Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Brooks Mary M
Eastop Dinah
'Azim'pur Pupak (1971 lub 1972- ). Handmade dolls of the Iranian Nation the representatives of culture and civilization
Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation
Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems
Adam-Veleni Polyxene. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki
Adamowicz Jarosław
Adamowicz Klaudia. Searching for the fantasy: the theatre of Takarazuka
Adamska Dagmara (1975- ). Uprawa winorośli na średniowiecznym Śląsku - stan badań źródła i metody
Adamska Dagmara (1975- ). Wine-growing in medieval Silesia - state of research sources and methods
Agapiou Athos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications The ICAROS Project intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus
Agapiou Athos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains
Agosti Maristella (1950- ). CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections
Al Khatib Naim (1968- ). On war and shit
Al-Mukhtar Muzahim (1957- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration
Albrecht Stephan (1963- )
Albrecht Stephan (1963- ). Da mussen wir durch! Bilder des Ein- und Ausgehens am Kirchenportal des 12. Jahrhunderts
Alexakis Dimitrios D. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications The ICAROS Project intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus
Alexakis Dimitrios D. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains
Allen Robert. Naphthalene (1992)
Allotta Benedetto. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites
Alrawi Osama Mohammad. Model-based user interface design for the Encyclopedia of Islamic Architecture
Amato Alba. Mobile devices for the visit of Anfiteatro Campano in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
Andaroodi Elham. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos
Andas Margrete Syrstad (1972- ). Making it unknown to man: the portal in the liturgical and legal practices of the North
Andrejcikova Nadezda (1966- ). Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage
Angelini Maria Giuseppa. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy)
Antoniuk Jarosław R. Liability of a seller for physical defects of the collection
Antoniuk Jarosław R. Odpowiedzialność zbywcy za wady fizyczne kolekcji
Antonova Natalia. Jamala the Dakh daughters and Ukraine's new femininity
Antonova Natalia. Russia on the run
Antonova Natalia. Weeping willows and dancing dictators: Talgat Batalov on being Uzbek
Apanowicz Maria (1958?- )
Apostolou Charalambos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia
Argyros Antonis A. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki
Aristidou Andreas. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances
Arnold David B. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities
Arnold Katharina. Ein Blick durch die Lupe: der Werkriss 17.037V aus der Akademie der Bildenden Kunste Wien
Arnulf Arwed (1963- ). Mittelalterliche Kirchenportale nach der Reformation
Art Piotr
Artese Maria Teresa. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web
Asolati Michele. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion
Athanasiou George S. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms
Athanassiadi Polymnia. The divine man of late hellenism: a sociable and popular figure
Atkinson Henry L. Wrapped in country
Augart Isabella
Augart Isabella. Luoghi aspri. Stone and solitude in trecento painting
Avramides Ioannis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage
Ayas Defne (1976- )
Ayas Defne (1976- ). On WdW Review
Baglivo Antonio. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories
Bailey Eoin. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Considering replication. Social functions and sculptural practices
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Mise-en-scene. Displaying and curating the bust
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Thorvaldsen and three - dimensional portraiture
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Thorvaldsen the portrait bust and Europe
Bakolas Asterios. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection
Baldi Marialuisa (1952- ). Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case
Ballard Mary W. Climate and conservation (1994)
Ballard Mary W. Hanging out: strength elongation and relative humidity: some physical properties of textile fibres (1996)
Balzani Marcello (1962- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti
Banerjee Sarnath (1972- )
Bang Peter Fibiger. The selfie. Portraits in the digital present and future
Banzhaf Pia. Ontology of the puppet
Bargagliotti Sergio. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites
Barles Sabine (1965- ). Municipal weste: from reuse to dumping late 18th century to early 21st century
Barnas Maria (1973- ). The Blob
Barral i Altet Xavier (1947- ). Conclusions
Bartolomucci Carla. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool
Baschiera Adriano. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion
Basso Peressut Luca. Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage
Bayer Anja. Preserving and displaying archaeological garments via pressure mounting
Becherini Francesca. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project
Beck Kevin (1978- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration
Bednarski Krzysztof M. (1953- ). Moby Dick - Opera Aperta
Behdad Ali (1961- ). Orientalism and the history of photography in the middle east
Behlen Beatrice. Peopling the Pleasure Garden
Bein Matthias. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning
Beljak Jan. Niecodzienne znalezisko pozostałości szkieletu noworodka z osady z późnej epoki brązu w obrębie Pustego Zamku (słow. Pusty hrad) w Zwoleniu (środkowa Słowacja)
Beljak Jan. Unusual find of skeletal remains of a newborn from the Late bronze Age Settlement at Pusty hrad (Deserted castle) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia)
Beljak-Pazinova Noemi (1980- ). Niecodzienne znalezisko pozostałości szkieletu noworodka z osady z późnej epoki brązu w obrębie Pustego Zamku (słow. Pusty hrad) w Zwoleniu (środkowa Słowacja)
Beljak-Pazinova Noemi (1980- ). Unusual find of skeletal remains of a newborn from the Late bronze Age Settlement at Pusty hrad (Deserted castle) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia)
Bellinger Louisa. Basic habits of textile fibres (1963)
Bencard Ernst Jonas (1961- ). Why are there portrait busts at Thorvaldsens Museum?
