Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- )
Szczerski Andrzej (1971- )
Czubińska Magdalena (1957- )
Dąbrowska Karolina
Juruś Jerzy
Kilijańska Alicja
Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- )
Kostuch Bożena
Kowalska Joanna Regina
Paś Monika
Alisauskas Vytautas (1957- ). Gate of Dawn
Andriulyte Alge (1972- ). Awakening the glory of the past
Andriulyte Alge (1972- ). Ferdynand Ruszczyc (1870-1936)
Antanaviciute Rasa (1972- ). Symbolic places of interwar Vilnius
Antanaviciute Rasa (1972- ). Vilnius in history and art history
Antanaviciute Rasa (1972- ). Zbigniew Pronaszko's monument to Adam Mickiewicz
Blick Sarah
Bobrow Ryszard
Bordzoł Monika
Bryl Mariusz (1959- ). Eugeniusz Kazimirowski's painting of the Merciful Jesus: the triple original
Budzałek Anna
Burno Filip. Constructions of modernity in the electric state: structures networks perception. Polish architecture in 1926-1939
Burno Filip. Konstrukcje nowoczesności w elektrycznym państwie: struktury sieci percepcja. Architektura polska 1926-1939
Chmielewska Agnieszka (socjologia). Graphic art - the art of the Second Republic of Poland?
Chmielewska Agnieszka (socjologia). Vilnius art on the cultural map of Poland
Czubińska Magdalena (1957- ). Janina Dłuska (1899-1932)
Dremaite Marija (1971- ). Architecture for living
Dremaite Marija (1971- ). Urban development
Dżurkowa-Kossowska Irena (1955- ). Oh Vilnius city of unparalleled charm and magical colours where is your art of painting!
Fajcsak Gyorgyi
Franz Rainald (1964- )
Gawryszczak Marcin
Gelfand Laura Deborah
Gutkowska Dorota
Herudzińska-Oświecimska Marta
Hideg Rachel
Hollein Lilli (1972- )
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- )
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). A preserved image of Vilnius
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Artists' portraits and self-portraits
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Azep Goryd (1896-1939)
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Beside the canon
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Bronisław Jamontt (1886-1957)
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Exodus and nostalgy
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Exodus i nostalgia
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Fania (Uma) Olkienicka (1899-1943/1944)
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Jerzy Hoppen (1891-1969)
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Józef Horyd (1896-1939)
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Petras Rimsa in the struggle for Lithuanian Vilnius
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). The Vilnius trace in Polish post-war culture and three students of the Vilnius Academy of Arts
Jankeviciute Giedre (1960- ). Views of everyday life of Vilnius in art of Vilnius
Juszkiewicz Piotr (1959- )
Juszkiewicz Piotr (1959- ). Utopia of agency
Juszkiewicz Piotr (1959- ). Utopia sprawczości
Kane Steve
Kanigowska-Gedroyć Ewa (1968- )
Kansy Łukasz
Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Art education in interwar Vilnius
Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Interwar Vilnius in art - between imagination and reality
Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Michał Rouba (1893-1941)
Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Polish art societies in interwar Vilnius
Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). The Mausoleum of the Mother and the Sons's Heart in the Rasos Cemetery
Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). The artistic community of Vilnius 1919-1939
Korduba Piotr (1976- )
Kostrzyńska-Miłosz Anna
Kozakowska-Zaucha Urszula (1976- )
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- )
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Nurt odrodzenia sztuki religijnej i inspiracje neobizantyjskie w modernizmie polskim i ukraińskim
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). The revival of religious art and Neo-Byzantine inspiration in Polish and Ukrainian modernism
Król Anna (1958- )
Lahoda Vojtech (1955-2019)
Lauckaite Laima (1956- ). The Jewish art of interwar Vilnius: exclusion and thriving
Lauckaite Laima (1956- ). Visit Vilnius - city of monuments: tourist posters and guidebooks to the city
Liutkus Viktoras (1950- ). The short spring of the avant-garde
Luba Iwona (1968- ). Art in the struggle for Polish Vilnius
Luba Iwona (1968- ). New art exhibition
Luba Iwona (1968- ). The struggle for Vilnius
Maciulis Dangiras (1969- ). We shall not rest without Vilnius!: the image of Vilnius in interwar Lthuania
Maga Anna (1957- )
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Foreword
Mazeikiene Ilona. Artists' portraits and self-portraits
Mazeikiene Ilona. Prints for subscribers: nostalgia for the glorious past and locus amoneus
Małodobry Agata (1978- )
Mieleszkiewicz Stefan
Myśliński Michał (1967- )
Pietrasik Agata (1985- ). Andrzej Wróblewski (1927-1957) and Vilnius: complicated beginnings
Piątek Grzegorz (1980- ). Ghosts in the bastion: the image of Vilnius in interwar Poland
Postawka Helena
Pszczółkowski Michał (1981- ). The city's texture and symbolic places
Raciunaite Tojana (1967- )
Raj Grażyna
Rosenblatt Lisa
Serafin Sabina (1974- ). Promocja nowoczesnego stylu życia w polskich czasopismach kobiecych dwudziestolecia międzywojennego na przykładzie Bluszczu Mojej Przyjaciółki i Kobiety Współczesnej
Serafin Sabina (1974- ). Promotion of a modern lifestyle in Polish women's magazines of the interwar period based on Bluszcz Moja Przyjaciółka and Kobieta Współczesna
Sienkiewicz Jan Wiktor (1960- ). Piłsudski in the defence of Vilnius
Simanaviciute Ausra
Sirkaite Jolanta (1958- ). Azep Drazdovic (1888-1954)
Sirkaite Jolanta (1958- ). Jazep Drazdovich (1888-1954)
Siwińska Monika (1976- )
Skibiński Paweł (1973- ). A new beginning. The political context of Polish culture in the interwar period
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1940 - 1949
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
nieznany (jp)
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka polska
Architektura polska
Muzeum Narodowe (Kraków)
Secesja (szt.)
