Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Jasieński Feliks (1861-1929)
Wolski Ignacy
Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports
Askenazy Szymon (1866-1935)
Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA
Bomford David. Foreword
Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics
Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings
Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining
Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers tensioning and attachments
Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns
Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Callataÿ Francois de (1961- )
Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions
Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Colaert Maurice
Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Dixon Thomas. Framing glazing backing and hanging of paintings on canvas
Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings
Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings
Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy
Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting
Fuster-López Laura. Filling
Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists
Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds
Hackens Tony (1939-1997)
Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings
Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media
Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Ioannides Marinos
Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports
Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects
Laere Raf van
Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints
Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints
Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting
MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings
Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings
Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports
Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings
McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio
Merzbach Ludwik (1820-1890)
Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Moucharte Ghislaine
Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century
Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings
Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting
Naster Paul (1913-1998)
Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Oddy William Andrew (1942- )
Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining
Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints
Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds
Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects
Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes
Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents
Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings
Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings
Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio
Rushfield Rebecca (1954- )
Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards
Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation
Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings
Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction
Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art
Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings
Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds 1400-1900
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- )
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction
Streeton Noelle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting 1960-66
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1950 - 1959
1900 - 1909
1890 - 1899
1880 - 1889
1870 - 1879
1860 - 1869
1850 - 1859
1830 - 1839
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Wielka Brytania
Nowa Zelandia
Rep. Połud. Afryki
Muzyka fortepianowa
Muzyka polska
Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Pisarze polscy
Ochrona zabytków
Gawot (fortepian)
Monety europejskie
Literatura polska
Monety celtyckie
Monety greckie
Muzyka niemiecka
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka polska
Walc (fortepian)
Aleksander I (cesarz Rosji ; 1777-1825)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Chemia analityczna
Chopin, Fryderyk (1810-1849)
Cézanne, Paul (1839-1906)
Dramat polski
Drukowanie przestrzenne
Grafika japońska
Gruel, Katherine (1953- )
Ilustracje japońskie
Język angielski
Kościoły i kaplice
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Literatura rosyjska
Malarstwo polskie
Mazur (muz.)
Mazurek (fortepian)
Mazurek (muz.)
Medale amerykańskie
Medale europejskie
Mel'nikova, Alla Sergeevna (1929-2005)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nowy Jork)
Monety Afryki
Monety Azji
Monety arabskie
Monety kufickie
Monety litewskie
Monety rosyjskie
Monety ruskie
Monety rzymskie
Museum of Fine Arts (Houston)
Muzeum Górnośląskie (Bytom)
Muzyka irlandzka
Napoleon I (cesarz Francuzów ; 1769-1821)
Pamiętniki polskie
Pałac Kultury i Nauki (Warszawa)
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Pieśń (głos wysoki i fortepian)
Poezja japońska
Pokój w Tylży (1807)
Polonez (fortepian)
Powieść indyjska
Powstanie 1846 r. chłopskie
Pytheas Marsiliensis
Rysunek włoski
Rzeczywistość rozszerzona
Rzeczywistość wirtualna
Rzemiosło artystyczne litewskie
Systemy informacyjne
Sztuka francuska
Sztuka koreańska
Sztuka ludowa litewska
Sztuka stosowana litewska
Sztuka turecka
Sztuka włoska
Szépművészeti Múzeum (Budapeszt)
Utagawa, Hiroshige (1797-1858)
Utagawa, Kunisada (1786-1865)
Utagawa, Kuniyoshi (1798-1861)
Temat: dzieło
Temat: czas
200-101 p.n.e.
300-201 p.n.e.
400-301 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Kresy wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej
Zabór rosyjski
Złota Orda
Śląsk, Górny
Materiały konferencyjne
Poezja okolicznościowa polska
Czasopisma społeczno-kulturalne polskie
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
Pamiętniki polskie
Poezja polska
Atlasy roślin
Czasopisma literackie polskie
Czasopisma ludowe polskie
Pieśń ludowa polska
Szkice literackie polskie
Słowniki terminologiczne
Źródła historyczne
66 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Publ. związ. z wystawą: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, od 22 stycznia do 30 marca 2003.
Bibliogr. s. 723-767. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 25804 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Katalog wystawy: Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 28.10.2021 - 13.2.2022.
Bibliogr. s. 462-463.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26638 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Pisma. T. 9 / Włodzimierz Spasowicz. - Warszawa : skład główny w Księgarni E. Wende i S-ka (T. Hiż i A. Turkuł), 1908 (Warszawa : Drukarnia Rubieszewskiego i Wrotnowskiego). - [8], 330 s. ; 22 cm.
Zawiera: Polityka samobójstwa ; Wspomnienia moje o Józefacie Ohryzce ; Jerzego Moszyńskiego po czterdziestu latach szkic polskiej polityki w chwili obecnej ; Nowa historya literatury polskiej A. Brücknera ; Wspólna własność w Rossyi ; O liberalizmie ; St. Wyspiańskiego "Wyzwolenie" ; St. Wyspiańskiego Bolesław Śmiały ; Nowa literatura ; W obronie własnej ; Etyka egoizmu ; "Próchno" ; Studya i szkice literackie Antoniego-Gustawa Bema ; "Popioły" ; Uzupełnione studyum profesora J. Tretiaka o Słowackim ; "Skarb" ; Leon hrabia Tołstoj o końcu naszej ery ; Z przemówień wigilijnych.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 921/9 s.z. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Special Publication / International Association of Professional Numismatists ; no 12)
Callataÿ François de (1961- ). Colaert Maurice. Hackens Tony (1939-1997). Laere Raf van. Moucharte Ghislaine. Naster Paul (1913-1998). Van Driessche Véronique. Attwood Philip. Great Britain and Ireland Balaguer Anna M. (1950- ). España y Portugal Belaubre Jean (1931- ). France médiévale Bendixen Kirsten. Denmark Billard N. Monnaies royales françaises: XVIe-XVIIIe siècles Blackburn Mark A. S. (1953-2011). England medieval Blankoff Jean (1931- ). Tchécoslovaquie - Bulgarie - U.R.S.S. Börner Lore. Deutschland Canto García Alberto. Monedas islámicas en Al-Andalus Chariatis Irene. Grèce Ciofu Valerian L. Roumanie Colaert Maurice. Belgique et Luxembourg Colaert Maurice. Médailles: introduction Colaert Maurice. Monnayage de notre époque Costilhes A. Amérique Centrale et du Sud Cribb Joe (1947- ). Japan Crusafont i Sabater Miquel (1942- ). España y Portugal Dai Zhiqiang (1944- ). China Doty Richard G. (1942-2013). North America Frère Hubert (1920-1999). Les Merovingiens et les Carolingiens Geiser Anne (1952- ). Suisse Gillilland Cory. United States Gimeno Javier. España y Portugal Grierson Philip (1910-2006). England medieval Gunasekara Damayanthi. Ancient and medieval coinages of Sri Lanka Hebert Raymond J. Canada Hebert Raymond J. Latin America Helly Bruno. Méthodes de laboratoire, statistiques et informatique en numismatique Hennequin Gilles (1934- ). Le Proche-Orient islamique Héri Veronika G. Hongrie Hewitt Virginia H. Banknotes Kenis Yvon. Belgique et Luxembourg Kenny Michael. Ireland Keymeulen André van. België/Luxemburg Mayhew Nicholas J. England and Wales, 1485-c. 1800 Panvini Rosati Franco. Italia Pellicer i Bru Josep (1925- ). Monedas islámicas en Al-Andalus Pol Arent (1951- ). The Netherlands Popović-Gaj Dobrila. Yugoslavia Rasmussen Else (1953- ). Denmark Regoudy François. Monnaies royales françaises: XVIe-XVIIIe siècles Rivallain Josette (1945- ). Monnayages traditionnels et modernes de l'Afrique noire Rochat Brigitte. Suisse Schulz Karl (1951-2000). Österreich Servet Jean-Michel (1951- ). Monnayages traditionnels et modernes de l'Afrique noire Shetti B. V. Mediaeval and modern India Smolderen Luc. Belgique et Luxembourg Stewart Bernard Harold Ian Halley (1935-2018). Scotland Strzałkowski Jacek (1939- ). Pologne Talvio Tuukka (1948- ). Sweden, Norway and Finland Thierry François (1950- ). Asie du Sud-Est Travaini Lucia (1953- ). Monete islamiche trovate in europa (ad eccezione della Spagna) Turckheim-Pey Sylvie de. France Van der Meer G. The Netherlands Yao Shuomin. China
Indeks R0: BMNK
Spis treści w t. 1.
