Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Banai Noit. Royal sovereignty
Bieńczyk Marek (1956- ). ***
Boniecki Adam Edward (1934- ). Execution with a boy
Ciechańska Marzenna. Selected technological and conservation aspects of pictures drawings and sketches on paper by Andrzej Wróblewski
Figiel Joanna (1985- )
Fowkes Maja. Transcending the barriers created by biology
Fowkes Reuben (1971- ). Transcending the barriers created by biology
Gauger Soren A. (1975- )
Gauger Soren A. (1975- ). Dread and taiwanese carp
Gillen Eckhart (1947- ). Requiem for an idea of humanity
Gołubiew Zofia (1942-2022). Everyday Wróblewski - an unprofessional essay
Grzybała Wojciech
Grzybała Wojciech. A study on Andrzej Wróblewski's group of large-format paper works
Grzybała Wojciech. An American lead
Grzybała Wojciech. Exhibiting Andrzej Wróblewski
Grzybała Wojciech. From the editors
Grzybała Wojciech. Large-format paper works by Andrzej Wróblewski. Thematic order
Grzybała Wojciech. Paper and footage. On Andrzej wróblewski's design for his own exhibition
Grzybała Wojciech. Timeline of Andrzej Wróblewski's individual exhibitions. Chronoligical order
Hatherley Owen (1981- ). (Hammer and sickle) undated
Holert Tom (1962- ). Composition no. 892
Jarecka Dorota (1966- ). With the red line
Kiliszek Joanna (1964- ). Oumuama or: how to fall into another galaxy
Kościuczuk Krzysztof (1983- )
Kościów Aleksander (1974- ). (Wilderness)
Krasucki Eryk (1977- ). We're signing on! - but are you really? Andrzej Wróblewski's unusual epitaph for the death of Stefan Martyka (1951)
Król Anna (1958- ). Red or black and white - Andrzej Wróblewski's Tatra mountains
Marcinów Mira (1985- ). My depressions. Andrzej Wróblewski and (Torn Man I)
Mikołejko Zbigniew (1951- ). Far from metaphysics
Muszyńska Anna. Wróblewski's blind spot - a cosmological reflection on the desire to belong
Noack Ruth. Preface to an impending disaster
Piłat Robert (1959- ). Beside oneself
Pollack Martin (1944-2025). Andrzej Wróblewski. Sketch for executions
Poprzęcka Maria (1942- ). ...Everything was still petrified as if in the moment before the judgement...Andrzej Wóblewski's series of drawings Mourning news
Roelstraete Dieter (1972- ). Andrzej Wróblewski Installation of an element of the great furnace (Nowa Huta) 1953
Różewicz Tadeusz (1921-2014)
Shoichet Aaron (1979- )
Sobczyk Marek (1955- ). 10 800 - 18 000 characters
Stanisławska Olga (1967- ). The house that's there and the house that isn't
Szewczyk Agnieszka (1976- ). The Poznań displays (fragments)
Thije Steven ten (1980- ). Houses on a slope
Trzeciak-Huss Joanna
Waldmeier Martin (1984- ). Accident in the city
Wróblewska Marta (1980- ). (Tombstone on a green background)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). A commentary on the Exhibition of modern art (fragments) (1948)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Calendar January 1 - December 31 1949
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). I have been living the life of the studio for several weeks now (fragments) (1948)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). One more word on art schools (1948)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Over my desk gone quiet
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Postcard to Witold Damasiewicz (1949)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Questionnaire for visitors to the Exhibition of modern art (1948)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Selection of writings on art exhibitions (1949-55)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Self-educational work of the Academic Union of Polish Youth and Artistic Circles at institutions for higher artistic education (1950)
Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Statement on the 1st exhibition of modern art (1948)
Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- )
Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). Exhibiting Andrzej Wróblewski
Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). From the editors
Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). The pictures were seen by countless staring eyes. On the first posthumous exhibition of Andrzej Wróblewski in three parts
Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). Timeline of Andrzej Wróblewski's individual exhibitions. Chronoligical order
Rok wydania
2020 - 2025
Kraj wydania
Malarstwo polskie
Rysunek polski
Wróblewski, Andrzej (1927-1957)
