pieskowej Skale - historia, konserwacja, ekspozycja Sepsey Zsófia. Museum experience outside museum walls - new challenges and opportunities in museum education - through the example of the exhibition "Hyperlinks" Siejkowska-Askutja Ewa (1958- ). Drogi i bezdroża edukacji w muzeum sztuki Woźniak-Wieczorek Agnieszka. Jakie są konsekwencje rozproszenia kolekcji dzieł sztuki? - na przykładzie kolekcji gołuchowskiej Żak Justyna. Muzea wirtualne na drodze konfliktu i dialogu z rzeczywistością
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23019 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Kopania Kamil (1979- ). ʻAẓīmʹpūr Pūpak (1971 lub 1972- ). Handmade dolls of the Iranian Nation, the representatives of culture and civilization Banzhaf Pia. Ontology of the puppet Bezuidenhout Pieter. Handspring Puppet Company: an international South Afrikapuppet phenomen Branco Guerreiro Marta. Marionetas de Säo Lourenço: the puppet as an artistic object, from the stage to the museum Brockington Grace. Puppetry and ambivalence in the art of Paul Nash Đerđ Zdenka. Theatre of freaks by Zlatko Bourek Fooken Insa (1947- ). "Help me to see beyond": dolls and doll narratives in the context of coming of age Fouché Mienke. Design and construction of fantasy marionettes through the Study of Animal Anatomy and Movement Gyaltso Lenka. Losel dolls Hofer Roberta. "It's a set! It's a show! Everybody's wathing you!" Kopania Izabela (1979- ). Dolls as document Kopania Kamil (1979- ). Introduction Mikota Jana. "Help me to see beyond": dolls and doll narratives in the context of coming of age Mirzahosseini Fahimeh. Study of reception process of children aged six to eight years in theatre, based on reception phenomenological approach Özgüner Emin Artun. Desire/scren/look relationship in the making of a doll: the case study of a personal experience Pacey Bett. Multi-media performance: two puppetry productions by the Handspring Puppet Company based on Italo Svevo's La Conscienza di Zeno Piecyk Magdalena Anna. History of japanese Ningyo from the Edo Period: the art of the japanese dolls, their role and meaning in society Ryndová Jana. Minamoto no Yoshitsne, japanese puppetry (Bunraku) and graphic art in the collection of the National Gallery in Prague Smith Matt. Hand to hand: the dynamic situation of applied puppetry Rhiger Tenna. How puppetry can assist pastors in obtaining a greater understanding ot their liturgical practice Vigato Teodora. Croatian folk puppeteering
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32447 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Burmester Andreas. Heilmann Christoph (1936- ). Levental-Harms Olivia. Price Michael. Zimmermann Michael F. (1958- ). Baumer Ursula. Die Bindemittel der Schule von Barbizon Boitelle René (1962- ). A new look at old definitions: examining notions of finish in Barbizon School Landscapes Brown Marilyn R. Barbizon and myths of bohemianism Burmester Andreas. Comment ils inventaient ces verts chatoyants? - Blau, Gelb, Grün und die Landschaftsmalerei von Barbizon Delouche Denise (1933- ). Entre pittoresque et réalisme: le paysan des provinces français vu par les peintres, 1800-1863 Denk Claudia. Comment ils inventaient ces verts chatoyants? - Blau, Gelb, Grün und die Landschaftsmalerei von Barbizon Drost Wolfgang (1930- ). The double-bottomed idyll: contemporary literary views on Barbizon landscape-painting. Thoré-Bürger - The Goncourts - Flaubert Einecke Claudia. Beyond seeing: the somatic experience of landscape in the "School of 1830" Elst Caroline van der. A new look at old definitions: examining notions of finish in Barbizon School Landscapes Faunce Sarah. Courbet's concept of realism: the battle for the Earth Heilmann Christoph (1936- ). Barbizon und München Heimberg Bruno. Technologische Beobachtungen zur Landschaft bei Auvers Herding Klaus (1939-2018). Beyond reality: truth in Courbet and Millet. A discourse about anti-realism Kelly Simon (1969- ). The landscapes of Théodore Rousseau and their market Klein Elyse. An investigation into the painting technique of the two versions of Corot's St. Sebastian succoured by holy women Koller Johann. Die Bindemittel der Schule von Barbizon Laudenbacher Konrad. Beobachtungen zur Maltechnik an ausgewählten Bildern der Schule von Barbizon Laughton Bruce (1928- ). Marks and meaning: some responses to the forest by Rousseau and Millet McWilliam Neil. Mythologising Millet Michel Régis. L'idiot de la peiture. Essai sur l'homme de Barbizon Roy Ashok. Barbizon painters: tradition and innovation in artists' materials Shiff Richard (1943- ). Natural, personal, pictorial: Corot and the painter's mark Thomas Greg M. (1962- ). The practice of "naturalisme": the working methods of Théodore Rousseau Woudhuysen-Keller Renate (1944-2012). Observations concerning Corot's late painting technique Zimmermann Michael F. (1958- ). Painting of nature - nature of painting. An essay on landscape and the historical position of "Barbizon"
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: München, 7-9 marca 1996 r.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Dział Nowoczesnego Polskiego Malarstwa i Rzeźby (Sukiennice) sygn. III 26345 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Borkowska Grażyna (1956- ). Kotowski Robert (1970- ). Kurska Anna. Bielat Andrzej (1965- ). Sienkiewicz - an attempt to look theologically Bielat Andrzej (1965- ). Sienkiewicz - próba spojrzenia teologicznego Borkowska Grażyna (1956- ). Around historicity and fabulousness of Trilogy Borkowska Grażyna (1956- ). Wokół historyczności i baśniowości Trylogii Bracka Marìâ Valentinìvna (1978- ). Masculinity and ethnicity in "With Fire and Sword" by Henryk Sienkiewicz Bracka Marìâ Valentinìvna (1978- ). Męskość a etniczność w "Ogniem i mieczem" Henryka Sienkiewicza Budrewicz Tadeusz (1951- ). Białowieża Forest in the eyes of Sienkiewicz: memory, beautu, benefit? Budrewicz Tadeusz (1951- ). Puszcza Białowieska w oczach Sienkiewicza: pamięć, piękno, pożytek? Bujnicki Tadeusz (1933- ). Is Sienkiewicz still alive? Bujnicki Tadeusz (1933- ). Sienkiewicz wiecznie żywy? Ciechowicz Jan (1949-2017). Sienkiewicz as a playwright Ciechowicz Jan (1949-2017). Sienkiewicz jako dramaturg Gielata Ireneusz. "Between sand and sky" - Senkiewicz and the experience of "terrible deadness" Gielata Ireneusz. "Między piaskiem i niebem" - Sienkiewicz wobec "strasznej martwoty" Hen Maciej (1955- ). Renaissance of the historical novel today; reasons and specificity of "reading and writing" history Hen Maciej (1955- ). Renesans powieści historycznej dzisiaj; przyczyny i specyfika nowego "czytania i pisania" historii Izdebska Agnieszka. Historical fiction in several scenes Izdebska Agnieszka. Powieść historyczna w kilku odsłonach Kącka Eliza. Staś Tarkowski among the Taliban Kącka Eliza. Staś Tarkowski wśród talibów Kotowski Robert (1970- ). Mądra i swawolna - sylwetka Marii Szetkiewiczówny w świetle "Dziennika" z lat 1869-1873 Kotowski Robert (1970- ). Vise and plauful - an image of Maria Szetkiewicz in the light of the "Diary" of the years 1869-1873 Kubkowski Piotr (1985- ). Sienkiewicz and Prus as cyklists Kubkowski Piotr (1985- ). Sienkiewicz i Prus jako cykliści Kuniczuk-Trzcinowicz Agnieszka. "Wiry" - początek Kuniczuk-Trzcinowicz Agnieszka. "Wiry" - the beginning Łapiński Wojciech (filologia). Between heroism and ridicule Łapiński Wojciech (filologia). Między heroicznością a śmiesznością Mazur Aneta (1960- ). "Case of Bourget" - what exactly "Without Dogma" by Sienkiewicz has in common with "Le Disciple" by Bourget? Mazur Aneta (1960- ). "Sprawa Bourgeta" - czyli co właściwie łączy Sienkiewiczowskie "Bez dogmatu" z Bourgetowskim "Le Disciple"? Sobczak Kornelia. Hajduczki i podlotki Sobczak Kornelia. Scapegraces and Bobby-soxers Szleszyński Bartłomiej (1978- ). Opowieści o honorze, ojczyźnie i wojnie na kresach imperium Szleszyński Bartłomiej (1978- ). Sienkiewicz, stylizacja i współczesność Szleszyński Bartłomiej (1978- ). Sienkiewicz, stylization and modernity Szleszyński Bartłomiej (1978- ). Stories about honor, homeland, and war in frontiers of the empire
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencji naukowej "Sienkiewicz - tekst, lektura i społeczna praxis", Kielce, 15-17 września 2016 r.