Bibliogr. w przypisach do art. oraz przy niektórych art. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. II 34522/2 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bibliogr. s. 329-334. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Dział Nowoczesnego Polskiego Malarstwa i Rzeźby (Sukiennice) sygn. II 35743 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Paczkowski Szymon (1962- ). Bertoglio Chiara (1983- ). Bach w przekładzie: analiza fortepianowych wykonań Bacha w świetle edycji dydaktycznych Karola Lipińskiego Bertoglio Chiara (1983- ). Translating Bach: understanding Bach piano performance through Lipiński's instructive editions Blanken Christine (1967- ). A genuine romantic composer and his pre-classical inspirations: Johann Sebastian Bach as seen through the eyes of Franz Schubert Blanken Christine (1967- ). Kompozytor prawdziwie romantyczny i jego preklasyczne inspiracje: Jan Sebastian Bach w oczach Franciszka Szuberta Brookshire Bradley (1960- ). Chopin a dziedzictwo Carla Philippa Emanuela Bacha Brookshire Bradley (1960- ). Chopin and the legacy of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Delpech Louis (1985- ). Bach in Paris Delpech Louis (1985- ). Bach w Paryżu Erickson Raymond (1941- ). Popularisation and transformation: Bach's violin Ciaccona, BWV 1004/5 in the nineteenth century Erickson Raymond (1941- ). Popularyzacja i transformacja: Bachowska Ciaccona na skrzypce BW 1004/5 Guido Massimiliano (1974- ). Improvisations matrices: a possible reading for Bach's and Chopin's preludes? Guido Massimiliano (1974- ). Improwizacyjne szablony: sposób interpretacji preludiów Bacha i Chopina? Maul Michael (1978- ). Public concerts as the "True musical conservatory": baroque repertoire as St Thoma's School at the turn of nineteenth century Maul Michael (1978- ). Publiczne koncerty w "prawdziwym muzycznym konserwatorium" - repertuar barokowy w szkole przy kościele św. Tomasza na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku Paczkowski Szymon (1962- ). From the Editor Paczkowski Szymon (1962- ). Ideał, jaki sobie o wielkiej muzyce utworzyłem Paczkowski Szymon (1962- ). Od redakcji Paczkowski Szymon (1962- ). The ideal of great music I created for myself Papadopoulou Vasiliki (1984- ). Karol Lipiński as editor and interpreter of J. S. Bach's music Papadopoulou Vasiliki (1984- ). Karol Lipiński jako redaktor i interpretator muzyki J. S. Bacha Poniatowska Irena (1933- ). Rubato od czasów baroku do Chopina Poniatowska Irena (1933- ). Some remarks on tempo rubato from the baroque to Chopin Speerstra Joel (1965- ). Bach, Chopin and the affordances of keybord instruments during the long eighteenth century Speerstra Joel (1965- ). Bach, Chopin i afordancje instrumentów klawiszowych w "długim" wieku XVIII Synofzik Thomas (1966- ). Kontrapunkt krytyczny? Synofzik Thomas (1966- ). Romantic counterpoint? Tatlow Ruth (1956- ). Symetria i matryca: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier Bacha oraz Preludia op. 28 Tatlow Ruth (1956- ). Symmetry and template: Bach's "Well-tempered Clavier" and Chopin's "Preludes", Op. 28 Tomita Yo (1961- ). Aspects of the reception of Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier" in Chopin's time: an overview of print and manuscript sources Tomita Yo (1961- ). Zagadnienia recepcji Das Wohltemperierte Klavier Bacha w czasach Chopina: przegląd źródeł drukowanych i rękopiśmiennych Zepf Marcus. Bach - Mozart - Chopin
Indeks R0: BMNK
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34503 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Le Petit Répertoire Populaire = Das kleine Volks-Repertorium / D. Krug ; [Serie 1, No 12])
Na fort.
Brak s. 1-2.
Opis wg nagł.
Na okł. tylnej spis aranżacji operowych różnych kompozytorów w oprac. D. Kruga, wydanych przez firmę J. Schuberth & Co. w Lipsku.
Tyt. serii wg KVK.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Muz. 413 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Tyt. nagł.: Hexen-Tanz Fantasie nach Paganini
Opis wg okł.
Na fort.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Muz. 364 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Aussermeier Martina. Die Krönungskirche in Straubing Baumann Maria Elisabeth (1965- ). Die Rosenstrauchmadonna aus Straubing im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum in München Berger-Dittscheid Cornelia. Die Synagoge in Straubing Dietl Albert. Dittscheid Hans-Christoph (1950- ). Kirche im Kosmos - die Straubinger Ursulinenkirche - ein Gesamtkunstwerk der Brüder Asam im Geist des jesuitisch inspirierten Barock Dobler Gerald (1964- ). Die gotischen Wandmalereien im heutigen Gebiet der Stadt Straubing Geiger Karin (1986- ). Notizen zur Baugeschichte des Straubinger Rathauses - das Umbauprojekt Friedrich Niedermayers von 1892 Glas Natalie. Der Wandeltabernakel der Straubinger Schutzengelkirche - ein kunsthistorischer Streifzug Huber Alfons. "Die Mahler- vnd Ausziehrungsgedanckhen" für die Ursulinenkirche zu Straubing von P. Franz Xaver Gumpp SJ Huber Alfons. Moltré Christiane. Zwei barocke Hauskapellen in Straubing - die Kapelle des Obernschwesternhauses und die Hauskapelle des Pfarrhofs von St. Peter Morsbach Peter. Die ehemalige Jesuitenkirche und die Delineationes des Fr. Johannes Hörmann S. J. aus den Jahren 1683 bis 1687 Muhr Barbara. Cosmas Damian Asams späte Leinwandbilder im Ursulinenkonvent in Straubing: die "Heilige Familie" und "Jesus bei Maria und Martha" Riedl Petra (1971- ). Studien zur Gründung, Gründungsgeschichte, Gründungssage und zum Gründungsfresko des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters Oberaltaich Rödl Ines. Eine unbekannte Epitaphtafel aus der Schutzengelkirche - eine Annäherung an ein Werk der sogenannten "Donauschule" Wanderwitz Heinrich. Studien zur Gründung, Gründungsgeschichte, Gründungssage und zum Gründungsfresko des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters Oberaltaich Wegmann Susanne (1969- ). Das umstrittene Jenseits - vier Straubinger Bildepitaphien aus der Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts und die Frage der Sichtbarkeit "konfessioneller" Identitäten
