Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Meissner Gunter (1936-2015)
Nabert Andrea
Steppes Michael
Grieb Manfred H. (1933-2012)
Kasten Eberhardt
Gulecki Dzmitryj Uladzimiravic (1981- )
Karpova Tatʹana Lʹvovna (1960- )
Meer Willemina van der
Morozova Ol'ga Vladislavovna. Slavanskij cikl Genriha Semiradskogo
Titov Georgij Anatol'evic
Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevic (1963- )
Abele Kristiana
Abildgaard Hanne
Adamczak Alicia
Adamczak Monika. Reconstruction of crown glass with resin : Lantern from the Nysa Museum
Adamczak Monika. Uzupełnienia przeszklenia gomółkowego żywicą oraz rekonstrukcja kwater gomółkowych latarni z Muzeum w Nysie
Adamczyk Paulina. Idylliczność akademizmu - wybrane obrazy i studia rysunkowe do sielanek i idylli Henryka Siemiradzkiego ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie
Adamczyk Paulina. Monachijski tygiel włoskie przestrzenie - rok z życia Henryka Siemiradzkiego
Adnet Jacques (1900-1984)
Adrian Anne
Agache Annie
Ahmed Sara Radi (1995- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier
Akopan Aleksandr Vladimirovic. Iranian copper coins
Akopan Aleksandr Vladimirovic. Mezdu Dzucidami i Dzalajiridami: monety Cubanidov Ahjcuka i ih sovremennikov 754-759 gg. h. (150 let izucenia - ot generala Bartolomea do nasih dnej)
Akovleva E. M
Aksenenko Margarita B. Poslednij zamysel Genriha Semiradskogo
Alchomari Alaa Aldin (1980- ). La circulation monetaire en al-Djazira en l0eme sigle AD. d'apres les donnes du tresor de Tiflis (Bortchalo)
Alfeld Matthias (1981- ). Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods
Alfeld Matthias (1981- ). Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods
Alladin M. P. (1919-1980)
Alonso de Rodriguez Josefina
Alvarez Icaza Longoria Marisa. Material study of the Codex Colombino
Amosov M. A. Ob odnom iz rannih tipov nadcekanok Velikogo Knazestva Moskovskogo
Andreotti Alessia. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution
Andreotti Alessia. Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa
Androsov Sergej Olegovic (1948- )
Anglos D. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology
Anikin M. A
Anouilh Jean (1910-1987)
Anselmi C. Modern painted palimpsests
Antoine-Konig Elisabeth
Antonov Oleg Nikolaevic (1981- )
Antonova Elena Vadimovna
Arenas Alatorre Jesus. Material study of the Codex Colombino
Armenteros Puchades Carmen (1993- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier
Arosevskij N. A. Drevnerusskie vislye pecati 2-j poloviny XI - 1-j poloviny XII v.: ukrainskie nahodki zafiksirovannye v 2017 g. Cast' I
Arovaa E. A
Arsent'eva E. I
Artem'eva Irina S
Artigas Joao Batista Vilanova (1915-1985)
Assar G. R. F. An audience with king Artabanus IV of Parthia
Aston Paul (1942- )
Atchley Virginia G
Babin Alexander
Babina Natalia Pavlovna
Bachelin Jean
Badiyi Bahram (1959- ). Two extremely rare AE fractions from the reign of Ardashir III
Badretdinov V. V. Kompleks pul konca XV v. iz Aroslavskoj oblasti
Baer Norbert S. (1938- )
Bagińska Agnieszka (1985- ). Via Gaeta numero primo! - pracownia Henryka Siemiradzkiego w Rzymie
Baglioni P. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul
Bahareva N. U
Bailey Gregory H. Designing nature
Bansa Helmut (1936- )
Barmann Stefan (1950- )
Bartalesi Valentina. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost
Bartlova Milena (1958- )
Bartz Bettina
Basile Giuseppe (1942-2013). Burri project
Basileiou-Seibt Alexandra-Kuriake. Bemerkungen zur Einrichtung der militarischen Verwaltungseinheit Paradunabon (Paradounabon) und seinen Kommandanten
Bates Michael L. (1941- ). Who was named on Abbasid coins?
Batrakov O. A. K voprosu cekana serebranyh tanga Sejbanida 'Ubajdallah-hana v 918-919 gg. h. / 1512-1513 gg
Bauch Martin (1978- ). Jako druhy Konstantin - Karel IV. a rimska jizda roku 1368/1369
Bauch Martin (1978- ). Zbozny vladce - Uctivani svatych a ostentativni zboznost jako prostredek upevneni moci a posileni legitimity vlady
Baumbauer Benno. Lesni hospodarstvi v risskych lesich u Norimberka za vlady Karla IV
Baumbauer Benno. Norimberk - karlovska metropole
Begovatov E. A. O geoinformacionnoj sisteme Topografia nahodok vostocnyh monet (sasanidskih i kuficeskih) na territorii Rossii
Belaev V. A. Dzucidskaa moneta s kitajskoj legendoj
Belkovskaa Valentina Mihajlovna
Bellucci Roberto. Underdrawing in paintings
Beltran Norha (1924- )
Bendall Simon (1937-2019). An update on Constantinopolitan palaeologan Overstrikes
Berg Klaas Jan van den (1964- ). Direct and hyphenated mass spectrometry to detect glycerolipids and additives in paint
Berger George
Berger Gustav A. (1920-2006). Formulating adhesives for the conservation of paintings
Berkowitz Marc (1914- )
Bernikola Eirini. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology
Berrie Barbara Hepburn. Vibrant surface
Bertrand Loic. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects
Bezmenova Ksenia Vladimirovna
Biały Aneta (1956- ). Monachijski tygiel włoskie przestrzenie - rok z życia Henryka Siemiradzkiego
Biemann Klaus (1926-2016)
Birkholz Lauro Bastos
Biscossi Edoardo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation
Blom Willem Adriann (1927- )
Bobkova Lenka (1947- ). Zeme Koruny ceske - Budovani a rozvoj
Bobrova D. D
Bogdan V. T
Bogdanowska Monika (1962- )
Bogoslovskaa Irina. Maloizvestnye stranicy zizni i tvorcestva S. Bakalovica po materialam rossijskoj i pol'skoj pressy
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1940 - 1949
1890 - 1899
1870 - 1879
1860 - 1869
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Nowa Zelandia
Rep. Połud. Afryki
Artyści niemieccy
Sztuka niemiecka
Monety arabskie
Sztuka europejska
Gosudarstvennyj Èrmitaž
Malarstwo polskie
Monety europejskie
Monety ruskie
Siemiradzki, Henryk (1843-1902)
Akademizm (szt.plast.)
