Antonelli Lucio Angelo. Il Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e la collezione originaria di Artur Wołyński
Bandura Agnieszka. Politics of replacing in New Romanticism
Bender Agnieszka (1962- ). Il mecenatismo di Zofia Branicka Odescalchi
Bender Agnieszka (1962- ). Rev. Jerzy Maria Langman - collezionista organizzatore di mostre donatore
Berlińska Agnieszka. Parole che sono solo suono. Il teatro di Józef Szajna alla Rassegna Internazionale dei Teatri Stabili di Firenze
Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). Removal of Communist monuments: obliteration of the past or healing the memory?
Bertinet Arnaud (1977- ). Krzysztof Pomian Le musee une histoire mondiale
Biały Aneta (1956- ). Henryk Siemiradzki and the circle of Spanish painters in Rome. How and why Siemiradzki - an ardent opponent of the fortunists in Rome - became a follower of Mariano Fortuny in the eyes of French critics in Paris
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata. The cross-cultural role of textiles exemplified by textiles with Arabic inscriptions and some other motifs
Bielak Anna (japonistyka). The kimono as a fashion phenomenon in modern Japan and beyond
Bilska Karolina. Accoglienza del Wrocławski Teatr Pantomimy (Teatro della Pantomima di Breslavia) e del Polski Teatr Tańca - Balet Poznański (Teatro Danza Polacco - Balletto di Poznań) in Italia fino al 1980
Bobrowska Ewa (1958- )
Bobrowska Ewa (1958- ). Introduction
Bodzek Joanna. To mend* : a reflection on the Lee Edelkoort anti-fashion manifesto the kimono reconstruction project : my personal vision on how mended clothes can mean style in the future and how this is connected with the Boro textiles of Japan
Bojarska Katarzyna (1981- ). Spectrality and the possibility of seeing (loss). Photography against the referentiality of history
Bronowski Cezary. La sperimentazione scenografica 'alla polacca' Le rappresentazioni teatrali di Marinetti Pirandello e Rosso di San Secondo in Polonia tra le due guerre
Brutin Batya (1949- ). Lea Grundig: duality between Political and Jewish Identity - 1933-1939
Buchowska Dominika. Jewish Art in London
Buchowska Dominika. Jewish themes in David Bomberg's early works
Buchwald Dorota. Giovanni in Polonia. Episodio 1
Ceplak Mencin Ralf. The first extensive collection of Chinese and Japanese antiquities in Slovenia
Chabiera Piotr Paweł. Da Leopoli a Carrara. Tadeusz Koper e le sue creazioni scultoree
Chabiera Piotr Paweł. Stamperia Polacca di Samuel Tyszkiewicz
Chasjanowa Lejła S. (1963- ). Gli artisti polacchi a Roma negli anni 80 del XIX secolo
Chookaszian Emma (1990- ). Sur quelques pages issues d'un manuscrit de l'ecole de Crimee
Chopard Lucie (1994- ). Du domestique au museal : la collection Grandidier a l'entresol de la Grand Galerie du Musee du Louvre (1895-1915)
Chudzikowska Monika. Chinese Play given in the Chinese Manner
Ciarkowski Błażej (1982- ). Idee piu audaci da realizzare Progettisti polacchi e architettura dell'Italia fascista
Cieszkowski Krzysztof. Sulla traduzione del Catalogo ragionato dei dipinti di Henryk Siemiradzki
Cybulska Maria (włókiennictwo). Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design
Czartoryska Izabela Elżbieta (1746-1835)
Czekanowska-Gutman Monika. Dialogue with Christian art: the Pieta in early 20th-century Jewish art
Dagna Stella (1976- ). Soava Gallone e Elena Makowska: dive del cinema muto italiano
Deja Katarzyna (1987- ). Józef Jankowski's play Kesa as an example of transculturality in Polish modernism
Deluga Waldemar (1961- )
Deluga Waldemar (1961- ). Introduction
Denes Mirjam. A common heritage. Japonisme in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: a project report
Djaltchinova-Malets Elvira Eevr
Dorota Iwona. Teofil Lenartowicz - fascinazioni italiane paesaggistiche artistiche e personali
Dróżdż Tomasz. Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design
Durda-Dmitruk Magdalena
Durda-Dmitruk Magdalena. Takesada Matsutani: in search of artistic identity
Durda-Dmitruk Magdalena. The homelessness of the artists. Introduction
Dyakonova Yulia. Henryk Siemiradzki's artistic process. Reconstruction of its initial stage - with the use of X-ray research (based on the collection from The Tretyakov Gallery)
Dzierżyc-Horniak Anna (1975- ). Artisti polacchi alla Galleria Arturo Schwarz di Milano
Dżurkowa-Kossowska Irena. In search for cultural identity: Bruno Schulz Debora Vogel and Giorgio de Chirico
Eysymontt Rafał (1959- ). The town as a palimpsest. Erasing and recovering the medieval town
Fabbri Marina. Povere creature. L'impatto del lavoro e delle idee di Jerzy Grotowski su critici e artisti in Italia negli anni '60
Faccini Marco. Il Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e la collezione originaria di Artur Wołyński
Fajcsak Gyorgyi. The birth of the Asian Art Museum of Hungary
Farida Nike. Et in Arcadia ego. Where Henryk Siemiradzki Lawrence Alma-Tadema and Frederic Leighton met