Sztuka bizantyńska
Sztuka japońska
Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej "Manggha" (Kraków)
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Sztuka czeska
Sztuka litewska
Zbiory muzealne
Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst
Fotografia polska
Grafika europejska
Grafika japońska
Instalacja (szt.plast.)
Kultura klasyczna
Lietuvos dailės muziejus
Malarstwo europejskie
Malarstwo niderlandzkie
Museum Würth (Künzelsau)
Národní galerie (Praga)
Rysunek europejski
Rzeźba europejska
Sztuka armeńska
Sztuka islamu
Sztuka niemiecka
Sztuka sakralna
Sztuka węgierska
Sztuka średniowieczna
Sztuka żydowska
Szépművészeti Múzeum (Budapeszt)
Tkaniny artystyczne
Würth, Reinhold (1935- )
Aikema, Bernard (1949- )
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych (Katowice)
Ambasada Japonii (Warszawa)
Architekci austriaccy
Architekci polscy
Architekci rosyjscy
Architektura austriacka
Architektura niemiecka
Architektura rosyjska
Architektura sakralna czeska
Architektura włoska
Art deco
Artyści plastycy polscy
Artyści żydowscy
August II Mocny (król Polski ; 1670-1733)
August III (król Polski ; 1696-1763)
Bard Graduate Center Gallery (Nowy Jork)
Bieńkowska, Barbara (1934-2022)
Bohle-Szacka, Helena (1928-2011)
Bruegel (rodzina)
Bruegel, Pieter (ok. 1526-1569)
Budownictwo miejskie
Budownictwo użyteczności publicznej
Central'nyj Muzej Drevnerusskoj Kul'tury i Iskusstva im. Andreâ Rubleva (Moskwa)
Ceramika artystyczna
Ciało ludzkie
Cleveland Museum of Art
Dalí, Salvador (1904-1989)
Dziennikarstwo internetowe
Edukacja medialna
Eile, Marian (1910-1984)
Eyck, Jan van (ok. 1390-ok. 1441)
Fajans europejski
Temat: dzieło
Przekrój (czasop.)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Śląsk, Górny
Bałkańskie, kraje
Kresy wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej
Krzyżackie, państwo
Skopje (Macedonia)
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Świętokrzyskie, województwo
Katalogi wystaw
Materiały konferencyjne
Księgi pamiątkowe
Dokumenty elektroniczne
Słowniki terminologiczne
125 wyników Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Katalog wystawy: National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 21 października 2017 - 28 stycznia 2018.
