New items
Body an territory Art and borders in today's Austria 07/12/2022 16/04/2023 Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb Cross border dialogues 26/05/2023 27/08/2023 Kunsthaus Graz
First Triennale India 1968 inaugurated by Dr Zakir Husain President of India on 10th February 1968 at the Lalit Kala Gallery
Szlak nauki i wiedzy
Lietuvos didziosios kunigaikstystes architektura stiliu raida
Alternative attuali 2 rassegna internazionale di pittura scultura grafica omaggio a Magritte opere 1920 1963 omaggio a Mirko opere 1932 1964 omaggio a Baj opere 1950 1965
Gruzja - historia, kultura, sztuka
Vep'xvajeebi mxatvart'a ot'xi t'aoba The Vepkhvadzes four generations of artists
Gruzinskaa numizmatika
Rita Serengeti Rita Xac'aturiani
Katalog sasanidskih monet Gruzii
Niko Pirosmani
Józef Czapski - malarz i pisarz
Józef Czapski malirske a literarni dilo Praha Vystavni sin Novomestske radnice 17 12 1996 15 1 1997
Tumulte et spectres
Dziennik wojenny 22 III 1942 31 III 1944
Józef Czapski dzieła z kolekcji prywatnych Józef Czapski works from private collections
Tumult i widma
Most often loaned books in the library