National Museum in Krakow Library
Form of Work
Filmy i seriale
Schmuttermeier Elisabeth
Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- )
Franz Rainald (1964- )
Neuwirth Waltraud (1941- )
Slater Maria
Volker Angela (1944- )
Wieninger Johannes (1954- )
Witt-Dorring Christian (1950- )
Anderson Christina
Asenbaum Paul (1953- )
Asenbaum Paul (1953- ). Showrooms
Brandow-Faller Megan. Feminine vessels: expressionist ceramics of the Wiener Werkstatte
Brandow-Faller Megan. Mehr als nur Kinderspiel: Spielzeug und die Mehrfachkunstlerinnen der Wiener Werkstatte
Brandow-Faller Megan. Not just child's play: toys and the Mehrfachkunstlerinnen of the Wiener Werkstatte
Brandow-Faller Megan. Wiebliche Gefasse: expressive keramik der Wiener Werkstatte
Bresnahan Adam
Colombari Silvia. Otto Prutscher's suitcace between Vienna and Milan; unpublisched material from the family archive
Colombari Silvia. Otto Prutschers Koffer zwischen Wien und Mailand. Unveroffentliches Material aus dem Familienarchiv
Croÿ-Frick Isabella. Bookbinding and leather
Denton Jill
Duit Claas (1991- ). Erinnerungen an Hermi Schedlmayer. Ein Sammlerleben fur Otto Prutscher
Duit Claas (1991- ). Memories of Hermi Schedlmayer: a collector's life dedicated to Otto Prutscher
Egger Gerhart (1916-1990)
Egger Hanna (1942-2000)
Felbinger Udo. French art in Vienna at the time of the Congress
Franke Daniela. Koloman Moser - der Buhnenbildner
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Biografie
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Biography
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Glasarbeiten nach Entwurf Otto Prutschers
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Glass
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Glassware designed by Otto Prutscher
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Graphics
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Otto Prutscher and Viennese Modernism: output and impact
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Otto Prutscher und die Wiener Moderne. Wirken und Nachwirken
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Porcelain ceramic and glass at the time of the Congress of Vienna
Franz Rainald (1964- ). Secession unter Dach und Fach - Koloam Moser der Secessionist: der Weg von der Flache in den Raum
Freytag Anette (1971- ). Garden architecture
Friedl Maria-Anna
Fuchs Claudia
Fuchs Ingrid. ....dedicated in deepest reverence - Ludwig van Beethoven's dedications to nobles and regents at the time of the Congress of Vienna
Gamerith Andreas (1980- )
Godsey William D. (1964- ). The Habsburg Empire during the Napoleonic Wars and Congress of Vienna
Grabner Sabine
Grabner Sabine. Johann Nepomuk Hochle - image of history and repoartage on the times
Grabner Sabine. The Congress of Vienna and the Viennese population
Grabner Sabine. The Congress of Vienna: an event at the interface of politics and culture
Grabner Sabine. The people as bearers of mood and Francis I's entry into Vienna in June 1814
Hackenschmidt Sebastian (1971- ). Moderne im Ruckspiegel - Mobelhafte Reminiszenzen an Wien 1900
Halama Diether (1964- )
Hanzl-Wachter Lieselotte (1961- ). Furniture at the time of the Congress of Vienna
Hausler Wolfgang (1946- ). Vienna! 0 citizen decorated with a crown and host to our rulers!
