Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Filmy i seriale
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Adams Freddy (1938- )
Aheimastou-Potamianou Murtale. The conservation of icons in Byzantium
Alexopoulou-Agoranou Athena. The contribution of digital image-processing to the identification of pigments
Alfeld Matthias (1981- ). Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods
Amato Rosalba. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo Paolo Orsi di Siracusa
Andreotti Alessia. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution
Angeli Bufalini Gabriella. Il Medagliere MNR la Banca dati Iuno Moneta e il Bollettino di Numismatica del MiBACT. Un trinomio per la tutela valorizzazione e fruizione del bene numismatico. Bilanci e prospettive
Apolito Pasquale. Monete medievali da Kyme in Eolide: un rapporto preliminare
Apostólou Eva. Les plinthophores rhodiennes et la fin de ce monnayage
Arena Emiliano. L'emissione a leggenda NEOPOLI (TON) e la fondazione di Tauromenion
Arnold-Biucchi Carmen. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach
Arslan Ermanno A. Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology
Arthur Paul (1955- ). Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy
Arzone Antonella. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona
Aspra-Bardabake Maire. Observations on a thirteenth-century Sinaitic Diptych representing St. Procopius the Virgin Kykkotissa and Saints along the border
Atchley Virginia G
Aumaitre Heloise. Ake Ptolemais sous les Lagides: un atelier au coeur des problematiques Syro-Pheniciennes
Baechler Jean (1937- )
Bainos Nikos. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons
Balbi de Caro Silvana. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma
Baldi Elena. Online catalogue of the Ostrogoths at the British Museum and possible developments for further research
Baldi Elena. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re)
Baldwin Howard
Baldwin Karen (1964- )
Barkay Rachel. Portraits of the Nabataean Kings as depicted on their coins
Barnett Sylwia
Basilake Maria
Basilake Maria. The icon of the Virgin Glykophilousa in the Benaki Museum (inv. no 2972): Issues of Research
Bateson J. Donald. Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza's Sicilian Coins
Benjamin Stuart
Benzel Kim
Berg Klaas Jan van den (1964- ). Direct and hyphenated mass spectrometry to detect glycerolipids and additives in paint
Berthold Angela. Considerations on the horses of Maroneia
Bertrand Loic. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects
Biały Aneta (1956- ). Henryk Siemiradzki and the circle of Spanish painters in Rome. How and why Siemiradzki - an ardent opponent of the fortunists in Rome - became a follower of Mariano Fortuny in the eyes of French critics in Paris
Bilale Marietta. Capabilities and prospects of radiography for the study of icons
Bodzek Jarosław. New finds of moulds for casting coin flans at the Paphos agora
Bonaduce Ilaria. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution
Borba Florenzano Maria Beatriz (1952- ). Ancient Roman coins in the University of Sao Paulo - Brazil
Borner Susanne. Das Heidelberger Zentrum fur antike Numismatik
Bourbopoulou Hrusa. The contribution of digital image-processing to the identification of pigments
Bouveresse Juliette
Bracey Robert. Contributions of die studies to the study of the intensity of ancient coin production: The work-station problem
Brandi Serena. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari
Brunetti Antonio. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art
Brzić Aleksandar (1959- ). Against the history? Vienna Mint and its coinages for Serbia 1868-1914
Buccolieri Giovanni. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art
Buckton David (1935- ). Enamelled metals icons of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Bulian Giovanni. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma
Burgio Lucia. The William Wood manuscripts
Burnstock Aviva. The role of technical study and chemical analysis on questions of attribution and dating of paintings and on easel painting conservation practice: selected case studies
Burrell Barbara. Coins from a well at Caesarea Maritima and the currency of fifth century Palaestina
Bushell Frances
Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- )
Camilleri Valeria Giulia. L'area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica
Camilleri Valeria Giulia. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari
Cantilena Renata. Una moneta d'oro di Lampsaco a Poseidonia
Cappiotti Francesco. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona
Cardon Thibault. Les monnaies et mereaux en contexte archeologique: une source pour l'etude du salariat (France XIe -XVe s.)
Carrier Caroline (1985- ). Le systeme des monnaies de bronze cretoises de l'epoque hellenistique
Carroccio Benedetto (1964- )
Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Tesoretti corrosione coniazioni parallele cronologia: I Tridenti di Ierone II
Cassano Maria Raffaella. L'area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica
Cassano Maria Raffaella. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari
Castellano Alfredo. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art
Castrizio Daniele (1964- )
Cavallaro Emilia. Sulle vie di una nuova scienza: la trattatistica numismatica tra Cinque e Seicento
Ceccato Daniele. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition
Celhar Martina. South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from Southern Italy and Sicily
Centeno Silvia A. Scientific study condition challenges and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre
Cesareo Roberto (1939- ). Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art
Chapon Philippe. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extreme ou des frappes recentes. L'exemple de deux lots trouves en fouille
Charron Maxime. Examples of intimate portraits at the French imperial and royal courts during the first half of the nineteenth century
Chaves Tristan Francisca. Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones Hispano-Cartaginesas en la Peninsula Iberica
Chiantini Chiara. Un Ripostiglio di IV-V secolo proveniente dagli scavi del Sottosuolo Capitolino
Chille Maria. La moneta dei mercenari nell'Anabasi di Senofonte
Chimienti Michele. L'archivio della zecca di Bologna
Chowaniec Roksana (1975- ). History of town Akrai/Acrae Sicily in the light of new numismatic finds
Chylińska Marta
Chylińska Marta. Application of polymer materials for filling losses in brass alloys
Chylińska Marta. Implementacja mas plastycznych do uzupełniania ubytków w stopach mosiężnych
Ciurcina Concetta. Segnalazione di rinvenimenti monetali da indagini condotte a Siracusa negli anni novanta del Novecento
Clerici Ermanno Avranovich. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods
Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- )
Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Analytical approaches to the analysis of paintings: an overview of methods and materials
Constantinescu Bogdan. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence and on their possible emissions chronology
Constantinescu Bogdan. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition
Conventi Alberto. Analisi chimiche di monete di elettro e oro di Siracusa greca
Corfu Nicolas Assur. The Tetartemorion the smallest pre-Hellenistic silver-coin
Cormack Robin (1938- ). Crusader art and artistic technique: another look at a painting of St. George
Corsi Jacopo. Ancient silver coinages between Rhone and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses
Cotte Marine. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects
Cotte Marine. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods
Crisa Antonino (1982- ). Collecting coins and connecting collectors: Government and social networks in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816-1860)
Cristea-Stan Daniela. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence and on their possible emissions chronology
Cristea-Stan Daniela. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition
Cruz Mateos Montserrat. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismatico del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid)
Cutler Anthony (1934- ). An Ancient Mariner's Tale: on the authenticity of the Crucifixion ivory at the Dionysiou Monastery on Mt Athos
D'Imporzano Paolo (1988- ). Lead isotope ratios of lead white: from provenance to authentication
D'Ottone Rambach Arianna (1977- ). Arabic Coins from the Italian Royal Collection. Addenda to the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1950 - 1959
1930 - 1939
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Wielka Brytania
Sztuka francuska
Ray Man (1890-1976)
Raynaud Jean-Pierre (1939-)
Spektrometria fluorescencji rentgenowskiej
Aron, Raymond (1905-1983)
Badania nieniszczące
Buonarroti, Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Bushell, Frances
Bushell, Raymond (1910-1998)
Centre National de l'Art Contemporain (Paryż)
Charles, Ray (1930-2004)
Chemia analityczna
Christo (1935-2020)
Ciało ludzkie
Degas, Edgar (1834-1917)
Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
Ikony bizantyńskie
Izotopy promieniotwórcze
Konserwatorstwo polskie
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Los Angeles)
Magyar Nemzeti Galéria (Budapeszt)
Malarstwo polskie
Malarstwo sakralne bizantyńskie
Malarstwo sakralne ruskie
Man Ray (1890-1976)
Martin, Raymond (1910-1992)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nowy Jork)
Miniatura malarska europejska
Moderna Museet (Sztokholm)
Monety greckie
Musée National d'Art Moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou (Paryż)
Musée Royal de Mariemont
Musée de la Monnaie (Paryż)
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Muze'on Yisra'el (Jerozolima)
Muzeum Narodowe (Kraków)
Oppenheim, Max von (1860-1946)
Rhythm and blues
Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917)
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Rzeźba japońska
Siemiradzki, Henryk (1843-1902)
Smith, Ray Winfield
Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam)
Studio Marconi (Milan)
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg
Sztuka amerykańska
Sztuka libańska
Tabet, Rayyane (1983- )
Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum (Duisburg)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Tell Halaf (Syria ; stanowisko archeologiczne)
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Katalogi zbiorów
Dramat filmowy
Film biograficzny
Film fabularny
Film muzyczny
24 wyniki Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 5394 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Potts Philip J. West Margaret. Brunetti Antonio. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Buccolieri Giovanni. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Castellano Alfredo. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Cesareo Roberto (1939- ). Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Donativi Marina. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Fraser G. W. Extraterriestrial analysis: planetary X-Ray fluorescence from orbiting spacecraft and landers Gigante Giovanni E. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Liangquan Ge. Geochemical prospecting Marabelli Maurizio (1934- ). Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Markowicz Andrzej A. (1950- ). Quantificationand correction procedures Medina Marco A. Rosales. Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art Piórek Stanisław. Coatings, paint and thin film deposits Potts Philip J. Introduction, analytical instrumentation and application overview Ramsey Michael. Contaminated land: cost-effective investigation within sampling constraints Ridolfi Stefano (1957- ). Portable systems for energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis of works of art West Margaret. Hazardous substances in the workplace Williams-Thorpe Olwen. The application of portable X-Ray fluorescence analysis to archaeological lithic provenancing
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31559 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Kat. 9248 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: I 8976 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Indeks R0: BMNK
Wystawa: Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, 18 maja - 9 lipca 1975 roku.
U góry s. tyt.: American Revolution Bicentennial 1776-1976.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Kat. 5796 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Cultural Heritage Science, ISSN 2366-6226)
Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Degano Ilaria (1982- ). Nevin Austin (1978- ). Alfeld Matthias (1981- ). Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Andreotti Alessia. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Berg Klaas Jan van den (1964- ). Direct and hyphenated mass spectrometry to detect glycerolipids and additives in paint Bertrand Loïc. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Bonaduce Ilaria. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Burnstock Aviva. The role of technical study and chemical analysis on questions of attribution and dating of paintings and on easel painting conservation practice: selected case studies Centeno Silvia A. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Clerici Ermanno Avranovich. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Analytical approaches to the analysis of paintings: an overview of methods and materials Cotte Marine. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Cotte Marine. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods D'Imporzano Paolo (1988- ). Lead isotope ratios of lead white: from provenance to authentication Davies Gareth R. Lead isotope ratios of lead white: from provenance to authentication De Meyer Steven. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods De Nolf Wout. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Degano Ilaria (1982- ). Analysis of natural and synthetic organic lakes and pigments by chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques Degano Ilaria (1982- ). Analytical approaches to the analysis of paintings: an overview of methods and materials Delaney John K. (1961- ). Visible and infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy of paintings and works on paper Deleu Nina. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Depuydt-Elbaum Livia. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Dik Joris. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Dooley Kathryn A. Visible and infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy of paintings and works on paper Duvernois Isabelle. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Elgammal Ahmed. Automated analysis of drawings at the stroke level for attribution and authentication using artificial intelligence Erdmann Robert G. The eye versus chemistry? From twentieth to twenty-first century connoisseurship Farmer Jana S. Approaches to current issues with art forgery, restoration and conservation: legal and scientific perspectives Finnefrock Adam C. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Gestels Arthur. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Gonzalez Victor. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Hageraats Selwin (1992- ). Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Hajdas Irena. Dating of artwork by radiocarbon Janssens Koen H. A. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Janssens Koen H. A. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Kang Yan. Automated analysis of drawings at the stroke level for attribution and authentication using artificial intelligence Keune Katrien. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects La Nasa J. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Leeuw Milko den. Automated analysis of drawings at the stroke level for attribution and authentication using artificial intelligence Legrand Stijn. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Mass Jennifer L. Approaches to current issues with art forgery, restoration and conservation: legal and scientific perspectives Mass Jennifer L. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Modugno Francesca. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Monico Letizia. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Nevin Austin (1978- ). Analytical approaches to the analysis of paintings: an overview of methods and materials Nevin Austin (1978- ). Fluorescence for the analysis of paintings Plicht Johannes van der. Dating of artwork by radiocarbon Pollak Rebecca. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Rousaki Anastasia. Raman analysis of inorganic and organic pigments Sabatini Francesca. Analysis of natural and synthetic organic lakes and pigments by chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques Saverwyns Steven. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Shugar Aaron N. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Thoury Mathieu (1977- ). Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Tummers Anna (1974- ). The eye versus chemistry? From twentieth to twenty-first century connoisseurship Snickt Geer van der. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Van Espen Piet. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Vandenabeele Peter. Raman analysis of inorganic and organic pigments Vanmeert Frederik. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Werf Inez Dorothé van der. Direct and hyphenated mass spectrometry to detect glycerolipids and additives in paint
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 36712 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Barnett Sylwia. Frączek Piotr (konserwatorstwo). Raport z badań fotograficznych i radiografii cyfrowej Frączek Piotr (konserwatorstwo). Report of technical photography and digital radiography Grzesiak-Nowak Marta. Raport z badań za pomocą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego próbek zapraw pobranych z ikon Grzesiak-Nowak Marta. Report on the X-Ray diffraction examination of ground samples extracted from icons Grzesiak-Nowak Marta. Badanie próbek pigmentów pobranych z ikon należących do kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie za pomocą proszkowej dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego Grzesiak-Nowak Marta. Powder X-Ray diffraction (XRD) examination of pigment samples extracted from icons in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow Hoyo-Meléndez Julio M. del. Sprawozdanie z analizy składu pierwiastkowego metalowego okładu do ikony Święci lekarze Kosma i Damian Hoyo-Meléndez Julio M. del. Report on the elemental composition analysis of the metal cover from the icon physician Saints Cosmas and Damian Kędzierski Mariusz. Analiza zespołów nannoplanktonu wapiennego z podkładów malarskich ikon znajdujących się w zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie Kędzierski Mariusz. Analysis of the assemblages of calcareous nannoplankton from the ground layers of icons from the collection of the National Museum in Krakow Kędzierski Mariusz. Tabele geologiczne Kędzierski Mariusz. Geological tables Klimek Anna. Analiza składu pierwiastkowego w tłach, ramach i okładach wybranych ikon Klimek Anna. Analysis of the elemental composition of the backgrounds, frames and covers of selected icons Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Sprawozdanie z pomiarów SEM-EDS ikon Św. Antoni Rzymski i Matka Boska Smoleńska Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Report on SEM-EDS analysis of the icons St. Anthony of Rome and Mother of God of Smolensk Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Sprawozdanie z analizy składu pierwiastkowego ikony Święci lekarze Kosma i Damian Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Report on the elemental composition analysis of the icon physician Saints Cosmas and Damian Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Fotografie szlifów Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Photographs of embedded cross-sections Krąpiec Marek. Analiza anatomiczna próbek drewna z podobrazi wybranych ikon Krąpiec Marek. Anatomical analysis of wood samples from the panels of selected icons Krąpiec Marek. Dendronologiczne datowanie podobrazi wybranych ikon Krąpiec Marek. Dendrochronological dating of wooden panels of selected icons Krąpiec Marek. Zestawienie wyników datowań radiowęglowych Krąpiec Marek. Comparison of the results of radio-carbon dating Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Łasocha Wiesław (1957- ). Raport z badań za pomocą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego próbek zapraw pobranych z ikon Łasocha Wiesław (1957- ). Report on the X-Ray diffraction examination of ground samples extracted from icons Łasocha Wiesław (1957- ). Badanie próbek pigmentów pobranych z ikon należących do kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie za pomocą proszkowej dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego Łasocha Wiesław (1957- ). Powder X-Ray diffraction (XRD) examination of pigment samples extracted from icons in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow Małek Kamilla. Raport z wyników pomiarów techniką spektroskopi rozpraszania ramanowskiego Małek Kamilla. Report on the results of Raman spectroscopy Obarzanowski Michał. Raport z badań fotograficznych i radiografii cyfrowej Obarzanowski Michał. Report of technical photography and digital radiography Płotek Michał. Wyniki analizy SEM EDX Płotek Michał. Results of SEM EDX analysis Płotek Michał. Wyniki analizy XFR wykonanej dla ikony Archanioł Michał ze scenami cudów Płotek Michał. Results of XRF analysis of the icon Archangel Michael with scenes of his miracles Płotek Michał. Wyniki analizy XRF wykonanej dla ikony Św. Antoni Rzymski i Matka Boska Smoleńska Płotek Michał. Results of XRF analysis of the icons St Anthony of Rome and Mother of God of Smoleńsk Płotek Michał. Fotografie szlifów Płotek Michał. Photogrqaphs of embedded cross-sections Ptak Jan (1954- ). Zestawienie wyników identyfikacji drewna podobrazi Ptak Jan (1954- ). Comparison of the results of the identification of the wood of the icon panels Ptak Jan (1954- ). Fotografie przekrojów drewna Ptak Jan (1954- ). Photographs of wood cross-sections Rafalska-Łasocha Alicja. Raport z badań za pomocą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego próbek zapraw pobranych z ikon Rafalska-Łasocha Alicja. Report on the X-Ray diffraction examination of ground samples extracted from icons Rafalska-Łasocha Alicja. Wyniki badań zaprawy dla próbek z ikon Św. Antoni Rzymski i Matka Boska Smoleńska Rafalska-Łasocha Alicja. Results of the examination of ground samples from the icons St Anthony of Rome and Mother of God of Smolensk Rafalska-Łasocha Alicja. Badanie próbek pigmentów pobranych z ikon należących do kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie za pomocą proszkowej dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego Rafalska-Łasocha Alicja. Powder X-Ray diffraction (XRD) examination of pigment samples extracted from icons in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow Tarsińska-Petruk Dominika. Miejsca pobrań próbek z ikon Tarsińska-Petruk Dominika. Locations of samples from the icons Tarsińska-Petruk Dominika. Zestawienie zbiorcze warstw technologicznych ikon Tarsińska-Petruk Dominika. Summary of the technological layers of the icons Tarsińska-Petruk Dominika. Makrofotografie wybranych ikon Tarsińska-Petruk Dominika. Macrophotographs of selected icons Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Wyniki analizy SEM EDX Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Results of SEM EDX analysis Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Wyniki analizy XFR wykonanej dla ikony Archanioł Michał ze scenami cudów Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Results of XRF analysis of the icon Archangel Michael with scenes of his miracles Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Wyniki analizy XRF wykonanej dla ikony Św. Antoni Rzymski i Matka Boska Smoleńska Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Results of XRF analysis of the icons St Anthony of Rome and Mother of God of Smoleńsk Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Fotografie szlifów Walczak Małgorzata (chemia). Photogrqaphs of embedded cross-sections
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 341-343 i po art.
