Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Zavorotnaa L. A
Kovalenko Svetlana Alekseevna
Gulecki Dzmitryj Uladzimiravic (1981- )
Smirnova Natal'a M
Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports
Ambrose Kirk (1968- ). Emile Male
Androsov Sergej Olegovic (1948- )
Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA
Blume Dieter (1952- ). Picturing the stars - scientific iconography in the Middle Ages
Bomford David. Foreword
Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics
Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings
Boynton Susan (1966- ). Visual representation of music and sound
Brandhorst J. P. J. (1956- ). Iconclass
Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining
Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers tensioning and attachments
Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns
Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Callataÿ Francois de (1961- )
Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions
Caviness Madeline Harrison (1938- ). Erotic iconography
Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Clarke Sherman. Library of Congress subject headings
Colaert Maurice
Cothren Michael Watt (1951- ). Iconography of light
Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Daly Peter M. (1936- ). Andrea Alciato
Dekoninck Ralph. Anthropology of images
Dixon Thomas. Framing glazing backing and hanging of paintings on canvas
Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings
Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings
Drysdall Denis L. Andrea Alciato
Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy
Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting
Easton Martha. Feminist art history and medieval iconography
Fisher Celia. Flowers and plants the living iconography
Franceschini Chiara. Classifying image content in visual collections
Fuster-López Laura. Filling
Gerstel Sharon E. J. Iconography of light
Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists
Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds
Grasman Edward (1953- ). Hans van de Waal a portrait
Hablot Laurent (1972- ). Heraldic imagery definition and principles
Hackens Tony (1939-1997)
Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings
Harris Anne F. Iconography of narrative
Hartnell Jack. Medicine's image
Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media
Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Holladay Joan A. Royal and imperial iconography
Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Hourihane Colum (1955- )
Hourihane Colum (1955- ). Charles Rufus Morey and the Index of Christian Art
Hourihane Colum (1955- ). Medieval iconography an introduction
Huisstede Pieter van (1957- ). Aby M. Warburg
Karpova Tatʹana Lʹvovna (1960- )
Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports
Kim Susan M. Monstrous iconography
Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects
Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo)
Laere Raf van
Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints
Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints
Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Lindquist Sherry C. M. (1946- ). Iconography of gender
Logemann Cornelia (1975- ). Ripa the trinciante
Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting
MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings
Mackiewicz-Talarczyk Maria
Maraszak Emilie (1985- ). Adlophe-Napoleon Didron (Paris 1867-Hautvilliers 1906)
Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings
Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports
Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Mazzucco Katia. Fritz Saxl
McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings
McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio
Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings
Mittman Asa Simon (1976- ). Monstrous iconography
Morrison Karl Frederick (1936- ). Liturgical iconography
Moucharte Ghislaine
Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century
Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1950 - 1959
1900 - 1909
1890 - 1899
1880 - 1889
1870 - 1879
1860 - 1869
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Nowa Zelandia
Rep. Połud. Afryki
Gosudarstvennyj Muzej Izobrazitel'nyh Iskusstv im. A. S. Puškina (Moskwa)
Monety europejskie
Ochrona zabytków
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Medale europejskie
Zbiory numizmatyczne
L. und L. Hamburger
Monety greckie
Sztuka europejska
Gosudarstvennyj Èrmitaž
Ikonografia chrześcijańska
Malarstwo francuskie
Malarstwo rosyjskie
Obrót pieniężny
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Sztuka włoska
Sztuka średniowieczna
Włókna naturalne roślinne
Zbiory muzealne
Abramov, Mikhail Yuryevitch (1963- )
Ajvazovskij, Ivan Konstantinovič (1817-1900)
Akademizm (szt.plast.)
Album, Stephen (1942- )
Architektura niemiecka
Architektura polska
Architektura żydowska
Artyści polscy
Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies
Borelowski, Marcin (1829-1863)
British Museum
Budownictwo miejskie
Bueren, Truus van (1946- )
Central'nyj Voenno-Morskoj Muzej (Petersburg)
Chemia analityczna
Drukowanie przestrzenne
Fotografia amerykańska
Fotografia rosyjska
Freer Gallery of Art
Gale, William L. (1934-2007)
Gosudarstvennaâ Tret'âkovskaâ galereâ
Grafika francuska
Grafika rosyjska
Grand Palais (Paryż)
Hayward Gallery (Londyn)
Historiografia bizantyńska
Ikony rosyjskie
Inhibitory korozji
Katarzyna II (cesarzowa Rosji ; 1729-1796)
Kolaż rosyjski
Komunikacja międzykulturowa
Korozja i erozja
Köhler, Lorenz
Laki barwne
Malarstwo austriackie
Malarstwo niemieckie
Malarstwo polskie
Medale amerykańskie
Medale rosyjskie
Mendelsohn, Erich (1887-1953)
Millet, Jean-François (1814-1875)
Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury (Kraków)
Monety Afryki
Monety Azji
Monety arabskie
Monety celtyckie
Monety rosyjskie
Monety ruskie
Monety rzymskie
Temat: czas
100-1 p.n.e.
200-101 p.n.e.
300-201 p.n.e.
400-301 p.n.e.
500-401 p.n.e.
600-501 p.n.e.
700-601 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Azja Mniejsza
Bliski Wschód
Połock (okręg)
Złota Orda
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
Katalogi aukcyjne
Katalogi numizmatyczne
Katalogi zbiorów
Mowy pogrzebowe polskie
Źródła historyczne
65 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Dod. s. tyt.: Catherine the Great and Stanisław August : two enlightened monarchs
Bibliogr. s. 298-309.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 22425 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/8 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Publikacja towarzysząca wystawie: Gosudarstvennaâ Tret'âkovskaâ galereâ, Moskwa, 28 września 2017 - 14 stycznia 2018.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23488 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen ; 137)
Arenthals Jeannette van (1963- ). Bijsterveld Arnoud-Jan A. (1962- ). Ragetli Kim (1982- ). Weijert Rolf de. Bijsterveld Arnoud-Jan A. (1962- ). Royal burial places in Western Europe Boer Dick E. H. de (1947- ). Metra de Morte Bøggild Johannsen Birgitte (1948- ). "Cum tota posteritas digne ut meruit simul honorare nequeat" Breure Leendert (1949- ). The richness of Memoria and the Web Defoer Henri L. M. (1936- ). The Triptych of the Pauw-Sas Family from the Utrecht Charterhouse Dikken Charlotte (1984- ). A monument to a glorious past and a questionable future? Engen Hildo van (1972- ). Memor esto mei Goudriaan Koen (1950- ). Geert Grote: a founder fading into oblivion? Horch Caroline (1959- ). Das steinerne Festbuch als "Memorialbild" Hoven van Genderen Bram van den (1957- ). Memoria and Amende Honorable in the Utrecht Collegiate Chapter of St Mary Leerdam Andrea van (1981- ). The Last Judgement with Christian II of Denmark and Isabella of Austria Meuwissen Daantje (1970- ). The Last Judgement with Christian II of Denmark and Isabella of Austria Oexle Otto Gerhard (1939-2016). Fama und memoria der Wissenschaft in der Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit Oosterwijk Sophie (1959- ). Babes on brackets on medieval tomb monuments: a meaningful distinction or an iconographic oddity? Ragetli Kim (1982- ). In word and deed Ragetli Kim (1982- ). Living memoria Schilp Thomas (1953- ). Memoria in der Dunkelheit der Nacht Schleif Corine. Mapping the social topography of memorials Speetjens Annemarie (1971- ). The Founder, the Chaplain and the ecclesiastical authorities Trio Paul (1958- ). Obituaries or anniversary books: handle with care! Weijert Rolf de. Gift-giving practises in the Utrecht Charterhouse Weijert Rolf de. Living memoria Wüstefeld Wilhelmina C.M. (1953- ). Clavicula Salomonis or: occult affairs in Amsterdam's Kalverstraat?
