Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Hardt Matthias (1960- )
Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports
Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA
Bomford David. Foreword
Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics
Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings
Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining
Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers tensioning and attachments
Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns
Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions
Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Dixon Thomas. Framing glazing backing and hanging of paintings on canvas
Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings
Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings
Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy
Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting
Fajt Jiri (1960- )
Forster Christian
Fuster-López Laura. Filling
Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists
Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds
Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings
Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Heilmann Christoph (1936- )
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media
Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground
Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports
Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects
Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints
Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints
Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting
Ludowici Babette
MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings
Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings
Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports
Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings
McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio
Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings
Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century
Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century with appendices I-VII
Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings
Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting
Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints
Oddy William Andrew (1942- )
Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining
Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints
Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds
Peter Michael
Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects
Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes
Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents
Polansky Lubos (1972- )
Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings
Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings
Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio
Rushfield Rebecca (1954- )
Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards
Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation
Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings
Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction
Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art
Schroder Nele (1981- )
Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings
Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds 1400-1900
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- )
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction
Streeton Noelle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings
Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting 1960-66
Swicklik Michael. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings
Tomkiewicz Carolyn J. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings before or instead of lining
Townsend Joyce H. A brief survey of historical varnishes
Townsend Joyce H. Binding media
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Hawaje (USA)
Ochrona zabytków
Sztuka europejska
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Historycy sztuki
Instalacja (szt.plast.)
Malarstwo niemieckie
Národní galerie (Praga)
Sztuka czeska
Sztuka niemiecka
Zbiory biblioteczne
Aachen, Hans von (1552-1615)
Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik (Berlin)
Architektura niemiecka
Architektura sakralna
Architektura wschodnioeuropejska
Arndt, Karl (1929- )
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Baldung Grien, Hans (1484-1545)
Bauhaus (Weimar)
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
Bode-Museum (Berlin)
Budownictwo miejskie
Chopin, Fryderyk (1810-1849)
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Drukowanie przestrzenne
Film amerykański
Film polski
Franciszek Józef I (cesarz Austrii ; 1830-1916)
GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Lipsk)
Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Norymberga)
Grasser, Erasmus (ok. 1450-1518)
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig
Hessisches Landesmuseum (Kassel)
Hinz Georg (1630/31-1688)
Hoffmann, Friedrich Gottlob (1741-1806)
Hofmobiliendepot - Möbel Museum Wien
Język angielski
Karol IV Luksemburski (cesarz rzymsko-niemiecki ; 1316-1378)
Konflikt społeczny
Kubrick, Stanley (1928-1999)
Kulturhistorisches Museum (Magdeburg)
Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Bonn)
Kunstbibliothek (Berlin)
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Künstlerhaus Wien
Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung (Frankfurt am Main)
Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst (Akwizgran)
Majewski, Lech (1953- )
Malarstwo europejskie
Malarstwo francuskie
Malarstwo sakralne niemieckie
Meble niemieckie
Monety greckie
Muzyka niemiecka
Muzyka polska
Müller, Jürgen (1961- )
Ochrona środowiska
Pawilon Czterech Kopuł Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej (Wrocław)
Pejzaż francuski
Potsdam Museum - Forum für Kunst und Geschichte
Temat: dzieło
Divina commedia
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Frankfurt nad Menem
Rzym (państwo)
Katalogi wystaw
Materiały konferencyjne
Księgi pamiątkowe
Katalogi zbiorów
Słowniki terminologiczne
51 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Frings Jutta (1963- ). Willinghöfer Helga. Giardina Andrea (1949- ). Römische Identität Gros Pierre (1939- ). Stadt und die Organisation des Reichsgebietes Scheid John. Religionen der Römer in der Kaiserzeit Cosme Pierre (1965- ). Römische Armee an der Peripherie des Reiches Cosme Pierre (1965- ). Donauprovinzen Peška Jaroslav (1960- ). Königsgrab der älteren Römischen Kaiserzeit bei Mušov in Südmähren/Tschechische Republik Fischer Thomas. Römische Grenze gegen die Germanen in den germanischen Provinzen, Raetien und Nordicum vom 1. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Schuster Jan. Germanen zwischen Rhein und Weichsel in der älteren Kaiserzeit (1. und 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr.) Bemmann Jan (1961- ). Jüngere Römische Kaiserzeit zwischen Rhein und Weichsel Mączyńska Magdalena (1945- ). Frühvölkerwanderungszeitliche Hortfund aus Łubiana, Kr. Kościerzyna (Pommern) Kasprzycka Maria. Gräberfeld von Weklice (Polen) Stasiełowicz Grzegorz. Gräberfeld von Weklice (Polen) Van Ossel Paul (1954- ). Siedlungsformen der Germanen Carnap-Bornheim Claus von (1957- ). Krieg in der germanischen Gesellschaft Becker Mathias. Germanische Fürstengrab von Gommern Simek Rudolf (1951- ). Religion der Germanen - Literarische Quellen Bemmann Jan (1961- ). Opferplätze und -funde im mittel- und nordeuropäischen Barbaricum Bursche Aleksander (1956- ). Entwicklung der Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Rom und den Barbaren Chauvot Alain. Römischen Barbarendarstellungen Janniard Sylvain. Militärische Krise des Reiches von Decius bis Probus (251-282) Rivière Yann. Stabilisierung des Römischen Reiches Heather Peter J. (1960- ). Konsolidierung des Limes Halbertsma Ruurd (1958- ). Helm von Deurne (Niederlande) Lee Alan Douglas (1958- ). Diplomatie zwischen Rom und den Barbaren Cracco Ruggini Lellia (1931- ). Römer und Barbaren in der Spätantike Harmony Durofil Héloïse (1970- ). Barbarische Machtgruppen im 4. Jahrhundert Modéran Yves (1955-2010). Kontrollierte Einwanderung von Barbarengruppen in das Römische Reich Quast Dieter (1963- ). Fund von Wolfsheim Stickler Timo (1971- ). Hunnen in Asien Schmauder Michael Rudolf Wilhelm (1964- ). Hunnen "Ut turbo montibus celsis - gleich dem Wirbelwind aus den hohen Bergen" Heather Peter J. (1960- ). Wanderung der Goten Roberto Umberto (1969- ). Theodosius und die Barbaren Salamito Jean-Marie. Plünderung Roms (410) und die Reaktion der Zeitgenossen Vannesse Michaël (1980- ). Zerfall der Grenzen im Westen Zecchini Giuseppe (1952- ). Attila und das Reich der Hunnen Tomka Péter (1940- ). Hunnische Fundkomplex von Pannonhalma (Ungarn) Gabuev Tamerlan Aleksandrovič. Hunnenzeitliches Fürstengrab aus dem Kaukasusgebiet Pilet Christian. Schatz von Airan/Moult, Département Calvados (Normandie) Rettner Arno (1963- ). Romanen des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Südbayern Ivanišević Vujadin (1958- ). Nördliche Illyrien im 5. und 6. Jahrhundert Kazanski Michel. Nördliche Illyrien im 5. und 6. Jahrhundert Quast Dieter (1963- ). Pannonien im 5. Jahrhundert Oanţă-Marghitu Rodica. Nekropole von Apahida (Rumänien) Stuppner Alois. Oberleiserberg bei Ernstbrunn - ein Herrschaftszentrum des 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. im mittleren Donauraum Ajbabin Aleksandr Il'ič. Krim in der Spätantike (Ende 4.-6. Jahrhundert) Zaseckaâ Irina Petrovna. Bosporus (Kerč) in der Zeit der Völkerwanderung Motta Daniela (1970- ). Untergang des Weströmischen Reiches (455-476 n. Chr.) Goltz Andreas (1970- ). Barbarische "Kaisermacher" und das Weströmische Reich Dumézil Bruno (1976- ). Bekehrung der Barbaren Delogu Paolo (1940- ). Neuen römisch-barbarischen Königreiche Brogiolo Gian Pietro (1946- ). Reich der Ostgoten in Italien Aimone Marco. Schatz von Desana (Italien) Porena Pierfrancesco (1968- ). Theoderich der Grosse in Italien Sotinel Claire. Arianismus und Katholizismus in Ravenna Glaser Franz (1950- ). Goten und der Arianismus im Alpen-Adria-Raum Moreau Dominic (1978- ). Diplomatischen Bezichungen zwischen den Barbarenherrschern und dem Bischof von Rom Gillett Andrew. Diplomatische Dokumente aus den barbarischen Königreichen Gillett Andrew. Diplomatie zwischen den barbarischen Königreichen und Konstantinopel Youinou Frédéric (1977- ). Rex und sein Hofstaat in den romano-barbarischen Königreichen (5.-7. Jahrhundert) Brogiolo Gian Pietro (1946- ). Städte auf dem Territorium der barbarischen Königreiche (5.-7. Jahrhundert) Augenti Andrea (1964- ). Ravenna, die Hauptstadt der Ostgoten Lizzi Testa Rita. Christentum und die Kultur der Spätantike Cavallo Guglielmo (1938- ). Schriftwesen und Buchkultur bei Römern und Barbaren Orlandi Silvia. Epigraphik der römisch-barbarischen Zeit Gregori Gian Luca. Epigraphik der römisch-barbarischen Zeit Le Jan Régine (1945- ). Römisch-barbarische Familie Huck Olivier. Gesetzgebung der Barbaren Arslan Ermanno A. Wirtschaft, Steuern und Münzwesen in den römisch-barbarischen Königreichen Dumézil Bruno (1976- ). Kirche in den neuen Königreichen Azzara Claudio (1964- ). Mönchtum Delogu Paolo (1940- ). Auf dem Weg zu einem grösseren Europa Pohl Walter (1953- ). Barbarische Identität und Ethnogenese
