Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects
Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Wyspiański Stanisław (1869-1907)
Łoziński Jerzy Zygmunt (1925-1996)
Kornecki Marian (1924-2001)
Szymanowski Karol (1882-1937)
Ryszkiewicz Andrzej (1922-2005)
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects
Wolff-Łozińska Barbara (1920-1990)
Chrzanowski Tadeusz (1926-2006)
Żygulski Zdzisław jun. (1921-2015)
Holzman Joanna (1945- )
Gumowski Marian (1881-1974)
Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- )
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- )
Wiśniewska Monika (1974- )
Białostocki Jan (1921-1988)
Purchla Jacek (1954- )
Wróblewska Danuta (1934-2013)
Król Anna (1958- )
Treter Mieczysław Henryk Kazimierz (1883-1943)
Elster Ernst (1860-1940)
Blum Helena (1904-1984)
Tyczyńska-Skromny Anna (1942-2020)
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Wojciechowski Aleksander (1922-2006)
Kopera Feliks (1871-1952)
Meissner Gunter (1936-2015)
Porębski Mieczysław (1921-2012)
Samek Jan (1930-2007)
Możdżyńska-Nawotka Małgorzata
Jaranowska Lucja
Krzysztofowicz-Kozakowska Stefania (1939- )
Turski Marcin
Czapski Józef (1896-1993)
Gołubiew Zofia (1942-2022)
Lewicki Tomasz
Madeyski Jerzy (1931-2005)
Chylińska Teresa (1931- )
Gregorczyk Monika
Kowalska Bożena (1930- )
Wawrzyńczak Marcin (1968- )
Małecki Jan Marian (1926-2017)
Sikorski Bogumił (numizmatyka)
Chrobak Józef (1948-2015)
Płoszewski Leon (1890-1970)
Makowiecki Wojciech (1944- )
Bochnak Adam (1899-1974)
Lelewel Joachim (1786-1861)
Starzyński Juliusz (1906-1974)
Dobrowolski Tadeusz (1899-1984)
Banach Wiesław (1953- )
Bałus Wojciech (1961- )
Juruś Jerzy
Turecka Agata
Betlej Andrzej (1971- )
Ostrowski Jan K. (1947- )
Steinle Christa (1951- )
Galicka Izabella (1931-2019)
Mitschein Barbara
Fenz Werner (1944- )
Jakimowicz Irena (1922-1999)
Woźniak Michał (1952- )
Herudzińska-Oświecimska Marta
Hermansdorfer Mariusz (1940-2018)
Lorentz Stanisław (1899-1991)
Estreicher Karol (1827-1908)
Holme Charles (1848-1923)
Rodzeń-Leśnikowska Elżbieta
Walicki Michał (1904-1966)
Sitkowska Maryla (1951- )
Sławska Aniela (1918-1997)
Knackfuss Hermann (1848-1915)
Muther Richard (1860-1909)
Sygietyńska-Kwoczyńska Hanna (1930-2017)
Wyrozumski Jerzy (1930-2018)
Dzięgielewska Małgorzata
Estreicher Karol (1906-1984)
Kiljańczyk Grzegorz
Bobrow Ryszard
Mossinger Ingrid
Rożek Michał (1946-2015)
Łuszczkiewicz Władysław (1828-1900)
Szablowski Jerzy (1906-1989)
Kłak-Ambrożkiewicz Marta
Ruszczyńska Teresa (1918-1985)
Wolski Ignacy
Kluczwajd Katarzyna (1962- )
Przestaszewski Ludomir (1925-2011)
Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Słowacki Juliusz (1809-1849)
Balzac Honore de (1799-1850)
Matusińska Maria (1926-2004)
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
Philippe Joseph (1919-2006)
Bal Irena
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata
Chmiel Adam (1865-1934)
Poprzęcka Maria (1942- )
Prugar-Myślik Anna
Tatarkiewicz Władysław (1886-1980)
Apanowicz Maria (1958?- )
Juszczak Wiesław (1932-2021)
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Ochrona zabytków
2 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
(Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology / series ed. Andrew Oddy)
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Oddy William Andrew (1942- ). Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA Bomford David. Foreword Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers, tensioning, and attachments Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions Castelli Ciro. Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Digney-Peer Shawn. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Dixon Thomas. Framing, glazing, backing, and hanging of paintings on canvas Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting Fuster-López Laura. Filling Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds Gritt Stephen. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Hutchings Jeremy. Sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds Perry Roy A. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds, 1400-1900 Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction Streeton Noëlle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting, 1960-66 Swicklik Michael. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Thomas Karen. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Tomkiewicz Carolyn J. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Townsend Joyce H. A brief survey of historical varnishes Townsend Joyce H. Binding media Townsend Joyce H. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Townsend Joyce H. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Townsend Joyce H. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Wadum Jørgen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Walsh Valentine. Optical microscopy Whitten Jill. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Young Christina. History of fabric supports
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 765-866. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 23047 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The conservation of easel paintings / edited by Joyce Hill Stoner and Rebecca Rushfield. - 2nd ed. - London ; New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2022. - XXXIV, 914 s. : il. (gł. kolor.) ; 25 cm.
(Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology / series ed. Andrew Oddy)
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Oddy William Andrew (1942- ). Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports Bartoletti Angelica. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Baade Brian. Recommending materials to artists Berg Klaas Jan van den (1964- ). Modern oil paints Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA Bomford David. Foreword Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Breare Caitlin. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers, tensioning, and attachments Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Cushman Matthew. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings DeGhetaldi Kristin. Recommending materials to artists Digney-Peer Shawn. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Dixon Thomas. Framing, glazing, backing, and hanging of paintings on canvas Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting Finn Clare. Written documentation for paintings conservation Fuster-López Laura. Filling Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds Gritt Stephen. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Hummelen IJsbrand. Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Hutchings Jeremy. The sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports Keune Katrien. Research into and analysis of the materials of easel paintings Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints Lee Judith. Modern oil paints Lee Judith. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Emergency preparedness and recovery Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting Ludvigsen Loa. Image documentation for paintings conservation MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Ormsby Bronwyn. Modern oil paints Ormsby Bronwyn. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds Perry Roy A. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds, 1400-1900 Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction Streeton Noëlle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting, 1960-66 Swicklik Michael. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Thomas Karen. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Tomkiewicz Carolyn J. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Townsend Joyce H. A brief survey of historical varnishes Townsend Joyce H. Binding media Townsend Joyce H. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Townsend Joyce H. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Townsend Joyce H. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleanings agents Townsend Joyce H. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Wadum Jørgen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Walsh Valentine. Optical microscopy Whitten Jill. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Young Christina. History of fabric supports Zumbühl Stefan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 792-890. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 35746 (1 egz.)
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