Bibliogr. przy ref. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 33123 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Ioannides Marinos. Magnenat-Thalmann Nadia (1946- ). Papagiannakis George. López-Menchero Bendicho Víctor Manuel. Digital heritage and virtual archaeology: An approach through the framework of international recommendations Flores Gutiérrez Mariano. Digital heritage and virtual archaeology: An approach through the framework of international recommendations Vincent Matthew L. Digital heritage and virtual archaeology: An approach through the framework of international recommendations Grande León Alfredo. Digital heritage and virtual archaeology: An approach through the framework of international recommendations Georgopoulos Andreas. Data acquisition for the geometric documentation of cultural heritage Verbiest Frank. Autonomous mapping of the Priscilla catacombs Proesmans Marc. Autonomous mapping of the Priscilla catacombs Van Gool Luc‏. Autonomous mapping of the Priscilla catacombs Santos Pedro. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Ritz Martin. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Fuhrmann Constanze. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Monroy Rafael. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Schmedt Hendrik. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Tausch Reimar. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Domajnko Matevz. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Knuth Martin (1975- ). Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Fellner Dieter W. Acceleration of 3D mass digitization processes: Recent advances and challenges Alivizatou-Barakou Marilena. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Kitsikidis Alexandros. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Tsalakanidou Filareti. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Dimitropoulos Kosmas. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Giannis Chantas. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Nikolopoulos Spiros. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Al Kork Samer. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Denby Bruce (1963- ). Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Buchman Lise. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Adda-Decker Martine (1960- ). Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Pillot-Loiseau Claire (1970- ). Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Tillmane Joëlle. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Dupont S. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Picart Benjamin. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Pozzi Francesca. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Ott Michela. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Erdal Yilmaz. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Charisis Vasileios. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Hadjidimitriou Stelios. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Hadjileontiadis Leontios J. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Cotescu Marius. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Volioti Christina. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Manitsaris Athanasios. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Manitsaris Sotiris. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Grammalidis Nikos. Intangible cultural heritage and new technologies: Challenges and opportunities for cultural preservation and development Ioannides Marinos. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past Davies Rob. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past Chatzigrigoriou Pavlos. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past Papageorgiou Eirini. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentationof the past Leventēs Geōrgios. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past Nikolakopoulou Vasiliki. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past Athanasiou Vasilis. 3D digital libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past Simou Nikolaos. Enriching and publishing cultural heritage as linked open data Chortaras Alexandros. Enriching and publishing cultural heritage as linked open data Stamou Giorgos. Enriching and publishing cultural heritage as linked open data Kollias Stefanos. Enriching and publishing cultural heritage as linked open data Maietti Federica. Digital memory and integrated data capturing: Innovations for an inclusive cultural heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling Di Giulio Roberto. Digital memory and integrated data capturing: Innovations for an inclusive cultural heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling Balzani Marcello (1962- ). Digital memory and integrated data capturing: Innovations for an inclusive cultural heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling Piaia Emanuele. Digital memory and integrated data capturing: Innovations for an inclusive cultural heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling Medici Marco. Digital memory and integrated data capturing: Innovations for an inclusive cultural heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling Ferrari Federico (1969- ). Digital memory and integrated data capturing: Innovations for an inclusive cultural heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Georgopoulos Andreas. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Korres Manolis. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Bakolas Asterios. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Labropoulos Kyriakos. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Agrafiotis Panagiotis. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Delegou Ekaterini T. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Moundoulas Petros. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Apostolopoúlou‏ María‏. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Lambrou Evangelia. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Pantazis George (1965- ). Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Kotoula Lydia. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Papadaki Alexandra. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Alexakis Emmanouil. Five-dimensional (5D) modelling of the holy aedicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach Barazzetti Luigi (1981- ). Historic BIM for mobile VR/AR applications Banfi Fabrizio. Historic BIM for mobile VR/AR applications Žarnić Roko. Data collection for estimation of resilience of cultural heritage assets Rajčić Vlatka. Data collection for estimation of resilience of cultural heritage assets Vodopivec Barbara. Data collection for estimation of resilience of cultural heritage assets Münster Sander (1980- ). Virtual reconstruction of historical architecture as media for knowledge representation Kröber Cindy. Virtual reconstruction of historical architecture as media for knowledge representation Weller Heide. Virtual reconstruction of historical architecture as media for knowledge representation Prechtel Nikolas. Virtual reconstruction of historical architecture as media for knowledge representation Papaefthymiou Margarita. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies Kateros Steve. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies Georgiou Stylianos. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies Lydatakis Nikos. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies Zikas Paul. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies Bachlitzanakis Vasileios. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies Papagiannakis George. Gamified AR/VR character rendering and animation-enabling technologies Chalmers Alan. Experiencing the multisensory past Liarokapis Fotis. Multimodal serious games technologies for cultural heritage Petridis Panagiotis. Multimodal serious games technologies for cultural heritage Andrews Daniel. Multimodal serious games technologies for cultural heritage Freitas Sara de. Multimodal serious games technologies for cultural heritage Sénécal Simon. Modelling life through time: Cultural heritage case studies Cadi Nedjma. Modelling life through time: Cultural heritage case studies Arévalo Marlène. Modelling life through time: Cultural heritage case studies Magnenat-Thalmann Nadia (1946- ). Modelling life through time: Cultural heritage case studies Tisserand Yvain. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Magnenat-Thalmann Nadia (1946- ). Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Unzueta Luis. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Linaza Maria Teresa. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Ahmadi Amin. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports O'Connor Noel E. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Zioulis Nikolaos. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Zarpalas Dimitrios. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Daras Petros. Preservation and gamification of traditional sports Pateraki Maria N. (1977- ). Deployment of robotic guides in museum contexts Trahanias Panos. Deployment of robotic guides in museum contexts Partarakis Nikolaos. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Grammeons Dimitris. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Margetis George. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Zidianakis Emmanouil. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Drossis Giannis. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Leonidis Asterios. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Metaxakis George. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Antona Margherita. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Stephanidis Constantine. Digital cultural heritage experience in ambient intelligence Liuzzo Pietro. Storytelling and digital epigraphy-based narratives in linked open data Mambrini Francesco. Storytelling and digital epigraphy-based narratives in linked open data Franck Philipp. Storytelling and digital epigraphy-based narratives in linked open data Gebhardt Andreas. M-Based evaluation, reconstruction, and improvement of cultural heritage artifacts Hazan Susan. The willing suspension of disbelief: The tangible and the intangible of heritage education in E-learning and virtual museums Lobovikov-Katz Anna. The willing suspension of disbelief: The tangible and the intangible of heritage education in E-learning and virtual museums Doulamis Nikolaos. Modelling of static and moving objects: Digitizing tangible and intangible cultural heritage Doulamis Anastasios. Modelling of static and moving objects: Digitizing tangible and intangible cultural heritage Ioannidis Charalabos. Modelling of static and moving objects: Digitizing tangible and intangible cultural heritage Klein Michael. Modelling of static and moving objects: Digitizing tangible and intangible cultural heritage Ioannides Marinos. Modelling of static and moving objects: Digitizing tangible and intangible cultural heritage
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 32269 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Izdebski Adam (1984- ). Jasiński Damian. Chmiel Piotr (1941- ). You are Christians without a light from Heaven. A pluriconfessional encounter: an image of Georgians according to the seventeenth-century Theatine missionaries' writing Chrulska Elżbieta. Between distance and identification: reception of the ancient tradition in the Protestant religious poetry, the case of Wrocław, Gdańsk and Toruń in the context of Northern Humanism Glińska Klementyna Aura. Transcribing 'Elegiac Comedies': transformation of Greek and Latin theatrical traditions in twelfth- and thirteenth- century poetry Grinčenko Ol'ga. Slavonic Kontakaria and their Byzantine counterparts: adapting a liturgical tradition Grondkowska Barbara. The authority of the church fathers in sixteenth-century Polish sermons: Jakub Wujek, Grzegorz of Żarnowiec and their postils Horeczy Anna. An Italian intermediary in the transmission of the ancient classical treditions to renaissance Poland: Leonardo Bruni and the humanism in Cracow Izdebska Anna (orientalistka). The attitudes of medieval Arabic intellectuals toward Pythagorean philosophy: different approches and ways of influence Izdebski Adam (1984- ). Cultural contacts between the superpowers of late antiquity: the Ssyriac school of Nisibis and the transmissions of Greek educational experience to the Persian empire Jakubowycz Mychajło. Jan Latosz (1539-1608) and his natural philosophy: reception of Arabic science in early modern Poland Jasiński Damian. Stories from Afar and a local star: the Eastern imagery in the Dialogues by Sulpicius Severus and his view on the church in Gaul Mroziewicz Karolina Anna. 'When the Turk roamed around Belgrade': the Ottomans' advent to the Hungaria borderlands in the pre-Mohács Flugschriften Sahner Christian. Old martyrs, new martyrs and coming of islam: writing hagiography after the conquests Stammler Lilly. Old traditions and new models: travelling monks in the late Byzantine hagiography from the Balkans
Indeks R0: BMNK
T. monogr.: "Byzantina et Slavica Cracoviensia". 8 (2014).
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. II 981/8 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Kaleciński Marcin (1969- ). Łuba Piotr. Borchert Till-Holger (1967- ). A masterly devotional image: Memling paints The Man of Sorrows Borchert Till-Holger (1967- ). Mistrzowskie przedstawienie dewocyjne: Memling maluje Chrystusa Boleściwego Falque Ingrid (1984- ). Hans Memling a sztuka medytacyjna. O kilku portretach dewocyjnych Mistrza z Brugii Falque Ingrid (1984- ). Hans Memling and meditative art. On some devotional portraits of the Bruges master Jackson Zofia. Św. Anna Samotrzeć - tapiseria ze zbiorów Czartoryskich w Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie. Ikonografia i kult Jackson Zofia. The Virgin and Child with St Anne tapestry from the Czartoryski Collection at the National Museum in Cracow. Iconography and worship Kaleciński Marcin (1969- ). Figurka Dzieciątka Jezus z kościoła Mariackiego w Gdańsku Kaleciński Marcin (1969- ). The figure of the Infant Jesus from St Mary's Church in Gdańsk Płonka-Bałus Katarzyna. Ciemność jako doświadczenie mistyczne. O miniaturze pasyjnej w Godzinkach Voustre demeure Płonka-Bałus Katarzyna. Darkness as a mystical experience. On the Passion miniature in the Voustre Demeure Book of Hours Sikorska Joanna (1981?- ). Obraz grafiki. Forma i funkcja rycin z perspektywy malarzy niderlandzkich XV i początku XVI wieku Sikorska Joanna (1981?- ). The image of the print. The form and function of graphic art in eyes of Netherlandish painters from the 15th and early 16th century Stanek Aleksandra (historia sztuki). Flamandzka i hiszpańsko-flamandzka sztuka dewocji osobistej w kolekcji królowej Izabeli Katolickiej Stanek Aleksandra (historia sztuki). Flemish and Hispano-Flemish personal devotion art in the collection of queen Isabella the Catholic Ziemba Antoni (1960- ). Pielgrzymka do Ziemi Świętej a malowane panoramy pasyjne XV wieku Ziemba Antoni (1960- ). Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and the painted passion panoramas of the 15th century