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 314-331.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 22326 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Beitin Andreas (1968- ). Gillen Eckhart (1947- ). Adkins Helen (1960- ). Elliot Fiona (1951- ). Fox Jonathan. Molinaro Geraldine. Rosenblatt Lisa. Afroz Nazes. 1968 in India, the Naxalites: The Thunder that Withered Baden Sebastian (1980- ). Urban Guerrilla aesthetic after 1968: art between protest, revolution, and terrorism Baehr Ulrich (1938- ). Svastika and soviet star as art? Beitin Andreas (1968- ). "Art is politics" Beitin Andreas (1968- ). "I lived my entire life to prepare for May 68" Beitin Andreas (1968- ). "It was a matter of equal voices..." Berríos María (1978- ). "Now history happens here": Del Tercer Mundo Böttcher Anke Paula (1971- ). Graffiti, both sides on tracing paper Brock Bazon (1936- ). Voices from the grave, or the resurrection of the 68ers from the spirit of the present Cailloux Bernd (1945- ). The commercial flash: the history of the leisure society Cameron Dan (1956- ). Is the personal really political? Conradt Gerd (1941- ). Dark days in a colorful costume Dammbeck Lutz (1948- ). 37 + 31 = 68 Dreßen Wolfgang (1942- ). "1968": violent relationships and resistance Düspohl Andreas (1967- ). 1968: Media transformation and the culture of protest Ficher Tilman P. (1937- ). Maundy Thursday 1968 Frei Norbert (1955- ). Protests in the West, Unrest in the East Fritzsch Constanze. The battered body - Belgrade 1968 Fritzsch Constanze. "Where do you stand with your art, friend?" Frohne Ursula. The United States in Vietnam and the critique from art Gerhardt-Schubert Ezra (1951- ). 1968 and the student movement Gerz Jochen (1940- ). One of the most artistic works in history Gillen Eckhart (1947- ). "Art is politics" Gillen Eckhart (1947- ). "I came to my painting along a different path" Gillen Eckhart (1947- ). "I lived my entire life to prepare for May 68" Gillen Eckhart (1947- ). Performative enlightenment: false consciousness Grimaldi Fulvio (1934- ). A lifelong Sixty-Eighter Gutiérrez Galindo Blanca. Mexico 1968 Hacker Dieter (1942- ). "I came to my painting along a different path" Hartung Klaus (1940- ). 1968 and the end of painting Heidelberger Michael (1947- ). Vietnam protests in the United States, 1969-70 Heil Axel (1965- ). Games without frontiers for individualists in Munich, Paris, Amsterdam, and Cuba Hershman-Leeson Lynn (1941- ). "It was a matter of equal voices..." Herz Rudolf (1954- ). Materials for the project Revolutionäre Ungeduld Hoffmann Justin (1955- ). Gustav Metzger at the movement for destruction in art Jooss Birgit (1965- ). Between poetry and the pigsty: on the student protests at the Kunstakademie and the Kunstverein in Munich Katti Christian (1966- ). The United States in Vietnam and the critique from art Kolb Ulrike (1942- ). Communal living and Kinderland Köhler Otto (1935- ). Musings of a Pre-68er who still has no desire, at 83, to become a Post-68er Lebel Jean-Jacques (1936- ). "I lived my entire life to prepare for May 68" Link Jürgen (1940- ). 1968, Post-1968, and the borders of flexible normalism Löser Claus (1962- ). The stolen rebellion - films and filmmakers in the GDR from 1961 to 1968 Ludwig Volker (1937- ). GRIPS Theather in and after 1969 Martin Julie (1938- ). New paths to the future Michel Detlef (1944- ). The Reichskabarett in West Berlin Mille Daria. On the move between studio and lab in the 1960s: technology and art in the USSR Rehberg Karl-Siegbert (1943- ). "1968" in the Provinces? Rosner Bernd (1953- ). Considering the 68ers and the German leaning toward a "Final solution mindset" Ruppert Wolfgang (1946- ). Self-education Rutschky Michael (1943-2018). Stopping and starting Sander Helke (1937- ). Feminism - experiments Sandfort Bernhard (1936- ). About my producer Gallery Sauer Johann (1948- ). Theater and 68? Schmidt Ute (1943- ). A political coming-of-age in the Munich SDS in the 1960s Šumylovyč Bohdan. Czechoslovakia and Ukraine: popular art and language policy opposition in early 1968 to the russification in Central Europe Smolik Noemi. 1968 in Prague - the other protest movement, or who's listening to who? Strohmeyer Klaus (1947- ). Utopia on offer between rubble and bulk waste Strohmeyer Marianne (1949- ). The "Third battle of Tannenberg" Subirats Eduardo (1947- ). Variations on 1968 Sukrow Oliver (1985- ). "Designing freedom" - the computer: "Liberty Machine" or means of control in the global context of the 68ers? Syring Marie-Luise (1944- ). Revolutionary art is made in the streets Thiel Paul (1937- ). The 68ers in the GDR and Marxist-Leninist System Theory Weber Laura (1985- ). Real life in art : Jean Tinguely and Niki de Saint Phalle Weibel Peter (1944- ). "Art is politics" Werner Thomas (1944- ). Fragments Wilhelm Karin (1947- ). ...when water cannons were (still) welcome Wunderlich Sonja (1987- ). The body as a tool for self-empowerment
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen, 20 kwietnia - 19 sierpnia 2018 r.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24262, III 24263 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Barta Peter. Gaburová Jasna. Koblišková Zuzana. Kubica Juraj. Aigner Thomas (1973- ). The power of big data of the past - let's build a time machine! Bartošová-Pinterová Zuzana (1946- ). Slovak National Gallery in times of the Velvet Revolution Bartošová-Pinterová Zuzana (1946- ). Slovenská národná galéria v čase Nežnej revolúcie Borbély Katalin. Directive on copyright in the digital single market - what it means for cultural institutions Bunsch Eryk (1973- ). To be or no to be - proper digital strategies for museums Carvalho Ana (1977- ). Moving museums towards transformation and change in a digital World: insights from the project Mu.SA Csorba Judit. From digitising to accessibility - a thirty-year process at the Museum of Ethnography, Budapest Čudrnák Michal. Čas-opis 1989 Dolák Jan (1962- ). Digitalizace pro muzejníky nebo pro veřejnost? Dolák Jan (1962- ). Is digitizing for museums professionals or for the public? Faber Michael H. (1953- ). No future without instawalk and virtual reality? AVICOM, museums and new media Fuchs Hilde (1964- ). Marchfeld - over here and there / searching for traces, leaps in time and artistic strategies Galambos Henrietta. Museum and digitisation - legal headache Gredka-Ligarska Iwona. Museum staff vs artificial intelligence Gwoździewicz-Matan Paulina. Legal aspects of digitization in museums Hanáková Petra (1974- ). Čas-opis 1989 Jareš Jakub (1983- ). Česká a slovenská muzea v evropském kontextu Jareš Jakub (1983- ). Czech and Slovak Museums in the European context Jirásek Pavel (1961- ). Cultural heritage protection and the development of IT after the Fall of the Iron Curtain Jirásek Pavel (1961- ). Ochrana kulturního dědictví a rozvoj IT po pádu železné opony Koltay Erika. Digitalized museum collections in education Lehmannová Martina (1978- ). Připomínání památky obce Lidice ve virtuálním světě Lehmannová Martina (1978- ). The commemoration of the heritage of Lidice village through virtual reality Maráky Peter (1950- ). Enticements and risks of uncontrolled dynamics of change within museums Maráky Peter (1950- ). Zvody a riziká neriadenej dynamiky zmien v múzejníctve Matos Alexandre. Moving museums towards transformation and change in a digital World: insights from the project Mu.SA Mikulík Dalibor. Gotický hrad Ľubovňa a archeologické nálezy prezentované formou hologramu Mikulík Dalibor. Ľubovňa Gothic Castle and archeological sites presented in the form of hologram Orlandi Sarah Dominique. Web strategy in museums: an Italian survey stimulates new visions Sacha Magdalena (1973- ). "Kresy": the former Eastern borderland of Poland. Lost in history but still alive in the virtual exhibition? Seirafi Kasra. HoloMuse - museum learning with augmented Soldánová Anna. Social media as tools for community management Soldánová Anna. Sociální sítě jako nástroj community managementu Stańska Zuzanna. Digital projects that help museums communicate with their audiences in the real-time: Facebook chatbots, IBM Watson, and ASK App Šulík Marek (1974- ). Recycling Family Film Archives Šulík Marek (1974- ). Recyklácia rodinných filmových archívov Tari János (1957- ). Online archive of Museum Media Projects of the Avicom F@imp Festival updated website: Večeřa Jozef. Exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Iron Curtain Večeřa Jozef. Projekt Technického muzea v Brně k 30. výročí pádu železné opony Wiencek Florian. HoloMuse - museum learning with augmented reality Zahlbruckner Christa. A connected database: benefit for regional museums
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z konferencji: Slovenské národné múzeum - Historické múzeum, 6-7 listopada 2019 r.