Bengtsson Sven (1932- ). Preservation of the Wasa sails (1975)
Bennett Tony (1947- ). Exhibition truth power: reconsidering The Exhibitionary Complex
Berg Evy. Use of GIS in the National System for Cultural Heritage Management and Dissemination to the general public in Norway: case study: the heritage management database Askeladden and the system for dissemination to the public Kulturminnesok
Berger Friederike. The art of clothing oneself must be popularized: the artistic reform dress as an ideal an aesthetic and consumer culture
Bernardi Adriana (1957- ). Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project
Bernau Nikolaus (1964- ). Bildungsreform und Monumentalisierung. Die Ungestaltung von Abguss-Sammlungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Berndt Rene. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage
Berner Margit. Verlorene Form. Eine kunstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit sensiblen Sammlungsbestanden
Bernikola Eirini. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches
Berthod Bernard (1952- ). L'apparition de la dentelle ecclesiastique l'exemple des rochets de Saint Francois de Sales
Bery Rahul
Bevivino Michael Ann. Embracing historical replicas through a digital medium: the Irish context
Bezuidenhout Pieter. Handspring Puppet Company: an international South Afrikapuppet phenomen
Białek-Kostecka Dorota
Biborski Marcin (1944- ). New finds of axes from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the collection of the Historical Museum in Sanok
Biborski Marcin (1944- ). Nowe znaleziska siekierek z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w zbiorach Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1970 - 1979
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Wielka Brytania
Sztuka europejska
Ochrona zabytków
Sztuka sakralna europejska
Zbiory muzealne
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki (Kraków)
Architektura czeska
Architektura europejska
Architektura sakralna
Architektura sakralna czeska
Architektura sakralna europejska
Archiwum Krakowskiej Kapituły Katedralnej
Benešovská, Klára (1950- )
British Museum
Drukowanie przestrzenne
Dvořák, Max (1874-1921)
Dziennikarstwo internetowe
Epoka brązu
Epoka żelaza
Fotografia angielska
Gombrich, Ernst Hans (1909-2001)
Historiografia bizantyńska
Historycy sztuki
House of European History (HEH)
Iluminatorstwo czeskie
Iluminatorstwo europejskie
J. Paul Getty Museum
Kaiser Wilhelm Museum
Kapitularz (Kraków ; Katedra na Wawelu)
Lalki teatralne
Lubomirski (rodzina)
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Malarstwo europejskie
Malarstwo polskie
Museum für Moderne Kunst (Frankfurt n. M.)
Muzeum Lubomirskich (Lwów)
Muzeum Narodowe (Gdańsk)
Muzeum Okręgowe (Toruń)
Muzeum XX Lubomirskich (Wrocław)
Prace dyplomowe
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Rzeźba duńska
Rzeźba polska
Rękopisy iluminowane czeskie
Rękopisy iluminowane europejskie
Salamon, Maciej (1946- )
Slominski, Andreas (1959- )
Systemy informacyjne
Sztuka Azji
Sztuka czeska
Sztuka kobiet
Sztuka niemiecka
Sztuka sakralna czeska
Sztuka stosowana europejska
Teatr Azji
Thorvaldsen, Bertel (1770-1844)
Thorvaldsens Museum
Tkaniny artystyczne
Tympanony (arch.)
Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich (Wrocław)
Zbiory archiwalne
Zbiory biblioteczne
Zwierzęta baśniowe i mityczne
Temat: czas
100-1 p.n.e.
200-101 p.n.e.
300-201 p.n.e.
400-301 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Bliski Wschód
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
Katalogi zbiorów
31 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Inny tyt: Eleonora Agostini, Sian Bonnell, Lydia Goldblatt, Phoebe Kiely, Flannery O'kafka, Cheryl Newman, Fleur Olby, Dafna Talmor, Maryam Wahid
Katalog wystawy prezentowanej w Muzeum Narodowym w Gdańsku - Gdańska Galeria Fotografii (Zielona Brama), 14 marca - 9 czerwca 2019.
Pod opaską z: "Made in Britain".
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24353 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 7227 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bibliogr. s. 184-185.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23097 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). Gonçalves Stéphanie. Teworte Emma. Barles Sabine (1965- ). Municipal weste: from reuse to dumping, late 18th century to early 21st century Bugelli Emma. Developing an audience approach for the exhibition Burns Kieran. Stories from the waste land(s): making an exhibition from the material culture of rubbish Contino Alessia (1976- ). Waste storage, disposal and reuse in Roman times Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). From rubbish to throwaway: some reflections on a challenging project Gille Zsuzsa. Waste history from beyond the iron curtain Gutiérrez Herrero Mónica. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Itzel Constanze (1974- ). Old and new, past and present Little Peter C. Re-centring Africa and Africans in the e-wasteocene Macdonald Sharon (1961- ). Why museums need to talk rubbish! Martínez Martínez Miguel Ángel (1940- ). Foreword Monsaingeon Baptiste (1983- ). The discarder, the archaeologist and the ragpicker: the art of making remnants talk Pérez-Llantada Manuel Polanco. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Pöttering Hans-Gert (1945- ). Foreword Puig i Espar Laia. Reflecting, sharing, changing: throwaway and museum activism Salvador Ana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Scanlan John. Waste/art Smilansky Blandine. Europe & waste: museums working together Tumashik Tatiana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Weber Heike. Recycling, remaking and reusing in 20th-century Europe: from a culture of thrift
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. wyd. w ramach projektu Throwaway, luty 2023 - styczeń 2024.
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36011 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Brooks Mary M. Eastop Dinah. Whalen Timothy P. Foreword Brooks Mary M. Acknowledgmenst Eastop Dinah. Acknowledgmenst Brooks Mary M. Editors' preface Eastop Dinah. Editors' preface Eastop Dinah. Introduction Brooks Mary M. Introduction Brooks Mary M. Reflecting absence and presence Ishii Mie. Conserving an Ainu robe within the framework of Japan's cultural property preservation policy Atkinson Henry L. "Wrapped in country" Couzens Vicki (1960). "Wrapped in country" Darroch Lee (1957- ). "Wrapped in country" Grieves Genevieve (1976- ). "Wrapped in country" Hamilton Samantha. "Wrapped in country" Jones-Amin Holly. "Wrapped in country" Nicholson Mandy. "Wrapped in country" Reynolds Amanda (1971- ). "Wrapped in country" Te Kanawa Rangi. Kahu ora Tamarapa Awhina (1966- ). Kahu ora Peranteau Anne. Kahu ora Bayer Anja. Preserving and displaying archaeological garments via pressure mounting Uden Jeremy S. Conservation and display of the tahitian mourner's costume at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Richardson Heather M. Conservation and display of the tahitian mourner's costume at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Lee Rachael. Conservation and display of the tahitian mourner's costume at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Slocombe Emma. Dress in the limelight Tinker Zenzie. Dress in the limelight Gill Kathryn. Making sense of a fragmentary coat found concealed within a building Paula Teresa Cristina Toledo de (1959- ). Back to black Gresswell Claire. Concepts in practice Hashagen Joanna. Concepts in practice Wood Janet. Concepts in practice Scaturro Sarah. Delicate balance Fung Joyce. Delicate balance Ford Micheline. Fashion as art Leong Roger (1961- ). Fashion as art Wilcox Claire (1954- ). Radicalizing the representation of fashion Behlen Beatrice. Peopling the Pleasure Garden Supianek-Chassay Christine. Peopling the Pleasure Garden Yeung Evita S. Dramatic effects on a static stage Cheung Angela Yuenkuen. Dramatic effects on a static stage Phillips Kristin. Conserving damage Mortier Bianca M. du. Moving forward together Meijer Suzan. Moving forward together
