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Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Baudelaire Charles (1821-1867)
Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- )
Carroccio Benedetto (1964- )
Castrizio Daniele (1964- )
Dąbrowska Karolina
Geron Małgorzata
Lencznarowicz Lucyna (1959- )
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- )
Puglisi Mariangela
Salamone Grazia
Abramishvili Mikheil. At the crossroads where metals matter: Georgia and beyon in late prehistory
Abuladze Tamar (1957- ). The manuscript treasures of medieval Georgia
Achache Steve. Le Tresor du Loiret: typologie des monnaies de l'Orleanais et liaisons de coins entre ateliers monetaires
Achilles Syndram Katrin
Ackley Joseph Salvatore. Precious-metal figural sculpture medium and mimesis in the late middle ages
Adamska Magdalena (1969- )
Ainaud de Lasarte Joan (1919-1995)
Akhalbedashvili Nika. Introduction
Akopan Aleksandr Vladimirovic. Dvin in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. City history in the light of new numismatic materials
Allain Jean-Francois (1948- )
Amato Rosalba. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo Paolo Orsi di Siracusa
Andrews Murray. Noble fair and fine: Single finds of English gold coin from later medieval England and Wales
Androsov Sergej Olegovic (1948- )
Angeli Bufalini Gabriella. Il Medagliere MNR la Banca dati Iuno Moneta e il Bollettino di Numismatica del MiBACT. Un trinomio per la tutela valorizzazione e fruizione del bene numismatico. Bilanci e prospettive
Apolito Pasquale. Monete medievali da Kyme in Eolide: un rapporto preliminare
Apostólou Eva. Les plinthophores rhodiennes et la fin de ce monnayage
Arcangeli Luciano
Arena Emiliano. L'emissione a leggenda NEOPOLI (TON) e la fondazione di Tauromenion
Arico Rocco. Le kharrube dei due Ruggeri: un tentativo di classificazione
Arnold-Biucchi Carmen. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach
Arslan Ermanno A. (1940- ). Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology
Arthur Paul (1955- ). Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy
Arzone Antonella. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona
Asgari Nusin
Atasoy Sumer
Athanassoglou-Kallmyer Nina Maria (1945- ). Monet Nympheas. Art philosophie science
Aubert Marcel (1884-1962)
Audy Florent. A link to the past? The ritual use of Roman coins in Viking Age graves
Auerbach Elissa. Pilgrimage by proxy in the Dutch Republic -scenes of forbidden holy sites for the spiritual pilgrim
Aumaitre Heloise. Ake Ptolemais sous les Lagides: un atelier au coeur des problematiques Syro-Pheniciennes
Awianowicz Bartosz (1978- ). Peculiarities in the legends of Flavian aurei and denarii minted in Syria
Babś Marek. O restauracji XVII w. podominikańskiego zespołu klasztornego i kościoła św. Jacka w Klimontowie
Babś Marek. On the restoration of the seventeenth-century Dominican monastery complex and St Jacek's church in Klimontów
Bacchi Andrea
Baglione Gabrielle. L'expedition de Baudin en terres australes. Des artistes voyageurs
Baker Malcolm (1945- )
Bal Mieke (1946- ). Semiotics and art history
Balbi de Caro Silvana. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma
Baldassari Francesca (1963- )
Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). Miliarenses and silver grossi in the Western Mediterranean: new documents and perspectives
Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). The overstriking on Italian Medieval coins: a preliminary taxonomy and some motivations
Baldi Elena. Coins of the mint of Salona from the archaeological contexts of Classe. New evidence and interpretation
Baldi Elena. Online catalogue of the Ostrogoths at the British Museum and possible developments for further research
Baldi Elena. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re)
Bandura Agnieszka. Politics of replacing in New Romanticism
Baratti Giorgio (1946- ) . Io ho il dovere di tramandare
Baratti Giorgio (1946- ). I have the obligation to share
Baratti Giorgio (1946- ). Mano pareiga dalintis
Barbakadze Giorgi
Barbato Marta. The Roman Republican coins from excavations in the Sacred Area of the Largo di Torre Argentina (Rome): New data in the light of recent research
Barberini Maria Giulia
Barkay Rachel. Portraits of the Nabataean Kings as depicted on their coins
Barles Sabine (1965- ). Municipal weste: from reuse to dumping late 18th century to early 21st century
Barroero Liliana (1947- )
Barroero Liliana (1947- ). Arcadian Rome universal capital of the arts
Bartlova Milena (1958- ). Can we grasp wordless images?
Bateson J. Donald. Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza's Sicilian Coins
Baxandall Michael (1933-2008). Patterns of intention
Becker Jan-Erik. Die Rekonstruktion des Brakteatenfundes bei Leipzig (1831). Ein Beitrag zur Munzgeschichte des Osterlandes am Ubergang vom 13. zum 14. Jahrhundert
Beddington Charles
Bedos-Rezak Brigitte
Bedos-Rezak Brigitte. Faces and surfaces of charisma
Beer Richard de (1964- ). Liturgische gewaden in Noord-Nederland 1580-1650 - continuiteit en discontinuiteit in de katholieke traditie
Beier Christine
Bellandi Alfredo
Bellanger Sylvain
Bellesi Sandro. Graiku ir romenu mitologija naujuju laiku Italijos mene
Bellesi Sandro. Greco-Roman mythology in Italian art of the modern period
Bellesi Sandro. La mitologia greco-romana nell'arte italiana in eta moderna
Bellesi Sandro. Natiurmortas XVII-XVIII a. italu tapyboje
Bellesi Sandro. Still life in Italian painting of the seventeenth and eighteenth century
Bellesi Sandro. la natura morta nella oittura italiana del Seicento e del Settecento
Benati Daniele
Beraia Lili
Bergmann Bettina Ann
Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). Removal of Communist monuments: obliteration of the past or healing the memory?
Berthold Angela. Considerations on the horses of Maroneia
Bessone Silvana
Biger Pierre-Henri. Vrais et faux langages de l'eventail
Bilić Tomislav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia
Bindman David (1940- )
Binski Paul (1956- ). Charisma and material culture
Binski Paul (1956- ). Gothic art realism and magniloquentia: thoughts on Erich Auerbach
Biłozór-Salwa Małgorzata (1980- )
Blanckaert Claude (1952- ). Le double. Variations sur le singe
Blazquez Cerrato M. Cruces. Circulación monetaria en el territorium de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de Reina Badajoz Espana)
Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. La fin du monnayage annamite sous le regne de Bao Dai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapeque
Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. Les frappes de deniers imperiaux a Alexandrie a la fin du IIe siecle ap. J.-C.: premiers resultats d'analyses
Blonka-Drzażdżewska Aleksandra. Jerzy Brodnicki - Van Haardt - une vie deux biographies
Blum Dilys (1947- )
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
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1950 - 1959
1940 - 1949
1880 - 1889
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Muzeum Narodowe (Kraków)
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Opałka, Roman (1931-2011)
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Sztuka europejska
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Sztuka starożytna
Akademizm (szt.plast.)
Architektura sakralna europejska
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Baratti, Giorgio (1946- )
Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867)
El Greco (ca 1541-1614)
Fotografia polska
Galeria Art NEW media (Warszawa)
Hagia Irene (Stambuł)
House of European History (HEH)
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Monety greckie
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Musée d'Orsay (Paryż)
Musée des beaux-arts (Montreal)
Münzen und Medaillen (Bazylea)
Nacionalinis muziejus Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės valdovų rūmai
Nakrycia głowy
Ochrona zabytków
Pamiętniki francuskie
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Poe Edgar Allan (1809-1849)
Poe Edgar Allan (1809-1949)
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Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Rzemiosło artystyczne gruzińskie
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Siemiradzki, Henryk (1843-1902)
Spectra Art Space (Warszawa)
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Villa Publiusa Fanniusa Synistora (Boscoreale)
Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)
Temat: czas
100-1 p.n.e.
1000-901 p.n.e.
1100-1001 p.n.e.
1200-1101 p.n.e.
1300-1201 p.n.e.
1400-1301 p.n.e.
1500-1401 p.n.e.
200-101 p.n.e.
300-201 p.n.e.
400-301 p.n.e.
500-401 p.n.e.
600-501 p.n.e.
700-601 p.n.e.
800-701 p.n.e.
900-801 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Afryka Północna
Anatolia (Turcja)
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Katalogi aukcyjne
Katalogi numizmatyczne
44 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
Golden fleece : art of Georgia / scientific editor Mirosław Piotr Kruk ; [authors of introductory texts: Nika Akhalbedashvili, Otar Janelidze, George Kalandia, Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Andrzej Szczerski ; authors of essays: Mikheil Abramishvili, Tamar Abuladze, Lelo Chichinadze, Jimsher Chkhvimiani, Tamaz Gabisonia, Temo Jojua, George Kalandia, Mamuka Kapianidze, Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Guram Kvirkvelia, Vazha Mamiashvili, Gia Marsagishvili, Merab Mikeladze, Nana Shervashidze, Maka Sokhadze, Nino Tchogoshvili, Lela Tsitsuashvili ; authors of catalogue notes: Mikheil Abramishvili, Tamar Abuladze, Giorgi Barbakadze, Lily Beraia, Jarosław Bodzek, Shalva Buadze, Leila Chichinadze, Eliso Chogovadze, Nino Datunashvili, Nona Gaprindashvili, Irma Gegidze, Dorota Giovannoni, Nino Gomelauri, Anna Grochala, Danuta Jackiewicz, Temo Jojua, Emzar Kakhidze, George Kalandia, Mamuka Kapianidze, Vladimir Kekelia, Ketevan Khutsishvili, Marina Kobalia, Mariam Koridze, Urszula Kozakowska-Zaucha, Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Guram Kvirkvela, Światosław Lenartowicz, Lucyna Lencznarowicz, Magdalena Ludera, Keta Mamestsarashvili, Kinga Migalska, Vazha Mamiashvili, Daniela Massaan Paichadze, Katarzyna Podniesińska, Kamilla Pijanowska-Badysiak, Agnes Schwarzmaier, Medea Sherozia, Nana Shervashidze, Kristine Shukvani, Maka Sokhadze, Mzisadar Tchapandze, Nino Tchogodhvili, Lela Tsitsuashvili, Mamuka Tsurtsumia, Janina Wilkosz, Maria Wójtowicz ; translation from Georgian into English Roza Zarandia, Lado Mirianashvili ; translation from Polish into English: Karolina Dąbrowska, Poleng]. - Kraków : Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, 2024. - 690, [1] s. : il. kolor. ; 31 cm.
