Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Adamowicz Jarosław. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies
Adamowicz Jarosław. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań
Andraud Christine. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Asmus John F. Final Endeavors of Monument Man
Asmus John F. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history cultural heritage and nuclear decontamination
Bartoli Laura. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Barucci Marco. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation
Basilissi Giulia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver
Beier Oliver. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing
Besson George (1882-1971)
Binet Laurent. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Bonelli Donatella. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage
Botteon Alessandra. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage
Bourgon Julie. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Brandys Iwona. In the workshop of Wincenty Drabik - scenography painter and pedagogue. Introduction to the research
Brandys Iwona. W pracowni Wincentego Drabika – malarza scenicznego i pedagoga. Przyczynek do badań
Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Some remarks concering the art of painter Gebhard Flatz
Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Uwagi na temat warsztatu artystycznego malarza Gebharda Flatza
Bulska Ewa. Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland
Cagnini Andrea. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver
Caneve Luisa. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Cappuccini Caterina. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor
Caro Federico. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor
Cerea Silvia. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage
Cheung Nai-Ho. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence
Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Characteristics if icon painting from the Cretan School using the example of the post-byzantine triptych from the Princes Czartoryski Collection in Kraków
Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Charakterystyka malarstwa ikonowego szkoły kreteńskiej na przykładzie pobizantyńskiego tryptyku ze zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie
Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Tools techniques and signatures of Persian Shamshir makers. Hidden meanings of inscriptions and of the magic square. Issues of artibution
Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Warsztaty i sygnatury twórców perskich szamszirów. Ukryte znaczenia napisów i magicznego kwadratu. Problemy atrybucji
Ciaffi Massimiliano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Ciałowicz Krzysztof Marek
Cicchi Riccardo. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation
Ciofini Daniele. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG
Conradi Andrea. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing
Corda Ludovica. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG
Czyż Krzysztof. LIBS optical and multivariate analyses of selected 17th-century oil paintings from the Museum of King Jan III's palace at Wilanow
Daffara Claudia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver
Dajnowski Andrzej. Using the new G.C. Laser Cleaning System for cleaning and surface preparation for re-gilding of a large outdoor bronze monument of Alexander Hamilton
Dajnowski Bartosz A. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal
Dajnowski Bartosz A. Using the new G.C. Laser Cleaning System for cleaning and surface preparation for re-gilding of a large outdoor bronze monument of Alexander Hamilton
Dal Fovo Alice. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation
Detalle Vincent (1969- ). Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- )
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). The painting workshop of Szymon Czechowicz (1689-1775) - selected issues
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Warsztat Szymona Czechowicza (1689–1775) – wybrane zagadnienia
Elford Jessica P. Final Endeavors of Monument Man
Elford Jessica P. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history cultural heritage and nuclear decontamination
Falcon Martinez Maria Fernanda. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Fantoni Roberta. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Architect's workshop. A new object and a historic building - similarities and differences in project work
Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Warsztat architekta. Obiekt nowy a obiekt zabytkowy – podobieństwa i różnice w pracy projektowej
Fontana Raffaella. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation
Francucci Massimo. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Gaburro Nicola. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver
Galeotti Monica. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver
Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Around the didactic aspects of the artist's workshop carving in wood
Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Wokół zagadnień dydaktyki warsztatu artysty rzeźbiącego w drewnie
Giuffrida Chiara. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Giuntini Christine. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG
Godet Marie. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Obrazy i ich ramy. Rola artysty w wyborze opraw
Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Paintings and their frames. The role of artists in choosing them
Groves Roger (1965- ). Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies
Grunler Bernd. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing
Guarneri Massimiliano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Hartmann Annette. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing
Isella Elisa. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage
Iwanicka Magdalena. The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles
Jasiński Mateusz. Caravaggistic revolution in the way of building the picture
Jasiński Mateusz. Rewolucja caravaggionistyczna w sposobie budowania obrazu
Jovanović Maja. Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm 1064 nm and UV IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation
Jovanović Vanja. Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm 1064 nm and UV IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation
Kaczkowski Rebecca A. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal
Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Impact of new technologies on the practice of an artist based on David Hockney's work and the author's own experience as a painter
Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Wpływ nowych technologii na praktykę artysty malarza na podstawie twórczości Davida Hockneya i działalności artystycznej autorki
Kamińska Marta. Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland
Kata Eurydyka. Material typography or tools in the work of a typographer and designer
Kata Eurydyka. Typografia materialna czyli narzędzia w pracy typografa i projektanta
Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research
Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych
Korpała Małgorzata. Nietypowe rozwiązania barokowego malarstwa ściennego na wybranych przykładach z terenu Mazowsza
Korpała Małgorzata. Unusual solutions in baroque wall paintings on selected examples from Mazovia
Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). Budowniczowie sukcesu
Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). The makers of success
Kruger Jorg. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing
Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get in the engraver's house. The peculiarity of Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz's technique on the example of collection from Museum of the Lubomirski Princes
Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get w Domku Miedziorytnika. Specyfika warsztatu Eugeniusza Stankiewicza na przykładzie zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Lubomirskich
Kwaśny Marek. Tajniki warsztatu malarskiego Johanna Jacoba Eybelwiesera (1666–1744) wrocławskiego mistrza doby baroku
Kwaśny Marek. The secrets of painting workshop of Johann Jacob Eybelwieser (1666-1744) - Wrocław master of the baroque era
Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). Warsztat dziewiętnastowiecznego witrażownika. Próba rekonstrukcji na przykładzie wiedeńskiej firmy Carl Geyling’s Erben
Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). XIXth-century stained-glass workshop. A case study of Carl Geyling's Erben in Vienna
Lenartowicz Światosław. Malarstwo Zofii Stryjeńskiej (1891–1976) – warsztat a ewolucja formy
Lenartowicz Światosław. The painting of Zofia Stryjeńska (1891-1976) - technique and evolution of form
Leona Marco. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG
Leroy Eric. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Leung Kelvin S. Y. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence
Londero Pablo S. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG
Londero Pablo S. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
1990 - 1999
1940 - 1949
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Malarstwo francuskie
Degas, Edgar (1834-1917)
Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903)
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Malarze francuscy
Sztuka egipska
Temat: czas
3000-2901 p.n.e.
3100-3001 p.n.e.
3200-3101 p.n.e.
3300-3201 p.n.e.
3400-3301 p.n.e.
3500-3401 p.n.e.
3600-3501 p.n.e.
3700-3601 p.n.e.
3800-3701 p.n.e.
3900-3801 p.n.e.
4000-3901 p.n.e.
Materiały konferencyjne
5 wyników Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Gauguin / texte du René-Jean. - Paris : Les Éditions Braun et Cie ; New York : E. S. Hermann, cop. 1948. - 31, [1] s., [24] k. tabl. kolor. ; 21 cm.
(Palettes / publ. sous la dir. de George Besson)
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: II 15296 Cz (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Degas / Denis Rouart. - Paris : Braun et Cie ; New York : E. S. Herrmann, cop. 1949. - 31, [1] s., [24] k. tabl. ; 21 cm.
