Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- )
Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- )
Deluga Waldemar (1961- )
Cieszkowski Krzysztof
Deluga Waldemar (1961- ). Introduction
Jagiełło Anna (1975- )
Markowska Anna (1962- )
Nitka Maria. Siemiradzki a Roma
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- )
Piątkowska Renata (historia sztuki)
Stolarska-Fronia Małgorzata
Adamowicz Klaudia. Searching for the fantasy: the theatre of Takarazuka
Ajres Alessandro. Aspetti del linguaggio nella Teoria del vedere di Władysław Strzemiński
Amishai-Maisels Ziva (1939- ). Chagall's Jewish identity
Antonelli Lucio Angelo. Il Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e la collezione originaria di Artur Wołyński
Bandura Agnieszka. Politics of replacing in New Romanticism
Beaudoen Lee. From the golden apple to the heights of Ararat. Intersections between Armenian material cultural scholarship and Byzantium
Bender Agnieszka (1962- ). Il mecenatismo di Zofia Branicka Odescalchi
Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). Removal of Communist monuments: obliteration of the past or healing the memory?
Bertinet Arnaud (1977- ). Krzysztof Pomian Le musee une histoire mondiale
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata. The cross-cultural role of textiles exemplified by textiles with Arabic inscriptions and some other motifs
Bielak Anna (japonistyka). The kimono as a fashion phenomenon in modern Japan and beyond
Bobrowska Ewa (1958- )
Bobrowska Ewa (1958- ). Introduction
Bodzek Joanna. To mend* : a reflection on the Lee Edelkoort anti-fashion manifesto the kimono reconstruction project : my personal vision on how mended clothes can mean style in the future and how this is connected with the Boro textiles of Japan
Bojarska Katarzyna (1981- ). Spectrality and the possibility of seeing (loss). Photography against the referentiality of history
Bronowski Cezary. La sperimentazione scenografica 'alla polacca' Le rappresentazioni teatrali di Marinetti Pirandello e Rosso di San Secondo in Polonia tra le due guerre
Brutin Batya (1949- ). Lea Grundig: duality between Political and Jewish Identity - 1933-1939
Buchowska Dominika. Jewish Art in London
Buchowska Dominika. Jewish themes in David Bomberg's early works
Cambon Pierre (1955- ). Korean collection in Paris
Ceplak Mencin Ralf. The first extensive collection of Chinese and Japanese antiquities in Slovenia
Chabiera Piotr Paweł. Stamperia Polacca di Samuel Tyszkiewicz
Chasjanowa Lejła S. (1963- ). Do we need a Russian Academy in Rome? Henryk Siemiradzki and art education
Chasjanowa Lejła S. (1963- ). Gli artisti polacchi a Roma negli anni 80 del XIX secolo
Chookaszian Emma (1990- ). 11th century Evangelist portraits from the Gary Tatintian's collection
Chookaszian Emma (1990- ). Sur quelques pages issues d'un manuscrit de l'ecole de Crimee
Chookaszian Levon (1952- ). About miniaturist Grigor Mlijetsi and the illustrations of the Lviv Gospels of 1197
Chookaszian Levon (1952- ). Vision du prophete Daniel dans le Lectionnaire du Prince Het'um II
Chopard Lucie (1994- ). Du domestique au museal : la collection Grandidier a l'entresol de la Grand Galerie du Musee du Louvre (1895-1915)
Chu Petra ten-Doesschate (1942- ). Siemiradzki's Rome
Chudzikowska Monika. Chinese Play given in the Chinese Manner
Ciarkowski Błażej (1982- ). Idee piu audaci da realizzare Progettisti polacchi e architettura dell'Italia fascista
Cieszkowski Krzysztof. Sulla traduzione del Catalogo ragionato dei dipinti di Henryk Siemiradzki
Cowgaszyan Sat'enik Lewoni. Armenian silver belts from the collection of the National Gallery of Armenia (end of 19 century - beginning of 20 century)
Cybulska Maria (włókiennictwo). Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design
Czartoryska Izabela Elżbieta (1746-1835)
Czekanowska-Gutman Monika. Dialogue with Christian art: the Pieta in early 20th-century Jewish art
Czerni Krystyna (1957- ). The painetr in hell: against the Mannichean vision of reality in Jerzy Nowosielski's art and thought
Dagna Stella (1976- ). Soava Gallone e Elena Makowska: dive del cinema muto italiano
Danielyan Inessa. Collection of Armenian illuminated manuscripts in Isfahan and the Gospel of Kirakos of Tabriz (1330 A. D.)