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Dąbrowska Karolina. Mirianašvili Lado. Zarandia Roza. Akhalbedashvili Nika. Introduction Janelidze Otar (1954- ). A brief history of Georgia Kalandia Giorgi (1975- ). Introduction Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Preface to the catalogue for the exhibition of Georgian art at the National Museum in Krakow Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Introduction Abramishvili Mikheil. At the crossroads where metals matter: Georgia and beyon in late prehistory Abuladze Tamar (1957- ). The manuscript treasures of medieval Georgia Barbakadze Giorgi. Beraia Lili. Bodzek Jarosław (1964- ). Buadze Shalva. Chichinadze Lelo. Pirosmani Chkhvimiani Jimsher (1980- ). Christain Georgia: Saint Nino Chogovadze Eliso. Cicuašvili Lela. Henryk Hryniewski and others: Polish architects and painters in Georgia Čoġošvili Nino. The Tiflis School of portraiture Datunashvili Nino. Gabisonia Tamaz (1962- ). Georgian folk and sacred polyphonic culture Gaprindashvili Nona (1941- ). Gegidze Irma. Giovannoni Dorota. Gomelauri Nino. Grochala Anna. Jackiewicz-Król Danuta (1954- ). Jojua Teimuraz (1972- ). Georgian manuscript books from the collection of the Princes Czartoryski Library and their researcher, Saint Gregory Peradze the Archimandrite Jojua Teimuraz (1972- ). The phenomenon of the Georgian alphabet Kakhidze Emzar (1969- ). Kalandia Giorgi (1975- ). Great wars for christianity and freedom Kalandia Giorgi (1975- ). History of Georgian costumes Kapianidze Mamuka. History of weapons Kapianidze Mamuka. Tibili as a city: life and ethnography Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski Radosław. Georgia in Roman times Kekelia Vladimer (1981- ). Khutsishvili Khetevan (1967- ). Kobalia Marina. Koridze Mariam (1993?- ). Kozakowska-Zaucha Urszula (1976- ). Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Georgian manuscript books from the collection of the Princes Czartoryski Library and their researcher, Saint Gregory Peradze the Archimandrite Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Henryk Hryniewski and others: Polish architects and painters in Georgia Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Icons of Georgia Kvirkvelia Guram. Colchis and Iberia Kvirkvelia Guram. Golden fleece Lenartowicz Światosław (1969- ). Lencznarowicz Lucyna (1959- ). Ludera Magdalena (1984- ). Mamestsarashvili Keta. Mamiashvili Vazha (1991- ). Christain Georgia: Saint Nino Marsagishvili Gia. Art of the Golden Age (11th-13the centuries) of Georgia Marsagishvili Gia. Mtskheta church of the Holy Cross (from 586/7 to 604) Massara Daniela (1984- ). Melikishvili Izolda. Local handicraft - a national tradition keeper Migalska Kinga (1986- ). Mikeladze Merab (1926- ). Wine - a symbol of Georgian identity Mumladze Tsitsino (1952- ). Nagladze Maia. Okujava David. Paichadze Ketevan. Podniesińska Katarzyna (1961- ). Pijanowska Kamilla. Schwarzmaier Agnes (1962- ). Sherozia Medea. Shervashidze Nana‏. Georgian modernism Sokhadze Maka. Tibilisi in the works of Georgian and foregin artists Shukvani Kristine. Tchapandze Mzisadar. Tsurtsumia Mamuka (1966- ). Wilkosz Janina. Wójtowicz Maria (malarstwo).
Katalog wystawy: Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Gmach Główny, 17.04-15.09.2024.
Bibliogr. s. 674-[691].
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 27319 (1 egz.)
Księgozbiór podręczny
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: (O 2024 (3)) sygn. III 27318 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Meier Esther (1965- ). Pollmer-Schmidt Almut (1979- ). Auerbach Elissa. Pilgrimage by proxy in the Dutch Republic -scenes of forbidden holy sites for the spiritual pilgrim Beer Richard de (1964- ). Liturgische gewaden in Noord-Nederland 1580-1650 - continuïteit en discontinuïteit in de katholieke traditie Büttner Nils (1967- ). Eine Frage der Einstellung - Kunst und Katholizismus bei Rubens, Rembrandt und Vermeer Dekoninck Ralph. Protestant and Cctholic representations of the art of liturgy between the Northern and Southern Netherlands Hartog Elizabeth den (1962- ). Salvaging the past - relocating inscriptions in post-Reformation Utrecht Eck Xander van. Protestant prejudice and the art of the Counter Reformation in the Northern Netherlands Geraerts Jaap. he Counter-Reformation on display - religious art at the estates of the catholic nobility in the Dutch Golden Age Lange Justus (1968- ). "Und schrieb, und schrieb an weißer Wand / Buchstaben von Feuer, und schrieb und schwand" - das Gastmahl des Belsazar in transkonfessioneller Sicht Laufs Markus. Identifikation mit dem Fremden? Italienische Reisezeugnisse des 17. Jahrhunderts und die Wahrnehmung des Katholizismus in den Bauwerken niederländischer Städte Marquaille Léonie. The Catholic faith embodied - catholic priests' portraits in the seventeenth century Dutch Republic Meier Esther (1965- ). Das Sakrament im Kirchen- und im Wohnraum - Abraham Bloemaerts eucharistische Gemälde Meier Esther (1965- ). Introduction Münch Birgit Ulrike (1975- ). Das Hostienwunder in der Wohnstube - Visualisierte Armutsdiskurse der Amsterdamer Aalmoezeniers Nachbahr Robbert A. M. Jacob de Wit, icon of Roman Catholic pride? Altarpieces and interconfessional relations in eighteentḧcentury Holland Pollmer-Schmidt Almut (1979- ). Introduction Pollmer-Schmidt Almut (1979- ). Katholische Fantasien -Kirchenbilder zwischen Kunst und Konfession Schillemans Robert. The confessions of painters working for Catholic churches in the seventeenth century - Amsterdam and abroad Verheggen Evelyne M. F. (1960- ). Het rooms-katholieke bloemenoffensief in de Gouden Eeuw - bloemen van betekenis in de Noord-Nederlandse schuilkerken Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Johannes Vermeer's catholic household
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: "Art & catholicism in the Dutch Republic", Städel Museum - Technische Universität Dortmund 22.02-24.02.2018.
Bibliogr. przy ref. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36640 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). Gonçalves Stéphanie. Teworte Emma. Barles Sabine (1965- ). Municipal weste: from reuse to dumping, late 18th century to early 21st century Bugelli Emma. Developing an audience approach for the exhibition Burns Kieran. Stories from the waste land(s): making an exhibition from the material culture of rubbish Contino Alessia (1976- ). Waste storage, disposal and reuse in Roman times Dupont Christine A. (1968- ). From rubbish to throwaway: some reflections on a challenging project Gille Zsuzsa. Waste history from beyond the iron curtain Gutiérrez Herrero Mónica. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Itzel Constanze (1974- ). Old and new, past and present Little Peter C. Re-centring Africa and Africans in the e-wasteocene Macdonald Sharon (1961- ). Why museums need to talk rubbish! Martínez Martínez Miguel Ángel (1940- ). Foreword Monsaingeon Baptiste (1983- ). The discarder, the archaeologist and the ragpicker: the art of making remnants talk Pérez-Llantada Manuel Polanco. Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste Pöttering Hans-Gert (1945- ). Foreword Puig i Espar Laia. Reflecting, sharing, changing: throwaway and museum activism Salvador Ana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Scanlan John. Waste/art Smilansky Blandine. Europe & waste: museums working together Tumashik Tatiana. Tour des poubelles en 50 récits: conversations de terrain, pour une histoire à plusieurs voix Weber Heike. Recycling, remaking and reusing in 20th-century Europe: from a culture of thrift
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. wyd. w ramach projektu Throwaway, luty 2023 - styczeń 2024.
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36011 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31586 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Conferences and Studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies / editorial board Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski ; vol. 13)
Markowska Anna (1962- ). Bandura Agnieszka. Politics of replacing in New Romanticism Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). Removal of Communist monuments: obliteration of the past or healing the memory? Bojarska Katarzyna (1981- ). Spectrality and the possibility of seeing (loss). Photography against the referentiality of history Eysymontt Rafał (1959- ). The town as a palimpsest. Erasing and recovering the medieval town Filipczyk-Topolnicka Joanna (1969- ). Fine arts in the context of the "degermanization" in the region of Opolian Silesia after 1945 Gradinaru Camelia. Visual tyranny as autopoiesis Gut Anna (1984- ). The condemnation of memory in the modern epitaphs of Central Pomerania Ilnicka Zuzanna. Gerhard Richter’s failing memory. The October 18, 1977 and the need to allow doubt Ilnicki Rafał (1984- ). Digital Lethe of transhumanism: weak mind uploading as erasure of individual and collective memory Jarosz Andrzej (1971-2019). The absent ones – placing the post-war Wrocław painting in the context of Polish art Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). A nook at Wolborska Street, or expunged remains of Jewish culture in Łódź Klimczak-Dobrzaniecka Alicja. Erasure. Memory Exercises Kłos Agnieszka. The disappearing memory of Birkenau. A story of the power of nature Krzyżanowska Małgorzata Ksenia. "Nothing is getting as old as modernity" – i.e. why the trend for Nine Graphic Artists Group has passed Kubala Agata. Damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial art Markowska Anna (1962- ). Conspicuously absent Jews, alien environments: Polish artists Mirosław Bałka and Rafał Jakubowicz on the Holocaust Morawiecka Maria Magdalena (1986- ). Terra incognita. On cartographic silence on old maps (Middle Ages and the beginning of the Early Modern Period) Narušytė Agnė (1970- ). Memory of erased time in The Soldier’s Diary by Lithuanian artist Gintaras Zinkevičius Niemira Konrad (1989- ). Isolation / Erasure / Oblivion. An artwork in Marcel Proust’s "A la recherche de temps perdu" Nieszczerzewska Małgorzata. Erasure of time. Photographs of abandoned places Palęcka Alicja. Visualizing the other: ethnographic film as thick description Popa Lucia. Removing Romania: the Western art world colonized by the "East" Scheflan-Katzav Hadara (1963- ). Re-representation – critical art and the return of the repressed Sikora Patrycja (1978- ). Erasure. Memory Exercises Sikora-Sabat Anna. Romantic creation and socialist erasure: representation of Vincent van Gogh in the printed media of the People’s Republic of Poland Sinicka Agnieszka. Wilhem Sasnal’s photophobia Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Jan Berdyszak. Between paradigms of modernity or nowhere? Subjective remarks across the post-war history of art in Poland Soczyńska Agata. Marek Oberländer – a painter undesired by the time Speare Jed. Washing up memories: some strategies of Milan Kohout’s performance activism Stec Anna (1987- ). Anish Kapoor, "Memory" Szczepaniak Barbara. Strategy of erasing, manipulation and destruction in photography – interpretation Aneta Grzeszykowska’s "Album" Tsiftsi Xanthi. Void, the art of erasure. Representing absence in the Jewish Museum Berlin Worłowska Magdalena. "Let self-effacement be my way of blazing" – erasure in the vegetal works of Philippe Jaccottet and Bob Verschueren Zarzycki Jakub (1988- ). Polish history painting in the second half of the nineteenth century as a "quasi-metanarrative". Visible tyranny of Idea? Zawada Michał (1985- ). Imaging iconoclasm Zięba Magdalena (1985- ). Authenticity (aura) recycled. Erasing originality in appropriation art Ziębińska-Witek Anna (1971- ). Historical museums: between representation and illusion
