National Museum in Krakow Library
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Różycka-Bryzek Anna (1928-2005)
Banach Jerzy (1922-2005)
Blum Helena (1904-1984)
Monnington W. T
Salamon Maciej (1946- )
Białostocki Jan (1921-1988)
Dobrzycka Anna (1920-2005)
Rostworowski Marek (1921-1996)
Smorąg-Różycka Małgorzata
Baronas Darius (1973- ). Byzantium and Lithuania: North and South look at each other
Białoskórski Henryk (1922- )
Bonarek Jacek (1970- ). Le Bas Danube dans la seconde moitie du XI-eme siecle: nouveaux Etats ou nouveaux peuples?
Cichocka Helena. Zosimus' account of christianity
Cracco Ruggini Lellia (1931- ). The ideological function of an ancient cult (III-IV century)
Dudek Jarosław. Prince Oleg-Michael Sviatoslavitch in Byzantine captivity 1079-1083: some remarks on the Byzantine Empire's pontic policy in the second half of the eleventh century
Dzielska Maria (1942-2018)
Dzielska Maria (1942-2018). Ipazia e la sua cerchia intellettuale
Dąbrowska Małgorzata (historia sztuki). Hellenism at the court of despots of Mistra in the first half of the fifteenth century
Eckmann Augustyn (1941- ). Pagan religion in Roman Africa at the turn of the 4th century as reflected in the letters of St. Augustine
Fokt Krzysztof (1980- ). Lędzanie - how far from the Empire?
Font Marta (1952- ). Emperor Manuel Comnenos and the Hungarian Kingdom
Giemza Jarosław
Guzelev Vasil (1936- ). L'histoire ecclesiastique de Mesembria - centre de communication frontaliere entre la Bulgarie et Byzance
Havlikova Lubomira. Egredere de terra. On geographical-administrative terminology in 9th century legal manuscripts
Hurbanic Martin (1971- ). What did the Patriarch Photius belive in regards to missionary activity?
Ilski Kazimierz (1957- ). Die Gesetzgebung Theodosius II gegen die Heiden
Janik Magdalena (historia)
Jastrzębowska Elżbieta (1946- ). Deux sarcophages d'enfans aux catacombes de Novatien a Rome
Kaimakamova Miliana
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Gregory Tsamblak and the cult of Saint Parasceva
Kuszyk-Peciak Ewa
Loungis Telemachos (1945- ). Bulgaria instead of Moravia: evidence of major political changes
Nikolov Angel Nikolov (1971- ). The medieval Slavonic translation of the Paraenetical Chapters of emperor Basil I between the Balkans Ostrog and Moscow: preliminary remarks
Nikolov Georgi N. (1957- ). Apperance and initial development of appanages in the Bulgarian Tsardom (late 12th to mid 13th century)
Pirivatrić Srdan (1966- ). The death of tasr Stefan Dusan: a contributions to the issue
Popović Mihailo V. (1925-2011). Die Gesandschaften des byzantinischen Kaisers Basileios I. zu den Serben
Poppe Andrzej (1926-2019). Svjatoslav the Glorious and the Byzantine Empire
Prinzing Gunter (1943- ). Nochmals zur historischen Deutung des Bamberger Gunthertuches auf Joahannes Tzimiskes
Pusłowski Franciszek Ksawery (1875-1968)
Radić Radivoj. Bosnia in Byzantine sources
Rochow Ilse. Der Vorwurf des Heidentums als Mittel der innenpolitischen Polemik in Byzanz
Rostkowski Grzegorz. The Christian names of some members of the Riurik dynasty as a testimony of Byzantine cultural influences in Kievian Rus' from Olga's baptism to 1139
Różycka-Bryzek Anna (1928-2005). Miraculous flight on clouds in Byzantine art: antique imagery transformed
Salamon Maciej (1946- ). Einige Bemerkungen zur Notitia episcopatuum des Codex Parisinus 1555A
Shepard Jonathan. Crowns from the Basileus crowns from heaven
Smorąg-Różycka Małgorzata. Professor Anna Różycka Bryzek (1928-2005)
Stepan Andrzej
Turlej Stanisław (1965- ). The collapse of the Avar Khaganate and the situation in the southern Balkans. Byzantine and Bulgarian relations in the early 9th century. The birth of Krum's power and its foundations
Whitby Michael. John of Ephesus and the pagans: pagan survivals in the sixth century
Wilczyński Marek (1960- ). Bemerkungen uber das Verhaltnis der Wandalenkonige zu den Ueberresten des Heidentums in nordafrikanischen Provinzen
Wołoszyn Marcin (1970- ). Zwei Episoden aud der Geschichte der polnisch-byzantinischen Kontakte des 10. bis 12. Jahrhunderts
Łukaszewicz Adam (1950- ). On the fringe of the Byzantine world: the Ethiopian Memmon and his visitors
Żuk-Orysiak Jolanta
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Royal Academy of Arts (Londyn)
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Afryka Północna
Przemyska, diecezja (grekokatol.)
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Czasopisma polskie
14 results Filter
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There are copies available to loan: III 27192 (1 egz.)
