Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- )
Turski Marcin
Adamczyk Paulina (1989- ). Ancient territories: the paradox of Plato's chariot?
Adamczyk Paulina (1989- ). Terytoria antyku. Paradoks powozu Platona?
Ainsworth Maryan Wynn (1950- ). The Middendorf altarpiece by a follower of Hugo van der Goes
Aksoy Suay. What's Missing? - Sticking to the margins
Allart Dominique. A case of mistaken identity - a version of the Good Shepherd by Pieter Brueghel the Younger
Anderson Kate
Andriusyte-Zukiene Rasa (1960- ). Art studies and the situation of artists in the context of power relations: transformations and the annihilation of the Kaunas Art School (1940–1953)
Ataman Ferda (1979- ). Our heymat! Your museum? - Towards a more diverse museum culture. Susan Kamel in conversation with Ferda Ataman about childhood museums and the power of belonging
Avramidou Sophia. The Greek crisis and the tale of an unemployment card - A biographical card
Baczyński Jan (1944- )
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Considering replication. Social functions and sculptural practices
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Mise-en-scene. Displaying and curating the bust
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Thorvaldsen and three - dimensional portraiture
Baker Malcolm (1945- ). Thorvaldsen the portrait bust and Europe
Bang Peter Fibiger. The selfie. Portraits in the digital present and future
Basiul Marek (
Basta Martyna. Natural impacts - photoessay
Basta Martyna. Wstrząsy naturalne - fotoesej
Baum Katja von. Master or assistant? - painted alterations in the Pleydenwurff workshop
Beitl Matthias. Collecting is communicating
Bencard Ernst Jonas (1961- ). Why are there portrait busts at Thorvaldsens Museum?
Bereźnicka Anna. Narzędzia psychologii procesu w pracy fototerapeutycznej
Bereźnicka Anna. The tools of process-oriented psychology in photo-therapeutic work
Billinge Rachel. The Beaune last judgement - sorting out Rogier van der Weyden and his assistants
Boeckl Matthias (1962- )
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). 150 years of Josef Hoffmann. A retrospect of his oeuvre
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). At the zenith of his international influence. Josef Hoffmann and the competition for the Palais des Nations in Geneva
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). Between surface and space. Atectonic architectural innovations at Stoclet House
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). From life reform to bourgeois daily life. The villa Colony on the Hohe Warte
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). In the modernist laboratory. Josef Hoffmann's architecture class at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts 1899-1918
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). Presence despite permanent crisis. Josef Hoffmann and the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts 1919-1938
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). Reconstructing modernism. Josef Hoffmann's late work as an architect and curator
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). The leadership's will Hoffmann's projects under national socialism
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). The revelance of the beautiful. Enduring resonances of Josef Hoffmann's oeuvre
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). The social question. Josef Hoffmann's municipal apartement complexes and housing developements before 1933
Boersma Susanne (1992- )
Boersma Susanne (1992- ). The archive of forgotten memories - A participatory process of reflection
Bogacka Katarzyna (1965- ). Nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italian bishops' rings in the artistic culture of Poland
Bogacka Katarzyna (1965- ). Włoskie pierścienie biskupie z XX i XXI wieku w kulturze artystycznej Polski
Boggild Johannsen Birgitte (1948- )
Boggild Johannsen Kristine. Thorvaldsen and three - dimensional portraiture
Borchert Till-Holger (1967- )
Brink Peter van den (1956- ). Two "new" paintings by Jan de Beer - technical studies connoisseurship and provenance research
Brodder Line
Brodder Line. From marble to human being
Broeng Gitte (1973- ). A realm of possibility. The portraits of Trine Sondergaard