Filipczyk-Topolnicka Joanna (1969- ). Fine arts in the context of the degermanization in the region of Opolian Silesia after 1945
Finkelstein Haim N. (1940- ). E. M. Lilien: between Drohobych and Brunswick
First Grzegorz. L'Egitto e il Vicino Oriente di Siemiradzki
First Grzegorz. Res orientalis: works of art from the ancient Near East and Henryk Siemiradzki's archaeological workshop
First Grzegorz. Roma - Pompei - Egitto Percorsi e temi di Stefan Bakałowicz
Fujii-Karpoluk Yoko. Revived no dramas: issues and perspective
Furdal Małgorzata. Silenzi assenze rivelazioni. La Scuola Polacca di cinema vista dalla prospettiva italiana
Furmanik-Kowalska Magdalena. Chinese opera (xiqu) as a significant element of contemporary artwork
Furmanik-Kowalska Magdalena. Living out of a suitcase: the symbols of travel in far East Asian art
Furmanik-Kowalska Magdalena. Women relation with the water in video art by Sigalit Landau
Gauk Irina Akovlevna. Collecting in the environment of the Armenian diaspora of the Eastern Europe
Gawarski Maurycy
Gawarski Maurycy. Chinese opera theatrical poster in Beijing in the first half of the twentieth century
Gawarski Maurycy. List of Polish publications on Chinese theatre since the beginning of the twentieth century
Gawarski Maurycy. Polish research on Chinese theatre since the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day
Geron Małgorzata. L'esposizione Arte italiana contemporanea alla Galeria Zachęta (1968)
Geron Małgorzata. Rita Sacchetto: le esibizioni italiane e i legami con l'avanguardia polacca
Gia Maria Beatrice (1986- ). La cappella polacca presso la Basilica di Sant'Antonio a Padova fra devozione arte e committenza
Gilcher William. Artist and the patron: Izrael Lejzerowicz and the Margolin/Spektor family in pre-war Lodz
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Collections - Encounters - Inspirations. Contemporary research on artistic relations between Europe and Japan
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Image of Japan created by Feliks Manggha Jasieński in articles published in the Miesięcznik Literacki i Artystyczny and Chimera magazines
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Kaoyo Gozen and attendants - realtionships between the costumes of the kabuki actors of the Kanadehon Chushingura play and their woodblock-print illustrations
Gorzelany-Nowak Dorota (1973- ). Siemiradzki e la cultura antic
Goto Kosuke (1983- ). The Celestial Lotus: on the sources of ornamental patterns woven in silk samite
Gradinaru Camelia. Visual tyranny as autopoiesis
Gradinskaite Vilma (1971- ). History of Art Collection in Vilna Jewish Museums: from the time of the Russian Empire to the present
Grigoryan Hermine. The Gulbenkian Bible (17th c.): an interdisciplinary study of a precious Armenian heritage
Groth Martyna. Il Circo Tarabumba: ispirazioni italiane al Teatr Groteska di Cracovia (1945 1949)
Grubba-Thiede Dorota (1972- ). Citta italiane. Esperienze italiane di Anna Jarnuszkiewicz (1958) Wanda Czełkowska (1963) Hanna Brzuszkiewicz (1973)
Gut-Czerwonka Anna (1984- ). The condemnation of memory in the modern epitaphs of Central Pomerania
Głowacki Wojciech M. (1993- ). Polyglot of a paintbrush? Critical reception of Nero's Torches in France
Haake Michał (1974- ). Aleksander Gierymski e il divisionismo italiano
Haake Michał (1974- ). Emilio Vedova in Polonia nel 1958
Haijima Agnese (1974- ). Cultural ties between Japan and Latvia: with focus on architecture interior design landscape architecture and art collections
Handrock Ariane (1967- ). Representing and constructing Jewish art: Alfred Grotte as an architect and author
Hanova Marketa. Discovering Japanese art: collectors at the heart of Europe
Hanova Marketa. Sada Yakko and the reception of Japanese theatre in the context of Japonisme in the Czech lands
Na k. przedtyt.: Jubilee international conference celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first lecture on the history of art at Vilna / Vilnius University (15 September 1810), The Centre of Contemporary Art, Toruń, September, 14-16, 2010.
Na k. przedtyt.: Jubilee international conference celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first lecture on the history of art at Vilna / Vilnius University (15 September 1810), The Centre of Contemporary Art, Toruń, September, 14-16, 2010.
(World Art Studies : conferences and studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies / ed. Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski, ISSN 2543-4624 ; vol. 20)
(World Art Studies : conferences and studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies / ed. Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski, ISSN 2543-4624 ; vol. 17)
(Jewish Art in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe = Sztuka żydowska w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej / editorial board: Jerzy Malinowski, Renata Piątkowska, Małgorzata Stolarska-Fronia, ISSN 2449-7940 ; vol. 4 B)