Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Gancarski Jan (1956- )
Kowalczyk-Mizerakowska Iwona
Abramowski Edward (1868-1918). Demokratyzacja sztuki
Adam Anne-Marie. Decors figures sur quelques fibules du Ier s. av. n. e.: des images de propagande?
Adamczak Kamil. Najstarsze ślady osadnictwa. Pozostałości osadnictwa neolitycznego
Adamczak Kamil. The oldest signs of settlement. Relics of Neolithic settlement
Aidukaite Igne
Aigner Thomas (1973- ). The power of big data of the past - let's build a time machine!
Aleksandravicius Egidijus (1956- ). Changes in agrarian culture after the abolition of serfgom
Aleksandravicius Egidijus (1956- ). Lithuanian national revival and the Catholic Church
Aleksandravicius Egidijus (1956- ). Occupation and the Soviet fiction of statehood
Aleksandravicius Egidijus (1956- ). Resistance against the conquerors and the political struggle for liberation
Aleksandravicius Egidijus (1956- ). Russian authorities and the Catolic Church
Aleksandravicius Egidijus (1956- ). Russias repression following the revolt of 1863
Aleksandravicius Egidijus (1956- ). The war and post-war tragedy
Aleksandraviciute Aleksandra (1953- ). Religious orders and their buildings
Aleksandraviciute Aleksandra (1953- ). Sacred spaces
Aleksandrovic Volodimir Stepanovic (1956- ). Visible signs of power and faith
Alkmokbel Marwa
Allan Stuart. Re-capturing the British imperial past
Amandry Michel (1949- ). Le mobillier numismatique du site de Borsin a Courceroy (Aube)
Andraud Christine. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Andriulyte Alge (1972- ). The activity of public national and artistic groups
Andriulyte Alge (1972- ). The vitality of the Lost Capital
Andriusyte-Zukiene Rasa (1960- ). The Emigre art and its reception in Lithuania
Andrzejowski Jacek. Cmentarzysko z okresu wpływów rzymskich w Opniogórze
Angelini Emma. Simulation of corrosion processes of buried archaeological bronze artefacts
Asmus John F. Final Endeavors of Monument Man
Asmus John F. The Hanford Nuclear Plant: radiation ablation meets history cultural heritage and nuclear decontamination
Aucouturier Marc. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects
Augier Laurence (1972- ). Lot de plaques a alveoles mis au jour a Bourges en contexte protohistorique (Cher France): contexte archeologique typologie et analyse
Augstein Melanie. Schon Eisenzeit oder noch Bronzezeit? Ammerkungen zu chronologischen und kulturellen Aspekten einer Ubergangssituation
Bagińska Jolanta. Cherven' Towns in the public space: state and perspectives
Bagińska Jolanta. Grody Czerwieńskie w przestrzeni publicznej: stan i perspektywy
Baraniecka-Olszewska Kamila (1981- ). In-between reality and fiction. Particpation in historical reenactments
Baraniecka-Olszewska Kamila (1981- ). Pomiędzy rzeczywistością a fikcją. Uczestnictwo w rekonstrukcjach historycznych
Barles Sabine (1965- ). Municipal weste: from reuse to dumping late 18th century to early 21st century
Baron Justyna. Nice bronzes in ugly pots. On the containers of the Bronze Age metal deposits from Karmin in SW Poland
Baronas Darius (1973- ). Presentiments of the end of the world and the emergence of Lithuania
Baronas Darius (1973- ). The orthodoxy and Lithuania: attraction - dissociation - marginalization
Barral Philippe (1961- ). Les Gaulois a Autun: quelques donnees nouvelles sur le sanctuaire dit du Temple de Janus
Barta Peter
Bartkute Diana
Bartoli Laura. Laser-based techniques for a multidisciplinary action aimed at the restitutive restoration of S. Costanzo church in Ronciglione (Italy)
Bartosova-Pinterova Zuzana (1946- ). Slovak National Gallery in times of the Velvet Revolution
Bartosova-Pinterova Zuzana (1946- ). Slovenska narodna galeria v case Neznej revolucie
Barucci Marco. Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation
Basilissi Giulia. Surface micro-profilometry for the assessment of the effects of traditional and innovative cleaning treatments of silver
Bataille Gerard (1975- ). Les monnaies ne valent pas un clou!
