National Museum in Krakow Library
Form of Work
Kucypera Paweł
Makowiecki Daniel (1959- )
Rybka Krzysztof
Bogacki Michał (1977- )
Kozłowski Tomasz (1968- )
Kurzyńska Małgorzata (1960- )
Wadyl Sławomir
Waszak Tomasz
Ważny Tomasz (dendrologia)
Bagińska Jolanta. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks
Barta Patrick (1971- ). Dussacks with broad blades and a probable method of their manufacturing
Bogacki Michał (1977- ). Słowo wstępu do tomu
Bogacki Michał (1977- ). Wstęp do serii
Bogacki Michał (1977- ). Wystawa Wikingowie w Polsce? Zabytki skandynawskie z ziem polskich
Bołdyrew Aleksander. The changes of offensive armament of the Polish mercenary infantry in the first part of the 16th century and their Influence on the Tactics of the Unit
Chudziak Wojciech (1962- )
D'Amato Raffaele. The betrayal: military iconography and archaeology in the Byzantine paintings of the 11th - 15th c. AD representing the Arrest of Our Lord
Florkowski Andrzej (antropologia)
Gardeła Leszek
Gardeła Leszek. Czy w Polsce są groby wikingów?
Glinianowicz Marcin. The brigandine from the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw - some thoughts about its provenance and chronology
Gogosz Remigiusz (1986- ). Kilka uwag nad metodyką badań z punktu widzenia historyka
Grabarczyk Tadeusz (1946- ). With or without a helmet. Some remarks on equipment analysis of the mercenary troops in Poland in the late 15th century
Grupa Małgorzata (1958- )
Hosek Jiri (1972- ). Dussacks with broad blades and a probable method of their manufacturing
Hosek Jiri (1972- ). Swords uncovered at the burial ground of the Stara Kourim stronghold (9th century) from the perspective of archaeology and metallography
Jagodziński Marek Franciszek (1953- ). Truso - jak bardzo skandynawskie?
Janowski Andrzej Stanisław
Janowski Andrzej Stanisław. Słowo wstępu do tomu
Janowski Andrzej Stanisław. Wystawa Wikingowie w Polsce? Zabytki skandynawskie z ziem polskich
Kaczmarek Łukasz (antropologia kultury)
Kaczmarek Łukasz (antropologia kultury). Słowo wstępu do tomu
Kaczmarek Łukasz (antropologia kultury). Wstęp do serii
Kajmowicz Bartosz
Kaźmierczak Ryszard (archeologia)
Kiarszys Grzegorz. Gdy archeolog pyta o etos
Koczorski Tomasz
Kosta Jiri (archeologia). Swords uncovered at the burial ground of the Stara Kourim stronghold (9th century) from the perspective of archaeology and metallography
Kotowicz Piotr N. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks
Kotowicz Piotr N. The sign of the cross on the early medieval axes - a symbol of power magic or religion?
Kucypera Paweł. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks
Kucypera Paweł. Broń wikingów w Polsce
Legut-Pintal Maria. A study of the defensive system of Jelenia Góra in the light of archaeological finds and topographic landscape archaeology
Marek Lech (1978- )
Marek Lech (1978- ). A short note on the crossbow bolt head from the siege of the castle of Kolno in Silesia
Marginean Florin. Medieval and early modern military items discovered in the village of Taut (Arad County West Romania)
Mazackova Jana (1979- ). Rokstejn Castle (Czech Republic): archaeological evidence of military activities
Michalak Arkadiusz. Swords and falchions from the Polish-Silesian-Brandenburg borderland (2nd half of the 13th - 1st half of the 16th cent.). Preliminary thoughts
Morawiec Jakub. Obraz Słowian w średniowiecznej literaturze skandynawskiej
Niegowski Jacek
Nitoi Anca. Medieval and early modern military items discovered in the village of Taut (Arad County West Romania)
Pranke Piotr
Pudło Piotr
Pudło Piotr. Arms and armour analysis of a Judas Maccabeus` miniature in The Płock Bible
Rajski Paweł (archeologia). Fortifications made of wood and earth in late medieval castles of the Sudety mountains
Rybka Krzysztof. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks
Serdon Valerie. The constitution of artillery parks and fortifications for defending cities during the late middle ages. The dukes of Lorraine in Nancy: a case study
Sikora Jerzy (archeologia). Skandynawowie a ziemie polskie w badaniach archeologicznych
Sikorski Andrzej (1953- )
Sikorski Dariusz Andrzej. Obecność Skandynawów w Polsce w okresie wczesnopiastowskim w świetle źródeł pisanych
Smoleń Katarzyna. Conservation of selected artefacts from Stare Kolnie site
Sobołtyński Dorian
Strobin Jarosław
Stąpór Michał. Early medieval arrowheads with twisted sockets discovered in Poland - the concepts of purpose
Urbańczyk Przemysław (1951- ). Archeologiczne świadectwa obecności Skandynawów w państwie Bolesława Chrobrego
Williams Alan (archeologia). What can scientific analysis tell us about the effectiveness of medieval arms and armour?
