Baan Laszló (1961- ). Pal Szinyei Merse - past and present
Bakay-Perjes Judit. Women's shoes from the cistercian church in Vac
Bakos Katalin. Art deco posters for decoration pleasure and representation
Bakos Katalin. Beyond styles. Visual sources of Hungarian art deco poster art
Baselitz Georg (1938- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Georg Baselitz
Behar Henri (1940- ). Paradoxes of the Second Manifesto of Surrealism
Beothy-Kozocsa Ildikó. Data on the bindings of King Matthias's codices
Bloede Myriam. 1929 a fixed-explosive year: looking back at the journals
Bodnar Szilvia (1955- ). Albrecht Durer. Italian innovations North of the Alps
Bodnar Szilvia (1955- ). In the magic circle of the arts and sciences. The Prague court of Rudolf II
Bodnar Szilvia (1955- ). The beginnings. Drawings and prints between the fourteenth and early sixteenth centuries
Bodor Istvan jun. Deterioration examination and restoration of an unusual marble statue
Bodor Kata (1978- )
Bodor Kata (1978- ). Departures. Seceding from academic conventions withdrawing from mainstream society
Bodor Kata (1978- ). Francisco Goya. Modernised traditions
Bodor Kata (1978- ). Pablo Picasso. The lord of lines
Bodor Kata (1978- ). The last spledour of art academies
Bodor Kata (1978- ). The myth of the here and now
Bodor Kata (1978- ). William Hogarth and the art of moralising with humor
Bruder Katalin T. (1942-2013). Re-restoration of two roman helmets
Bódi Kinga (1981- )
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Antoni Tapies. The human and the material
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Joseph Beuys and the great German post-war generation
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Dóra Maurer
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Paper through artists' eyes. Conversation with Georg Baselitz
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Rational thinking abstract forms constructive images
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). The dynamism of the line
Bódi Kinga (1981- ). Venice in teh 18th century. The flourishing export of art
Bóna Istvan (1930-2001). Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts
Bónis Gyorgy (1914-1985)
Canonne Xavier (1960- ). Varietes: surrealism in 1929
Carlin Briony
Carrier David (1944- ). Putting abstraction in touch with reality: the achievement of Sean Scully
Chenieux-Gendron Jacqueline (1939- ). 1929 a fixed-explosive year: looking back at the journals
Csizmadia Krisztina. The towers of Budapest Mexico New York and Atlantis. Art deco in the oeuvre of Geza Maróti
Danto Arthur Coleman (1924-2013). Sean Scully and the art of painting
Dienes Istvan (1929-1995)
Drienyovszki Zsófia. Exquisite women's work. Kató Lukats and Illi Szirmai: two women artists at the forefront of Hungarian advertising design in the 1930s
Duzs Krisztina. Restoration of a Haban type glass jug
Farkas Zsuzsa
Farkas Zsuzsa. Molnar József fenykepeszeti muhelye es hagyateka
Farkas Zsuzsa. Molnar József photography studio and his legacy
Feher David (1987- )
Feher David (1987- ). Architectures of light (walls and landlines)
Feher David (1987- ). Behind the wall: figures and grounds in the art of Sean Scully
Feher David (1987- ). Figure abstract and vice versa. The Madonna Series
Feher David (1987- ). Figure/abstract: early experiments from the 1960s
Feher David (1987- ). Hidden narratives: after the turning point of 1981
Feher David (1987- ). In dialogue #1: soft edges (Scully and Bonnard)
Feher David (1987- ). In dialogue #2: fields of colour (Scully and Van Gogh)
Feher David (1987- ). Sensual constructions: works from the 1980s and 1990s
Feher David (1987- ). Supergrids: works from the 1970s
Feher David (1987- ). The passenger: an introduction
Feher David (1987- ). Uninsideout
Feher David (1987- ). Windows and figures
Feher David (1987- ). Works on paper: pastels and watercolours
Ferkai Andras (1953- ). Cinema architecture and interiors 1912-1940
Ferkai Andras (1953- ). High-rise towers on paper. Budapest utopias
Ferkai Andras (1953- ). Symphony of a metropolis. The Budapest streetscape
Foldi Eszter. A genre born out of a technique. The revival of artistic printmaking
Foldi Eszter. Colour lithography at the turn of th century
Foldi Eszter. József Rippal-Rónai. Thinking in drawing
Foldi Eszter. The Revue in Budapest
Foldi Eszter. The black Venus: Josephine Baker in Budapest
Foldi Eszter. The experience of nature
Forgacs Eva (1947- ). I work with rational madness
Gat Janos. Istvan Farkas: dreams and visions
Gonda Zsuzsa (1958-2023). Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Master of lithography
Gorgen Annabelle (1969- ). The last snapshot: 1929 in the Weimar Republic and the reception of surrealism
Grovier Kelly (1968- ). Breathing mirrors: Sean Scully and the art of metaphor
Gyani Gabor (1950- ). Body culture physical exercise and sport - art deco
Gyani Gabor (1950- ). The cult of cars motorbikes and flying
Gyani Gabor (1950- ). The social context of art deco
Gyergyadesz Laszló (1947- ). From Andrassy Avenue to the Cifra Palace. The Wolfner-Farkas-Glucks Collection in the Katona József Museum of Kecskemet
Haider Edit
Harambourg Lydia (1947- ). Istvan Farkas: a modernist of the Ecole de Paris
Harsanyi Eszter. Condition report of the tomb of a nobleman (TT65) in Thebes
Hessky Orsolya (1965- )
Hessky Orsolya (1965- ). An era of changes (1770-1830)
Hessky Orsolya (1965- ). Miklós Barabas. From Italy to Pest
Hessky Orsolya (1965- ). The allure of Rome
Hessky Orsolya (1965- ). This was not naturalism it was not impressionism. Pal Szinyei Merse and the question of styles
Hideg Rachel
Holics Gyula
Horanyi Eva (1968- ). The spaces of civil life. The home
Hoós Mariann. Restoration of a renaissance frescoe cycle at the Museum of Fine Arts
Jaró Marta (1950- ). Experiment on computerised colour reconstruction on the corroded metal surface of textiles ornaments with leather paper or membrane threads
Jeffett William. Dali: 1929
Karath József
Karpati Zoltan. Artworks for everyday use. The ephemeral art of the Renaissance
Karpati Zoltan. At the service of the church. The birth of Italian baroque
Karpati Zoltan. Depicting the human body. In the shadow of Michelangelo
Karpati Zoltan. Durer and Raimondi. Chronicle of fictive lawsuit
Karpati Zoltan. Leonardo da Vinci in the City Hall of Florence. Art and politics
Karpati Zoltan. Mythology reloaded. Profane love in Renaissance art