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 379-413.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31951 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Amosov M. A. Novyj tip mednyh monet iz Kolomny Bespalov Roman Anatol'evič. Štempeľ dlâ čekanki podražanij džučidskim monetam iz sela Selivanova Tuľskoj oblasti Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 774-776 gg. Burgačov A. I. Klad monet vtoroj četverti XV v. iz Kajbickogo rajona Respubliki Tatarstan Dobromyslov Leonid Borisovič. Monetnaâ čekanka Madžara Rubeža 780-790 gg. Ermolov Fëdor Valentinovič. Monetnaâ čekanka Madžara Rubeža 780-790 gg. Fiľ A. V. Klad trëhgrannyh rublej iz okrestnostej Rečicy Gaev A. G. Pečati protoproèdra Evstafiâ Golemihov A. V. O puansonnoj tehnike izgotovleniâ štempelej gruppy vostočnoevropejskih kufičeskih podražanij na rubeže IX-X vv. Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Monetnyj kompleks X v. iz Vladimirskoj Oblasti Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Ob odnostoronnih kufičeskih monetah X v. iz vostočnoevropejskih nahodok Gromyko A. A. Neopisannyj litovskij polugroš Aleksandra Âgellona s unikaľnym tipom reversa Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Klad trëhgrannyh rublej iz okrestnostej Rečicy Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Paleografičeskie čerty vislyh aktovyh pečatej sfragističeskogo tipa "gospodnoe slovo" XI-XII vv. Kupcov A. E. Klad monet vtoroj četverti XV v. iz Kajbickogo rajona Respubliki Tatarstan Lejbov V. L. Gruppa tverskih monet Velikogo knâzâ Ivana s izobraženiem sokoľnika Leonov B. I. Pozdnedžučidskie severokavkazkie monety s izobraženiem šestilepestkovogo cvetka Markov Vladimir Viktorovič (1966- ). Smolensk i ego okrestnosti v XIV-XV vv. po dannym numizmatiki, arheologii i pis'mennym istočnikam Petrov A. N. Paleografičeskie čerty vislyh aktovyh pečatej sfragističeskogo tipa "gospodnoe slovo" XI-XII vv. Rodionov A. S. O dvuh tipah monet Mihaila Andreeviča Verejskogo "russkaâ legenda / vsadnik s zanesennym mečom" Šapošnik V. G. Novye nahodki severskih podražanij s "knâžeskim znakom" Ševčuk A. A. Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 774-776 gg. Sorokin I. Û. Datirovka novgorodskih zamkov-cilindrov so znakami Rûrikovičej po dannym sfragistiki Šulepko M. I. Kompleks russkih monet serediny 1420-x gg. iz Ardatovskogo rajona Nižegorodskoj oblasti Tiguncev Û. G. Vesovoj kompleks serediny X - načala XI v. dlâ vzvešivaniâ cennostej iz Brânskoj Oblasti Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Kompleks russkih monet serediny 1420-x gg. iz Ardatovskogo rajona Nižegorodskoj oblasti Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Poludengi Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo konca XIV-načala XV v., čekannye v Pereslavle-Zalesskom Volkov Ivan Vladimirovič. Gruppa tverskih monet Velikogo knâzâ Ivana s izobraženiem sokoľnika Volkov Ivan Vladimirovič. "Novgorodskij denežnyj dvor" ili "Novgorodskie denežnye dvory" pri Ivane III? Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). O klade monet s polupoltinami 1654 g. iz Smolenskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Pereslavskie dengi litovskogo knâzâ Dmitriâ Oľgerdoviča Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Kompleks podražanij s berega reki Leâ Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Novye nahodki severskih podražanij s "knâžeskim znakom" Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Pozdnedžuidskie severokavkazkie monety s izobraženiem šestilepestkovogo cvetka Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. O novyh nahodkah vislyh pečatej knâzâ Mstislava (Konstantina) Vladimiroviča
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda. Vyp. 6
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/6 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Studies in Conservation. Supplement ; 3)
Rivers Shayne. Saunders David. Anderson Mark. A hint of Orient in an Americana collection: investigatinos into Chinese export furniture at Winterthur Museum Auffret Stéphanie (1974- ). A hint of Orient in an Americana collection: investigatinos into Chinese export furniture at Winterthur Museum Berg Rita. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Berger Cordula (1955- ). Searching for blood in Chinese lacquerware: zhu xie hui Chang Julie. Reconstructing lacquer technology through Chinese classical texts Chang Julie. The reproduction of realistic samples of Chinese export lacquer for research Chang Julie. Some observations on the composition of Chinese lacquer Chao Raina. Compensation for small loses to lacquer and inlaid decoration using paper fills painted and glazed in situ Chao Raina. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Dias Cristina Maria Barrocas (1964- ). Simplified Chinese lacquer techniques and Nanban style decoration on Luso-Asian objects from the late sixteenth or early seventeenth centuries Dias Luis. Simplified Chinese lacquer techniques and Nanban style decoration on Luso-Asian objects from the late sixteenth or early seventeenth centuries Duin Paul van. Bending Asian lacquer in eighteenth-century Paris: new discoveries Ebert Bettina (1983- ). A technical analysis of paint media used in twentieth-century Vietnamese lacquer paintings Feston Briana. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Grießer Martina (1968- ). The technical investigation of an eighteenth-century Chinese imperial carved lacquer screen and its role in developing an appropriate conservation treatment Grießer Martina (1968- ). Searching for blood in Chinese lacquerware: zhu xie hui Hagelskamp Christina. Bending Asian lacquer in eighteenth-century Paris: new discoveries Hatchfield Pamela B. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Heginbotham Arlen. Bending Asian lacquer in eighteenth-century Paris: new discoveries Heginbotham Arlen. Some observations on the composition of Chinese lacquer Heginbotham Arlen. Beyond the basics: a systematic approach for comprehensive analysis of organic materials in Asian lacquers Hrdličková Kučková Štěpánka. Searching for blood in Chinese lacquerware: zhu xie hui Hsu Hsin-hui. Fusing and refreshing the memory: conserving a Chinese lacquered Buddha sculpture in London Johnson Galante Diana. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Jordan Christiane. The technical investigation of an eighteenth-century Chinese imperial carved lacquer screen and its role in developing an appropriate conservation treatment Keulen Henk van. Beyond the basics: a systematic approach for comprehensive analysis of organic materials in Asian lacquers Khanjian Herant. Some observations on the composition of Chinese lacquer Kitagawa Erin. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Körber Ulrike. Simplified Chinese lacquer techniques and Nanban style decoration on Luso-Asian objects from the late sixteenth or early seventeenth centuries Mass Jennifer L. A hint of Orient in an Americana collection: investigatinos into Chinese export furniture at Winterthur Museum Matsen Catherine. A hint of Orient in an Americana collection: investigatinos into Chinese export furniture at Winterthur Museum Mesmaeker Delphine. The Japanese Tower at the Royal Domain in Laeken: a remarkable application of Japanese lacquer techniques in Belgium Miklin Richard. The technical investigation of an eighteenth-century Chinese imperial carved lacquer screen and its role in developing an appropriate conservation treatment Miklin-Kniefacz Silvia. Searching for blood in Chinese lacquerware: zhu xie hui Miklin-Kniefacz Silvia. The technical investigation of an eighteenth-century Chinese imperial carved lacquer screen and its role in developing an appropriate conservation treatment Pace Jessica. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Parson Walther (1966- ). Searching for blood in Chinese lacquerware: zhu xie hui Petersen W. Christian. A hint of Orient in an Americana collection: investigatinos into Chinese export furniture at Winterthur Museum Petisca Maria João. A hint of Orient in an Americana collection: investigatinos into Chinese export furniture at Winterthur Museum Pitthard Václav (1966- ). Searching for blood in Chinese lacquerware: zhu xie hui Pitthard Václav (1966- ). The technical investigation of an eighteenth-century Chinese imperial carved lacquer screen and its role in developing an appropriate conservation treatment Randall Megan. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Rivers Shayne. A preliminary examination of urushi-based conservation options for the treatment of photodegraded Japanese lacquer using scanning electorn microscopy and profilometry Rivers Shayne. Editorial Saunders David. Editorial Schilling Michael R. Beyond the basics: a systematic approach for comprehensive analysis of organic materials in Asian lacquers Schilling Michael R. Reconstructing lacquer technology through Chinese classical texts Schilling Michael R. The reproduction of realistic samples of Chinese export lacquer for research Schilling Michael R. Simplified Chinese lacquer techniques and Nanban style decoration on Luso-Asian objects from the late sixteenth or early seventeenth centuries Schilling Michael R. Some observations on the composition of Chinese lacquer Schilling Michael R. A technical analysis of paint media used in twentieth-century Vietnamese lacquer paintings Stanek Sabine. Searching for blood in Chinese lacquerware: zhu xie hui Stanek Sabine. The technical investigation of an eighteenth-century Chinese imperial carved lacquer screen and its role in developing an appropriate conservation treatment Strahan Donna K. Measuring mercury emissions from cinnabar lacquer objects Sully Dean. Fusing and refreshing the memory: conserving a Chinese lacquered Buddha sculpture in London Szelewski Mike. Beyond the basics: a systematic approach for comprehensive analysis of organic materials in Asian lacquers Taylor Ambrose C. A preliminary examination of urushi-based conservation options for the treatment of photodegraded Japanese lacquer using scanning electorn microscopy and profilometry Thei Judith. A preliminary examination of urushi-based conservation options for the treatment of photodegraded Japanese lacquer using scanning electorn microscopy and profilometry Tjiong Amy. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Toro Manuela. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Tsukada Masahiko. Measuring mercury emissions from cinnabar lacquer objects Watson Adsit Kristen. Reduced, reused, recycled: the treatment and redisplay of a repurposed seventeenth-century coromandel lacquer screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence Webb Marianne. The reproduction of realistic samples of Chinese export lacquer for research
Indeks R0: BMNK
Jest to suplement nr 3 do czasopisma: Studies in Conservation. Vol. 61 (2016).
Bibliogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25068 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Amosov M. A. Ob odnom iz rannih tipov nadčekanok Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 772-773 gg. h. Č. 1, (772 g. h.) Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Klad dangov iz okrestnostej Azova načala 1370-godov Bugarčev Aleksej Igorevič. Monety XV veka s solârnym znakom Dergačeva L. V. Nadčekanka monety v Moldavii i Litve v pervoj polovine XV v. po dannym klada iz ukrainskogo sela Stižok Dobromyslov Leonid Borisovič. Praktika èksporta monetnyh štempelej Saraj Al-Džedida pri hane Toktamyše. Č. 3 Ermolov Fëdor Valentinovič. Praktika èksporta monetnyh štempelej Saraj Al-Džedida pri hane Toktamyše. Č. 3 Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O nekotoryh raznovidnostâh deneg Vasiliâ I s izobraženiem dvunogžogo drakona Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O rannem poreformennom tipe deneg Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo so vsadnikom s mečom Guba K. A. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Atribuciâ aktovyh pečatej pervogo polockogo knâzâ Rogvoloda Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Dve zametki o platežnyh slitkah ruskogo srednevekov'â Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Eŝe raz o denežnom sčete domongoľskoj Rusi Morozov A. A. Issledovaniâ sostava metalla metodom RFA i rekonstrukciâ monetnogo čekana v Krymskom Hanstva pri Sahib Girae I Orlov Kirill Vladimirovič‏. Novyj tip anonimnyh deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Orlov Kirill Vladimirovič‏. Ob odnom tipe deneg knâzâ Andreâ Dmitrieviča Možajskogo Petrov A. N. Atribuciâ aktovyh pečatej pervogo polockogo knâzâ Rogvoloda Petrov A. N. Nadčekanka monety v Moldavii i Litve v pervoj polovine XV v. po dannym klada iz ukrainskogo sela Stižok Romanov Sergej Ûr'evič. Gruppa monet c nadpis'û "FEDOTOVA" iz Sobolevskogo kompleksa 1408-1410 gg. Romanov Sergej Ûr'evič. Novye nahodki monetnyh kompleksov XVII v. iz Centraľnoj Rossii Sarajkin Aleksandr Sergeevič. Dva klada mednyh monet Alekseâ Mihajloviča Šatohin Gerbert Gennadievič. Dva klada mednyh monet Alekseâ Mihajloviča Savčenko Aleksej Sergeevič. Novgorodskie monety perioda pravleniâ Borisa Godunova Ševčuk A. A. Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 772-773 gg. h. Č. 1, (772 g. h.) Ševčuk A. A. Klad dangov iz okrestnostej Azova načala 1370-godov Štalenkov Ìl'â Mìkalaevìč. Serebrânnye grivny iz sobranii Nacionaľnogo Muzeâ v Varšave Šulepko M. I. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Tiškin V. E. Berëzovskij kompleks džučidskih dangov i podražanij, tezavrirovannyj v načale pravleniâ hana Pulada Tiškin V. E. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Novyj tip anonimnyh deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O nekotoryh raznovidnostâh deneg Vasiliâ I s izobraženiem dvunogžogo drakona Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O rannem poreformennom tipe deneg Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo so vsadnikom s mečom Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Ob odnom tipe deneg knâzâ Andreâ Dmitrieviča Možajskogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Poludenga Âroslavskogo knâžestva Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Neskoľko redkih i neopisannyh monet iz nahodok v Naro-Fominskom rajone Moskovskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). O proishoždenij vesovoj normy rannih deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Berëzovskij kompleks džučidskih dangov i podražanij, tezavrirovannyj v načale pravleniâ hana Pulada Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Džučidskij han Abu-l-Hajr i ego monety Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. K voprosu o nazvanii nominala serebrânyh monet Zolotoj Ordy v XV v. Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Vislye pečati knâzâ Aleksandra Âroslaviča Nevskogo 1228-1263 gg. Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Ob atribucii vislyh pečatej velikih knâaej vladimirskih (pervaâ polovina XIII v.)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda. Vyp. 4