Bauer Barbara. Der Kunstler als Marke. Tapisserien und Porzellane nach Boucher
Bałus Wojciech (1961- ). Architektura - człowiek - język
Beier Oliver. Decontamination of biocidal loaded wooden artworks by means of laser and plasma processing
Bejinariu Ioan. Bronze hoards and tumulus tombs in north-western Romania. The bronze hoard from Aghires (Salaj county Romania)
Beljak Jan. Niecodzienne znalezisko pozostałości szkieletu noworodka z osady z późnej epoki brązu w obrębie Pustego Zamku (słow. Pusty hrad) w Zwoleniu (środkowa Słowacja)
Beljak Jan. Unusual find of skeletal remains of a newborn from the Late bronze Age Settlement at Pusty hrad (Deserted castle) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia)
Beljak-Pazinova Noemi (1980- ). Niecodzienne znalezisko pozostałości szkieletu noworodka z osady z późnej epoki brązu w obrębie Pustego Zamku (słow. Pusty hrad) w Zwoleniu (środkowa Słowacja)
Beljak-Pazinova Noemi (1980- ). Unusual find of skeletal remains of a newborn from the Late bronze Age Settlement at Pusty hrad (Deserted castle) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia)
Bellot-Gurlet Ludovic. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil
Belova Jana (1977- ). Fragments of the railings from Saint Ivan's tomb
Belova Jana (1977- ). Inscriptions from the cast-iron tombstones in the Podbrdy District in the 18th and 19th centuries
Belova Jana (1977- ). Mrizova kaple sv. Norberta v kostele Nanebevzeti Panny Marie na Strahove
Belova Jana (1977- ). Napisy z litinovych nahrobku na Podbrdsku v 18. a 19. stoleti
Belova Jana (1977- ). The lattice chapel of St Norbert in the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary at Strahov
Beranger Gerard
Beranger Gerard. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil
Beranger Gerard. Long-term behaviour of iron embadded in concrete: from the characterisation of archaeological analogues to the verification of the oxygen reduction as the limiting step for corrosion rate
Berger Pascal (1960- ). Species transport in the corrosion products of ferrous archaeological analogues: a contribution to the modelling of long-term iron corrosion mechanisms
Bernard Loup (1974- ). De la numismatique a l'informatique esquisse de l'evolutions de la recherche et des defis de la mise en ligne des donnees
Bernollin Vincent. Du site gaulois a l'agglomeration romaine d'Allonnes: dix-huit ans de recherches
Bertholon Regis (1959- ). Archaeological metal artefacts and conservation issues: long-term corrosion studies
Beuys Joseph (1921-1986). Talking about one's own country: Germany
Białek Aleksandra (1993- )
Białek Aleksandra (1993- ). Orka i Przy robocie - motyw pracy w wybranych nowelach Władysława Reymonta
Biborski Marcin (1944- ). Moneta Ptolemeusza III (246-221 przed Chr.) ze zbiorów rodziny Kossaków
Biborski Marcin (1944- ). New finds of axes from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the collection of the Historical Museum in Sanok
Biborski Marcin (1944- ). Nowe znaleziska siekierek z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w zbiorach Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku
Biborski Marcin (1944- ). Werkstofftechnische und metallographische Untersuchungen an Bewaffnungsteilen aus dem reich ausgestatteten Kriegergrab der Przeworsk-Kultur von Sandomierz-Krakówka
Biborski Mateusz. Werkstofftechnische und metallographische Untersuchungen an Bewaffnungsteilen aus dem reich ausgestatteten Kriegergrab der Przeworsk-Kultur von Sandomierz-Krakówka
Bigoni Rose. Le sanglier-enseigne dans l'iconographie gauloise: autour du potin au sanglier
Binet Laurent. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Bitka Stanisław. Wokół motywu wsi i pracy w wybranych filmach Irańskiej Noweh Fali
Blajer Wojciech (1954- ). New finds of axes from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the collection of the Historical Museum in Sanok
Blajer Wojciech (1954- ). Nowe znaleziska siekierek z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w zbiorach Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku
Blitte Helene (1986- ). The diversity of Bronze Age hoards in Europe: some thoughts about a social practice and its variations
Boarov Andrij (1961- ). Eventness. Witkacy Debora Vogel and the artes collective of Lviv
Boarov Andrij (1961- ). Zdarzeniowość. Witykacy Debora Vogel i lwowska grupa artes
Bodzek Jarosław. Moneta Ptolemeusza III (246-221 przed Chr.) ze zbiorów rodziny Kossaków
Bogacki Miron. Badania nieinwazyjne
Bogacki Miron. Noninvasive explorations
Bogaerts Ilse. Value of donations: one hundred years of the acquisition policy of the Royal Army Museum Brussels
Bohme Hartmut (1944- ). Uber Trickkunstler und andere Scharlatane (im Umkreis des Gemaldes Der Gaukler in Nachfolge von Hieronymus Bosch)
Bokiniec Ewa. Najstarsze ślady osadnictwa. Pozostałości osadnictwa z okresu wpływów rzymskich
Bokiniec Ewa. The oldest signs of settlement. Relics of settlement from the period of Roman influences
Bonelli Donatella. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage
Borbely Katalin. Directive on copyright in the digital single market - what it means for cultural institutions
Borngasser Barbara (1951- ). Von Babel nach blamabel. Uberlegungen zur unfreiwilligen Selbstsubversion in der Architektur
Borsuk Błażej. Epifenomeny industralizacji - o konwersji chłopa w robotnika
Botteon Alessandra. Experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan Italy: the application of laser-technology on three case studies of the historical heritage
Bourgon Julie. Laser yellowing effect: study of the nanophases created by laser irradiation of synthetic black crusts using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
Brandherm Dirk. Uberlegungen zur intentionellen Beschadigung und Fragmentierung von Hortbronzen
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1960 - 1969
1890 - 1899
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Broń biała
Epoka żelaza
Robert E. Haynes (San Francisco)
Epoka brązu
Fotografia polska
Literatura polska
Ochrona zabytków
Rzemiosło artystyczne japońskie
Sztuka francuska
Sztuka polska
Zbiory muzealne
Architektura niemiecka
Barbier, Gilles (1965- )
Beuys, Joseph (1921-1986)
Blajer, Wojciech (1954- )
Boucher, François (1703-1770)
Bublex Alain (1961-)
Dramat polski
Drzeworyt japoński
Epitafia (szt. plast.)