Bibliogr. przy niektórych ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34207 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Schenk Gerrit Jasper (1968- ). Doba Karla IV. mezi rozkvětem a bídou - Katastrofy, krize a klimatické změny ve 14. století Šefců Ondřej (1958- ). Most královny Judity Lindner Michael. Mezi Skyllou a Charybdou - Život ve stínu císaře Karla IV. Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Mládí Karla IV. Původ - výchova k vladařským povinnostem - první zkoušky Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Umělecká reprezentace raných let - vzory a rozmanitost stylového jazyka výtvarného umění do roku 1350 Tresp Uwe. Bitva u Kresčaku 1346 Schlotheuber Eva (1959- ). Sacrum Romanorum Imperium - Císařská korunovace Karla IV., Zlatá bula a dohoda s církví Schlotheuber Eva (1959- ). Karel jako autor - "moudrý vládce" Bauch Martin (1978- ). Zbožný vládce - Uctívání svatých a ostentativní zbožnost jako prostředek upevnění moci a posílení legitimity vlády Rader Olaf B. (1961- ). Collector coronarum - Karel IV. jako sběratel korun Gajdošová Jana. Karlovo hlavní město Praha - Velké staveniště a pokusná laboratoř nového směru gotické architektury Grossmann G. Ulrich (1953- ). Hrady a rezidence Karla IV. Baumbauer Benno. Lesní hospodářství v říšských lesích u Norimberka za vlády Karla IV. Baumbauer Benno. Norimberk - karlovská metropole Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Norimberk - karlovská metropole Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Nové dvorské umění - Od napodobování k císařskému stylu Bobková Lenka (1947- ). Země Koruny české - Budování a rozvoj Franzen Wilfried (1943- ). Nové dvorské umění – Od napodobování k císařskému stylu Otavsky Karel (1938- ). Zlatnické umění v panovnické praxi císaře Karla IV. Stehlíková Dana (1954- ). Poklad cechu zlatníků v Praze Jaeger Susanne (1964- ). Móda, luxusní látky a textilní umění v době Karla IV. Knejfl Jana. Móda, luxusní látky a textilní umění v době Karla IV. Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Opory císaře? Svobodná říšská města a císařská reprezentace Eben David (1965- ). Karel IV. a hudba Žůrek Václav (1981- ). Sňatková politika Karla IV. Müller Jörg R. Karel IV. a Židé Weber Andreas. Karel IV. a Židé Burghardt Ivonne (1981- ). Hornictví a dálkový obchod Vaněk Vojtěch. Hornictví a dálkový obchod Fried Torsten. Peněžnictví a mincovnictví Šmahel František (1934- ). Poslední zásvity císařského majestátu: cesta Karla IV. do Paříže a jeho pražská pompa funebris Franzen Wilfried (1943- ). Karlovi dědici: Václav IV. a Zikmund Royt Jan (1955- ). Druhý život Karla IV. Küpper René (1969- ). Největší Čech všech dob, Němec, velký Evropan? Obraz Karla IV. v historiografii a na veřejnosti Adrian Anne. Antoine-König Élisabeth. Bartlová Milena (1958- ). Breisig Eva Maria. Brožková Helena (1946- ). Cossart Kaja von. Čumlivski Denko (1949- ). Eser Thomas (1962- ). Forster Christian. Gottfried Libor. Horn Karsten (1961- ). Kammel Frank Matthias (1961- ). Kirchweger Franz (1965- ). Kmochová Hana. Koch Pavel. Kubínová Kateřina (1975- ). Machilek Franz (1934- ). Margue Michel (1969- ). Mock Markus Leo (1971- ). Ostrowitzki Anja (1963- ). Paredis-Vroon Monica. Le Pogam Pierre-Yves (1964- ). Polanský Luboš (1972- ). Raczkowski Juliusz (1975- ). Sagstetter Maria Rita (1962- ). Saliger Arthur (1944- ). Seibert Hubertus (1954- ). Schnurbein Rüdiger Wolf Marcus von (1971- ). Schürer Ralf. Schurr Marc Carel (1965- ). Sirocko Frank. Stöver Kerstin. Studničková Milada (1955- ). Stürzebecher Maria. Suckow Dirk. Suchomel Filip (1966- ). Šulc Jaroslav. Tångeberg Peter (1942- ). Timmermann Achim. Ursini Chiara. Wenzel Kai (1978- ). Winzeler Marius (1970- ). Wischnewsky Jenny. Čadský Vladimír. Eich Marta. Bauch Martin (1978- ). Jako druhý Konstantin - Karel IV. a římská jízda roku 1368/1369 Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Karel a duchovenstvo - biskupové jako opory říšské politiky. K roli vzájemných vazeb ve vývoji „parléřovského umění“ za Karla IV.
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publikacja towarzysząca wystawom: Národní galerie v Praze, Praga, 15 kwietnia - 25 września 2016 ; Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Praga, 14 kwietnia - 31 sierpnia 2016 ; Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Norymberga, 20 października 2016 - 5 marca 2017.
Na grzb.: K*700.
Bibliogr. s. 625-665. Indeksy.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23298 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(The Textile Institute Books Series)
Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Mackiewicz-Talarczyk Maria. Akbari Somaye. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Asayesh A. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Babu K. Murugesh. Silk - production and future trends Baley Christophe. Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Banerjee Prasanta Kumar (1941- ). Environmental textiles from jute and coir Bąkowska-Barczak Anna. The application of flax and hempseed in food, nutraceutical and personal care products Borsa Judit. Antimicrobial natural fibres Bourmaud Alain. Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Chalivendra Vijaya. Natural fibre composites (NFCs) for construction and automotive industries Cherian Bibin Mathew. Natural fibres for geotextiles De Luycker Emmanuel. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Ellison Michael S. Biomimetics and textile materials Esmaeeli N. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Evans David J. Improving the properties of natural fibres by chemical treatments Evon Philippe (1973- ). Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Ferreira Manuela. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Ferreira de Souza Sivoney. Natural fibres for geotextiles Ghosh Swapan Kumar. Processing of jute fibres and its applications Goudenhooft Camille (1992- ). Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Khaliliazar S. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Kim Yong K. Natural fibre composites (NFCs) for construction and automotive industries Kiraga Łukasz. Medical potential of cannabis: an overview Kolodziejczyk Paul P. The application of flax and hempseed in food, nutraceutical and personal care products Kołodziej Jacek (włókiennictwo). Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Enzymatic treatment of natural fibres Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Improving the flame retardancy of natural fibres Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Medical potential of cannabis: an overview Kozłowski Ryszard (włókiennictwo). Natural fibres for geotextiles Labanieh Ahmad Rashed (1984- ). Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Labonne Laurent. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Laine Eric. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Larminat Marie-Anne de. The application of flax and hempseed in food, nutraceutical and personal care products Leão Alcides Lopes. Natural fibres for geotextiles Luxbacher Thomas. Electrokinetic properties of natural fibres Mańkowski Jerzy. Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Mukhopadhyay Asis. Processing of jute fibres and its applications Muzyczek Małgorzata. Improving the flame retardancy of natural fibres Muzyczek Małgorzata. The use of flax and hemp for textile applications Negm Mohamed. Cotton fibres, picking, ginning, spinning and weaving Nuez Lucile. Multi-scale mechanical characterization of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composite materials Ouagne Pierre. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Passas Raphaël. Natural fibres for paper and packaging Pudełko Krzysztof. Bast fibres: the role of hemp ("Cannabis sativa" L.) in remediation of degraded lands Rajkhowa Rangam. Properties and applications of ultrafine powders producted from natural fibres Razipour M. Chemical and physical characteristic of modified cotton and linen fabrics with amine-terminated dendritic polymer Renouard Sullivan (1984- ). Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Rippon John A. Improving the properties of natural fibres by chemical treatments Różańska Wanda. Enzymatic treatment of natural fibres Samanta Ashis Kumar. Processing of jute fibres and its applications Sanad Susan. Cotton fibres, picking, ginning, spinning and weaving Soulat Damien. Use of bast fibres including flax fibres for high challenge technical textile applications. Extraction, preparation and requirements for the manufacturing of composite reinforcement fabrics and for geotextiles Thomas Sabu (1960- ). Natural fibres for geotextiles Wang Xungai. Properties and applications of ultrafine powders producted from natural fibres Zielonka Dariusz. Medical potential of cannabis: an overview
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy rozdz. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 36682/2 (1 egz.)
Długość kolejki oczekujących: 1.
W koszyku