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konferencji: Muzeum Narodowe w Gdański, grudzień 2017 r.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24924 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Abowd Naina. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Acevedo Salvador. Designing experiences for audience diversity: a guide for audience-centered program design Beatti Ashlee. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Cheng Michelle. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Cooke-Nieves Natasha. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Cooper Nathalie. Education and discipline: deviant objects and dissenting bodies at the Horniman Museum DiCindio Carissa (1977- ). Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Eddleman Stephanie. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Fisher Joanna. Meeting the needs of all museum visitors through family-friendly design Foutz Susan (1979- ). Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Graves Jean A. Amateur, audience, agent: participatory culture and docent roles Gupta Preeti. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Hamaker Cathy. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Handel Elyse. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Hatcher Sarah Junk. Why not a temple AND a forum? Hayde Donnelley. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hayes Leslie. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study Heimlich Joe E. (1957- ). Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hoefling Christina. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Horrocks Allison. Tilden, now and then Howes Elaine V. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Kimpeler Simone. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Kisiel James. Scaling the ivory tower - creating and managing collaboration with the university Knecht Mary Jane. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Latham Kiersten Fourshé‏. Experiencing objects in the museum Mask Ashley. Finding one's way as a novice art museum educator Meier Carey. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Michal Susan. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Mitchell Amber N. Reclaiming our peace: preparing for a career as BIPOC museum educators Nagawiecki Mia. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study O'Quinn Sandra. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Pederson Melissa. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Pederson Melissa. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Prottas Nathaniel. Teaching in the art museum: a classic reframed Rasmussen Briley. Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Rossmanith Eva. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Schero Jennifer. At the crossroads of tradition and transformation: docents in the art museum Shaw Jessica. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Theiler Lena. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Thoma Emmons Claire. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Valle Lucena Lau. Claiming space, cultivating community: Latinx and Asian American ethnically specific museums in a global city Vue Kalia. Culturally sustaining pedagogy in museum education Wallace Jamie. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Weiss Laura. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Wolins Inez S. Relevance, inclusion, and interaction in museums from Peale's perspective: not yet enough Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Essential methods and approaches Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Experiencing objects in the museum Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Introduction Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Museum educators and their purpose past, present, and future Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). The museum educator mindset in the community and in the field
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. po art. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36464 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Aagesen Dorthe (1966- ). The aesthetics of neutrality. The impact of the First World War on Danish art and culture Cipuria Bela (1967- ). Georgian modernism, national expectations, and the First World War Dudko Oksana. Riflemen art. Visualizing the Ukrainian war Forgács Éva (1947- ). War as psychological , social and intellectual experience. The concept of "national art" and the First World War in Hungary. Lajos Fülep and the dynamisc of "national" and "international" Genova Irina Ivanova (1959- ). Modernism and the national idea - reflections of the First World War Gerharde-Upeniece Ginta (1963- ). Art and the new Latvian state (1918-1920). Modernism - between cosmopolitan inspirations and a substantive national factor Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). International expressionism as the style of the Great War? Remakrs on its adaptation and evaluation Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). Jewish artistic networks around the Great War. The voice of "others" and the utopia of "Yiddishland" Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). The Great War and the new art in Poland. Between patriotic ethos, nationalization of modernism, and international attemps in aesthetic Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). "The war to end all wars"... (A)Nationalism and cosmopolitanism in the avant-garde and modernist studies in visual culture and literature Gunnarsson Annika (1968- ). Cosmonational. Neither national nor cosmopolitan - but a tinge of avant-garde modernism Gur'ânova Nina Aľbertovna (1963- ). The Russian avant-garde and the Great War. Visions and utopias Hjartarson Benedikt (1972- ). Abstract constructivism and the case of Finnur Jónsson. Universa language - national idiom? Hnídková Vendula (1978- ). Respect and thriumph. Intentions and meanings of Czech architecture before and after the First World War Hume Naomi (1971- ). Cut & paste in exile and war. Otto Gutfreund's Parisian collages Jelsbak Torben (1973- ). The aesthetics of neutrality. The impact of the First World War on Danish art and culture Kessler Erwin. War as inverter in Romanian art between 1912 and 1924 Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Transnational or national cubism? Vincenc Kramář on cubism Mansbach Steven A. (1950- ). Closing remarks and general reflections Prelog Petar (1972- ). In pursuit of national identity. Croatian modern art before and after the Great War Quintana Pareja Emilio (1964- ). Don Quixote in the trenches. The birth of avant-garde poetry in Spanish language between civilization and barbarism Veivo Harri (1969- ). Cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and the reconfigurations of the map of Europe in the discourse of modernity in Finland in the 1920s Wenderski Michał. Uncanonical impulses to the canon. Polish and Belgian contributions to international constructivism
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: Praga, 25-27 listopada 2014 r.
Bibliogr. s. 573-615. Indeksy.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26274 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich ; F. 49)
Karl Raimund (1969- ). Leskovar Jutta (1972- ). Augstein Melanie. Schon Eisenzeit oder noch Bronzezeit? Ammerkungen zu chronologischen und kulturellen Aspekten einer "Übergangssituation" Brandner Daniel. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Coelsch Johannes. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Collis John (1944- ). "How the Celts saved Britain": re-writting the end of Roman Britain Ebner-Baur Desiree. Beinahe vergessen!? Grab BDA430 - Ein hallstattzeitliches Grab mit bleifolienverziertem Kegelhalsgefäß Frög Elbert Wencke. Manching-Altenfeld - Überlegungen zu Bauformen, Konstruktionsprinzipien und Materialien George Nebu. The life in Phosphorus. A soil phosphorus study of the gatehouse at Meillionydd Hansen Leif (1974- ). Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Hatz Christine. Kenntnisse der antiken mathematischen Geographie im Kontext einer spätkeltischen Elite? Hees Martin (1965- ). Späte Kelten oder frühen Germanen? Das Ende der Latènezeite am Mittleren Neckar Heron Toby. Do you want payment in Iron or Salt? The economic basis of social development in the European Iron Age Hladíková Katarína (1981- ). Porridge for the dead, and cereals for gods? Remains of plant food in graves of the Eastern Alpine Hallstatt region Jung Matthias. Social- und Herrschaftsorganisationen Befestigungsanlagen errichtender Gesellschaften Karl Raimund (1969- ). Honey, fetch me a cool beer from the fridge! Comfortable living in Iron Age Wales Kluge Sindy. Pontifici sacrorum Raeticorum: Überlegungen zu einer neuen rätischen Gottheit Kmet'ová Petra. Porridge for the dead, and cereals for gods? Remains of plant food in graves of the Eastern Alpine Hallstatt region Kohle Maria. Mehr als die Summer ihrer Teile. Studien zu eisenzeitlichen Urnengräbern Kreß Tanja. Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Lobisser Wolfgang. Das neue Modell eines großen hallstattzeitlichen Hallenhauses in Mitterkirchen im Machland - Betrachtungen zu Ressourcen, Werkzeugen, Arbeitstechniken, Holzverbindungen und zum Arbeitsaufwand Löhlein Wolfgang. Wege - Weide - Opferplätze: Überlegungen zur eisenzeitlichen Viehwirtschaft und deren Bedeutung für die Entstehung zentraler Orte und Versammlungsplätze im Bereich des Oppidums Heidengraben Meyer Marcus G. M. (1975- ). Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Poppenwimmer Fiona. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Prenner Josef. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Rieckhoff Sabine (1944- ). Ein keltischer Exodus? Archäologisch-botanische Überlegungen zum Übergang Eisenzeit - Römische Kaiserzeit in Südwestdeutschland Reschreiter Hans (1968- ). Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Riediker-Liechti Eva. Spinnrocken und Spindeln mit Metallverzierung aus Bestattungen der Villanovazeit Rösch Manfred. Ein keltischer Exodus? Archäologisch-botanische Überlegungen zum Übergang Eisenzeit - Römische Kaiserzeit in Südwestdeutschland Rösel-Mautendorfer Helga. Zwischen Design und Wissensacht: (Re)Konstruktionen prähistorischer Kleidung Salač Vladimír (1957- ). Eisenzeitliche und frühmittelalterliche Burgwälle in Böhmen im Vergleich Scheucher Andreas. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Slamar Ilja. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Stegmaier Gerd. Wege - Weide - Opferplätze: Überlegungen zur eisenzeitlichen Viehwirtschaft und deren Bedeutung für die Entstehung zentraler Orte und Versammlungsplätze im Bereich des Oppidums Heidengraben Tarpini Roberto. Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Tauber Hannes. "Von dem, was wir wissen, auf das Unbekannte schließen". Herodot und die Kelten Wallner Jasmin. Eine Leiche im Keller? Neue Ergebnisse zur eisenzeitlichen Siedlungsstelle mit Sonderbestattung in Fließ (Nordtirol) Wallner Mario. Virtuelle Archäologie fürs Keltendorf? Anwendungsbeispiele im Freilichtmuseum Mitterkirchen Westhausen Imke. Nicht mehr völlig vergessen - Zu ältereisenzeitlichen Metalldeponierungen zwischen Bretagne und Karpaten
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy ref.
Materiały konf. Linz, 15-17 listopada 2018 r.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25127 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Prace Monograficzne / Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, ISSN 0239-6025 ; 880)
Czuchra Maciej. Kusek Robert. Murzyn Łukasz (1982- ). Solewski Rafał (1969- ). Stankiewicz Sebastian (1970- ). Stano Bernadeta (1971- ). Bartkevičius Ričardas (1959- ). Interconnection of heritage and artistic activitites: experience in non-formal education Bartkevičius Ričardas (1959- ). Introduction to the artistic action Bartkevičius Ričardas (1959- ). Wspólnota dziedzictwa. Wprowadzenie do akcji artystycznej Bartkevičius Ričardas (1959- ). Wzajemne związki między dziedzictwem a działalnością artystyczną: doświadczenie edukacji nieformalnej Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). 1500 drzewek w Yad Vashem. Relacje polsko-żydowskie w kontekście współczesnej wojny o pamięć Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). 1500 trees of Yad Vashem. Polish-Jews relationships in the context of the war for memory Gregor Richard (1974- ). Podświadome odniesienia do faszystowskiej "Republiki Słowackiej (1939-1945)" w sztuce słowackiej lat 50. i 60. XX wieku Gregor Richard (1974- ). Subconsious references to WWII fascist "Slovak State (1939-1945)" in Slovak visual art of 1950s and 1960s Gyenes Zsolt (1962- ). Interpenetrations - computer between past and present in Hungarian art Gyenes Zsolt (1962- ). Przenikania - węgierska sztuka komputerowa pomiędzy przeszłością a teraźniejszością Jargusz Piotr (1960- ). Introduction to the artistic action Jargusz Piotr (1960- ). Wspólnota dziedzictwa. Wprowadzenie do akcji artystycznej Jucevičiūtė-Bartkevičienė Vaiva. Interconnection of heritage and artistic activitites: experience in non-formal education Jucevičiūtė-Bartkevičienė Vaiva. Wzajemne związki między dziedzictwem a działalnością artystyczną: doświadczenie edukacji nieformalnej Karatajienė Dalia (1961- ). Memorabilia: przestrzeń i przedmiot Karatajienė Dalia (1961- ). Memorabilia: space and object Majewski Lech (1953- ). With hatchet in Arcadia Majewski Lech (1953- ). Z siekierą w Arkadii Mikučionytė Rita (1964- ). Memorabilia: przestrzeń i przedmiot Mikučionytė Rita (1964- ). Memorabilia: space and object Murzyn Łukasz (1982- ). Territory of reflection. Heritage and art in different perspective Murzyn Łukasz (1982- ). Terytorium refleksji. Dziedzictwo i sztuka nieco inaczej Rossal Ewa. Beyond the heritage of "folk culture". About experimental collaboration of artists and ethnographers in rural areas Rossal Ewa. Wyjście poza dziedzictwo "kultury ludowej". O nowej sztuce wiejskiej Simcoe Barbara. Czcząc ciemność. Spotkania z Czarną Madonną Simcoe Barbara. Honoring darkness: encounters with the Black Madonna Skowron Filip. Get over the heritage. Participant - exhibition - past Skowron Filip. Przeboleć dziedzictwo. Uczestnik - wystawa - przeszłość Solewski Rafał (1969- ). Dziedzictwo i dzieło sztuki. Jako odpowiedź i jako dar Solewski Rafał (1969- ). The heritage and an artwork. As a reponse and as a gift Stankiewicz Sebastian (1970- ). Avant-Garde conservatism of Zbigniew Warpechowski and the heritage reconstructing principle Stankiewicz Sebastian (1970- ). Konserwatyzm awangardowy Zbigniewa Warpechowskiego i zasada odtwarzania dziedzictwa Stano Bernadeta (1971- ). Aktywność badawcza i kuratorska instytucji kultury na polu ratowania dziedzictwa industrialnego Stano Bernadeta (1971- ). Research and curator activity in insititutions of culture in the area of saving industrial heritage Szczepaniak Jan (1959- ). Nieistniejące i zapomniane dziedzictwo Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodów. Rozważania na przykładzie utraconego dziedzictwa wcielonych do Rosji ziem ukrainnych Szczepaniak Jan (1959- ). Non-existent and forgotten heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Considerations of the example of the lost heritage of the Ukrainian lands incorporated into Russia Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). #dziedzictwo Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). #heritage Sztabiński Grzegorz (1946- ). Historia jako obietnica Sztabiński Grzegorz (1946- ). History as a promise Woynarowski Jakub (1982- ). Archeologia awangardy, czyli komparatyzm anachroniczny Woynarowski Jakub (1982- ). Archaeology of Avant-Garde, i.e. anachronistic comparativism
Indeks R0: BMNK
ISSN 0239-6025 odnosi się do pierwotnego tytułu serii: Prace Monograficzne Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie.