Fourtou Jean-François (1964-)
Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Bunkier Sztuki (Kraków)
Gruel, Katherine (1953- )
Hagia Irene (Stambuł)
Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart (Berlin)
Historycy sztuki
House of European History (HEH)
Inhibitory korozji
Iparművészeti Múzeum
Kazimierski Daniel (1949-)
Kolendo, Jerzy (1933-2014)
Komunikacja międzykulturowa
Korozja i erozja
Kultura audiowizualna
Künstlerhaus (Graz)
Lucariello Saverio (1958-)
Malarstwo polskie
Mogarra Joachim (1954-)
Monety celtyckie
Monety rzymskie
Muzea archeologiczne
Muzeum Karykatury (Warszawa)
Muzeum Narodowe (Warszawa)
Muzeum w Gliwicach
Müller, Jürgen (1961- )
Rysunek polski
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Rzeźba europejska
Schulz, Bruno (1892-1942)
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka litewska
Sztuka ludów pierwotnych
Sztuka sakralna europejska
Sztuka sepulkralna
Sztuka stosowana
Trouvé, Tatiana (1968- )
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań)
Witkiewicz, Stanisław Ignacy (1885-1939)
Wyspiański, Stanisław (1869-1907)
Wzornictwo przemysłowe
Temat: czas
1000-901 p.n.e.
1100-1001 p.n.e.
1200-1101 p.n.e.
1300-1201 p.n.e.
1400-1301 p.n.e.
1500-1401 p.n.e.
1600-1501 p.n.e.
1700-1601 p.n.e.
1800-1701 p.n.e.
1900-1801 p.n.e.
600-501 p.n.e.
700-601 p.n.e.
800-701 p.n.e.
900-801 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Rzym (państwo)
Anatolia (Turcja)
Chełmińska Ziemia
Chełmińska, Ziemia
Góry Świętokrzyskie
Pruszków (okręg)
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
Dokumenty elektroniczne
Katalogi zbiorów
41 wyników Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: II 37063 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Important Japanese tsuba, early iron and kindo examples
Tyt. okł.: Important Japanese tsuba, early iron and kindo examples.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 18958 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Damascene work in India
Tyt. okł.: "Damascene work in India".
Na s . tyt. dedyk.: "W darze dla księgozbioru Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie ofiaruje Xawery Saryusz Zaleski" i podpis nieczytelny. Na s. tyt. i przedtyt. odcisk pieczęci: "Xawery Saryusz Zaleski".
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Dział Militariów sygn. IV 501 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23230 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23766 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 27607/1 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24914 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(European Federation of Corrosion Publications, ISSN 1354-5116 ; no. 48)
Beranger Gérard. Dillmann Philippe. Matthiesen Henning. Piccardo Paolo. Degrigny Christian. Examination and conservation of historical and archaeological metal artefacts: a European overview Santarini Gérard. Corrosion behaviour of low-alloy steels: from ancient past to far future Bertholon Régis (1959- ). Archaeological metal artefacts and conservation issues: long-term corrosion studies Neff D. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil Vega Enrique. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil Dillmann Philippe. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil Descostes M. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil Bellot-Gurlet Ludovic. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil Beranger Gérard. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil Pons E. Electrochemical study of steel artefacts from World War I: contribution of A.C. impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry to describe the bahaviour of the corrosion layers Lemaitre C. Electrochemical study of steel artefacts from World War I: contribution of A.C. impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry to describe the bahaviour of the corrosion layers David Daniel. Electrochemical study of steel artefacts from World War I: contribution of A.C. impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry to describe the bahaviour of the corrosion layers Crusset D. Electrochemical study of steel artefacts from World War I: contribution of A.C. impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry to describe the bahaviour of the corrosion layers Vega Enrique. Species transport in the corrosion products of ferrous archaeological analogues: a contribution to the modelling of long-term iron corrosion mechanisms Dillmann Philippe. Species transport in the corrosion products of ferrous archaeological analogues: a contribution to the modelling of long-term iron corrosion mechanisms Berger Pascal (1960- ). Species transport in the corrosion products of ferrous archaeological analogues: a contribution to the modelling of long-term iron corrosion mechanisms Fluzin Philippe. Species transport in the corrosion products of ferrous archaeological analogues: a contribution to the modelling of long-term iron corrosion mechanisms Chitty Walter-John. Long-term behaviour of iron embadded in concrete: from the characterisation of archaeological analogues to the verification of the oxygen reduction as the limiting step for corrosion rate Huet Bruno. Long-term behaviour of iron embadded in concrete: from the characterisation of archaeological analogues to the verification of the oxygen reduction as the limiting step for corrosion rate Dillmann Philippe. Long-term behaviour of iron embadded in concrete: from the characterisation of archaeological analogues to the verification of the oxygen reduction as the limiting step for corrosion rate L'Hostis Valérie (1976- ). Long-term behaviour of iron embadded in concrete: from the characterisation of archaeological analogues to the verification of the oxygen reduction as the limiting step for corrosion rate Beranger Gérard. Long-term behaviour of iron embadded