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. grzbietowy: Politics of erasure
Bibliogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23601, III 23426 (2 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- ). Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Puglisi Mariangela. Salamone Grazia. Barbato Marta. The Roman Republican coins from excavations in the Sacred Area of the Largo di Torre Argentina (Rome): New data in the light of recent research Bransbourg Gilles (1965- ). The Currencies of the Roman Republic. Summary of an Argument on Weights and Currency Reform Bruni Valerio. La moneta provinciale in Spagna durante la guerra sertoriana (82-72 a.C.) D'Angelo Giulia (1942- ). Un lingotto con il segno del "ramo secco" dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Martín Esquivel Alberto. Un lingotto con il segno del "ramo secco" dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Hollstein Wilhelm (1960- ). Zum Prägeort des Sicinius/Coponius-Denars (RRC 444) Katz Rebecca. Muttonis Mutunus: Q. Titius and the Case of the Obverse Head Magalhães Maricí Martins. Le monete romane repubblicane del Museo Storico Nazionale di Rio de Janeiro e la Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Brasil McCabe Andrew. The Roman Bronze Coinage struck in Apulia and South East Italy in the Second Punic War Pizzilli Emanuele. Il caso dei Bacchanalia nel documento monetale Ripollès Alegre Pere Pau (1953- ). The Unofficial Roman Republican Asses produced in Spain Gozalbes Fernández de Palencia Manuel. The Unofficial Roman Republican Asses produced in Spain Schwei David. Forgers’ Misunderstanding of Roman Coin Types Zawadzka Anna (1976- ). Some Gallic attributes on Roman Republican coins in the light of recent archaeological findings Bruni Stefano (1960- ). An AE3 mule of Priscus Attalus: new light on dating the Urbs Roma Felix series Carbone Frederico. Semissi pestani a Pompei: dati sulla circolazione Casoli Andrea. Due conii ritoccati di Nerone Ceccaroni Emanuela. I reperti numismatici provenienti dai recenti scavi del santuario di Ercole di Alba Fucens Molinari Maria Cristina. I reperti numismatici provenienti dai recenti scavi del santuario di Ercole di Alba Fucens Chiappini Alessia. Virtù e personificazioni nel Libro delle Medaglie da Cesare a Commodo di Pirro Ligorio Degler Adam (1978- ). Aureus of Postumus with the owner’s graffito (Gounthiou) Dell'Oro D'Amico Federica. Le Puellae Faustinianae nella monetazione di età antonina Dowling Melissa Barden. The Letter E at Delphi: a reconsideration of Plutarch, Faustina, and the appearance of the mystery on Roman coinage Drost Vincent (1979- ). The Seaton Down hoard (UK, Devon): c. 22,900 Constantinian nummi Ellithorpe Corey. Striking a Dissonant Chord: The Geographical Targeting of Trajan’s Debellator Coinage in Dacia Girod Virgine. Mammae gratias ago: mères et fils dans le monnayage impérial des Julio-Claudiens Küter Alexa. Imitatio Alexandri - Drusus Minor auf einer Tessera des Münzkabinetts der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin Lanchi Cristina. La circolazione monetaria in epoca adrianea: alcuni esempi da Roma, dall’Italia e dal limes germanico-retico Lempereur Olivier (1977- ). Les frappes de deniers impériaux à Alexandrie à la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.: premiers résultats d’analyses Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. Les frappes de deniers impériaux à Alexandrie à la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.: premiers résultats d’analyses Marveggio Chiara. The Sabetta coin collection Mondello Cristian. Nuove osservazioni sui contorniati: la serie dei Literaten-Büsten Ortiz Córdoba José. Set of coins from late antiquity found in the town of Ronda (Málaga, Spain) Perassi Claudia (1957- ). Monete dal suburbio di Mediolanum. La documentazione dalla grande fossa di asportazione 10114 Staffieri Giovanni Maria (1944- ). I ritratti senza corona sui bronzi imperiali alessandrini Tonisch Mareike. Prices, wages and values in the Roman Empire: The Analysis of the Epigraphical Evidence Vicari Sottosanti Maria Agata. Testimonianze della circolazione degli antoniniani in Italia meridionale e insulare Zanchi Pierre. Le monnayage de Diocletien seul empereur (été 285-Mars 286) à Siscia Ziegert Martin. Aus alt mach neu. Nachahmungen und Legitimationsstrategien in der Münzprägung Vespasians Awianowicz Bartosz (1978- ). Peculiarities in the legends of Flavian aurei and denarii minted in Syria Bilić Tomislav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia Nađ Miroslav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia Blázquez Cerrato M. Cruces. Circulación monetaria en el territorium de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de Reina, Badajoz, España) Bodzek Jarosław (1964- ). Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Kopij Kamil. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Smagur Emilia. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Breitsprecher Victoria Johanna. Sicheres Zeichen? Asylstädte und ihre Tempeldarstellungen Calabria Patrizia. Le zecche provinciali: una diversa prospettiva di studio Campo Díaz Marta. La moneda en las necrópolis del arco mediterráneo de Hispania (siglos I-II d.C.) Carbone Lucia Francesca. The epigraphic attestations of denarii in the Provincia Asia (133 BC - AD 96) Carvalheiro Porto Vagner. Western and Eastern Provincial Roman Coins: a view from the margins Conejo Delgado Noé. Villae Romanas y Via de la Plata: aproximaciòn a la economia rural romana de la parte occidental de la Peninsula Ibérica a través del registro monetario Dahmen Karsten (1969- ). The 1740 hoard of Roman denarii from Preussisch-Görlitz near Osterode in Eastern Prussia (Gierłoż/Ostróda in Poland) Deloum Said. Le Trésor Monétaire Inédit de Guernine (Djendel - Algérie): Étude Historique et Monétaire Di Jorio Francesco. Il culto di Cibele in Gallia: preesistenza di un culto o diffusione di tipologie da Roma verso la “periferia” dell’impero? Draganov Dimit"r (1952- ). The coinage of Anchialus: Iconography Dymowski Arkadiusz. The inflow of Roman Republican coins to the territory of present-day Poland Flueck Jonas Emmanuel. The Augustean monetary circulation at Lugdunum on the basis of stratigraphical and statistical analyses Găzdac Cristian (1970- ). Patterns of hoarding in the Roman provinces from the Middle and Lower Danube (2nd-3rd c. AD) Geneviève Vincent. Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Sarah Guillaume (1983- ). Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Duval Florian. Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Grozdanova Lily. The development of Pautalia (province of Thracia) during the 2nd-3rd century AD viewed through the city coinage. Some observations Iaculli Ughetta. Aspetti della monetazione provinciale: atletismo ed identità civica Jellonek Szymon. Dynastic propaganda of Caligula-imperial patterns and provincial answers Keleş Vedat. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Oyarçin Kasim. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Yilmaz Michael Deniz. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Kourempanas Theodoros. The bronze coinage of the Roman quaestors of Macedonia Miškec Alenka. Roman coin hoards from 3rd century in the territory of present day Slovenia Mora Serrano Bartolomé (1960- ). "Literatura numismática" en el sur de la Península Ibérica: Mitos regionales e historias locales Munteanu Lucian. Some considerations of the Roman coin finds in the hinterland of the provinces of Dacia and Moesia Inferior Peter Ulrike (1966- ). Die Münzen ohne kaiserliches Porträt von Philippopolis (Thrakien) Pilon Fabien (1965- ). Les monnayages d’imitation de la seconde moitié du IIIe siècle après J.-C. dans les provinces nord-occidentales de l’Empire romain. Importance des découvertes de Châteaubleau (France) pour leur étude Romanowski Andrzej (1973- ). Roman coin finds from Przeworsk Culture settlements in Lesser Poland (Małopolska) Schinzel Christian. Coin Finds in the Swiss Canton of Solothurn and Roman Hoards Trommenschlager Ludovic (1987- ). Un atelier de faux monnayage magnentien à Martinvelle (88): de l’enquête à la résolution Fetet Pierre (1961- ). Un atelier de faux monnayage magnentien à Martinvelle (88): de l’enquête à la résolution Tsagkalia Christina. The Iconographical Type of Dionysus Lyceus/Aesymnetes on the Provincial Coinage of Patrae: An Interpretative Approach Watson George. The system of coin production in Roman Asia Minor: new light on an old problem Zając Barbara (historia). Circulation of Trajan’s silver Greek imperial coins struck in Lycia and Cappadocia in the light of coin finds in Europe Baldi Elena. Coins of the mint of Salona from the archaeological contexts of Classe. New evidence and interpretation Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Le emissioni in bronzo "bizantine" della zecca di Alessandria. Una revisione cronologica Darley Rebecca. All that glitters...: the Byzantine gold solidus, c. 300-1092 Gkantzios Drápelová Pavla. Eastern mints in the early Byzantine period (6th century AD) Guruleva Vera V. Syracusan folles of Leo V in Chersonesos Hahn Wolfgang (1945- ). The sequence of issues struck by the mint of Rome from emperor Leo III to pope Hadrian I Leonard Robert D. Jr. Andronicus Comnenus’s Invasion Money of 1181-1182 Marani Flavia (1981- ). Il cosiddetto "Tesoretto di Sessa Aurunca" e la tesaurizzazione in Italia centrale alla metà del VI secolo Šeparović Tomislav. Notes on Byzantine Coins from the 7th to 9th century found in Croatia Squires Donald A. Unpublished Transitional Hyperpyra of John III Vatatzes Totev Boyan. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Dobrev Dobri. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Mihajlov Stoân. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Lavyš Kristina Anatol'evna (1978- ). The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Ünal Ceren (1972- ). A lead seal of Alexius I Comnenus from Agora sector/ Excavations Smyrna/İzmir Ünal Ceren (1972- ). Kavakli hoard from Aydin Archaeology Museum. "A group of gold coins from the reign of Constans II" Ersoy Akin. A lead seal of Alexius I Comnenus from Agora sector/ Excavations Smyrna/İzmir Achache Steve. Le Trésor du "Loiret": typologie des monnaies de l’Orléanais et liaisons de coins entre ateliers monétaires Akopân Aleksandr Vladimirovič. Dvin in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. City history in the light of new numismatic materials Andrews Murray. "Noble, fair and fine": Single finds of English gold coin from later medieval England and Wales Aricò Rocco. Le kharrūbe dei due Ruggeri: un tentativo di classificazione Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). Miliarenses and silver grossi in the Western Mediterranean: new documents and perspectives Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). The overstriking on Italian Medieval coins: a preliminary "taxonomy" and some motivations Becker Jan-Erik. Die Rekonstruktion des Brakteatenfundes bei Leipzig (1831). Ein Beitrag zur Münzgeschichte des Osterlandes am Übergang vom 13. zum 14. Jahrhundert Bochnak Anna. The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Type Dorogichin Seals in Their East European Context Wołoszyn Marcin (1970- ). The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Type Dorogichin Seals in Their East European Context Bompaire Marc (1957- ). Piéforts médiévaux. Réflexions sur l’origine et les fonctions d’un objet monétaire mal connu Bonanno Maurizio. Le monete "locali" di Messina del 1474 Canto García Alberto. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Martín Escudero Fátima. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Doménech Belda Carolina. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Clua Mercadal Maria. Alternativas monetarias adoptadas en Catalunya durante la Baja Edad Media Day William R. "Secundum ducatos venetos": the Roman Senatorial Gold Ducat, 1368-1439 De Benetti Massimo. The Alberese hoard. Seventy-six gold florins of the second half of 13th century Dergaciova Lilia. Newly Discovered Coin Hoard in the Republic of Moldova. North Pontic Factors in the Local Money Circulation Elfver Frédéric. Export of dies between Denmark and the Slavonic area during the 11th century Emmerig Hubert (1958- ). Der Beitrag der schriftlichen Quellen zur Frage nach der Monetarisierung des frühen Österreichs im 12. Jahrhundert Garbaczewski Witold (1971- ). Die sog. "Krönungs-" und "Inaugurationsmünzen" im mittelalterlichen Polen und Böhmen (bis zum Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts) Grossmannová Dagmar (1973- ). Der Schatzfund von Zlechau/Zlechov (Tschechische Republik) und dessen Bedeutung für das Münzwesen im 13. Jahrhundert Hürlimann Florian. Die mittelalterlichen Fundmünzen aus Ingelheim am Rhein Jonsson Kenneth (1950- ). The earliest coinage on Gotland and in the Baltic countries Kelleher Richard. The monetisation of Medieval England and Wales: new interpretations from single finds (c.1150 - c.1300) Locatelli Stefano. Aspects of the Monetary Circulation of the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily in the Sixteenth Century. Two Unpublished Coin Hoards from the Island of Lipari Märcher Michael (1979- ). The monetary development in Bornholm in the 12th-13th centuries Nassar Magdi A. M. (1994- ). Il ritratto fisionomico realistico sulla monetazione medievale italiana Novák Vlastimil (1964-2020). Islamic silver in the newly discovered hoard dated back to the 10th century from central Moravia, the Czech Republic Paghava Irakli. Muslim Tiflis before Georgian Conquest: Numismatic Evidence. Monetary Issues in the Name of al-Mustazhir Paszkiewicz Borys (1959- ). Lusatian seigneurial coinage of Żary and Przewóz Piercy Jeremy. Hammered Lives: studies from a New Database of the Late Anglo-Saxon Moneyers Polanský Luboš (1972- ). Marginal legends and images on Bohemian deniers of the 10th century Raemy Tournelle Carine. Aperçu de la circulation monétaire en Pays de Vaud sous le prisme de cinq églises Rossini Fabrizio. Renaissance portrait coins: the innovation, its forerunners and the diffusion in Italy and Europe Sarcinelli Giuseppe. Rinvenimenti di moneta in Puglia tra Bisanzio e i Normanni. Note a margine dell’edizione aggiornata de "La monetazione nell’Italia normanna" di Lucia Travaini Screen Elina M. Anglo-Saxon coin imports to Norway: the die-linking evidence Spufford Peter (1934-2017). Some Economic Effects of Debasement Valci Mariele. A hoard of denari anconetani and ravennati from the Forum of Nerva, Rome Dobrovolskaâ Lidiâ I. Russian-French Friendly Relations in the late 19th - early 20th cent. in Medals, Badges and Jettons (on the basis of the Hermitage collection) Gimeno Javier. Vt quiescat Atlas: un estado de la cuestión Günther Sven (1978- ). Authority or Just Reference? A Case Study on a Russian Medal of Empress Elizabeth (1741-1762) Haidenthaller Y. Producing the Pole Star. Early modern Swedish medals Järvinen Outi (1961- ). Medallic art of Emil Wikström. A source study Jiménez Martínez Francisco. El botón contemporáneo: fantasía e imitación del antiguo sistema monetario romano Sanders George P. (1961- ). The Triumph Medals of the Dutch Republic. An instrument of politics and propaganda Schaal Katia. "Il faut pour le bon renom de l’Art Français que la médaille et la plaquette de 1900 soient des modèles sortant des mains de nos maîtres les plus renommés". Genèse et réalisation des œuvres de Jules-Clément Chaplain et d’Oscar Roty Simmons Frances. Commissioning the medal Specht Edith (1943- ). A medal for books. The "Description de l’Égypte" Turricchia Arnaldo (1933- ). Five Centuries of Italian Medals. A Preliminary Statistical Overview Francisco Olmos José María de (1964- ). La influencia de la iconografía de la moneda castellana de los Reyes Católicos en sus descendientes (siglos XVI-XVII) Gianazza Luca (1974- ). Coin clipping and monetary crisis: the case of the Italian ducatone Jambu Jérôme (1977- ). Évaluer la circulation monétaire en "Flandre". L’enquête justifiant la réforme de l’argent espagnol et l’ouverture d’une Monnaie française Joyaux François (1938- ). La fin du monnayage annamite sous le règne de Bảo Đai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapèque Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. La fin du monnayage annamite sous le règne de Bảo Đai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapèque Kleeberg John M. John J. Ford Jr., Paul Franklin and their Forgeries of Western Gold Bars Marcos Alonso Carmen (1960- ). El último viaje de la fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. Un tesoro cultural recuperado Otero Paloma. El último viaje de la fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. Un tesoro cultural recuperado Poddi Stefano. I buoni dei prigionieri di guerra Santiago Fernández Javier de. Acuñación de moneda en la España de los Austrias. Asientos para la fabricación del vellón de Carlos II Śnieżko Grzegorz (1987- ). The plague of forged coins - counterfeits of the copper shillings of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half of 17th century Vanhoudt Hugo. The coinage of Philip V in the Spanish Low Countries (1700-1712) Vorel Petr (1963- ). The activities of the Roman Mint at the end of the pontificate of Urban VIII. The rolling of Papal gold, silver and copper coins during the years 1634-1644 Zilch Reinhold (1952- ). The numismatic iconography of successor state banknotes in Central and Eastern Europe, 1918-1939 Meadows Andrew. Introduction Duyrat Frédérique (1970- ). The catalogue of the Greek coin collection of the BnF Peter Ulrike (1966- ). Corpus Nummorum Thracorum - A Research Tool for Thracology and an Example of Digital Numismatic Collaboration Van Alfen Peter Gerrit. The PELLA Project: coin types of the Argead kings Wartenberg Ute. PHANES: A database of early archaic electrum coinage Markou Evangeline (1975- ). Kyprios Character Website: Grandjean Catherine (1957- ). Monnaies de fouille en ligne Reinhard Andrew. Digital Publication, Recent Developments at the American Numismatic Society Burström Nanouschka (1969- ). Introduction to the Round Table session Burström Nanouschka (1969- ). Coin finds in religious contexts: introducing the theme Houlbrook Ceri. "So Money Really Does Grow On Trees": The British Coin-Tree Custom Kelleher Richard. Pilgrims, Pennies and the Ploughzone: folded coins in Medieval Britain Naismith Rory (1983- ). Pecuniary Profanities? Money and Ritual in the Early Middle Ages Perassi Claudia (1957- ). Baptism and Coins in Late Antiquity. Written sources and numismatic finds reconsidered Audy Florent. A link to the past? The ritual use of Roman coins in Viking Age graves Horsnæs Helle W. (1961- ). Sacred or Secular? The roles of Landscape, Tradition and Social Context for the function of Roman coins in a non-Roman environment Kemmers Fleur (1977- ). Worthless? The practice of offering counterfeit coinage in Roman religious contexts Ehrnsten Frida (1984- ). Cheap Salvation? Post-reformation offerings in Finnish churches Gullbekk Svein H. (1967- ). Medieval Scandinavian Women in Search of Salvation Wigg-Wolf David. Final Comments Nomikou Effrosini. ICOMON, Purposes and Goals
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Beier Christine. Juckes Tim. Pinkus Assaf. Bartlová Milena (1958- ). Can we grasp wordless images? Binski Paul (1956- ). Gothic art, realism and magniloquentia: thoughts on Erich Auerbach Gerát Ivan (1964- ). Bonaventure and monastic images of St Elizabeth Hinterholz Tanja. Inhaltliche Vielfalt durch motivische Zurückhaltung. Zur Wandmalerei in der camera pape im Papstpalast von Avignon Juckes Tim. Eye of the donkey: visual strategies on the choir Threshold of St Laurence’s in Nuremberg Jung Jacqueline E. (1971- ). In praise of the Pigeon: interpretive adventures in Naumburg Cathedral Kaczmarek Romuald (1959- ). Das Kultbild und sein Rahmen: Zur Funktion von Stildifferenzen (zwei schlesische Beispiele aus dem Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts) Klafter Einat. The scaling turn: experiencing late medieval artifacts Körner Hans (1951- ). "Where the wild things are". Die Wilden Leute des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit im Raum des Dekorativen Pace Valentino (1944- ). Storia, mito e allegoria: I portali del Santo Sepolcro a Brindisi Pfisterer Ulrich (1968- ). Bildkonzepte im Widerstreit. Donatellos Judith als „naturalisierte Allegorie“ Pinkus Assaf. The scaling turn: experiencing late medieval artifacts Rodríguez Porto Rosa Maria. In cerchio: illuminating the Trojan legend and the commedia between the Veneto and Naples (with some conjectures on Madrid, BNE, MS 10057) Saurma-Jeltsch Lieselotte E. (1946- ). Wie die Bilder im Roman d’Alexandre en prose die dubiose Herkunft des Helden diskutieren Schurr Marc Carel (1965- ). Bilder und Kult als Ausdruck bischöflicher Macht: Berthold von Buchegg und die Katharinenkapelle im Straßburger Münster
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(Conferenze / Accademia Polacca delle Scienze, ISSN 0239-8605 ; 145)
Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Nitka Maria. Chasjanowa Lejła S. (1963- ). "Do we need a Russian Academy in Rome?" Henryk Siemiradzki and art education Chu Petra ten-Doesschate (1942- ). Siemiradzki's Rome Dobrowolski Witold (1939-2019). Programme related content in the "The judgment of Paris" by Henryk Siemiradzki First Grzegorz. Inspiration - selection - function. An ancient object in Henryk Siemiradzki Gerc Lidia. "Thinks like Dante, handles paints like Boccaccio". About Henryk Siemiradzki in Vienna Haake Michał. Realism and figuralism. On "Christ and the Harlot" by Henryk Siemiradzki Karpova Tatʹâna Lʹvovna (1960- ). Henryk Siemiradzki. In monastic silence Klimov Pavel Û. (1965- ). Russian artists in Rome: the era of Henryk Siemiradzki (based on the anniversary exhibition at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg) Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka. Marketing academism? Henryk Siemiradzki's strategies of display Królikowska-Dziubecka Marzena. Henryk Siemiradzki's decorative paintings in the context of early-modern art in Rome and Venice Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). The limits of painting: theatrical curtains by Henryk Siemiradzki Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Introduction Markova Nina Kirillovna. Some ideas about "A French artist of the time of Louis XV paints the portrait of a Marquise" by Henryk Siemiradzki Masłowska Anna. Henryk Siemiradzki's painting on the European market of photographic reproductions of works of art Nitka Maria. Naked truth and beauty of the nude in Henryk Siemiradzki's "Phryne" Okoń Waldemar (1953- ). Siemiradzki and the three bards Ormond Leonée (1940- ). Frederic Leighton and the poets Poprzęcka Maria (1942- ). An academician in a Roman slaughterhouse Rosales Rodríguez Agnieszka (1974- ). Visuality on display. Henryk Siemiradzki's "fetishization of sight" Traânovna-Bogdan Veronika-Irina (1959- ). Henryk Siemiradzki on the World and international exhibitions Twardowska Kamilla (1975- ). Henryk Siemiradzki and his correspondence with Polish painters in St. Petersburg and Munich in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow
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Materiały z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej, 7-9 listopada 2018 r., Rzym.