Zakovsky Petr (1975- ). Dussacks with broad blades and a probable method of their manufacturing
Ławrynowicz Olgierd. With or without a helmet. Some remarks on equipment analysis of the mercenary troops in Poland in the late 15th century
Łoś Jolanta (archeologia)
Łoś Józef (archeologia)
Żabiński Grzegorz
Żabiński Grzegorz. Das Grosse Amterbuch des Deutschen Ordens - remarks on its value for arms and armour research
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
Archeologia podwodna
Kultura materialna
Kultura wejherowsko-krotoszyńska
Kultura wielbarska
Przedmioty użytku codziennego
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Subject: place
Europa Północna
Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
Zakrzewska Osada
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(Kultura Materialna Średniowiecza w Polsce)
Materiały z sesji nauk., 16-17 kwietnia 2009, Toruń.
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Materiały z I Toruńskich Spotkań Bronioznawczych, 8 listopada 2009 r. - 1 ref. w jęz. ang. Summ. lub streszcz. po ref.
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(CCG Collectio Cathalogorum Gnesnensium ; 1)
Bibliogr. s. 377-400. Katalog zabytków na s. 281-374.
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(Wratislavia Antiqua : studia z dziejów Wrocławia = studies on the history of Wrocław / Zespół do Badań Średniowiecznego i Nowożytnego Wrocławia ; 18)
Marek Lech (1978- ). Bagińska Jolanta. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie, Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks Bárta Patrick (1971- ). Dussacks with broad blades and a probable method of their manufacturing Bołdyrew Aleksander. The changes of offensive armament of the Polish mercenary infantry in the first part of the 16th century and their Influence on the Tactics of the Unit D'Amato Raffaele. The betrayal: military iconography and archaeology in the Byzantine paintings of the 11th - 15th c. AD representing the Arrest of Our Lord Glinianowicz Marcin. The brigandine from the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw - some thoughts about its provenance and chronology Grabarczyk Tadeusz (1946- ). With or without a helmet. Some remarks on equipment analysis of the mercenary troops in Poland in the late 15th century Hošek Jiří (1972- ). Dussacks with broad blades and a probable method of their manufacturing Hošek Jiří (1972- ). Swords uncovered at the burial ground of the Stará Kouřim stronghold (9th century) from the perspective of archaeology and metallography Košta Jiří (archeologia). Swords uncovered at the burial ground of the Stará Kouřim stronghold (9th century) from the perspective of archaeology and metallography Kotowicz Piotr N. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie, Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks Kotowicz Piotr N. The sign of the cross on the early medieval axes - a symbol of power, magic or religion? Kucypera Paweł. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie, Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks Legut-Pintal Maria. A study of the defensive system of Jelenia Góra in the light of archaeological finds and topographic landscape archaeology Ławrynowicz Olgierd. With or without a helmet. Some remarks on equipment analysis of the mercenary troops in Poland in the late 15th century Marek Lech (1978- ). A short note on the crossbow bolt head from the siege of the castle of Kolno in Silesia Mărginean Florin. Medieval and early modern military items discovered in the village of Taut (Arad County, West Romania) Mazáčková Jana (1979- ). Rokštejn Castle (Czech Republic): archaeological evidence of military activities Michalak Arkadiusz. Swords and falchions from the Polish-Silesian-Brandenburg borderland (2nd half of the 13th - 1st half of the 16th cent.). Preliminary thoughts Niţoi Anca. Medieval and early modern military items discovered in the village of Taut (Arad County, West Romania) Pudło Piotr. Arms and armour analysis of a Judas Maccabeus` miniature in The Płock Bible Rajski Paweł (archeologia). Fortifications made of wood and earth in late medieval castles of the Sudety mountains Rybka Krzysztof. A sword fragment from Nowosiółki Kardynalskie, Tomaszów Lubelski District. Materials and conservation remarks Serdon Valérie. The constitution of artillery parks and fortifications for defending cities during the late middle ages. The dukes of Lorraine in Nancy: a case study Smoleń Katarzyna. Conservation of selected artefacts from Stare Kolnie site Stąpór Michał. Early medieval arrowheads with twisted sockets discovered in Poland - the concepts of purpose Williams Alan (archeologia). What can scientific analysis tell us about the effectiveness of medieval arms and armour? Žákovský Petr (1975- ). Dussacks with broad blades and a probable method of their manufacturing Żabiński Grzegorz. Das Grosse Ämterbuch des Deutschen Ordens - remarks on its value for arms and armour research
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