in concrete: from the characterisation of archaeological analogues to the verification of the oxygen reduction as the limiting step for corrosion rate Idrissi Chbihi Hamzaoui Hassane (1956- ). Long-term behaviour of iron embadded in concrete: from the characterisation of archaeological analogues to the verification of the oxygen reduction as the limiting step for corrosion rate Maréchal L. Study of the atmospheric corrosion of iron by ageing historical artefacts and contemporary low-alloy steel in a climatic chamber: comparison with mechanistic modelling Perrin S. Study of the atmospheric corrosion of iron by ageing historical artefacts and contemporary low-alloy steel in a climatic chamber: comparison with mechanistic modelling Dillmann Philippe. Study of the atmospheric corrosion of iron by ageing historical artefacts and contemporary low-alloy steel in a climatic chamber: comparison with mechanistic modelling Santarini Gérard. Study of the atmospheric corrosion of iron by ageing historical artefacts and contemporary low-alloy steel in a climatic chamber: comparison with mechanistic modelling Memet Jean-Bernard. Corrosion of metallic artefacts in seawater: descriptive analysis Réguer Solenn (1979- ). Contribution of local and structural characterisation for studies of the corrosion mechanisms related to the presence of chlorine on archaeological ferrous artefacts Dillmann Philippe. Contribution of local and structural characterisation for studies of the corrosion mechanisms related to the presence of chlorine on archaeological ferrous artefacts Susini Jean. Contribution of local and structural characterisation for studies of the corrosion mechanisms related to the presence of chlorine on archaeological ferrous artefacts Loeper-Attia Marie-Anne. Proposal to describe reactivated corrosion of archaeological iron objects Angelini Emma. Simulation of corrosion processes of buried archaeological bronze artefacts Rosalbino F. Simulation of corrosion processes of buried archaeological bronze artefacts Grassini S. Simulation of corrosion processes of buried archaeological bronze artefacts Ingo Gabriel Maria. Simulation of corrosion processes of buried archaeological bronze artefacts Caro Tilde de. Simulation of corrosion processes of buried archaeological bronze artefacts Mathis François. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Salomon Joseph. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Pagès-Camagna Sandrine. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Dubus Michel (1956- ). Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Robcis Dominique. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Aucouturier Marc. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Descamps Sophie. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Delange Elisabeth. Corrosion patina or intentional patina: contribution of non-destructive analyses to the surface study of copper-based archaeological objects Piccardo Paolo. Tin and copper oxides in corroded archaeological bronzes Mille Benoît. Tin and copper oxides in corroded archaeological bronzes Robbiola Luc. Tin and copper oxides in corroded archaeological bronzes Kreislová Kateřina‏ ‎ (1963-‏ ). Corrosion problems and reconstruction of the copper roof on Queen Anna's Summer Palace, Prague Knotková Dagmar (1930- ). Corrosion problems and reconstruction of the copper roof on Queen Anna's Summer Palace, Prague Číhal Vladimír (1929- ). Corrosion problems and reconstruction of the copper roof on Queen Anna's Summer Palace, Prague Had Jiri. Corrosion problems and reconstruction of the copper roof on Queen Anna's Summer Palace, Prague Matthiesen Henning. Long-term corrosion of iron at the waterlogged site of Nydam in Denmark: studies of environment, archaeological artefacts and modern analogues Gregory David. Long-term corrosion of iron at the waterlogged site of Nydam in Denmark: studies of environment, archaeological artefacts and modern analogues Sørensen Brigit. Long-term corrosion of iron at the waterlogged site of Nydam in Denmark: studies of environment, archaeological artefacts and modern analogues Hilbert Lisbeth Rischel. Long-term corrosion of iron at the waterlogged site of Nydam in Denmark: studies of environment, archaeological artefacts and modern analogues Sjögren Lena. On-line corrosion monitoring of indoor atmospheres LeBozec Nathalie. On-line corrosion monitoring of indoor atmospheres Rocca E. Corrosion inhibitors for metallic artefacts: temporary protection Galtayries A. Surface characterisation of corrosion inhibitors on bronzes for artistic casting Mongiatti A. Surface characterisation of corrosion inhibitors on bronzes for artistic casting Marcus Philippe (1953- ). Surface characterisation of corrosion inhibitors on bronzes for artistic casting Chiavari C. Surface characterisation of corrosion inhibitors on bronzes for artistic casting Chiavari C. Influence of microstructure and composition on corrosion of lead-rich organ pipes Dinoi C. Influence of microstructure and composition on corrosion of lead-rich organ pipes Martini C. Influence of microstructure and composition on corrosion of lead-rich organ pipes Prandstraller D. Influence of microstructure and composition on corrosion of lead-rich organ pipes Poli G. Influence of microstructure and composition on corrosion of lead-rich organ pipes Mirambet François. Contribution of local and structural characterisation for studies of the corrosion mechanisms related to the presence of chlorine on archaeological ferrous artefacts Mirambet François. Corrosion inhibitors for metallic artefacts: temporary protection
Indeks R0: BMNK
U dołu k. tyt.: Published for the European Federation of Corrosion by Woodhead Publishing and Maney Publishing on behalf of The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining.
Materiały z konf., Nicea, 12-16 września 2004.
