National Museum in Krakow Library
Form of Work
Beltran-Rubio Laura. Covered in much fine lace: dress in the Viceroyalty of New Granada
Biass-Fabiani Sophie. Le fauvisme provencal un mouvement introuvable?
Bonnici Claude-Jeanne (1945- )
Bonnin Talbot Annabel. Ahead of the curve: A. Blackborne & Co. and the late nineteenth-century British lace industry
Bruna Denis. Early 18th century paniers in contemporary sources
Bruna Denis. Lace an economic factor in France during the reign of Louis XIV
Cormack Emma
Cormack Emma. Fashion and the lace industries in France Belgium and England 1800-1900
Cormack Emma. Introduction: Threads of power
Coutagne Denis (1947- )
Descalzo Lorenzo Amalia (1955- ). Spanish Foundation Garments in the Habsburg period
Descalzo Lorenzo Amalia (1955- ). The triumph of lace: Spanish portraiture in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Dosch Annina. Lace in St. Gallen today: tradition and innovation at Forster Rohner and Jakob Schlaepfer
Dussaule Georges
Ely Bruno (1954- )
Foissy-Aufrere Marie-Pierre
Forneris Jean
Gaillard Brigitte (1958- )
Gomez-Passamar Nadine
Hild Eric‏ ‎ (1951-1991‏)
Hohti Erichsen Paula (1968- ). Monstrous ruffs and elegant trimmings: lace and lacemaking in early modern Italy
Hopfensitz Kerstin. From Heubach to teh World: a centre of German corset production
Kammel Frank Matthias (1961- )
Karl Barbara (1977- )
Karl Barbara (1977- ). Lace and status: luxury power and control in early modernity
Kos Ilona. A source of inspiration: the Leopold Ikle collection in St. Gallen
Kratz Olav. From rubber and satin fabric to seamless micro modal: ground-breaking innovations in the lingerie and corsetry industry in the post-war years
Majer Michele
Majer Michele. Fashion and the lace industries in France Belgium and England 1800-1900
Majer Michele. Introduction: Threads of power
Melendez Mariselle (1964- ). A disire of being distinguished by an elegany dress in universal: clothing status and convenience in eighteenth-century Spanish America
Middleton James. A prodigious excess: lace in new Spain and Peru ca. 1600-1800
Miller Lesley Ellis. Lace a la mode in France ca. 1690-1790
Monery Jean-Paul (1953- ). 1870-1920. Un midi surprenant attirant influent et creatif. Veritable lieu privilegie de l'avant-garde picturale
Nutz Beatrix. From soft to hard: deliberately concealed body shaping garments from Tyrol
Ormen Catherine. Fashion and lace since 1900
Pariente Fabienne
Passot Sebastien. Are you sure this is what he means? Considerations on dress terminology in French sources and their subsequent translation
Pietsch Johannes
Pietsch Johannes. Establishing identity: stays form Southern Germany in the collection of the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
Rasche Adelheid (1963- ). 18th century hoop-petticoats: German sources and two surviving examples
Rasmussen Pernilla (1973- ). Four robes do cour worn at the Swedish court: tradition and change in tailoring and significance
Roquette Marie-Christine
Schoenholzer Nichols Thessy (1955- ). It does not need to be hard to hold
Serrano Veronique
Sorber Frieda
Sorber Frieda. Antwerp a center of lacemaking and lace dealing 1550-1750
Soubiran‏ Jean-Roger (1950- ). Les naturalismes et la Provence 1880-1900
Speelberg Femke. Putting a name to a lace: fashion fame and the production of printed textile pattern books
Tiramani Jenny. 17th and 18th century stitched and smooth-covered stays: their differences and similarities
Wallet Marie (1944- )
Wanner-JeanRichard Anne (1937- )
Wanner-JeanRichard Anne (1937- ). A source of inspiration: the Leopold Ikle collection in St. Gallen
Weber Susan (1954- ). Director's foreword
Zilber Emily. Italy to New York: making historic textiles modern at the Scuola d'Industrie Italiane
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
1990 - 1999
United States
Bard Graduate Center Gallery (Nowy Jork)
Hôtel de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (Marseille)
Malarstwo francuskie
Musée du Luxembourg (Paryż)
Textilmuseum St. Gallen
Subject: time
Subject: place
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Materiały z konf. "Structuring fashion : foundation garments through history", zorg. w Bayerisches Nationalmuseum w Monachium we wrześniu 2018 r.
Bibliogr. s. 140-154.
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There are copies available to loan: III 24912 (1 egz.)
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There are copies available to loan: III 26684 (1 egz.)
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Cormack Emma. Red. Karl Barbara (1977- ). Tł. Majer Michele. Red. Sorber Frieda. Tł. Wanner-JeanRichard Anne (1937- ). Tł. Beltrán-Rubio Laura. "Covered in much fine lace": dress in the Viceroyalty of New Granada Bonnin Talbot Annabel. Ahead of the curve: A. Blackborne & Co. and the late nineteenth-century British lace industry Bruna Denis. Lace, an economic factor in France during the reign of Louis XIV Cormack Emma. Fashion and the lace industries in France, Belgium, and England, 1800-1900 Cormack Emma. Introduction: Threads of power Descalzo Lorenzo Amalia (1955- ). The triumph of lace: Spanish portraiture in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Dosch Annina. Lace in St. Gallen today: tradition and innovation at Forster Rohner and Jakob Schlaepfer Hohti Erichsen Paula (1968- ). "Monstrous ruffs" and elegant trimmings: lace and lacemaking in early modern Italy Karl Barbara (1977- ). Lace and status: luxury, power, and control in early modernity Kos Ilona. A source of inspiration: the Leopold Iklé collection in St. Gallen Majer Michele. Fashion and the lace industries in France, Belgium, and England, 1800-1900 Majer Michele. Introduction: Threads of power Meléndez Mariselle (1964- ). A disire of being distinguished by an elegany dress in universal": clothing, status, and convenience in eighteenth-century Spanish America Middleton James. "A prodigious excess": lace in new Spain and Peru, ca. 1600-1800 Miller Lesley Ellis. Lace á la mode in France, ca. 1690-1790 Ormen Catherine. Fashion and lace since 1900 Sorber Frieda. Antwerp, a center of lacemaking and lace dealing, 1550-1750 Speelberg Femke. Putting a name to a lace: fashion, fame, and the production of printed textile pattern books Wanner-JeanRichard Anne (1937- ). A source of inspiration: the Leopold Iklé collection in St. Gallen Weber Susan (1954- ). Director's foreword Zilber Emily. Italy to New York: making historic textiles modern at the Scuola d'Industrie Italiane
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: Bard Graduate Center Gallery, wrzesień 2022 - styczeń 2023.
Bibliogr. s. 395-404. Słownik terminów s. 405-411.
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