De Fraeye Mark (1949- ). San-shin the Mountain God – Korea’s eternal spirit
Deja Katarzyna (1987- ). Józef Jankowski's play Kesa as an example of transculturality in Polish modernism
Denes Mirjam. A common heritage. Japonisme in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: a project report
Djaltchinova-Malets Elvira Eevr
Dobrowolski Witold (1939-2019). Programme related content in the The judgment of Paris by Henryk Siemiradzki
Dorota Iwona. Teofil Lenartowicz - fascinazioni italiane paesaggistiche artistiche e personali
Dróżdż Tomasz. Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design
Durda-Dmitruk Magdalena
Dąbrowski Józef (1940-2019). Hanji Paper – Unique technologies of ancient Korean craft
Dżurkowa-Kossowska Irena. In search for cultural identity: Bruno Schulz Debora Vogel and Giorgio de Chirico
Eysymontt Rafał (1959- ). The town as a palimpsest. Erasing and recovering the medieval town
Faccini Marco. Il Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e la collezione originaria di Artur Wołyński
Fajcsak Gyorgyi. The birth of the Asian Art Museum of Hungary
Filipczyk-Topolnicka Joanna (1969- ). Fine arts in the context of the degermanization in the region of Opolian Silesia after 1945
Finkelstein Haim N. (1940- ). E. M. Lilien: between Drohobych and Brunswick
First Grzegorz. Inspiration - selection - function. An ancient object in Henryk Siemiradzki
First Grzegorz. L'Egitto e il Vicino Oriente di Siemiradzki
First Grzegorz. Roma - Pompei - Egitto Percorsi e temi di Stefan Bakałowicz
Fujii-Karpoluk Yoko. Revived no dramas: issues and perspective
Furmanik-Kowalska Magdalena. Chinese opera (xiqu) as a significant element of contemporary artwork
Gauk Irina Akovlevna‏. Collecting in the environment of the Armenian diaspora of the Eastern Europe
Gauk Irina Akovlevna‏. The unknown about the well-known: the issue of the attribution of some Armenian wonder-working icons from the Cathedral of Assumption of the Holy Virgin in Lvov
Gawarski Maurycy
Gawarski Maurycy. Chinese opera theatrical poster in Beijing in the first half of the twentieth century
Gawarski Maurycy. List of Polish publications on Chinese theatre since the beginning of the twentieth century
Gawarski Maurycy. Polish research on Chinese theatre since the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day
Geraly Zoltan. Diaspora or homeland? A brief overwiew of the Armenian heritage in the North Caucasus
Gerc Lidia. Thinks like Dante handles paints like Boccaccio. About Henryk Siemiradzki in Vienna
Geron Małgorzata
Geron Małgorzata. Rita Sacchetto: le esibizioni italiane e i legami con l'avanguardia polacca
Gia Maria Beatrice (1986- ). La cappella polacca presso la Basilica di Sant'Antonio a Padova fra devozione arte e committenza
Gilcher William. Artist and the patron: Izrael Lejzerowicz and the Margolin/Spektor family in pre-war Lodz
Ginter Frołow Magdalena
