National Museum in Krakow Library
Form of Work
Kidd Sophie
Nicholson John
O'Donovan James Roderick
Auer Alfred (1937- ). Of paradises gardens and plants
Augustyn Wolfgang (1957- ). ... to Augsburg one of the most important cities in Germany
Bailey Leigh (1947- )
Bassett Emma Louise
Beneden Ben van (1956- )
Bernstorff Marieke von (1974- )
Bicker Jonathan
Blauensteiner Bjorn (1981- )
Bolnes Catharina (1631-1687). The estate inventory of Catharina Bolnes
Bouvier Pierre (tłumacz)
Bracchi Eva
Brennan Gerald
Brinkmann Bodo (1960- ). Family business. Conjectures on the Holbein family of painters in 1512
Bull Duncan
Buzek Vaclav. The Habsburgs in sixteenth-century Europe
Cardinali Marco (1962- )
Careri Giovanni (1958- ). Bernini and Caravaggio the 'Body of the Soul'
Carrasco Julia (1978- )
Christiansen Keith (1947- )
Cormack Sarah
Cornelis Bart. Musical appeal
Crow Robert
De Ruggieri Maria Beatrice
Demandt Philipp (1971- ). Foreword
Dibbits Taco (1968- ). Foreword
Diemer Dorothea (1951- )
Dobalova Sylva (1973- ). Archduke Ferdinand II as architectural patron in Prague and Innsbruck
Fickinger Samuel
Frissen Bente. Johannes Vermeer. List of works with provenance and literature
Fucikova Eliska (1940- ). Prague Castle under Archduke Ferdinand II: rebuilding and decoration
Gabrieli Francesca
Gannon Corinna
Gasparotto Davide (1965- )
Gastel Joris van (1977- ). Baroque bodies. Artistic role play in seventeenth-century Rome
Georgi Katharina
Grabner Sabine
Gratl Franz. Music at the court oh Archduke Ferdinand II within the network of dynastic relationships
Haag Sabine (1962- )
Haag Sabine (1962- ). Foreword
Hausenblasova Jaroslava. Archduke Ferdinand II - Administrator and Governor of the Lands of Bohemian Crown
Husslein-Arco Agnes (1954- )
Imorde Joseph (1963- ). From affect to miracle. On the representation of divine grace in the seventeenth century
Juckes Tim
Keune Katrien
Koeppe Wolfram (1962- )
Krause Stefan (1961- )
Krekeler Anna
Kubikova Blanka. The image of Archduke Ferdinand II in his portraits
Kunz Armin. Printmaking in Augsburg
Kuster Thomas. dises heroische theatrum: The Heldenrustkammer at Ambras Castle
Lange-Krach Heidrun. The traces of Hans Holbein the Elder in Augsburg. A search among the sources
Leerink Margot (1992- )
Levy Evonne Anita (1961- ). The classical in baroque art. History of a distupted dialectic
Loon Annelies van (1970- )
Mangone Giulia
Mann Judith Walker
Messling Guido (1967- )
Messling Guido (1967- ). Holbein and Burgkmair. A tale of two Augdburg artists
Muchka Ivan (1946- ). Archduke Ferdinand II as architectural patron in Prague and Innsbruck
Noble Petria
Noflatscher Heinz (1954- ). Archduke Ferdinand II as sovereign ruler of Tyrol
Ohlidalova Anna
Osiecki Cynthia
Ostmeyer Jurgen
Ozel Cigdem
Penot Sabine. Ambitions of eternal renown. The art of painting
Pfandtner Karl-Georg (1965- )
Pichler Wolfram (1968- )
Plackinger Andreas
Prange Peter (1960- )
Prohaska Wolfgang (1943- )
Purs Ivo (1964- ). The Library of Archduke Ferdinand II in Ambras Castle
Rainer Paulus (1972- ). On art and wonders in an Extra-Moral sense
Ricasoli Corinna
Richards Lynne
Roelofs Pieter (1972- )
Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Closer to Vermeer. A look inside the family home of the Delft painter
Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Johannes Vermeer (Delft 1632-1675). Modestly masterful
Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Note from the editors
Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Venturing into town
Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Vermeer's tronies. An outward gaze of connection
Roller Stefan (1961- )
Sandbichler Veronika (1967- )
Sandbichler Veronika (1967- ). Innata omnium pulcherrimarum rerum inquisitio: Archduke Ferdinand II as a collector
Sander Jochen (1958- )
Sander Jochen (1958- ). Hans Holbein the Younger. Formative experiences as an artist in Augsburg and his first decade in Basel
Schauerte Thomas Ulrich (1967- )
Schlegel Konrad (1968- )
Schleweis Helmut (1954- ). Sponsors' Foreword
Scholten Frits (1959- ). Painterly sculpture
Schutt Friederike. Albrecht Durer and Jakob Fugger. Providing impulses for art in Augsburg
Schutt Friederike. The entire world inside
Schutze Sebastian (1961- ). Narcissus and the pathopoeia of the early modern age
Sciberras Keith
Seidl Katharina. ... how to assuage all outer and inner malady...: Medicine at the court of Archduke Ferdinand II
Seifert Christian Tico (1968- ). Early ambitions. Vermeer's journey from Bible to Brothel
Soding Ulrich (1957- ). Burgkmair and Italy
2020 - 2025
2010 - 2019
United Kingdom
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (1598-1680)
Caravaggio (1573-1610)
Ferdynand II (arcyksiążę Austrii ; 1529-1595)
Malarstwo austriackie
Malarstwo holenderskie
Rysunek austriacki
Schloss Ambras (Innsbruck)
Städel Museum (Frankfurt nad Menem)
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka niemiecka
Sztuka renesansu
Sztuka włoska
Vermeer van Delft, Jan (1632-1675)
Österreichische Galerie Belvedere
Subject: time
Subject: place
Katalogi wystaw
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Bibliogr. s. 300-321.