Bibliogr. s. 367-378.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 23295, III 23294 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Beisiegel Katharina. Stockman Russell. McInnes Robert Scott (1947- ). Beisiegel Katharina. Keeping the past alive in the future: a new digital museum age Gröner Anke (1969- ). National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) Gröner Anke (1969- ). Plateforme10 Gröner Anke (1969- ). Long Museum West Bund Gröner Anke (1969- ). Kunstmuseum Basel Extension Gröner Anke (1969- ). Naga Site Museum Gröner Anke (1969- ). Munchmuseet Gröner Anke (1969- ). MONA Museum of Old and New Art Gröner Anke (1969- ). Zayed National Museum Gröner Anke (1969- ). Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA) Gröner Anke (1969- ). Palestinian Museum Gröner Anke (1969- ). Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design Gröner Anke (1969- ). Pingtan Art Museum Gröner Anke (1969- ). Guggenheim Helsinki Gröner Anke (1969- ). China Comic and Animation Museum Gröner Anke (1969- ). Sydney Modern Project - Art Gallery of New South Wales Gröner Anke (1969- ). Kurdistan Museum Gröner Anke (1969- ). Genesis Museum Gröner Anke (1969- ). Meixi Lake International Culture & Arts Centre Ullrich Wolfgang (1967- ). Idea of the open museum: history and problems Dercon Chris (1958- ). Why bother? or, the rise of the private museum MacLeod Suzanne. Image and life: museum architecture, social sustainability and design for creative lives Berg Karen van der (1963- ). Museum buildings in the 21st century: major projects and notes on the redefinition of the museum Tzortzi Kali. Museum, a building in and for the city: an exploration from a spatial point of view
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 211-214.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23300 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Publications of the Hungarian National Gallery / red. serii Judit Borus ; ISSN 0864-7291 ; 2022/1)
Borus Judit. Hideg Rachel. Kane Steve. Katona Anikó (1984- ). Bakos Katalin. Art deco posters for decoration, pleasure and representation Bakos Katalin. Beyond styles. Visual sources of Hungarian art deco poster art Csizmadia Krisztina. The towers of Budapest, Mexico, New York, and Atlantis. Art deco in the oeuvre of Géza Maróti Drienyovszki Zsófia. "Exquisite women's work." Kató Lukáts and Illi Szirmai: two women artists at the forefront of Hungarian advertising design in the 1930s Ferkai András (1953- ). Cinema architecture and interiors 1912-1940 Ferkai András (1953- ). High-rise towers on paper. Budapest utopias Ferkai András (1953- ). Symphony of a metropolis. The Budapest streetscape Földi Eszter. The black Venus: Josephine Baker in Budapest Földi Eszter. The Revue in Budapest Gyáni Gábor (1950- ). Body culture, physical exercise, and sport - art deco Gyáni Gábor (1950- ). The cult of cars, motorbikes and flying Gyáni Gábor (1950- ). The social context of art deco Horányi Éva (1968- ). The spaces of civil life. The home Katona Anikó (1984- ). Art deco and Hungarian posters Katona Anikó (1984- ). József Bottlik and the image of the Orion Company Katona Anikó (1984- ). Metropolis. Fears and dreams of the big city Katona Anikó (1984- ). Modern state representation and art deco Katona Anikó (1984- ). Posters for tourism. The image of Hungary and Budapest Katona Anikó (1984- ). The "other" as an advertising character images of black people and other minorities on Hungarian posters of the 1920 and 1930s Mészáros Zsolt. Angelo, choreographer of the spectacle: portraits of the stars, magazines and movement Molnár Dániel (1985- ). Nightclubs and revue Ttheatres in Budapest in the interwar period Prékopa Ágnes (1964- ). Hungarian art deco book art Prékopa Ágnes (1964- ). New genres and form in church art Szatmári Judit Anna. Elegance, practicality, self-expression. Art deco in the World of fashion Szatmári Judit Anna. Evening dress in the interwar period Szatmári Judit Anna. Hungarian-style clothing and fahion design Török Róbert. Life's swet pleasures. Advertisements and packaging for confectionery and colonial produce Varga Katalin. Movie stars. The World of Hollywood as seen from Budapest Varga Katalin. Representations of film genres on movie posters Veress Kinga (1968- ). The cult of beauty. Luxury and exoticism in the perfume and cosmetics industry
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. związ. z wystawą: Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, od 12 kwietnia do 28 sierpnia 2022.
Bibliogr. s. 312-317.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26311 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: Bard Graduate Center Gallery, 14 września 2018 - 6 stycznia 2019 r.
Bibliogr. s. 328-343. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24667 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Aagesen Dorthe (1966- ). The aesthetics of neutrality. The impact of the First World War on Danish art and culture Cipuria Bela (1967- ). Georgian modernism, national expectations, and the First World War Dudko Oksana. Riflemen art. Visualizing the Ukrainian war Forgács Éva (1947- ). War as psychological , social and intellectual experience. The concept of "national art" and the First World War in Hungary. Lajos Fülep and the dynamisc of "national" and "international" Genova Irina Ivanova (1959- ). Modernism and the national idea - reflections of the First World War Gerharde-Upeniece Ginta (1963- ). Art and the new Latvian state (1918-1920). Modernism - between cosmopolitan inspirations and a substantive national factor Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). International expressionism as the style of the Great War? Remakrs on its adaptation and evaluation Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). Jewish artistic networks around the Great War. The voice of "others" and the utopia of "Yiddishland" Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). The Great War and the new art in Poland. Between patriotic ethos, nationalization of modernism, and international attemps in aesthetic Głuchowska Lidia (1973- ). "The war to end all wars"... (A)Nationalism and cosmopolitanism in the avant-garde and modernist studies in visual culture and literature Gunnarsson Annika (1968- ). Cosmonational. Neither national nor cosmopolitan - but a tinge of avant-garde modernism Gur'ânova Nina Aľbertovna (1963- ). The Russian avant-garde and the Great War. Visions and utopias Hjartarson Benedikt (1972- ). Abstract constructivism and the case of Finnur Jónsson. Universa language - national idiom? Hnídková Vendula (1978- ). Respect and thriumph. Intentions and meanings of Czech architecture before and after the First World War Hume Naomi (1971- ). Cut & paste in exile and war. Otto Gutfreund's Parisian collages Jelsbak Torben (1973- ). The aesthetics of neutrality. The impact of the First World War on Danish art and culture Kessler Erwin. War as inverter in Romanian art between 1912 and 1924 Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Transnational or national cubism? Vincenc Kramář on cubism Mansbach Steven A. (1950- ). Closing remarks and general reflections Prelog Petar (1972- ). In pursuit of national identity. Croatian modern art before and after the Great War Quintana Pareja Emilio (1964- ). Don Quixote in the trenches. The birth of avant-garde poetry in Spanish language between civilization and barbarism Veivo Harri (1969- ). Cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and the reconfigurations of the map of Europe in the discourse of modernity in Finland in the 1920s Wenderski Michał. Uncanonical impulses to the canon. Polish and Belgian contributions to international constructivism
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: Praga, 25-27 listopada 2014 r.