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/4 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Special Publication / International Association of Professional Numismatists ; no 12)
Callataÿ François de (1961- ). Colaert Maurice. Hackens Tony (1939-1997). Laere Raf van. Moucharte Ghislaine. Naster Paul (1913-1998). Van Driessche Véronique. Acquaro Enrico (1943- ). La monetazione punica dell'Africa del Nord, della Sardegna e della Sicilia Amandry Michel (1949- ). De la mort de César à Domitien (44 avant J.-C. - 96 après J.-C.) Amandry Michel (1949- ). Le monnayage provincial romain (44 avant J.-C. - 276 après J.-C.) Amandry Michel (1949- ). Liste des sites archéologiques avec trouvailles de monnaies romaines Arnold Paul (1936- ). Thüringen, Sachen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Brandenburg-Preussen Arslan Ermanno A. Italia Barag Dan (1935-2009). Jewish coins in hellenistic and roman times Bopearachchi Osmund. Le monnayage de la Bactriane et de l'Inde antique Borba Florenzano Maria Beatriz (1952- ). Sicily: the hellenictic period (from c. 400 B.C.) Brem H. J. Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Callataÿ François de (1961- ). Asie Mineure hellénistique Clain-Stefanelli Elvira Eliza (1914-2001). General Depeyrot Georges (1953- ). Le Bas-Empire Depeyrot Georges (1953- ). Liste des sites archéologiques avec trouvailles de monnaies romaines Dimitrov Kamen D. Balkans and "East Celts" Djalaganija I. Géorgie médievale Doundoua G. Géorgie antique Doyen Jean-Marc (1954- ). L'Empire romain de Pertinaux à la réforme monétaire de Dioclétien (193-294 après J.-C.) Doyen Jean-Marc (1954- ). Liste des sites archéologiques avec trouvailles de monnaies romaines Fussman Gérard (1940- ). Monnaies kouchanes et monnayages de type sassanide Gedai István (1934- ). Hungary and the Eastern Balkans Peninsula Godet É. Éthiopie antique et moderne Gyselen Rika. Monnaies kouchanes et monnayages de type sassanide Hackens Tony (1939-1997). Grèce et Balkans hellénistiques Hackens Tony (1939-1997). Préface Hásková Jarmila (1936-2007). Tchechoslowakei Hebert Raymond J. General Holloway Robert Ross (1934- ). Sicily: archaic and classical Ilisch Peter (1947- ). Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Schleswig-Holstein Jensen J. St. Scandinavia Jha Amiteshwar (1963- ). Ancient India Jungwirth Helmut. Österreich Karamesíni-Oikonomídou Mánto (1927-2015). Grèce et Asie Mineure archaïques et classiques Klüßendorf Niklot (1944- ). Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Rhainland-Pfalz und Saarland Kondis S. L'Égypte ptolémaïque Lemaire André (1942- ). Le monnayage phénicien Marchetti Patrick. La République romaine: du début du monnayage à 44 avant J.-C. Metcalf David Michael (1933-2018). The Latin Orient Michaelidou-Nicolaou I. Cyprus: archaic to roman times Mikołajczyk Andrzej (1948-1991). Poland Mildenberg Leo (1913-2001). Palästina in der persischen Zeit Mildenberg Leo (1913-2001). The Levant - Le Levant - Die Levante Mirnik Ivan A. Western Balkan Peninsula in the medieval and modern period Moucharte Ghislaine. Grèce et Balkans hellénistiques Parise Nicola F. (1930- ). Unità ponderali e circolazione metallica nell'Oriente mediterraneo Picard Olivier (1940- ). Grèce et Asie Mineure archaïques et classiques Potin Vsevolod Mihajlovič (1918-2005). Numismatique russe et occidentale (jusqu'au début du XIXe s.) en USSR Sévérova Marianna Borisovna (1927-2005). Numismatique russe et occidentale (jusqu'au début du XIXe s.) en USSR Scheers Simone. Les monnayges celtiques de l'Quest et du Centre de l'Europe Taliercio Mensitieri Marina (1950- ). La magna Grecia Van Heesch Johan. From Nerva to Commodus Van Heesch Johan. Liste des sites archéologiques avec trouvailles de monnaies romaines Vignaux A.-L. La République romaine: du début du monnayage à 44 avant J.-C. Vignaux A.-L. Les Sèleucides Villaronga Leandre (1919-2015). Penisula Ibérica Virk W. Thüringen, Sachen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Brandenburg-Preussen Wenning Robert (1946- ). Die Nabatäische Münzprägung Yannopoulos Panayotis (1938- ). Numismatique byzantine
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. w przypisach do art. Indeks w vol. 2.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. II 34522/1 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Brooks Mary M. Eastop Dinah. Whalen Timothy P. Foreword Brooks Mary M. Acknowledgmenst Eastop Dinah. Acknowledgmenst Brooks Mary M. Editors' preface Eastop Dinah. Editors' preface Eastop Dinah. Introduction Brooks Mary M. Introduction Brooks Mary M. Reflecting absence and presence Ishii Mie. Conserving an Ainu robe within the framework of Japan's cultural property preservation policy Atkinson Henry L. "Wrapped in country" Couzens Vicki (1960). "Wrapped in country" Darroch Lee (1957- ). "Wrapped in country" Grieves Genevieve (1976- ). "Wrapped in country" Hamilton Samantha. "Wrapped in country" Jones-Amin Holly. "Wrapped in country" Nicholson Mandy. "Wrapped in country" Reynolds Amanda (1971- ). "Wrapped in country" Te Kanawa Rangi. Kahu ora Tamarapa Awhina (1966- ). Kahu ora Peranteau Anne. Kahu ora Bayer Anja. Preserving and displaying archaeological garments via pressure mounting Uden Jeremy S. Conservation and display of the tahitian mourner's costume at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Richardson Heather M. Conservation and display of the tahitian mourner's costume at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Lee Rachael. Conservation and display of the tahitian mourner's costume at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Slocombe Emma. Dress in the limelight Tinker Zenzie. Dress in the limelight Gill Kathryn. Making sense of a fragmentary coat found concealed within a building Paula Teresa Cristina Toledo de (1959- ). Back to black Gresswell Claire. Concepts in practice Hashagen Joanna. Concepts in practice Wood Janet. Concepts in practice Scaturro Sarah. Delicate balance Fung Joyce. Delicate balance Ford Micheline. Fashion as art Leong Roger (1961- ). Fashion as art Wilcox Claire (1954- ). Radicalizing the representation of fashion Behlen Beatrice. Peopling the Pleasure Garden Supianek-Chassay Christine. Peopling the Pleasure Garden Yeung Evita S. Dramatic effects on a static stage Cheung Angela Yuenkuen. Dramatic effects on a static stage Phillips Kristin. Conserving damage Mortier Bianca M. du. Moving forward together Meijer Suzan. Moving forward together
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy rozdz. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 30866 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Zabytki Toruńskie Młodszego Pokolenia)
Na grzbiecie tytuł serii.