Bibliogr. przy rozdz. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 32021 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
Pozostałe zbiory
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: El 713 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Kat. 10729 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Important signed Shoami tsuba, collection of fine menuki, kozuka and fuchi-kashira, iteresting and important 19th and 20th century woodblock prints and books
Tyt. okł.: Important signed Shoami tsuba, collection of fine menuki, kozuka and fuchi-kashira, iteresting and important 19th and 20th century woodblock prints and books.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 18962 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Prace Archeologiczne - Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Instytut Archeologii ; No. 69)
Dzięgielewski Karol. Przybyła Marcin S. Baron Justyna. Nice bronzes in ugly pots. On the containers of the Bronze Age metal deposits from Karmin in SW Poland Bejinariu Ioan. Bronze hoards and tumulus tombs in north-western Romania. The bronze hoard from Aghireș (Sălaj county, Romania) Blitte Hélène (1986- ). The diversity of Bronze Age hoards in Europe: some thoughts about a social practice and its variations Brandherm Dirk. Überlegungen zur intentionellen Beschädigung und Fragmentierung von Hortbronzen Bugaj Michał. New discovery of a Late Bronze Age sword from Bytów, Pomorskie Voivodeship Chochorowski Jan (1949- ). Markers of 'foreigners' in Černotín type hoards. A contribution to discussion on the phenomenon of 'culture shock' in Late Bronze Age Central Europe Dietrich Oliver. Gusskerne für Tüllenbeile aus rumänischen Horten Dzięgielewski Karol. Deposit of bronze ornaments from the Early Iron Age at site 7 in Ludwinowo, Kujavia (central Poland) and its ambiguous ceramic context Gackowski Jacek (1959- ). The Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age metal hoards from the Chełmno land: A new insight into the metalworking capacity of the local bronzesmiths Garbacz-Klempka Aldona. Deposit of bronze ornaments from the Early Iron Age at site 7 in Ludwinowo, Kujavia (central Poland) and its ambiguous ceramic context Ginalski Jerzy (1957- ). Supposed Bronze Age hoard of golden artefacts from the defensive settlement on the "Horodyszcze" hill in Trepcza (Polish Carpathians) Gleń-Haduch Elżbieta (1949- ). An anatomical and anthropological study of skeletons from pit 189 in the Lusatian culture settlement in Kornice, Racibórz District Gogâltan Florin. The bronze hoard from Breaza (Mureș County). Selective deposition in Transylvania at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age Gołąb Henryk. An anatomical and anthropological study of skeletons from pit 189 in the Lusatian culture settlement in Kornice, Racibórz District Jarysz Radosław. Nice bronzes in ugly pots. On the containers of the Bronze Age metal deposits from Karmin in SW Poland Jockenhövel Albrecht. Tüllenmeißel in bronze- und ältereisenzeitlichen Gräbern Alteuropas. Zur frühen Geschichte eines Werkzeugs Kaczmarek Maciej. Early Bronze Age hoards from the Wielkopolska-Kujawy Plain in context of the cultural milieu Kajkowski Kamil. New discovery of a Late Bronze Age sword from Bytów, Pomorskie Voivodeship Kłosińska Elżbieta. Some thoughts regarding the research on the metal finds from the Early Iron Age in the lower Pilica River basin Kobal' Josip Vasil'ovič. The Stefkowa hoard and its connections with the upper Tisa basin Kołodziej Małgorzata (antropologia). An anatomical and anthropological study of skeletons from pit 189 in the Lusatian culture settlement in Kornice, Racibórz District Koszkul Wiesław. Deposit of bronze ornaments from the Early Iron Age at site 7 in Ludwinowo, Kujavia (central Poland) and its ambiguous ceramic context Kotowicz Piotr N. Supposed Bronze Age hoard of golden artefacts from the defensive settlement on the “Horodyszcze” hill in Trepcza (Polish Carpathians) Kowalski Łukasz (archeologia). The Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age metal hoards from the Chełmno land: A new insight into the metalworking capacity of the local bronzesmiths Kozana Janusz. Deposit of bronze ornaments from the Early Iron Age at site 7 in Ludwinowo, Kujavia (central Poland) and its ambiguous ceramic context Kristiansen Kristian (1948- ). Baltic interaction during early Period IV of the Nordic Bronze Age: a travelling bronze smith behind the deposition of the Grisby hoard from Bornholm? Łaciak Dagmara. Nice bronzes in ugly pots. On the containers of the Bronze Age metal deposits from Karmin in SW Poland Łucejko Jeannette Jacqueline (1974- ). Nice bronzes in ugly pots. On the containers of the Bronze Age metal deposits from Karmin in SW Poland Maciejewski Marcin P. In the midst of Godelier, Facebook and bloody forays. Several comments on metal and its availability in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages Maciejewski Marcin P. Nice bronzes in ugly pots. On the containers of the Bronze Age metal deposits from Karmin in SW Poland Maraszek Regine. Features of fragmentation of swords – new details of Late Bronze Age metalwork in central Germany Miroššayová Elena. Bronze bracelets from the Slovak Karst Novotná Mária (1958- ). Einige Bemerkungen zu den Elitenbestattungen mit Wagen und Pferdegeschirr in der frühen und älteren Urnenfelderzeit Przybyła Marcin S. Supposed Bronze Age hoard of golden artefacts from the defensive settlement on the “Horodyszcze” hill in Trepcza (Polish Carpathians) Rezi Botond. The bronze hoard from Breaza (Mureș County). Selective deposition in Transylvania at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age Sicherl Bernhard. Anmerkungen zu eisenzeitlichen Fibeln in Vorratsgruben Tarbay János Gábor. On selection in “common hoards”. The Szajla hoard and some related finds from Late Bronze Age Carpathian Basin Wyrostkiewicz Robert. Supposed Bronze Age hoard of golden artefacts from the defensive settlement on the “Horodyszcze” hill in Trepcza (Polish Carpathians) Zyzman Armand. Deposit of bronze ornaments from the Early Iron Age at site 7 in Ludwinowo, Kujavia (central Poland) and its ambiguous ceramic context
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Bibliogr. przy art. Bibliogr. prac Wojciecha Blajera, lata 1981-2019 s, 15-26.
