Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Du Cange Charles Du Fresne (1610-1688)
Henschel G. A. Louis (1806-1852)
Carson R. A. G. (1918-2006)
Gulecki Dzmitryj Uladzimiravic (1981- )
Sutherland C. H. V. (1908-1986)
Titov Georgij Anatol'evic
Gudymenko Urij U
Mirolubova G. A
Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevic (1963- )
Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports
Androsov Sergej Olegovic (1948- )
Antonov Oleg Nikolaevic (1981- )
Arcangeli Luciano
Avetan Natal'a Urevna
Babin Alexander
Barroero Liliana (1947- )
Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA
Bomford David. Foreword
Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics
Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings
Borkevic G. S
Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining
Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers tensioning and attachments
Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns
Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Callataÿ Francois de (1961- )
Caracciolo Maria Teresa (1949- )
Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions
Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Colaert Maurice
Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Derwich Marek (1956- )
Dixon Thomas. Framing glazing backing and hanging of paintings on canvas
Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings
Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings
Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy
Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting
Font-Reaulx Dominique de (1961- )
Fuster-López Laura. Filling
Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovic
Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists
Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds
Hackens Tony (1939-1997)
Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings
Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media
Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports
Kent John (1928-2000)
Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects
Kostuk Ol'ga Grigor'evna
Laere Raf van
Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints
Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints
Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Lo Bianco Anna
Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting
MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings
Majskaa Maria Ivanovna (1941- )
Markov Vladimir Viktorovic (1966- )
Markova Viktoria Emmanuilovna
Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings
Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports
Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings
McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio
Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings
Michel Olivier (1928-2015)
Moucharte Ghislaine
Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century
Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings
Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting
Naster Paul (1913-1998)
Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Oddy William Andrew (1942- )
Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining
Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints
Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds
Ottani Cavina Anna (1939- )
Payraud G.-A
Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1950 - 1959
1900 - 1909
1890 - 1899
1880 - 1889
1870 - 1879
1850 - 1859
1840 - 1849
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Nowa Zelandia
Rep. Połud. Afryki
Arabia Saudyjska
brak kontekstu językowego (dokument nietekstowy)
Monety rzymskie
Ochrona zabytków
Monety europejskie
Sztuka europejska
Gosudarstvennyj Èrmitaž
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Gosudarstvennyj Muzej Izobrazitel'nyh Iskusstv im. A. S. Puškina (Moskwa)
Monety arabskie
Monety greckie
Monety ruskie
Vystavovyj Centre "Èrmitaž-Vyborg"
Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Norymberga)
Grafika japońska
Instalacja (szt.plast.)
Kościoły i kaplice
L'vìv'ska nacìonal'na galereâ mistectv ìmenì B. G. Voznic'kogo
Malarstwo francuskie
Malarstwo ukraińskie
Malarstwo włoskie
Medale europejskie
Monety rosyjskie
Muzyka fortepianowa
Obrót pieniężny
Rysunek japoński
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Sekularyzacja dóbr kościelnych
Sztuka włoska
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki (Kraków)
Akademizm (szt.plast.)
Album, Stephen (1942- )
Alekseev, Leonid Vasil'evič (1921-2008)
Architektura sakralna europejska
Architektura sakralna francuska
Bellini, Giovanni (ok. 1430-1516)
British Museum
Broń palna
Budapesti Történeti Múzeum (Budapeszt)
Chemia analityczna
Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877)
Domański, Tomasz (1962- )
Drukowanie przestrzenne
Edukacja medialna
Epoka żelaza
Ethnikon Nomismatikon Mouseion (Ateny)
Fotografia amerykańska
Freer Gallery of Art
Galleria nazionale d'arte antica (Rzym)
Gemäldegalerie (Berlin)
Gosudarstvennye Muzei Moskovskogo Kremlâ (Moskwa)
Grafika europejska
Grafika japońska wystawy
Grafika rosyjska
Grand Palais (Paryż)
Grzybkowski, Andrzej (1935- )
Gérôme, Jean Léon (1824-1904)
Haase, Karl Heinrich (1785-1868)
Historia starożytna
Historycy sztuki
Ikony rosyjskie
Il'in, Aleksej Alekseevič (1857-1942)
Impromptu (fortepian)
Inhibitory korozji
Instytucje kultury