Indeks R0: BMNK
T. specj.: "Jahresbericht des Historischen Vereins für Straubing und Umgebung. Sonderband". 6 (2018).
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. II 688 S/6/2 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Adamowicz Tadeusz (1922-1980). Mehoffer a Wyspiański. Dwie postawy twórcze Adamowicz Tadeusz (1922-1980). Mehoffer and Wyspiański: two artistic attitudes Białostocki Jan (1921-1988). Białostocki Jan (1921-1988). Przedmowa Bielawski Bolesław. Sculptural work of B. Biegas up to 1914 Bielawski Bolesław. Twórczość rzeźbiarska Bolesława Biegasa do 1914 roku Estreicher Karol (1906-1984). Środowisko artystyczne Zakopanego w okresie Młodej Polski (1900-1914) Estreicher Karol (1906-1984). Zakopane as an art center: 1900-1914 Frycz Jerzy (1927-1985). Modernism and the restoration of monuments in Poland Frycz Jerzy (1927-1985). Modernizm i konserwacja zabytków Grabska-Wallis Elżbieta (1931-2004). Joris-Karla Huysmans' idea of modernism Grabska-Wallis Elżbieta (1931-2004). Joris-Karla Huysmansa pojęcie modernizmu Gradowska Anna. Nurt symboliczno-fantastyczny we wczesnej fazie twórczości Edwarda Okunia Gradowska Anna. The symbolistic-fantastic trend in the early period of E. Okuń Jakimowicz Andrzej (1919-1992). Autoportrety Jacka Malczewskiego Jakimowicz Andrzej (1919-1992). Jacek Malczewski's self-portraits Ławniczakowa Agnieszka (1935-2009). An essey in classification of symbolic representations in works of art Ławniczakowa Agnieszka (1935-2009). Próba klasyfikacji przedstawień symbolicznych w dziełach sztuk plastycznych Pawłowski Krzysztof Kazimierz (1934- ). Origins of modern urbanistic thought in Poland Pawłowski Krzysztof Kazimierz (1934- ). Początki polskiej nowoczesnej myśli urbanistycznej Popławska Irena (1924-1995). Architecture in Łódź around 1900 Popławska Irena (1924-1995). Architektura Łodzi około 1900 r. Porębski Mieczysław (1921-2012). Modernizm i modernizmy Porębski Mieczysław (1921-2012). The "Modernism" and modernisms Puciata-Pawłowska Jadwiga (1902-1989). J. Mehoffer and S. Wyspiański. A history of their friendship Puciata-Pawłowska Jadwiga (1902-1989). Józef Mehoffer i Stanisław Wyspiański. Z dziejów przyjaźni artystów Ross Juliusz (1920-1976). J. Karasek's patronage: his interest in artists of the "Young Poland" Ross Juliusz (1920-1976). Mecenat Jerzego Karaska w Pradze na tle twórczości Młodej Polski (komunikat) Wallis Mieczysław (1895-1975). Przemiany w poglądach na secesję Wallis Mieczysław (1895-1975). The changing views on Art Nouveau Wiercińska Janina (1922-2003). Book design and ornament in the 1890-ths Wiercińska Janina (1922-2003). Z problematyki zdobnictwa książkowego lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku Woźniakowski Jacek (1920-2012). Three footnotes Woźniakowski Jacek (1920-2012). Trzy przypisy (głos w dyskusji)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Spis treści także ang.
Bibliogr. w przypisach do ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34498 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Collection Bibracte ; 29)
Cicolani Veronica. Genechesi Julia (1982- ). Hiriart Eneko (1984- ). Martin Stéphane (1985- ). Nieto-Pelletier Sylvia (1974- ). Olmer Fabienne. Adam Anne-Marie. Décors figurés sur quelques fibules du Ier s. av. n. è.: des images de propagande? Amandry Michel (1949- ). Le mobillier numismatique du site de Borsin à Courceroy (Aube) Augier Laurence (1972- ). Lot de plaques à alvéoles mis au jour à Bourges en contexte protohistorique (Cher, France): contexte archéologique, typologie et analyse Barral Philippe (1961- ). Les Gaulois à Autun: quelques données nouvelles sur le sanctuaire dit du "Temple de Janus" Bataille Gérard (1975- ). Les monnaies ne valent pas un clou! Bernard Loup (1974- ). De la numismatique à l'informatique, esquisse de l'evolutions de la recherche et des défis de la mise en ligne des données Bernollin Vincent. Du site gaulois à l'agglomération romaine d'Allonnes: dix-huit ans de recherches Bigoni Rose. Le sanglier-enseigne dans l'iconographie gauloise: autour du potin au sanglier Briquel Dominique. Les instriptions étrusques de Provence-Languedoc: des faits d'interférence graphique Brouquier-Reddé Véronique. Du site gaulois à l'agglomération romaine d'Allonnes: dix-huit ans de recherches Brun Patrice. L'évolution des inégalités au cours du deuxième âge du Fer en France Buchsenschutz Olivier. Franchement numismate, résolument archéologue! Buchsenschutz Olivier. Les monnaies gauloises ou les limites de l'analyse typologique Callegarin Laurent (1969- ). Des imitations de bronzes ibériques chez les Aquitains Campana Stefano (1970- ). Archéologie préventive en Italie Campo Díaz Marta. Sobre la circulatión de monedas galas en el yacimiento de Empúries Carrive Mathilde. Quand la monnaie fait le mur: dépôts monétaires dans les constructions romaines Cauuet Béatrice. Sources et productions d'argent en Gaule aux âges du Fer Cherel Anne-Françoise. Le dépôt monétaire de la ZAC "Object'Ifs Sud" à Ifs (Calvados): un rare example de dépôt laténien en contexte stratigraphique Cicolani Veronica. Analyse exploratoire des relations transalpines au premier âge du Fer: les cartes de chaleur et la BaseFar Cicolani Veronica. La monnaie de sa pièce Colin Anne (1959- ). La Garonne, un long fleuve tranquille? Collis John (1944- ). Les émissions de monnaies arvernes en bronze aux IIe et Ier s. av. n. è. Collis John (1944- ). The myth of "the myth of the Celts" Dabas Michel (1961- ). Penser l'espace du terrain à la toile: d'Arkéoplan à Chronocarto Deberge Yann (1973- ). Les émissions de monnaies arvernes en bronze aux IIe et Ier s. av. n. è. Dechezleprêtre Thierry (1968- ). Le sanglier-enseigne dans l'iconographie gauloise: autour du potin au sanglier Demierre Matthieu. De l'identification des instruments de pesée laténiens à la restitution de systèmes métrologiques Dessales Hélène (1972- ). Quand la monnaie fait le mur: dépôts monétaires dans les constructions romaines Dieulafait Francis (1957- ). Monnaies et agglomération au IIe s. av. n. è.: le cas de la ZAC Niel à Toulouse Saint-Roch Doyen Jean-Marc (1954- ). Lucotios et Vocarantos: deux "magistrats" rèmes d'époque césarienne Drost Vincent (1979- ). Micro-fouille et structure interne de trésors monétaires romains Dubreucq Émilie. De la musique chez les Gaulois? Ebert Florian. L'occupation rurale en Haute-Bavière au deuxième âge du