Albrecht Stephan (1963- ). Breitling Stefan (1968- ). Drewello Rainer (1955- ). Albrecht Stephan (1963- ). Da müssen wir durch! Bilder des Ein- und Ausgehens am Kirchenportal des 12. Jahrhunderts Andås Margrete Syrstad (1972- ). Making it unknown to man: the portal in the liturgical and legal practices of the North Arnold Katharina. Ein Blick durch die Lupe: der Werkriss 17.037V aus der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien Arnulf Arwed (1963- ). Mittelalterliche Kirchenportale nach der Reformation Barral i Altet Xavier (1947- ). Conclusions Boerner Bruno. Das Gotische Figurenportal und sein Betrachter Bossche Benoît van den. Sur la Meuse: portals des XIIIe et XIVe siècles (Maestricht, Huy, Dinant) Bösch Imke. Da müssen wir durch! Bilder des Ein- und Ausgehens am Kirchenportal des 12. Jahrhunderts Bürger Stefan (1970- ). Portale als Raumbilder und Bildräume: Ikonische Betrachtungen zu Portalarchitekturen in Regensburg, Prag und Bern Filippo Aquilante de. Transformationsprozesse am Nordportal des Domes zu Worms: neue Erkenntnisse aus der Bauforschung an einem Symbolträchtigen Portal Forcht Clara. Da müssen wir durch! Bilder des Ein- und Ausgehens am Kirchenportal des 12. Jahrhunderts Hansen Heike. Die Portalanlagen von Saint-Gilles-du-Gard und Saint-Trophime in Arles: bauarchäologische Untersuchungen zur Planung und arbeitsteiligen Ausführung spätromanischer Bauplastik in Südfrankreich Hartmann-Virnich Andreas (1960- ). Die Portalanlagen von Saint-Gilles-du-Gard und Saint-Trophime in Arles: bauarchäologische Untersuchungen zur Planung und arbeitsteiligen Ausführung spätromanischer Bauplastik in Südfrankreich Henkelmann Vera (1973- ). Licht am Portal: Beleuchtung an Kirchenportalen und Türen im Mittelalter Hubel Achim (1945- ). Das Hauptportal des Regensburger Doms. Bauplanung – Planungsänderungen in Architektur, Ikonographie und Stil – Ergebnis Janiak Axelle. Le concept d'election dans le programme du jubé médiéval de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris Kaffenberger Thomas (1985- ). Portale als künstlerische Schaustücke und orte sozialer Inszenierung: die griechische Kathedrale der Panagia Hodegritria in Nicosia, Zypern Kurmann Peter. Bildstrategien an Portalen und Fassaden einander konkurrierender Kathedralen: der Fall der Kathedrale zu Reims Menargues Rajadell Àngel. Der Aufriss des Baumeisters Carli aus dem Jahr 1408 für das Hauptportal der Kathedrale von Barcelona: eine Hypothese des Zeichenprozesses und neue Lektüre seiner künstlerischen und architektonischen Werte Phalip Bruno (1957- ). Le portail sud de l’èglise Notre-Dame-du-Port à Clermont-Ferrand (France): le bois et le fer des montagnes face à la pierre de la plaine de Limagne Reveyron Nicolas. Le portail Saint-Pierre à la cathédrale de Lyon (XIVe): archélogie d’une histoire artistique, ecclésiologique et politique Rüffer Jens (1964- ). Die Puerta de las Platerías – zwischen Fragment und “Flickwerk“: Anmerkungen zur Wahrnehmung und Interpretation Mittelalterlicher Figurenportale Schedl Barbara (1964- ). Die Singertorvorhalle und die Prozessionen am wiener Stephansplatz Schmidt Elisabeth. Da müssen wir durch! Bilder des Ein- und Ausgehens am Kirchenportal des 12. Jahrhunderts Shemesh Avia. Musical Imagery on the Romanesque Pilgrimage Routes to Santiago de Compostella Sørburø Espen. Restoration of the king’s entrance of Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway: a brief look into the setting-out, templet making and documentation Ulrich Lena M. Da müssen wir durch! Bilder des Ein- und Ausgehens am Kirchenportal des 12. Jahrhunderts Taddei Carlotta. Seuil et contrôle de l’espace: liturgie et argent autour à travers le portail central de la cathédrale de Lucques Tenschert Ruth. Varianten der Restaurierung: Beobachtungen zu Restaurierungsmassnahmen an mittelalterlichen Portalen am Beispiel der Gnadenpforte des Bamberger Doms Tebel Magdalena (1991- ). Bilderzählung zwischen Architektur und Skulptur: zum Bildprogramm des Westportals der Nürnberger Lorenzkirche
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały sesji: "Mittelalterliche Portale als Orte der Transformation", Bamberg, 11-14 stycznia 2018 r.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 24452 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication ; no 56)
Davis Gillan. Sheedy Kenneth A. (1954- ). Andreou Alexandros. The enigmatic tool from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Sounion: new evidence Andrikou Elenī. The exploitation of the argentiferous ores in the Lavreotike Peninsula, Attica, in Antiquity: some remarks on recent evidence Apostólou Éva. A small numismatic group from the ancient road of Koile Avdeev Maxim. Neutron diffraction texture analysis for numismatics Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. Depth profile LA-ICP-MS analysis of ancient gold coins Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. Elemental composition of gold and silver coins of Siphnos Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. The gold of Lysimachus. Elemental analysis of the collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France using LA-ICP-MS Birch Thomas. Silver for the Greek colonies: issues, analysis and preliminary results from a large-scale coin sampling project Cahill Nicholas. The gold of the Lydians Craddock Paul T. (1945- ). The gold of the Lydians Dakoura-Vogiatzoglou Olga. A small numismatic group from the ancient road of Koile Davis Gillan. Elemental composition of gold and silver coins of Siphnos Davis Gillan. Introduction Davis Gillan. Studies in Athenian silver coinage: analysis of archaic 'owl' tetradrachms Davis Gillan. The minting/mining Nexus: new understandings of archaic Greek silver coinage from lead isotope analysis Delpech Serge. Aegean mining technologies in antiquity: a traceological approach: the Laurion mines (Greece) Duyrat Frédérique (1970- ). The gold of Lysimachus. Elemental analysis of the collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France using LA-ICP-MS Faucher Thomas (1978- ). Metallic composition of ancient imitative owls - preliminary analyses Flament Christophe. The silver of the owls: assessment of available analyses performed on Athenian silver coinage (fifth - third Centuries ВС) Garbe Ulf (1969- ). Neutron imaging for numismatics Gore Damian. Elemental composition of gold and silver coins of Siphnos Gore Damian. Studies in Athenian silver coinage: analysis of archaic 'owl' tetradrachms Gratuze Bernard (1962- ). Depth profile LA-ICP-MS analysis of ancient gold coins Herbach Richard. Aegean mining technologies in antiquity: a traceological approach: the Laurion mines (Greece) Höfer Heidi E. Silver for the Greek colonies: issues, analysis and preliminary results from a large-scale coin sampling project Jacquemot Denis. Aegean mining technologies in antiquity: a traceological approach: the Laurion mines (Greece) Kakavas Geōrgios (1957- ). Foreword Kakavas Geōrgios (1957- ). Methods of conservation of ancient silver coins used at the Numismatic Museum, Athens Kakavas Geōrgios (1957- ). The Role of the Numismatic Museum of Athens in determining the authenticity of coins: the contribution of scientific analysis Katsikosta Nikoleta. Methods of conservation of ancient silver coins used at the Numismatic Museum, Athens Kemmers Fleur (1977- ). Silver for the Greek colonies: issues, analysis and preliminary results from a large-scale coin sampling project Klein Sabine. Silver for the Greek colonies: issues, analysis and preliminary results from a large-scale coin sampling project Kontou Eleni (1972-). Methods of conservation of ancient silver coins used at the Numismatic Museum, Athens Kontou Eleni (1972-). The Role of the Numismatic Museum of Athens in determining the authenticity of coins: the contribution of scientific analysis Kroll John H. (1938- ). Preface Lohmann Hans (1947- ). Ari - a classical mining district at Anavyssos (Attica) Luzin Vladimir. Neutron diffraction texture analysis for numismatics Luzin Vladimir. Neutron imaging for numismatics Malamidou Dimitra (1964- ). Metal production chain at Pangaeon Mountain, eastern Macedonia, Greece Melfos Vasilios. Metal production chain at Pangaeon Mountain, eastern Macedonia, Greece Melfos Vasilios. Mines, metals and money in Attica and the ancient world: the geological context Morin Denis (1952- ). Aegean mining technologies in antiquity: a traceological approach: the Laurion mines (Greece) Nieto-Pelletier Sylvia (1974- ). Depth profile LA-ICP-MS analysis of ancient gold coins Nomicos Sophia. The role of changing settlement structures in reconstructing the mining history of archaic Laurion Olsen Scott R. Neutron diffraction texture analysis for numismatics Olsen Scott R. Neutron imaging for numismatics Photiadès Adonis (1955- ). Aegean mining technologies in antiquity: a traceological approach: the Laurion mines (Greece) Rosenthal Patrick. Aegean mining technologies in antiquity: a traceological approach: the Laurion mines (Greece) Ross James. Mines, metals and money in Attica and the ancient world: the geological context Salvemini Filomena. Neutron diffraction texture analysis for numismatics Salvemini Filomena. Neutron imaging for numismatics Seitz Hans-Michael. Silver for the Greek colonies: issues, analysis and preliminary results from a large-scale coin sampling project Sheedy Kenneth A. (1954- ). Elemental composition of gold and silver coins of Siphnos Sheedy Kenneth A. (1954- ). Introduction Sheedy Kenneth A. (1954- ). Neutron diffraction texture analysis for numismatics Sheedy Kenneth A. (1954- ). Neutron imaging for numismatics Sheedy Kenneth A. (1954- ). Studies in Athenian silver coinage: analysis of archaic 'owl' tetradrachms Stos-Gale Zofia Anna. The minting/mining Nexus: new understandings of archaic Greek silver coinage from lead isotope analysis Theodoropoulou-Polychroniadis Zetta. The enigmatic tool from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Sounion: new evidence Tselekas Panagiōtēs. The Acropolis, 1886 Hoard (IGCH 12) revisited Vaxevanopoulos Markos‏. Metal production chain at Pangaeon Mountain, eastern Macedonia, Greece Vaxevanopoulos Markos‏. Mines, metals and money in Attica and the ancient world: the geological context Vavelidis Michalis. Metal production chain at Pangaeon Mountain, eastern Macedonia, Greece Voudouris Panagiotis. Mines, metals and money in Attica and the ancient world: the geological context Weisser Bernhard (1964- ). Elemental composition of gold and silver coins of Siphnos Zananiri Irene. Aegean mining technologies in antiquity: a traceological approach: the Laurion mines (Greece)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 18076/6 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