J. Paul Getty Museum
Josef-Albers-Museum Quadrat (Bottrop)
Karamesíni-Oikonomídou, Mánto (1927-2015)
Karavan, Dani (1930-2021)
Karol IV Luksemburski (cesarz rzymsko-niemiecki ; 1316-1378)
Katarzyna II (cesarzowa Rosji ; 1729-1796)
Konstytucjonalizm (ustrój)
Korozja i erozja
Krawczuk, Aleksander (1922-2023)
Kunstmuseum Winterthur
Lemme, Fabrizio (1936- )
Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung (Frankfurt am Main)
Lihačëv, Nikolaj Petrovič (1862-1936)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Rzym (państwo)
Złota Orda
Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
Frankfurt nad Menem
Połock (okręg)
Ruś Kijowska
São Paulo
Wielka Brytania
Zabór rosyjski
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi numizmatyczne
Katalogi zbiorów
Czasopisma austriackie
Katalogi aukcyjne
Pamiętniki polskie
Źródła historyczne
105 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Dod. s. tyt.: Catherine the Great and Stanisław August : two enlightened monarchs
Bibliogr. s. 298-309.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 22425 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Schenk Gerrit Jasper (1968- ). Doba Karla IV. mezi rozkvětem a bídou - Katastrofy, krize a klimatické změny ve 14. století Šefců Ondřej (1958- ). Most královny Judity Lindner Michael. Mezi Skyllou a Charybdou - Život ve stínu císaře Karla IV. Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Mládí Karla IV. Původ - výchova k vladařským povinnostem - první zkoušky Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Umělecká reprezentace raných let - vzory a rozmanitost stylového jazyka výtvarného umění do roku 1350 Tresp Uwe. Bitva u Kresčaku 1346 Schlotheuber Eva (1959- ). Sacrum Romanorum Imperium - Císařská korunovace Karla IV., Zlatá bula a dohoda s církví Schlotheuber Eva (1959- ). Karel jako autor - "moudrý vládce" Bauch Martin (1978- ). Zbožný vládce - Uctívání svatých a ostentativní zbožnost jako prostředek upevnění moci a posílení legitimity vlády Rader Olaf B. (1961- ). Collector coronarum - Karel IV. jako sběratel korun Gajdošová Jana. Karlovo hlavní město Praha - Velké staveniště a pokusná laboratoř nového směru gotické architektury Grossmann G. Ulrich (1953- ). Hrady a rezidence Karla IV. Baumbauer Benno. Lesní hospodářství v říšských lesích u Norimberka za vlády Karla IV. Baumbauer Benno. Norimberk - karlovská metropole Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Norimberk - karlovská metropole Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Nové dvorské umění - Od napodobování k císařskému stylu Bobková Lenka (1947- ). Země Koruny české - Budování a rozvoj Franzen Wilfried (1943- ). Nové dvorské umění – Od napodobování k císařskému stylu Otavsky Karel (1938- ). Zlatnické umění v panovnické praxi císaře Karla IV. Stehlíková Dana (1954- ). Poklad cechu zlatníků v Praze Jaeger Susanne (1964- ). Móda, luxusní látky a textilní umění v době Karla IV. Knejfl Jana. Móda, luxusní látky a textilní umění v době Karla IV. Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Opory císaře? Svobodná říšská města a císařská reprezentace Eben David (1965- ). Karel IV. a hudba Žůrek Václav (1981- ). Sňatková politika Karla IV. Müller Jörg R. Karel IV. a Židé Weber Andreas. Karel IV. a Židé Burghardt Ivonne (1981- ). Hornictví a dálkový obchod Vaněk Vojtěch. Hornictví a dálkový obchod Fried Torsten. Peněžnictví a mincovnictví Šmahel František (1934- ). Poslední zásvity císařského majestátu: cesta Karla IV. do Paříže a jeho pražská pompa funebris Franzen Wilfried (1943- ). Karlovi dědici: Václav IV. a Zikmund Royt Jan (1955- ). Druhý život Karla IV. Küpper René (1969- ). Největší Čech všech dob, Němec, velký Evropan? Obraz Karla IV. v historiografii a na veřejnosti Adrian Anne. Antoine-König Élisabeth. Bartlová Milena (1958- ). Breisig Eva Maria. Brožková Helena (1946- ). Cossart Kaja von. Čumlivski Denko (1949- ). Eser Thomas (1962- ). Forster Christian. Gottfried Libor. Horn Karsten (1961- ). Kammel Frank Matthias (1961- ). Kirchweger Franz (1965- ). Kmochová Hana. Koch Pavel. Kubínová Kateřina (1975- ). Machilek Franz (1934- ). Margue Michel (1969- ). Mock Markus Leo (1971- ). Ostrowitzki Anja (1963- ). Paredis-Vroon Monica. Le Pogam Pierre-Yves (1964- ). Polanský Luboš (1972- ). Raczkowski Juliusz (1975- ). Sagstetter Maria Rita (1962- ). Saliger Arthur (1944- ). Seibert Hubertus (1954- ). Schnurbein Rüdiger Wolf Marcus von (1971- ). Schürer Ralf. Schurr Marc Carel (1965- ). Sirocko Frank. Stöver Kerstin. Studničková Milada (1955- ). Stürzebecher Maria. Suckow Dirk. Suchomel Filip (1966- ). Šulc Jaroslav. Tångeberg Peter (1942- ). Timmermann Achim. Ursini Chiara. Wenzel Kai (1978- ). Winzeler Marius (1970- ). Wischnewsky Jenny. Čadský Vladimír. Eich Marta. Bauch Martin (1978- ). Jako druhý Konstantin - Karel IV. a římská jízda roku 1368/1369 Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Karel a duchovenstvo - biskupové jako opory říšské politiky. K roli vzájemných vazeb ve vývoji „parléřovského umění“ za Karla IV.
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publikacja towarzysząca wystawom: Národní galerie v Praze, Praga, 15 kwietnia - 25 września 2016 ; Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Praga, 14 kwietnia - 31 sierpnia 2016 ; Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Norymberga, 20 października 2016 - 5 marca 2017.
Na grzb.: K*700.