fer Fichtl Stéphan (1963- ). Dépôt d'un Muschelstater dans le murus gallicus de l'oppidum du Fossé des Pandours (Bas-Rhin) Franke Robin. L'occupation rurale en Haute-Bavière au deuxième âge du fer Garcia Magali. Les émissions de monnaies arvernes en bronze aux IIe et Ier s. av. n. è. Geiser Anne (1952- ). Rares fractions d'argent ou imitations de l'obole de Marseille produites entre Alpes et Jura Genechesi Julia (1982- ). La conquête de la Transalpine à travers la numismatique Genechesi Julia (1982- ). La monnaie de sa pièce Genechesi Julia (1982- ). Un moule à empreintes monétaires sur l'oppidum de Constantine Geneviève Vincent. Auguste et Contoutos étaient-ils de mèche? Girard Benjamin (1985- ). De l'identification des instruments de pesée laténiens à la restitution de systèmes métrologiques Girard Benjamin (1985- ). Un moule à empreintes monétaires sur l'oppidum de Constantine Goddard Christophe J. (1970- ). Sur la prétendue "clôture rituelle de sanctuaire" en Italie et en Gaule de l'époque républicaine à l'Antiquité tardive Golosetti Raphaël (1980- ). Monnaies et sanctuaires à l'âge du Fer dans le sud-est de la Gaule Gruel Katherine (1953- ). Les émissions de monnaies arvernes en bronze aux IIe et Ier s. av. n. è. Guichard Vincent. Au commencement était la femme Guichard Vincent. Les émissions de monnaies arvernes en bronze aux IIe et Ier s. av. n. è. Haselgrove Colin. Iron Age coin production in Britain: some new ewidence Hiriart Eneko (1984- ). La conquête de la Transalpine à travers la numismatique Hiriart Eneko (1984- ). La Garonne, un long fleuve tranquille? Hiriart Eneko (1984- ). La monnaie de sa pièce Houal Benjamin. Les monnaies coriosolites de Katherine Gruel, en relief et en mouvemen Huet Nathalie. Les trésors monétaires: paradis des numismates, chemin de croix pour les restaurateurs et les conservateurs Izri Stéphane (1971- ). Les Gaulois à Autun: quelques données nouvelles sur le sanctuaire dit du "Temple de Janus" Izri Stéphane (1971- ). Les monnaies du sanctuaire de Nitry (Yonne) et les potins "au cheval gracile" Jersey Philip de. What next for the Coriosolitae? Jolivet Vincent (1955- ). Un astre se lève à l'Occident: à propos d'une monnaie étrusque de Tuscania (Latium, Italie) Joly Martine (1962- ). Les Gaulois à Autun: quelques données nouvelles sur le sanctuaire dit du "Temple de Janus" Juhász Lajos. Two birds with one coin Kaenel Gilbert. Elles en font une tête... Kovacik Joseph. Lot de plaques à alvéoles mis au jour à Bourges en contexte protohistorique (Cher, France): contexte archéologique, typologie et analyse Krausz Sophie (1963- ). Le locus consecratus des Carnutes Lambert Pierre-Yves (1949- ). Contoboviovindillus: un Gaulois à Pompéi? Le Goff Elven. Le dépôt monétaire de la ZAC "Object'Ifs Sud" à Ifs (Calvados): un rare example de dépôt laténien en contexte stratigraphique Lejars Thierry (1962- ). Les monnaies coriosolites de Katherine Gruel, en relief et en mouvement Letellier-Taillefer Éloïse. Quand la monnaie fait le mur: dépôts monétaires dans les constructions romaines Lleres Joseph. Franchement numismate, résolument archéologue! Lücke Stephan. L'occupation rurale en Haute-Bavière au deuxième âge du fer Luginbühl Thierry. Les monnaies du Chasseron (Suisse): évolution des pratiques d'offrande dans un lieu de culte gallo-romain d'altitude du Jura vaudois Marion Stéphane. Ce fut comme une apparition: sanctuaire et monnaie à l'aube de IIIe s. av. n. è. Martin Stéphane (1985- ). Ammon et le sphinx: une émission celte énigmatique du nord de la Gaule Martin Stéphane (1985- ). La monnaie de sa pièce Martin Stéphane (1985- ). Quand la monnaie fait le mur: dépôts monétaires dans les constructions romaines Mennessier-Jouannet Christine. Les émissions de monnaies arvernes en bronze aux IIe et Ier s. av. n. è. Monier Florence. Quand la monnaie fait le mur: dépôts monétaires dans les constructions romaines Nicolai Caroline von. L'occupation rurale en Haute-Bavière au deuxième âge du fer Nieto-Pelletier Sylvia (1974- ). La monnaie de sa pièce Nieto-Pelletier Sylvia (1974- ). Numismatique et archéométrie: une contribution renouvelée aux études sur l'âge du Fer européen: le cas de l'or monnayé Nouvel Pierre Stanislas (1973- ). Les monnaies du sanctuaire de Nitry (Yonne) et les potins "au cheval gracile" Olmer Fabienne. La monnaie de sa pièce Olmer Fabienne. Réemplois ou pratiques commerciales frauduleuses? Paris Elodie (1989- ). La conquête de la Transalpine à travers la numismatique Pernet Lionel (1978- ). Elles en font une tête... Piana Agostinetti Paola. Deux potins de la nécropole d'Ornavasso et leur contexte de découverte Poccetti Paolo. Les variantes d'un nom ethnique chez Polybe à la lumière des données épigraphiques et des monnaies celtiques d'Italie du Nord Riahi Yadh. Penser l'espace du terrain à la toile: d'Arkéoplan à Chronocarto Robert Bruno. Le mobillier numismatique du site de Borsin à Courceroy (Aube) Salanova Laure (1969- ). Avant le métal: objets d'échange et de compte Save Sabrina. Lot de plaques à alvéoles mis au jour à Bourges en contexte protohistorique (Cher, France): contexte archéologique, typologie et analyse Scheers Simone. Une empreinte insolite sur un quinaire au cavalier de la vallée du Rhône à la légende BRI-COMA Schöenfelder Martin. Sur l'art des monnaies celtiques Spiès Florie. De la musique chez les Gaulois? Tribouillard Elisabeth. Analyse exploratoire des relations transalpines au premier âge du Fer: les cartes de chaleur et la BaseFar Troubady Murielle (1980- ). Les sanctuaires turons: monnaies et sacrifices Valdés Luis. L'atelier de Kolounioku Van Heems Gilles (1976- ). Les instriptions étrusques de Provence-Languedoc: des faits d'interférence graphique Van Heesch Johan. Ammon et le sphinx: une émission celte énigmatique du nord de la Gaule Verdin Florence. La Garonne, un long fleuve tranquille? Verger Stéphane (1965- ). De l'archéogrenier Verger Stéphane (1965- ). Le miracle de la monnaie celtique Verrier Guillaume. Monnaies et agglomération au IIe s. av. n. è.: le cas de la ZAC Niel à Toulouse Saint-Roch Vial Éloïse (1966- ). Au commencement était la femme Wigg-Wolf David. Obols from the Upper/Middle Rhine and regional networks in South and South-West Germany during the late Iron Age Zurbach Julien. Monnaies pesées en plusieurs métaux: bronze, or, argent en Méditerranée archaïque
Indeks R0: BMNK
Na s. red. błędny ISBN: 978-2-909668-97-5.