Wystawy sztuki
Temat: czas
1 wynik Filtruj
W koszyku
Grzybała Wojciech. Red. Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). Red. Figiel Joanna (1985- ). Tł. Gauger Soren A. (1975- ). Tł. Kościuczuk Krzysztof (1983- ). Tł. Shoichet Aaron (1979- ). Tł. Trzeciak-Huss Joanna. Tł. Banai Noit. Royal sovereignty Bieńczyk Marek (1956- ). [***] Boniecki Adam Edward (1934- ). Execution with a boy Ciechańska Marzenna. Selected technological and conservation aspects of pictures, drawings, and sketches on paper by Andrzej Wróblewski Fowkes Maja. Transcending the barriers created by biology Fowkes Reuben (1971- ). Transcending the barriers created by biology Gauger Soren A. (1975- ). Dread and taiwanese carp Gillen Eckhart (1947- ). Requiem for an idea of humanity Gołubiew Zofia (1942-2022). Everyday Wróblewski - an unprofessional essay Grzybała Wojciech. A study on Andrzej Wróblewski's group of large-format paper works Grzybała Wojciech. An American lead Grzybała Wojciech. Exhibiting Andrzej Wróblewski Grzybała Wojciech. From the editors Grzybała Wojciech. Large-format paper works by Andrzej Wróblewski. Thematic order Grzybała Wojciech. Paper and footage. On Andrzej wróblewski's design for his own exhibition Grzybała Wojciech. Timeline of Andrzej Wróblewski's individual exhibitions. Chronoligical order Hatherley Owen (1981- ). (Hammer and sickle) [undated] Holert Tom (1962- ). [Composition no. 892] Jarecka Dorota (1966- ). With the red line Kiliszek Joanna (1964- ). Oumuama, or: how to fall into another galaxy Kościów Aleksander (1974- ). (Wilderness) Krasucki Eryk (1977- ). "We're signing on!" - but are you, really? Andrzej Wróblewski's unusual epitaph for the death of Stefan Martyka (1951) Król Anna (1958- ). Red, or black and white - Andrzej Wróblewski's Tatra mountains Marcinów Mira (1985- ). "My depressions." Andrzej Wróblewski and (Torn Man I) Mikołejko Zbigniew (1951- ). Far from metaphysics Muszyńska Anna. Wróblewski's blind spot - a cosmological reflection on the desire to belong Noack Ruth. Preface to an impending disaster Piłat Robert (1959- ). Beside oneself Pollack Martin (1944-2025). Andrzej Wróblewski. [Sketch for executions] Poprzęcka Maria (1942- ). ...Everything was still, petrified, as if in the moment before the judgement...Andrzej Wóblewski's series of drawings, Mourning news Roelstraete Dieter (1972- ). Andrzej Wróblewski, "Installation of an element of the great furnace (Nowa Huta)", 1953 Różewicz Tadeusz (1921-2014). Sobczyk Marek (1955- ). 10,800 - 18,000 characters Stanisławska Olga (1967- ). The house that's there and the house that isn't Szewczyk Agnieszka (1976- ). The Poznań displays (fragments) Thije Steven ten (1980- ). Houses on a slope Waldmeier Martin (1984- ). Accident in the city Wróblewska Marta (1980- ). (Tombstone on a green background) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). A commentary on the "Exhibition of modern art" (fragments) (1948) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Calendar, January 1 - December 31, 1949 Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). [I have been living the life of the studio for several weeks now] (fragments) (1948) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). One more word on art schools (1948) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). [Over my desk, gone quiet] Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Postcard to Witold Damasiewicz (1949) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Questionnaire for visitors to the "Exhibition of modern art" (1948) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Selection of writings on art exhibitions (1949-55) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Self-educational work of the Academic Union of Polish Youth and Artistic Circles at institutions for higher artistic education (1950) Wróblewski Andrzej (1927-1957). Statement on the "1st exhibition of modern art" (1948) Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). Exhibiting Andrzej Wróblewski Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). From the editors Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). The pictures were seen by countless staring eyes. On the first posthumous exhibition of Andrzej Wróblewski in three parts Ziółkowska Magdalena (1981- ). Timeline of Andrzej Wróblewski's individual exhibitions. Chronoligical order
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