el-Shishini Naima (1929- ). A comparative aesthetic analytic evaluation of some Ottoman miniatures Kara Pilehvarian Nuran (1961- ). Bursa Muradiye Camii Saçak Silmeleri Üzerine Düşünceler Ögel Semra. III. Mustafa Devri Yapılarında Yeni İfade Yolları ve Bir Değişim Başlangıcı Olarak Nuruosmaniye Camii Önder Mehmet (1926-2004). Türk Hat (Yazı) Sanatında "Besmele" İstifleri Öner Sema. Türk Resminin Gelişiminde Sarayın Yeri (1839-1923) Önge Yılmaz. Anadolu'nun Tarihi Güvercinlikleri Önkal Hakkı (1944- ). Birgi Ulu Camii Hakkında Bazı Mülahazalar Özbek Yıldıray (1967- ). Havadan Köyü Şeyh Hacı İbrahim Tekkesi Özer Cebe. Edirne'de Üsküflü Mezartaşı Örnekleri Özer Filiz. III. Mustafa Devri'nin Mimari Üslubu Özsayıner Zübeyde Cihan. Yarpak Üzerine Yazılan Hatlar Öztürk İsmail. Yayınlanmış Narh Defterleri, Fermanlar ve Belediye Kanunları Işığında 16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Kumaş Sanatı ve Standardizasyonu Pavlović Dobroslav-Boǰko St. (1916-2009). L'influence culturelle de l'Islam en Yougoslavie Petronōtēs Argyrēs (1924- ). Die ruinierte alte Steinerne Peneiosbrücke am Thessalischen Tempe, Griechenland Rogers John Michael (1940- ). Chinese monsters, the Turks and the Mongols Rosen-Ayalon Myriam (1930- ). Are there Seljuk origins for Malamuk art? Rozen Minna (1947- ). Encounter in history - the impact of Turkish art and culture on the funerary art and rites of the Jewish Cementary of Hasköy Rührdanz Karin. Zu Hinweisen auf die Anfertigung von illustrierten "Prophetengeschichten" im Osmanischen Reich Şahin Faruk. Kütahya Eski Çini Fırınları ve Buluntularının Değerlendirilmesi 1990 Yılı Buluntuları Saint Laurent Beatrice. The Dome of the Rock - restorations and political significance 1560-1907 Şaman Nermin. Karma Tipte Hanların Bir Çeşitlemesi Üzerine Görüşler Sänger Reinhard W. Results of technical and historical examinations on objects of the "Karlsruher Türkenbeute" Scarce Jennifer M. The impact of Ottoman art and culture in Romania painted frescoes in the 16th century churches of Moldavia Seçkin Nadide. Osmanlı Mimarisinde 15. Yüzyıla İlişkin İki Saray Yerleşimi: Edirne (Yeni) Sarayı ve Topkapı Sarayı Sims Eleanor. An illuminated manuscript copied by Shaykh Hamdullah in the Library of Congress in Washington DC Sinemoğlu Nermin. Askeri Müze'de Bulunan Resim Koleksiyonu Soucek Priscilla Parsons. Ethnic depictions in Warqah ve Gulshah Sönmez Zeki. 18. Yüzyılda Türk Kumaş Sanatında Gelişmeler ve Selimiye Kumaşları Speiser Philipp (1951- ). 18th century domestic architecture in Egyptian Provincial towns: according to the descripion de l'Egypte Subaşı Hüsrev. Edebiyat ve Hatt San'atımızda Hilye Geleneği Süslü Özden. Sitti Hatun Camii Mihrabi Üzerine Düşünceler Tanındı Zeren (1943- ). Kadife Ciltler Tezcan Hülya (1945- ). Saray Nakkaşhanesinin Erken Resim Programına Göre Hazırlanmış Türk Kumaş ve İşlemeleri Theunissen Hans (1960- ). Lamps Tsitroulis Théodore. La restauration du minaret de la mosquée de Süleyman, à Rhodes Tuncel Mehmet. Ladik'de İki Türbe Tunsch Thomas (1960- ). Türkisches Rokoko und lokale Tradition in Damaskus: Betrachtung eines Interieurs Uluçam Abdüsselam. Eski Arapgir'de Bir Akkoyunlu Eseri: Şeyh Hasan (Cafer Paşa) Camii Ünal Rahmi Hüseyin (1937- ). A propos de la destination de l'édifice situé au sud-est du khan de Kızılören Urak Gediz. Amasya'da İki Saray Hamamı Uysal Ali Osman. Germiyanoğullları Beyliği Dönemi Türbeleri Vitković-Žikić Milena (1951- ). Jube - oriental influence on women's costume Yalman Bedri (1943- ). Bursa Yeşil Cami Pencere Parmaklıklarındaki Gümüş Kakma Motifler Yamanlar Minako Mizuno. Hatayî Motifinin Menşei Yavuz Ayşıl Tükel. Mirçinge Han and concentric planned Anatolian Seljuk period caravanserais Yavuz Yıldırım (1939- ). Mescid-i Aksa ve Mimar Kemalettin Yenişehirlioğlu Filiz. XVII. Yüzyıl Başkent-Taşra İlişkileri Kapsamında Yanya (İonnina) Şehri Yetkin Şerare (1929-1995). Türk Çini ve Keramik Sanatında Yeni Buluntular Yildirim Sercan Özgencil. Kent Kurgusu ve Tek Yapı (Yapı Grubu) İlişkisi - Edirne Örneği Yıldız Netice. Osmanlı Dönemi Kıbrıs Türk Mimari ve Sanatı Yılmaz Tarcan. Değişik Bir Grup Gümüş Eser Yum Şule. Son Dönem Osmanlı Saray Yapılarındaki Bazı Tasvirler Üzerine Gözlemler Zangheri Luigi. The cultural relations between the Medici and the Ottoman empire Zick-Nissen Johanna. Triple-ball and stripes-an ornament and its Turkish tradition Żygulski Zdzisław jun. (1921-2015). Turquoise in Turkish art
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. grzbietowy: Bildiri Özetleri. Summary of Contributions
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31305/3 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Clough Joan (1939- ). Günther Diana. Stein Renata. Steinherz Geoffrey. Thormann Olaf (1962- ). Anger Jenny. Die Ausstellungen von Klee und Kandinsky Anger Jenny. The exhibitions of Klee and Kandinsky Bernhard Peter. Die Leipziger Schule in Dessau Bernhard Peter. The Leipzig School in Dessau Biedermann Heike. Acquisitions by the city of Dresden and the patronage society for the Staatliche Gemäldegalerie Dresden Biedermann Heike. Erwerbungen der Stadt Dresden und des Patronatsvereins der Staatlichen Gemälde­ galerie Dresden Biedermann Heike. Im Netzwerk der Avantgarde - Ida Bienert in Dresden Biedermann Heike. In the Avant-garde network - Ida Bienert in Dresden Blume Julia. Commercial art in Chemnitz Blume Julia. Commercial art in Dresden Blume Julia. Commercial art in Leipzig Blume Julia. Commercial art in Oberlungwitz Blume Julia. Die Leipziger Kulturwille und das Bauhaus Blume Julia. Leipzig's Kulturwille and the Bauhaus Blume Julia. Pädagogischer Austausch. Zur Verbindung 360 von Studierenden und Lehrenden des Bau­ hauses mit der Akademie für graphische Künste und Buchgewerbe Leipzig und der Kunstgewerbeschule der Stadt Blume Julia. Pedagogical exchange: on the connection of students and teachers of the Bauhaus with the Staatliche Akademie für graphische Künste und Buchgewerbe in Leipzig and the Städtische Kunstgewerbeschule Blume Julia. Vivos Voco: magazine for new Germanness Blume Julia. Vivos Voco - Zeitschrift für neues Deutschtum Blume Julia. Werbegrafik in Chemnitz Blume Julia. Werbegrafik in Dresden Blume Julia. Werbegrafik in Leipzig Blume Julia. Werbegrafik in Oberlungwitz Borries Friedrich von (1974- ). Franz Ehrlich - a Bauhaus member in the antifascist resistance and a concentration camp Borries Friedrich von (1974- ). Franz Ehrlich - ein Bauhäusler im antifaschistischen Widerstand und im Konzentrationslager Dalbajewa Birgit. Acquisitions by the city of Dresden and the patronage society for the Staatliche Gemäldegalerie Dresden Dalbajewa Birgit. Erwerbungen der Stadt Dresden und des Patronatsvereins der Staatlichen Gemälde­ galerie Dresden Dalbajewa Birgit. Hinnerk Scheper and Galerie Neue Kunst Fides, Dresden Dalbajewa Birgit. Hinnerk Scheper und Galerie Neue Kunst Fides Dresden Dalbajewa Birgit. The value of the new Dalbajewa Birgit. Die Wert des Neuen Dolgner Angela. Das Bauhaus auf den Grassimessen Dolgner Angela. Das gläserne Flughafenrestaurant von Hans Wittwer in Schkeuditz Dolgner Angela. The Bauhaus at the Grassi Fairs Dolgner Angela. The Glass Airport Restaurant by Hans Wittwer in Schkeuditz Drechsel Kerstin (1960- ). Textil und Grafik in den Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz Drechsel Kerstin (1960- ). Textile and graphics in the Chemnitz Art Collections Egging Björn (1970- ). Das Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinet Egging Björn (1970- ). The Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden Fischer Eugen Kurt (1892-1964). Bauhaus Ende? - ein symptomatischer Fall Fischer Eugen Kurt (1892-1964). The end of the Bauhaus? - a symptomatic case Fischer Jens-Uwe (1977- ). Franz Ehrlich - a Bauhaus member in the antifascist resistance and a concentration camp Fischer Jens-Uwe (1977- ). Franz Ehrlich - ein Bauhäusler im antifaschistischen Widerstand und im Konzentrationslager Hain Simone (1956- ). New Bauhaus thwarted - Mart Stam in Dresden, 1948-1950 Hain Simone (1956- ). Verhindertes neues Bauhaus - Mart Stam in Dresden, 1948-1950 Hemken Kai-Uwe (1962- ). Richard Graul, Walter Gropius and the curatorial merging of the Werkbund and Bauhaus Hemken Kai-Uwe (1962- ). Richard Graul, Walter Gropius und die kuratorische Verschmelzung von Werkbund und Bauhaus Herzogenrath Wulf (1944- ). Oskar Schlemmer - Haus Dr. Rabe in Zwenkau bei Leipzig Herzogenrath Wulf (1944- ). Oskar Schlemmer - Haus Dr. Rabe in Zwenkau near Leipzig Hövelmann Katharina. Die Bühnenbilder von Friedl Dicker und Franz Singer für das Staatstheater Dresden Hövelmann Katharina. The stage sets by Friedl Dicker and Franz Singer for the Dresden State Theatre Jacobs Stephanie (1963- ). Bauhaus am Deutschen Platz. Das Deutsche Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Jacobs Stephanie (1963- ). Bauhaus at Deutscher Platz: The Deutsche Buch- und Schriftmuseum of the German National Library Kassner Jens (1961- ). Chemnitz als Exempel Kassner Jens (1961- ). Chemnitz as an example Kirsch Antje (1964- ). Im Reigen - Wandbilder von Hans Kinder 172 in Dresden Kirsch Antje (1964- ). In a round dance - murals by Hans Kinder 174 in Dresden Klenke Dietmar (1954- ). Kreuzzug der Maschine: choral work by Lobo Frank, music by Arthur Wolff, stage set by Erich Mende - speech movement choir of the Workers' Education Institute, director Otto Zimmermann. 10.11.1929, 5 p.m., Städtisches Kaufhaus Leipzig Klenke Dietmar (1954- ). Kreuzzug der Maschine. Chorwerk von Lobo Frank, Musik Arthur Wolff, Bühnenbild Erich Mende. Sprechbewegungschor des Arbeiter­ bildungsinstituts, Leitung Otto Zimmermann. 10.11.1929,17.OO Uhr, Städtisches Kaufhaus Leipzig Kuhlmann-Hodick Petra (1958- ). Das Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinet Kuhlmann-Hodick Petra (1958- ). The Kupferstich-Kabinet Dresden Lewey Petra (1963- ). Kunstsammlungen Zwickau, Max-Pechstein-Museum Lewey Petra (1963- ). Zwickau art collections, Max Pechstein Museum Lilje Peter (1963- ). Kreuzzug der Maschine: choral work by Lobo Frank, music by Arthur Wolff, stage set by Erich Mende - speech movement choir of the Workers' Education Institute, director Otto Zimmermann. 10.11.1929, 5 p.m., Städtisches Kaufhaus Leipzig Lilje Peter (1963- ). Kreuzzug der Maschine. Chorwerk von Lobo Frank, Musik Arthur Wolff, Bühnenbild Erich Mende. Sprechbewegungschor des Arbeiter­ bildungsinstituts, Leitung Otto Zimmermann. 