Bibliogr. przy art. Skróty bibliogr. s. 9-10. Bibliogr. prac Katherine Gruel s. 26-38.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 24644 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology / series ed. Andrew Oddy)
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Oddy William Andrew (1942- ). Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA Bomford David. Foreword Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers, tensioning, and attachments Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions Castelli Ciro. Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Digney-Peer Shawn. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Dixon Thomas. Framing, glazing, backing, and hanging of paintings on canvas Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting Fuster-López Laura. Filling Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds Gritt Stephen. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Hutchings Jeremy. Sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds Perry Roy A. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds, 1400-1900 Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction Streeton Noëlle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting, 1960-66 Swicklik Michael. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Thomas Karen. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Tomkiewicz Carolyn J. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Townsend Joyce H. A brief survey of historical varnishes Townsend Joyce H. Binding media Townsend Joyce H. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Townsend Joyce H. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Townsend Joyce H. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Wadum Jørgen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Walsh Valentine. Optical microscopy Whitten Jill. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Young Christina. History of fabric supports
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 765-866. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 23047 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Conferences and Studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies / editorial board Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski ; vol. 12)
Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Cambon Pierre (1955- ). Korean collection in Paris Dąbrowski Józef (1940-2019). "Hanji Paper" – Unique technologies of ancient Korean craft De Fraeye Mark (1949- ). San-shin, the Mountain God – Korea’s eternal spirit Gröning Gert (1944- ). The Heewon,희원, where the pungryu 풍류, can be perceived - an outstanding example of garden culture in Korea Helman-Ważny Agnieszka (1974- ). "Hanji Paper" – Unique technologies of ancient Korean craft Jankowska Małgorzata (1971- ). Hunting for self-image. Construction of identity of Nikki S. Lee and Katarzyna Kozyra art Kennedy Beccy. Orienting and disorienting contemporary Korean art Kucharzewska Joanna (1973- ). Between tradition and modernity. From the works of Seung H-Sang, an architect from South Korea Lee-Niinioja Hee Sook (1946- ). Costume culture of Hanbok as a living heritage and Korean identity Martini Małgorzata (1953- ). Korean art and material culture in Polish museum collections Mecsi Beatrix. Meeting of the East and the West: the Western visual world (perspective and three-dimensionality) and its reception in East Asia in the 17th-18th centuries Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Wstęp Naeyoung Ryu. Yun Duseo, Korean scholar-painter, precursor in painting of the Sirhak movement Pelz Robert. A Korean ancestor portrait in the Museum of East Asian Art Cologne Popławska Marzanna. The National Gugak Center – preserving and promoting intangible cultural properties in Korea Schulenburg Stephan (1959- ). Korean collections in German museums Suh Katharina I-Bon. The element of the dragon – an example of Korean dancheong on a Buddhist temple hall at Songgwangsa ( Jeollanam-do, South Korea) Toomey John J. The Korean way of tea. The way of universal peace Youngsuk Park. Genesis of Korean art – Goguryeo art
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konf.: Warszawa, 25-26 października 2012.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23428 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The conservation of easel paintings / edited by Joyce Hill Stoner and Rebecca Rushfield. - 2nd ed. - London ; New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2022. - XXXIV, 914 s. : il. (gł. kolor.) ; 25 cm.
(Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology / series ed. Andrew Oddy)
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Oddy William Andrew (1942- ). Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports Bartoletti Angelica. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Baade Brian. Recommending materials to artists Berg Klaas Jan van den (1964- ). Modern oil paints Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA Bomford David. Foreword Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Breare Caitlin. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers, tensioning, and attachments Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Cushman Matthew. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings DeGhetaldi Kristin. Recommending materials to artists Digney-Peer Shawn. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Dixon Thomas. Framing, glazing, backing, and hanging of paintings on canvas Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting Finn Clare. Written documentation for paintings conservation Fuster-López Laura. Filling Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds Gritt Stephen. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Hummelen IJsbrand. Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Hutchings Jeremy. The sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports Keune Katrien. Research into and analysis of the materials of easel paintings Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints Lee Judith. Modern oil paints Lee Judith. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Emergency preparedness and recovery Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting Ludvigsen Loa. Image documentation for paintings conservation MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Ormsby Bronwyn. Modern oil paints Ormsby Bronwyn. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds Perry Roy A. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds, 1400-1900 Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction Streeton Noëlle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting, 1960-66 Swicklik Michael. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Thomas Karen. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Tomkiewicz Carolyn J. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Townsend Joyce H. A brief survey of historical varnishes Townsend Joyce H. Binding media Townsend Joyce H. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Townsend Joyce H. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Townsend Joyce H. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleanings agents Townsend Joyce H. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Wadum Jørgen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Walsh Valentine. Optical microscopy Whitten Jill. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Young Christina. History of fabric supports Zumbühl Stefan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 792-890. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 35746 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Dardes Kathleen (1952- ). Rothe Andrea (1936- ). Baÿ Odile. The restoration of wooden painting supports. Two hundred years of history in France Bergeon Ségolène (1942- ). The restoration of wooden painting supports. Two hundred years of history in France Bisacca George. Structural considerations in the treatment of a nativity by Francesco di Giorgio Martini Blanchette R. A. A guide to wood deterioration caused by microorganisms and insects Bobak Simon. A flexible unattached auxiliary support Bomford David. Introduction: keynote address Bret Jacqueline. The conservation-restoration of wooden painting supports. Evolution of methods and current research in the service de restauration des Musées de France Brewer Al. Practical aspects of the structural conservation of large panel paintings Brewer Al. Some rejoining methods for panel paintings Castelli Ciro. The restoration of panel painting supports. Some case histories Corzo Miguel Angel (1942- ). Foreword Daniel Vinod. Modified atmosphere treatments of insect infestations Dardes Kathleen (1952- ). Preface Emile-Mâle Gilberte (1912-2008). The restoration of wooden painting supports. Two hundred years of history in France Glatigny Jean-Albert. Backings of painted panels. Reinforcement and constraint Hanlon Gordon. Modified atmosphere treatments of insect infestations Hoadley R. Bruce (1933-2019). Chemical and physical properties of wood Hoadley R. Bruce (1933-2019). Identification of wood in painting panels Horns James S. Richard Buck. The development and use of the balsa backing for panel paintings Huot Claude. The restoration of wooden painting supports. Two hundred years of history in France Jaunard Daniel. The conservation-restoration of wooden painting supports. Evolution of methods and current research in the service de restauration des Musées de France Klein Peter. Dendrochronological analyses of panel paintings Lebas Frédéric J. M. The cradling of a relief of the annunciation attributed to Martin Schaffner Mandron Patrick. The conservation-restoration of wooden painting supports. Evolution of methods and current research in the service de restauration des Musées de France Marchant Raymond. The development of a flexible attached auxiliary support Marussich Giovanni. Florentine structural stabilization techniques McClure Ian. History of structural conservation of panel paintings in Great Britain McClure Ian. The framing of wooden panels Mecklenburg Marion F. Technical considerations for the transport of panel paintings Reeve Anthony M. Structural conservation of panel paintings at the National Gallery, London Richard Mervin. Technical considerations for the transport of panel paintings Rothe Andrea (1936- ). Critical history of panel painting restoration in Italy Rothe Andrea (1936- ). Florentine structural stabilization techniques Rothe Andrea (1936- ). Preface Schiessl Ulrich (1948-2011). History of structural panel painting conservation in Austria, Germany and Switzerland Schniewind Arno P. (1929- ). Consolidation of wooden panels Tumosa Charles S. Technical considerations for the transport of panel paintings Uzielli Luca. Historical overview of panel-making techniques in central Italy Véliz Zahira. Wooden panels and their preparation for painting from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth century in Spain Wadum Jørgen. Historical overview of panel-making techniques in the northern countries Wadum Jørgen. Microclimate boxes for panel paintings Walker Philip (1925- ). The making of panels. History of relevant woodworking tools and techniques Walsh John (1937- ). Foreword Williams Donald C. (konserwatorstwo). A survey of adhesives for wood conservation Wilmering Antoine M. A Renaissance Studiolo from the Ducal Palace in Gubbio. Technical aspects of the conservation treatment
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 26440 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(The Textile Institute Books Series)
Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Mackiewicz-Talarczyk Maria. Akbari Somaye. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Asayesh A. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Babu K. Murugesh. Silk - production and future trends Baley Christophe. Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Banerjee Prasanta Kumar (1941- ). Environmental textiles from jute and coir Bąkowska-Barczak Anna. The application of flax and hempseed in food, nutraceutical and personal care products Borsa Judit. Antimicrobial natural fibres Bourmaud Alain. Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Chalivendra Vijaya. Natural fibre composites (NFCs) for construction and automotive industries Cherian Bibin Mathew. Natural fibres for geotextiles De Luycker Emmanuel. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Ellison Michael S. Biomimetics and textile materials Esmaeeli N. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Evans David J. Improving the properties of natural fibres by chemical treatments Evon Philippe (1973- ). Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Ferreira Manuela. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Ferreira de Souza Sivoney. Natural fibres for geotextiles Ghosh Swapan Kumar. Processing of jute fibres and its applications Goudenhooft Camille (1992- ). Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Khaliliazar S. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Kim Yong K. Natural fibre composites (NFCs) for construction and automotive industries Kiraga Łukasz. Medical potential of cannabis: an overview Kolodziejczyk Paul P. The application of flax and hempseed in food, nutraceutical and personal care products Kołodziej Jacek (włókiennictwo). Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Enzymatic treatment of natural fibres Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Improving the flame retardancy of natural fibres Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Medical potential of cannabis: an overview Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Natural fibres for geotextiles Labanieh Ahmad Rashed (1984- ). Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Labonne Laurent. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Laine Eric. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Larminat Marie-Anne de. The application of flax and hempseed in food, nutraceutical and personal care products Leão Alcides Lopes. Natural fibres for geotextiles Luxbacher Thomas. Electrokinetic properties of natural fibres Mańkowski Jerzy. Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Mukhopadhyay Asis. Processing of jute fibres and its applications Muzyczek Małgorzata. Improving the flame retardancy of natural fibres Muzyczek Małgorzata. The use of flax and hemp for textile applications Negm Mohamed. Cotton fibres, picking, ginning, spinning and weaving Nuez Lucile. Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Ouagne Pierre. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Passas Raphaël. Natural fibres for paper and packaging Pudełko Krzysztof. Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Rajkhowa Rangam. Properties and applications of ultrafine powders producted from natural fibres Razipour M. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Renouard Sullivan (1984- ). Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Rippon John A. Improving the properties of natural fibres by chemical treatments Różańska Wanda. Enzymatic treatment of natural fibres Samanta Ashis Kumar. Processing of jute fibres and its applications Sanad Susan. Cotton fibres, picking, ginning, spinning and weaving Soulat Damien. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Thomas Sabu (1960- ). Natural fibres for geotextiles Wang Xungai. Properties and applications of ultrafine powders producted from natural fibres Zielonka Dariusz. Medical potential of cannabis: an overview
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 36682/2 (1 egz.)