Bibliogr. s. 625-665. Indeksy.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23298 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Amosov M. A. Novyj tip mednyh monet iz Kolomny Bespalov Roman Anatol'evič. Štempeľ dlâ čekanki podražanij džučidskim monetam iz sela Selivanova Tuľskoj oblasti Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 774-776 gg. Burgačov A. I. Klad monet vtoroj četverti XV v. iz Kajbickogo rajona Respubliki Tatarstan Dobromyslov Leonid Borisovič. Monetnaâ čekanka Madžara Rubeža 780-790 gg. Ermolov Fëdor Valentinovič. Monetnaâ čekanka Madžara Rubeža 780-790 gg. Fiľ A. V. Klad trëhgrannyh rublej iz okrestnostej Rečicy Gaev A. G. Pečati protoproèdra Evstafiâ Golemihov A. V. O puansonnoj tehnike izgotovleniâ štempelej gruppy vostočnoevropejskih kufičeskih podražanij na rubeže IX-X vv. Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Monetnyj kompleks X v. iz Vladimirskoj Oblasti Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Ob odnostoronnih kufičeskih monetah X v. iz vostočnoevropejskih nahodok Gromyko A. A. Neopisannyj litovskij polugroš Aleksandra Âgellona s unikaľnym tipom reversa Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Klad trëhgrannyh rublej iz okrestnostej Rečicy Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Paleografičeskie čerty vislyh aktovyh pečatej sfragističeskogo tipa "gospodnoe slovo" XI-XII vv. Kupcov A. E. Klad monet vtoroj četverti XV v. iz Kajbickogo rajona Respubliki Tatarstan Lejbov V. L. Gruppa tverskih monet Velikogo knâzâ Ivana s izobraženiem sokoľnika Leonov B. I. Pozdnedžučidskie severokavkazkie monety s izobraženiem šestilepestkovogo cvetka Markov Vladimir Viktorovič (1966- ). Smolensk i ego okrestnosti v XIV-XV vv. po dannym numizmatiki, arheologii i pis'mennym istočnikam Petrov A. N. Paleografičeskie čerty vislyh aktovyh pečatej sfragističeskogo tipa "gospodnoe slovo" XI-XII vv. Rodionov A. S. O dvuh tipah monet Mihaila Andreeviča Verejskogo "russkaâ legenda / vsadnik s zanesennym mečom" Šapošnik V. G. Novye nahodki severskih podražanij s "knâžeskim znakom" Ševčuk A. A. Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 774-776 gg. Sorokin I. Û. Datirovka novgorodskih zamkov-cilindrov so znakami Rûrikovičej po dannym sfragistiki Šulepko M. I. Kompleks russkih monet serediny 1420-x gg. iz Ardatovskogo rajona Nižegorodskoj oblasti Tiguncev Û. G. Vesovoj kompleks serediny X - načala XI v. dlâ vzvešivaniâ cennostej iz Brânskoj Oblasti Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Kompleks russkih monet serediny 1420-x gg. iz Ardatovskogo rajona Nižegorodskoj oblasti Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Poludengi Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo konca XIV-načala XV v., čekannye v Pereslavle-Zalesskom Volkov Ivan Vladimirovič. Gruppa tverskih monet Velikogo knâzâ Ivana s izobraženiem sokoľnika Volkov Ivan Vladimirovič. "Novgorodskij denežnyj dvor" ili "Novgorodskie denežnye dvory" pri Ivane III? Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). O klade monet s polupoltinami 1654 g. iz Smolenskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Pereslavskie dengi litovskogo knâzâ Dmitriâ Oľgerdoviča Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Kompleks podražanij s berega reki Leâ Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Novye nahodki severskih podražanij s "knâžeskim znakom" Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Pozdnedžuidskie severokavkazkie monety s izobraženiem šestilepestkovogo cvetka Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. O novyh nahodkah vislyh pečatej knâzâ Mstislava (Konstantina) Vladimiroviča
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda. Vyp. 6
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/6 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Âroševskij N. A. Drevnerusskie vislye pečati 2-j poloviny XI - 1-j poloviny XII v.: ukrainskie nahodki, zafiksirovannye v 2017 g. Čast' I Badretdinov V. V. Kompleks pul konca XV v. iz Âroslavskoj oblasti Boguš A. K. O nahodkah drevnerusskih svincovyh plomb XI-XIII vv. na ûgo-zapade Polockoj zemli i v predelah Turovskoj zemli Borkevič G. S. Drevnerusskie vislye pečati 2-j poloviny XI - 1-j poloviny XII v.: ukrainskie nahodki, zafiksirovannye v 2017 g. Čast' I Dobromyslov Leonid Borisovič. Serebrânyj čekan Madžara i Ordy perioda 794-797 gg.h. Ermolov Fëdor Valentinovič. Serebrânyj čekan Madžara i Ordy perioda 794-797 gg.h. Gaev A. G. Novye atribucii drevnerusskih vislyh pečatej duhovenstva Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O kufičeskom podražanii s imenem Ahmada B. Abdullaha Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O podražaniâh kufičeskim dirhemam Krasnodvorskogo klada monet X v. Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Eŝe raz o dengah Vasiliâ I s izobražennem krylatogo životnogo Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Ob odnom tipe poreformennoj dengi Vasiliâ Dmitrieviča Moskovskogo s dvustoronnim podražaniem arabskoj nadpisi Golemihov A. V. O kufičeskom podražanii s imenem Ahmada B. Abdullaha Gorban' P. I. Kompleks pozdnih kievskih podražanij dangam Džanibeka iz-pod sela Černogorodka Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Kompleks pozdnih kievskih podražanij dangam Džanibeka iz-pod sela Černogorodka Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). O nahodkah drevnerusskih svincovyh plomb XI-XIII vv. na ûgo-zapade Polockoj zemli i v predelah Turovskoj zemli Kavaliauskas Vilius (1951- ). O litovskom polugroše 1508 g. Klimov A. M. Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Kudrij A. A. Rannie volgo-okskie podražaniâ Lebedev Valentin Petrovič. Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Lebedev Valentin Petrovič. O podražaniâh kufičeskim dirhemam Krasnodvorskogo klada monet X v. Mihajlenko O. V. Ob odnom neobyčnom tipe russkih srednevekovyh monet Morâkov A. V. Nekotorye novye nahodki russkih denežnyh kompleksov i otdel'nyh monet XVI - načala XVII v. Morozov A. A. K voprosu o načale čekanki Devleta Giraâ I Orlov Aleksandr Sergeevič (1938- ). Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Petrov A. N. Legendy Bessarabii. K voprosu pročteniâ legend na mednyh monetah iz ordynskogo monetnogo dvora v s. Kostešty-Gyrlâ (Respublika Moldova) Pomanov S. Û. Klad platežnyh slitkov-poltin iz Smolenskoj oblasti Pomanov S. Û. Kvadrifolijnaâ pečat'-matrica konca XV v. iz Ivangoroda: gipoteza o proishoždenii i vladel'ce Proškin Oleg Leonidovič. Klad serebrânyh monet XVI v. iz raskopok seliŝa Sevel'evo v Moskovskoj oblasti Rublev A. I. Nahodka podražaniâ zolotomu solidu L'va III i Konstantina V v Krymskom rajone Krashodarskogo Kraâ Savčenko Aleksej Sergeevič. K probleme atribucii nekotoryh pskovskih kopeek perioda pravleniâ carâ Fedora Ivanoviča Sorokin I. Û. Znaki Rûrikovičej vtoroj poloviny XI-XII vv. (dopolneniâ k atribuciâm) Stepanov Oleg Vasil'evič. Novyj klad monet XV v. iz okrestnostej s. Vol'šie Atrâsi (Tetûšskij rajon Tatarstana) Šinakov E. A. O podražaniâh kufičeskim dirhemam Krasnodvorskogo klada monet X v. Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Eŝe raz o dengah Vasiliâ I s izobražennem krylatogo životnogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Kstat'e "Poludengi Vasiliâ Dmitrieviča Moskovskogo konca XIV - načala XV v., čekanennye v Pereslavle-Zalesskom" (utočneniâ i dopolneniâ) Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Ob odnom tipe poreformennoj dengi Vasiliâ Dmitrieviča Moskovskogo s dvustoronnim podražaniem arabskoj nadpisi Ušankov E. M. Klad zapadnoevropejskih monet XVII v., najdennyj bliz g. Korostyševa Žitomirskoj oblasti. Materialy k svodke kladov zapadnoevropejskih monet XVI-XVII vv. v sobranii ON GIM Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Klad serebrânyh monet XVI v. iz raskopok seliŝa Sevel'evo v Moskovskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Klad platežnyh slitkov-poltin iz Smolenskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Kompleks pul konca XV v. iz Âroslavskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Mednye monety novgorodskoj čekanki XV-XVI vv. Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Kiâžeskie vislye pečati vtoroj poloviny XIII - pervoj četverti XIV v. Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Ob atribucii vislyh pečatej novgorodskogo kiâzâ Gleba Svâtoslaviča (1069-1078)
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Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda. 7
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/7 (1 egz.)
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32603 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
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Piano concerto, Op. 2 ; Fantaisie sur des thèmes de l'opéra Don Giovanni ; Ricordanza / Dobrzyński. - [Warszawa] : Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, cop. 2020. - 1 płyta CD (76 min 44 s) : digital, stereo ; 12 cm + Broszura : (36 s. : il.)
(Muzyka Czasów Chopina)
Miejsce wyd. na podst. siedziby wydawnictwa.
Dodatek drukowany zawiera informacje o kompozytorze, utworach i wykonawcach w języku polskim i angielskim.
Tyt. z etykiety.
Zawiera: Koncert fortepianowy As-dur op. 2 ; Thème original varié, B-dur op. 22 ; Dwa mazurki z "Album Pamiątkowe" (nr 1 f-moll, nr 2 As-dur) ; Ricordanza G-dur ; (Hommage à Mozart) Fantaisie sur des thèmes de l'opéra "Don Giovanni" de W. A. Mozart, A-dur op. 59.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: El 730 (1 egz.)
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Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/8 (1 egz.)
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Bibliogr. po art. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31125 (1 egz.)