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Dziewulski Michał (1978- ). Dziewulski Michał (1978- ). Ambassadors of dialogue - introduction Hatschek Christoph (1974- ). Blessing and curse of (military) diplomatic gifts Bogaerts Ilse. Value of donations: one hundred years of the acquisition policy of the Royal Army Museum, Brussels Allan Stuart. Re-capturing the British imperial past Lidchi Henrietta. Re-capturing the British imperial past Radway Robyn D. Misunderstanding Ottoman Europe: the material culture of the borderlands in Renaissance depictions of the Ottoman world Tetteris Karin (1967- ). Image of "the Other" - how a 17th-century Russian banner was interpreted by the Swedish victors Smith-Christmas Kenneth L. United States Marine Corps' "Mameluke" sword Yallop Henry. Swords of Empire: the 19th century frenchification of European edged weapons Titova Elena. Diplomatic and cultural dialogue via objects Grönhammar Ann (1951- ). Diplomatic gifts for Swedish sovereigns from Safavid Persia and two European vassal states of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century Godlewski Jarosław. Diplomatic gifts from the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the collection of the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw Franz Rainald (1964- ). Viennese porcelain as a diplomatic gift Tavares Maria José. Diplomatic gift from Japan, and the creation of the Chinese room in the Palácio da Ajuda Vinogradova Daria. Weapons as ambassadorial gifts in the collection of the Central Armed Forces Museum of the Russian Federation Porodina Elena. Weapons as ambassadorial gifts in the collection of the Central Armed Forces Museum of the Russian Federation Prokopczuk-Runowska Izabela. Gifts of friendship in the collection of the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw Karl Barbara. Diplomatic gifts and collecting Pall Martina. Etched iron cabinet from the Schell Collection Bělová Jana (1977- ). Fragments of the railings from Saint Ivan's tomb Cassar Robert. Story of a cannon: diplomacy, friendship and gratitude Smith Kay Douglas. Iron keys of Riga: cannon, diplomacy and Tudor policy in the Baltic Krutisch Petra (1957- ). Between pride and suspicion Johnston Peter. Gifts from the frontiers of Empire
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(Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich ; F. 49)
Karl Raimund (1969- ). Leskovar Jutta (1972- ). Augstein Melanie. Schon Eisenzeit oder noch Bronzezeit? Ammerkungen zu chronologischen und kulturellen Aspekten einer "Übergangssituation" Brandner Daniel. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Coelsch Johannes. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Collis John (1944- ). "How the Celts saved Britain": re-writting the end of Roman Britain Ebner-Baur Desiree. Beinahe vergessen!? Grab BDA430 - Ein hallstattzeitliches Grab mit bleifolienverziertem Kegelhalsgefäß Frög Elbert Wencke. Manching-Altenfeld - Überlegungen zu Bauformen, Konstruktionsprinzipien und Materialien George Nebu. The life in Phosphorus. A soil phosphorus study of the gatehouse at Meillionydd Hansen Leif (1974- ). Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Hatz Christine. Kenntnisse der antiken mathematischen Geographie im Kontext einer spätkeltischen Elite? Hees Martin (1965- ). Späte Kelten oder frühen Germanen? Das Ende der Latènezeite am Mittleren Neckar Heron Toby. Do you want payment in Iron or Salt? The economic basis of social development in the European Iron Age Hladíková Katarína (1981- ). Porridge for the dead, and cereals for gods? Remains of plant food in graves of the Eastern Alpine Hallstatt region Jung Matthias. Social- und Herrschaftsorganisationen Befestigungsanlagen errichtender Gesellschaften Karl Raimund (1969- ). Honey, fetch me a cool beer from the fridge! Comfortable living in Iron Age Wales Kluge Sindy. Pontifici sacrorum Raeticorum: Überlegungen zu einer neuen rätischen Gottheit Kmet'ová Petra. Porridge for the dead, and cereals for gods? Remains of plant food in graves of the Eastern Alpine Hallstatt region Kohle Maria. Mehr als die Summer ihrer Teile. Studien zu eisenzeitlichen Urnengräbern Kreß Tanja. Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Lobisser Wolfgang. Das neue Modell eines großen hallstattzeitlichen Hallenhauses in Mitterkirchen im Machland - Betrachtungen zu Ressourcen, Werkzeugen, Arbeitstechniken, Holzverbindungen und zum Arbeitsaufwand Löhlein Wolfgang. Wege - Weide - Opferplätze: Überlegungen zur eisenzeitlichen Viehwirtschaft und deren Bedeutung für die Entstehung zentraler Orte und Versammlungsplätze im Bereich des Oppidums Heidengraben Meyer Marcus G. M. (1975- ). Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Poppenwimmer Fiona. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Prenner Josef. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Rieckhoff Sabine (1944- ). Ein keltischer Exodus? Archäologisch-botanische Überlegungen zum Übergang Eisenzeit - Römische Kaiserzeit in Südwestdeutschland Reschreiter Hans (1968- ). Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Riediker-Liechti Eva. Spinnrocken und Spindeln mit Metallverzierung aus Bestattungen der Villanovazeit Rösch Manfred. Ein keltischer Exodus? Archäologisch-botanische Überlegungen zum Übergang Eisenzeit - Römische Kaiserzeit in Südwestdeutschland Rösel-Mautendorfer Helga. Zwischen Design und Wissensacht: (Re)Konstruktionen prähistorischer Kleidung Salač Vladimír (1957- ). Eisenzeitliche und frühmittelalterliche Burgwälle in Böhmen im Vergleich Scheucher Andreas. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Slamar Ilja. Virtual Hallstatt - experience the hidden World Cultural Heritage Site Stegmaier Gerd. Wege - Weide - Opferplätze: Überlegungen zur eisenzeitlichen Viehwirtschaft und deren Bedeutung für die Entstehung zentraler Orte und Versammlungsplätze im Bereich des Oppidums Heidengraben Tarpini Roberto. Der "Unlinger Reiter" - Neue Entdeckungen in hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln bei Unlingen (Lkr. Biberach) Tauber Hannes. "Von dem, was wir wissen, auf das Unbekannte schließen". Herodot und die Kelten Wallner Jasmin. Eine Leiche im Keller? Neue Ergebnisse zur eisenzeitlichen Siedlungsstelle mit Sonderbestattung in Fließ (Nordtirol) Wallner Mario. Virtuelle Archäologie fürs Keltendorf? Anwendungsbeispiele im Freilichtmuseum Mitterkirchen Westhausen Imke. Nicht mehr völlig vergessen - Zu ältereisenzeitlichen Metalldeponierungen zwischen Bretagne und Karpaten
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Bibliogr. przy ref.