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W koszyku
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Peek Marja F. J. (1961- ). Wallert Arie (1950- ). Asperen de Boer Johan Rudolph Justus van (1935- ). Maarten van Heemskerck and Jan van Scorel’s Haarlem workshop Barrett Sylvana. An integrated approach for the study of painting techniques Berrie Barbara Hepburn. Gerard David’s St. Anne altarpiece: evidence for workshop participation Birkmaier Ulrich. Technical examinations of Titian’s Venus and Adonis: a note on early Italian oil painting technique Carlyle Leslie. Beyond a collection of data: what we can learn from documentary sources on artists' materials and techniques Choldere Dace. A technical study of the materials and methods used by the painters of the Latvian churches in the seventeenth century Darrah Josephine A. Connections and coincidences: three pigments Duffy Kate I. An investigation of palette and color notations used to ceate a set of Tibetan thangkas Elgar Jacki A. An investigation of palette and color notations used to ceate a set of Tibetan thangkas Faries Molly (1940- ). Maarten van Heemskerck and Jan van Scorel’s Haarlem workshop Federspiel Beate Knuth. Questions about medieval gesso grounds Gayer John R. Painting on a photographic substrate: notes regarding materials and techniques over the past 100 years Gifford E. Melanie. Style and technique in Dutch landscape painting in the 1620s Glanville Helen. Varnish, grounds, viewing distance, and lighting: some notes on seventeenth-century Italian painting technique Hackney Stephen. Art for art's sake: the materials and techniques of James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) Hermens Erma (1958- ). A seventeenth-century Italian treatise on miniature painting and its author(s) Howard Helen. Techniques of the Romanesque and Gothic wall paintings in the Holy Sepulchre Chapel, Winchester Cathedral Katz Melissa R. William Holman Hunt and the "Pre-Raphaelite technique" Kirby Jo. Paul Delaroche: a case study of academic painting Massing Ann. From books of secrets to encyclopedias: painting techniques in France between 1600 and 1800 Metzger Catherine A. Gerard David’s St. Anne altarpiece: evidence for workshop participation Poriete Ilze. A technical study of the materials and methods used by the painters of the Latvian churches in the seventeenth century Rothe Andrea (1936- ). Andrea Mantegna's Adoration of the Magi Rothe Andrea (1936- ). Technical examinations of Titian’s Venus and Adonis: a note on early Italian oil painting technique Roy Ashok. Paul Delaroche: a case study of academic painting Sinclair Eddie. The polychromy of Exeter and Salisbury Cathedrals: a preliminary comparison Skalová Zuzana. New evidence for the medieval production of icons in the Nile Valley Steinbüchel Christa. Maarten van Heemskerck and Jan van Scorel’s Haarlem workshop Stulik Dusan (1956- ). An integrated approach for the study of painting techniques Townsend Joyce H. Painting techniques and materials of Turner and other British artists 1775–1875 Wadum Jørgen. Johannes Vermeer (1632–1675) and his use of perspective Wallert Arie (1950- ). Libro Secondo de Diversi Colori e Sise da Mettere a Oro: a fifteenth-century technical treatise on manuscript illumination Wallert Arie (1950- ). Technical examinations of Titian’s Venus and Adonis: a note on early Italian oil painting technique Wetering Ernst van de (1938-2021). Reflections on the relation between technique and style: the use of the palette by the seventeenth-century painter Woodcock Sally. The Roberson Archive: content and significance Woudhuysen-Keller Renate (1944-2012). Aspects of painting technique in the use of verdigris and copper resinate
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 26406 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Zachowanie Polskiego Dziedzictwa Narodowego ; 20)
Walczak Wojciech (1980?- ). Wiszowata-Walczak Katarzyna. Balcerek Mariusz. Dwa nieznane plany Torunia z Riksarkivet w Sztokholmie Balcerek Mariusz. Two unknown maps of Toruń from Riksarkivet in Stockholm Buczyło Andrzej. Materials realted to the history of pre-partition Uniate Brest Diocese in description No. 7 of the fonds 'Vilnius Orthodox Spiritual Consistory' Buczyło Andrzej. Materiały do dziejów przedrozbiorowej unickiej diecezji brzeskiej w opisie 7 foundu Wileński Prawosławny Konsystorz Duchowny Budzyński Radosław. A treasure from Lublin. Index chronologicus by Gustaw Manteuffel Budzyński Radosław. Skarb z Lublina. Index chronologicus Gustawa Manteuffla Ciesielski Tomasz (1965- ). Opawski epizod w dziejach staropolskich ksiąg sądowych. Przyczynek do relokacji archiwaliów polskich w czasie II wojny światowej Ciesielski Tomasz (1965- ). The Opawa episode in the history of old Polish court registers. The reason for the relocation of Polish archival materials during WWII Gawron Przemysław (1976- ). Materials for the history of crown army during the reign of Sigismund III Vasa in Lviv Castle Registers from the Central State Historcial Archives of Ukraine in Lviv Gawron Przemysław (1976- ). Materiały do dziejów wojskowości koronnej za panowania Zygmunta III Wazy w księgach grodzkich lwowskich w Centralnym Państwowym Archiwum Historycznym Ukrainy we Lwowie Jeziorski Paweł Artur (1978- ). Katarzyna Hylzen née Działyńska and her will. A page in the history of Polish-Livonian noble elites in the late 18th century Jeziorski Paweł Artur (1978- ). Katarzyna z Działyńskich Hylzenowa i jej testament. Karta z dziejów polsko-inflandzkich elit szlacheckich u schyłku XVIII wieku Kacperczyk Urszula. Archival materials from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, reclaimed to Poland on the basic of the Riga of 1921 and kept in the Central Archive of Historical Records Kacperczyk Urszula. Archiwalnia I Rzeczypospolitej, rewidnykowane do Polski na podstawie traktatu ryskiego z 1921 roku, przechowywane w Archiwum Głównym Akt Dawnych Kowkiel Lilia. Polonica in the collection of the National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno Kowkiel Lilia. Polonika w zbiorach biblioteki Narodowego Archiwum Historycznego Białorusi w Grodnie Krochmal Anna (1965- ). Archival heritage of the Secon Polish Republic: its history and importance for the Polish science Krochmal Anna (1965- ). Dziedzictwo archiwalne II Rzeczypospolitej - jego losy i znaczenia dla nauki polskiej Krochmal Jacek. Common archival heritage of the Commonwealth Krochmal Jacek. Wspólne dziedzictwo archiwalne Rzeczypospolitej Kuzicki Jerzy. Holy places and Polish pilgrims to the Holy Land in the "Journal of the twelve-year apostolic mission in the East" by Rev. Manswet Aulich Kuzicki Jerzy. Miejsce święte i polscy pielgrzymi do Ziemi Świętej w "Dzienniku dwunastoletniej misji apostolskiej na Wschodzie" o. Mansweta Aulicha Lemanaitė-Deprati Greta (1966- ). Letters from Henryk Bukowski to Romuald Mielczarski from the years 1896-1900. A source for the history of the library of the Polish Museum in Rapperswil Lemanaitė-Deprati Greta (1966- ). Listy Henryka Bukowskiego do Romualna Mielczarskiego z lat 1896-1900. Źródło do dziejów biblioteki Muzeum Polskiego w Rapperswilu Nabywaniec Stanisław (1958- ). Polish chirch institutions abroad and their religious and patriotic mission illustrated with the example of the Papal Polish Institute in Rome Nabywaniec Stanisław (1958- ). Polskie instytucje kościelne poza granicami kraju i ich misja religijna oraz patriotyczna, na przykładzie Papieskiego Instytutu Polskiego w Rzymie Rączka-Jeziorska Teresa (1983- ). A capital-consuming noble pleasure. On the ways of celebration in the manor houses in the former Polish Livonia (18th-19th century) Rączka-Jeziorska Teresa (1983- ). Ziemiańska przyjemność, która uszczupla kapitał. O sposobach świętowania na dworach dawnych Inflant Polskich (XVIII-XIX w.) Rozen Fryderyk. 