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy rozdz. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 30866 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Jarosz Józef (1968- ). Kapałczyński Maciej. Kośmiński Stanisław (1987- ). O tradycyjnym rzemiośle snycerskim Kośmiński Stanisław (1987- ). On traditional woodcarving craft Lewandowski Krzysztof. Aufstellung der verschollenen Formen Lewandowski Krzysztof. Catalogue of gingerbread moulds from the collection of the District Muzeum in Toruń Lewandowski Krzysztof. Gingerbread and gingerbread making in Toruń Lewandowski Krzysztof. Katalog der Pfefferkuchenbackformen aus den Beständen des Bezirkmuseums in Toruń Lewandowski Krzysztof. Katalog form piernikarskich ze zbiorów Muzeum Okręgowego w Toruniu Lewandowski Krzysztof. Pierniki i piernikarstwo w Toruniu Lewandowski Krzysztof. The list of lost moulds Lewandowski Krzysztof. Wykaz form zaginionych Lewandowski Krzysztof. Wykaz motywów na formach z kolekcji Muzeum Okręgowego w Toruniu Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Aufstellung der verschollenen Formen Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Catalogue of gingerbread moulds from the collection of the District Muzeum in Toruń Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Gingerbread moulds in the collection of the District Museum in Toruń Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Katalog der Pfefferkuchenbackformen aus den Beständen des Bezirkmuseums in Toruń Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Katalog form piernikarskich ze zbiorów Muzeum Okręgowego w Toruniu Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Preface Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Przedmowa Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. The list of lost moulds Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Vorwort Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. W dobrej formie Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Wykaz form zaginionych Mikulska-Wernerowicz Małgorzata. Wykaz motywów na formach z kolekcji Muzeum Okręgowego w Toruniu Szelągowska Grażyna (etnografia). Church fair gingerbread Szelągowska Grażyna (etnografia). Pierniki odpustowe
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 379-383.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25741 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bery Rahul. Bove Arianna. Derieg Aileen. Latimer Quinn (1978- ). Szymczyk Adam (1970- ). Bennett Tony (1947- ). Exhibition, truth, power: reconsidering "The Exhibitionary Complex" Birrell Ross (1969- ). What is it to read? Boletsi Maria (1979- ). From the subject of the crisis to the subject in crisis : middle voice on Greek walls Carrión Ulises (1941-1989). The new art of making books Darwīš Mahmūd (1941-2008). To the reader Derrida Jacques (1930-2004). Of hospitality Diagne Souleymane Bachir (1955- ). Exile Du Bois W. E. B. (1868-1963). The Negro and the Warsaw Ghetto Dufourmantelle Anne (1964-2017). Of hospitality Federici Silvia (1942- ). In struggle to change the world: women, reproduction, and resistance in Latin America Flaubert Gustave (1821-1880). The temptation of Saint Anthony Hamilakis Yannis (1966- ). Some debts can never be repaid : the archaeo-politics of the crisis Hopkins Candice (1977- ). The gilded gaze : wealth and economies on the colonial frontier Latimer Quinn (1978- ). Signs, sounds, metals, fires, or an economy of her reader Lorey Isabell (1964- ). Presentist democracy : reconceptualizing the present Lotringer Sylvère (1938- ). Ētant Donnés Negri Antonio (1933- ). Excersises of freedom Oliveros Pauline (1932-2016). Environmental dialogue Oliveros Pauline (1932-2016). The inner-outer sound matrix Oliveros Pauline (1932-2016). Pauline's Solo Panahi Hiva. Three poems about the road Preciado Paul B. (1970- ). My body doesn't exist Rākete Emilie. In human : parasites, posthumanism, and Papatūānuku Silva Denise Ferreira da. Unpayable debt: reading scenes of value against the arrow of time Szymczyk Adam (1970- ). 14: Iterability and otherness - learning and working from Athens