Brouwer Wendy
Buchczyk Magdalena. Horezu bowl - The lacklustre nature of tradition
Buchczyk Magdalena. Pandora's box? Transforming everyday collections
Bucken Veronique. Le Triptyque de l'Adoration des Mages (Turin-Genes) et le mecenat d'Hendrik Keddekin abbe de Ter Doest
Burns Kieran. Mind the gap(s)! - The challenges of delineating a narrative at the house of European history
Busk-Jepsen Karen Benedicte. A token of friendship and esteem
Busk-Jepsen Karen Benedicte. On Thorvaldsen's women sculptor colleagues
Cambon Pierre (1955- ). Korean collection in Paris
Cervonnaa Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). The unknown life of a Polish artist in the context of the known Polish art and art education problems of the 20th century: Stefan Narębski
Chabiera Piotr Paweł. Konkurs na pomnik Księcia Witolda w Wilnie. Niezrealizowany projekt Ludomira Sleńdzińskiego w duchu nowego klasycyzmu
Chabiera Piotr Paweł. The competition for a monument to Prince Witold - Vytautas in Wilno - Vilnius. Ludomir Sleńdzinski's unrealized project in the spirit of new classicism
Chahine Anne. The archive of forgotten memories - A participatory process of reflection
Chevallier Denis (1951- ). Collecting contemporary items to study and exhibit social issues - Experiences of the MuCEM Marseilles France
Chevallier-Kause Eva. Yellow vests
Chmielewski Filip. Motywy antyczne niedostrzegane... ,,Antykizujące godła międzywojennych krakowskich kamienic a klasyczne motywy w polskim malarstwie i grafice lat 20. i 30. XX wieku
Chmielewski Filip. Unnoticed ancient motifs?: antiquitising emblems on interwar town houses in Kraków and classical motifs in Polish paintings and graphics of the 1920s and 1930s
Chorley Claire. Hans Holbein Hans of Antwerp - findings from the recent examination cleaning and restoration
Christie Nicola. The Calling of Saint Matthew attributed to the Master of the Abbey of Dielegem
Chudyńska-Szuchnik Katarzyna. Rzemieślnik i miasto - w poszukiwaniu miejsca i relacji
Cichowicz Alicja. Homo-pop religiosus. Bartek Jarmoliński's contemporary saints
Cichowicz Alicja. Homo-pop religiosus. Bartka Jarmolińskiego wspólcześni święci
Cichowicz Alicja. Soma and psyche according to Bartek Jarmoliński
Cichowicz Alicja. Soma i psyche według Bartka Jarmolińskiego
Ciulisova Ingrid (1960- ). The Saint Michael altarpiece in Spisska Kapitula - a preliminary report
Clarke Michael (1952- )
Couvert Jacqueline
Currie Christina. A case of mistaken identity - a version of the Good Shepherd by Pieter Brueghel the Younger
Czyż Marta (sztuka)
Czyż Marta (sztuka). Art above monuments
Czyż Marta (sztuka). Sztuka ponad pomnikami
Danbolt Mathias (1983- ). In the colonial contact zone. Thorvaldsen's portrait bust of Ghazi-ud-Din Haidar Shah
Davis Whitney (1958- ). Beheaded
De Fraeye Mark (1949- ). San-shin the Mountain God – Korea’s eternal spirit
Debaene Marjan (1978- ). Reading between the lines... - attribution problems regarding early sixteenth century Louvain painters
Dubois Anne
Dubois Anne. XRF analysis of pigments in the Donne Hours (Louvain-la-Neuve Archives de l'Universite ms. A2)
Duszyk Adam Benon (1972- )
Duszyk Adam Benon (1972- ). Dzieje Radomia życiorysami pisane
Duszyk Adam Benon (1972- ). The history of Radom recorded in biographies
Dyballa Katrin. The oeuvre of Jan Swart van Groningen reconsidered
Dybel Paweł (1951- ). Malarstwo jako po-tworzenie. Krzysztofa Gliszczyńskiego malarska metafizyka odpadu i resztki
Dybel Paweł (1951- ). Painting as post-creation: Krzysztof Gliszczyński's painting as a metaphysics of waste and residue
Dąbrowski Józef (1940-2019). Hanji Paper – Unique technologies of ancient Korean craft
Dżurkowa-Kossowska Irena (1955- ). The Vienna School and Polish Neo-Realism of the 1930s
Eckstein Lisa. Master or assistant? - painted alterations in the Pleydenwurff workshop
Edenheiser Iris
Edenheiser Iris. Introduction - Towards new filters and relations
Edenheiser Iris. Kum'a Mbape and Ndumb'a Lobe on a Berlin pictorial broadsheet
Edenheiser Iris. Open the gates - Museum methods and structures
Ehlers Jeannette (1973- ). Ancestors. Forever connected in time and space
Elling Alexander
Elliot Fiona (1951- )
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Rysunek polski
Sztuka polska
Malarstwo polskie
Instalacja (szt.plast.)