Materiały konferencyjne: 11 maja 2019 r., Toruń.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 33931 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bowron Edgar Peters (1943- ). Rishel Joseph J. (1940- ). Barroero Liliana (1947- ). Arcadian Rome, universal capital of the arts Francisci Osti Ornella. Key figures in eighteenth-century Rome Johns Christopher M. S. (1955-2022). The entrepôt of Europe Seydl Jon L. (1969- ). Chronology Susinno Stefano. Arcadian Rome, universal capital of the arts Achilles Syndram Katrin. Androsov Sergej Olegovič (1948- ). Arcangeli Luciano. Bacchi Andrea. Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Barberini Maria Giulia. Barroero Liliana (1947- ). Beddington Charles. Bellanger Sylvain. Bessone Silvana. Bindman David (1940- ). Blum Dilys (1947- ). Bowron Edgar Peters (1943- ). Painters and painting in Settecento Rome Bryan Melissa Lee. Calbi Emilia. Campbell Malcolm (1934- ). Piranesi and innovation an eighteenth-century Roman printmaking Campbell Richard James (1948- ). Caracciolo Maria Teresa (1949- ). Carlson Victor. Ceen Allan. Cioffi Irene. Cipriani Angela. Collins Jeffrey Laird (1963- ). Conisbee Philip (1946-2008). Cullen Fintan (1954- ). Felicetti Chiara. Fogelman Peggy. Francisci Osti Ornella. Garstang Donald. González-Palacios Alvar (1936- ). Open Queries: Short notes about the Decorative Arts in Rome Graf Dieter (1936-2020). Grandesso Stefano. Harper James G. (1965- ). Howard Seymour (1928- ). Johns Christopher M. S. (1955-2022). Johnston Catherine. Kentworthy-Browne John. Kieven Elisabeth. Kragelund Patrick. Laveissière Sylvain. Leone Rossella. Lo Bianco Anna. McCormick Thomas J. (1925- ). Marandel J. Patrice. Martin Frank. Michel Olivier (1928-2015). Minor Vernon Hyde. (1945-). Montagu Jennifer (1931- ). Morna Teresa Freitas. Olausson Magnus (1956- ). Ottani Cavina Anna (1939- ). Pansecchi Fiorella. Percy Ann. Drawings and artistic production in eighteenth-century Rome Pinto John A. (1948- ). Architecture and urbanism Poulet Anne L. Prosperi Valenti Rodinò Simonetta (1946- ). Roettgen Steffi (1941- ). Rosenberg Pierre (1936- ). Rudolph Stella. Schmittmann Isabella. Schuttwolf Allmuth. Seydl Jon L. (1969- ). Susinno Stefano. Valeriani Roberto. Walker Dean (1948-2005). An introduction to sculpture in Rome in the eighteenth century Walker Stefanie. Weinglass David H. Wolterstorff Robert Paul. (1960- ).
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. związana z wystawą: The Splendor of 18th-Century Rome w Philadelphia Museum of Art od 16 marca do 28 maja 2000 i Museum of Fine Arts, Houston od 25 czerwca do 27 września 2000.
Bibliogr. s. 592-620. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24623 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Schriftenreihe der Bet-Tfila-Forschungsstelle für Jüdische Architektur in Europa ; Bd. 10)
Keßler Katrin. Kienlin Alexander von (1967- ). Knufinke Ulrich. Weber Annette. Athias Renato (1953- ). Memory and architectural preservation of the first synagogue in the Americas Crowdus Miranda L. Redefining the "music-object": dissonances in the material representation / display of the synagogue Derda Hans-Jürgen (1955- ). Interfaith dialogue: a concept of a museum of religions at the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum (Brunswick State Museum) Dick Jutta (1953- ). Dynamics of a room Epstein-Mil Ron (1953- ). Synagogues in Switzerland - a special case? Gambašidze Givi. Museum - place of peace - The David Baazov Museum of history of the Jews of Georgia and Georgian-Jewish relations Gantner Eszter B. Synagogues as space of conflicts: the formal synagogue in Esztergom, Hungary Grellert Marc. Synagogues in Germany Grübel Monika. LVR - Cultural Centre Rödingen Village Synagogue Haas Hans-Christof. The Sukkah of Rabbi Mendel Rosenbaum in Zell am Main / Lower Franconia: tradition - research - presentation Hajmovič Boris (1955- ). Museum of Jewish History in Russia: its goals and its activities Keil Martha. "Who needs the Judentempel?" - the former synagogue of St. Pölten (Lower Austria) and its cultural location Kienlin Alexander von (1967- ). Ancient synagogues as historical source Knufinke Ulrich. Synagogues in museum, synagogues as museums, synagogues and museums - introductory reflections on an ambivalent subject Kravcov Sergej R. The Jewish Museum in L’viv: genius loci and realpolitik Offe Sabine (1945- ). Synagogues as trace Orgad Zvi (1969- ). Synagogue on display: the case of the Unterlimpurg prayer room Ristow Sebastian. The medieval synagogue of Cologne: archaeology and exhibition concept in the new museum “MiQua” Rodov Il'â (1968- ). Synagogue as museum: ritual and expositio Rudolf Gabi. The Arnstein Synagogue: a visual fragment of (almost) invisible Jewish history in Lower Franconia Schönhagen Benigna (1952- ). The example of Augsburg Schorsch Ismar (1935- ). You can’t be holy alone Simhony Naomi. Synagogue exhibitions in National Museums in the State of Israel Twiehaus Christiane (1976- ). The medieval synagogue of Cologne: archaeology and exhibition concept in the new museum “MiQua” Wächter Konstantin. Berlin: authenticity of former synagogue sites - heritage in the void Weber Annette. Synagogues and museums and their perception in German public culture before and after World War II
Indeks R0: BMNK
Mat. konferencji Synagogue and museum w Brunszwiku, w listopadzie 2016.
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24639 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Brommelle Norman S. Smith Perry. Baer Norbert S. (1938- ). Berger Gustav A. (1920-2006). Formulating adhesives for the conservation of paintings Biemann Klaus (1926-2016). Bykova Galina Zaharovna. Delbourgo Suzy. Application of the electron microprobe to the study of some Italian paintings from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century Feller Robert L. (1919-2018). Problems in the investigation of picture varnishes Feller Robert L. (1919-2018). The relative solvent power needed to remove various aged solvent-type coatings Flieder Françoise (1929-2017). Frinta Mojmír Svatopluk (1932- ). On the punched decoration in mediaeval panel painting and manuscript illumination Gallo Fausta. The work of the biology laboratory, Istituto di Patologia del Libro, during the ten years from 1961 to 1972 Gay Marie Christine. Application of the staining method to cross-sections in the study of the media of various italian paintings of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries Gettens Rutherford J. (1900-1974). Japanese paintings - technical studies at the freer gallery of arts Graaf J. A. van de. Harley Rosamond Drusilla (1934- ). Artists' brushes - historical evidence from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century Hulmer Eric C. Notes on the formulation and application of acrylic coatings Indictor Norman. Ivanova A. V. Joel Abraham. Johnson Ben B. Oriental mounting techniques in the conservation of Western prints and drawings King Antoinette G. Conservation of the collage roses by Juan Gris Lank Herbert. Picture varnishes formulated with resin MS2A Lazzarini Lorenzo (1947- ). Margaritoff Tasso. Removing successive layers of painting - further work Masschelein-Kleiner Liliane. Contribution to the study of aged proteinaceous media Mills John S. (1928- ). The gas chromatographic examination of paint media. Some examples of medium identification in paintings by fatty acid analysis Mills John S. (1928- ). The identification of paint media - an introduction Mokrecova Inna Pavlovna. Murrell Jim. The restoration of portrait miniatures Pas Monique de. Pemberton-Pigott Viola. Plahter Leif Einar (1929-2016). Plahter Unn (1936- ). Plesters Joyce. Plossi Zappalà Mariagrazia. Rabin Bernard. Radosavlević Vera. Rogers George de Witt. Stolow Nathan (1928- ). Watherston Margaret M. Weidner Marilyn Kemp. Weiss Norman R. White Raymond. Wilson William K. (1913-2003).
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencji: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works zorg. w Lizbonie w październiku 1972.