Materiały konf. Linz, 15-17 listopada 2018 r.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25127 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Beljak Ján. Niecodzienne znalezisko pozostałości szkieletu noworodka z osady z późnej epoki brązu w obrębie Pustego Zamku (słow. Pustý hrad) w Zwoleniu (środkowa Słowacja) Beljak Ján. Unusual find of skeletal remains of a newborn from the Late bronze Age Settlement at Pustý hrad (Deserted castle) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia) Beljak-Pažinová Noémi (1980- ). Niecodzienne znalezisko pozostałości szkieletu noworodka z osady z późnej epoki brązu w obrębie Pustego Zamku (słow. Pustý hrad) w Zwoleniu (środkowa Słowacja) Beljak-Pažinová Noémi (1980- ). Unusual find of skeletal remains of a newborn from the Late bronze Age Settlement at Pustý hrad (Deserted castle) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia) Biborski Marcin (1944- ). New finds of axes from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the collection of the Historical Museum in Sanok Biborski Marcin (1944- ). Nowe znaleziska siekierek z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w zbiorach Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku Blajer Wojciech (1954- ). New finds of axes from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the collection of the Historical Museum in Sanok Blajer Wojciech (1954- ). Nowe znaleziska siekierek z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w zbiorach Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku Chorąży Bogusław. Rola Kotliny Żywieckiej we wczesnej epoce żelaza w świetle nowych badań Chorąży Bogusław. The role of the Żywiec Basin in the Early Iron Age in the light of new research Chorąży Bożena. Rola Kotliny Żywieckiej we wczesnej epoce żelaza w świetle nowych badań Chorąży Bożena. The role of the Żywiec Basin in the Early Iron Age in the light of new research Dzięgielewski Karol. Stan badań nad warzelnictwem soli w epoce brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem podkrakowskiego ośrodka solowarskiego Dzięgielewski Karol. The state of research on Bronze and early Iron Age salt-makin in Poland, with a particular focus on the salt-making centre near Kraków Fraś Jarosław M. Bronze Age and early Iron Age brine evaporation - exhibits in the collection of the Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka Fraś Jarosław M. Warzelnictwo w epoce brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza - zabytki w zbiorach Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Defensive settlement in Kowalowy, Jasło district, site 1 Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Grodzisko w Brzezówce, powiat Jasło, stanowisko 10 Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Hillfort in Brzezówka, Jasło district, site 10 Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Introduction Gancarski Jan (1956- ). New finds of the bronze artefacts from the area of Beskid Niski and its northern foothills Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Notes on the Mierzanowice Culture from the eastern part of the Polish Carpathians in the light of the materials from Jaszczew, Bachórz-Chodorówka and Hłomcza Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Osada obronna w Kowalowach, powiat Jasło, stanowisko 1 Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Skarb z Lubatówki, powiat Krosno, stanowisko 16 Gancarski Jan (1956- ). The gold bracelets from Dębowiec, Jasło district, site 30 Gancarski Jan (1956- ). The hoard from Lubatówka, Krosno district, site 16 Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Uwagi o kulturze mierzanowickiej we wschodniej części polskich Karpat w świetle materiałów z Jaszczwi, Bachórza-Chodorówki i Hłomczy Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Wstęp Gancarski Jan (1956- ). Znaleziska przedmiotów brązowych z Beskidu Niskiego i przylegających od północy Pogórzy Górski Jacek (1962- ). Cultural borderlands of the Polish Carpathians and their outskirts at the beginnings of the Bronze Age Górski Jacek (1962- ). Pogranicza kulturowe w zachodniej części Karpat polskich i na ich przedpolu w poczatkach epoki brązu Jarosz Paweł. Cultural borderlands of the Polish Carpathians and their outskirts at the beginnings of the Bronze Age Jarosz Paweł. Pogranicza kulturowe w zachodniej części Karpat polskich i na ich przedpolu w poczatkach epoki brązu Jędrysik Joanna. Results of chronological and spatial analyses conducted on the material from old excavations of the prehistoric settlements in Zabrzeż, Nowy Sącz district Jędrysik Joanna. Rezultaty chronologiczno-przestrzennych analiz materiałów z dawnych badań prehistorycznej osady wyżynnej w Zabrzeży, powiat nowosądecki Kolebuk Ewelina. Bronze Age and early Iron Age brine evaporation - exhibits in the collection of the Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka Kolebuk Ewelina. Warzelnictwo w epoce brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza - zabytki w zbiorach Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka Korczyńska Marta (archeologia). Reconstruction of the graves' inventories, destroyed in the process of windthrowing at the urnfield cemetery from the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Janowice, site 44 (AZP 106-65/103) Korczyńska Marta (archeologia). Rekonstrukcja inwentarzy grobów zniszczonych w wyniku procesu saltacji wykrotowej na cmentarzysku ciałopalnym z późnej epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w Janowicach, stanowisko 44 (AZP 106-65/103) Kotorová-Jenčová Mária. Lowland settlements from the end of the Bronze Age in Slovak part of the Upper Tisza river basin (example of the settlemets in Nižny Hrušov and Vlača, Vranov nad Topľou district) Kotorová-Jenčová Mária. Nížinne sídliská záveru doby bronzowej v slovenskom hornom Potisí (na príklade sídlisk v Nižnom Hrušove a vo Vlači, okr. Vranov nad Topľou) Kotowicz Piotr N. New finds of axes from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the