Materiały z konf., Kraków, 25-26 października 2017 r.
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Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32748 (1 egz.)
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Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: II 35225 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Benson Timothy O. (1950- ). Mapping culture in Central Europe: Dada and Devětsil Brzyski Anna (1969- ). Centres and peripheries: language barriers and the cultural geography of European modern art Dovydaitytė Linara (1975- ). Constructing the local 'isms:' paradoxes of Lithuanian expressionism Forgács Éva (1947- ). Whose narrative is it? Genova Irina Ivanova (1959- ). Balkan modernism / Balkan modernity: the difficulties of historicizing Gryglewicz Tomasz (1949-2022). Ideology or culture: on the art of a non-existing Central Europe at the time of the avant-garde and the Yalta conference Howard Jeremy. Ships in the night along the coasts of Bohemia? Modern design aesthetics and the turn of the liner Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Traditionalism as modernism: neo-traditionalism in Lithuanian art Kļaviņš Eduards (1937- ). The ambivalence of ethnography in the context of Latvian modernism Kolešnik Ljiljana. Dangerous liaisons: the relationship between art and the socialist state. The Croatian experience in the 1950s Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Global form and local spirit: Czech and Central European modern art Levinger Esther. Hungarian constructivism and totality Lodder Christina (1948- ). International constructivism and the legacy of unovis in the 1920s: El Lissitzky, Katarzyna Kobro and Władisław Strzemiński Mazzone Marian. Location, process, identity: actions and happenings in the 1960s Mudrak Miroslava Marìâ (1950- ). Polish modernism and Ukrainian artists: parallel strategies Murawska-Muthesius Katarzyna (1955- ). Unworlding slaka, or does Eastern (Central) European art exist? Pachmanová Martina (1970- ). Les femmes artistes d’aujourd’hui: Czech women artists in the context of international modernism Prelovšek Damjan (1945- ). The architect Jože Plečnik: the originator of critical regionalism Reberski Ivanka. The universal and the regional: modernism in Croatian painting in the 1920s and 1950s Sawicki Nicholas (1974- ). Modernist paradigms after the war: the case of Max Dvořák Schultz Deborah. Methodological issues: researching socialist realist Romania Šimičić Darko (1957- ). The case of Dada: searching through the archipelago of the avant-gardes in Central Europe Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Ships in the night along the coasts of Bohemia? Modern design aesthetics and the turn of the liner Versari Maria Elena. The Central European avant-garde of the 1920s: the battleground for futurist identity? Waenerberg Annika. National features in modern art: Edwin Lydén (1879-1956) and Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) Wierzbicka Anna (historia sztuki). Artists from Central and Eastern Europe in the École de Paris Milieu (1918-1939): the problem of assimilation and identity Witkovsky Matthew S. (1967- ). The cage of the center Wünsche Isabel (1965- ). Biocentric modernism: the other side of the avant-garde Zwickl András (1964- ). Between conservatism and modernism: classicisms and realisms of the 1920s in Central Europe
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26282 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Bodor Kata (1978- ). Kane Steve. Baselitz Georg (1938- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Georg Baselitz Bodor Kata (1978- ). Departures. Seceding from academic conventions, withdrawing from mainstream society Bodor Kata (1978- ). Francisco Goya. Modernised traditions Bodor Kata (1978- ). Pablo Picasso. The lord of lines Bodor Kata (1978- ). The last spledour of art academies Bodor Kata (1978- ). The myth of the here and now Bodor Kata (1978- ). William Hogarth and the art of moralising with humor Bodnár Szilvia (1955- ). Albrecht Dürer. Italian innovations North of the Alps Bodnár Szilvia (1955- ). In the magic circle of the arts and sciences. The Prague court of Rudolf II Bodnár Szilvia (1955- ). The beginnings. Drawings and prints between the fourteenth and early sixteenth centuries Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Antoni Tàpies. The human and the material Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Joseph Beuys and the great German post-war generation Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Dóra Maurer Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Georg Baselitz Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Rational thinking, abstract forms, constructive images Bódi Kinga (1981- ). The dynamism of the line Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Venice in teh 18th century. The flourishing export of art Földi Eszter. A genre born out of a technique. The revival of artistic printmaking Földi Eszter. Colour lithography at the turn of th century Földi Eszter. József Rippal-Rónai. Thinking in drawing Földi Eszter. The experience of nature Gonda Zsuzsa. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Master of lithography Hessky Orsolya (1965- ). An era of changes (1770-1830) Hessky Orsolya (1965- ). Miklós Barabás. From Italy to Pest Hessky Orsolya (1965- ). The allure of Rome Kárpáti Zoltán. At the service of the church. The birth of Italian baroque Kárpáti Zoltán. Artworks for everyday use. The ephemeral art of the Renaissance Kárpáti Zoltán. Depicting the human body. In the shadow of Michelangelo Kárpáti Zoltán. Dürer and Raimondi. Chronicle of fictive lawsuit Kárpáti Zoltán. Leonardo da Vinci in the City Hall of Florence. Art and politics Kárpáti Zoltán. Mythology reloaded. Profane love in Renaissance art Kárpáti Zoltán. Printing in light and dark. Chiaroscuro woodcuts Kárpáti Zoltán. Raphael. Art in collaboration Kárpáti Zoltán. Schema and correction. Creative copies in the Renaissance Kumin Mónika. Dóra Maurer. "The thematisation of structure" Kumin Mónika. Surrealist tendencies and techniques in Hungary Kumin Mónika. Symbols and realtions. Variations on geometric abstraction Madár Mária. Béla Kondor. Creating a system Maurer Dóra (1937- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Dóra Maurer Petrányi Zsolt (1966- ). Százados László. Conceptual tendencies Százados László. Dimensional changes Tóth Bernadett. Aspects of reality Tóth Bernadett. Idyllic dreams, gallant celebrations Tóth Bernadett. In the search of Arcadia Tóth Bernadett. Rembrandt and his pupils Tóth Bernadett. The academic ideal of beauty Tóth Bernadett. The birth of the autonomous landscape Tóth Bernadett. The great masters of the Flemish baroque Vargyas Júlia. Colour harmonies on paper in Hungarian art, 1920-1940 Zsákovics Ferenc. Under the sepll of Cezanne. The eight, the seven, and the activists
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 510-535. Słownik terminów s. 484-485.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25566 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Meta space : Distanz / [publisher: Alfred Weidinger, Fabian Mueller-Nittel and Markus Reindl]. - Berlin : DISTANZ Verlag ; Linz : OÖ Landes-Kultur, 2022. - 560 s. : il. (gł. kolor.) ; 26 cm.
Mueller-Nittel Fabian. Reindl Markus. Weidinger Alfred. Ahmed Sara Radi (1995- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Armenteros Puchades Carmen (1993- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Bartalesi Valentina. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost Biscossi Edoardo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation Bürger Maria. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Bürger Stefan. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Calise Anna. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost Campani Cosimo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation Canali Corinna. Can I be naked in the metaverse? Cocciolillo Laura. Second life: first steps into the virtual scape in visual arts Dawkins Chad. On space: from the white cube to the #FFFFFF screen Dicuonzo Fabiana (1990- ). Isn't metaverse just a secular version of paradise? The visual experience of possible realities Dimopoulos John. Arcade fire: videogame spatiality and hypermodern subjectivity Escudero Andaluz César. Metattention. Art and economy in the age of behavioral modification Faccin Giulia. Can I be naked in the metaverse? Fiore Marrese Vincenzo. Point-of-view performances Fuggetti Claudia (1993- ). Visions of space and images of the world in the visual arts García Castañeda Victor G. Through and after the Web Grabianski Juliusz. An architectural history of virtual space: ownership and power in the metaverse Hodges Benjamin K. Orangeries, heat sinks, and walled gardens: architectures of microclimates and the metaverse Jacobo Mónica. Augmented reality and videogames in art spaces during coronavirus pandemic. Some notes Kärtner Jurit. Unsettling space. With Kippenberger's metro-net into the metaverse Klietsch Katrin. On teh sociology of analog space Komitska Anna. Art and culture in the metaverse: oscillating between dystopia and non-human perspectives Lamoncha Fabricio. Post-bio-Internet Lemcool Ivana. Denoting the space beyond: the sings of the zodiac in decoration of medieval ecclesiastic monuments Lengua Diana. Moving towards digital lands: on processes of interaction in museum's virtual spaces Lengua Margo. Moving towards digital lands: on processes of interaction in museum's virtual spaces Livne Weitzman Ben. Towards an augmented space of appearance Maithani Charu. Reconceptualizing space: screen portals as "any-space-whatevers" Mueller-Nittel Fabian. From verse to space - an introduction Naveau Manuela (1972- ). Interface cultures - entry and exit. Imaginary worlds viewed through local glasses Nolasco-Rózsás Lívia. Dimensioning - towards a processual augmentation of space Profaska Justyna. Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Reiman Joshua. Unintentional vices 2.0. A few thoughts on sculpture, education, and mediated technology Reindl Markus. From verse to space - an introduction Resta Giuseppe (1957- ). Isn't metaverse just a secular version of paradise? The visual experience of possible realities Reuss Charlotte. Beyond binaries - the digital sphere Rutz Sara (1997- ). An architectural history of collective virtual spaces in games Schadow Friedrich. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Schroter Anika. The skin of the metaverse: a tactile journey Schuller Roswitha (1984- ). Arcadia and metatopies Scott Steven. Alternations and misalignments Stanusch Natalia. Taming the uncanny: how the surreal inhabits the ideology of the metaverse Talpade Apurva. The other drawings Thun Diana. Visual strategies of polarity and intertwining: notes on the work of the architectural avant-garde of the 1970s and 1980s and its significance today Tzitsas Yorgos. Passing through terra ludica: vision of Weidinger Alfred. Expanded reality Zeilinger Martin (1978- ). Towards a non-totalising metaverse
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: Francisco Carolinum Linz, 1.09.2022 - 8.01.2023.