Bibliogr. w przypisach przy ref. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24470 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries / edited by Robin Howells, ISSN 1422-7320 ; 33)
Howells Robin J. Kearns James (1947- ). Mill Alister. Bakkali Baach Sarah. Le Salon et le marché de l'art moderne à Paris (1791-1799) Bertinet Arnaud (1977- ). La question du Salon au Louvre 1850-1853 Bonnet Alain. Le prix du Salon Bouillo Eva (1976- ). Le Salon des Refusés ne date pas de 1863! Les enjeux d'un face à face entre le Salon de l'opposition et le Salon officiel en 1827 Brauer Fae. 'Turquet's Turkey': ending the Salon Cazes Laurent (1979- ). Usages et enjeux de l'exposition au Salon pour les peintres étrangers, 1852-1881 Dewitte Debra J. The exhibition of drowings, apstels and watercolours in the French Salon: 1863-1881 Gavoille Aurélie. Étienne-Jean Delécluze (1781-1863), un observateur privilégié du Salon au XIXe siècle Granuzzo Elena. The Paris Salons 1791-1881: controversies and debates in the North of Italy in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Griffiths Harriet. The Academy and the Salon Jury, 1831-1848 Harkett Daniel. Delphine Gay and the Paris Salon Kearns James (1947- ). Introduction Kearns James (1947- ). Legislating for the Salon, 1830-1833 Klewitz Vera. Between capitals and provinces: the French painter Sophie Rude (1797-1867) Longbois-Canil Christophe (1973- ). Les Salon de 1843 et de 1844, miroirs d'une époque McQueen Alison. Shifting institutional practices during the Second Empire: the Salon Lottery of 1859 Mill Alister. Artists at the Salon during the July Monarchy Seave Greenwald Diana (1989- ). The demand for peasants: a statistical analysis of rural imagery at the Paris Salon Siegfried Susan L. Salon and early republican experiments in state patronage Vaisse Pierre. Exposer hors du Salon Valverde Isabel (1959- ). L'influence des Salons au-delà des frontières nationales: le cas des Exposiciones Nacionales de Bellas Artes Whiteley Jon (1945-2020). Literature and painting at the Paris Salon, 1699-1881 Wijnsouw Jana. Sculpting a national career abroad: Belgian sculptors at the Paris Salon Wrigley Richard. Au seuil du Salon
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: University of Exeter, wrzesień 2013 r.
Bibliogr. s. 447-462. Indeks.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Dział Nowoczesnego Polskiego Malarstwa i Rzeźby (Sukiennice) sygn. II 35722 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 33145 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bibliogr. publ. S. Albuma s. XXI-XXIII. Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 24523 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, Jan van Leeuwen, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 7616)
Caffo Rosella. Davies Rob. Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Ioannides Marinos. Leissner Johanna. Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Goos Gerhard (1937- ). Hartmanis Juris (1928- ). Leeuwen Jan van (1946- ). Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Image-based low-cost systems for automatic 3D recording and modelling of archaeological finds and objects Lindstaedt Maren. Image-based low-cost systems for automatic 3D recording and modelling of archaeological finds and objects Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Cefalu Alessandro. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Wenzel Konrad (1986- ). Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Trinks Immo (1972- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Neubauer Wolfgang (1963- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Doneus Michael (1967- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Hollaus Fabian. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Gau Melanie. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Sablatnig Robert. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Del Pizzo Silvio. Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Troisi Salvatore. Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Keller Friedrich (1943- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Saenger Jerome. Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Schiewe Jochen (1965- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Balzani Marcello (1962- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Bughi Carlo. Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Ferrari Federico (1969- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Rossato Luca (1979- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Tursi Alessandra. Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Moussa Wassim (1979- ). Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Bernikola Eirini. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Tsiranidou Elsa. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Tornarē Bibē. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Detalle Vincent (1969- ). Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Bodnar Jean Luc. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Sidiropoulou-Velidou Dafni. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Georgopoulos Andreas. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Lerma García José Luis. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Doulamis Nikolaos. On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Yiakoumettis Christos (1981- ). On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Miaoulis George. On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Drap Pierre. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Merad Djamal. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Seinturier Julien (1979- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Boï Jean-Marc (1956- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Peloso Daniela. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Vannini Guido (1949- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Nucciotti Michele. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Pruno Elisa. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Agapiou Athos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Hadjimitsis Diofantos G. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Georgopoulos Andreas. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Sarris Apostolos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Alexakis Dimitrios D. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Gigliarelli Elena. Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Carlea Donato (1953- ). Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Corcella Angela. Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Porfyriou Heleni (1956- ). Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Rodriguez Echavarria Karina. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Kaminski Jaime. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Arnold David B. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Fleury Philippe (1952- ). Reviving ancient Rome: virtual reality at the service of cultural heritage Madeleine Sophie (1980- ). Reviving ancient Rome: virtual reality at the service of cultural heritage Zotti Georg. Virtual reconstructions in a desktop planetarium for demonstrations in cultural astronomy Neubauer Wolfgang (1963- ). Virtual reconstructions in a desktop planetarium for demonstrations in cultural astronomy Fernández-Palacios Belén Jiménez. Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Rizzi Alessandro (1965- ). Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Nex Francesco. Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Rahaman Hafizur. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Das Rana. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Zahir Shehzad. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Virtual architectural 3D model of the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) of Königslutter, Germany through terrestial laser scanning Lindstaedt Maren. Virtual architectural 3D model of the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) of Königslutter, Germany through terrestial laser scanning Kioussi Anastasia. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Karoglou Maria. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Bakolas Asterios. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Blaško Miroslav (1983- ). Monument damage ontology Cacciotti Riccardo. Monument damage ontology Křemen Petr. Monument damage ontology Kouba Zdeněk (1960- ). Monument damage ontology Schröttner Martin. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Havemann Sven. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Theodoridou Maria. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Doerr Martin. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Fellner Dieter W. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Costamagna Erik. Semantic models for architectural heritage documentation Spanò Antonia. Semantic models for architectural heritage documentation Graf Roman. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Huber-Mörk Reinhold. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Schindler Alexander. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Schlarb Sven. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Carfagni Monica. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Furferi Rocco. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Governi Lapo. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Volpe Yary. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Tennirelli Giovanna. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Alrawi Osama Mohammad. Model-based user interface design for the Encyclopedia of Islamic Architecture Renda Giuseppina. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Gigli Stefania Quilici. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Amato Alba. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Venticinque Salvatore. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Di Martino Beniamino. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Cappa Francesca Romana. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Athanasiou George S. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Michail Harris E. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Gregoriades Andreas. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Ioannides Marinos. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Bein Matthias. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Peña Serna Sebastian. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Stork André. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Fellner Dieter W. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Doulamis Anastasios. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Kioussi Anastasia. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Karoglou Maria. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Matsatsinis Nikolaos. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Maronidis Anastasios. Automated methodology for assessing the damage on Byzantine icons Lanitis Andreas. Automated methodology for assessing the damage on Byzantine icons Stefani Chiara. 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Brunetaud Xavier (1978- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Janvier-Badosa Sarah (1986- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Beck Kevin (1978- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration De Luca Livio (1975- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Al-Mukhtar Muzahim (1957- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Žarnić Roko. Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Rajčić Vlatka. Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Pan Xueming. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Schiffer Thomas. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Schröttner Martin. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Berndt René. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Hecher Martin. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Havemann Sven. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Fellner Dieter W. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Vodopivec Barbara. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Eppich Rand. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Maxwell Ingval. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Gandini Alessandra. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Žarnić Roko. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Cessari Luciano. Heritage-led eco-regeneration: the case of Zhejiang Water Towns protection, restoration and preservation Gigliarelli Elena. Heritage-led eco-regeneration: the case of Zhejiang Water Towns protection, restoration and preservation Dimitropoulos Kosmas. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Gunay Osman. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Kose Kivanc. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Erden Faith. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Chaabane Ferdaous. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Tsalakanidou Filareti. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Grammalidis Nikos. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Cetin Enis Ahmet. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Grussenmeyer Pierre. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Burens Albane. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Moisan Emmanuel (1988- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Guillemin Samuel. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Carozza Laurent (1966- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Bourrillon Raphaëlle (1979- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Petrognani Stéphane (1980- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Bonacini Elisa (1975- ). Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark D'Agostino Graziana. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Galizia Mariateresa. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Santagati Cettina. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Sgarlata Mariarita. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Stavrakis Efstathios. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Aristidou Andreas. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Savva Maria. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Himona Stephania Loizidou. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Chrysanthou Yiorgos. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Smith Joanna S. (1965- ). Modeling the past: digital technologies and excavations in Polis, Cyprus Rusinkiewicz Szymon M. Modeling the past: digital technologies and excavations in Polis, Cyprus Karaszewski Maciej. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Hołowko Elwira. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Wojsz Jerzy. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Sitnik Robert. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Bunsch Eryk (1973- ). Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Nony Nicolas. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements De Luca Livio (1975- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Godet Aymeric. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Pierrot-Deseilligny Marc (1962- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Van Dongen Alexandre. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Vincitore Mauro. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Costantino Maria. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy) Angelini Maria Giuseppa. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy) Unver Ertu. Virtual Stonehenge reconstruction Taylor Andrew. Virtual Stonehenge reconstruction Verdiani Giorgio (1968- ). Ancient fragment collection at the Museo Archeologico in Florence, Italy, a digital proposal to allow its access Braghiroli Andrea. Ancient fragment collection at the Museo Archeologico in Florence, Italy, a digital proposal to allow its access Verdiani Giorgio (1968- ). Geometry behind the "Fontana di Sala Grande" a case study of reverse modeling Fantini Filippo. Geometry behind the "Fontana di Sala Grande" a case study of reverse modeling Andaroodi Elham. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos Taqipour Zeinab. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos Allotta Benedetto. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Bargagliotti Sergio. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Botarelli Lucia. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Caiti Andrea. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Calabrò V. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Casa G. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Cocco M. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Colantonio Sara (1979- ). Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Colombo C. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Costa S. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Fanfani Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Franchi L. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Gambogi P. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Gualdesi L. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites La Monica D. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Magrini Massimo. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Martinelli Massimo. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Moroni Davide. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Munafò A. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pace Gordon J. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Papa C. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pascali Maria Antonietta. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pieri Gabriele. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Reggiannini Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Righi Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Salvetti Ovidio. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Tampucci Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Themistocleous Kyriacos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Hadjimitsis Diofantos G. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Georgopoulos Andreas. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Agapiou Athos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Alexakis Dimitrios D. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Tato Mike. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Papanikolaou Petros. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Papagiannakis George. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Laska Tatyana V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Tcymbal Irina V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Petrova Yulia A. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Golubkov Sergey V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Faresin Emanuela. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Baschiera Adriano. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Salemi Giuseppe. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Asolati Michele. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Crisafulli Cristina. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Oreni Daniela. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Cuca Branka. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Brumana Raffaella. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Papantoniou Giorgos. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Loizides Fernando. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Lanitis Andreas. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Michaélidès Dimitri. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Gkintzou Christina. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Georgopoulos Andreas. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Valle Melón José Manuel. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Miranda Álvaro Rodríguez. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Charalambous Panayiotis. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Iliadou Hesperia. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Apostolou Charalambos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Chrysanthou Yiorgos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Berg Evy. Use of GIS in the National System for Cultural Heritage Management and Dissemination to the general public in Norway: case study: the heritage management database "Askeladden" and the system for dissemination to the public, "Kulturminnesøk" Bartolomucci Carla. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Trizio Ilaria. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Bonzagni Daniele. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Yang Wun-Bin. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Yen Ya-Ning. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Cheng Hung-Ming. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Grammeons Dimitris. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Zabulis Xenophon. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Michel Damien. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Padeleris Pashalis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Sarmis Thomas. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Georgalis Giannis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Koutlemanis Panagiotis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Tzevanidis Konstantinos. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Argyros Antonis A. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Sifakis Michalis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Adám-Veléni Polyxène. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Stephanidis Constantine. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Linaza Maria Teresa. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums García Ander. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums Rodriguez Mikel. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums Liestøl Gunnar. Solving the centre-periphery problem in cultural heritage by means of situated simulations Luzzi Damiana. Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case Baldi Marialuisa (1952- ). Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case Cerise Remi. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Graça Fernando da. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Magoulès Frédéric. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Callet Patrick. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Crable Charles. Venus: a unique fast, effective and safe publishing system for high-resolution 3D digital models Pekárek Aleš. Europeana Newspapers - a gateway to European newspapers online Willems Marieke. Europeana Newspapers - a gateway to European newspapers online Coralini Antonella. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Guidazzoli Antonella. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Lenzi Fiamma. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Spigarolo Micaela. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Baglivo Antonio. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Liguori Maria Chiara. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Hampson Cormac. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Agosti Maristella (1950- ). CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Orio Nicola. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Bailey Eoin. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Lawless Seamus. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Conlan Owen. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Wade Vincent. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Artese Maria Teresa. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web Gagliardi Isabella. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web Paneva-Marinova Desislava. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Pavlov Radoslav. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Goynov Maxim. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Parcero-Oubiña César (1969- ). Heritage-oriented spatial data infrastructures in Spain: waiting on the World to change Pantazis George (1965- ). Preserving monuments' astronomical orientation by using different databases Lobovikov-Katz Anna. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Konstanti Agoritsa. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Labropoulos Kyriakos. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Cassar JoAnn. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage De Angelis Roberta. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Izani Mohamad. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Grant Michael. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Razak Aishah. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Cappellini Valeria. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Stefani Chiara. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Nony Nicolas. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach De Luca Livio (1975- ). Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Harsányi Zoltán. Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Rozinajová Viera. Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Andrejčíková Nadežda (1966- ). Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Damala Areti (1976- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Stojanovic Nenad (1980- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Schuchert Tobias (1980- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Moragues Jorge. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Cabrera Ana. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Gilleade Kiel. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Grøntoft Terje (1962- ). MEMORI Technology - an innovative tools for the protection of movable cultural assets Dahlin Elin (1953- ). MEMORI Technology - an innovative tools for the protection of movable cultural assets Bernardi Adriana (1957- ). Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Becherini Francesca. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Bonazza Alessandra. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Krupińska Barbara. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Pockelè Luc. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Grieken René E. van (1945- ). Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project De Grandi Sandro. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Ozga Izabela. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Rico Alejandro Jose Veiga. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Mercero Oihana Garcia. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Vivarelli Arianna. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Wood Richard L. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Hutchinson Tara C. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Wittich Christine E. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Kuester Falko. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Markevicus Tomas. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Olsson Nina. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Carfagni Monica. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Furferi Rocco. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Governi Lapo. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Puggelli Luca. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Patelli Alessandro. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Favaro Monica. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Simon Stefan. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Storme Patrick. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Scopece Paolo. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Kamenova Veska. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Kamenarov Zdravko. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Lorenzon Andrea. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion De Voeght Frank. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Cordoncillo Elisa. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Machado T. R. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Ferrazza Livio. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Juanes David. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Torres Juan Carlos. Information system to analize cultural heritage information López L. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Romo C. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Soler F. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Myers David (1945- ). Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Dalgity Alison. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Avramides Ioannis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Wuthrich Dennis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Wittich Christine E. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Hutchinson Tara C. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Wood Richard L. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Kuester Falko. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis McKeague Peter. Historic environment and INSPIRE - a view from Scotland Yen Ya-Ning. CH based integrative management framework on the value priority aspect Newhouse Steven J. EGI: an open e-infrastructure ecosystem for the digital European research area and the humanities Brewer Stephen. EGI: an open e-infrastructure ecosystem for the digital European research area and the humanities Basso Peressut Luca. Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Postiglione Gennaro. Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Lanz Francesca (1980- ). Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Boochs Frank. COSCH - colour and space in cultural heritage, a new COST action starts Koussiaki Fotini. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Tornarē Bibē. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Kouloumpi Eleni. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Lembessis Alkis. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Juanes David. Computed tomography studies applied to polychromed sculpture: the making process in three different times Ferrazza Livio. Computed tomography studies applied to polychromed sculpture: the making process in three different times
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Dziewulski Michał (1978- ). Dziewulski Michał (1978- ). Ambassadors of dialogue - introduction Hatschek Christoph (1974- ). Blessing and curse of (military) diplomatic gifts Bogaerts Ilse. Value of donations: one hundred years of the acquisition policy of the Royal Army Museum, Brussels Allan Stuart. Re-capturing the British imperial past Lidchi Henrietta. Re-capturing the British imperial past Radway Robyn D. Misunderstanding Ottoman Europe: the material culture of the borderlands in Renaissance depictions of the Ottoman world Tetteris Karin (1967- ). Image of "the Other" - how a 17th-century Russian banner was interpreted by the Swedish victors Smith-Christmas Kenneth L. United States Marine Corps' "Mameluke" sword Yallop Henry. Swords of Empire: the 19th century frenchification of European edged weapons Titova Elena. Diplomatic and cultural dialogue via objects Grönhammar Ann (1951- ). Diplomatic gifts for Swedish sovereigns from Safavid Persia and two European vassal states of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century Godlewski Jarosław. Diplomatic gifts from the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the collection of the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw Franz Rainald (1964- ). Viennese porcelain as a diplomatic gift Tavares Maria José. Diplomatic gift from Japan, and the creation of the Chinese room in the Palácio da Ajuda Vinogradova Daria. Weapons as ambassadorial gifts in the collection of the Central Armed Forces Museum of the Russian Federation Porodina Elena. Weapons as ambassadorial gifts in the collection of the Central Armed Forces Museum of the Russian Federation Prokopczuk-Runowska Izabela. Gifts of friendship in the collection of the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw Karl Barbara. Diplomatic gifts and collecting Pall Martina. Etched iron cabinet from the Schell Collection Bělová Jana (1977- ). Fragments of the railings from Saint Ivan's tomb Cassar Robert. Story of a cannon: diplomacy, friendship and gratitude Smith Kay Douglas. Iron keys of Riga: cannon, diplomacy and Tudor policy in the Baltic Krutisch Petra (1957- ). Between pride and suspicion Johnston Peter. Gifts from the frontiers of Empire
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Izdebski Adam (1984- ). Kołoczek Bartosz Jan (1990- ). Stachura Michał (1968- ). Turlej Stanisław (1965- ). Bodzek Jarosław. An anonymous Byzantine follis from Gródek upon the Bug River Böhm Marcin (1980- ). The role of Bishop Konrad of Querfurt in the actions of Emperor Henry Vi Hohenstaufen in Southern Italy Bonarek Jacek (1970- ). Theodora, John I Tzimiskes' wife Bralewski Sławomir (1962- ). Caeleste singum dei - Stayroy tropaion ek photos, signe sur les boucliers des soldats de Constantin ou juste une bannière-labarum? Dąbrowska Małgorzata (historia sztuki). Was a "Union of Rome" signed by John Palaiologos in 1369? Dudek Jarosław. Kekaumenos as medieval "homo romaeus" Garbacz-Klempka Aldona. Late medieval ornaments from Ras-Trgovište (Serbia) in the light of physico-chemical analyses Grotowski Piotr Ł. (1973- ). Some considerations on the origins of Theophanes the Greek's style Gûzelev Vasil (1936- ). Einige Charakteristika der bulgarisch-byzantinischen Beziehungen (7.-15. Jh.) unter kirchlichem und kulturellem Aspekt Hoyo-Meléndez Julio M. del. An anonymous Byzantine follis from Gródek upon the Bug River Hurbanič Martin (1971- ). The topography of the 14th region of Constantinopole: a critical reexamination Ilski Kazimierz (1957- ). Jan Sajdak (1882-1967): selected issues Izdebski Adam (1984- ). The "pine signal" as a symptom of crisis in Byzantine history Jastrzębowska Elżbieta (1946- ). Early Byzantine painted face of Jesus Christ from Ptolemais Kluczek Agata Aleksandra. Les héros du mythe romain sur le chemin de pérégrination menant de Troie en passant par Rome jusqu'à Constantinopole - interprétation numismatique (IVème siècle) Kochanek Piotr. Four Rivers of Eden (Gen 2, 10-14) in Greek and Latin patristic literature Kołoczek Bartosz Jan. Solinus redivivus Kosiński Rafał. Was the Emperor Anastasius' Mother a Manichaean? Kotłowska Anna (1979- ). Jan Sajdak (1882-1967): selected issues Królczyk Krzysztof (1970- ). Der Verusch der Errichtung eines Lehrstuhls für byzantinische Geschichte an der Universität in Lemberg Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Nicolaus Copernicus's signet seal Leszka Mirosław Jerzy. Bulgarian rulers in the works of Liudprand of Cremona (Symeon I the Great, Peter I) Loungīs Telemachos (1945- ). The Treatise De administrando imperio on the Pechenegs Milewski Ireneusz. "Take her, and pay me three gold pieces a day as her hire" Nikolov Georgi N. (1957- ). Die Farbe der Frösche Olszaniec Szymon (1968- ). The role of the Constantinopolitanian court in the career of western aristocrats Piórecka Agnieszka. A few notes on 11th century private religious foundations in Byzantium Prostko-Prostyński Jan. Beowulf, king Hygelac and Hetware Radić Radivoj. "Making the face beautiful" (feature on medieval beauty products) Rostkowski Grzegorz. About new studies on patron saints of the Riurikid Dynasty (from Olga's Baptism to ca. 1139) Shepard Jonathan. Bolesław the Brave versus Byzantine soft power: the early Piasts circumscribed? Špehar Perica. Late medieval ornaments from Ras-Trgovište (Serbia) in the light of physico-chemical analyses Stachura Michał (1968- ). Der perische Krieger bei Prokop Suski Robert (1973- ). Aurelius Victor in Ammianus Marcellinus' Res Gestae (Amm. XXI 10, 6) Turlej Stanisław (1965- ). The extent of the Empire in the northern part of Illyricum Orientale in the 530s and 540s in the account of Procopius of Caesarea Watts Edward (1964- ). The Legacy of Dioscours in early Byzantine Anti-Chalcedonian literature Whitby Mary (1951- ). Leo Sternbach, George of Pisidia, the Theotokos, and the Patriarch Sergius Wolińska Teresa (1963- ). Al-Hīra, the capital of Persian Arabs Wołoszyn Marcin (1970- ). An anonymous Byzantine follis from Gródek upon the Bug River Wołoszyn Marcin (1970- ). Late medieval ornaments from Ras-Trgovište (Serbia) in the light of physico-chemical analyses
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