Bibliogr. s. 573-615. Indeksy.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26274 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Katalog wystawy prezentowanej w Galerii Międzynarodowego Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 9 lipca - 20 października 2019 r.
Tyt. wg okł.
Bibliogr. s. 30-31 i w przypisach.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24796 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Poland-China : art and cultural heritage / edited by Joanna Wasilewska. - Krakow : Jagiellonian University Press, cop. 2011. - 347 s., [32] s. tabl. (gł. kolor.) : il. ; 25 cm.
Wasilewska Joanna (1969- ). Anying Chen. The end of literati painting? Chen Chiyu (1956- ). Construction and painting in New China Czechońska Magdalena. Chinese art scene in 1979-2000 from the perspective of performance art Fang Xiaofeng. Aesthetic attitude of Chinese of classical gardens Furmanik-Kowalska Magdalena. Threads between past and future: Lin Tianmiao's installations Geron Małgorzata. Krakow Formist Group (1917-1923) Grabski Józef (1950- ). Polish renaissance art and the art of the renaissance in Poland Gryglewicz Tomasz (1949-2022). Chinese inspiration in Jerzy Panek's prints Hu Guanghua. Investigation of art exchanges between China and Poland in the 1950s Hussakowska-Szyszko Maria (1947- ). Nicely painted, perfectly done, well sold Jankowska Małgorzata (1971- ). Alike but different: common themes in Chinese and Polish art in the New Millenium Juszkiewicz Piotr (1959- ). Utopias and expressions Kajdański Edward (1925-2020). Between science and art: drawings of Michael Boym to his works on China Kopania Izabela (1979- ). Far from Canton: the Chinese vogue in eighteen-century Poland and its long journey there Kucharzewska Joanna (1973- ). Capsule of apartment? Kulpińska Katarzyna (1973- ). International language of woodcut art - Chinese and Polish avant-garde in the 1920s and 1930s Kunkel Robert (1949- ). An outline of the medieval architecture in Poland Li Chao (1962- ; historia sztuki). Dissemination of Polish fine arts in China in the 1950s Lin Su-Hsing. Archeology, national identity and book design in Republican China Liszewska Weronika. Safeguarding of Asian and European heritage in regard to the conservation standards Luba Iwona. Propaganda of Polish art abroad in 1918-1939 Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Foreword Markowska Anna (1962- ). Modernism in Krakow after the Post-Stalin Thaw Osiński Zbigniew (1939-2018). Jerzy Grotowski in China Ostrowski Jan K. (1947- ). Forgotten baroque borderland Pan Yaochang (1947- ). The posters of Mao Era: a perspective of art and society Pawlik Karolina (filologia). Shanghai poinsettia and nostalgia counterfeits Poprzęcka Maria (1942- ). Polish painting between historicism and modernism Sadowski Łukasz Mikołaj (1973- ). Harbin Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Stanisław Witkiewicz and the Zakopane Style Tylicki Jacek (1962- ). European context of architecture, sculpture and painting in Gdańsk and Royal Prussia in the early modern period (sixteenth-seventeenth centuries) Uhma-Miechowicz Dobromiła. What did it mean to be a foreigner in Ancient China? Walczak Marek (1965- ). Art in Krakow during the reign of the last two Piast Kings (c. 1320-1370) Zasławska Danuta Natalia. Chinoiserie in Poland Zapolska Katarzyna. Collection of the Chinese textiles in the National Museum in Warsaw Zemanek Adina. Chinese Aesthetic: an anthology Zemanek Bogdan S. Foreword Zhang Fuye. The elements of traditional culture in modern Chinese art Zhang Gan. Beyond western criteria: the establishment of criteria of contemporary Chinese art
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konf., 14-16 września 2009 r., Kraków.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32206 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Benson Timothy O. (1950- ). Mapping culture in Central Europe: Dada and Devětsil Brzyski Anna (1969- ). Centres and peripheries: language barriers and the cultural geography of European modern art Dovydaitytė Linara (1975- ). Constructing the local 'isms:' paradoxes of Lithuanian expressionism Forgács Éva (1947- ). Whose narrative is it? Genova Irina Ivanova (1959- ). Balkan modernism / Balkan modernity: the difficulties of historicizing Gryglewicz Tomasz (1949-2022). Ideology or culture: on the art of a non-existing Central Europe at the time of the avant-garde and the Yalta conference Howard Jeremy. Ships in the night along the