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Kravcov Konstantin Valer'evič. Akopân Aleksandr Vladimirovič. Meždu Džučidami i Džalajiridami: monety Čubanidov, Ahjčuka i ih sovremennikov 754-759 gg. h. (150 let izučeniâ – ot generala Bartolomea do naših dnej) Alchomari Alaa Aldin (1980- ). La circulation monétaire en al-Djazïra en l0ème sigle AD. d’après les donnés du trésor de Tiflīs (Bortchalo) Batrakov O. A. K voprosu čekana serebrânyh tanga Šejbanida 'Ubajdallah-hana v 918-919 gg. h. / 1512-1513 gg. Begovatov E. A. O geoinformacionnoj sisteme "Topografiâ nahodok vostočnyh monet (sasanidskih i kufičeskih) na territorii Rossii" Belâev V. A. Džučidskaâ moneta s kitajskoj legendoj Bragin Andrej Olegovič. K voprosu čekana serebrânyh tanga Šejbanida 'Ubajdallah-hana v 918-919 gg. h. / 1512-1513 gg. Bragin Andrej Olegovič. Nahodki dvuh serebrânnyh monet amira Timura v okruge zolotoordynskogo goroda Azaka Coceliâ Medeâ Vladimirovna. Arabo-sasanidskie klady Nacionaľnogo muzea Gruzii Donovan Peter. Da Yuezhi and Kushan coinage from Bactria from the collection of the American Numismatic Society, New York Enukov V. V. Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Fomičev N. M. Nahodki dvuh serebrânnyh monet amira Timura v okruge zolotoordynskogo goroda Azaka Gariboldi Andrea (1971- ). A hoard of Bukharkhuda drachms from Sanjarshah (Tajikistan) Kazarov Aleksandr A. Monety hana Ibrahima Kolbas Judith G. (1942- ). Mamlūk glass coin weights Koloda Volodimir Vasil'ovič (1955- ). Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Kovalev Roman K. Dirham mint output in the Southern Caspian Sea Provinces of Gflan, Tabaristan, Jurjan and Qumis in the tenth-early eleventh centuries Kravcov Konstantin Valer'evič. A glassweightin the name of Harthama b. al-Nadr from the Hermitage collection Lebedev Valentin Petrovič. Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Mosanef F. Meždu Džučidami i Džalajiridami: monety Čubanidov, Ahjčuka i ih sovremennikov 754-759 gg. h. (150 let izučeniâ – ot generala Bartolomea do naših dnej) Nastič Vladimir Nilovič (1949- ). Coin forgeries in the capacity of historical source (as evidenced by Islamic coinage) Paghava Irakli. Circulation of Kufic Fulūs in the Tiflīs Emīrate Phillips Marcus. The contribution of the meetings of the Seventh Century Syria Numismatic Round Table (1992-2011) to the study of early Islamic coinage Ponomarev Andrej Leonidovič. Dvuâzyčnye dangi tatarskogo "imperatora” Ramaḍān Āṭif Manṣūr Muḥammad. The early Shi‘i Sarbadar coin (6 dirhams of Sabzawar dated 748 AH) Reva R. Û. Monety hana Ibrahima Schindel Nikolaus. Umayyad copper coins from the mint of Wasi Sedyh Valerij Nikandrovič. O geoinformacionnoj sisteme "Topografiâ nahodok vostočnyh monet (sasanidskih i kufičeskih) na territorii Rossii" Sidorovič S. V. Džučidskaâ moneta s kitajskoj legendoj Srećković Slobodan. Lack of Ottoman Die Engravers in the late 16th and early 17th centuries at the Belgrade Mint Talvio Tuukka (1948- ). C. M. Fraehn and the origin of Islamic numismatics in Finland Turkia Severiane. Circulation of Kufic Fulūs in the Tiflīs Emīrate Tyler-Smith Susan. Vardanyan Aram R. Hārūn al-Rashīd's accession to the throne and the ‘Abbasid administration in "Armnīyy" as reflected in sources Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Monety hana Ibrahima
Indeks R0: BMNK
T. monogr.: Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaža. [T.] 81 (2017).
Mat. międzynarodowej konf. zorg. w Ermitażu od 24 do 29 września 2012 r.
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. III 786/81 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Readings in Conservation ; 4)
Brooks Mary M. Eastop Dinah. Allen Robert. Naphthalene (1992) Ballard Mary W. Climate and conservation (1994) Ballard Mary W. Hanging out: strength, elongation, and relative humidity: some physical properties of textile fibres (1996) Bellinger Louisa. Basic habits of textile fibres (1963) Bengtsson Sven (1932- ). Preservation of the "Wasa" sails (1975) Boersma Foekje (1969- ). Solvent reactivation of hydroxypropyl cellulose (Klucel G®) in textile conservation: recent developments (1997) Bringel Anne-Rose. A conservation/restoration technique (2000) Brooks Mary M. New insights into textiles: the potential of x-radiography as an investigative technique (2005) Brooks Mary M. To clean or not to clean: the value of soils and creases (1996) Brown Elizabeth. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Bruselius Scharff Annemette. Synthetic dyestuffs for textiles and their fastness to washing (1999) Brutillot André. Reflections on slit stitching in tapestries (2002) Buenger Nancy. Wet with blood: the investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's Cloak (2000) Burnham Eva. Preventative conservation with the help of volunteers: a successful race against time (1992) Clavir Miriam (1948- ). Preserving conceptual integrity: ethics and theory in preventive conservation (1994) Clayton Sarah. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Conti Susanna. Loss in textiles: technological and color problems (2004) Cruickshank Pippa. Lining a banana fibre belt: a cool vacuum table technique (1993) Cooke Bill (historia sztuki). Creasing an ancient textiles (1988) Dal-Prà Patricia. In situ maintenance and storage: the unique case of textiles (2000) Daly Hartin Debra. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Daniels Vincent. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Dodd Wendy. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Eastop Dinah. Decision making in conservation: determining the role of artefacts (1998) Eastop Dinah. To clean or not to clean: the value of soils and creases (1996) Eastop Dinah. Two contrasting minimally interventive upholstery treatments: different roles, different treatments (1997) Estham Inger (1928-2016). Eighty years of Pietas (1988) Fields John. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Fikioris Margaret A. Charting the future: conservation principles of Henry Francis du Pont (1986) Finch Karen (1921-2018). Note on the damaging effect of flameproofing on a tapestry hanging (1969) Finch Karen (1921-2018). Textiles as documents of history and those who care for them (2000) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Conservation with needle and thread (1988) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Examples of textile conservation in the historical Museum, Bern (1957/58) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Introduction to "Textile conservation and research" (1988) Fogelmarck Stig (1916-2006). John Böttiger: keeper of textiles (1988) French Ann. Textile or art? The conservation, display and storage of modern textile art (2004) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Brief reply from Dr. Geijer, Stockholm, 12 June 1961 (1961) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Dangerous methods for the conservation of textiles (1961) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Preservation of textile objects (1963) Gill Kathryn. Solvent reactivation of hydroxypropyl cellulose (Klucel G®) in textile conservation: recent developments (1997) Gill Kathryn. Two contrasting minimally interventive upholstery treatments: different roles, different treatments (1997) Gill Victoria. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Haldane Elizabeth-Anne. Avendale for reformation: conservation of a 17th century covenanting banner (2003) Hartog Frances. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Hayward Maria. Naphthalene (1992) Heald Susan. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Hefford Wendy. The restoration of the tapestries (1971) Herrmann Hannelore. Looking back at thirty years of textile conservation and restoration in the Federal Republic of Germany (1989) Hillyer Lynda. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Hinkel Ada. A sleeveless doublet circa 1585 from the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg (2002) Hofenk de Graaff Judith H. Some recent developments in the cleaning of ancient textiles (1982) Jędrzejewska Hanna (1906-2002). Problems in the conservation of textiles: needle versus adhesive (1981) Jędrzejewska Hanna (1906-2002). Problems of ethics in the conservation of textiles (1980) Johansen Katia (1948- ). Perfumed garments, their preservation and presentation: "...the good smell of old clothes" (1999) Johnson Jessica S. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Kajitani Nobuko. A contact/pressure mounting system (1986) Kajitani Nobuko. Care of fabrics in the Museum (1977) Kaminitz Marian A. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Kirkpatrick Bridie. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Kite Marion. Conservator safety: Mercury in felt hats (2003) Kite Marion. The conservation of an English embroidered picture using an oriental paper method: a joint approach (1995) Kovács Tibor (1940-2013). A thousand-year-old relic in a new setting Krippendorf Agnes. "Information is defense": conservation in Auschwitz (2002) Landi Sheila. Three examples of textile conservation in the Victoria and Albert Museum (1966) Leene Jentina E. Restoration and preservation of ancient textiles, and natural science (1963) Leene Jentina E. The "Delft" methods for the conservation of textiles: response to Dr. Agnès Geijer, Stockholm (1961) Leene Jentina E. The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Lennard Frances. The conservation of the United Tin Plate Workers' Society Banner of 1821 (1989) Lister Alison. Making the most of mounts: expanding the role of display mounts in the preservation and interpretation of historic textiles (1997) Lodewijks Johan. The history of conservation and restoration of flags and banners in the Netherlands (1980) Lugtigheid Renée. A tale of two tapestries: considerations of restoration, de-restoration, and re-restoration (1995) Maheux Anne F. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Marko Ksynia. Two case histories: a seventeenth-century Antwerp tapestry and an eighteenth-century English Soho tapestry (1989) Martin Graham (1952- ). Conservator safety: Mercury in felt hats (2003) Martin Graham (1952- ). State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Masschelein-Kleiner Liliane. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) McClean Lynn. Avendale for reformation: conservation of a 17th century covenanting banner (2003) McHugh Kelly. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Meert Geert. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) Morgan Helen. Lining a banana fibre belt: a cool vacuum table technique (1993) Niekamp Bettina. Alterations, historical restorations, restoration and conservation interventions (2008) O'Connor Sonia A. New insights into textiles: the potential of x-radiography as an investigative technique (2005) Odegaard Nancy (1955- ). Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Orlofsky Patsy. The role of connoisseurship in determining the textile conservator's treatment options (1993) Peacock Elizabeth E. Drying archaeological textiles (1992) Phipps Elena. A contact/pressure mounting system (1986) Pool Marilen. Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Raster Barbara. Removal of previous "restorations" from Islamic textiles in the Bouvier Collection: analysis and treatment (1994) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. I: general chemical and physical structural features of the natural textile fibres (1962) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. V: the characterisctics of soils and stains encountered on historic textiles (1964) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. VI: the wonders of water in wetcleaning (1966) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. VIII: Drycleaning of fine and fragile textiles (1967) Richardson Emma. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Ringgaard Maj. An investigation of the effects of borohydride treatments of oxidized cellulose textiles (2002) Rinuy Anne. Removal of previous "restorations" from Islamic textiles in the Bouvier Collection: analysis and treatment (1994) Robinson John M. Uppark restored: the conservation of the contents (1996) Rowell Christopher. Uppark restored: the conservation of the contents (1996) Ruggles Anne. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Sadongei Alyce (1959- ). Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Semečkin P. A. "Workshop for the repair of antique needlework": on the history of the decorative arts section of the Central State Restoration Workshops, 1919-1934 (2000/2001) Seth-Smith Alexandra. Animal glue removal from sixteenth-century Flemish tapestry fragments: a comparative study of three cleaning methods (1996) Sieders R. The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Singer Poppy. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Stauffer Annemarie. A study of the conservation problems of archaeological textiles treated with synthetic consolidants (2005) Sykas Philip A. Caring or wearing? (1987) Temmink-van Dijkhuizen Marike. Textiles in all conditions: opinions about restoration and conservation from changing perspectives (1990) Timar-Balazsy Agnes (1948-2001). Drying behaviour of fibres (1999) Tinker Zenzie. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Trupin Deborah Lee. Flag conservation then and now (2003) Trupin Deborah Lee. The role of connoisseurship in determining the textile conservator's treatment options (1993) Tse Season. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Uytenbogaart J. W. H. (1897-1964). The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Vandermeersch-Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge Bernadette. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) Vuori Jan. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Webber Pauline. The conservation of an English embroidered picture using an oriental paper method: a joint approach (1995) Windsor Deirdre. Preserving the historic document: minimal conservation intervation for 18th- and 19th-century needlework and pictorial embroidery (1999) Wingham Andrew. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Wyeth Paul. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Zhang Xiaomei. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008)
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 26994 (1 egz.)
