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Alla maniera technical art history and the meaning of style in 15th to 17th century painting papers presented at the Twenty Second Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held online 28 30 March 2022
Georges Braque
4th International Student Conference on Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art Krakow 6th 8th November 2019
Nieprzezroczyste historie chłopskiej fotografii
I Triennale Malarstwa i Grafiki Łódź 1973 nasz czas metafora tendencje
Gruzja - historia, kultura, sztuka
Dawna Gruzja
Germanuli dasaxlebebi da arkitekturuli memkvidreoba sakartvelosi Die deutschen Siedlungen und das deutsche architektonische Erbe in Georgien German settlements and architectural heritage in Georgia
Zygmunt Waliszewski
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