coasts of Bohemia? Modern design aesthetics and the turn of the liner Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Traditionalism as modernism: neo-traditionalism in Lithuanian art Kļaviņš Eduards (1937- ). The ambivalence of ethnography in the context of Latvian modernism Kolešnik Ljiljana. Dangerous liaisons: the relationship between art and the socialist state. The Croatian experience in the 1950s Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Global form and local spirit: Czech and Central European modern art Levinger Esther. Hungarian constructivism and totality Lodder Christina (1948- ). International constructivism and the legacy of unovis in the 1920s: El Lissitzky, Katarzyna Kobro and Władisław Strzemiński Mazzone Marian. Location, process, identity: actions and happenings in the 1960s Mudrak Miroslava Marìâ (1950- ). Polish modernism and Ukrainian artists: parallel strategies Murawska-Muthesius Katarzyna (1955- ). Unworlding slaka, or does Eastern (Central) European art exist? Pachmanová Martina (1970- ). Les femmes artistes d’aujourd’hui: Czech women artists in the context of international modernism Prelovšek Damjan (1945- ). The architect Jože Plečnik: the originator of critical regionalism Reberski Ivanka. The universal and the regional: modernism in Croatian painting in the 1920s and 1950s Sawicki Nicholas (1974- ). Modernist paradigms after the war: the case of Max Dvořák Schultz Deborah. Methodological issues: researching socialist realist Romania Šimičić Darko (1957- ). The case of Dada: searching through the archipelago of the avant-gardes in Central Europe Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Ships in the night along the coasts of Bohemia? Modern design aesthetics and the turn of the liner Versari Maria Elena. The Central European avant-garde of the 1920s: the battleground for futurist identity? Waenerberg Annika. National features in modern art: Edwin Lydén (1879-1956) and Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) Wierzbicka Anna (historia sztuki). Artists from Central and Eastern Europe in the École de Paris Milieu (1918-1939): the problem of assimilation and identity Witkovsky Matthew S. (1967- ). The cage of the center Wünsche Isabel (1965- ). Biocentric modernism: the other side of the avant-garde Zwickl András (1964- ). Between conservatism and modernism: classicisms and realisms of the 1920s in Central Europe
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. w przypisach do ref.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26282 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Indeks R0: BMNK
Wydarzenie towarzyszy 2. Międzynarodowemu Triennale Tkaniny Młodych YTAT - Łódź 2016 oraz 15. Międzynarodowemu Triennale Tkaniny Łódź 2016.
Bibliogr. przy rozdz.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30769 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). Gonçalves Stéphanie. Teworte Emma. Barles Sabine (1965- ). Municipal weste: from reuse to dumping, late 18th century to early 21st century Bugelli Emma. Developing an audience approach for the exhibition Burns Kieran. Stories from the waste land(s): making an exhibition from the material culture of rubbish Contino Alessia (1976- ). Waste storage, disposal and reuse in Roman times Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). From rubbish to throwaway: some reflections on a challenging project Gille Zsuzsa. Waste history from beyond the iron curtain Gutiérrez Herrero Mónica. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Itzel Constanze (1974- ). Old and new, past and present Little Peter C. Re-centring Africa and Africans in the e-wasteocene Macdonald Sharon (1961- ). Why museums need to talk rubbish! Martínez Martínez Miguel Ángel (1940- ). Foreword Monsaingeon Baptiste (1983- ). The discarder, the archaeologist and the ragpicker: the art of making remnants talk Pérez-Llantada Manuel Polanco. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Pöttering Hans-Gert (1945- ). Foreword Puig i Espar Laia. Reflecting, sharing, changing: throwaway and museum activism Salvador Ana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Scanlan John. Waste/art Smilansky Blandine. Europe & waste: museums working together Tumashik Tatiana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Weber Heike. Recycling, remaking and reusing in 20th-century Europe: from a culture of thrift
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. wyd. w ramach projektu Throwaway, luty 2023 - styczeń 2024.