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There are copies available to loan: III 4992 (1 egz.)
Ask the librarian about the availability of copies: Dział Sztuki Cerkiewnej sygn. III 4991 (1 egz.)
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There are copies available to loan: III 26766 (1 egz.)
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There are copies available to loan: Kat. 3418, II 10793 (2 egz.)
Księgozbiór podręczny
Copies are only available in the library: (O 1961 (1)) sygn. Kat. 3417 (1 egz.)
Ask the librarian about the availability of copies: Muzeum Stanisława Wyspiańskiego sygn. II 18500 (1 egz.)
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Księgozbiór podręczny
Copies are only available in the library: (O 1970 (1)) sygn. Kat. 16264 (1 egz.)
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There are copies available to loan: Kat. 3974 (1 egz.)
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There are copies available to loan: Kat. 3973 (1 egz.)
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There are copies available to loan: III 23326 (1 egz.)
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1 (1991)-.
Każdy t. z własnym numerem ISBN.
Od 2 (1994) red.: Anna Różycka Bryzek, Maciej Salomon.
Od 2 (1994) zm. formatu: 25 cm.
Od 3 (2001) red.: Maria Dzielska, Anna Różycka Bryzek, Maciej Salomon.
Od 3 (2001) zm. formatu: 24 cm.
Od 5 (2007) red.: Maria Dzielska, Małgorzata Smorąg Różycka, Maciej Salamon.
Zawartość zasobu KR 239 Czas. II 981
1 (1991)
2 (1994)
3 (2001)
5 (2007)
6 (2010)
7 (2013)
8 (2014)
Zawartość zasobu KR 239 Czas. II 2416
7 (2013)
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There are copies available to loan: Czas. II 981/1 (1 egz.)
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Kaimakamova Miliana. Salamon Maciej (1946- ). Smorąg-Różycka Małgorzata. Bonarek Jacek (1970- ). Le Bas Danube dans la seconde moitié du XI-ème siècle: nouveaux Ètats ou nouveaux peuples? Baronas Darius (1973- ). Byzantium and Lithuania: North and South look at each other Dudek Jarosław. Prince Oleg-Michael Sviatoslavitch in Byzantine captivity, 1079-1083: some remarks on the Byzantine Empire's pontic policy in the second half of the eleventh century Fokt Krzysztof (1980- ). Lędzanie - how far from the Empire? Font Márta (1952- ). Emperor Manuel Comnenos and the Hungarian Kingdom Gûzelev Vasil (1936- ). L'histoire ecclésiastique de Mesembria - centre de communication frontalière entre la Bulgarie et Byzance Havlíková Lubomíra. "Egredere de terra". On geographical-administrative terminology in 9th century legal manuscripts Hurbanič Martin (1971- ). What did the Patriarch Photius belive in regards to missionary activity? Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Gregory Tsamblak and the cult of Saint Parasceva Loungīs Telemachos (1945- ). Bulgaria instead of Moravia: evidence of major political changes Łukaszewicz Adam (1950- ). On the fringe of the Byzantine world: the "Ethiopian Memmon" and his visitors Nikolov Angel Nikolov (1971- ). The medieval Slavonic translation of the Paraenetical Chapters of emperor Basil I between the Balkans, Ostrog and Moscow: preliminary remarks Nikolov Georgi N. (1957- ). Apperance and initial development of appanages in the Bulgarian Tsardom (late 12th to mid 13th century) Pirivatrić Srđan (1966- ). The death of tasr Stefan Dušan: a contributions to the issue Popović Mihailo V. (1925-2011). Die Gesandschaften des byzantinischen Kaisers Basileios I. zu den Serben Poppe Andrzej (1926-2019). Svjatoslav the Glorious and the Byzantine Empire Prinzing Günter (1943- ). Nochmals zur historischen Deutung des Bamberger Gunthertuches auf Joahannes Tzimiskes Radić Radivoj. Bosnia in Byzantine sources Rostkowski Grzegorz. The Christian names of some members of the Riurik dynasty as a testimony of Byzantine cultural influences in Kievian Rus' from Olga's baptism to 1139 Salamon Maciej (1946- ). Einige Bemerkungen zur Notitia episcopatuum des Codex Parisinus 1555A Shepard Jonathan. Crowns from the Basileus, crowns from heaven Smorąg-Różycka Małgorzata. Professor Anna Różycka Bryzek (1928-2005) Turlej Stanisław (1965- ). The collapse of the Avar Khaganate and the situation in the southern Balkans. Byzantine and Bulgarian relations in the early 9th century. The birth of Krum's power and its foundations Wołoszyn Marcin (1970- ). Zwei Episoden aud der Geschichte der polnisch-byzantinischen Kontakte des 10. bis 12. Jahrhunderts
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konf., 6-8 kwietnia 2006, Kraków.
Na s. tyt.: "Dedicated to the memory of Anna Różycka Bryzek".
T. monogr.: "Byzantina et Slavica Cracoviensia". 5 (2007).
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: Czas. II 981/5 (1 egz.)
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