Długość kolejki oczekujących: 1.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26649 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Katalog wystawy: Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, 22 września 2018 - 6 stycznia 2019 r.
Bibliogr. s. 259-262.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24184 (1 egz.)
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Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Amosov M. A. Ob odnom iz rannih tipov nadčekanok Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 772-773 gg. h. Č. 1, (772 g. h.) Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Klad dangov iz okrestnostej Azova načala 1370-godov Bugarčev Aleksej Igorevič. Monety XV veka s solârnym znakom Dergačeva L. V. Nadčekanka monety v Moldavii i Litve v pervoj polovine XV v. po dannym klada iz ukrainskogo sela Stižok Dobromyslov Leonid Borisovič. Praktika èksporta monetnyh štempelej Saraj Al-Džedida pri hane Toktamyše. Č. 3 Ermolov Fëdor Valentinovič. Praktika èksporta monetnyh štempelej Saraj Al-Džedida pri hane Toktamyše. Č. 3 Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O nekotoryh raznovidnostâh deneg Vasiliâ I s izobraženiem dvunogžogo drakona Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O rannem poreformennom tipe deneg Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo so vsadnikom s mečom Guba K. A. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Atribuciâ aktovyh pečatej pervogo polockogo knâzâ Rogvoloda Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Dve zametki o platežnyh slitkah ruskogo srednevekov'â Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Eŝe raz o denežnom sčete domongoľskoj Rusi Morozov A. A. Issledovaniâ sostava metalla metodom RFA i rekonstrukciâ monetnogo čekana v Krymskom Hanstva pri Sahib Girae I Orlov Kirill Vladimirovič‏. Novyj tip anonimnyh deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Orlov Kirill Vladimirovič‏. Ob odnom tipe deneg knâzâ Andreâ Dmitrieviča Možajskogo Petrov A. N. Atribuciâ aktovyh pečatej pervogo polockogo knâzâ Rogvoloda Petrov A. N. Nadčekanka monety v Moldavii i Litve v pervoj polovine XV v. po dannym klada iz ukrainskogo sela Stižok Romanov Sergej Ûr'evič. Gruppa monet c nadpis'û "FEDOTOVA" iz Sobolevskogo kompleksa 1408-1410 gg. Romanov Sergej Ûr'evič. Novye nahodki monetnyh kompleksov XVII v. iz Centraľnoj Rossii Sarajkin Aleksandr Sergeevič. Dva klada mednyh monet Alekseâ Mihajloviča Šatohin Gerbert Gennadievič. Dva klada mednyh monet Alekseâ Mihajloviča Savčenko Aleksej Sergeevič. Novgorodskie monety perioda pravleniâ Borisa Godunova Ševčuk A. A. Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 772-773 gg. h. Č. 1, (772 g. h.) Ševčuk A. A. Klad dangov iz okrestnostej Azova načala 1370-godov Štalenkov Ìl'â Mìkalaevìč. Serebrânnye grivny iz sobranii Nacionaľnogo Muzeâ v Varšave Šulepko M. I. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Tiškin V. E. Berëzovskij kompleks džučidskih dangov i podražanij, tezavrirovannyj v načale pravleniâ hana Pulada Tiškin V. E. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Novyj tip anonimnyh deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O nekotoryh raznovidnostâh deneg Vasiliâ I s izobraženiem dvunogžogo drakona Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O rannem poreformennom tipe deneg Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo so vsadnikom s mečom Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Ob odnom tipe deneg knâzâ Andreâ Dmitrieviča Možajskogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Poludenga Âroslavskogo knâžestva Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Neskoľko redkih i neopisannyh monet iz nahodok v Naro-Fominskom rajone Moskovskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). O proishoždenij vesovoj normy rannih deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Berëzovskij kompleks džučidskih dangov i podražanij, tezavrirovannyj v načale pravleniâ hana Pulada Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Džučidskij han Abu-l-Hajr i ego monety Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. K voprosu o nazvanii nominala serebrânyh monet Zolotoj Ordy v XV v. Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Vislye pečati knâzâ Aleksandra Âroslaviča Nevskogo 1228-1263 gg. Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Ob atribucii vislyh pečatej velikih knâaej vladimirskih (pervaâ polovina XIII v.)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda. Vyp. 4
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/4 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Publ. związ. z wystawami: "Mantegna & Bellini" w The National Gallery, London od 1 października 2018 do 27 stycznia 2019 i "Mantegna und Bellini. Meister der Renaissance" w Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Mussen zu Berlin od 1 marca do 30 czerwca 2019.