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31418, II 31419 (2 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Ayas Defne (1976- ). Kleinman Adam (1978- ). Al Khatib Naim (1968- ). On war and shit Antonova Natalia. Jamala, the Dakh daughters, and Ukraine's new femininity Antonova Natalia. Russia on the run Antonova Natalia. Weeping willows and dancing dictators: Talgat Batalov on being Uzbek Ayas Defne (1976- ). On WdW Review Banerjee Sarnath (1972- ). Barnas Maria (1973- ). The Blob Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Fuck your culture: nudes in four landscapes Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Getting to know a few hundred degrees: or, volcano aesthetic Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Granite & sandstone Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Ten entrances to an event Bobbette Adam (1980- ). The inbetweeners Bobbette Adam (1980- ). Where does the water touch the bank? Bridle James (1980- ). Re-Orient Bridle James (1980- ). Sons of hypnos Budrajtskis Il'â (1981- ). Putin lives in the world that Huntington built Budrajtskis Il'â (1981- ). The Russian Revolution in dreams and reality Chehonadskih Maria. Cultural and cold wars: notes on multipolar ideology and diplomacy Coburn Tyler. Pulp to pulp Crowe Stephen. Degot' Ekaterina Ûr'evna (1958- ). Looking for KGB Demeuse Sarah. Expect the expected Durmuşoğlu Övül Ö. (1978- ). Here we are: look at us standing, upright in the Sunshine Durmuşoğlu Övül Ö. (1978- ). Rebranding Mesopotamia: the inextinguishable fire Eastham Benjamin. Adding colors to the chameleon Eastham Benjamin. I ain't thick, it's just a trick Eastham Benjamin. The little magazine Eastham Benjamin. The performed self El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). Letter to a Friend El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). Notes on a Dissident, or Founder of the Polish Revolution El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). What I think about when I think of Cairo, on this date, twenty-nine months after The___(Part 1) El Rashidi Yasmine (1977- ). What I think about when I think of Cairo, on this date, twenty-nine months after The___(Part 2) Frick Winnie T. Garcia Tristan (1981- ). Building a house for modern identity Gat Orit. Future Ginwala Natasha (1985- ). ...and then it drops: on suspended sensing Goddard Patrick. His own personal signed copy Jauregui Gabriela (1979- ). Cancel the counsel! Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). A parallel country Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Ahmedabad mutations Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). May 2013: the wrong side of the River Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Mirrored windows Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Nuances of violation Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Outside the Museum Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Post-election tightrope walks Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). The one city no one was looking at Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). The thorny crown of culture Joshi Ruchir (1960- ). Winter in Calcuta Kane Natalie. Fallow futures Keefer Angie (1977- ). The view from the window at Le Gras Keidel Stefan. Person of the day and tomorrow Kleinman Adam (1978- ). 1917 Kleinman Adam (1978- ). 1971 Kleinman Adam (1978- ). On WdW Review Kosova Erden. After the Summer Kosova Erden. Colored rays of Gezi Kosova Erden. On slippery ground Krishtalka Sholem. Land Nick (1962- ). China, crypto-currency, and the world order, Part 1 Land Nick (1962- ). China, crypto-currency, and the world order, Part 2 Land Nick (1962- ). China, crypto-currency, and the world order, Part 3 Langley Pat. Welcome to Drexciya Latimer Quinn (1978- ). Subject: lavender and gas, or that which is not yet a subject Leonova Kseniâ. I do not want to hear Loudis Jessica. An apple a day Mannes-Abbott Guy. As mud as clear Menick John (1976- ). The conquering worm: Part 1 Mohaiemen Naeem (1969- ). The ginger merchant of history (standing in the shadow of "giants") Morozov Alexander. A conservative revolution Marques Pedro Neves (1984- ). The geopolitics of the Virgin Mary Niermann Ingo (1969- ). Army of lovers Normand Vincent (1985- ). The unlimited realm of the limit: objectivity and schizophrenia Novozhenova Alexandra. The Tower Ofak Ana (1976- ). Foreshadowing the future Ou Ning (1969- ). Beijing's climate politics Perjovschi Dan (1961- ). Pinto Ana Teixeira (1974- ). The behavioral sink: on mice, and men Pinto Ana Teixeira (1974- ). The red undead Prévost