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24550/2 (1 egz.)
Księgozbiór podręczny
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: (N 2019 (8)) sygn. III 24549/2 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Pappe Bernd (1966- ). Schmieglitz-Otten Juliane (1961- ). Burgio Lucia. The William Wood manuscripts Charron Maxime. Examples of intimate portraits at the French imperial and royal courts during the first half of the nineteenth century Derbyshire Alan. The William Wood manuscripts Dunina Maria. The collection of miniatures of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Fulińska Agnieszka. "Not by Isabey and not showing the duke of Reichstadt" - the mystery of a well-known miniature Hradil David (1968- ). The benefits of non-invasive macro X-ray fluorescence scanning for the analysis of materials in portrait miniatures Hradilová Janka (1963- ). The benefits of non-invasive macro X-ray fluorescence scanning for the analysis of materials in portrait miniatures Knaus Peter (1972- ). The life and career of Jeremiah Meyer Ra (1735-1789) during the reign of king George III Lemoine-Bouchard Nathalie. Ambroise-Charlemagne-Victor Le Chenetier (Paris, 1797 - L'Isle-Adam, 1882): when one nineteenth-century miniature painter hides another one Lloyd Stephen (1961- ). Horace Walpole's rediscovered plan for displaying his miniatures and enamels in the Cabinet in the Tribune at Strawberry Hill Miersch Martin. Fashion and political statements: portrait miniatures from the time of the French Revolution Pappe Bernd (1966- ). Introduction Remensberger Sonja. Pierre-Louis Bouvier (1765-1836): the life and work of a Geneva miniature painter in European exile Regnard André. Gesture in miniature portraits Regnard Anne-Marie. Gesture in miniature portraits Rönnerstam Cecilia. On origins and originals: the miniatures collection of the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm Schmieglitz-Otten Juliane (1961- ). Family ties in portrait format: how serial miniature portraits reinforce political networks Schneeweisz Damiët. Made in Paramaribo: towards a history of the portrait miniature in the Circum-Caribbean Schrader Karin. "Telling objects" - miniatures within eighteenth-century court portraits Schreiber-Knaus Luise. The life and career of Jeremiah Meyer Ra (1735-1789) during the reign of king George III Sobol Blythe. An outsized passion for miniatures: the Starr collection of portrait miniatures at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Sondej Antonín (1992- ). The benefits of non-invasive macro X-ray fluorescence scanning for the analysis of materials in portrait miniatures Spies Martin. In search of Charles Townley: engraver, draughtsman, and miniaturist Stephenson Lea C. Racial capital: Peter Marie's miniatures and gilded age whiteness Udras Tatiana. Portrait miniatures of the Romanoff family in one private Russian collection Vidas Marina. Jewellery featuring miniature portraits of Dagmar of Denmark and her royal relatives: gender, identity, and emotions Wiercińska Izabella (1961-). Portrait miniatures from the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw as reminders of historical figures active during the Napoleonic era
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konf. zorg. przez Tansey Miniatures Foundation w Celle, 9-11 września 2022 r.
Bibliogr. s. 248-264.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza: II 36672 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Chylińska Marta. Niemcewicz Piotr (1960- ). Chylińska Marta. Application of polymer materials for filling losses in brass alloys Chylińska Marta. Implementacja mas plastycznych do uzupełniania ubytków w stopach mosiężnych Fuks Irma. Problemy technologiczno-konserwatorsko-restauratorskie w projekcie ekspozycji zespołu XVIII-wiecznych precjozów z kości słoniowej z kolekcji Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie Fuks Irma. Technological, conservation and restoration problems in the exhibition design of the 18th century ivory jewels from the collection of the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów Gajewska-Prorok Elżbieta. Engraved and cutting decoration techniques of baroque Silesian glass Gajewska-Prorok Elżbieta. Techniki rytowanej i szlifowanej dekoracji barokowego szkła śląskiego Hübner Milena. Analiza metodą fluoroscencyjnej spektometrii rentgenowskiej wytworów Pierre'a-Philippe'a Thomire'a w zbiorach Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie Hübner Milena. The X-ray fluoroscence spectroscopy analysis of artworks by Pierre-Philippe Thomire from the collection of Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów Jamski Piotr (1972- ). Zabytkowe dzwony - stan zachowania, praktyki konserwatorskie, restauratorskie i perspektywy ochrony Jamski Piotr (1972- ). Antique bells - condition, conservation and restoration practices and protection perspectives Kaczkiełło Piotr. "Odlane ze spiżu białego i galwanicznie powleczone brązem", czyli o procesie technologicznym Fabryki Wyrobów Metalowych i Lakierowanych Karola Mintera działającej w Warszawie w latach 1828-1881 Kaczkiełło Piotr. "Odlane ze spiżu białego i galwanicznie powleczone brązem", about the technological process of the Metal Products Factory and Varnished Karol Minter operating in Warsaw in the years 1828-1881 Kasprzak Aleksandra J. Engraved and cutting decoration techniques of baroque Silesian glass Kasprzak Aleksandra J. Techniki rytowanej i szlifowanej dekoracji barokowego szkła śląskiego Koryciarz-Kitamikado Joanna. Traditional methods of the Japanese urushi lacquer conservation and restoration in modern Japan Koryciarz-Kitamikado Joanna. Tradycyjne metody konserwacji i restauracji japońskiej laki urushi we współczesnej Japonii Kozub Peter (1966- ). Application of 3D-models in the conservation and restoration of stone object Kozub Peter (1966- ). Przykłady zastosowania 3D-modeli w konserwacji i restauracji obiektów kamiennych Łuczak Tomasz. Antique bells - condition, conservation and restoration practices and protection perspectives Łuczak Tomasz. Zabytkowe dzwony - stan zachowania, praktyki konserwatorskie, restauratorskie i perspektywy ochrony Niemcewicz Piotr (1960- ). Preface Niemcewicz Piotr (1960- ). Przedmowa Podgórski Andrzej (chemia). Application of polymer materials for filling losses in brass alloys Podgórski Andrzej (chemia). Implementacja mas plastycznych do uzupełniania ubytków w stopach mosiężnych Rudy Maria. Artistic handicraft and conservation care Rudy Maria. Rzemiosło artystyczne a opieka konserwatorska Tomaszewska-Szewczyk Alina (1970-2021). "Odlane ze spiżu białego i galwanicznie powleczone brązem", czyli o procesie technologicznym Fabryki Wyrobów Metalowych i Lakierowanych Karola Mintera działającej w Warszawie w latach 1828-1881 Tomaszewska-Szewczyk Alina (1970-2021). "Odlane ze spiżu białego i galwanicznie powleczone brązem", about the technological process of the Metal Products Factory and Varnished Karol Minter operating in Warsaw in the years 1828-1881 Tomaszewska-Szewczyk Alina (1970-2021). Application of polymer materials for filling losses in brass alloys Tomaszewska-Szewczyk Alina (1970-2021). Implementacja mas plastycznych do uzupełniania ubytków w stopach mosiężnych Witkowska Karolina. Ceramika szkliwiona w architekturze i przestrzeni miejskiej, problematyka konserwatorska i restauratorska na przykładzie mozaiki autorstwa Stanisława Borysowskiego Witkowska Karolina. Glazed ceramic in architecture and urban space, conservation and restoration issue on the example of mosaic by Stanisław Borysowski Zaręba Anna Urszula. Ceramika szkliwiona w architekturze i przestrzeni miejskiej, problematyka konserwatorska i restauratorska na przykładzie mozaiki autorstwa Stanisława Borysowskiego Zaręba Anna Urszula. Glazed ceramic in architecture and urban space, conservation and restoration issue on the example of mosaic by Stanisław Borysowski