10.11.1929,17.OO Uhr, Städtisches Kaufhaus Leipzig Lippert Hans-Georg (1957- ). National tradition, or: The yearning for the essential Lippert Hans-Georg (1957- ). Nationale Tradition, oder: Die Sehnsucht nach dem Essenziellen Lorz Korinna (1975- ). Albert Hennig - construction worker at the Bauhaus Lorz Korinna (1975- ). Albert Hennig - ein Bauarbeiter am Bauhaus Lorz Korinna (1975- ). "Bauhaus photographers become workers' photographers!" - Fritz Heinze Lorz Korinna (1975- ). »fotobauhäusler, werdet arbeiterfotografen!« - Fritz Heinze Lösel Regina (1969- ). Otti Berger at Haus Schminke Lösel Regina (1969- ). Otti Berger im Haus Schminke Marusch-Krohn Caren. »Nur Modelle der besten Künstler unserer Zeit« - Gerhard Marcks und Meissen Marusch-Krohn Caren. "Only models by the best artists of our time" - Gerhard Marcks and Meissen Metz Katharina (1953- ). Textil und Grafik in den Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz Metz Katharina (1953- ). Textile and graphics in the Chemnitz Art Collections Möller Werner (sztuka). Kein schmuckes Heim: Die Volkswohnung des Bauhauses im Grassimuseum Möller Werner (sztuka). Not a pretty home: the 'Volkswohnung' of the Bauhaus at the Grassimuseum Němečková Klára. Bauhaus objects missing at the Dresden Kunstgewerbemuseum Němečková Klára. Vermisste Bauhausobjekte im Dresdner Kunstgewerbemuseum Prigge Walter (1946- ). Biographies Prigge Walter (1946- ). Kurzbiografien Raum Judith (1977- ). Die Kooperation des Bauhauses mit der Polytex Textilgesellschaft Raum Judith (1977- ). The collaboration of the Bauhaus and the Polytex Textile Company Raum Judith (1977- ). Vorhangstoffe gewebt, Gittertülle Raum Judith (1977- ). Woven curtain fabrics, lattice tulles Rebehn Lars (1968- ). Die Puppentheatersammlung Dresden Rebehn Lars (1968- ). The Dresden Puppet Theatre Collection Rehm Robin. Lamps for Körting & Mathiesen A.G. (Kandern): Paul Heyck, Ernst Neufert and the Light Distribution Diagram Rehm Robin. Leuchten für die Körting & Mathiesen A.G. Kandern). Paul Heyck, Ernst Neufert und das Lichtverteilungsdiagramm Rössler Patrick (1964- ). "die neue linie" and the Beyer Verlag Rössler Patrick (1964- ). "die neue linie" und der Beyer Verlag Rössler Patrick (1964- ). Neue Linien: Grafik und Kommunikation Rössler Patrick (1964- ). New lines: graphics and communication Sander Dietulf (1948- ). Bauhaus artists in the Leipzig Art Association Sander Dietulf (1948- ). Bauhauskünstler im Leipziger Kunstverein Scharnholz Lars (1969- ). Kaufhaus Schocken - Bernhard Sturtzköpf Scharnholz Lars (1969- ). Schocken Department Stores - Bernhard Sturtzkopf Scheffler Tanja. The canning industry fair stand: 2nd International Hygiene Fair, Dresden, 1930 Scheffler Tanja. Der Messestand der Konservenindustrie auf der II. Internationalen Hygiene-Ausstellung Dresden 1930 Scheffler Tanja. Design for a Dance Theatre - Stefan Sebők Scheffler Tanja. Entwurf für ein Tanz-Theater - Stefan Sebők Scheffler Tanja. Das Hauptgebäude der ehemaligen Hochschule für Verkehrswesen in Dresden Scheffler Tanja. Heinrich Wichmann's Tea House and Rose Garden at the Dresden Jubilee Horticultural exhibition Scheffler Tanja. Heinrich Wichmanns Teehaus mit Rosengarten auf der Jubiläums-Gartenbau-Ausstellung Dresden Scheffler Tanja. Hoyerswerda - Experimentierfeld des industriellen Bauens Scheffler Tanja. Hoyerswerda - testing ground for industrial construction Scheffler Tanja. Messestände auf der Leipziger Messe Scheffler Tanja. Stands at the Leipzig Trade Fair Scheffler Tanja. The main building at the former Faculty of Transportation and Traffic in Dresden Scheffler Tanja. Walter Gropius' unrealised projects in Dresden: designs for the Dresden Teachers' Association and the Vorwärts Consumer Cooperative Scheffler Tanja. Walter Gropius' unrealisierte Projekte in Dresden: Entwürfe für den Dresdner Lehrerverein und die Konsumgenossenschaft "Vorwärts" Scheiffele Walter (1946- ). Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau - The Bauhaus legacy Scheiffele Walter (1946- ). Die Deutschen Werkstätten Hellerau - das Bauhauserbe Scheiffele Walter (1946- ). Industrie, Technik und die Künste Scheiffele Walter (1946- ). Industry, technology and the arts Scheiffele Walter (1946- ). Wilhelm Ostwald - Weltlabor und Bauhaus Scheiffele Walter (1946- ). Wilhelm Ostwald - World Laboratory and Bauhaus Schweynoch Evelyne. Die Buntweberei Peter Rentsch in Seifhennersdorf Schweynoch Evelyne. Die Deutschen Werkstätten-Textilgesellschaft mbH in Hellerau Schweynoch Evelyne. Die Firma C. E. Baumgärtei & Sohn GmbH in Lengenfeld im Vogtland Schweynoch Evelyne. Die Firma Fischer, Hoffmann & Co. GmbH aus Zwickau Schweynoch Evelyne. Die mechanische Weberei Wilhelm Vogel aus Chemnitz und Lunzenau Schweynoch Evelyne. Die Rosshaarweberei Gebrüder Schriever & Co. in Dresden/Coswig Schweynoch Evelyne. Gebrüder Schriever & Co.: Horsehair Weavers in Dresden/Coswig Schweynoch Evelyne. Die Company C. E. Baumgärtei & Sohn GmbH in Lengenfeld/Vogtland Schweynoch Evelyne. The Company Fischer, Hoffmann & Co. GmbH from Zwickau Schweynoch Evelyne. The German Textile Workshops, Hellerau Schweynoch Evelyne. The mechanical weaving mill: Wilhelm Vogel of Chemnitz and Lunzenau Schweynoch Evelyne. The weaving mill Peter Rentsch in Seifhennersdorf Špehar Josipa. Reinhold Rossig - Resistance to national socialism Špehar Josipa. Reinhold Rossig-Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus Scharnholz Lars (1969- ). Kaufhaus Schocken - Bernhard Sturtzkopf Scharnholz Lars (1969- ). Schocken Department Store - Bernhard Sturtzkopf Senti-Schmidlin Verena. Gret Palucca, Piet Mondrian and the Bauhaus: ways to abstraction in dance and painting Senti-Schmidlin Verena. Gret Palucca, Piet Mondrian und das Bauhaus: Wege der Abstraktion in Tanz und Malerei Siebenbrodt Michael (1951- ). Spielzeug im Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Verlag: Alma Siedhoff-Buschers Schiffbauspiel Siebenbrodt Michael (1951- ). Toys of the Pestalozzi Fröbel Verlag: the shipbuilding set by Alma Siedhoff-Buscher Steinmetz-Oppelland Angelika. Jena Glassworks Schott & Gen. at the Sample Fair Steinmetz-Oppelland Angelika. Das Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen. auf der Mustermesse Stucka Lutz (1953- ). "Volkshaus" Weisswasser Stucka Lutz (1953- ). Volkshaus Weisswasser Thöner Wolfgang (1957- ). Bauhaus literature from Dresden 1957-1980 Thöner Wolfgang (1957- ). Bauhaus literature from Leipzig 1954-1980 Thöner Wolfgang (1957- ). Bauhausliteratur aus Dresden, 1957-1980 Thöner Wolfgang (1957- ). Bauhausliteratur aus Leipzig, 1954-1980 Thormann Olaf (1962- ). Biographies Thormann Olaf (1962- ). Die Josef-Albers-Fenster des Grassimuseums Thormann Olaf (1962- ). GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst - Bauhaus appearances Thormann Olaf (1962- ). Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst - Bauhaus-Aspekte Thormann Olaf (1962- ). Kurzbiografien Thormann Olaf (1962- ). The Josef Albers windows at the Grassimuseum Topfstedt Thomas (1947- ). Leipzig Opera House: the interior designs of Hans Kinder Topfstedt Thomas (1947- ). Oper Leipzig: Hans Kinder im Innenraum Walter Franz (1956- ). Kreuzzug der Maschine: choral work by Lobo Frank, music by Arthur Wolff, stage set by Erich Mende - speech movement choir of the Workers' Education Institute, director Otto Zimmermann. 10.11.1929, 5 p.m., Städtisches Kaufhaus Leipzig Walter Franz (1956- ). Kreuzzug der Maschine. Chorwerk von Lobo Frank, Musik Arthur Wolff, Bühnenbild Erich Mende. Sprechbewegungschor des Arbeiter­ bildungsinstituts, Leitung Otto Zimmermann. 10.11.1929,17.OO Uhr, Städtisches Kaufhaus Leipzig Weckherlin Gernot. Glass Warehouse, Furnace Building and Haus Kindt by Ernst Neufert in Weisswasser Weckherlin Gernot. Glaslager, Wannengebäude und Haus Kindt von Ernst Neufert in Weisswasser Wenzel Kai (1978- ). Wilhelm Wagenfeld - an industrial artist: a special exhibition at the Städtische Kunstsammlungen Görlitz, 1940 Wenzel Kai (1978- ). Wilhelm Wagenfeld - Ein Künstler in der Industrie - eine Sonderausstellung der Städtischen Kunstsammlungen Görlitz 1940 Werner Frank R. (1944- ). Basic geometric forms versus tradition and organics - Hans Przyrembel Werner Frank R. (1944- ). Erich Consemüller at the Architect's Office of Walther Born in Leipzig Werner Frank R. (1944- ). Erich Consemüller im Architekturbüro von Walther Born in Leipzig Werner Frank R. (1944- ). Geometrische Grundformen versus Tradition und Organik - Hans Przyrembel Werner Frank R. (1944- ). "...objectively proficient and by no means overly modern..." - Alfred Schäfter Werner Frank R. (1944- ). »... sachlich tüchtig und auch keines Falls übermodern ...« - Alfred Schäfter Wetzel Harald (1963- ). Das Stahlhaus der Carl Kästner AG in der Siedlung Dessau-Törten Wetzel Harald (1963- ). The Steel House by Carl Kästner AG at the Törten Housing Estate Wowarra Christoph. Aktion "Entartete Kunst" in Chemnitz Wowarra Christoph. Aktion "Entartete Kunst" in Dresden Wowarra Christoph. Aktion »Entartete Kunst« in Leipzig Wowarra Christoph. Cabinet on Ferdinandplatz of Neue Kunst Fides GmbH and Architekturbedarf GmbH Dresden Wowarra Christoph. "Degenerate art" campaign, Chemnitz Wowarra Christoph. "Degenerate art" campaign, Dresden Wowarra Christoph. "Degenerate art" campaign, Leippzig Wowarra Christoph. Die Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin auf den Grassimessen Wowarra Christoph. Kabinett am Ferdinandplatz der Neue Kunst Fides GmbH und Architekturbedart GmbH Dresden Wowarra Christoph. The Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin at he Grassi Fairs Wowarra Christoph. Wilhelm Wagenfeld and Vereinigte Lausitzer Glaswerke AG Wowarra Christoph. Wilhelm Wagenfeld und die Vereinigte Lausitzer Glaswerke AG Ziegner Sylvia (1972- ). Franz Ehrlich's unrealised projects in Dresden Ziegner Sylvia (1972- ). Unrealisierte Projekte von Franz Ehrlich in Dresden
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: GRASSI Muzeum für Angewandte Kunst Leipzig, 18 kwietnia - 29 września 2019 r.