Architekci austriaccy
Architektura austriacka
Delaware Art Museum
Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
Fotografia amerykańska
Fotografia polska
Friedlander, Lee (1934- )
Galeria Willa (Łódź)
Galeria aTAK
Gliszczyński, Krzysztof (1962- )
Grabowy, Sławomir (1947- )
Grafika polska
Hasior, Władysław (1928-1999)
Hoffmann, Josef Franz Maria (1870-1956)
Jarmoliński, Bartłomiej (1975- )
Krytyka artystyczna
Kultura klasyczna
Literatura polska
Maciejewski, Zbysław Marek (1946-1999)
Malarstwo angielskie
Malarstwo europejskie
Malarstwo sakralne europejskie
Mehoffer, Józef (1869-1946)
Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki (Gorzów Wielkopolski)
Mitoraj, Igor (1944-2014)
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Muzeum Narodowe (Kraków)
Muzeum Regionalne (Stalowa Wola)
Muzeum Tatrzańskie im. dra Tytusa Chałubińskiego (Zakopane)
Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego (Radom)
Muzeum Śląskie (Katowice)
Pawlak, Włodzimierz (1957- )
Państwowa Galeria Sztuki (Sopot)
Performance polski
Poezja angielska
Rossetti (rodzina)
Rysunek angielski
Rzemiosło artystyczne austriackie
Rzeźba duńska
Scottish National Portrait Gallery
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Szkolnictwo artystyczne
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka koreańska
Sztuka stosowana austriacka
Sztuka wschodnioeuropejska
Tate Britain (Londyn)
Thorvaldsen, Bertel (1770-1844)
Thorvaldsens Museum
Van Schoute, Roger (1930-2017)
Wzornictwo przemysłowe
Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki
Zadęcki, Wiesław
Zbiory muzealne
Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst
Temat: dzieło
Self portrait
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
Katalogi wystaw
Materiały konferencyjne
Czasopisma polskie
Księgi pamiątkowe
22 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). Franz Rainald (1964- ). Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). 150 years of Josef Hoffmann. A retrospect of his oeuvre Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). At the zenith of his international influence. Josef Hoffmann and the competition for the Palais des Nations in Geneva Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). Between surface and space. Atectonic architectural innovations at Stoclet House Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). From life reform to bourgeois daily life. The villa Colony on the Hohe Warte Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). In the modernist laboratory. Josef Hoffmann's architecture class at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts 1899-1918 Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). Presence despite permanent crisis. Josef Hoffmann and the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts 1919-1938 Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). Reconstructing modernism. Josef Hoffmann's late work as an architect and curator Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). "The leadership's will" Hoffmann's projects under national socialism Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). The revelance of the beautiful. Enduring resonances of Josef Hoffmann's oeuvre Boeckl Matthias (1962- ). The social question. Josef Hoffmann's municipal apartement complexes and housing developements before 1933 Franz Rainald (1964- ). 150 years of Josef Hoffmann. A retrospect of his oeuvre Franz Rainald (1964- ). "A shrine of a thousand treasures to admire and stroll through." The Austrain pavilion at the International Decorative Arts Exhibition in Paris in 1925 Franz Rainald (1964- ). A truly effective culture of taste in atectonic classicism. The exhibitions in Rome (1911) and Cologne (1914) Franz Rainald (1964- ). Austria's aesthetic self-portrait. The Austrian pavilion in Venice 1933-1934 Franz Rainald (1964- ). "Chief architect of the show of force of Austrian ambitions in art." The 1908 Kunstschau in Vienna Franz Rainald (1964- ). "Deeply honored to have been no nominated..." Josef Hoffmann and the founding of the Union of Austrian Artists Secession Franz Rainald (1964- ). "Homely concept of housing" versus "decorating over the bad skeleton of a building." From Rental Cilla to "Festival Building" Franz Rainald (1964- ). "It was no simple matter to [...] reach an understanding of the real sense of building." Josef Hoffmann: studies at the Vienna Academy Franz Rainald (1964- ). Continuing to build for patrons. Josef Hoffmann's villas 1918-1933 Freytag Anette (1971- ). Plant and square. The gardens of Josef Hoffmann Hackenschmidt Sebastian (1971- ). System design. Josef