Bibliogr. s. 536-553.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26507 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Pouli Paraskevi. Targowski Piotr. Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Andraud Christine. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Asmus John F. Final Endeavors of "Monument Man" Asmus John F. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history, cultural heritage, and nuclear decontamination Bartoli Laura. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Barucci Marco. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Basilissi Giulia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Beier Oliver. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Binet Laurent. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Bonelli Donatella. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Botteon Alessandra. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Bourgon Julie. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Bulska Ewa. Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Cagnini Andrea. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Caneve Luisa. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Cappuccini Caterina. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Carò Federico. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Cerea Silvia. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Cheung Nai-Ho. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Ciaffi Massimiliano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Cicchi Riccardo. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Ciofini Daniele. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Conradi Andrea. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Corda Ludovica. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Czyż Krzysztof. LIBS, optical and multivariate analyses of selected 17th-century oil paintings from the Museum of King Jan III's palace at Wilanow Daffara Claudia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Dajnowski Andrzej. Using the new G.C. Laser Cleaning System for cleaning and surface preparation for re-gilding of a large outdoor bronze monument of Alexander Hamilton Dajnowski Bartosz A. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal Dajnowski Bartosz A. Using the new G.C. Laser Cleaning System for cleaning and surface preparation for re-gilding of a large outdoor bronze monument of Alexander Hamilton Dal Fovo Alice. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Detalle Vincent (1969- ). Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Elford Jessica P. Final Endeavors of "Monument Man" Elford Jessica P. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history, cultural heritage, and nuclear decontamination Falcon Martinez Maria Fernanda. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Fantoni Roberta. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Fontana Raffaella. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Francucci Massimo. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Gaburro Nicola. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Galeotti Monica. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Giuffrida Chiara. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Giuntini Christine. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Godet Marie. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Groves Roger (1965- ). Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Grünler Bernd. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Guarneri Massimiliano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Hartmann Annette. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Isella Elisa. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Iwanicka Magdalena. The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Jovanović Maja. Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, 1064 nm and UV, IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation Jovanović Vanja. Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, 1064 nm and UV, IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation Kaczkowski Rebecca A. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal Kamińska Marta. Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Krüger Jörg. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Leona Marco. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Leroy Eric. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Leung Kelvin S. Y. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Londero Pablo S. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Londero Pablo S. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Lum Judy T.S. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Łukaszewicz Jadwiga W. (1952- ). The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Mancini Francesca. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Marchioro Giacomo. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Marinelli Marco. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Melessanaki Kristalia. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Mercatelli Raffaella. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Mkhoyan Tigran. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Monnier Judith. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Motto-Ros Vincent (1977- ). Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Musiela Jędrzej. The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Palucci Antonio. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Pampaloni Enrico. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Papadakis Vassilis. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Papanikolaou Athanasia. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Parfenov Vadim Aleksandrovič. Final Endeavors of "Monument Man" Parfenov Vadim Aleksandrovič. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history, cultural heritage, and nuclear decontamination Pasqualucci Alessandra. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Pawlak Agnieszka (konserwacja sztuki). LIBS, optical and multivariate analyses of selected 17th-century oil paintings from the Museum of King Jan III's palace at Wilanow Pentzien Simone. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Persia Franca. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Pezzati Luca. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Philippidis Aggelos. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Posthuma de Boer Martine. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Pouli Paraskevi. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Rafaelli Marco. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Rizzo Adriana. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Romani Martina. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Romeo Alessandro. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Roth Constanze. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Ruppen Veronica. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Saheb Mandana. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Sansonetti Antonio. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Sawicki Marek (1974- ). A moderate microsampling in Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry analysis of cultural heritage objects: a review Schmidt Birgit Angelika. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Scirpa Francesca. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Seymour Kate (1968- ). Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Siozos Panayiotis. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Skrzeczanowski Wojciech. LIBS, optical and multivariate analyses of selected 17th-century oil paintings from the Museum of King Jan III's palace at Wilanow Spizzichino Valeria. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Stoksik Henryk (1955- ). The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Striber Joakim (1965- ). Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, 1064 nm and UV, IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation Striova Jana. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Sylwestrzak Marcin. The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Syta Olga. A moderate microsampling in Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry analysis of cultural heritage objects: a review Tatì Angelo. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Terranova Gaetano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Trykowski Grzegorz (1975- ). White, yellow and green pigments on Polish artists' palettes in the period 1838-1938 Velzen Bianca van. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Vergès-Belmin Véronique. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Verona-Rinati Gianluca. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Vicenzi Edward P. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal Wachowiak Mirosław. White, yellow and green pigments on Polish artists' palettes in the period 1838-1938 Wagner Barbara (chemia). A moderate microsampling in Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry analysis of cultural heritage objects: a review Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Wilk Dariusz (chemia). Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Yandrisevits Marlene April. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Yue Cai Bruno. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Zanini Alessandro. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Żmuda-Trzebiatowska Iwona. White, yellow and green pigments on Polish artists' palettes in the period 1838-1938
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31920 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Propozycje i Materiały / Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich ; 95)
Firlej-Buzon Aneta. Alberska Agnieszka. Policy collection, description and storage of ephemera in National Library in Poland Alberska Agnieszka. Polityka gromadzenia, opracowywanie i przechowywanie dokumentów życia społecznego Filas Matylda (1977- ). Serials in the University of Warsaw Ephemera Department's collection Filas Matylda (1977- ). Wydawnictwa ciągłe w zbiorach Gabinetu Dokumentów Życia Społecznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie Firlej-Buzon Aneta. Dokumenty życia społecznego w badaniach polskich humanistów Firlej-Buzon Aneta. Ephemera in the research of polish humanists Jamrozik Katarzyna (bibliotekarstwo). Jednodniówka jako przedmiot badań i źrodło wiedzy praktycznej (na wybranych przykładach jednodniówek z okresu międzywojennego) Jamrozik Katarzyna (bibliotekarstwo). One day's paper as a topic of researches and source of practical knowledge (based on chosen documents from the interwar period) Janczulewicz Katarzyna. Kolekcje dokumentów życia społecznego w Bibliotece Śląskiej i ich digitalizacja Janczulewicz Katarzyna. Social life documents of the Silesian Library's and their digitalization Korczyńska-Derkacz Małgorzata. Jednodniówka jako przedmiot badań i źrodło wiedzy praktycznej (na wybranych przykładach jednodniówek z okresu międzywojennego) Korczyńska-Derkacz Małgorzata. One day's paper as a topic of researches and source of practical knowledge (based on chosen documents from the interwar period) Kowalska Małgorzata (bibliotekoznawstwo). Formal, technical and practical aspects of the ephemera exhibiton in digital library Kowalska Małgorzata (bibliotekoznawstwo). Formalne, techniczne i praktyczne aspekty ekspozycji dokumentów życia społecznego w bibliotekach cyfrowych Kwiatkowska Aneta (1976- ). Efemera w zbiorach PAN BG - charakterystyka działalności pracowni Kwiatkowska Aneta (1976- ). Ephemera in PAN BG collection - activity of the department of everyday life documents Lech-Jabłońska Bożena (1962- ). Dilemmas of the selection and drawing the social life documents up in the regional bibliography Lech-Jabłońska Bożena (1962- ). Dylematy doboru i opracowania dokumentów życia społecznego w bibliografii regionalnej Lipińska Agata (bibliotekoznawstwo). Dokumenty życia społecznego problemy ochrony i propozycje metod konserwacji Lipińska Agata (bibliotekoznawstwo). Ephemera problems of their protection and proposals of preservation methods Matyasik Joanna. Dokumenty życia społecznego w zbiorze Wojewódzkiej