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Artworks and their histories understanding the clues a guide to provenance research at the Alte Nationalgalerie the permanent exhibition
Janusz Trzebiatowski Pieta malarstwo z lat 2001 2005
Think with the senses feel with the mind art in the present tense short guide La Biennale di Venezia 52 Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte
Travels through time Greece through the works of foreign travellers and images of modern Greece
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Józef Czapski - malarz i pisarz
Jan Cybis Józef Czapski Artur Nacht Samborski malarstwo Galeria Instytutu Polskiego Dusseldorf 10 X 1994 5 I 1995 Malerei Galerie des Polnischen Instituts
Tumult i widma
Tumult i widma
mystery of Katyn Part 1 Documents Part 2 I escaped an officer experiences
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