Hilscher Elisabeth Theresia (1967- ). Festivities and music at the time of the Congress of Vienna
Huey Michael (1964- )
Hussl-Hormann Marianne. Ceramics
Hussl-Hormann Marianne. Marks
Husslein-Arco Agnes (1954- )
Husslein-Arco Agnes (1954- ). Europe in Vienna
Ifkovits Kurt (1964- ). Koloman Moser - der Buhnenbildner
Janetschek Hellmut
Johannsen Rolf H. (1964- ). The decade of Napoleon
Kapfinger Otto (1949- ). Dionysus spricht durch Apollo - zum Quellgrund des Gesamtkunstwerks bei Olbrich Hoffman Moser
Karner Regina. Fashion at the time of the Congress of Vienna
Kininger Kathrin (1978- ). ... after unprecedented working conferring and editing
Kreuzhuber Elisabeth. Kleine Chance optimal Genutz: Kunstlerinnen der Wiener Werkstatte an der Kunstgewerbeschule
Kreuzhuber Elisabeth. Limited opportunity seized with both hands: women artists of the Wiener Werkstatte at the schoool of arts and crafts
Kugler Georg Johannes (1935- ). Traffic travel and transportation during the Congress of Vienna
Lauder Ronald S. (1944- )
Law Rebecca
Lindberg Steven
Lovecky Katharina. Contemporary representations of court festivities at the Congress of Vienna
Lovecky Katharina. Images of an alliance: the three monarchs
Lovecky Katharina. Military festivities during the Congress of Vienna
Lovecky Katharina. Portraits of the key players at the Congress
Lovecky Katharina. The salons of the Congress - gatherings' of Elegant easy conviviality
Lovecky Katharina. Viewing the center from Afar: Viennese landscapes
Macek Michael
Manners Errol
Markina Ludmila Alekseevna. Austrian artists in Moscow and St. Petersburg
Mazohl-Wallnig Brigitte (1947- ). Winners and losers in the new European order
Muller Aline (1986- ). Der Nachlass Otto Prueschers und seine Wurdigung in einem EU-Projekt
Muller Aline (1986- ). Otto Prutscher's estate and honoring him with an EU project
Noever Peter (1941- )
Pancheri Roberto. Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder and portrait painting in Vienna between Ancien Regime and the Vormarz
Ploil Ernst (1946- ). Economics
Ploil Ernst (1946- ). Showrooms
Pokorny-Nagel Kathrin (1971- )
Pokorny-Nagel Kathrin (1971- ) Der Nachlass Otto Prueschers und seine Wurdigung in einem EU-Projekt
Pokorny-Nagel Kathrin (1971- ). Otto Prutscher's estate and honoring him with an EU project
Pokorny-Nagel Kathrin (1971- ). Zeitgeist Verpflichtet: der Illustrator und sein Auftraggeber - Koloman Moser und das Verlagswesen
Price Renee
Restelli Beba. In Kontat mit den Objekten und ihren Geschichten leben. Mein Groβvater Otto Prutscher und die KunstlerInnen der Wiener Secession
Restelli Beba. Living in contact with the objects and their histories : my grandfather Otto Prutscher and the artists of the Vienna Secession
Revertera A. Philipp
Rosenblatt Lisa
Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- )
Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Ans Licht gebracht: Kunst und Leben der Wiener-Werkstatte-Frauen
Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Brought to light: art and life of the Wiener Werkstatte women
Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Die Kunstlerinnenwerkstatte
Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Klimt and the Wiener Werkstatte
Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). The women artists' workshop
2020 - 2025
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
United Kingdom
United States
Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst
Wiener Werkstätte
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Rzemiosło artystyczne austriackie
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka stosowana austriacka
Kongres wiedeński (1814-1815)
Moser, Koloman (1868-1918)
Museum Villa Stuck (Monachium)
Neue Galerie (Nowy Jork)
Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum (Linz)
Porcelana austriacka
Prutscher, Otto (1880-1949)
Przemysł ceramiczny
Secesja (szt.)