(Palettes / publ. sous la dir. de George Besson)
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: II 15492 Cz (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization / ed. by Joachim Śliwa ; 3)
Bibliogr. s. 82-85.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 12066 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Pouli Paraskevi. Targowski Piotr. Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Andraud Christine. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Asmus John F. Final Endeavors of "Monument Man" Asmus John F. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history, cultural heritage, and nuclear decontamination Bartoli Laura. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Barucci Marco. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Basilissi Giulia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Beier Oliver. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Binet Laurent. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Bonelli Donatella. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Botteon Alessandra. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Bourgon Julie. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Bulska Ewa. Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Cagnini Andrea. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Caneve Luisa. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Cappuccini Caterina. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Carò Federico. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Cerea Silvia. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Cheung Nai-Ho. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Ciaffi Massimiliano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Cicchi Riccardo. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Ciofini Daniele. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Conradi Andrea. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Corda Ludovica. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Czyż Krzysztof. LIBS, optical and multivariate analyses of selected 17th-century oil paintings from the Museum of King Jan III's palace at Wilanow Daffara Claudia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Dajnowski Andrzej. Using the new G.C. Laser Cleaning System for cleaning and surface preparation for re-gilding of a large outdoor bronze monument of Alexander Hamilton Dajnowski Bartosz A. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal Dajnowski Bartosz A. Using the new G.C. Laser Cleaning System for cleaning and surface preparation for re-gilding of a large outdoor bronze monument of Alexander Hamilton Dal Fovo Alice. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Detalle Vincent (1969- ). Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Elford Jessica P. Final Endeavors of "Monument Man" Elford Jessica P. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history, cultural heritage, and nuclear decontamination Falcon Martinez Maria Fernanda. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Fantoni Roberta. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Fontana Raffaella. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Francucci Massimo. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Gaburro Nicola. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Galeotti Monica. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Giuffrida Chiara. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Giuntini Christine. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Godet Marie. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Groves Roger (1965- ). Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Grünler Bernd. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Guarneri Massimiliano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Hartmann Annette. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Isella Elisa. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Iwanicka Magdalena. The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Jovanović Maja. Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, 1064 nm and UV, IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation Jovanović Vanja. Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, 1064 nm and UV, IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation Kaczkowski Rebecca A. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal Kamińska Marta. Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Krüger Jörg. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Leona Marco. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Leroy Eric. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Leung Kelvin S. Y. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Londero Pablo S. Laser cleaning of a First Phase Navajo Wool Chief's Blanket by Nd:YAG Londero Pablo S. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Lum Judy T.S. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Łukaszewicz Jadwiga W. (1952- ). The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Mancini Francesca. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Marchioro Giacomo. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Marinelli Marco. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Melessanaki Kristalia. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Mercatelli Raffaella. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Mkhoyan Tigran. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Monnier Judith. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Motto-Ros Vincent (1977- ). Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Musiela Jędrzej. The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Palucci Antonio. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Pampaloni Enrico. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Papadakis Vassilis. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Papanikolaou Athanasia. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Parfenov Vadim Aleksandrovič. Final Endeavors of "Monument Man" Parfenov Vadim Aleksandrovič. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history, cultural heritage, and nuclear decontamination Pasqualucci Alessandra. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Pawlak Agnieszka (konserwacja sztuki). LIBS, optical and multivariate analyses of selected 17th-century oil paintings from the Museum of King Jan III's palace at Wilanow Pentzien Simone. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Persia Franca. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Pezzati Luca. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Philippidis Aggelos. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Posthuma de Boer Martine. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Pouli Paraskevi. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Rafaelli Marco. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Rizzo Adriana. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Romani Martina. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Romeo Alessandro. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver Roth Constanze. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Ruppen Veronica. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Saheb Mandana. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Sansonetti Antonio. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage Sawicki Marek (1974- ). A moderate microsampling in Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry analysis of cultural heritage objects: a review Schmidt Birgit Angelika. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing Scirpa Francesca. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Seymour Kate (1968- ). Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Siozos Panayiotis. Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study Skrzeczanowski Wojciech. LIBS, optical and multivariate analyses of selected 17th-century oil paintings from the Museum of King Jan III's palace at Wilanow Spizzichino Valeria. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Stoksik Henryk (1955- ). The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Striber Joakim (1965- ). Easel paintings on canvas and panel: application of Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, 1064 nm and UV, IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation Striova Jana. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation Sylwestrzak Marcin. The potential of OCT for assessing laser assisted removal of deposits from ceramic tiles Syta Olga. A moderate microsampling in Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry analysis of cultural heritage objects: a review Tatì Angelo. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Terranova Gaetano. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Trykowski Grzegorz (1975- ). White, yellow and green pigments on Polish artists' palettes in the period 1838-1938 Velzen Bianca van. Spectral imaging of Dutch gilt leather for improved conservation strategies Vergès-Belmin Véronique. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy Verona-Rinati Gianluca. A preliminary study of contemporary binders by Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence (TR-LIF) spectroscopy: characterization of the painting Nascita Delia Forma by Nato Frasca Vicenzi Edward P. From Earth to Outer Space: Laser cleaning semiprecious quartz and a novel application for meteoritic metal Wachowiak Mirosław. White, yellow and green pigments on Polish artists' palettes in the period 1838-1938 Wagner Barbara (chemia). A moderate microsampling in Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry analysis of cultural heritage objects: a review Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Wilk Dariusz (chemia). Archaeometric investigations of medieval stained glass panels from Grodziec in Poland Yandrisevits Marlene April. Wavelength-dependent absorption and scattering effects on laser cleaning of a corroded iron alloy European scale armor Yue Cai Bruno. Elemental analysis of Chinese red seal inks on xuan paper by ArF laser-induced plume fluorescence Zanini Alessandro. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy) Żmuda-Trzebiatowska Iwona. White, yellow and green pigments on Polish artists' palettes in the period 1838-1938
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy ref. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31920 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Mączyński Ryszard (1954- ). Adamowicz Jarosław. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań Adamowicz Jarosław. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies Brandys Iwona. In the workshop of Wincenty Drabik - scenography painter and pedagogue. Introduction to the research Brandys Iwona. W pracowni Wincentego Drabika – malarza scenicznego i pedagoga. Przyczynek do badań Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Some remarks concering the art of painter Gebhard Flatz Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Uwagi na temat warsztatu artystycznego malarza Gebharda Flatza Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Characteristics if icon painting from the Cretan School using the example of the post-byzantine triptych from the Princes Czartoryski Collection in Kraków Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Charakterystyka malarstwa ikonowego szkoły kreteńskiej na przykładzie pobizantyńskiego tryptyku ze zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Tools, techniques and signatures of Persian Shamshir makers. Hidden meanings of inscriptions and of the magic square. Issues of artibution Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Warsztaty i sygnatury twórców perskich szamszirów. Ukryte znaczenia napisów i magicznego kwadratu. Problemy atrybucji Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Warsztat Szymona Czechowicza (1689–1775) – wybrane zagadnienia Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). The painting workshop of Szymon Czechowicz (1689-1775) - selected issues Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Architect's workshop. A new object and a historic building - similarities and differences in project work Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Warsztat architekta. Obiekt nowy a obiekt zabytkowy – podobieństwa i różnice w pracy projektowej Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Around the didactic aspects of the artist's workshop carving in wood Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Wokół zagadnień dydaktyki warsztatu