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konferencji naukowej, Toruń, 29 listopada 2019.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34741/1 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(World Art Studies : conferences and studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies, ISSN 2543-4624 ; 18)
Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Sarkowicz Dominika. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Henryk Siemiradzki that we do not know - introduction Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka. Reassessing Academism: Bouguereau, Cabanel, Gérôme and Siemiradzki Świętosławska Agnieszka (1984- ). First attempts: the early work of Henryk Siemiradzki Traânovna-Bogdan Veronika-Irina (1959- ). Henryk Siemiradzki and the Imperial Academy of Arts Karpova Tatʹâna Lʹvovna (1960- ). Siemiradzki as a portrait painter Susak Vìta Volodimirìvna (1966- ). "Jesus and the Samaritan woman" (1890) by Henryk Siemiradzki in the context of European art : variations on a theme Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). "Christ and the sinner" by Henryk Siemiradzki - selected problems of the iconography of Christ in 19th century Russian painting First Grzegorz. Res orientalis: works of art from the ancient Near East and Henryk Siemiradzki's "archaeological workshop" Nitka Maria. Henryk Siemiradzki's figuralism Biały Aneta (1956- ). Henryk Siemiradzki and the circle of Spanish painters in Rome. How and why Siemiradzki - an ardent opponent of the fortunists in Rome - became a follower of Mariano Fortuny in the eyes of French critics in Paris Farida Nike. "Et in Arcadia ego". Where Henryk Siemiradzki, Lawrence Alma-Tadema and Frederic Leighton met Głowacki Wojciech M. (1993- ). "Polyglot of a paintbrush"? Critical reception of "Nero's Torches" in France Twardowska Kamilla (1975- ). Henryk Siemiradzki and his interest in the paranormal phenomena Laskowska Magdalena. Henryk Siemiradzki - works, memorabilia, documents : the history of the collection os the artist's legacy in the National Museum in Krakow Paś Monika. Henryk Siemiradzki - works, mamorabilia, documents : the history of the collection os the artist's legacy in the National Museum in Krakow Sieklucka Marzena. Unknown collection of photographs from the Siemiradzki family albums Sarkowicz Dominika. Unknown collection of photographs from the Siemiradzki family albums Janke Rafał (1973- ). Unknown collection of photographs from the Siemiradzki family albums Nesterova Elena Vladimirovna (1956- ). Academic traditions in the art of H. Siemiradzki (on the base of technological researchmade in the State Russian Museum Sirro Sergej. Academic traditions in the art of H. Siemiradzki (on the base of technological researchmade in the State Russian Museum Dyakonova Yulia. Henryk Siemiradzki's artistic process. Reconstruction of its initial stage - with the use of X-ray research (based on the collection from The Tretyakov Gallery) Zdzieszyńska-Demolin Ksenia. Multi-staged and passionate process of building and modifying compozitions in Henryk Siemiradzki's paintings in the light of analytical photography Pliś Dorota. Multi-staged and passionate process of building and modifying compozitions in Henryk Siemiradzki's paintings in the light of analytical photography Sarkowicz Dominika. Palette and characteristic features of Henryk Siemiradzki's use of pigments in the context of the examination of two paintings of uncertain attribution Sieklucka Marzena. Palette and characteristic features of Henryk Siemiradzki's use of pigments in the context of the examination of two paintings of uncertain attribution Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Palette and characteristic features of Henryk Siemiradzki's use of pigments in the context of the examination of two paintings of uncertain attribution Kwiatkowska Justyna. Characterization of binding media in Henryk Siemiradzki's works by using non-invasive reflection infrared technique Wąsik Radosław. Application of microscopic dendrological analysis in the identification of wooden supports of selected works by Henryk Siemiradzki
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24282 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Basilakē Maria. Smirnova Èngelina Sergeevna (1932- ). Eleventh-Century Icons from St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod and the problem of the Altar Barrier Papamastorakēs Titos (1961-2010). The Display of accumulated wealth in luxury icons: Gift-giving from the Byzantine aristocracy to God in the twelfth century Ševčenko Nancy Patterson (1939- ). Marking Holy Time: the Byzantine Calendar Icons Etinhof Olga. The Virgin of Vladimir and the Veneration of the Virgin of Blachernai in Russia Stuart John. The Deposition of the Virgin's Sash and Robe, the Protection of the Mother of God (Pokrov) and the Blachernitissa Aspra-Bardabakē Mairē. Observations on a thirteenth-century Sinaitic Diptych representing St. Procopius, the Virgin Kykkotissa and Saints along the border Stratē Aggelikē. Fourteenth-century Icons in the district of Serres Popova Ol'ga Sigizmundovna (1938- ). The Icon of Christ Pantokrator in the Byzantine Museum, Athens and Byzantine Art of the second quarter of the fourteenth century Tablakēs Giannēs. Dating of two mosaic icons in the Xenophontos Monastery on Mt Athos Maniatēs Giannēs. The mosaic icons in the Xenophontos Monastery, Mt Athos: Technological analysis of the Tesserae Malea Aikaterinē. The mosaic icons in the Xenophontos Monastery, Mt Athos: Technological analysis of the Tesserae Aheimastou-Potamianou Murtalē. The conservation of icons in Byzantium Cormack Robin (1938- ). Crusader art and artistic technique: another look at a painting of St. George Tornarē Bibē. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons Baïnos Nikos. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons Zafeiropoulos Basilēs. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons Fantidou Dēmētra. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons Mponarou Antōnia. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons Fōtakēs Kōnstantinos. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons Tourta Anastasia. The Adventures of a Byzantine icon from Thessaloniki: Artistic considerations Papadopoulou Amalia. The Adventures of a Byzantine Icon from Thessaloniki: Conservational considerations Basilakē Maria. The icon of the Virgin Glykophilousa in the Benaki Museum (inv. no 2972): Issues of Research Gordon Dillian. The icon of the Virgin Glykophilousa in the Benaki Museum, Athens (inv. no 2972): The Verres Églomisés Milanou Kalupsō. The icon of the Virgin Glykophilousa in the Benaki Museum (inv. no 2972): A Technical analysis Kouzelē Kellē. The icon of the Virgin Glykophilousa (inv. no 2972) in the Benaki Museum: Contribution to the study of the Icon with Optical microscopy, scanning elector microscopy and X-Ray microanalysis Rokofullou Elsa. Capabilities and prospects of radiography for the study of icons Moutzourēs Kuriakos. Capabilities and prospects of radiography for the study of icons Haritos Apostolos. Capabilities and prospects of radiography for the study of icons Doulgeridēs Mihalēs. Capabilities and prospects of radiography for the study of icons Doulgeridēs Mihalēs. Identification of the binding media of a Postbyzantine icon, using gas-chromatography Mahaōn-Doulgeridē Aggelikē. Capabilities and prospects of radiography for the study of icons Bilalē Marietta. Capabilities and prospects of radiography for the study of icons Sōtēropoulou Sofia. An extensive non-destructive and micro-spectroscopic study of an icon with the Birth of St. John the Baptist (second half of the fifteenth century) Mpikiarēs Dēmētrēs. An extensive non-destructive and micro-spectroscopic study of an icon with the Birth of St. John the Baptist (second half of the fifteenth century) Hrusoulakēs Giannēs. An extensive non-destructive and micro-spectroscopic study of an icon with the Birth of St. John the Baptist (second half of the fifteenth century) Alexopoulou-Agoranou Athēna. The contribution of digital image-processing to the identification of pigments Bourbopoulou Hrusa. The contribution of digital image-processing to the identification of pigments Perdikarē Elenē. The contribution of digital image-processing to the identification of pigments Terlixē Agnē-Basileia. Identification of the binding media of a Postbyzantine icon, using gas-chromatography Iōakeimoglou Elenē. Identification of the binding media of a Postbyzantine icon, using gas-chromatography Pâtnickij Ûrij A. Two icons of the Virgin Eleousa attributed to Nicolaos Lamboudis of Sparta Maguire Henry (1943- ). Observations on the icons of the west facade of San Marco in Venice Buckton David (1935- ). Enamelled metals icons of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Cutler Anthony (1934- ). An Ancient Mariner's Tale: on the authenticity of the Crucifixion ivory at the Dionysiou Monastery on Mt Athos Kalavrezou Ioli. Interpreting carving techniques and styles in Steatite icons
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 17-18 i przy niektórych ref. Indeksy.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23530 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 5657 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Z. monogr.: "The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin" ; vol. 77: 2019-2020 no 2.
Publ. związana z wystawą w Metropolitan Museum w Nowym Jorku od 30 października 2019 do 18 stycznia 2020.
T. oznaczony błędnie jako 78.
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. II 83/77/2 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 6982 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 8134 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 7734 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- ). Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Puglisi Mariangela. Salamone Grazia. Travaini Lucia (1953- ). Mints as volcanoes: Fire and technology Amato Rosalba. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo "Paolo Orsi" di Siracusa Manenti Angela Maria. Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo "Paolo Orsi" di Siracusa Angeli Bufalini Gabriella. Il Medagliere MNR, la Banca dati Iuno Moneta e il Bollettino di Numismatica del MiBACT. Un trinomio per la tutela, valorizzazione e fruizione del bene numismatico. Bilanci e prospettive Apolito Pasquale. Monete medievali da Kyme in Eolide: un rapporto preliminare Arthur Paul (1955- ). Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy Sarcinelli Giuseppe. Between computation and exchange: coins (and not coins) from the excavations at the Castle of Lecce - Italy Arzone Antonella. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona Cappiotti Francesco. Il Catalogo della Collezione di monete greche del Museo di Castelvecchio di Verona Balbi de Caro Silvana. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma Bulian Giovanni. Il nuovo Museo della Zecca di Roma Baldi Elena. Online catalogue of the Ostrogoths at the British Museum and possible developments for further research Baldi Elena. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re) Bateson J. Donald. Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza’s Sicilian Coins Borba Florenzano Maria Beatriz (1952- ). Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Lo Monaco Viviana. Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Gianeze Ribeiro Angela Maria. Ancient Roman coins in the University of São Paulo - Brazil Börner Susanne. Das Heidelberger Zentrum für antike Numismatik Bracey Robert. Contributions of die studies to the study of the intensity of ancient coin production: The work-station problem Brzić Aleksandar (1959- ). Against the history? Vienna Mint and its coinages for Serbia 1868-1914 Burrell Barbara. Coins from a well at Caesarea Maritima and the currency of fifth century Palaestina De Callataÿ François (1961- ). Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA): a short presentation Cardon Thibault. Les monnaies et méreaux en contexte archéologique: une source pour l’étude du salariat (France, XIe -XVe s.) Cassano Maria Raffaella. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Travaglini Adriana. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Fioriello Custode Silvio (1969- ). La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Brandi Serena. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Camilleri Valeria Giulia. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari De Pinto Nicola. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Silvestri Maria. La collezione numismatica del Museo di Santa Scolastica - Bari Cavallaro Emilia. Sulle vie di una nuova scienza: la trattatistica numismatica tra Cinque e Seicento Chiantini Chiara. Un Ripostiglio di IV-V secolo proveniente dagli scavi del Sottosuolo Capitolino Chimienti Michele. L’archivio della zecca di Bologna Chowaniec Roksana (1975- ). History of town Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds Więcek Tomasz. History of town Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds Ciurcina Concetta. Segnalazione di rinvenimenti monetali da indagini condotte a Siracusa negli anni novanta del Novecento Conventi Alberto. Analisi chimiche di monete di elettro e oro di Siracusa greca Lazzarini Lorenzo (1947- ). Analisi chimiche di monete di elettro e oro di Siracusa greca Crisà Antonino (1982- ). Collecting coins and connecting collectors: Government and social networks in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816-1860) D'Ottone Rambach Arianna (1977- ). Arabic Coins from the Italian Royal Collection. Addenda to the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum Gandolfo Lucina (1956- ). Sulle tracce del Salinas. Testimonianze inedite dal suo Museo Gargano Giorgia. Problemi e spunti di riflessione dall’analisi dei rinvenimenti di monete negli scavi archeologici a Vibo Valentia Gianazza Luca (1974- ). A collaborative inventory of coin finds Gil Curado Tiago. Contact and Commerce between Portugal and United Kingdom during Medieval and Post-Medieval Period. Numismatic Perspective Grimaldi Jonathan. Il Medagliere del Museo Archeologico Comunale di Frosinone Gusar Karla. Numismatic finds from Pakoštane - Crkvina, Croatia Šućur Jure. Numismatic finds from Pakoštane - Crkvina, Croatia Hedlund Ragnar (1975- ). The return of the Art Cabinet: Numismatic databases and virtual meeting places Hourmouziadis Jean. Non-destructive assessment of material content of bronze coins Jankowski Lyce (1982- ). Studying coin related objects and redefining paranumismatics Kopij Kamil. Coin propaganda and communication Krishnamourthy Ra. The influence of Early Roman Imperial coin symbols on Sangam age Chera and Pandya coins La Marca Antonio. Monete da scavo, scavi con monete: il "laboratorio" della Missione Archeologica Italiana a Kyme Eolica Lombardi Luca. Antonino Salinas, scritti scelti di Numismatica Ruotolo Giuseppe. Antonino Salinas, scritti scelti di Numismatica Lopez Cédric. Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology Arslan Ermanno A. Die Design Reconstruction: Merging numismatics with information technology Marchand Sylvain. The IBISA System for computer-assisted coin identification and hoards study Marchesi Enrico. Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio (Re) Morelli Anna Lina. Monete di epoca romana repubblicana nella collezione numismatica del Museo Nazionale di Ravenna Napolitano Maria Luisa. Hubertus Goltzius, totius antiquitatis restaurator: numismatica e storia antica in Sicilia et Magna Graecia (1576) Otero Paloma. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Grañeda Miñón Paula. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Cruz Mateos Montserrat. La nueva exposición y Gabinete Numismático del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) Parisot-Sillon Charles. Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Corsi Jacopo. Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Suspène Arnaud (1973- ). Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Sarah Guillaume (1983- ). Ancient silver coinages between Rhône and Po (3rd -1st centuries BC). New data from elemental analyses Pellé Richard. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Pellé Richard. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Frangin Elsa. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Chapon Philippe. Les petits bronzes tardifs de Massalia: une utilisation extrême ou des frappes récentes. L’exemple de deux lots trouvés en fouille Zaaba Omar. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Stiti Kemal. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Souq François. Le lot monétaire de la fouille archéologique de la Place des Martyrs à Alger Pelsdonk Jan. Digital traps. The complexity of publishing numismatic databases on the internet Peter Ulrike (1966- ). CNT - The web portal for Thracian coins Weisser Bernhard (1964- ). CNT - The web portal for Thracian coins Rambach Hadrien (1981- ). The coin-collection of Don Carlo Trivulzio (1715-1789) Ruske Alexander. The new Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Experience and outlook Santangelo Stefania. Monete e ripostigli della Sicilia araba e normanna nel Medagliere di Siracusa Sinner Alejandro G. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Pardini Giacomo (1973- ). Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Piacentini Mario. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Felici Anna Candida. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Vendittelli Margherita. Analysis of the metal of the coins of Ebusus and Northeastern Spain (3rd - 1st C. B.C.E.) Spagnoli Emanuela. Piombi monetiformi da Ostia e Porto: problematiche interpretative Travaglini Adriana. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Travaglini Adriana. Monete e riti a Hierapolis di Frigia Cassano Maria Raffaella. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Camilleri Valeria Giulia. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica De Pinto Nicola. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Fanizza Monica. L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Fioriello Custode Silvio (1969- ). L’area della Basilica episcopale di Gnatia: la documentazione numismatica Ujes Morgan Dubravka. Unpublished Greek coin finds from Rhizon/Risan in Sir Arthur Evans’s Collection, Ashmolean Museum Vogt Simone. To whom belong the coins? Jewish coin collections, the Nazis and museums of today Williams Daniela. Joseph Eckhel and his correspondents from Sicily and the south of Italy: the Prince of Torremuzza (Palermo) and Michele Vargas Macciucca (Naples) Woods Andrew R. Twenty-First Century Numismatics: Google and the Digital Exhibition Woytek Bernhard (1974- ). Joseph Eckhel and his network of correspondents: a research project on Numismatics in the Age of Enlightenment Zverev S. V. The monetary reforms in Russia in the mid-17th century Arena Emiliano. L’emissione a leggenda ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙ (ΤΩΝ) e la fondazione di Tauromenion Arnold-Biucchi Carmen. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach Van Schaik Katherine. The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach Berthold Angela. Considerations on the horses of Maroneia Cantilena Renata. Una moneta d’oro di Lampsaco a Poseidonia Chillè Maria. La moneta dei mercenari nell’Anabasi di Senofonte Constantinescu Bogdan. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Cristea-Stan Daniela. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Talmaţchi Gabriel. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Ceccato Daniele. New information on monetary arrow heads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition Corfù Nicolas Assur. The Tetartemorion, the smallest pre-Hellenistic silver-coin Destrooper-Georgiades Anne. Les Monnaies des fouilles du Département des Antiquités de Chypre à Kourion ; la période classique Flament Christophe. État d’avancement du corpus monétaire argien: Les émissions du IVe siècle av. n. ère Gerothanasis Dimitrios. The early coinage of Kapsa reconsidered Grigorova-Gencheva Valentina. New hoards with small denomination coins of the island of Thasos (6th - 5th century B.C.): context, interpretation and dating Prokopov Ilâ Simeonov (1952- ). New hoards with small denomination coins of the island of Thasos (6th - 5th century B.C.): context, interpretation and dating Hoff Corina. Lycian tiarate heads reconsidered Ivanova Hristina I. A retrospect of Apollo in the coinage of Apollonia Pontike Kousoulas Dimitrios Ath. Unbearded Hercules on the coins of the Sicilian cities in the 5th century B.C. Some observations of the iconographical type and its spreading in the sculpture Kroll John H. (1938- ). Striking and restriking on folded flans: evidence from Athens, Cyzicus, (?)Sinope, Elis, Thebes, and Aegina Manenti Angela Maria. Dee, Ninfe, donne: oggetti di ornamento nell’iconografia delle monete greche e in vari altri reperti del Museo Archeologico di Siracusa Marchand Sylvain. Electrum Coinage of the Ionian Revolt: the Complete Series of Abydos Martino Amos. Lyre’s representation on ancient Greek coins: a musical and political path between symbol and Realien Puebla Morón José Miguel. El astrágalos de Hermes en la moneda de Hímera (483-472 a.C.) Raccuia Carmela (1949- ). Dal "bue" alla civetta. Riverberi di un percorso politico e culturale Russo Natalia. Una lettura non tradizionale del ruolo del Sileno: i documenti monetali Salamone Grazia. La "testa femminile" sulle monete greche: funzione giuridica e identità della polis Santagati Elena (1967- ). Identità federale nelle emissioni monetali: alcuni esempi Sapienza Anna. La triskeles e le sue varianti iconografiche: analisi diatopica e diacronica dei documenti monetali Tekin Oğuz (1958- ). Winged-Horse with bird’s tail: Identification of a creature on the coins of Mysia and Troas Traeger Burkhard. Die Münzprägung und Geschichte von Phliasía (Peloponnesus) bis zum Ende der hellenistischen Zeitepoche Trifirò Maria Daniela. I gesti della divinità: il multiforme Apollo Wahl Marc Philipp. Bildkontakte reconsidered. A few remarks on the Adoption of Kimon’s Arethusa in Thessaly Wellhoefer Herbert. Die Nymphen aus Thessalien. Obole aus der Sammlung Wellhöfer Wojan Franck (1972- ). Réflexions sur la nature du monnayage au nom des Éléens: monnayage civique? monnayage de sanctuaire? monnayage de panégyrie? Apostólou Éva. Les plinthophores rhodiennes et la fin de ce monnayage Aumaître Héloïse. Akè Ptolémaïs sous les Lagides: un atelier au cœur des problématiques Syro-Phéniciennes Bodzek Jarosław. New finds of moulds for casting coin flans at the Paphos agora De Callataÿ François (1961- ). Greek overstrikes database: a short presentation Carrier Caroline (1985- ). Le système des monnaies de bronze crétoises de l’époque hellénistique Stefanaki Vassiliki E. (1973- ). Le système des monnaies de bronze crétoises de l’époque hellénistique Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Tesoretti, corrosione, coniazioni parallele, cronologia: I "Tridenti" di Ierone II Constantinescu Bogdan. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Oberländer-Târnoveanu Ernest. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Cristea-Stan Daniela. Information on silver and gold Dacian Koson type coins based on alloys composition, analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence, and on their possible emissions chronology Evans Jane DeRose (1956- ). What archaeology can tell us about the date of the opening of the civic mint at Sardis, Turkey Ilkić Mato. South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from Southern Italy and Sicily Čelhar Martina. South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from Southern Italy and Sicily Lannin Mary N. Window into Seleucid Regional Mints: Reuse of obverse dies in the 3rd - 2nd Century B.C. Marest-Caffey Laure. Images of Power in Seleukid Persis: A new study of the Victory Coinage from Susa Moreno Pulido Elena. Influencias sículo-púnicas en la amonedación del Fretum Gaditanum Grandjean Catherine (1957- ). The hoard IGCH 270 Moustaka Alikē. The hoard IGCH 270 Panagopoulou Katerina. Hellenistic Macedonia Revisited: Some evidence in redating the "Later Macedonian" Silver Alexanders Pavlovska Eftimija. A part of a rare "Paeonian" hoard from Macedonia Sole Lavinia (1970- ). Riflessioni intorno al ripostiglio IGCH 2132 da Gibil Gabib Spinelli Marianna. La dea "regale" di Locri Epizefiri Tsoukanelis Kimon. A new bronze coin of Alexander Molossos, son of Neoptolemos Van Schaik Katherine. The currency of medicine: Healing iconography on the coins of Trikka, Epidauros, Kos and Pergamon Wolf Daniel. The bronze coinage reform of Ptolemy II Chaves Tristán Francisca. Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones Hispano-Cartaginesas en la Península Ibérica Pliego Vázquez Ruth. Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones Hispano-Cartaginesas en la Península Ibérica Geiser Anne (1952- ). Courants monétaires gaulois entre Alpes et Jura Gruel Katherine (1953- ). Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Nieto-Pelletier Sylvia (1974- ). Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Duval Florian. Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Koczwara Paulina (numizmatyka). Finds of cisalpine drachms and other Celtic coins in the Central and Southern Italy Militký Jiří (1969- ). Das keltische Münzwesen des Horizonts LT C1 und C2 in der Tschechischen Republik Montanaro Stefania. La monetazione dei centri peuceti Nick Michael. Celtic Coin Finds in Switzerland: The recent volume of the Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds Kormikiari Maria Cristina Nicolau. How monetarized was Numidian society in Antiquity? Paris Elodie (1989- ). Circulation monétaire en Languedoc central au Deuxième Âge du Fer (VIe - Ier siècles avant J.-C.): comparaisons diachroniques des agglomérations de Béziers, Magalas et Agde Pilon Fabien (1965- ). Frappe et coulage de monnaies à l’époque gauloise: synthèse de quelques découvertes et caractérisations chimiques récentes Rodríguez Casanova Isabel. Dos nuevos conjuntos de divisores atribuidos a la II Guerra Púnica Barkay Rachel. Portraits of the Nabataean Kings as depicted on their coins Gitler Haim. A preliminary report on the Nablus 1968 hoard of the fourth century BC Tal Oren (1968- ). A preliminary report on the Nablus 1968 hoard of the fourth century BC Magub Alexandra. Coins of Mithradates II of Parthia (c. 121-91 BC) Mueseler Wilhelm (1952- ). The place of the two Wekhssere in the history of Lycia Sancinito Jane. Parthian Circulation: A study of the Wilson Hoard (IGCH 1816) Schindel Nikolaus. A note on the coinage of Khusro I Shavarebi Ehsan. The so-called "Thronfolgerprägungen" of Ardashīr I reconsidered Smagur Emilia. So similar and yet so different. The iconography of Kushan pantheon Tandon Pankaj. The Identity of Prakāśāditya Ruotolo Giuseppe. La Sicilia di Filippo Paruta descritta con Medaglie
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