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(Explorations in Medieval Culture / general ed. Larissa Tracy, ISSN 2352-0299 ; vol. 9)
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Karamian Gholamreza (1971- ). Maksymiuk Katarzyna. Czerwieniec-Ivasyk Marta. Helmet or a crown? Dmitriev Vladimir. Ram's horns as a religious element of Sasanian Kings' military equipment (notes to Amm. Marc. XIX.1.3.) Farrokh Kaveh. An examination of Parthian and Sasanian military helemets (2nd century BC-7th century CE) Ionescu Dan-Tudor. The use of the tiara as symbol of Persian Achaemenid kingship: why Alexander the Great didn't adopt it? Jäger Ulf. Morion-type helmets of Gandhāra Kainov Sergej Ûrevič. The helmet from Krasnodar Territory Karamian Gholamreza (1971- ). An examination of Parthian and Sasanian military helemets (2nd century BC-7th century CE) Kubik Adam Lech. An examination of Parthian and Sasanian military helemets (2nd century BC-7th century CE) Kubik Adam Lech. Sasanian lamellar helmets Lichota Marcin. Diadem on the head from Khalchayan battle scene and possible reconstruction of the composition Maksymiuk Katarzyna. The Sasanian relief at Salmās Mielczarek Mariusz (1955- ). Arms and armour on Kušān coins Nicolle David (1944- ). One-piece Sasanian and early Islamic helmets Skupniewicz Patryk. Diadem on the head from Khalchayan battle scene and possible reconstruction of the composition Skupniewicz Patryk. On the helmet on the capital at Ṭāq-e Bostān again Smirnov Svâtoslav Viktorovič. Revising Seleukid iconography: a person wearing helmet and conflict of imageries Syvänne Ilkka. A note on the methodology regarding the reconstruction of the Late Roman helmets in art, archaeology and analyis Szklarz Joanna (1983- ). Significance of the helmet in fight between Sohrāb and Gordāfarid Taheri-Oshterinani Mandana. An examination of Parthian and Sasanian military helemets (2nd century BC-7th century CE)
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(Lietuvos Didžiųjų Kunigaikščių Rūmų Parodų Katalogai ; ISSN 2351-7115 ; t. 22)
Būrė Dainius (1969- ). Guidetti Giovanni Matteo. Maniscalco Ileana. Mitrulevičiūtė Daiva. Roberts Mark Adrian. Strunga Albina. Baldassari Francesca (1963- ). Baratti Giorgio (1946- ). I have the obligation to share... Baratti Giorgio (1946- ) . Io ho il dovere di tramandare... Baratti Giorgio (1946- ). Mano pareiga dalintis... Bellandi Alfredo. Bellesi Sandro. Graikų ir romėnų mitologija naujųjų laikų Italijos mene Bellesi Sandro. Greco-Roman mythology in Italian art of the modern period Bellesi Sandro. La mitologia greco-romana nell'arte italiana in età moderna Bellesi Sandro. la natura morta nella oittura italiana del Seicento e del Settecento Bellesi Sandro. Natiurmortas XVII-XVIII a. italų tapyboje Bellesi Sandro. Still life in Italian painting of the seventeenth and eighteenth century Benati Daniele. Carcano Paolo. Ciampolini Marco (1959- ). Crispo Alberto. Damian Véronique. Di Natale Pietro (1981- ). Dolinskas Vydas (1970- ). 500 years on, another exclusive guest comes to Vilnius from Milan Dolinskas Vydas (1970- ). A 500 anni di distanza un'altra illustre ospite da Milano visita Vilnius Dolinskas Vydas (1970- ). Po 500 metų iš Milano į Vilnių vėl atvyko išskirtinė viešnia Emiliani Andrea (1931-2019). Falciani Carlo (1963- ). Forti Grazzini Nello (1954- ). Gattai Leonardo. Gentilini Giancarlo (1959- ). Guidetti Giovanni Matteo. Considerations on the themes of the sacred in Italian art from the third to the seventeenth century Guidetti Giovanni Matteo. Considerazioni sui temi del sacro nella pittura italiana dal III al XVII secolo Guidetti Giovanni Matteo. Krikščioniškieji sakraliniai siužetai italų tapyboje III-XVII amžiais Gentilini Giancarlo (1959- ). About sculpture. Opere dalle collecioni di Giorgio Baratti Gentilini Giancarlo (1959- ). About sculpture. Works from the collection of Giorgio Baratti Gentilini Giancarlo (1959- ). Apie skulptūrą. Kūriniai iš Džordžo Baračio rinkinių Kuizinienė Ieva (1966- ). Gli arazzi e i loro soggetti tra XV e XVII secolo Kuizinienė Ieva (1966- ). Gobelenai ir jų siužetai XV-XVII a. Kuizinienė Ieva (1966- ). Tapestries and their subjects between the 15th and 17th centuries Lucco Mauro (1947- ). Lucidi David. About sculpture. Opere dalle collecioni di Giorgio Baratti Lucidi David. About sculpture. Works from the collection of Giorgio Baratti Lucidi David. Apie skulptūrą. Kūriniai iš Džordžo Baračio rinkinių Mitrulevičiūtė Daiva. Between 'Sacro' and 'Profano': a historical artistic itinerary tracing European cultural identity Mitrulevičiūtė Daiva. Nuo sacro iki profano: kelionė po meno pasaulį europietiškosios kultūrines tapatybės pėdsakais Mitrulevičiūtė Daiva. Tra 'Sacro' e 'Profano': un intinerario storico artistico sulle tracce dell'identità culturale europea Morandotti Alessandro (1958- ). Nesi Alessandro (1966- ). Orlando Anna (1967- ). Papi Gianni. Petrucci Francesco (1958- ). Pulini Massimo (1958- ). Sestieri Giancarlo. Breve vitico sul ritratto: genesi e sviluppo dal XIV al XVII secolo tra l'Italia a l'Europa Sestieri Giancarlo. In breif about the appearance of the portrait genre and its developement in Italy and Europe in the 14th-17th centuries Sestieri Giancarlo. Origine della pittura di Paesaggio e del Caproccio e loro fortuna tra XVII e XVIII secolo Sestieri Giancarlo. Peizažo ir architektūrinio kaprizo žanrų atsiradimas ir populiarumas XVII-XVIII a. tapyboje Sestieri Giancarlo. the origin of landscape painting and the capriccio, and their reception in the seventeenth and eighteenth century Sestieri Giancarlo. Trumpai apie portreto žanro atsiradimą ir vystymąsi XIV-XVII a. Italijoje ir Europoje Spike John T. (1951- ). Spinosa Nicola. Strinati Claudio (1943- ). Vannugli Antonio (1959- ). Vanoli Paolo (1974- ).
Indeks R0: BMNK
Brak s. 513-516, 525-528. Zdubl. s. 517-524.
Katalog wystawy: Nacionalinis muziejus Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės valdovų rūmai, 16 lutego - 27 września 2020 r.
Bibliogr. przy notach katalogowych.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25201 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Studia o Sztuce Nowoczesnej = Studies on Modern Art ; t. 6)
Geron Małgorzata. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Sienkiewicz Jan Wiktor (1960- ). Bobrowska Ewa (1958- ). Les associations artistiques polonaises en France dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle : vers une intégration du milieu Blonka-Drzażdżewska Aleksandra. Jerzy Brodnicki - Van Haardt - une vie, deux biographies Červonnaâ Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). Kaunas - Vilnius - Paris: Lithuanian parallel of Polish artistic exile during and after World War II Durda-Dmitruk Magdalena. Mirror Mirages of Gabriela Morawetz Dzierżyc-Horniak Anna (1975- ). "Polish art is an interest, otherwise it won’t be seen, as in comparison with what is being done in the world…". Foksal Gallery and Polish-French artistic relations Geron Małgorzata. Roman Zrębowicz "O nowoczesnym malarstwie francuskim. Wspomnienia i refleksje paryskie" [On modern French painting. Parisian memoirs and reflections] (1959) Grabowska-Konwent Anna. Roman Cieślewicz - Meanders of Imagination in Archival Order Grubba-Thiede Dorota (1972- ). From the "Wailing Wall" through affirmative participation to situational "whisper" : notes on the Paris works of Wostan, Alina Szapocznikow, Wanda Czełkowska and Andrzej Wojciechowski in years 1946-1973 Gryglewicz Tomasz (1949-2022). Paris motifs in the art of Jan Lebenstein as an image of man’s downfall in a big city Ignaczak Paweł (1978- ). Les graveurs polonais en France après 1945, dans les collections artistiques de la Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). Zofia Lipecka - L’Art et l’infinie harmonie du Chaos Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka. Le "Dossier Pologne" de la galerie l’Ollave de Lyon Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). Seulement la liberté. Zbigniew Makowski, Paris and Surrealism in 1962 Kulpińska Katarzyna (1973- ). The graphic work and publishing activities of Franciszek Prochaska (1891-1972) Majewski Piotr (1970- ). Le voyage de Pierre Restany pour la Pologne en 1960 et ses échos dans les écrits du critique Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Jewish artists from Poland in post-war Paris Marciniak Piotr (architektura). L’émigration polonaise en France après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, et son influence sur la création de l’espace urbain Milczanowska Henryka. Nothing objectively existing. Arika Madeyska - a sketch to her portrait Przybył Marlena. Les commencements d'Edward Baran. Vers la dé-matérialisation de la peinture Raniewicz Aleksandra. L’émigration polonaise en France après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, et son influence sur la création de l’espace urbain Reinhard-Chlanda Małgorzata (1954- ). Włodzimierz Hodys - between Paris and Kraków Rudek-Śmiechowska Anna. Cryptic notes from everyday life. Michał Batory’s graphic statements Sawczuk Magdalena. "Chassés du paradis". Les facettes inconnues de la scène artistique polonaise à Paris après la Seconde Guerre mondiale Sienkiewicz Jan Wiktor (1960- ). Searching for the bright spot. The work of Joanna Wierusz-Kowalska-Turowska Stępnik Małgorzata (1975- ). La non-existence fructueuse. Piotr Szmitke et simulacrum parisien Szomko-Osękowska Dorota. Jan Ekiert - The artist of quiet voice Zelmańska-Lipnicka Anna. Janusz Strzałecki - artwork revisions and the idea to establish Parisian Studio of Copy as the Gdańsk State Higher School of Fine Arts Department Ziembińska Ewa. Les sculptrices polonaises à Paris après 1945 Zychowicz Karolina (1982- ). The cooperation between the Louise Leiris gallery in Paris and CBWA "Zachęta". Exhibitions of Pablo Picasso (1965, 1968) and André Beaudin (1968)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy rozdz.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32929, II 32930 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Allain Jean-François (1948- ). Bossi Laura. Morice Olivier. Athanassoglou-Kallmyer Nina Maria (1945- ). Monet, "Nymphéas". Art, philosophie, science Baglione Gabrielle. L'expedition de Baudin en terres australes. Des artistes voyageurs Blanckaert Claude (1952- ). Le double. Variations sur le singe Bondil Nathalie. Histoire de l'art, histoire des idées Bossi Laura. Haeckel et la beauté. Les formes artistiques de la nature Bossi Laura. Introduction: la nature dévoilée par la science Bossi Laura. Le grand tour du rhinocéros Clara Bossi Laura. Pourquoi le paon est-il beau? Bossi Laura. Prologue au paradis terrestre Bourguet Marie-Noëlle (1947- ). Immensité du monde, diversité de la nature. Le temps des grands voyage Brauer Fae. La face sombre de l'évolution. Dégénérescence, régression et extinction Chaperon Danielle (1962- ). Le roman des origines de Rosny Aîné Comar Philippe. Miroir mortifère des origines Corsi Pietro (1948- ). Évolutions, auteurs, théories, lecteurs David Bruno. Pourquoi Darwin? Des Cars Laurence (1966- ). Histoire de l'art, histoire des idées Des Cars Laurence (1966- ). Préface Du Crest Sabine (1963- ). Les pouvoirs de la nature dans l'Europe moderne Dubreuil Élise. L'évolution et l'art nouveau. L'exemple d'Émile Gallé Gamboni Dario (1954- ). "Ars sive natura". Art, nature et "puissance d'imagination" chez Odilon Redon Garcia Joëlle (1970- ). Surprendre le secret de la nature. Deux répertoires artistiques et scientifiques des fruits de l'Île de France au début du XIXe siècle Grasso Laurent (1972- ). Artificialis Goy Jacqueline (1936- ). "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers": le premier traité d'océanographie Heurtel Pascale. Des amateurs aux savants. Les mutations d'une collection Hoquet Thierry (1973- ). L'antiquité du monde. La découverte du temps de la nature Hoquet Thierry (1973- ). Nature, l'impossible ailleurs Larson Barbara. La bête intérieure. Hybrides et chimères Lecointre Guillaume (1964- ). De la grande échelle des êtres à l'arbre de la vie Lecointre Guillaume (1964- ). Pourquoi Darwin? Lemaire Alice. Lenoir Michelle. Des amateurs aux savants. Les mutations d'une collection Lorenzi Camille. L'"Aquarium-Mania" Maris Virginie (1978- ). La nature, cette part sauvage du monde Michel Ellinor. L'invention et la réinvention des dinosaures: la découverte du XIXe siècle Pierre Arnauld (1967- ). Les origines selon l'abstraction Richard Nathalie (1963- ). L'homme préhistorique. Archéologie et imaginaire Tillier Bertrand (1968- ). Darwin, l'évolution et la caricature Uzal Marcos (1973- ). Singes à notre image Uzal Marcos (1973- ). Verne réinventé par Méliès Voss Julia (1974- ). Le rire et le rêve Wanlin Nicolas (1976- ). Écrire les origines de l'homme ou la sortie de l'animalité Wat Pierre (1965- ). Paysage et imaginaire géologique Witton Mark P. (1984- ). L'invention et la réinvention des dinosaures: la découverte du XIXe siècle
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publ. związ. z wystawą w Musée d'Orsay, Paryż, 10 listopada 2020 do 14 lutego 2021, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, od 15 czerwca do 12 października 2021.