i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Bydgoszczy - charakterystyka i ochrona zasobu Matyasik Joanna. The collection of ephemera stored in the Voivodship and Municipal Public Library in Bydgoszcz - characteristics and protection of documents Mleczak Róża. Caring about cefrticate of the local past - regional collection in the Municioal Public Library Mleczak Róża. W trosce o zachowanie świadectw naszej lokalnej przeszłości - zbiory regionalne w Miejskiej i Powiatowej Bibliotece Publicznej w Nowym Tomyślu Nieć Grzegorz. Dokumenty życia społecznego w praktyce wtórnego rynku książki Nieć Grzegorz. Ephemeral materials at the secondary book market Orłowska Maria (bibliotekarstwo). Documents of social life - extremely collections Public Library of Legnica Orłowska Maria (bibliotekarstwo). Dokumenty życia społecznego - zbiory niezwykłe Legnickiej Biblioteki Publicznej Słomianowska-Kamińska Emilia. Ephemera collection policy - academic library experience Słomianowska-Kamińska Emilia. Gromadzenie dokumentów życia społecznego - z doświadczeń biblioteki akademickiej Smaga Teresa. Documents of social life collecting and compilation speficity in Lower Silesian Public Library in Wrocław Documents of Social Life Regional Section in the last fifteen years Smaga Teresa. Specyfika gromadzenia i opracowywania dokumentów życia społecznego w Sekcji Regionalnej DŻS Dolnośląskiej Biblioteki Publicznej we Wrocławiu w ostatnim piętnastoleciu Zaremba Małgorzata (bibliotekarstwo). Dokumenty życia społecznego w Wojewódzkiej i Miejskiej Bibliotece Publicznej w Rzeszowie - przeszłość i teraźniejszość Zaremba Małgorzata (bibliotekarstwo). Ephemeral materials in the Provincial and City Public Library in Rzeszow - past and present Zawadzka Anna (bibliotekarstwo). Cataloguing of securities and patriotic telegrams in the Union Catalogue NUKAT: bibliographic arrangements, instructions, procedures Zawadzka Anna (bibliotekarstwo). Katalogowanie papierów wartościowych i telegramów patriotycznych w Katalogu Centralnym NUKAT: ustalenia bibliograficzne, instrukcje, procedury Ziętal Katarzyna. Archiwum społeczne w bibliotece Ziętal Katarzyna. Community archive in the library
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31533 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Studia i Materiały Wydziału Konserwacji i Restauracji Dzieł Sztuki Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie / red. serii Małgorzata Nowalińska, ISSN 1230-0128 ; t. 24)
Bogdanowska Monika (1962- ). Carter Tom. Nowalińska Małgorzata (1982- ). Rola Maria. Błaszczyk Marcin (konserwacja zabytków). Malowidła ścienne w prezbiterium dawnego kościoła parafialnego pod wezwaniem Matki Boskiej Gromnicznej w Siemiechowie Błaszczyk Marcin (konserwacja zabytków). Wall paintings from the presbytery of the former parish church of Our Lady of the Thunder Candle in Siemiechów Budziaszek Barbara. Rozwarstwienie i przeniesienie polichromii z rzeźby drewnianej z zastosowaniem metod opracowanych dla malowideł sztalugowych na drewnie Budziaszek Barbara. The separation and transferral of polychromy from a wooden sculpture with the implementation of the layer separation treatment used in painting Głowacz Tomasz. Problematyka konserwacji markieterii w stylu Boulle'a Głowacz Tomasz. Restoration-conservation of Boullework Jakubowska-Szarska Agnieszka. Transfer fragmentu gotyckiego malowidła z Domu Długosza w Wiślicy Jakubowska-Szarska Agnieszka. The transfer of the fragment of a gothic painting from the House of Długosz in Wiślica Kaszowska Zofia. A study of the technology and technique of the "berliner lackvasen" from the collection of the Jagiellonian University Museum : developing methods of conservation Kaszowska Zofia. Badania technologii i techniki lakierowanych waz berlińskich ze zbiorów Muzeum UJ oraz opracowanie metody ich konserwacji Kisiel Maria (1989- ). Easel painting separation treatment - The St. Apollonia and St. Rosalie panels from the Łącko triptych Kisiel Maria (1989- ). Rozwarstwienie i osadzenie na nowym podłożu dwóch malowideł sztalugowych z awersów "małych" skrzydeł tryptyku z Łącka - Św. Apolonia i Św. Rozalia Kociuba Ewa. Konserwacja obrazu z przedstawieniem Matki Boskiej z Dzieciątkiem w typie hodegetrii małopolskiej z Muzeum Archidiecezjalnego w Przemyślu, z uwzględnieniem doświadczeń konserwatorskich przy obrazach tego typu Kociuba Ewa. The conservation-restoration of the małopolska hodegetria from the Archdiocese Museum in Przemyśl based on experience garnered in the restoration of similar artefacts Kozik Regina. Identyfikacja zniszczeń typu biochemicznego oraz opracowanie metody regeneracji warstwy malarskiej na przykładzie konserwacji malowidła olejnego na tekturze Portret kobiety, 1906, pędzla Zygmunta Ajdukiewicza Kozik Regina. The identification of biochemical deterioration and establishing a method of regeneration for the painting layer - the case of the oil painting on cardboard by Zygmunt Ajdukiewicz - "Portrait of a woman", 1906 Krawczyk Ewelina. Gipsowe modele anatomiczne w programie nauczania rysunku i malarstwa w Akademii Sztuk Pięknych oraz ich problematyka konserwatorska Krawczyk Ewelina. Gypsum anatomical models in the process of teaching drawing and painting at the Academy of Fine Arts : issues connected to preservation of the models Kurzeja Bartłomiej. Easel painting separation treatment - The St. Apollonia and St. Rosalie panels from the Łącko triptych Kurzeja Bartłomiej. Rozwarstwienie i osadzenie na nowym podłożu dwóch malowideł sztalugowych z awersów "małych" skrzydeł tryptyku z Łącka - Św. Apolonia i Św. Rozalia Kwiatkowska Magdalena (konserwatorstwo). Issues regarding the restoration of classicism polychromy and the digital redesign of wall paintings restored in the 1970s. - the case of the House under the Angel in Kraków Kwiatkowska Magdalena (konserwatorstwo). Problemy współczesnej restauracji polichromii klasycystycznej oraz powtórnej komputerowej aranżacji malowideł konserwowanych w latach 70. XX w. - na podstawie prac w pomieszczeniu na II piętrze Kamienicy pod Aniołkiem w Krakowie Lempart-Geratowska Marta (1962- ). Easel painting separation treatment - The St. Apollonia and St. Rosalie panels from the Łącko triptych Lempart-Geratowska Marta (1962- ). Konserwacja obrazu z przedstawieniem Matki Boskiej z Dzieciątkiem w typie hodegetrii małopolskiej z Muzeum Archidiecezjalnego w Przemyślu, z uwzględnieniem doświadczeń konserwatorskich przy obrazach tego typu Lempart-Geratowska Marta (1962- ). Rozwarstwienie i osadzenie na nowym podłożu dwóch malowideł sztalugowych z awersów "małych" skrzydeł tryptyku z Łącka - Św. Apolonia i Św. Rozalia Lempart-Geratowska Marta (1962- ). The conservation-restoration of the małopolska hodegetria from the Archdiocese Museum in Przemyśl based on experience garnered in the restoration of similar artefacts Olesiejuk Kinga (1983- ). Inconsistent materiality of the contemporary Vanitas Olesiejuk Kinga (1983- ). Niekonsekwentna materialność współczesnej Vanitas Opalińska Agnieszka. Issues arising from the conservation of one of the boards of an etching calendar from the monastery of the benedictine sisters in Staniątki Opalińska Agnieszka. Problematyka konserwacji jednej z tablic kalendarza sztychowego z klasztoru sióstr benedyktynek w Staniątkach Piotrowska Monika (konserwatorstwo). A study of the technology and technique of the "ber liner lackvasen" from the collection of the Jagiellonian University Museum : developing methods of conservation Piotrowska Monika (konserwatorstwo). Badania technologii i techniki lakierowanych waz berlińskich ze zbiorów Muzeum UJ oraz opracowanie metody ich konserwacji Płuska Ireneusz (1943- ). Gipsowe modele anatomiczne w programie nauczania rysunku i malarstwa w Akademii Sztuk Pięknych oraz ich problematyka konserwatorska Płuska Ireneusz (1943- ). Gypsum anatomical models in the process of teaching drawing and painting at the Academy of Fine Arts : issues connected to preservation of the models Płuska Ireneusz (1943- ). Technique and technology of the reconstruction of a monumental marble sculpture - the case of the Zofia Sapieżanka gravestone Płuska Ireneusz (1943- ). Techniki i technologie rekonstrukcji wielkogabarytowych rzeźb marmurowych na przykładzie płyty nagrobnej Zofii Sapieżanki Poleska-Zawadzińska Anna. Rozdzielenie malowideł ściennych zdjętych w jednym płacie z powierzchni sferycznej Poleska-Zawadzińska Anna. The separation of wall paintings detached from a spherical surface Schulze-Głazik Grażyna. Issues regarding the restoration of classicism polychromy and the digital redesign of wall paintings restored in the 1970s. - the case of the House under the Angel in Kraków Schulze-Głazik Grażyna. Problemy współczesnej restauracji polichromii klasycystycznej oraz powtórnej komputerowej aranżacji malowideł konserwowanych w latach 70. XX w. - na podstawie prac w pomieszczeniu na II piętrze Kamienicy pod Aniołkiem w Krakowie Sowińska Hanna. Initial dating of the stained glass "St. Wolfgang" from the "Grodziec Panels" group from the collection of the Jagiellonian University Museum Sowińska Hanna. Próba datowania witrażu Św. Wolfgang z grupy "Witraże z Grodźca" z Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie Stępień Katarzyna. Konserwacja XIX-wiecznej kopii cudownego obrazu Matka Boska Dzikowska z kapliczki w Tarnobrzegu Stępień Katarzyna. The restoration of a 19th century copy of the miraculous painting Our Lady of Dzików from the chapel-shrine in Tarnobrzeg Woś Jucker Agnieszka. Issues regarding the verification of artwork authenticity on the basis of the restoration of the painting Portrait of the venetian doge Woś Jucker Agnieszka. Zagadnienia związane z problematyką weryfikacji autentyczności dzieł sztuki w odniesieniu do konserwacji obrazu Portret doży weneckiego Wójcik Izabela (konserwatorstwo). Rozwarstwienie i przeniesienie polichromii z rzeźby drewnianej z zastosowaniem metod opracowanych dla malowideł sztalugowych na drewnie Wójcik Izabela (konserwatorstwo). The separation and transferral of polychromy from a wooden sculpture with the implementation of the layer separation treatment used in painting Wrona Mariusz. Techniki i technologie rekonstrukcji wielkogabarytowych rzeźb marmurowych na przykładzie płyty nagrobnej Zofii Sapieżanki Wrona Mariusz. Technique and technology of the reconstruction of a monumental marble sculpture - the case of the Zofia Sapieżanka gravestone Wyszyńska Jadwiga. Identyfikacja zniszczeń typu biochemicznego oraz opracowanie metody regeneracji warstwy malarskiej na przykładzie konserwacji malowidła olejnego na tekturze Portret kobiety, 1906, pędzla Zygmunta Ajdukiewicza Wyszyńska Jadwiga. Konserwacja XIX-wiecznej kopii cudownego obrazu Matka Boska Dzikowska z kapliczki w Tarnobrzegu Wyszyńska Jadwiga. The identification of biochemical deterioration and establishing a method of regeneration for the painting layer - the case of the oil painting on cardboard by Zygmunt Ajdukiewicz - "Portrait of a woman", 1906 Wyszyńska Jadwiga. The restoration of a 19th century copy of the miraculous painting Our Lady of Dzików from the chapel-shrine in Tarnobrzeg Zajadacz Karina. Characteristic of modern injection grouts - tests and assessment of their usefulness Zajadacz Karina. Charakterystyka współczesnych zapraw iniekcyjnych - badanie i ocena przydatności