collection of the Historical Museum in Sanok Kotowicz Piotr N. Nowe znaleziska siekierek z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w zbiorach Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku Leszczyński Tomasz. New finds of the bronze artefacts from the area of Beskid Niski and its northern foothills Leszczyński Tomasz. Skarb z Lubatówki, powiat Krosno, stanowisko 16 Leszczyński Tomasz. The hoard from Lubatówka, Krosno district, site 16 Leszczyński Tomasz. Znaleziska przedmiotów brązowych z Beskidu Niskiego i przylegających od północy Pogórzy Madej Paweł (archeologia). Defensive settlement in Kowalowy, Jasło district, site 1 Madej Paweł (archeologia). Grodzisko w Brzezówce, powiat Jasło, stanowisko 10 Madej Paweł (archeologia). Hillfort in Brzezówka, Jasło district, site 10 Madej Paweł (archeologia). New finds of the bronze artefacts from the area of Beskid Niski and its northern foothills Madej Paweł (archeologia). Notes on the Mierzanowice Culture from the eastern part of the Polish Carpathians in the light of the materials from Jaszczew, Bachórz-Chodorówka and Hłomcza Madej Paweł (archeologia). Osada obronna w Kowalowach, powiat Jasło, stanowisko 1 Madej Paweł (archeologia). Uwagi o kulturze mierzanowickiej we wschodniej części polskich Karpat w świetle materiałów z Jaszczwi, Bachórza-Chodorówki i Hłomczy Madej Paweł (archeologia). Znaleziska przedmiotów brązowych z Beskidu Niskiego i przylegających od północy Pogórzy Markiewicz Joanna A. Results of chronological and spatial analyses conducted on the material from old excavations of the prehistoric settlements in Zabrzeż, Nowy Sącz district Markiewicz Joanna A. Rezultaty chronologiczno-przestrzennych analiz materiałów z dawnych badań prehistorycznej osady wyżynnej w Zabrzeży, powiat nowosądecki Materna Marek. Brązowa siekiera z Woli Nieszkowskiej ze zbiorów archeologicznych Muzeum w Bochni Materna Marek. Bronze axe from Wola Nieszkowska from the archaeological collection of the Museum in Bochnia Mazur Michał (1931- ). Stan badań nad warzelnictwem soli w epoce brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem podkrakowskiego ośrodka solowarskiego Mazur Michał (1931- ). The state of research on Bronze and early Iron Age salt-makin in Poland, with a particular focus on the salt-making centre near Kraków Pawlikowski Maciej (1947- ). Mineralogia i chemia brązow. Stanowisko archeologiczne Bieżanów koło Krakowa. Przedpole Karpat Pawlikowski Maciej (1947- ). Mineralogy and chemistry of bronze artefacts. Bieżanów near Cracow archaeological site. The outskirts of the Carpathians Putško Mária. Niecodzienne znalezisko pozostałości szkieletu noworodka z osady z późnej epoki brązu w obrębie Pustego Zamku (słow. Pustý hrad) w Zwoleniu (środkowa Słowacja) Putško Mária. Unusual find of skeletal remains of a newborn from the Late bronze Age Settlement at Pustý hrad (Deserted castle) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia) Rydzewska Ewa (archeologia). Results of chronological and spatial analyses conducted on the material from old excavations of the prehistoric settlements in Zabrzeż, Nowy Sącz district Rydzewska Ewa (archeologia). Rezultaty chronologiczno-przestrzennych analiz materiałów z dawnych badań prehistorycznej osady wyżynnej w Zabrzeży, powiat nowosądecki Rzońca Justyna. Results of chronological and spatial analyses conducted on the material from old excavations of the prehistoric settlements in Zabrzeż, Nowy Sącz district Rzońca Justyna. Rezultaty chronologiczno-przestrzennych analiz materiałów z dawnych badań prehistorycznej osady wyżynnej w Zabrzeży, powiat nowosądecki Soják Marián (1970- ). Archeological research of the Koštiany/Mierzanowice Culture site in Spišska Nová Ves in the years 2016-2017 (preliminary results) Soják Marián (1970- ). Výskum lokality koštianskiej/mierzanowiciej kultúry v Spišskej Novej Vsi v rokach 2016-2017 (predbežne výsledky) Valde-Nowak Paweł. Grodzisko w Brzezówce, powiat Jasło, stanowisko 10 Valde-Nowak Paweł. Hillfort in Brzezówka, Jasło district, site 10
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: Muzeum Podkarpackie, Krosno, 16-17 listopada 2017 r.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 35110 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). Gonçalves Stéphanie. Teworte Emma. Barles Sabine (1965- ). Municipal weste: from reuse to dumping, late 18th century to early 21st century Bugelli Emma. Developing an audience approach for the exhibition Burns Kieran. Stories from the waste land(s): making an exhibition from the material culture of rubbish Contino Alessia (1976- ). Waste storage, disposal and reuse in Roman times Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). From rubbish to throwaway: some reflections on a challenging project Gille Zsuzsa. Waste history from beyond the iron curtain Gutiérrez Herrero Mónica. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Itzel Constanze (1974- ). Old and new, past and present Little Peter C. Re-centring Africa and Africans in the e-wasteocene Macdonald Sharon (1961- ). Why museums need to talk rubbish! Martínez Martínez Miguel Ángel (1940- ). Foreword Monsaingeon Baptiste (1983- ). The discarder, the archaeologist and the ragpicker: the art of making remnants talk Pérez-Llantada Manuel Polanco. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Pöttering Hans-Gert (1945- ). Foreword Puig i Espar Laia. Reflecting, sharing, changing: throwaway and museum activism Salvador Ana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Scanlan John. Waste/art Smilansky Blandine. Europe & waste: museums working together Tumashik Tatiana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Weber Heike. Recycling, remaking and reusing in 20th-century Europe: from a culture of thrift
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. wyd. w ramach projektu Throwaway, luty 2023 - styczeń 2024.
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36011 (1 egz.)
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