Sztuka Azji
Sztuka austriacka
Sztuka kobiet
Sztuka stosowana europejska
Wiener Secession
Znaki towarowe
Österreichische Galerie Belvedere
Subject: time
Subject: place
Katalogi wystaw
Katalogi zbiorów
Dokumenty elektroniczne
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Anderson Christina. Tł. Fuchs Claudia. Tł. Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Red. Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. Red. Slater Maria. Tł. Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). Red. Brandow-Faller Megan. Feminine vessels: expressionist ceramics of the Wiener Werkstätte Brandow-Faller Megan. Mehr als nur Kinderspiel: Spielzeug und die Mehrfachkünstlerinnen der Wiener Werkstätte Brandow-Faller Megan. Not just child's play: toys and the Mehrfachkünstlerinnen of the Wiener Werkstätte Brandow-Faller Megan. Wiebliche Gefäße: expressive keramik der Wiener Werkstätte Kreuzhuber Elisabeth. Kleine Chance, optimal Genütz: Künstlerinnen der Wiener Werkstätte an der Kunstgewerbeschule Kreuzhuber Elisabeth. Limited opportunity, seized with both hands: women artists of the Wiener Werkstätte at the schoool of arts and crafts Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Ans Licht gebracht: Kunst und Leben der Wiener-Werkstätte-Frauen Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Brought to light: art and life of the Wiener Werkstätte women Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). Die Künstlerinnenwerkstätte Rossberg Anne-Katrin (1963- ). The women artists' workshop Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. Auftakt zur Wiener Werkstätte: die Vereinigung "Wiener Kunst im Hause" Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. Kleinkunstwerk Postkarte 1907-1919 Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. Postcards as small works of art, 1907-1919 Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. Prelude to the Wiener Werkstätte: the Association "Wiener Kunst im Hause" Steinhäußer Lara. By woem for women: on the role of female fashion artists at the Wiener Werkstätte Steinhäußer Lara. Frauenbilder von Frauenhand? Zur Rolle der Modekünstlerinnen der Wiener Werkstätte Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). How "female" was the Wiener Werkstätte? Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). Wie "wieblich" war die Wiener Werkstätte? Völker Angela (1944- ). Bauhaus and Wiener Werkstätte: commonalities and contrasts in the textile departments Völker Angela (1944- ). Bauhaus und Wiener Werkstätte: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede am Beispiel der Textilabteilungen Völker Angela (1944- ). "... Doubtlessly all exceptionally gifted girls ..." Textiles by the women artists of the Wiener Werkstätte Völker Angela (1944- ). "... Zweifellos alles besonders begabte Mädchen ..." Die Textilien der Wiener-Werkstätte-Künstlerinnen
Indeks R0
Publ. związ. z wystawą: MAK, Wiedeń, 21 kwietnia - 3 października 2021 r.
Bibliogr. s. 283-284. Indeks.
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There are copies available to loan: III 25200 (1 egz.)
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Katalog wystawy: Neue Galerie, Nowy Jork, 26.10.2017 - 29.01.2018.
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There are copies available to loan: III 23405 (1 egz.)
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Indeks R0
Bibliogr. s. 282-284.
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There are copies available to loan: III 24188 (1 egz.)
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Franz Rainald (1964- ). Red. Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). Red. Colombari Silvia. Otto Prutschers Koffer zwischen Wien und Mailand. Unveröffentliches Material aus dem Familienarchiv Colombari Silvia. Otto Prutscher's suitcace between Vienna and Milan; unpublisched material from the family archive Duit Claas (1991- ). Erinnerungen an Hermi Schedlmayer. Ein Sammlerleben für Otto Prutscher Duit Claas (1991- ). Memories of Hermi Schedlmayer: a collector's life dedicated to Otto Prutscher Franz Rainald (1964- ). Biografie Franz Rainald (1964- ). Biography Franz Rainald (1964- ). Glasarbeiten nach Entwurf Otto Prutschers Franz Rainald (1964- ). Glassware designed by Otto Prutscher Franz Rainald (1964- ). Otto Prutscher and Viennese Modernism: output and impact Franz Rainald (1964- ). Otto Prutscher und die Wiener Moderne. Wirken und Nachwirken Müller Aline (1986- ). Der Nachlass Otto Prueschers und seine Würdigung in einem EU-Projekt Müller Aline (1986- ). Otto Prutscher's estate and honoring him with an EU project Pokorny-Nagel Kathrin (1971- ) Der Nachlass Otto Prueschers und seine Würdigung in einem EU-Projekt Pokorny-Nagel Kathrin (1971- ). Otto Prutscher's estate and honoring him with an EU project Restelli Beba. In Kontat mit den Objekten und ihren Geschichten leben. Mein Groβvater Otto Prutscher und die KünstlerInnen der Wiener Secession Restelli Beba. Living in contact with the objects and their histories : my grandfather Otto Prutscher and the artists of the Vienna Secession Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. Metallarbeiten von Otto Prutscher Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. Metalwork by Otto Prutscher Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). Otto Prutscher neu entdecken Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). Rediscovering Otto Prutscher
Indeks R0
Bibliogr. s. 156.
