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Uskrzydlone putta w sztuce renesansu Winged putti in Renaissance art
Alla maniera technical art history and the meaning of style in 15th to 17th century painting papers presented at the Twenty Second Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held online 28 30 March 2022
Hiroshige's caricature playing with brushes and floating in the art
Polska sztuka na Biegunach o kulturotwórczej roli obszarów polarnych
Wystawa malarstwa Phases
Gruzja - historia, kultura, sztuka
History and coin finds in Georgia late Roman and Byzantine hoards 4th 13th c
Georgian clothing XVI XVIII cc
Niko Pirosmani
Lado Gudiasvili kiallitasa Magyar Nemzeti Galeria 1978 majus 4 junius 4
Dawna Gruzja
Józef Czapski - malarz i pisarz
Terre inhumaine
Józef Czapski 18 obrazów z kolekcji rodziny Popiel de Boisgelin
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