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36011 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Explorations in Medieval Culture / general ed. Larissa Tracy, ISSN 2352-0299 ; vol. 9)
Bibliogr. przy art. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32391 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Richmond Alison. Bracker Alison Lee. Ashley-Smith Jonathan (1946- ). The basis of conservation ethics Avrami Erica. Heritage, values, and sustainability Bauerová Zuzana (1974- ). A critical reflection on Czechoslovak conservation-restoration: its theory and methodological approach Bracker Alison Lee. Introduction Brajer Isabelle. The concept of authenticity expressed in the treatment of wall paintings in Denmark Cane Simon. Why do we conserve? Developing understanding of conservation as a cultural construct Caple Chris (1958- ). The aims of conservation Clavir Miriam (1948- ). Conservation and cultural significance Clifford Helen (1962- ). The problem of patina: thoughts on changing attitudes to old and new things Eastop Dinah. The cultural dynamics of conservation principles in reported practice Enote Jim. Conservation, access and use in a museum of living culture Fiske Tina. White Walls: installations, absence, iteration and difference Hoeniger Cathleen Sara (1958- ). The development of principles in paintings conservation: case studies from the restoration of Raphael's art Jokilehto Jukka (1938- ). Conservation principles in the international context Kaminitz Marian A. Conservation, access and use in a museum of living culture Kemp Jonathan (1920- ). Practical ethics v2.0 Molotch Harvey Luskin (1940- ). The challenge of installation art Muñoz Viñas Salvador (1963- ). Minimal intervention revisited Pye Elizabeth. Archaeological conservation: scientific practice or sociel process? Quam Curtis. Conservation, access and use in a museum of living culture Rée Jonathan (1948- ). Auto-Icons Richmond Alison. Introduction Scott Marcelle. Ethics and practice: Australian and New Zealand conservation context Smith Catherine. Ethics and practice: Australian and New Zealand conservation context Stanley-Price Nicholas (1947- ). The reconstruction of ruins: principles and practice Sterrett Jill. Contemporary museums of contemporary art West W. Richard (1943- ). Conservation, access and use in a museum of living culture Wharton Glenn. The challenge of installation art Yatsattie Eileen. Conservation, access and use in a museum of living culture
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36459 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Katalog wystawy zorg. w Leopold Museum we Wiedniu, od 15 marca 2019 r.
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25810 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Golden fleece : art of Georgia / scientific editor Mirosław Piotr Kruk ; [authors of introductory texts: Nika Akhalbedashvili, Otar Janelidze, George Kalandia, Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Andrzej Szczerski ; authors of essays: Mikheil Abramishvili, Tamar Abuladze, Lelo Chichinadze, Jimsher Chkhvimiani, Tamaz Gabisonia, Temo Jojua, George Kalandia, Mamuka Kapianidze, Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Guram Kvirkvelia, Vazha Mamiashvili, Gia Marsagishvili, Merab Mikeladze, Nana Shervashidze, Maka Sokhadze, Nino Tchogoshvili, Lela Tsitsuashvili ; authors of catalogue notes: Mikheil Abramishvili, Tamar Abuladze, Giorgi Barbakadze, Lily Beraia, Jarosław Bodzek, Shalva Buadze, Leila Chichinadze, Eliso Chogovadze, Nino Datunashvili, Nona Gaprindashvili, Irma Gegidze, Dorota Giovannoni, Nino Gomelauri, Anna Grochala, Danuta Jackiewicz, Temo Jojua, Emzar Kakhidze, George Kalandia, Mamuka Kapianidze, Vladimir Kekelia, Ketevan Khutsishvili, Marina Kobalia, Mariam Koridze, Urszula Kozakowska-Zaucha, Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Guram Kvirkvela, Światosław Lenartowicz, Lucyna Lencznarowicz, Magdalena Ludera, Keta Mamestsarashvili, Kinga Migalska, Vazha Mamiashvili, Daniela Massaan Paichadze, Katarzyna Podniesińska, Kamilla Pijanowska-Badysiak, Agnes Schwarzmaier, Medea Sherozia, Nana Shervashidze, Kristine Shukvani, Maka Sokhadze, Mzisadar Tchapandze, Nino Tchogodhvili, Lela Tsitsuashvili, Mamuka Tsurtsumia, Janina Wilkosz, Maria Wójtowicz ; translation from Georgian into English Roza Zarandia, Lado Mirianashvili ; translation from Polish into English: Karolina Dąbrowska, Poleng]. - Kraków : Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, 2024. - 690, [1] s. : il. kolor. ; 31 cm.