Bibliogr. przy niektórych notach. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24355 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Wagner Berit. Pollmer-Schmidt Almut (1979- ). Lange-Krach Heidrun. Ainsworth Maryan Wynn (1950- ). Re-dressed for sainthood Beaucamp Eduard (1937- ). Ausbruch in die Idealität Böse Kristin (1973- ). Das Schächer-Fragment zugeschnitten von Alexander McQueen Brinkmann Bodo (1960- ). Der Gemarterte der Vögel. Max Beckmann im Städel und als Leser Büttner Nils (1967- ). Rubens gesucht. Diogenes sucht Menschen Cillessen Wolfgang (1958- ). Morgensterns Melancholie Demandt Philipp (1971- ). Kunst kommt von Können, Kunstgeschichte auch Dickey Stephanie. Rembrandt's David playing the harp for Saul. A musical meditation Dyballa Katrin. Große und kleine Zwillinge. Rogier van der Weydens Miraflores- und Johannesaltar und ihre Nachschöpfungen für Königin Isabella I Eclercy Bastian (1978- ). Moronis Rahmen. Illusion und Inversion im Frankfurter Bildnis Eichberger Dagmar (1955- ). Albrecht Dürers Kupferstich Der heilige Antonius vor der Stadt Eising Erik (1985- ). Zwischen Hans Memling und Hugo van der Goes. Die Flügel des Frankfurter Marientriptychons Fickinger Samuel. Alles Gold was glänzt! Anna von Holzhausen und der Schmuck im Renaissance-Porträt Gannon Corinna. Roelant Saverys Orpheus unter den Tieren für einen "Orpheus auf dem Kaiserthron" Hansert Andrea C. (1958- ). Vom Kunststiften. Die Sammlungen des Städels aus Sicht des Städelschen Museums-Vereins Heraeus Stefanie (1967- ). In Reihungen ausstellen, in Ausstellungen einreihen. Peter Roehrs Schwarze Tafeln Hildebrandt-Schat Viola. Ruhend in einer Landschaft Jacob-Friesen Holger (1967- ). Die Vedute als Allegorie. Gerrit Berckheyde, Die beiden Synagogen in Amsterdam Kern Ulrike (1977- ). As you like it. Das Bildnis der Elisabeth Stuart und die britische Auftragskunst bei Michiel van Mierevelt Kirchner Thomas (1952- ). Eine Brücke zwischen Museum und Universität Kohle Hubertus (1959- ). Melancholie der Vollendung. Arnold Böcklins Villa am Meer Lange Justus (1968- ). Der sprachlose Held. Tischbeins Coriolan zwischen Plutarch und Shakespeare Lemke Kristina (1987- ). "dem Künstler, dem Kunstliebhaber, überhaupt dem Publikum". Fotografie am Städelschen Kunstinstitut Ludwig Heidrun. Kooperationen von Frankfurter Malern der Goethezeit. Das Kücheninterieur von Justus Juncker und Johann Conrad Seekatz Nova Alessandro (1954- ). 1635-1639: Rembrandts "Schule" des Sehens und der Fuß des Simson Olchawa Joanna. "Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus...". Irdischer und himmlischer Gesang auf der Elfenbeintafel (Ms. Barth. 181) im Liebieghaus Pollmer-Schmidt Almut (1979- ). Adam Elsheimer. Kunstgeschichte mit Fragmenten Pollmer-Schmidt Almut (1979- ). Zur Einführung - das Werk im Zentrum. Kunstgeschichte mit Objekten aus dem Städel Museum und der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung Prange Regine (1958- ). Courbets Woge. Eine Kunst der Verfremdung Roller Stefan (1961- ). Bemerkungen zur Herstellung eines Straßburger Reliefs der Geburt Christi im Liebieghaus und einer Serie verwandter oberrheinischer Reliefs der Spätgotik Saviello Julia. Zwei i-Tüpfelchen von Format Carlo Crivellis Verkündigung Schedl Michaela. Das Anbetungsrelief für den kaiserlichen Münzmeister Erwin von Stege aus Frankfurt am Main Schütt Friederike. Der Gelehrte. Jan de Bisschops Zeichnung nach Quentin Massys Smith Jeffrey Chipps (1951- ). Mary Ellen best’s view of the Städel Kunstinstitut's Old German Paintings Gallery in 1835 Stewart Alison G. Lost book? Sebald Beham's Kunst und Lehrbüchlein of 1546 Surmann Ulrike (1958- ). Die Maria lactans des Altars von Flémalle und die Folgen. Ein Tüchleinbild im Kölner Museum Kolumba Tacke Andreas (1954- ). Herbstmesse 1608. Die Kunsthändler Philipp Hainhofer, Peter Ludwig und Daniel Soreau in Frankfurt Theiss Harald. Bemerkungen zur Herstellung eines Straßburger Reliefs der Geburt Christi im Liebieghaus und einer Serie verwandter oberrheinischer Reliefs der Spätgotik Ubl Matthias. Taverns and brothels. The Brunswick Monogrammist and his workshop Wagner Berit. Genies unter sich. Quentin Massys' Gelehrter in der Kunstkammer Wagner Berit. Zur Einführung - das Werk im Zentrum. Kunstgeschichte mit Objekten aus dem Städel Museum und der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung Weber Christiane. Die Weissagung der Sibylle von Tibur. Fragen nach der Restaurierung Weber Gregor J. M. (1956- ). Ein (fast) abstraktes Gemälde von Pieter Janssens Elinga Weniger Matthias (1962- ). Das Frankfurter Trinitätsrelief und die frühen Werke von Hans Multscher Weppelmann Stefan (1970- ). Rembrandt begegnen. Überlegungen zu einer Porträtstudie von Jan Kupezky im Städel Wolf Fabian. Crux interpretum? Zum heiligen Oswald auf dem Frankfurter Paradiesgärtlein
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36675 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, Jan van Leeuwen, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 7616)
Caffo Rosella. Davies Rob. Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Ioannides Marinos. Leissner Johanna. Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Goos Gerhard (1937- ). Hartmanis Juris (1928- ). Leeuwen Jan van (1946- ). Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Image-based low-cost systems for automatic 3D recording and modelling of archaeological finds and objects Lindstaedt Maren. Image-based low-cost systems for automatic 3D recording and modelling of archaeological finds and objects Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Cefalu Alessandro. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Wenzel Konrad (1986- ). Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Trinks Immo (1972- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Neubauer Wolfgang (1963- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Doneus Michael (1967- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Hollaus Fabian. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Gau Melanie. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Sablatnig Robert. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Del Pizzo Silvio. Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Troisi Salvatore. Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Keller Friedrich (1943- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Saenger Jerome. Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Schiewe Jochen (1965- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Balzani Marcello (1962- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Bughi Carlo. Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Ferrari Federico (1969- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Rossato Luca (1979- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Tursi Alessandra. Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Moussa Wassim (1979- ). Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Bernikola Eirini. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Tsiranidou Elsa. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Tornarē Bibē. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Detalle Vincent (1969- ). Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Bodnar Jean Luc. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Sidiropoulou-Velidou Dafni. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Georgopoulos Andreas. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Lerma García José Luis. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Doulamis Nikolaos. On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Yiakoumettis Christos (1981- ). On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Miaoulis George. On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Drap Pierre. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Merad Djamal. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Seinturier Julien (1979- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Boï Jean-Marc (1956- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Peloso Daniela. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Vannini Guido (1949- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Nucciotti Michele. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Pruno Elisa. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Agapiou Athos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Hadjimitsis Diofantos G. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Georgopoulos Andreas. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Sarris Apostolos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Alexakis Dimitrios D. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Gigliarelli Elena. Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Carlea Donato (1953- ). Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Corcella Angela. Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Porfyriou Heleni (1956- ). Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Rodriguez Echavarria Karina. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Kaminski Jaime. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Arnold David B. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Fleury Philippe (1952- ). Reviving ancient Rome: virtual reality at the service of cultural heritage Madeleine Sophie (1980- ). Reviving ancient Rome: virtual reality at the service of cultural heritage Zotti Georg. Virtual reconstructions in a desktop planetarium for demonstrations in cultural astronomy Neubauer Wolfgang (1963- ). Virtual reconstructions in a desktop planetarium for demonstrations in cultural astronomy Fernández-Palacios Belén Jiménez. Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Rizzi Alessandro (1965- ). Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Nex Francesco. Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Rahaman Hafizur. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Das Rana. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Zahir Shehzad. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Virtual architectural 3D model of the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) of Königslutter, Germany through terrestial laser scanning Lindstaedt Maren. Virtual architectural 3D model of the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) of Königslutter, Germany through terrestial laser scanning Kioussi Anastasia. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Karoglou Maria. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Bakolas Asterios. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Blaško Miroslav (1983- ). Monument damage ontology Cacciotti Riccardo. Monument damage ontology Křemen Petr. Monument damage ontology Kouba Zdeněk (1960- ). Monument damage ontology Schröttner Martin. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Havemann Sven. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Theodoridou Maria. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Doerr Martin. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Fellner Dieter W. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Costamagna Erik. Semantic models for architectural heritage documentation Spanò Antonia. Semantic models for architectural heritage documentation Graf Roman. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Huber-Mörk Reinhold. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Schindler Alexander. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Schlarb Sven. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Carfagni Monica. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Furferi Rocco. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Governi Lapo. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Volpe Yary. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Tennirelli Giovanna. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Alrawi Osama Mohammad. Model-based user interface design for the Encyclopedia of Islamic Architecture Renda Giuseppina. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Gigli Stefania Quilici. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Amato Alba. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Venticinque Salvatore. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Di Martino Beniamino. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Cappa Francesca Romana. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Athanasiou George S. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Michail Harris E. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Gregoriades Andreas. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Ioannides Marinos. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Bein Matthias. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Peña Serna Sebastian. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Stork André. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Fellner Dieter W. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Doulamis Anastasios. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Kioussi Anastasia. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Karoglou Maria. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Matsatsinis Nikolaos. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Maronidis Anastasios. Automated methodology for assessing the damage on Byzantine icons Lanitis Andreas. Automated methodology for assessing the damage on Byzantine icons Stefani Chiara. 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Brunetaud Xavier (1978- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Janvier-Badosa Sarah (1986- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Beck Kevin (1978- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration De Luca Livio (1975- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Al-Mukhtar Muzahim (1957- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Žarnić Roko. Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Rajčić Vlatka. Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Pan Xueming. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Schiffer Thomas. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Schröttner Martin. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Berndt René. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Hecher Martin. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Havemann Sven. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Fellner Dieter W. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Vodopivec Barbara. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Eppich Rand. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Maxwell Ingval. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Gandini Alessandra. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Žarnić Roko. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Cessari Luciano. Heritage-led eco-regeneration: the case of Zhejiang Water Towns protection, restoration and preservation Gigliarelli Elena. Heritage-led eco-regeneration: the case of Zhejiang Water Towns protection, restoration and preservation Dimitropoulos Kosmas. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Gunay Osman. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Kose Kivanc. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Erden Faith. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Chaabane Ferdaous. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Tsalakanidou Filareti. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Grammalidis Nikos. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Cetin Enis Ahmet. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Grussenmeyer Pierre. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Burens Albane. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Moisan Emmanuel (1988- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Guillemin Samuel. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Carozza Laurent (1966- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Bourrillon Raphaëlle (1979- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Petrognani Stéphane (1980- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Bonacini Elisa (1975- ). Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark D'Agostino Graziana. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Galizia Mariateresa. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Santagati Cettina. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Sgarlata Mariarita. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Stavrakis Efstathios. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Aristidou Andreas. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Savva Maria. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Himona Stephania Loizidou. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Chrysanthou Yiorgos. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Smith Joanna S. (1965- ). Modeling the past: digital technologies and excavations in Polis, Cyprus Rusinkiewicz Szymon M. Modeling the past: digital technologies and excavations in Polis, Cyprus Karaszewski Maciej. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Hołowko Elwira. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Wojsz Jerzy. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Sitnik Robert. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Bunsch Eryk (1973- ). Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Nony Nicolas. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements De Luca Livio (1975- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Godet Aymeric. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Pierrot-Deseilligny Marc (1962- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Van Dongen Alexandre. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Vincitore Mauro. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Costantino Maria. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy) Angelini Maria Giuseppa. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy) Unver Ertu. Virtual Stonehenge reconstruction Taylor Andrew. Virtual Stonehenge reconstruction Verdiani Giorgio (1968- ). Ancient fragment collection at the Museo Archeologico in Florence, Italy, a digital proposal to allow its access Braghiroli Andrea. Ancient fragment collection at the Museo Archeologico in Florence, Italy, a digital proposal to allow its access Verdiani Giorgio (1968- ). Geometry behind the "Fontana di Sala Grande" a case study of reverse modeling Fantini Filippo. Geometry behind the "Fontana di Sala Grande" a case study of reverse modeling Andaroodi Elham. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos Taqipour Zeinab. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos Allotta Benedetto. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Bargagliotti Sergio. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Botarelli Lucia. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Caiti Andrea. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Calabrò V. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Casa G. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Cocco M. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Colantonio Sara (1979- ). Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Colombo C. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Costa S. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Fanfani Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Franchi L. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Gambogi P. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Gualdesi L. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites La Monica D. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Magrini Massimo. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Martinelli Massimo. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Moroni Davide. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Munafò A. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pace Gordon J. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Papa C. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pascali Maria Antonietta. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pieri Gabriele. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Reggiannini Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Righi Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Salvetti Ovidio. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Tampucci Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Themistocleous Kyriacos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Hadjimitsis Diofantos G. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Georgopoulos Andreas. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Agapiou Athos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Alexakis Dimitrios D. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Tato Mike. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Papanikolaou Petros. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Papagiannakis George. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Laska Tatyana V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Tcymbal Irina V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Petrova Yulia A. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Golubkov Sergey V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Faresin Emanuela. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Baschiera Adriano. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Salemi Giuseppe. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Asolati Michele. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Crisafulli Cristina. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Oreni Daniela. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Cuca Branka. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Brumana Raffaella. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Papantoniou Giorgos. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Loizides Fernando. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Lanitis Andreas. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Michaélidès Dimitri. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Gkintzou Christina. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Georgopoulos Andreas. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Valle Melón José Manuel. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Miranda Álvaro Rodríguez. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Charalambous Panayiotis. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Iliadou Hesperia. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Apostolou Charalambos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Chrysanthou Yiorgos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Berg Evy. Use of GIS in the National System for Cultural Heritage Management and Dissemination to the general public in Norway: case study: the heritage management database "Askeladden" and the system for dissemination to the public, "Kulturminnesøk" Bartolomucci Carla. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Trizio Ilaria. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Bonzagni Daniele. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Yang Wun-Bin. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Yen Ya-Ning. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Cheng Hung-Ming. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Grammeons Dimitris. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Zabulis Xenophon. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Michel Damien. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Padeleris Pashalis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Sarmis Thomas. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Georgalis Giannis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Koutlemanis Panagiotis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Tzevanidis Konstantinos. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Argyros Antonis A. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Sifakis Michalis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Adám-Veléni Polyxène. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Stephanidis Constantine. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Linaza Maria Teresa. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums García Ander. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums Rodriguez Mikel. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums Liestøl Gunnar. Solving the centre-periphery problem in cultural heritage by means of situated simulations Luzzi Damiana. Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case Baldi Marialuisa (1952- ). Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case Cerise Remi. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Graça Fernando da. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Magoulès Frédéric. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Callet Patrick. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Crable Charles. Venus: a unique fast, effective and safe publishing system for high-resolution 3D digital models Pekárek Aleš. Europeana Newspapers - a gateway to European newspapers online Willems Marieke. Europeana Newspapers - a gateway to European newspapers online Coralini Antonella. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Guidazzoli Antonella. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Lenzi Fiamma. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Spigarolo Micaela. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Baglivo Antonio. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Liguori Maria Chiara. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Hampson Cormac. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Agosti Maristella (1950- ). CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Orio Nicola. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Bailey Eoin. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Lawless Seamus. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Conlan Owen. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Wade Vincent. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Artese Maria Teresa. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web Gagliardi Isabella. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web Paneva-Marinova Desislava. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Pavlov Radoslav. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Goynov Maxim. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Parcero-Oubiña César (1969- ). Heritage-oriented spatial data infrastructures in Spain: waiting on the World to change Pantazis George (1965- ). Preserving monuments' astronomical orientation by using different databases Lobovikov-Katz Anna. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Konstanti Agoritsa. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Labropoulos Kyriakos. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Cassar JoAnn. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage De Angelis Roberta. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Izani Mohamad. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Grant Michael. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Razak Aishah. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Cappellini Valeria. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Stefani Chiara. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Nony Nicolas. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach De Luca Livio (1975- ). Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Harsányi Zoltán. Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Rozinajová Viera. Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Andrejčíková Nadežda (1966- ). Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Damala Areti (1976- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Stojanovic Nenad (1980- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Schuchert Tobias (1980- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Moragues Jorge. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Cabrera Ana. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Gilleade Kiel. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Grøntoft Terje (1962- ). MEMORI Technology - an innovative tools for the protection of movable cultural assets Dahlin Elin (1953- ). MEMORI Technology - an innovative tools for the protection of movable cultural assets Bernardi Adriana (1957- ). Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Becherini Francesca. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Bonazza Alessandra. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Krupińska Barbara. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Pockelè Luc. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Grieken René E. van (1945- ). Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project De Grandi Sandro. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Ozga Izabela. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Rico Alejandro Jose Veiga. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Mercero Oihana Garcia. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Vivarelli Arianna. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Wood Richard L. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Hutchinson Tara C. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Wittich Christine E. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Kuester Falko. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Markevicus Tomas. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Olsson Nina. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Carfagni Monica. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Furferi Rocco. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Governi Lapo. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Puggelli Luca. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Patelli Alessandro. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Favaro Monica. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Simon Stefan. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Storme Patrick. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Scopece Paolo. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Kamenova Veska. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Kamenarov Zdravko. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Lorenzon Andrea. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion De Voeght Frank. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Cordoncillo Elisa. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Machado T. R. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Ferrazza Livio. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Juanes David. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Torres Juan Carlos. Information system to analize cultural heritage information López L. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Romo C. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Soler F. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Myers David (1945- ). Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Dalgity Alison. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Avramides Ioannis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Wuthrich Dennis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Wittich Christine E. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Hutchinson Tara C. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Wood Richard L. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Kuester Falko. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis McKeague Peter. Historic environment and INSPIRE - a view from Scotland Yen Ya-Ning. CH based integrative management framework on the value priority aspect Newhouse Steven J. EGI: an open e-infrastructure ecosystem for the digital European research area and the humanities Brewer Stephen. EGI: an open e-infrastructure ecosystem for the digital European research area and the humanities Basso Peressut Luca. Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Postiglione Gennaro. Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Lanz Francesca (1980- ). Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Boochs Frank. COSCH - colour and space in cultural heritage, a new COST action starts Koussiaki Fotini. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Tornarē Bibē. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Kouloumpi Eleni. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Lembessis Alkis. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Juanes David. Computed tomography studies applied to polychromed sculpture: the making process in three different times Ferrazza Livio. Computed tomography studies applied to polychromed sculpture: the making process in three different times
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