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Collections - Encounters - Inspirations. Contemporary research on artistic relations between Europe and Japan
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Image of Japan created by Feliks Manggha Jasieński in articles published in the Miesięcznik Literacki i Artystyczny and Chimera magazines
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Kaoyo Gozen and attendants - realtionships between the costumes of the kabuki actors of the Kanadehon Chushingura play and their woodblock-print illustrations
Gorzelany-Nowak Dorota (1973- ). Siemiradzki e la cultura antic
Goto Kosuke (1983- ). The Celestial Lotus: on the sources of ornamental patterns woven in silk samite
Gradinaru Camelia. Visual tyranny as autopoiesis
Gradinskaite Vilma (1971- ). History of Art Collection in Vilna Jewish Museums: from the time of the Russian Empire to the present
Grigoryan Hermine. The Gulbenkian Bible (17th c.): an interdisciplinary study of a precious Armenian heritage
Groning Gert (1944- ). The Heewon 희원 where the pungryu 풍류 can be perceived - an outstanding example of garden culture in Korea
Gut Anna (1984- ). The condemnation of memory in the modern epitaphs of Central Pomerania
Haake Michał (1974- ). Aleksander Gierymski e il divisionismo italiano
Haake Michał. Realism and figuralism. On Christ and the Harlot by Henryk Siemiradzki
Haijima Agnese (1974- ). Cultural ties between Japan and Latvia: with focus on architecture interior design landscape architecture and art collections
Hajduczenia Łukasz (1985- ). The liturgy as art - thoughts by Jerzy Nowosielski on Christian worship
Handrock Ariane (1967- ). Representing and constructing Jewish art: Alfred Grotte as an architect and author
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
Malarstwo polskie
Siemiradzki, Henryk (1843-1902)
Artyści polscy
Kościół armeński
Polacy za granicą
Sztuka Azji
Sztuka armeńska
Rysunek polski
Rzeźba polska
Sztuka japońska
Akademizm (szt.plast.)
Artyści żydowscy
Biblioteka Czartoryskich (Kraków)
Czartoryska, Izabela Elżbieta (1746-1835)
Jedwabny szlak
Malarstwo monumentalne polskie
Malarstwo żydowskie
Mitoraj, Igor (1944-2014)
Nowosielski, Jerzy (1923-2011)
Poseq, Avigdor (1934-2016)
Rzeźba żydowska
Rzeźbiarze polscy
Rękopisy polskie
Sztuka angielska
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka irlandzka
Sztuka islamu
Sztuka koreańska
Sztuka polska
Sztuka żydowska
Teatr Azji
Tkaniny jedwabne
Zbiory muzealne
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Ameryka Łacińska
Arabskie, kraje
Azja Południowo-Wschodnia
Daleki Wschód
Wielka Brytania
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi twórczości
Księgi pamiątkowe
Literatura podróżnicza polska
29 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
(Bibliotheca Shamanistica, ISSN 1218-988X ; vol. 14)
Na s. red.: 10th ISSR Conference, Warsaw, 5-9 October 2011.
Bibliogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 29062 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