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Dąbrowska Karolina. Mirianašvili Lado. Zarandia Roza. Akhalbedashvili Nika. Introduction Janelidze Otar (1954- ). A brief history of Georgia Kalandia Giorgi (1975- ). Introduction Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Preface to the catalogue for the exhibition of Georgian art at the National Museum in Krakow Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Introduction Abramishvili Mikheil. At the crossroads where metals matter: Georgia and beyon in late prehistory Abuladze Tamar (1957- ). The manuscript treasures of medieval Georgia Barbakadze Giorgi. Beraia Lili. Bodzek Jarosław (1964- ). Buadze Shalva. Chichinadze Lelo. Pirosmani Chkhvimiani Jimsher (1980- ). Christain Georgia: Saint Nino Chogovadze Eliso. Cicuašvili Lela. Henryk Hryniewski and others: Polish architects and painters in Georgia Čoġošvili Nino. The Tiflis School of portraiture Datunashvili Nino. Gabisonia Tamaz (1962- ). Georgian folk and sacred polyphonic culture Gaprindashvili Nona (1941- ). Gegidze Irma. Giovannoni Dorota. Gomelauri Nino. Grochala Anna. Jackiewicz-Król Danuta (1954- ). Jojua Teimuraz (1972- ). Georgian manuscript books from the collection of the Princes Czartoryski Library and their researcher, Saint Gregory Peradze the Archimandrite Jojua Teimuraz (1972- ). The phenomenon of the Georgian alphabet Kakhidze Emzar (1969- ). Kalandia Giorgi (1975- ). Great wars for christianity and freedom Kalandia Giorgi (1975- ). History of Georgian costumes Kapianidze Mamuka. History of weapons Kapianidze Mamuka. Tibili as a city: life and ethnography Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski Radosław. Georgia in Roman times Kekelia Vladimer (1981- ). Khutsishvili Khetevan (1967- ). Kobalia Marina. Koridze Mariam (1993?- ). Kozakowska-Zaucha Urszula (1976- ). Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Georgian manuscript books from the collection of the Princes Czartoryski Library and their researcher, Saint Gregory Peradze the Archimandrite Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Henryk Hryniewski and others: Polish architects and painters in Georgia Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Icons of Georgia Kvirkvelia Guram. Colchis and Iberia Kvirkvelia Guram. Golden fleece Lenartowicz Światosław (1969- ). Lencznarowicz Lucyna (1959- ). Ludera Magdalena (1984- ). Mamestsarashvili Keta. Mamiashvili Vazha (1991- ). Christain Georgia: Saint Nino Marsagishvili Gia. Art of the Golden Age (11th-13the centuries) of Georgia Marsagishvili Gia. Mtskheta church of the Holy Cross (from 586/7 to 604) Massara Daniela (1984- ). Melikishvili Izolda. Local handicraft - a national tradition keeper Migalska Kinga (1986- ). Mikeladze Merab (1926- ). Wine - a symbol of Georgian identity Mumladze Tsitsino (1952- ). Nagladze Maia. Okujava David. Paichadze Ketevan. Podniesińska Katarzyna (1961- ). Pijanowska Kamilla. Schwarzmaier Agnes (1962- ). Sherozia Medea. Shervashidze Nana‏. Georgian modernism Sokhadze Maka. Tibilisi in the works of Georgian and foregin artists Shukvani Kristine. Tchapandze Mzisadar. Tsurtsumia Mamuka (1966- ). Wilkosz Janina. Wójtowicz Maria (malarstwo).
Katalog wystawy: Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Gmach Główny, 17.04-15.09.2024.
Bibliogr. s. 674-[691].
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 27319 (1 egz.)
Księgozbiór podręczny
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W koszyku
Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Abowd Naina. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Acevedo Salvador. Designing experiences for audience diversity: a guide for audience-centered program design Beatti Ashlee. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Cheng Michelle. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Cooke-Nieves Natasha. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Cooper Nathalie. Education and discipline: deviant objects and dissenting bodies at the Horniman Museum DiCindio Carissa (1977- ). Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Eddleman Stephanie. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Fisher Joanna. Meeting the needs of all museum visitors through family-friendly design Foutz Susan (1979- ). Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Graves Jean A. Amateur, audience, agent: participatory culture and docent roles Gupta Preeti. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Hamaker Cathy. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Handel Elyse. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Hatcher Sarah Junk. Why not a temple AND a forum? Hayde Donnelley. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hayes Leslie. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study Heimlich Joe E. (1957- ). Learningscapes and the visitor experience Hoefling Christina. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Horrocks Allison. Tilden, now and then Howes Elaine V. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Kimpeler Simone. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Kisiel James. Scaling the ivory tower - creating and managing collaboration with the university Knecht Mary Jane. Art on the mind: creative aging at the Frye Art Museum Latham Kiersten Fourshé‏. Experiencing objects in the museum Mask Ashley. Finding one's way as a novice art museum educator Meier Carey. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Michal Susan. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Mitchell Amber N. Reclaiming our peace: preparing for a career as BIPOC museum educators Nagawiecki Mia. Museum educators as curricular innovators: "Women & the American Story", a case study O'Quinn Sandra. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Pederson Melissa. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Pederson Melissa. Tools for interactive inspiration: beyond buttons and flip labels Prottas Nathaniel. Teaching in the art museum: a classic reframed Rasmussen Briley. Gathering together with purpose: a new framework for museum education Rossmanith Eva. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Schero Jennifer. At the crossroads of tradition and transformation: docents in the art museum Shaw Jessica. Selecting, implementing, and adapting educational methodologies to support interpretation Theiler Lena. How do we want to live? Collaborative curation of a special exhibition on sustainable futures at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt Thoma Emmons Claire. Learning frameworks and the museum educator's role: strategies for long-term relevance Valle Lucena Lau. Claiming space, cultivating community: Latinx and Asian American ethnically specific museums in a global city Vue Kalia. Culturally sustaining pedagogy in museum education Wallace Jamie. Museums as sites for culturally responsive and sustaining teacher preparation Weiss Laura. Learningscapes and the visitor experience Wolins Inez S. Relevance, inclusion, and interaction in museums from Peale's perspective: not yet enough Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Essential methods and approaches Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Experiencing objects in the museum Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Introduction Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). Museum educators and their purpose past, present, and future Wood Elizabeth Jane (1971- ). The museum educator mindset in the community and in the field
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. po art. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36464 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Juruś Jerzy. Król Anna (1958- ). Deptuła Bogusław (1965- ). Cats and dogs, or the morals of an alley cat Deptuła Bogusław (1965- ). Jak pies z kotem, czyli wiara i wiarołomność Król Anna (1958- ). Here, there and ewerywhere Król Anna (1958- ). I, the cat Król Anna (1958- ). Ja, kot Król Anna (1958- ). Kot i reżyser Król Anna (1958- ). Raz tu, a raz tam Król Anna (1958- ). The cat and the director Kuma Kengo (1954- ). Kot i architekt Kuma Kengo (1954- ). The cat and the architect Motyka Jan (1956-2024). Romanowska Jadwiga (kulturoznawstwo). To abandon oneself in cat content and die... On cats in internet culture Romanowska Jadwiga (kulturoznawstwo). Zatracić się w kocim kontencie i umrzeć... O kotach w kulturze internetu Szewczyk Agnieszka (1976- ). Cats for Rei Kawakubo. Filip Pągowski's Designsfor BLACK Comme des Garçons Szewczyk Agnieszka (1976- ). Koty dla Rei Kawakubo. Projekty Filipa Pągowskiego dla BLACK Comme des Garçons Tanikowski Artur (1965- ). At school and playing truant. Cats in Polish poster art Tanikowski Artur (1965- ). W szkole i na wagarach. Koty w polskim plakacie Weiss Renata. Kocie impresje Wojciecha Weissa we wspomnieniach wnuczki artysty Weiss Renata. Wojciech Weiss's feline impressions remembered by the artist's granddaughter Zalewska Anna (1970- ). Cat dances Zalewska Anna (1970- ). Cats in kimono, or a short history of the cat in Japanese culture Zalewska Anna (1970- ). Kot parafianin. Japońska opowieść ludowa Zalewska Anna (1970- ). Koty popularne, nie tylko rysowane Zalewska Anna (1970- ). Koty w kimonach, czyli krótka historia kota w kulturze Japonii Zalewska Anna (1970- ). O kocich tańcach Zalewska Anna (1970- ). Popular cats whether drawn or otherwise depicted Zalewska Anna (1970- ). The cat-parishioner. A Japanese folk tale
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wstawy prezentowanej w Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha, Kraków, 26.02-4.09.2022.
Bibliogr. s. 287-288.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26252, III 26308 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Dénes Mirjam. Fajcsák Györgyi. Spławski Piotr. Watanabe Toshio (1945- ). Bodor Kata (1978- ). A chronological list of Japanese art-related exhibitions in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Bodor Kata (1978- ). The mixture of Eastern and Western styles of printmaking in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy as seen through a characteristic example Dénes Mirjam. An Austro-Hungarian expedition to Japan Dénes Mirjam. The phenomenon and theme of Japan on the theatrical stages of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, in three acts Dénes Mirjam. The treaty od friendship, commerce and navigation between Japan and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 1869 Fajcsák Györgyi. "Austria exponens invitat orbis universum": the East Asia and Oriental art at the Vienna Weltausstellung 1873 Farkas Mária Ildikó (1964- ). Imperial identity and national identities as impacted by Japonisme in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Földi Eszter. Japanese-style colour woodcutes in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 1902-1914 Kiss Sándor. Japonisme exported from Japan Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka. Go East: Orientalism and Japonisme in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). "Yellow peril, bright future": visual arts and the changing perception of Japan in West and East Europe Leca Radu. Women as active agents of Japonisme in the Dual Monarchy Pantzer Peter (1942- ). Artists from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in Japan, 1869-1918 Spławski Piotr. Hilarity and the coffeehouse: café culture, humor and Japan Spławski Piotr. The impact of Japanese art collections on the education of art and design in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Suchomel Filip (1966- ). Japonisme born in fire: Japanese impact on Central European glass and ceramics Turina Stefano. Japanese stereotypes: the image of Japan and illustrated press from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and beyond (1859-1899) Turina Stefano. Silkworm eggs and a cup of tea: alternative routes for the Japanese objects in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Watanabe Toshio (1945- ). Introduction
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. związ. z obchodami 150. rocznicy nawiązania stosunków dyplomatycznych między Japonią i krajami należącymi Monarchii Austro-Węgierskiej.
Bibliogr. s. 303-327.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25472 (1 egz.)
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