16th and 17th century prints from evangelical publishing houses of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania libraries. The state of bibliographic research Rozen Fryderyk. Druki XVI-XVII wieku z oficyn ewangelickich Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w bibliotekach Litwy. Stan badań bibliograficznych Salina Anna (1979- ). From Jena to Płock. The return of the remains of a 13th-century code stolen from the Seminar Library Salina Anna (1979- ). Z Jeny do Płocka. Powrót szczątków trzynastowiecznego kodeksu zrabowanego z Biblioteki Seminaryjnej Skłodowski Jan (1950- ). Biblioteka dawnego kolegium pijarów w Podolińcu na Spiszu Skłodowski Jan (1950- ). The Library of the former piarist college in Podolínec, Spiš Soliński Krzysztof. Early printed books in the Library of the J. S. Umiastowska Roman Fundation in Rome Soliński Krzysztof. Stare druki w bibliotece Fundacji Rzymskiej imienia J. Z. Umiastowskiej w Rzymie Wereda Dorota (1970- ). Foundations and founders of Uniate Basilian Monasteries in the 17th century Wereda Dorota (1970- ). Fundacje i fundatorzy unickich klasztorów bazyliańskich w XVII wieku Wierzbicka Elżbieta. Polonica in Volhynia. Collecting and cataloging after 1918 Wierzbicka Elżbieta. Polonika na Wołyniu. Gromadzenie i inwentaryzacja po 1918 roku Ziemlewska Anna (1974- ). Objects related to Jan III Sobieski in the National Historical Archives of Belarus. Recognition and popularization in the work of the Museum of King Jan III's Palace in Wilanów Ziemlewska Anna (1974- ). Sobiesciana w Narodowym Archiwum Historycznym Białorusi w Mińsku. Rozpoznanie i upowszechnianie w pracy Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie
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Materiały konferencyjne: IV Międzynarodowy Kongres Naukowy, 3-6 października 2018 r. w Rzeszowie.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31941/14 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Brunetti Brunetto Giovanni. Miliani Costanza. Sgamellotti Antonio. Ernst Richard R. Science and art - my two passions Siano S. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Fratini F. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Mascalchi M. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Patrizi G. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Mazzei B. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Mazzeo Rocco. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Sciutto Giorgia. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Prati Silvia. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Bonacini Irene. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Ling He. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Baglioni P. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Carrasco Vargas R. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Cordeiro Baqueiro M. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Chelazzi David. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Domenici Davide (1968- ). Colours of indigenous memory Buti David. Colours of indigenous memory Miliani Costanza. Colours of indigenous memory Brunetti Brunetto Giovanni. Colours of indigenous memory Sgamellotti Antonio. Colours of indigenous memory Zetina Sandra. Material study of the Codex Colombino Ruvalcaba José Louis. Material study of the Codex Colombino Falcón Tatiana. Material study of the Codex Colombino Arenas Alatorre Jesús. Material study of the Codex Colombino Yanagisawa Saeko. Material study of the Codex Colombino Álvarez Icaza Longoria Marisa. Material study of the Codex Colombino Hernández Eumelia. Material study of the Codex Colombino Giorgi R. Unveiling the artistic technique of the Florentine Codex Chelazzi David. Unveiling the artistic technique of the Florentine Codex Magaloni Kerpel Diana Isabel (1961- ). Unveiling the artistic technique of the Florentine Codex Melo Maria João. Colour in medieval Portuguese manuscripts Castro Rita. Colour in medieval Portuguese manuscripts Miranda Adelaide. Colour in medieval Portuguese manuscripts Andreotti Alessia. Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Matteini Mauro (1943- ). Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Paolucci Antonio. Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Peggie David. Chemistry and chemical investigation of the transition from egg tempera painting to oil in Italy in the 15th century Szmelter Iwona (1952- ). Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Cartechini Laura. Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Romani Aldo. Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Pezzati Luca. Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Ciatti Marco (1955- ). Science and conservation at the Florentine O. P. D. and Raphael's "Madonna of the Goldfinch" Bellucci Roberto. Underdrawing in paintings Frosinini Cecilia. Underdrawing in paintings Pouli Paraskevi. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Melessanaki Kristalia. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Tornari V. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Bernikola Eirini. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Filippini Giuseppe (1940- ). Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Anglos D. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Fotakis Costas. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Glanville Helen. Mens agitat molem Rousselière Hélène. Mens agitat molem Viguerie L. de. Mens agitat molem Walter Ph. Mens agitat molem Leona Marco. Designing nature Londero Pablo S. Designing nature Perry Jennifer. Designing nature Fukunaga Kaori. Designing nature Bailey Gregory H. Designing nature Hale Charlotte (1959- ). Designing nature Vila Anna. As time passed by came sunset Monrad Kasper (1952-2018). As time passed by came sunset Filtenborg Troels (1951- ). As time passed by came sunset Wadum Jørgen. As time passed by came sunset Janssens Koen H. A. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Alfeld Matthias (1981- ). Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Snickt Geer van der. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods De Nolf Wout. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Vanmeert Frederik. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Monico Letizia. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Legrand Stijn. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Dik Joris. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Cotte Marine. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Falkenberg Gerald. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Struick van der Loeff Luuk. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Leeuwestein Margje. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Hendriks Ella. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Berrie Barbara Hepburn. Vibrant surface Casadio Francesca. Vibrant surface Dahm K. Vibrant surface Strumfels Y. Vibrant surface Tedeschi M. Vibrant surface Walsh John (1937- ). Vibrant surface Bommel Maarten R. van. After the fact Janssen Hans (1954- ). After the fact Spronk Ron (1957- ). After the fact Marte Fernando. Argentinean murals Gallegos Damasia. Argentinean murals Rosado Alessandra. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Mendes Isolda. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Motta Edson. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Teixeira Cláudio Valério. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Souza Luiz A. C. (1962- ). Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Patti Mattia. Modern painted palimpsests Anselmi C. Modern painted palimpsests Doherty Brenda. Modern painted palimpsests Daffara Claudia. Modern painted palimpsests Fontana Raffaella. Modern painted palimpsests Rosi Francesca (1977- ). Burri project De Cesare G. Burri project Iazurlo Paola. Burri project Daveri Alessia. Burri project Vagnini Manuela. Burri project Valentini F. Burri project Basile Giuseppe (1942-2013). Burri project Ormsby Bronwyn. John Hoyland Learner Thomas J. S. John Hoyland Crook Jo (1963- ). John Hoyland Smithen Patricia. John Hoyland Rava Antonio. Outdoor painted surfaces in contemporary art Chiantore Oscar. Outdoor painted surfaces in contemporary art Mirabile Antonio. Elusive nd transitory materials in contemporary drawings Moretti Patrizia. Elusive nd transitory materials in contemporary drawings Presciutti Federica. Elusive nd transitory materials in contemporary drawings
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31075 (1 egz.)