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There are copies available to loan: III 24544 (1 egz.)
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Grabner Sabine. Red. Husslein-Arco Agnes (1954- ). Red. Law Rebecca. Tł. Rosenblatt Lisa. Tł. Somers Nick. Tł. Telesko Werner (1965- ). Red. Felbinger Udo. French art in Vienna at the time of the Congress Franz Rainald (1964- ). Porcelain, ceramic and glass at the time of the Congress of Vienna Fuchs Ingrid. "....dedicated in deepest reverence" - Ludwig van Beethoven's dedications to nobles and regents at the time of the Congress of Vienna Grabner Sabine. Johann Nepomuk Höchle - image of history and repoartage on the times Grabner Sabine. The Congress of Vienna: an event at the interface of politics and culture Grabner Sabine. The Congress of Vienna and the Viennese population Grabner Sabine. The people as bearers of mood, and Francis I's entry into Vienna in June 1814 Godsey William D. (1964- ). The Habsburg Empire during the Napoleonic Wars and Congress of Vienna Hanzl-Wachter Lieselotte (1961- ). Furniture at the time of the Congress of Vienna Häusler Wolfgang (1946- ). "Vienna! 0, citizen decorated with a crown, and host to our rulers!" Hilscher Elisabeth Theresia (1967- ). Festivities and music at the time of the Congress of Vienna Husslein-Arco Agnes (1954- ). Europe in Vienna Johannsen Rolf H. (1964- ). The decade of Napoleon Karner Regina. Fashion at the time of the Congress of Vienna Kininger Kathrin (1978- ). "... after unprecedented working, conferring, and editing ..." Kugler Georg Johannes (1935- ). Traffic, travel, and transportation during the Congress of Vienna Lovecky Katharina. Contemporary representations of court festivities at the Congress of Vienna Lovecky Katharina. Images of an alliance: the three monarchs Lovecky Katharina. Military festivities during the Congress of Vienna Lovecky Katharina. Portraits of the key players at the Congress Lovecky Katharina. The salons of the Congress - gatherings' of "Elegant, easy conviviality" Lovecky Katharina. Viewing the center from Afar: Viennese landscapes Markina Lûdmila Alekseevna. Austrian artists in Moscow and St. Petersburg Mazohl-Wallnig Brigitte (1947- ). Winners and losers in the new European order Pancheri Roberto. Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder and portrait painting in Vienna between Ancien Regime and the Vormarz Schmuttermeier Elisabeth. The Empire's metal works Schneider Karin (1974- ). "Magnificence, elegance, order" and "maximum economy" Stauber Reinhard. The Congress of Vienna and the European peace system of 1814/15 Telesko Werner (1965- ). Jean-Baptiste Isabey's picture of the Congress of Vienna Telesko Werner (1965- ). Medals and snuff boxes at the time of the Congress of Vienna Telesko Werner (1965- ). Mundus concors? Telesko Werner (1965- ). Napoleon Bonaparte: from "Media Emporer" to "Ruler Myth" Telesko Werner (1965- ). The battle of Waterloo and Napoleon's fate Telesko Werner (1965- ). The Congress of Vienna: an event at the interface of politics and culture Telesko Werner (1965- ). The German campaign and the battle of Leipzig (1813) Telesko Werner (1965- ). The visual "afterlife" of the Congress of Vienna Telesko Werner (1965- ). Vienna under French occupation in 1805 and 1809 Treichel Eckhardt. A federative bond of German states - the Congress of Vienna and the German constitution Werner Eva Maria. Press and reporting at the time of the Congress of Vienna Wilton Andrew (1942- ). British portraiture and the Congress of Vienna
Indeks R0
Publikacja towarzysząca wystawie: Orangery and the Lower Belvedere, Wiedeń, 20 lutego - 21 czerwca 2015.
Bibliogr. s. 398-399. Indeks.
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There are copies available to loan: III 22981 (1 egz.)
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