Bibliogr. s. 277-283. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26074 (1 egz.)
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(The Heritage Forum of Central Europe ; 3)
Kusek Robert. Purchla Jacek (1954- ). Alatalu Riin (1968- ). Assimilation of the heritage of occupiers Bitušíková Alexandra (1960- ). Grassroots activism: heritage and memory practices in two Slovak cities Bodorkós Barbara. Integrating values in the revitalisation of cultural heritage: the Nivegy Valley Parish House Pilot Project Dúll Andrea. Integrating values in the revitalisation of cultural heritage: the Nivegy Valley Parish House Pilot Project Fogarasi Barbara. Integrating values in the revitalisation of cultural heritage: the Nivegy Valley Parish House Pilot Project Grzeszczuk-Brendel Hanna. Taking over the city? Urban movements in Poznań Karwińska Anna. Heritage and the process of creating the "Tale of the city" Kiss Csaba G. (1945- ). Mithological narratives of Banská Štiavnica (Selmecbánya, Schemnitz) Kusek Robert. The city: a laboratory of heritage Modrzewski Bogusz (1975- ). Architectural adaptability of revitalised post-industrial and post-military areas and buildings in Poznań Musiaka Łukasz (1983- ). The role of tourism in the medieval urban landscape use and management in the towns of Northern Poland Nemes Gusztáv (1969- ). Integrating values in the revitalisation of cultural heritage: the Nivegy Valley Parish House Pilot Project Nieszczerzewska Małgorzata. Abandonned buildings as a part of forgotten heritage Nistor Sergiu V. Central European cities and their stories of shared memories Oevermann Heike. Urban transformations: reuses of industrial heritage sites Purchla Jacek (1954- ). The city: a laboratory of heritage Sonkoly Gábor (1969- ). The new temporality of urban heritage: the historic urban landscape from a historical perspective Sowińska-Heim Julia. Łódź as a creative city: cultural industries and the process of urban revival Strahl Tobias (1978- ). Unwanted heritage: on the disappearance of the Oriental city on the Balkan Peninsula Sturèjka Scâpan Andrèevìč. The Dažynki Harvest Festival as a tool for the transformation of historical centres in Belarusian towns Szkołut Anna. Architectural adaptability of revitalised post-industrial and post-military areas and buildings in Poznań Tomšič Daniela. Inductive and deductive components of cultural heritage as creative potential for an integrated development of places as exemplified by the Slovene coastal cities Koper, Izola, and Piran
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31084 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Ingersoll Catharine. McCusker Alisa. Weiss Jessica (1980- ). Ainsworth Maryan Wynn (1950- ). Gerard David in Antwerp Brisman Shira (1979- ). The worth of ring, rewritten Carroll Jane Louise. Addressing power: Margaret of Austria and Burgundian Politics 1507-09 Eichberger Dagmar (1955- ). Maneuvering between competing courts: Jean Lemaire de Belges (1473-1515), chronicler and connoisseur Hubach Hanns. Nikolaus Gerhaert von Leyden Ingersoll Catharine. The battle of Wenzenbach as a pictorial subject at the Habsburg and Wittelsbach courts Kirch Miriam Hall. Faith embodied: Jacob Heller, Catharina von Melm, and their altarpiece LeZotte Annette. Eyes are the window to the soul: Joos van Cleve's Husband-and-Wife McCusker Alisa. Hans Schwarz and Hans Holbein the Elder: training a portraitist in early sixteenth-century Augsburg Morrall Andrew. Art, geometry, and the landscape of ruin in the sixteenth-century German Kunstkabinett Müller Jürgen (1961- ). The cloak of mercy: reflections on Rembrandt's etching The Hundred Guilder Print Münch Birgit Ulrike (1975- ). "Grünhanß" or, how Hans Baldung became a "Green Artist" Pearson Andrea G. Consumption as eroticism in early Netherlandish Devotional Art Proctor Anne. The fragmentation and restoration of the tomb for San Giovanni Gualberto in sixteenth-century Tuscany Schauerte Thomas Ulrich (1967- ). Growing distance: the high altars of the Augustinian Canon Churches in Dießen and Rohr Silver Larry (1947- ). Re-Christening Altdorfer's Regensburg Stewart Alison G. Sebald Beham and the Augsburg printer Niclas vom Sand: new documents on printing and Frankfurt before 1550 Weiss Jessica (1980- ). Relics of Los Reyes Católicos: The Retablo de Isabel and Spanish-Habsburg Dynastic Heirlooms Whitman Coleman Sally. The dirty work of fifteenth-century landscape painting in Northen Europe
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. publikacji Chippsa Smitha s. 261-267.
Bibliogr. w przypisach do art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24943 (1 egz.)
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