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Bailey Gauvin Alexander (1966- ). Persian potters in the Ottoman World: new data from the Timurid ceramics project of the Royal Ontario Museum Chatzītryfōnos Euaggelia. Die Architektur der osmanischen Bauten in thessaloniki-Erste Periode Daş Ertan (1963- ). Dazkırı Yakınlarında Yayınlanmamış Ahşap Destekli İki Köy Camii Delvecchio Cristina. Turkey as depicted by Alberto Pasini, an Italian travelling painter Demiralp Yekta. Akşehir Seyyid Mahmud Hayran Tübesi'nin Mimari Özellikleri ve İnşa Evreleri Hakkında Gözlemler Deniz Bekir. Yöre Özellikleriyle Yunddağ Halıları Derman M. Uğur (1935- ). Râkım'ın Celî Sülüs Kuşaklarına Dair Durukan Aynur (19..-2000?). Artuklu Mimarisinin Düşündürdükleri Erat Birsen. Gelibolu Hamamları ve Türk mimarisindeki Yeri Erdmann Hanna. About the beggining of the Ottoman court carpet production Ersoy Bozkurt. Osmanlı Şehir-içi Hanlarından Önemli Bir Örnek: Amasya Taş Han Esemenli Deniz. Sinop Alâeddin Cami Ne Zaman Yapıldı? Ettinghausen Elizabeth S. Paradisiac symbolism in Ottoman decoration Fatullaev-Figarov Šamil' (1928-2015). Baku - the architectural phenomenon Fehér Géza (1917-2005). Macaristan'da Türk kuyunculuk Yadigârları 16.-17. Yüzyılların Eserleri Fodor István (1943-2021). Connections between early Turkish and Hungarian art Gerelyes Ibolya. Nephrite - ornamented Turkish weapons in the collection of the Hungarian National Museum Germaner Semra. XIX. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Mimarlığında Oryantalist Eğilimler Gerő Győző. The relics of Turkish wall-painting in Hungary Gezgör Vahide. Yıldız Sarayı Kasr-ı Hümâyunlarından Şale Gierlichs Joachim. An unusual portrayal of the dragonslayer motif in medieval Islamic art Golombek Lisa. Persian potters in the Ottoman World: new data from the Timurid ceramics project of the Royal Ontario Museum Goodwin Godfrey (1921-2005). Influences of Mimar Sinan Grube Ernst J. Some observations concering the Ottoman illustrated manuscripts of the Kalîlah wa Dimnah: Alî Çelebî's Humâyûn-nâme Gülsün Hakan. Osmanlı Mimarlığında Onarım İlkeleri Var mıydı? Gündoğdu Hamza. Erzurum Lala Paşa Camii'nin Pencere Alınlıkları Gürçağlar Aykut (1965- ). Osmanlı Sarayında Bir Ressam-ı Şehriyari: Fausto Zonaro ve Türk Resim Sanatına Etkileri Haase Claus-Peter. An Ottoman costume album in the Library of Wolfenbüttel, dated before 1579 Hamdy Nimet Allam. The residential architecture in the post Turkish Cairo Helmecke Gisela (1951- ). Der immergrune Baum - Zur Ikonographie der Zypresse in der osmanischen Kunstm ausgehend von Stickereien Hersek C. Mehmet. Behram Paşa Hanı (Sivas) İbrahim Mehmed. Makedonya'da Türk-İslâm Mimarisinde Görülen Duvar Süsleme Örnekleri İlter Fügen. Sivrihisar Yöresi Araştırmaları - Sivrihisar'dan Tarihsel Bir Yapı İrez Feryal. Yıldız Sarayı Kasr-ı Hümâyunlarından Şale Karamağaralı Beyhan (1934- ). Ani Ulu Camii (Manuçehr Camii) Karpuz Haşim (1949- ). Yokolmuş Bir Sanat Eserimiz: Of Ağaçlı Köyü Camii Kemnitz Eva-Maria. The image of Turkey as seen through the Museum Collections of Lisbon Keskin Yıldız. Malatya Ulu Camii'nin Asli Hali Kiel Machiel. The Külliye of Amcazade Hüseyin Pasha Köprülü in Lepanto/Inebahtı - a little'known work of late-classical Ottoman architecture in Central Greece Kuran Aptullah (1927-2002). Osmanlı Hünkâr Türbelerinin Yerleşim Özellikleri Üzerine Görüşler Kuru Alev Çakmakoğlu. Kayseri'de Şah Kutluğ Hatun Kümbeti Kuyulu İnci (1957- ). Batı Anadolu Bölgesi Ayanlarından Kara Osman-oğulları'nın Mimari Eserleri Lala Comneno Maria Adelaide. Notes upon the architectural patronage of Sokullu Mehmed Pasha in the Ottoman Bosnia Mahir Bânu (1956- ). Osmanlı Peri Resimleri Majda Tadeusz (1951- ). Polish artists in the Ottoman empire up to the 19th century Majer Hans Georg. Nigari and the Sultan's portraits of Paolo Giovio Mämmädov Fazil (1949- ). On genetic alliance of some memorial erections of the Orient with Turkic Nomadic Dwelling Mason Robert. Persian potters in the Ottoman World: new data from the Timurid ceramics project of the Royal Ontario Museum Meinecke Michael (1941-1995). The Great Mosques of Southeastern Anatolia: a genetic approach Mercangöz Zeynep. Batı Anadolu'daki Türk Yapılarının Duvar Tekniği ve Tuğla Süslemelerinin Kaynağı Üzerine Düşünceler Milstein Rachel (1946- ). From South India to the Ottoman Empire - passages in 16th century miniature painting Mrozowska Alina Barbara (1927-1999). Turkish costume in Polish folklore tradition Müderrisoğlu Fatih. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Doğu Akdeniz'deki İskelesi Payas ve Sokullu Mehmed Paşa Menzil Külliyesi Nanu Adina (1927-2021). Some influences of the Turkish costume in Romania in the 18th and 19th centuries Nemlioğlu Candan. Yugoslavya-Foça alaca Camii Kalemişleri Sorunu Nureddin Mohammed. Lübnan'da Kalan Türk Mimari Eserleri 1516-1918
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