Bertrand (1976- ). Tintoretto's Ecce Homo Rheinberger Hans-Jörg (1946- ). On epistemic objects, and around Ringborg Theodor (1983- ). Modern times Rojas Pablo. Cancel the counsel! Saktanber Binnaz. Boycotting big music Saktanber Binnaz. Catherine Robbe-Grillet: an eighty-four-year-old dominatrix in Istanbul Šālēm Avîno'am (1959- ). The invention of the Sacrosanct or 'Sacred making" as an aesthetic praxis Salemy Mohammad. All tomorrow's party Schinkel Willem (1976- ). Art and the articulation of the public Schum Matthew. Carrie Scott Alev (1987- ). Human traffic Scott Alev (1987- ). Machismo and his demons Seymour Benedict. The Re-Jetée: 1971, recurring Silva Mariana. The geopolitics of the Virgin Mary Squibb Stephen. On seeing Cindy Sherman in the Subway; or, the Velocity of representation Vajda Danna. Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Birthplace of our globalizing wall Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Chosen cells Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). No signal Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Of loss and retrieval Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Of masks and shadows Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Of public phones and besieged humans Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Sick predators Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). Solitary subversives Varoufakis Yanis (1961- ). The Serpent's Greek Lair Weist Julia (1984- ). Person of the day and tomorrow Williams Alena (1977- ). In cara, a phantom Williams Evan Calder. Volcano, waiting Zambreno Kate (1977- ). Tania Screams Ziherl Vivian. ...and then it drops: on suspended sensing Zion Amy. Property of a Lady Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Does that make you fell bitter? Relieved? Blasé? Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Headbanger Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Location, location, location Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). Shades of no Zolghadr Tirdad (1973- ). This could have been en exhibition
Indeks R0: BMNK
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31791 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Apanowicz Maria (1958?- ). Juruś Jerzy. Polit Paweł (1965- ). Bednarski Krzysztof M. (1953- ). Moby Dick - Opera Aperta Cragg Tony (1949- ). Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Rzeźba dzisiaj? Domanowska Eulalia (1960- ). Sculpture today? Henatsch Martin (1963- ). Prawdziwa rzeźba? Henatsch Martin (1963- ). Real sculpture? Kelly Julia (1970- ). Mówiąca rzeźba - historie współczesnej rzeźby - historie we współczesnej rzeźbie Kelly Julia (1970- ). Talking sculpture - histories of contemporary sculpture - histories in contemporary sculpture Klaman Grzegorz (1959- ). Body Klaman Grzegorz (1959- ). Ciało Leśniakowska Marta. Jarosława Kozakiewicza przestrzenie nieoczywiste Leśniakowska Marta. The unobvious spaces of Jarosław Kozakiewicz Leśniewska-Zagrodzka Anna (1962- ). Remarks on public art Leśniewska-Zagrodzka Anna (1962- ). Uwagi o sztuce publicznej Polit Paweł (1965- ). Fenomenologia wytwarzania wobec feNAUMANologii Polit Paweł (1965- ). Phenomenology of making vs. PheNAUMANology Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Hans Arp and Polish art: legacies of of organic form in Polish sculpture from the second half of the 20th Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Hans Arp i sztuka polska: reminiscencje formy organicznej w rzeźbie polskiej drugiej połowy XX i początku XXI wieku Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Rzeźba dzisiaj? Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Sculpture today? Szymański Wojciech (1985- ). Rzeźba w (zbyt) poszerzonym polu? Szymański Wojciech (1985- ). Sculpture in the (over-) expanded field? Tarasiuk Agnieszka (1971- ). Matthew Darbyshire, PALAC, 2009
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konf., 20-21 października 2016 r., Orońsko.
Bibliogr., netogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30965 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Tyt. grzbietowy: Divine men and women
Materiały z konferencji zorg. przez Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, 24-25 czerwca 2010 r.
T. monogr.: "Byzantina et Slavica Cracoviensia". 7 (2013).
Bibliogr. w przypisach do ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. II 981/7, Czas. II 2416/7 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30222 (1 egz.)
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