T. monogr.: "Series Byzantina". Vol. 15 (2017).
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. II 1339/15 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25622/1, III 25620/1 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 25622/2, III 25620/2 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
(World Art Studies / Editorial Board Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik, Jerzy Malinowski ; vol. 21)
Jagiełło Anna (1975- ). Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Knapik Agata. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Ajres Alessandro. Aspetti del linguaggio nella Teoria del vedere di Władysław Strzemiński Antonelli Lucio Angelo. Il Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e la collezione originaria di Artur Wołyński Bender Agnieszka (1962- ). Il mecenatismo di Zofia Branicka Odescalchi Bronowski Cezary. La sperimentazione scenografica 'alla polacca’ Le rappresentazioni teatrali di Marinetti, Pirandello e Rosso di San Secondo in Polonia tra le due guerre Ciarkowski Błażej (1982- ). "Idee più audaci da realizzare" Progettisti polacchi e architettura dell’Italia fascista Cieszkowski Krzysztof. Sulla traduzione del Catalogo ragionato dei dipinti di Henryk Siemiradzki Chabiera Piotr Paweł. Stamperia Polacca di Samuel Tyszkiewicz Chasjanowa Lejła S. (1963- ). Gli artisti polacchi a Roma negli anni 80 del XIX secolo Dagna Stella (1976- ). Soava Gallone e Elena Makowska: dive del cinema muto italiano Dorota Iwona. Teofil Lenartowicz – fascinazioni italiane paesaggistiche, artistiche e personali Faccini Marco. Il Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e la collezione originaria di Artur Wołyński First Grzegorz. L’Egitto e il Vicino Oriente di Siemiradzki First Grzegorz. Roma - Pompei - Egitto Percorsi e temi di Stefan Bakałowicz Geron Małgorzata. Rita Sacchetto: le esibizioni italiane e i legami con l’avanguardia polacca Gia Maria Beatrice (1986- ). La cappella polacca presso la Basilica di Sant’Antonio a Padova fra devozione, arte e committenza Gorzelany-Nowak Dorota (1973- ). Siemiradzki e la cultura antic Haake Michał (1974- ). Aleksander Gierymski e il divisionismo italiano Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). Pittura metafisica - La città metafisica nella pittura polacca del periodo fra le due guerre Kazimierczak Mariola (1960- ). Michał Tyszkiewicz nell’élite dei collezionisti romani di antichità Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Henryk Siemiradzki sulla scena artistica europea Knapik Agata. Un omaggio alla Polonia - L’arte polacca sulle colonne della rivista L’Eroica Królikowska-Dziubecka Marzena. Composizioni allegoriche e decorative di Henryk Siemiradzki Królikowska-Dziubecka Marzena. Gli artisti polacchi a Roma e i loro contatti con la Congregazione della Resurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo CR Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). Motivi cristiani nell’opera di Henryk Siemiradzki Kulpińska Katarzyna (1973- ). L’Italia nella grafica artistica e nell’illustrazione degli artisti polacchi (1900-1939) Lameński Lechosław (1949- ). Vita e sculture di Tomasz Oskar Sosnowski alla luce delle scoperte di studiosi polacchi, ucraini, russi e italiani Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Catalogo ragionato dei dipinti di Henryk Siemiradzki Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Contatti artistici polacco-italiani 1871-1939 Nitka Maria. Realtà dell’invisibile - spiritismo e pittura religiosa nella Roma di fine Ottocento Nitka Maria. Siemiradzki a Roma Omilanowska-Kiljańczyk Małgorzata (1960- ). Juliusz Świecianowski, membro dell’Accademia di San Luca Poppi Francesco. Il Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e la collezione originaria di Artur Wołyński Prałat Emilian (1984- ). Leopold Nowotny e i contesti della sua epoca Prola Dario (1980- ). Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz e l’arte toscana: epifanie del bello nella novella Anna Grazzi Ranocchi Emiliano. La traduzione polacca de L’angoscia Delle Macchine di Ruggero Vasari ad opera di Irena Krzywicka Stefański Krzysztof (1955- ). Accenti italiani nell’arte della Łódź industriale a cavallo fra Ottocento e Novecento Sztyma-Knasiecka Tamara. Henryk Glicenstein e la cerchia di artisti polacco-ebraici a Roma, 1900-1914 Zarzycki Jakub (1988- ). Italiani immaginati Studio sull’iconosfera polacca negli anni 1871-1914 - pittura, grafica artistica, riviste illustrate Zarzycki Jakub (1988- ). Le criptocitazioni da Calderón e le ansie dell’Arcadia - gli idilli di Siemiradzki
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26011 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: III 27380 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: III 27381 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Conferenze / Accademia Polacca delle Scienze, ISSN 0239-8605 ; 145)
Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Nitka Maria. Chasjanowa Lejła S. (1963- ). "Do we need a Russian Academy in Rome?" Henryk Siemiradzki and art education Chu Petra ten-Doesschate (1942- ). Siemiradzki's Rome Dobrowolski Witold (1939-2019). Programme related content in the "The judgment of Paris" by Henryk Siemiradzki First Grzegorz. Inspiration - selection - function. An ancient object in Henryk Siemiradzki Gerc Lidia. "Thinks like Dante, handles paints like Boccaccio". About Henryk Siemiradzki in Vienna Haake Michał. Realism and figuralism. On "Christ and the Harlot" by Henryk Siemiradzki Karpova Tatʹâna Lʹvovna (1960- ). Henryk Siemiradzki. In monastic silence Klimov Pavel Û. (1965- ). Russian artists in Rome: the era of Henryk Siemiradzki (based on the anniversary exhibition at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg) Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka. Marketing academism? Henryk Siemiradzki's strategies of display Królikowska-Dziubecka Marzena. Henryk Siemiradzki's decorative paintings in the context of early-modern art in Rome and Venice Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). The limits of painting: theatrical curtains by Henryk Siemiradzki Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Introduction Markova Nina Kirillovna. Some ideas about "A French artist of the time of Louis XV paints the portrait of a Marquise" by Henryk Siemiradzki Masłowska Anna. Henryk Siemiradzki's painting on the European market of photographic reproductions of works of art Nitka Maria. Naked truth and beauty of the nude in Henryk Siemiradzki's "Phryne" Okoń Waldemar (1953- ). Siemiradzki and the three bards Ormond Leonée (1940- ). Frederic Leighton and the poets Poprzęcka Maria (1942- ). An academician in a Roman slaughterhouse Rosales Rodríguez Agnieszka (1974- ). Visuality on display. Henryk Siemiradzki's "fetishization of sight" Traânovna-Bogdan Veronika-Irina (1959- ). Henryk Siemiradzki on the World and international exhibitions Twardowska Kamilla (1975- ). Henryk Siemiradzki and his correspondence with Polish painters in St. Petersburg and Munich in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej, 7-9 listopada 2018 r., Rzym.
Bibliogr. w przypisach do ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34738, II 36762 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
(World Art Studies / editorial Board Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik, Jerzy Malinowski, ISSN ISSN 2543-4624 ; vol. 22)
Bobrowska Ewa (1958- ). Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Bertinet Arnaud (1977- ). Krzysztof Pomian, "Le musée, une histoire mondiale" Bobrowska Ewa (1958- ). Introduction Chopard Lucie (1994- ). Du domestique au muséal : la collection Grandidier à l'entresol de la Grand Galerie du Musée du Louvre (1895-1915) Fajcsák Györgyi. The birth of the Asian Art Museum of Hungary Hánová Markéta. Discovering Japanese art: collectors at the heart of Europe Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Feliks "Manggha" Jasieński, collectionneur et donateur du Musée national de Cracovie Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Introduction Kłudkiewicz Kamila. Izabella Czartoryska-Działyńska and the question of female art collecting at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Lorente Jesús Pedro (1963- ). House museums boosting cultural districts in the "Belle Époque": the calle fortuny neighbourhood in Madrid and its European precedents Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Avant-propos Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Foreword Prévost-Marcilhacy Pauline. Léon Gauchez (1825-1907) promoteur de l'art moderne : itinéraire d'un marchand de la collection aux musées Rosset Tomasz Feliks de (1958- ). Le musée polonais à l'époque de Feliks Jasieński Rudyk Hanna. Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko and their "encyclopedic" art collection. Unfolding a vision of Public Museum in Ukraine on the turn of 19th-20th centuries Saint-Raymond Léa (1988- ). The sociology of self-declared collectors at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Susak Vìta Volodimirìvna (1966- ). From private collections to the national institutions: examples from Lviv Verlaine Julie (1979- ). Les sociétés d'amis des musées autour de 1900, de Paris à Cracovie en passant par Berlin. La naissance transnationale d'un mécénat collectif Winter Tomaš (1974-). African artefacts and Czech folk culture in Prague around 1890 Woźniak Milena (1986- ). Between private and public: Jewish-Polish art collecting in Warsaw and its impact on museums (1880-1939)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy ref.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26951 (1 egz.)
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