artysty rzeźbiącego w drewnie Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Obrazy i ich ramy. Rola artysty w wyborze opraw Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Paintings and their frames. The role of artists in choosing them Jasiński Mateusz. Caravaggistic revolution in the way of building the picture Jasiński Mateusz. Rewolucja caravaggionistyczna w sposobie budowania obrazu Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Impact of new technologies on the practice of an artist based on David Hockney's work and the author's own experience as a painter Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Wpływ nowych technologii na praktykę artysty malarza na podstawie twórczości Davida Hockneya i działalności artystycznej autorki Kata Eurydyka. Material typography, or tools in the work of a typographer and designer Kata Eurydyka. Typografia materialna, czyli narzędzia w pracy typografa i projektanta Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Korpała Małgorzata. Nietypowe rozwiązania barokowego malarstwa ściennego na wybranych przykładach z terenu Mazowsza Korpała Małgorzata. Unusual solutions in baroque wall paintings on selected examples from Mazovia Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). Budowniczowie sukcesu Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). The makers of success Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get in the engraver's house. The peculiarity of Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz's technique on the example of collection from Museum of the Lubomirski Princes Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get w Domku Miedziorytnika. Specyfika warsztatu Eugeniusza Stankiewicza na przykładzie zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Lubomirskich Kwaśny Marek. Tajniki warsztatu malarskiego Johanna Jacoba Eybelwiesera (1666–1744), wrocławskiego mistrza doby baroku Kwaśny Marek. The secrets of painting workshop of Johann Jacob Eybelwieser (1666-1744) - Wrocław master of the baroque era Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). XIXth-century stained-glass workshop. A case study of Carl Geyling's Erben in Vienna Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). Warsztat dziewiętnastowiecznego witrażownika. Próba rekonstrukcji na przykładzie wiedeńskiej firmy Carl Geyling’s Erben Lenartowicz Światosław. Malarstwo Zofii Stryjeńskiej (1891–1976) – warsztat a ewolucja formy Lenartowicz Światosław. The painting of Zofia Stryjeńska (1891-1976) - technique and evolution of form Łabądź Justyna Weronika. Matrices, 3D modeling, fxes and rendering - the set of video mapping tools in the work of new media artist Łabądź Justyna Weronika. Matryce, modeling 3D, FX-y i renderowanie – zestaw narzędzi video mappingowych w warsztacie nowomedialnego artysty Martynowicz Iwona. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań Martynowicz Iwona. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies Masłowska Anna. Malarz i fotografia. O obecności nowego medium w warsztacie twórczym malarza w drugiej połowie XIX wieku Masłowska Anna. Painter and photography. The presence of a new medium in the painter's workshop in the second half of the 19th century Mączewska Katarzyna. In the search of the professional fulfillment. Alexander Lesser - a Calendar of Journeys, the artist's interests and workshop seen from the perspective of his iconographic legacy Mączewska Katarzyna. W poszukiwaniu spełnienia zawodowego. Aleksander Lesser – kalendarium podróży, zainteresowania i warsztat artysty z perspektywy jego ikonograficznej spuścizny Misztal Małgorzata (konserwatorstwo). Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Misztal Małgorzata (konserwatorstwo). Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Niemira Izabella. „Alchemia” fotografii, czyli warsztat fotografa gumisty Niemira Izabella. "Alchemy" of photography that means a method of photographer using the gum bichromate technique Novljaković Katarzyna. Bernardo Strozzi, workshop if an Italian Caravaggionist. A restorer's considerations over the recognition of an author's replica Novljaković Katarzyna. Trzej filozofowie Bernarda Strozziego ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie jako przykład warsztatu włoskiego carravagionisty. Rozważania konserwatora nad rozpoznaniem autorskiej repliki Paś Monika. Paintbrushes, palettes, easels. Painting accessories from legacies of artists kept in the collection of the Department of Applied Art, Material Culture and Militaria of the National Museum in Krakow Paś Monika. Pędzle, palety, sztalugi. Akcesoria malarskie ze spuścizn po artystach przechowywane w zbiorach Działu Rzemiosła Artystycznego, Kultury Materialnej i Militariów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie Pawelska-Jagniątkowska Irmina. A new perspective on the so-called "Dominican workshop" Pawelska-Jagniątkowska Irmina. Nowe spojrzenie na „warsztat dominikański” Szustakiewicz Iwona. System weryfikacji umiejętności warsztatowych architektów w Królestwie Polskim w XIX wieku Szustakiewicz Iwona. The system of verifying professional skills of architects in the Kindgom of Poland in the 19th century Waszak Przemysław (historia sztuki). Rekonstruowanie i kontekstualizowanie warsztatu Tilmana Riemenschneidera na polu literatury naukowej i fikcji literackiej Waszak Przemysław (historia sztuki). The reconstruction and contextualization of Tilman Riemenschneider's practice in the context of academic literature and fiction Winterhagen Marc Tobias. CTRL+Z – (nie)korzyść komputera w procesie twórczym Winterhagen Marc Tobias. CTRL+Z: the (dis)adventage of computers in the creative process Wrana Jan (1946- ). Architect's workshop. A new object and a historic building - similarities and differences in project work Wrana Jan (1946- ). Warsztat architekta. Obiekt nowy a obiekt zabytkowy – podobieństwa i różnice w pracy projektowej Zaguła Artur. Analog techniques in the workshop of architects of the new classicism trend Zaguła Artur. Techniki analogowe w warsztacie architektów nurtu nowego klasycyzmu Zygier Elżbieta. Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Zygier Elżbieta. Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 19-21 października 2017 r.
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