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Tom prezentuje dziewiętnaście prac magisterskich, które powstały w ciągu ostatnich killkunastu lat na WKiRDS ASP w Krakowie.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 31470 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Mączyński Ryszard (1954- ). Adamowicz Jarosław. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań Adamowicz Jarosław. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies Brandys Iwona. In the workshop of Wincenty Drabik - scenography painter and pedagogue. Introduction to the research Brandys Iwona. W pracowni Wincentego Drabika – malarza scenicznego i pedagoga. Przyczynek do badań Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Some remarks concering the art of painter Gebhard Flatz Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Uwagi na temat warsztatu artystycznego malarza Gebharda Flatza Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Characteristics if icon painting from the Cretan School using the example of the post-byzantine triptych from the Princes Czartoryski Collection in Kraków Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Charakterystyka malarstwa ikonowego szkoły kreteńskiej na przykładzie pobizantyńskiego tryptyku ze zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Tools, techniques and signatures of Persian Shamshir makers. Hidden meanings of inscriptions and of the magic square. Issues of artibution Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Warsztaty i sygnatury twórców perskich szamszirów. Ukryte znaczenia napisów i magicznego kwadratu. Problemy atrybucji Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Warsztat Szymona Czechowicza (1689–1775) – wybrane zagadnienia Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). The painting workshop of Szymon Czechowicz (1689-1775) - selected issues Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Architect's workshop. A new object and a historic building - similarities and differences in project work Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Warsztat architekta. Obiekt nowy a obiekt zabytkowy – podobieństwa i różnice w pracy projektowej Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Around the didactic aspects of the artist's workshop carving in wood Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Wokół zagadnień dydaktyki warsztatu artysty rzeźbiącego w drewnie Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Obrazy i ich ramy. Rola artysty w wyborze opraw Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Paintings and their frames. The role of artists in choosing them Jasiński Mateusz. Caravaggistic revolution in the way of building the picture Jasiński Mateusz. Rewolucja caravaggionistyczna w sposobie budowania obrazu Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Impact of new technologies on the practice of an artist based on David Hockney's work and the author's own experience as a painter Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Wpływ nowych technologii na praktykę artysty malarza na podstawie twórczości Davida Hockneya i działalności artystycznej autorki Kata Eurydyka. Material typography, or tools in the work of a typographer and designer Kata Eurydyka. Typografia materialna, czyli narzędzia w pracy typografa i projektanta Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Korpała Małgorzata. Nietypowe rozwiązania barokowego malarstwa ściennego na wybranych przykładach z terenu Mazowsza Korpała Małgorzata. Unusual solutions in baroque wall paintings on selected examples from Mazovia Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). Budowniczowie sukcesu Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). The makers of success Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get in the engraver's house. The peculiarity of Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz's technique on the example of collection from Museum of the Lubomirski Princes Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get w Domku Miedziorytnika. Specyfika warsztatu Eugeniusza Stankiewicza na przykładzie zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Lubomirskich Kwaśny Marek. Tajniki warsztatu malarskiego Johanna Jacoba Eybelwiesera (1666–1744), wrocławskiego mistrza doby baroku Kwaśny Marek. The secrets of painting workshop of Johann Jacob Eybelwieser (1666-1744) - Wrocław master of the baroque era Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). XIXth-century stained-glass workshop. A case study of Carl Geyling's Erben in Vienna Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). Warsztat dziewiętnastowiecznego witrażownika. Próba rekonstrukcji na przykładzie wiedeńskiej firmy Carl Geyling’s Erben Lenartowicz Światosław. Malarstwo Zofii Stryjeńskiej (1891–1976) – warsztat a ewolucja formy Lenartowicz Światosław. The painting of Zofia Stryjeńska (1891-1976) - technique and evolution of form Łabądź Justyna Weronika. Matrices, 3D modeling, fxes and rendering - the set of video mapping tools in the work of new media artist Łabądź Justyna Weronika. Matryce, modeling 3D, FX-y i renderowanie – zestaw narzędzi video mappingowych w warsztacie nowomedialnego artysty Martynowicz Iwona. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań Martynowicz Iwona. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies Masłowska Anna. Malarz i fotografia. O obecności nowego medium w warsztacie twórczym malarza w drugiej połowie XIX wieku Masłowska Anna. Painter and photography. The presence of a new medium in the painter's workshop in the second half of the 19th century Mączewska Katarzyna. In the search of the professional fulfillment. Alexander Lesser - a Calendar of Journeys, the artist's interests and workshop seen from the perspective of his iconographic legacy Mączewska Katarzyna. W poszukiwaniu spełnienia zawodowego. Aleksander Lesser – kalendarium podróży, zainteresowania i warsztat artysty z perspektywy jego ikonograficznej spuścizny Misztal Małgorzata (konserwatorstwo). Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Misztal Małgorzata (konserwatorstwo). Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Niemira Izabella. „Alchemia” fotografii, czyli warsztat fotografa gumisty Niemira Izabella. "Alchemy" of photography that means a method of photographer using the gum bichromate technique Novljaković Katarzyna. Bernardo Strozzi, workshop if an Italian Caravaggionist. A restorer's considerations over the recognition of an author's replica Novljaković Katarzyna. Trzej filozofowie Bernarda Strozziego ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie jako przykład warsztatu włoskiego carravagionisty. Rozważania konserwatora nad rozpoznaniem autorskiej repliki Paś Monika. Paintbrushes, palettes, easels. Painting accessories from legacies of artists kept in the collection of the Department of Applied Art, Material Culture and Militaria of the National Museum in Krakow Paś Monika. Pędzle, palety, sztalugi. Akcesoria malarskie ze spuścizn po artystach przechowywane w zbiorach Działu Rzemiosła Artystycznego, Kultury Materialnej i Militariów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie Pawelska-Jagniątkowska Irmina. A new perspective on the so-called "Dominican workshop" Pawelska-Jagniątkowska Irmina. Nowe spojrzenie na „warsztat dominikański” Szustakiewicz Iwona. System weryfikacji umiejętności warsztatowych architektów w Królestwie Polskim w XIX wieku Szustakiewicz Iwona. The system of verifying professional skills of architects in the Kindgom of Poland in the 19th century Waszak Przemysław (historia sztuki). Rekonstruowanie i kontekstualizowanie warsztatu Tilmana Riemenschneidera na polu literatury naukowej i fikcji literackiej Waszak Przemysław (historia sztuki). The reconstruction and contextualization of Tilman Riemenschneider's practice in the context of academic literature and fiction Winterhagen Marc Tobias. CTRL+Z – (nie)korzyść komputera w procesie twórczym Winterhagen Marc Tobias. CTRL+Z: the (dis)adventage of computers in the creative process Wrana Jan (1946- ). Architect's workshop. A new object and a historic building - similarities and differences in project work Wrana Jan (1946- ). Warsztat architekta. Obiekt nowy a obiekt zabytkowy – podobieństwa i różnice w pracy projektowej Zaguła Artur. Analog techniques in the workshop of architects of the new classicism trend Zaguła Artur. Techniki analogowe w warsztacie architektów nurtu nowego klasycyzmu Zygier Elżbieta. Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Zygier Elżbieta. Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych
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Materiały konferencyjne: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 19-21 października 2017 r.
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Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- ). Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Puglisi Mariangela. Salamone Grazia. Travaini Lucia (1953- ). Mints as volcanoes: Fire and technology Amato Rosalba. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo "Paolo Orsi" di Siracusa Manenti Angela Maria. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo "Paolo Orsi" di Siracusa Angeli Bufalini Gabriella. Il Medagliere MNR, la Banca dati Iuno Moneta e il Bollettino di Numismatica del MiBACT. Un trinomio per la tutela, valorizzazione e fruizione del bene numismatico. Bilanci e prospettive Apolito Pasquale. Monete medievali da Kyme in Eolide: un rapporto preliminare Arthur Paul (1955- ). Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy Sarcinelli Giuseppe. Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy Arzone Antonella. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona Cappiotti Francesco. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona Balbi de Caro Silvana. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma Bulian Giovanni. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma Baldi Elena. Online catalogue of the Ostrogoths at the British Museum and possible developments for further research Baldi Elena. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re) Bateson J. Donald. Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza’s Sicilian Coins Borba Florenzano Maria Beatriz (1952- ). Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Lo Monaco Viviana. Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Gianeze Ribeiro Angela Maria. Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Börner Susanne. Das Heidelberger Zentrum für antike Numismatik Bracey Robert. Contributions of die studies to the study of the intensity of ancient coin production: The work-station problem Brzić Aleksandar (1959- ). Against the history? Vienna Mint and its coinages for Serbia 1868-1914 Burrell Barbara. Coins from a well at Caesarea Maritima and the currency of fifth century Palaestina De Callataÿ François (1961- ). Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA): a short presentation Cardon Thibault. Les monnaies et méreaux en contexte archéologique: une source pour l’étude du salariat (France, XIe -XVe s.) Cassano Maria Raffaella. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Travaglini Adriana. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Fioriello Custode Silvio (1969- ). La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Brandi Serena. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Camilleri Valeria Giulia. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari De Pinto Nicola. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Silvestri Maria. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Cavallaro Emilia. Sulle vie di una nuova scienza: la trattatistica numismatica tra Cinque e Seicento Chiantini Chiara. Un Ripostiglio di IV-V secolo proveniente dagli scavi del Sottosuolo Capitolino Chimienti Michele. L’archivio della zecca di Bologna Chowaniec Roksana (1975- ). History of town Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds Więcek Tomasz. History of town Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds Ciurcina Concetta. Segnalazione di rinvenimenti monetali da indagini condotte a Siracusa negli anni novanta del Novecento Conventi Alberto. Analisi chimiche di monete di elettro e oro di Siracusa greca Lazzarini Lorenzo (1947- ). Analisi chimiche di monete di elettro e oro di Siracusa greca Crisà Antonino (1982- ). Collecting coins and connecting collectors: Government and social networks in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816-1860) D'Ottone Rambach Arianna (1977- ). Arabic Coins from the Italian Royal Collection. Addenda to the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum Gandolfo Lucina (1956- ). Sulle tracce del Salinas. Testimonianze inedite dal suo Museo Gargano Giorgia. Problemi e spunti di riflessione dall’analisi dei rinvenimenti di monete negli scavi archeologici a Vibo Valentia Gianazza Luca (1974- ). A collaborative inventory of coin finds Gil Curado Tiago. Contact and Commerce between Portugal and United Kingdom during Medieval and Post-Medieval Period. Numismatic Perspective Grimaldi Jonathan. Il Medagliere del Museo Archeologico Comunale di Frosinone Gusar Karla. Numismatic finds from Pakoštane - Crkvina, Croatia Šućur Jure. Numismatic finds from Pakoštane - Crkvina, Croatia Hedlund Ragnar (1975- ). The return of the Art Cabinet: Numismatic databases and virtual meeting places Hourmouziadis Jean. Non-destructive assessment of material content of bronze coins Jankowski Lyce (1982- ). Studying coin related objects and redefining paranumismatics Kopij Kamil. Coin propaganda and communication Krishnamourthy Ra. The influence of Early Roman Imperial coin symbols on Sangam age Chera and Pandya coins La Marca Antonio. Monete da scavo, scavi con monete: il "laboratorio" della Missione Archeologica Italiana a Kyme Eolica Lombardi Luca. Antonino Salinas, scritti scelti di Numismatica Ruotolo Giuseppe. Antonino Salinas, scritti scelti di Numismatica Lopez Cédric. Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology Arslan Ermanno A. Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology Marchand Sylvain. The IBISA System for computer-assisted coin identification and hoards study Marchesi Enrico. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re) Morelli Anna Lina. Monete di epoca romana repubblicana nella collezione numismatica del Museo Nazionale di Ravenna Napolitano Maria Luisa. Hubertus Goltzius, totius antiquitatis restaurator: numismatica e storia antica in Sicilia et Magna Graecia (1576) Otero Paloma. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Grañeda Miñón Paula. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Cruz Mateos Montserrat. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Parisot-Sillon Charles. Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Corsi Jacopo. Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Suspène Arnaud (1973- ). Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Sarah Guillaume (1983- ). Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Pellé Richard. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Pellé Richard. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Frangin Elsa. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Chapon Philippe. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Zaaba Omar. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Stiti Kemal. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Souq François. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Pelsdonk Jan. Digital traps. The complexity of publishing numismatic databases on the internet Peter Ulrike (1966- ). CNT - The web portal for Thracian coins Weisser Bernhard (1964- ). CNT - The web portal for Thracian coins Rambach Hadrien (1981- ). The coin-collection of Don Carlo Trivulzio (1715-1789) Ruske Alexander. The new Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Experience and outlook Santangelo Stefania. Monete e ripostigli della Sicilia araba e normanna nel Medagliere di Siracusa Sinner Alejandro G. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Pardini Giacomo (1973- ). Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Piacentini Mario. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Felici Anna Candida. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Vendittelli Margherita. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Spagnoli Emanuela. Piombi monetiformi da Ostia e Porto: problematiche interpretative Travaglini Adriana. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Travaglini Adriana. Monete e riti a Hierapolis di Frigia Cassano Maria Raffaella. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Camilleri Valeria Giulia. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica De Pinto Nicola. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Fanizza Monica. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Fioriello Custode Silvio (1969- ). L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Ujes Morgan Dubravka. Unpublished Greek coin finds from Rhizon/Risan in Sir Arthur Evans’s Collection, Ashmolean Museum Vogt Simone. To whom belong the coins? Jewish coin collections, the Nazis and museums of today Williams Daniela. Joseph Eckhel and his correspondents from Sicily and the south of Italy: the Prince of Torremuzza (Palermo) and Michele Vargas Macciucca (Naples) Woods Andrew R. Twenty-First Century Numismatics: Google and the Digital Exhibition Woytek Bernhard (1974- ). Joseph Eckhel and his network of correspondents: a research project on Numismatics in the Age of Enlightenment Zverev S. V. The monetary reforms in Russia in the mid-17th century Arena Emiliano. L’emissione a leggenda ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙ (ΤΩΝ) e la fondazione di Tauromenion Arnold-Biucchi Carmen. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach Van Schaik Katherine. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach Berthold Angela. Considerations on the horses of Maroneia Cantilena Renata. Una moneta d’oro di Lampsaco a Poseidonia Chillè Maria. La moneta dei mercenari nell’Anabasi di Senofonte Constantinescu Bogdan. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Cristea-Stan Daniela. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Talmaţchi Gabriel. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Ceccato Daniele. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Corfù Nicolas Assur. The Tetartemorion, the smallest pre-Hellenistic silver-coin Destrooper-Georgiades Anne. Les Monnaies des fouilles du Département des Antiquités de Chypre à Kourion ; la période classique Flament Christophe. État d’avancement du corpus monétaire argien: Les émissions du IVe siècle av. n. ère Gerothanasis Dimitrios. The early coinage of Kapsa reconsidered Grigorova-Gencheva Valentina. New hoards with small denomination coins of the island of Thasos (6th - 5th century B.C.): context, interpretation and dating Prokopov Ilâ Simeonov (1952- ). New hoards with small denomination coins of the island of Thasos (6th - 5th century B.C.): context, interpretation and dating Hoff Corina. Lycian tiarate heads reconsidered Ivanova Hristina I. A retrospect of Apollo in the coinage of Apollonia Pontike Kousoulas Dimitrios Ath. Unbearded Hercules on the coins of the Sicilian cities in the 5th century B.C. Some observations of the iconographical type and its spreading in the sculpture Kroll John H. (1938- ). Striking and restriking on folded flans: evidence from Athens, Cyzicus, (?)Sinope, Elis, Thebes, and Aegina Manenti Angela Maria. Dee, Ninfe, donne: oggetti di ornamento nell’iconografia delle monete greche e in vari altri reperti del Museo Archeologico di Siracusa Marchand Sylvain. Electrum Coinage of the Ionian Revolt: the Complete Series of Abydos Martino Amos. Lyre’s representation on ancient Greek coins: a musical and political path between symbol and Realien Puebla Morón José Miguel. El astrágalos de Hermes en la moneda de Hímera (483-472 a.C.) Raccuia Carmela (1949- ). Dal "bue" alla civetta. Riverberi di un percorso politico e culturale Russo Natalia. Una lettura non tradizionale del ruolo del Sileno: i documenti monetali Salamone Grazia. La "testa femminile" sulle monete greche: funzione giuridica e identità della polis Santagati Elena (1967- ). Identità federale nelle emissioni monetali: alcuni esempi Sapienza Anna. La triskeles e le sue varianti iconografiche: analisi diatopica e diacronica dei documenti monetali Tekin Oğuz (1958- ). Winged-Horse with bird’s tail: Identification of a creature on the coins of Mysia and Troas Traeger Burkhard. Die Münzprägung und Geschichte von Phliasía (Peloponnesus) bis zum Ende der hellenistischen Zeitepoche Trifirò Maria Daniela. I gesti della divinità: il multiforme Apollo Wahl Marc Philipp. Bildkontakte reconsidered. A few remarks on the Adoption of Kimon’s Arethusa in Thessaly Wellhoefer Herbert. Die Nymphen aus Thessalien. Obole aus der Sammlung Wellhöfer Wojan Franck (1972- ). Réflexions sur la nature du monnayage au nom des Éléens: monnayage civique? monnayage de sanctuaire? monnayage de panégyrie? Apostólou Éva. Les plinthophores rhodiennes et la fin de ce monnayage Aumaître Héloïse. Akè Ptolémaïs sous les Lagides: un atelier au cœur des problématiques Syro-Phéniciennes Bodzek Jarosław. New finds of moulds for casting coin flans at the Paphos agora De Callataÿ François (1961- ). Greek overstrikes database: a short presentation Carrier Caroline (1985- ). Le système des monnaies de bronze crétoises de l’époque hellénistique Stefanaki Vassiliki E. (1973- ). Le système des monnaies de bronze crétoises de l’époque hellénistique Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Tesoretti, corrosione, coniazioni parallele, cronologia: I "Tridenti" di Ierone II Constantinescu Bogdan. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Oberländer-Târnoveanu Ernest. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Cristea-Stan Daniela. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Evans Jane DeRose (1956- ). What archaeology can tell us about the date of the opening of the civic mint at Sardis, Turkey Ilkić Mato. South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from Southern Italy and Sicily Čelhar Martina. South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from Southern Italy and Sicily Lannin Mary N. Window into Seleucid Regional Mints: Reuse of obverse dies in the 3rd - 2nd Century B.C. Marest-Caffey Laure. Images of Power in Seleukid Persis: A new study of the Victory Coinage from Susa Moreno Pulido Elena. Influencias sículo-púnicas en la amonedación del Fretum Gaditanum Grandjean Catherine (1957- ). The hoard IGCH 270 Moustaka Alikē. The hoard IGCH 270 Panagopoulou Katerina. Hellenistic Macedonia Revisited: Some evidence in redating the "Later Macedonian" Silver Alexanders Pavlovska Eftimija. A part of a rare "Paeonian" hoard from Macedonia Sole Lavinia (1970- ). Riflessioni intorno al ripostiglio IGCH 2132 da Gibil Gabib Spinelli Marianna. La dea "regale" di Locri Epizefiri Tsoukanelis Kimon. A new bronze coin of Alexander Molossos, son of Neoptolemos Van Schaik Katherine. The currency of medicine: Healing iconography on the coins of Trikka, Epidauros, Kos and Pergamon Wolf Daniel. The bronze coinage reform of Ptolemy II Chaves Tristán Francisca. Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones Hispano-Cartaginesas en la Península Ibérica Pliego Vázquez Ruth. Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones Hispano-Cartaginesas en la Península Ibérica Geiser Anne (1952- ). Courants monétaires gaulois entre Alpes et Jura Gruel Katherine (1953- ). Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Nieto-Pelletier Sylvia (1974- ). Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Duval Florian. Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Koczwara Paulina (numizmatyka). Finds of cisalpine drachms and other Celtic coins in the Central and Southern Italy Militký Jiří (1969- ). Das keltische Münzwesen des Horizonts LT C1 und C2 in der Tschechischen Republik Montanaro Stefania. La monetazione dei centri peuceti Nick Michael. Celtic Coin Finds in Switzerland: The recent volume of the Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds Kormikiari Maria Cristina Nicolau. How monetarized was Numidian society in Antiquity? Paris Elodie (1989- ). Circulation monétaire en Languedoc central au Deuxième Âge du Fer (VIe - Ier siècles avant J.-C.): comparaisons diachroniques des agglomérations de Béziers, Magalas et Agde Pilon Fabien (1965- ). Frappe et coulage de monnaies à l’époque gauloise: synthèse de quelques découvertes et caractérisations chimiques récentes Rodríguez Casanova Isabel. Dos nuevos conjuntos de divisores atribuidos a la II Guerra Púnica Barkay Rachel. Portraits of the Nabataean Kings as depicted on their coins Gitler Haim. A preliminary report on the Nablus 1968 hoard of the fourth century BC Tal Oren (1968- ). A preliminary report on the Nablus 1968 hoard of the fourth century BC Magub Alexandra. Coins of Mithradates II of Parthia (c. 121-91 BC) Mueseler Wilhelm (1952- ). The place of the two Wekhssere in the history of Lycia Sancinito Jane. Parthian Circulation: A study of the Wilson Hoard (IGCH 1816) Schindel Nikolaus. A note on the coinage of Khusro I Shavarebi Ehsan. The so-called "Thronfolgerprägungen" of Ardashīr I reconsidered Smagur Emilia. So similar and yet so different. The iconography of Kushan pantheon Tandon Pankaj. The Identity of Prakāśāditya Ruotolo Giuseppe. La Sicilia di Filippo Paruta descritta con Medaglie
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