Bibliogr. s. 372-377. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26613 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bucher Danijela (1978- ). Ruppen Fabienne. Volmert Miriam. Biger Pierre-Henri. Vrais et faux langages de l'éventail Calonder Nikkibarla. Lagerund und Ausstellung von Fächern im Schweizerischen Nationalmuseum. Ein Erfahrungsbericht Chéry Aurore (1982- ). Iconographie des reines sur les éventails et les écrans à mains dans la France du XVIIIe siècle. Marie Leszczynska et Marie-Antoinette Cugy Pascale (1984- ). "La Dame paroist badiner avec son Eventail gu'elle porte au coin de sa bouche." Les éventails dans la gravure de mode sous Louis XIV Dutoit Geneviève. Les éventails décorés avec des œuvres d'Angelica Kauffmann à la fin du XVIIIe siècle Fleischmann-Heck Isa. Fächer des 18. Jahrhunderts mit Spitzendekor. Modische accessories und transferobjekte Hassard Kirsty. Martha Gamble, Sarah Ashton and their contemporaries. Female fan makers and publishers in eighteenth-century London Kammerl-Baum Christl. Bildersprache auf Fächern. Überlegungen zu ikonografischen und formalen Aspekten anhand von Alexander- und Coriolanus-Darstellungen Keller Isabel (1986- ). Lagerund und Ausstellung von Fächern im Schweizerischen Nationalmuseum. Ein Erfahrungsbericht Kitson Mary. Typical imagery of the Grand Tour Fan Leaf Krellig Heiner. Souvenir der Grand Tour. Ein Fächer mit einer Erinnerung an Venedig Lam Suet May. From ephemeral to eternal. Unfolding early modern 'fashion' for Asia Letourmy-Bordier Georgina (1973- ). De Coriolan à la rosière de Salency. Les nouveaux héros et l'incarnation de la vertu représentés sur les éventails au XVIIIe siècle Reichardt Rolf. Bildkompositionen revolutionärer Faltfächer in Frankreich (1789-1794) Semal Mathilde. L'indispensable monture de l'éventail, véritable attribut social? La richesse des montures de la collection Preciosa (Musée Art & Histoire, Bruxelles) Volmert Miriam. Introduction Volmert Miriam. Ruins to take away. Roman Grand Tour Fand and eighteenth-century souvenir culture Voltz Yolaine. Principes généraux et particularités de la restauration d'éventails
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34910 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Kubala Agata. Bończuk-Dawidziuk Urszula. Collecting Antiquities at the Archaeological Museum of the Royal University in Wrocław in the second half of the nineteenth century Ceci Francesca. The Sobieskis: memories, prints, paintings, and letters in the collections of the Sovrintendenza Capitolina di Roma, in the Roman chronicles and in Rome: a historical commentary D'Amico Serena. United by context, divided by collection: the nineteenth century collecting of prehistoric artifacts from Villafrati (Sicily, Italy) Głowa Anna. The collection of late Antique textiles from Egypt acquired in 1893 by the Archaeological Cabinet of the Jagiellonian University in the context of the early interest in "Coptic" weaving Gołyźniak Paweł. Glyptic treasures in Krakow and old master paintings collection of Constantine Schmidt-Ciążyński Gorzelany-Nowak Dorota (1973- ). The overlooked collection: the ancient art collection of the Princes Czartoryski Museum Halbertsma Ruurd (1958- ). From antiquarianism to scholarship: classical archaeology in the Netherlands, 1600–1840 Martini Annarita. From the Capitol to the Louvre: the journey of a relief of Mithras Moretti Cursi Giulia. The Dionysian Ancient Reliefs of the Cardelli Collection: A Product of Seven - teenth Century Classicism or an Interpretative Paradigm? Nørskov Vinnie. Introduction: When is a collection a collection? Provenance studies and the role of dealer's collections Nowakowski Wojciech (archeologia). Die ostpreussischen Sammlungen der "vaterländischen Alterthümer" im 18 Jh. Kubala Agata. From Greece to Wrocław: Eduard Schaubert's collection of Antiquities Palica Magdalena (1980- ). Antiquities collections in Silesia - terra incognita? Paliušytė Aistė (1966- ). Antiquities in the collection of the Radziwiłł family in the Wettin era Petřeková Eliška. Luxury souvenir or precious original: the case of the bronze tripod from the Real Museo Borbonico Salvatelli Luca. "Anno ab incarnatione Domini Nostri MLXVI": a note about Halley's Comet in Viterbo's Archbishop library collection Santagati Elena (1967- ). Collecting in Sicily in the nineteenth century: Baron Judica and the wonders of Ancient Akrai Serafini Isabella. The memorial to the visit of the queen of Poland Maria Casimira Sobieski in the Musei Capitolini: history, style, setting up and dismantling over two centuries Sławińska Joanna (historia sztuki). The collection of late Antique textiles from Egypt acquired in 1893 by the Archaeological Cabinet of the Jagiellonian University in the context of the early interest in "Coptic" weaving Stern Gaius. The pieces of the Ara Pacis Suba Zoltán. Master and disciple: Bertel Thorvaldsen's private collection and its impact on neoclassicism
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy ref. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 35314 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Geron Małgorzata. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Bobilewicz-Bryś Grażyna (1951- ). Music in Russian avant-garde painting Bobilewicz-Bryś Grażyna (1951- ). Muzyka w malarstwie awangardy rosyjskiej Buczyński Bartosz. Henryk Stażewski and his earliest works. Analysis of his style in relation to unknown composition dated ca. 1920 Buczyński Bartosz. Wczesna twórczość Henryka Stażewskiego. Analiza i dynamika przemian na podstawie nowo odkrytej kompozycji malarskiej z początku lat 20 Budzałek Anna. Na ratunek ostatniej polskiej przedwojennej awangardzie. Leon Chwistek i I Grupa Krakowska Budzałek Anna. Saving the last Polish pre-war avant-garde. Leon Chwistek and the Krakow Group Červonnaâ Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). "Der Blaue Reiter" and the echo of his triumphal flight in national artistic schools of the East-Europa Červonnaâ Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). Der Blaue Reiter (Błękitny Jeździec) i echo jego tryumfalnego marszu w narodowych szkołach artystycznych Europy Wschodniej Chudzikowska Monika. Formiści w przestrzeni sceny. Scenografia Andrzeja i Zbigniewa Pronaszków w latach 1925–1926 Chudzikowska Monika. Formists in terms of stage performance. Stage design by Andrzej and Zbigniew Pronaszko in 1925–1926 Dziewicki Tomasz. Totemiczny wymiar abstrakcji. Wokół narodzin malarstwa bezprzedmiotowego i Kompozycji 5 Wassilego Kandinskiego Dziewicki Tomasz. Totemism of abstract painting. About birth of non-representational art and Composition 5 by Wassily Kandinsky Geron Małgorzata. Kokaina/Cocain by Rita Sacchetto and August Zamoyski Geron Małgorzata. Kokaina/Cocain Rity Sacchetto i Augusta Zamoyskiego Giziński Kajetan (1993- ). Wassilij Kandinski – malarz jednego obrazu Giziński Kajetan (1993- ). Wassily Kandinsky – one picture painter Gryglewicz Tomasz (1949-2022). Formism and the early avant-garde tendencies in the art of Central Europe. An outline of the problem Gryglewicz Tomasz (1949-2022). Formizm a tendencje wczesnoawangardowe w sztuce Europy Środkowej. Zarys problematyki Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). Marek Szwarc: Jung Idysz i Bunt Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). Marek Szwarc: Young Yidish and Bunt Group Kaśkiewicz Kinga (1973- ). Koncepcja wielości rzeczywistości Leona Chwistka a imaginatywny świat sztuki Leona Blausteina Kaśkiewicz Kinga (1973- ). Multiplicity of reality concept by Leon Chwistek vs imaginative world of art by Leon Blaustein Kulpińska Katarzyna (1973- ). Grafika malarza? Poszukiwania Wacława Wąsowicza (1891–1942) w grafice warsztatowej Kulpińska Katarzyna (1973- ). Graphics by a painter? Wacław Wąsowicz’s endeavours in printmaking Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Foreword Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Przedmowa Oboleńska Diana. Anthroposophic period of Stanisław Stückgold Oboleńska Diana. Okres antropozoficzny Stanisława Stückgolda Piątkowska Renata (1961- ). After avant-garde. Is the Jewish avant-garde of the beginning of the twenties have influenced the Yiddish visual univers in Poland? Piątkowska Renata (1961- ). Po awangardzie. Czy żydowska awangarda początku lat 20. XX wieku oddziałała na żydowskie uniwersum wizualne w II Rzeczypospolitej? Powalska Izabella. Around the "Dancing Fire". Women-artists in the Yung Yidish Group Powalska Izabella. Wokół „Tańczącego Ognia”. Kobiety artystki w grupie Jung Idysz Salamon-Radecka Agnieszka (1971- ). Jerzego Hulewicza (1886-1941) kłopoty z formizmem. Przyczynek do burzliwej historii kontaktów poznańskich ekspresjonistów z krakowskimi formistami Salamon-Radecka Agnieszka (1971- ). Jerzy Hulewicz (1886–1941) and his problems with formism. A contribution to the tempestuous history of contacts of Poznań-based expressionists and formists from Kraków Stolarska-Fronia Małgorzata. "Rewolucyjna młodzież ze Wschodu" i berlińscy Patetycy. Związki między ideologią grupy Jung Idysz a grupą Die Pathetiker Stolarska-Fronia Małgorzata. The revolutionary youth from the East and Berlin Pathetiker. The relationship between the Yung-Yidish and Die Pathetiker Groups Strożek Przemysław (1983- ). Sport in the circle of the formists and the first series of "Zwrotnica" Magazine (1919–1923) Strożek Przemysław (1983- ). Sport w kręgu formistów i pierwszej serii „Zwrotnicy” (1919–1923) Szulik Weronika. Around the "Wedding of the Count of Orgaz" – Roman Jaworski’s relationship with the avant-garde Szulik Weronika. Wokół Wesela hrabiego Orgaza – związki Romana Jaworskiego z prądami awangardowymi Wasilewska Diana. "At the lunatics’ night". The formists in the distorting mirror of the interwar art criticism Wasilewska Diana. Na "wieczorze obłąkańców". Sztuka formistów w krzywym zwierciadle krytyki międzywojennej
Indeks R0: BMNK
T. monogr.: Pamiętnik Sztuk Pięknych. Nowa seria. Nr 13 (2018).
Zawiera mat.: VII Konferencji Sztuki Nowoczesnej (Toruń, 7-9 października 2017 r.) i Ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Sztuki Rosyjskiej (Warszawa, 28 października 2017 r.).