Hoffmann's cooperation with J. & J. Kohn Kapfinger Otto (1949- ). Anatomy of catharsis. Concrete structure as a formative factor for the Purkersdorf Sanatorium Klamper Elisabeth (1956- ). Josef Hoffmann and national socialism. An evaluation Klamper Elisabeth (1956- ). Temporary career setback. Josef Hoffmann and the Ständestaat Kristan Markus (1954- ). A pioneer of modernism. Josef Hoffmann and international arts journalism Long Christopher (1957- ). From Vienna to Hollywood. Josef Hoffmann and America Němečková Klára. Freedom from patronage. Josef Hoffmann adn the Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau Nierhaus Andreas (1968- ). The decorative arts destroyed? Josef Hoffmann and the Austrian Werkbund Norrman Jan (1967- ). A cheerful and capricious energy. Josef Hoffmann and the Wiener Werkstätte in Sweden Orosz Eva-Maria. On the reconstruction of the arts and crafts. Österreichische Werkstätten 1948 Prieto Adrián. Beauty in utility. The reception of Josef Hoffmann in Belgium and France 1900-1939 Prokop Ursula. Josef Hoffmann's customers as a reflection of social change at the fin de siècle Steinhäußer Lara. Women's clothing as another surface. Josef Hoffmann and fashion Terraroli Valerio. A new classicism. Josef Hoffmann and his reception in Italy Thillmann Wolfgang. System design. Josef Hoffmann's cooperation with J. & J. Kohn Thun-Hohenstein Christoph (1960- ). Hoffmann's dream of the high-quality society Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). 150 years of Josef Hoffmann. A retrospect of his oeuvre Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). From art object to standard product. The Wiener Werkstätte 1903-1918 Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). Indiciduality versus obligatory conformity. Decorative arts 1938-1956 Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). Interior design as a work of art. From "Brettlsil" to Viennese Style 1898-1900 Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). Luxury put to the test. The Wiener Werkstätte and Hoffmann's interior designs 1919-1932 Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). Protesetant materialism meets catholic emotions. The English exemplar Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). Stoclet House: a Gesamtkunstwerk. The shared fate of Adolphe Stoclet and the Wiener Werkstätte 1905-1911 Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). The Viennese style. Interiors 1900-1918 Witt-Dörring Christian (1950- ). Working without the Wiener Werkstätte. Decorative arts 1933-1938
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: Mak, Wiedeń, 15 grudnia 2021 - 19 czerwca 2022.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25731 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Sztuka Europy Wschodniej / Redakcja Jerzy Malinowski, Irina Gavrash ; ISSN 2353-5709 ; t. 9)
Gavrash Irina (1985-2023). Geron Małgorzata. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Andriušytė-Žukienė Rasa (1960- ). Art studies and the situation of artists in the context of power relations: transformations and the annihilation of the Kaunas Art School (1940–1953) Červonnaâ Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). The unknown life of a Polish artist in the context of the known Polish art and art education problems of the 20th century: Stefan Narębski Dżurkowa-Kossowska Irena (1955- ). The Vienna School and Polish Neo-Realism of the 1930s Geron Małgorzata. Foreword Geron Małgorzata. The early years of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (1945–1950) Griniuk Marija. 6 A/r/tography and love within the project The Temporary Department of Time, Space and Action Kaczmarek Adrianna. Self-portraits of the Nine Printmakers Group (1947–1960) from their 3rd exhibition catalogue: the question of quiet resistance Knapik Agata. Radical architecture and its contribution to art and design education Koprowski Piotr (1976- ). A contemporary critic of a literary work. A few reflections Kulpińska Katarzyna (1973- ). The Printmaking Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the years 1946–1960. The beginnings, the educational process, the graduates Pelše Stella (1972- ). Construction and constructive art in Latvian art critic Uga Skulme’s writings of the 1920s–30s Pleikienė Ieva. The education of artists in Lithuania during the Soviet Period: the relationship between official programmes and individual positions Sīle Linda. Towards a utopia of emerging art education
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26010 (1 egz.)
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