National Museum in Krakow Library
Form of Work
Bakay-Perjes Judit. Women's shoes from the cistercian church in Vac
Beothy-Kozocsa Ildikó. Data on the bindings of King Matthias's codices
Bodor Istvan jun. Deterioration examination and restoration of an unusual marble statue
Bruder Katalin T. (1942-2013). Re-restoration of two roman helmets
Bóna Istvan (1930-2001). Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts
Duzs Krisztina. Restoration of a Haban type glass jug
Harsanyi Eszter. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes
Hoós Mariann. Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts
Jaró Marta (1950- ). Experiment on computerised colour reconstruction on the corroded metal surface of textiles ornaments with leather paper or membrane threads
Kastaly Beatrix (1943- ). Examination of books found in Gyongyos disinfected with ethylene oxide
Kiss-Bendefy Marta. Restoration of a pair of 18th century leather gaiters
Kovacs Petronella. Attempts to remove water stains from painted wooden objects using Gore-tex
Kovari-Csizmadi Edit. Attempts to remove water stains from painted wooden objects using Gore-tex
Kriston Laszló. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes
Kriston Laszló. Deterioration examination and restoration of an unusual marble statue
Kurovszky Zsófia. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes
Mester Eva. Traditional and new method in the restoration of glass windows from the turn of the century
Nagy Gyorgy T. Experiment on computerised colour reconstruction on the corroded metal surface of textiles ornaments with leather paper or membrane threads
Peller Tamas. Restoration of the case of a 16th century Turkish mirror of the Esterhazy collection
Schramkó Peter. Examination of books found in Gyongyos disinfected with ethylene oxide
Sed Gabor. Restoration of the facade of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Siman Katalin
Sipos Eniko. From model mannequins to display-dummies for museum exhibition
Somos Eva. Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts
Timar-Balazsy Agnes (1948-2001). Diploma works and their role in advocacy for conservation/restoration
Torok Klara
Vadnai Erika. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes
Vamosi Ilona. A decorative technique on finds from the 17th century avar cementery of Zamardi
2000 - 2009
Timar-Balazsy, Agnes (1948-2001)
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(Műtárgyvédelem, ISSN 1216-1195)
Török Klára. Red. Simán Katalin. Tł. Bakay-Perjés Judit. Women's shoes from the cistercian church in Vác Beöthy-Kozocsa Ildikó. Data on the bindings of King Matthias's codices Bodor István jun. Deterioration, examination and restoration of an unusual marble statue Bóna István (1930-2001). Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts Bruder Katalin T. (1942-2013). Re-restoration of two roman helmets Dúzs Krisztina. Restoration of a Habán type glass jug Harsányi Eszter. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes Hoós Mariann. Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts Járó Márta (1950- ). Experiment on computerised colour reconstruction on the corroded metal surface of textiles ornaments with leather, paper or membrane threads Kastaly Beatrix (1943- ). Examination of books found in Gyöngyös disinfected with ethylene oxide Kiss-Bendefy Márta. Restoration of a pair of 18th century leather gaiters Kovács Petronella. Attempts to remove water stains from painted wooden objects using Gore-tex Kővári-Csizmadi Edit. Attempts to remove water stains from painted wooden objects using Gore-tex Kriston László. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes Kriston László. Deterioration, examination and restoration of an unusual marble statue Kurovszky Zsófia. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes Mester Éva. Traditional and new method in the restoration of glass windows from the turn of the century Nagy György T. Experiment on computerised colour reconstruction on the corroded metal surface of textiles ornaments with leather, paper or membrane threads Peller Tamás. Restoration of the case of a 16th century Turkish mirror of the Esterházy collection Schramkó Péter. Examination of books found in Gyöngyös disinfected with ethylene oxide Séd Gábor. Restoration of the facade of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Sipos Enikő. From model mannequins to display-dummies for museum exhibition Somos Éva. Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts Timar-Balazsy Agnes (1948-2001). Diploma works and their role in advocacy for conservation/restoration Vadnai Erika. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes Vámosi Ilona. A decorative technique on finds from the 17th century avar cementery of Zamárdi
Indeks R0
In memoriam Dr. Ágnes Timár-Balázsy (1948-2001).
Bibliogr. przy części art.
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