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. III 1424/13 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
L'art romantique / par Charles Baudelaire ; [préc. d'un notice par Théophile Gautier]. - Éd. définitive. - Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1885 (Corbeil : Impr. Crété). - [4], 442 s. ; 19 cm.
(Oeuvres complètes de Charles Baudelaire ; 3)
Data wyd. na okł.: 1891.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: I 529 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 7705 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Studenci o Konserwacji ; 2)
Korzeniowski Tomasz (konserwacja zabytków). Babś Marek. O restauracji XVII w. podominikańskiego zespołu klasztornego i kościoła św. Jacka w Klimontowie Babś Marek. On the restoration of the seventeenth-century Dominican monastery complex and St Jacek's church in Klimontów Bunsch Eryk (1973- ). O aspektach współpracy konserwatorów dzieł sztuki z archeologami Bunsch Eryk (1973- ). The aspects of cooperation between conservators of works of art and archeoloogists Cholewka Mirosław. Konserwacja barokowej rzeźby św. Jana Nepomucena z Tolkmicka - przykład rekonstrukcji i aranżacji Cholewka Mirosław. The conservation of the Baroque sculpture of Saint Jan Nepomucen from Tolkmicko Czuczko Jolanta. A card with Indian miniatures dating from the times of the Great Mughal Dynasty Czuczko Jolanta. Karta z miniaturami indyjskimi z czasów Dynastii Wielkich Mogołów Czujko Tomasz. Conservation of St. Nicolas statue from the St. Nicolas parish in Skwierzyna Czujko Tomasz. Konserwacja barokowej rzeźby św. Mikołaja z parafii p.w. św. Mikołaja w Skwierzynie Fuks Irma. Nagrobek Ludwiki Kierbedź z Cmentarza Powązkowskiego w Warszawie Fuks Irma. The gravestone of Ludwika Kierbedź from Powązki Cementery in Warsaw Gawron-Kłosowska Agnieszka. Problems related to the conservation of the bound collection of court acts from the sixteenth century Gawron-Kłosowska Agnieszka. Zagadnienia związane z konserwacją oprawnego zbioru akt sądowych z XVI w. Gibczyński Maciej. Renovation of tenement houses in Toruń Gibczyński Maciej. Renowacja toruńskich kamienic Jarmiłko Andrzej. Rodzaje i charakterystyka zniszczeń malarstwa ikonowego na przykładzie ikon konserwowanych w Zakładzie Konserwacji Malarstwa i Rzeźby Polichromowanej UMK w Toruniu Jarmiłko Andrzej. Types and characteristics of the destruction of iconic painting exemplified by the icons conserved at the Department of Conservation of the Polychrome Paintings and Sculpture in Toruń Kaleta Milena. Adaptacja zabytkowej synagogi w Przysusze na cele kulturalno-oświatowe Kaleta Milena. The adaptation of the historical synagogue for cultural and educational purposes Karsay Csilla. Conservation of the limestone portal of the church of St. Lawrencee the Martyr and Bishop Stanisław, Żółkiew, Ukraine Karsay Csilla. Konserwacja wapiennego portalu kościoła p.w. św. Wawrzyńca Męczennika i św. Stanisława Biskupa, Żółkiew, Ukraina Kołodziej Justyna. Składniki handlowych preparatów stosowanych w konserwacji do usuwania przemalowań olejnych i ich szkodliwość Kołodziej Justyna. The ingredients of commercial preparations applied in the conservation to remove oil repainting and their harmfulness Kołodziejczyk Sylwia. Adaptacja zabytkowej synagogi w Przysusze na cele kulturalno-oświatowe Kołodziejczyk Sylwia. The adaptation of the historical synagogue for cultural and educational purposes Korzeniowski Tomasz (konserwacja zabytków). Conservation and laser cleaning of two eighteenth-century porch relief slabs from the National Museum in Gdańsk Korzeniowski Tomasz (konserwacja zabytków). Konserwacja i laserowe oczyszczenie dwóch reliefowych płyt przedprożowych z XVIII w. z Muzeum Narodowego w Gdańsku i ich konserwacja Kosiniec Hubert. Conservation issues of the post-fortress regions the former Zamość Fortress Kosiniec Hubert. Problematyka konserwatorska terenów pofortecznych dawnej Twierdzy Zamość Majoch Sławomir (1974- ). Nieznany obraz malarza Medyceuszy - Pietra Dandiniego Majoch Sławomir (1974- ). Unknown painting by the Medici's painter, Pietro Dandini artistic and conservation issues Maniakowska-Jazownik Zofia (1976- ). Conservation of the monastery in Probota - International Project of the UNESCO Maniakowska-Jazownik Zofia (1976- ). Konserwacja malowideł ściennych w kościele św. Mikołaja w Probocie w Rumunii - międzynarodowy projekt UNESCO Marczak Jan ( -2016). Conservation and laser cleaning of two eighteenth-century porch relief slabs from the National Museum in Gdańsk Marczak Jan ( -2016). Konserwacja i laserowe oczyszczenie dwóch reliefowych płyt przedprożowych z XVIII w. z Muzeum Narodowego w Gdańsku i ich konserwacja Miśkowiec Jolanta. Elevation colouring of the selected tenement houses in Toruń - conservation problems Miśkowiec Jolanta. Kolorystyka elewacji wybranych kamienic mieszczańskich w Toruniu i ich problematyka konserwatorska Obłog Piotr. Badania nad technologią zapraw do wypełniania rys i podklejania łuszczących się fragmentów kamieni Obłog Piotr. The investigation into mortar technology of fillng cracks and gluing flaking fragments Pikus Marcin. Konserwacja piaskowcowej rzeźby św. Jadwigi Śląskiej z Żagania Pikus Marcin. The conservation of the sandstone sculpture of Saint Jadwiga of Silesia from Żagań Skulska Magdalena. January Suchodolski, portret Wojciecha Suchodolskiego, zapewne 1856-1875 (dotychczas uchodzący za wizerunek Jana hrabiego Suchodolskiego z pocz. XIX w.) Skulska Magdalena. January Suchodolski, the portrait of Wojciech Suchodolski, presumably 1856-1875 Skwiercz Joanna. Conservation of Chinese porcelain exemplified by the eighteenth-century plate from the National Museum in Gdańsk Skwiercz Joanna. Konserwacja chińskiej porcelany na przykładzie XVIII w. talerza Muzeum Narodowego w Gdańsku Wiatr Grzegorz. Konserwacja pokrywy czerwonofigurowej wazy greckiej z Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie Wiatr Grzegorz. The conservation of the red-figured Greek vase cover from the Archaeological Museum in Cracow Żegnałek Marcin. Conservation of the bust of a Roman woman from the collection of ancient sculptures at the National Museum in Poznań Żegnałek Marcin. Iconographic problems of a Peruvian ritual vessel from V-VI c. and its conservation Żegnałek Marcin. Konserwacja popiersia Rzymianki z kolekcji antycznych rzeźb Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu Żegnałek Marcin. Problemy ikonograficzne peruwiańskiego naczynia rytualnego z V-VI w. i jego konserwacja Żulichowski Michał. Nieznany obraz malarza Medyceuszy - Pietra Dandiniego Żulichowski Michał. Unknown painting by the Medici's painter, Pietro Dandini artistic and conservation issues
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z VII konferencji w r. 2005 w serii pt.: "Art Conservation-Restoration - Studies and Practice = Konserwacja Zabytków - Studia i Praktyka.