Katalog wystaw: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, 15 października 2019 - 19 stycznia 2020, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 14 lutego - czerwiec 2020.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
All copies are currently on loan: III 25123 (1 egz.)
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Indeks R0
Bibliogr. s. 352-365.
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There are copies available to loan: III 22929 (1 egz.)
In basket
Bouvier Pierre (tłumacz). Tł. Brennan Gerald. Tł. Nicholson John. Tł. Kidd Sophie. Tł. Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Red. Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Red. Bolnes Catharina (1631-1687). The estate inventory of Catharina Bolnes Cornelis Bart. Musical appeal Dibbits Taco (1968- ). Foreword Frissen Bente. Johannes Vermeer. List of works, with provenance and literature Gabrieli Francesca. Keune Katrien. Krekeler Anna. Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Noble Petria. Pénot Sabine. Ambitions of eternal renown. The art of painting Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Closer to Vermeer. A look inside the family home of the Delft painter Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Johannes Vermeer (Delft 1632-1675). Modestly masterful Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Note from the editors Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Venturing into town Roelofs Pieter (1972- ). Vermeer's tronies. An outward gaze of connection Schütt Friederike. The entire world inside Seifert Christian Tico (1968- ). Early ambitions. Vermeer's journey from Bible to Brothel Suchtelen Ariane van (1962- ). Fashionable intruders Vandivere Abbie (1979- ). Verslype Ige (1974- ). Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). At a distance Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). In search of the perfect illusion of space Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Note from the editors Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Paths to inner values Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Up close Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Vermeer's pictorial world Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Windows between outer and inner worlds Wiesemann Marjorie E. Letters. The world outside inside
Indeks R0
Katalog wystawy: Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam), 10.02. - 04.06.2023.
Bibliogr. s. 296-315. Indeks.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: III 26603 (1 egz.)
In basket
Kidd Sophie. Tł. Messling Guido (1967- ). Red. Nicholson John. Tł. O'Donovan James Roderick. Tł. Waterman Joshua P. (1974- ). Tł. Williams Rebecca Philipps. Tł. Sander Jochen (1958- ). Red. Augustyn Wolfgang (1957- ). "... to Augsburg, one of the most important cities in Germany..." Blauensteiner Björn (1981- ). Brinkmann Bodo (1960- ). "Family business". Conjectures on the Holbein family of painters in 1512 Carrasco Julia (1978- ). Demandt Philipp (1971- ). Foreword Diemer Dorothea (1951- ). Fickinger Samuel. Gannon Corinna. Georgi Katharina. Haag Sabine (1962- ). Foreword Koeppe Wolfram (1962- ). Krause Stefan (1961- ). Kunz Armin. Printmaking in Augsburg Lange-Krach Heidrun. The traces of Hans Holbein the Elder in Augsburg. A search among the sources Messling Guido (1967- ). Holbein and Burgkmair. A tale of two Augdburg artists Pfändtner Karl-Georg (1965- ). Prange Peter (1960- ). Roller Stefan (1961- ). Sander Jochen (1958- ). Hans Holbein the Younger. Formative experiences as an artist in Augsburg and his first decade in Basel Schauerte Thomas Ulrich (1967- ). Schlegel Konrad (1968- ). Schleweis Helmut (1954- ). Sponsors' Foreword Schütt Friederike. Albrecht Dürer and Jakob Fugger. Providing impulses for art in Augsburg Söding Ulrich (1957- ). Burgkmair and Italy Tacke Andreas (1954- ). "The devil always shits on the biggest dung heap." Augsburg as an early modern artistic centre Teget-Welz Manuel (1976- ). When three minds meet. Hans Holbein the Elder and Michael and Georg Erhart Trümper Timo (1976- ). Winter Heinz. Zäh Helmut (1959- ).
Indeks R0
Katalog wystaw: "Holbein and the Renaissance in the North", Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 2.11.2023 - 18.02.2024, "Holbein. Burgkmair. Dürer. Renaissance in the North", Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, 19.03 - 30.06.2024.
Bibliogr. s. 344-353 i przy notach katalogowych.
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There are copies available to loan: III 27040 (1 egz.)
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