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Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- ). Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Puglisi Mariangela. Salamone Grazia. Travaini Lucia (1953- ). Mints as volcanoes: Fire and technology Amato Rosalba. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo "Paolo Orsi" di Siracusa Manenti Angela Maria. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo "Paolo Orsi" di Siracusa Angeli Bufalini Gabriella. Il Medagliere MNR, la Banca dati Iuno Moneta e il Bollettino di Numismatica del MiBACT. Un trinomio per la tutela, valorizzazione e fruizione del bene numismatico. Bilanci e prospettive Apolito Pasquale. Monete medievali da Kyme in Eolide: un rapporto preliminare Arthur Paul (1955- ). Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy Sarcinelli Giuseppe. Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy Arzone Antonella. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona Cappiotti Francesco. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona Balbi de Caro Silvana. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma Bulian Giovanni. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma Baldi Elena. Online catalogue of the Ostrogoths at the British Museum and possible developments for further research Baldi Elena. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re) Bateson J. Donald. Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza’s Sicilian Coins Borba Florenzano Maria Beatriz (1952- ). Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Lo Monaco Viviana. Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Gianeze Ribeiro Angela Maria. Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Börner Susanne. Das Heidelberger Zentrum für antike Numismatik Bracey Robert. Contributions of die studies to the study of the intensity of ancient coin production: The work-station problem Brzić Aleksandar (1959- ). Against the history? Vienna Mint and its coinages for Serbia 1868-1914 Burrell Barbara. Coins from a well at Caesarea Maritima and the currency of fifth century Palaestina De Callataÿ François (1961- ). Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA): a short presentation Cardon Thibault. Les monnaies et méreaux en contexte archéologique: une source pour l’étude du salariat (France, XIe -XVe s.) Cassano Maria Raffaella. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Travaglini Adriana. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Fioriello Custode Silvio (1969- ). La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Brandi Serena. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Camilleri Valeria Giulia. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari De Pinto Nicola. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Silvestri Maria. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Cavallaro Emilia. Sulle vie di una nuova scienza: la trattatistica numismatica tra Cinque e Seicento Chiantini Chiara. Un Ripostiglio di IV-V secolo proveniente dagli scavi del Sottosuolo Capitolino Chimienti Michele. L’archivio della zecca di Bologna Chowaniec Roksana (1975- ). History of town Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds Więcek Tomasz. History of town Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds Ciurcina Concetta. Segnalazione di rinvenimenti monetali da indagini condotte a Siracusa negli anni novanta del Novecento Conventi Alberto. Analisi chimiche di monete di elettro e oro di Siracusa greca Lazzarini Lorenzo (1947- ). Analisi chimiche di monete di elettro e oro di Siracusa greca Crisà Antonino (1982- ). Collecting coins and connecting collectors: Government and social networks in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816-1860) D'Ottone Rambach Arianna (1977- ). Arabic Coins from the Italian Royal Collection. Addenda to the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum Gandolfo Lucina (1956- ). Sulle tracce del Salinas. Testimonianze inedite dal suo Museo Gargano Giorgia. Problemi e spunti di riflessione dall’analisi dei rinvenimenti di monete negli scavi archeologici a Vibo Valentia Gianazza Luca (1974- ). A collaborative inventory of coin finds Gil Curado Tiago. Contact and Commerce between Portugal and United Kingdom during Medieval and Post-Medieval Period. Numismatic Perspective Grimaldi Jonathan. Il Medagliere del Museo Archeologico Comunale di Frosinone Gusar Karla. Numismatic finds from Pakoštane - Crkvina, Croatia Šućur Jure. Numismatic finds from Pakoštane - Crkvina, Croatia Hedlund Ragnar (1975- ). The return of the Art Cabinet: Numismatic databases and virtual meeting places Hourmouziadis Jean. Non-destructive assessment of material content of bronze coins Jankowski Lyce (1982- ). Studying coin related objects and redefining paranumismatics Kopij Kamil. Coin propaganda and communication Krishnamourthy Ra. The influence of Early Roman Imperial coin symbols on Sangam age Chera and Pandya coins La Marca Antonio. Monete da scavo, scavi con monete: il "laboratorio" della Missione Archeologica Italiana a Kyme Eolica Lombardi Luca. Antonino Salinas, scritti scelti di Numismatica Ruotolo Giuseppe. Antonino Salinas, scritti scelti di Numismatica Lopez Cédric. Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology Arslan Ermanno A. (1940- ). Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology Marchand Sylvain. The IBISA System for computer-assisted coin identification and hoards study Marchesi Enrico. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re) Morelli Anna Lina. Monete di epoca romana repubblicana nella collezione numismatica del Museo Nazionale di Ravenna Napolitano Maria Luisa. Hubertus Goltzius, totius antiquitatis restaurator: numismatica e storia antica in Sicilia et Magna Graecia (1576) Otero Paloma. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Grañeda Miñón Paula. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Cruz Mateos Montserrat. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Parisot-Sillon Charles. Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Corsi Jacopo. Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Suspène Arnaud (1973- ). Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Sarah Guillaume (1983- ). Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Pellé Richard. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Pellé Richard. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Frangin Elsa. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Chapon Philippe. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Zaaba Omar. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Stiti Kemal. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Souq François. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Pelsdonk Jan. Digital traps. The complexity of publishing numismatic databases on the internet Peter Ulrike (1966- ). CNT - The web portal for Thracian coins Weisser Bernhard (1964- ). CNT - The web portal for Thracian coins Rambach Hadrien (1981- ). The coin-collection of Don Carlo Trivulzio (1715-1789) Ruske Alexander. The new Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Experience and outlook Santangelo Stefania. Monete e ripostigli della Sicilia araba e normanna nel Medagliere di Siracusa Sinner Alejandro G. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Pardini Giacomo (1973- ). Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Piacentini Mario. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Felici Anna Candida. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Vendittelli Margherita. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Spagnoli Emanuela. Piombi monetiformi da Ostia e Porto: problematiche interpretative Travaglini Adriana. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Travaglini Adriana. Monete e riti a Hierapolis di Frigia Cassano Maria Raffaella. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Camilleri Valeria Giulia. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica De Pinto Nicola. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Fanizza Monica. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Fioriello Custode Silvio (1969- ). L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Ujes Morgan Dubravka. Unpublished Greek coin finds from Rhizon/Risan in Sir Arthur Evans’s Collection, Ashmolean Museum Vogt Simone. To whom belong the coins? Jewish coin collections, the Nazis and museums of today Williams Daniela. Joseph Eckhel and his correspondents from Sicily and the south of Italy: the Prince of Torremuzza (Palermo) and Michele Vargas Macciucca (Naples) Woods Andrew R. Twenty-First Century Numismatics: Google and the Digital Exhibition Woytek Bernhard (1974- ). Joseph Eckhel and his network of correspondents: a research project on Numismatics in the Age of Enlightenment Zverev S. V. The monetary reforms in Russia in the mid-17th century Arena Emiliano. L’emissione a leggenda ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙ (ΤΩΝ) e la fondazione di Tauromenion Arnold-Biucchi Carmen. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach Van Schaik Katherine. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach Berthold Angela. Considerations on the horses of Maroneia Cantilena Renata. Una moneta d’oro di Lampsaco a Poseidonia Chillè Maria. La moneta dei mercenari nell’Anabasi di Senofonte Constantinescu Bogdan. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Cristea-Stan Daniela. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Talmaţchi Gabriel. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Ceccato Daniele. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Corfù Nicolas Assur. The Tetartemorion, the smallest pre-Hellenistic silver-coin Destrooper-Georgiades Anne. Les Monnaies des fouilles du Département des Antiquités de Chypre à Kourion ; la période classique Flament Christophe. État d’avancement du corpus monétaire argien: Les émissions du IVe siècle av. n. ère Gerothanasis Dimitrios. The early coinage of Kapsa reconsidered Grigorova-Gencheva Valentina. New hoards with small denomination coins of the island of Thasos (6th - 5th century B.C.): context, interpretation and dating Prokopov Ilâ Simeonov (1952- ). New hoards with small denomination coins of the island of Thasos (6th - 5th century B.C.): context, interpretation and dating Hoff Corina. Lycian tiarate heads reconsidered Ivanova Hristina I. A retrospect of Apollo in the coinage of Apollonia Pontike Kousoulas Dimitrios Ath. Unbearded Hercules on the coins of the Sicilian cities in the 5th century B.C. Some observations of the iconographical type and its spreading in the sculpture Kroll John H. (1938- ). Striking and restriking on folded flans: evidence from Athens, Cyzicus, (?)Sinope, Elis, Thebes, and Aegina Manenti Angela Maria. Dee, Ninfe, donne: oggetti di ornamento nell’iconografia delle monete greche e in vari altri reperti del Museo Archeologico di Siracusa Marchand Sylvain. Electrum Coinage of the Ionian Revolt: the Complete Series of Abydos Martino Amos. Lyre’s representation on ancient Greek coins: a musical and political path between symbol and Realien Puebla Morón José Miguel. El astrágalos de Hermes en la moneda de Hímera (483-472 a.C.) Raccuia Carmela (1949- ). Dal "bue" alla civetta. Riverberi di un percorso politico e culturale Russo Natalia. Una lettura non tradizionale del ruolo del Sileno: i documenti monetali Salamone Grazia. La "testa femminile" sulle monete greche: funzione giuridica e identità della polis Santagati Elena (1967- ). Identità federale nelle emissioni monetali: alcuni esempi Sapienza Anna. La triskeles e le sue varianti iconografiche: analisi diatopica e diacronica dei documenti monetali Tekin Oğuz (1958- ). Winged-Horse with bird’s tail: Identification of a creature on the coins of Mysia and Troas Traeger Burkhard. Die Münzprägung und Geschichte von Phliasía (Peloponnesus) bis zum Ende der hellenistischen Zeitepoche Trifirò Maria Daniela. I gesti della divinità: il multiforme Apollo Wahl Marc Philipp. Bildkontakte reconsidered. A few remarks on the Adoption of Kimon’s Arethusa in Thessaly Wellhoefer Herbert. Die Nymphen aus Thessalien. Obole aus der Sammlung Wellhöfer Wojan Franck (1972- ). Réflexions sur la nature du monnayage au nom des Éléens: monnayage civique? monnayage de sanctuaire? monnayage de panégyrie? Apostólou Éva. Les plinthophores rhodiennes et la fin de ce monnayage Aumaître Héloïse. Akè Ptolémaïs sous les Lagides: un atelier au cœur des problématiques Syro-Phéniciennes Bodzek Jarosław (1964- ). New finds of moulds for casting coin flans at the Paphos agora De Callataÿ François (1961- ). Greek overstrikes database: a short presentation Carrier Caroline (1985- ). Le système des monnaies de bronze crétoises de l’époque hellénistique Stefanaki Vassiliki E. (1973- ). Le système des monnaies de bronze crétoises de l’époque hellénistique Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Tesoretti, corrosione, coniazioni parallele, cronologia: I "Tridenti" di Ierone II Constantinescu Bogdan. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Oberländer-Târnoveanu Ernest. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Cristea-Stan Daniela. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Evans Jane DeRose (1956- ). What archaeology can tell us about the date of the opening of the civic mint at Sardis, Turkey Ilkić Mato. South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from Southern Italy and Sicily Čelhar Martina. South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from Southern Italy and Sicily Lannin Mary N. Window into Seleucid Regional Mints: Reuse of obverse dies in the 3rd - 2nd Century B.C. Marest-Caffey Laure. Images of Power in Seleukid Persis: A new study of the Victory Coinage from Susa Moreno Pulido Elena. Influencias sículo-púnicas en la amonedación del Fretum Gaditanum Grandjean Catherine (1957- ). The hoard IGCH 270 Moustaka Alikē. The hoard IGCH 270 Panagopoulou Katerina. Hellenistic Macedonia Revisited: Some evidence in redating the "Later Macedonian" Silver Alexanders Pavlovska Eftimija. A part of a rare "Paeonian" hoard from Macedonia Sole Lavinia (1970- ). Riflessioni intorno al ripostiglio IGCH 2132 da Gibil Gabib Spinelli Marianna. La dea "regale" di Locri Epizefiri Tsoukanelis Kimon. A new bronze coin of Alexander Molossos, son of Neoptolemos Van Schaik Katherine. The currency of medicine: Healing iconography on the coins of Trikka, Epidauros, Kos and Pergamon Wolf Daniel. The bronze coinage reform of Ptolemy II Chaves Tristán Francisca. Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones Hispano-Cartaginesas en la Península Ibérica Pliego Vázquez Ruth. Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones Hispano-Cartaginesas en la Península Ibérica Geiser Anne (1952- ). Courants monétaires gaulois entre Alpes et Jura Gruel Katherine (1953- ). Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Nieto-Pelletier Sylvia (1974- ). Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Duval Florian. Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Koczwara Paulina (numizmatyka). Finds of cisalpine drachms and other Celtic coins in the Central and Southern Italy Militký Jiří (1969- ). Das keltische Münzwesen des Horizonts LT C1 und C2 in der Tschechischen Republik Montanaro Stefania. La monetazione dei centri peuceti Nick Michael. Celtic Coin Finds in Switzerland: The recent volume of the Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds Kormikiari Maria Cristina Nicolau. How monetarized was Numidian society in Antiquity? Paris Elodie (1989- ). Circulation monétaire en Languedoc central au Deuxième Âge du Fer (VIe - Ier siècles avant J.-C.): comparaisons diachroniques des agglomérations de Béziers, Magalas et Agde Pilon Fabien (1965- ). Frappe et coulage de monnaies à l’époque gauloise: synthèse de quelques découvertes et caractérisations chimiques récentes Rodríguez Casanova Isabel. Dos nuevos conjuntos de divisores atribuidos a la II Guerra Púnica Barkay Rachel. Portraits of the Nabataean Kings as depicted on their coins Gitler Haim. A preliminary report on the Nablus 1968 hoard of the fourth century BC Tal Oren (1968- ). A preliminary report on the Nablus 1968 hoard of the fourth century BC Magub Alexandra. Coins of Mithradates II of Parthia (c. 121-91 BC) Mueseler Wilhelm (1952- ). The place of the two Wekhssere in the history of Lycia Sancinito Jane. Parthian Circulation: A study of the Wilson Hoard (IGCH 1816) Schindel Nikolaus. A note on the coinage of Khusro I Shavarebi Ehsan. The so-called "Thronfolgerprägungen" of Ardashīr I reconsidered Smagur Emilia. So similar and yet so different. The iconography of Kushan pantheon Tandon Pankaj. The Identity of Prakāśāditya Ruotolo Giuseppe. La Sicilia di Filippo Paruta descritta con Medaglie
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