Album, Stephen (1942- )
Bushell, Frances
Bushell, Raymond (1910-1998)
Chemia analityczna
Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Norymberga)
Gosudarstvennaâ Tret'âkovskaâ galereâ
Gosudarstvennyj Muzej Izobrazitel'nyh Iskusstv im. A. S. Puškina (Moskwa)
Grafika europejska
Grafika japońska
Grafika japońska wystawy
Grafika rosyjska
Karol IV Luksemburski (cesarz rzymsko-niemiecki ; 1316-1378)
Katarzyna II (cesarzowa Rosji ; 1729-1796)
Libretto polskie
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Los Angeles)
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Malarstwo rosyjskie
McKenzie, Lucy (1977- )
Medale europejskie
Mel'nikova, Alla Sergeevna (1929-2005)
Monety bizantyńskie
Monety kufickie
Monety litewskie
Monety rosyjskie
Museum Francisco-Carolinum (Linz)
Národní galerie (Praga)
Obrót pieniężny
Ochrona zabytków
Ołowska, Paulina (1976- )
Performance europejski
Prōtonotarios, Petros (1931-2011)
Reichel, Jakub (1778-1856)
Rysunek europejski
Rysunek japoński
Rysunek polski
Rysunek rosyjski
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Rzeźba japońska
Sammlung Goetz
Sotnikova, Marina Petrovna (1930-2016)
Stanisław August Poniatowski (król Polski ; 1732-1798)
Sztuka cyfrowa
Sztuka czeska
Sztuka włoska
Univerzita Karlova
Zbiory archiwalne
Zbiory biblioteczne
Ânin, Valentin Lavrent'evič (1929-2020)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Połock (okręg)
São Paulo
Złota Orda
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
Słowniki biograficzne
Katalogi zbiorów
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi numizmatyczne
Poezja niemiecka
108 wyników Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 (1987)-.
3 (1993) zawiera niektóre ref. z kolokwium, zorg. w Moskwie, 9 sierpnia 1991 r. podczas 18. Międzynarodowego Kongresu Studiów Bizantynologicznych.
3 (1993)-4 (1995) opubl. z udziałem University of Athens.
4 (1995) zawiera poprawione wersje niektórych ref. wygłoszonych podczas 4. Międzynarodowego Kolokwium Studiów nad Pieczęciami Bizantyńskimi w Wiedniu, 3-6 listopada 1993 r..
5 (1998) opubl. z udziałem University of Athens i Institute for Byzantine Research, Athens.
T. 1 (1987)-4 (1995) z numerem ISBN.
Od 5 (1998) wyłącznie numer ISSN.
Od 7 (2002) red. Werner Seibt.
Od 9 (2006) red. Jean-Claude Cheynet and Claudia Sode.
Od 9 (2006) wyd. K. G. Saur, München, Leipzig.
Od 9 (2006) publ. z udziałem Centre ďhistoire et de civilisation de Byzance (Paris) i Association internationale des études byzantines.
Od 10 (2010) publ. z udziałem CNRS (UMR 8167) i Association internationale des études byzantines.
Zawartość zasobu KR 239 Czas. II 3200
3 (1993)
4 (1995)
5 (1998)
6 (1999)
7 (2002)
9 (2006)
10 (2010)
W koszyku
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/8 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Publikacja towarzysząca wystawie: Ermitaż, 27 grudnia 2002 r. - 30 września 2003 r.
Bibliogr. s. 88-89. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23666 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Katalog wystawy: Novaâ Treťâkovka, Moskva, Krymskij Val, 28 aprelâ - 3 iûlâ 2022.
Bibliogr. s. 341-344. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26261 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Dod. s. tyt.: Catherine the Great and Stanisław August : two enlightened monarchs
Bibliogr. s. 298-309.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 22425 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Âroševskij N. A. Drevnerusskie vislye pečati 2-j poloviny XI - 1-j poloviny XII v.: ukrainskie nahodki, zafiksirovannye v 2017 g. Čast' I Badretdinov V. V. Kompleks pul konca XV v. iz Âroslavskoj oblasti Boguš A. K. O nahodkah drevnerusskih svincovyh plomb XI-XIII vv. na ûgo-zapade Polockoj zemli i v predelah Turovskoj zemli Borkevič G. S. Drevnerusskie vislye pečati 2-j poloviny XI - 1-j poloviny XII v.: ukrainskie nahodki, zafiksirovannye v 2017 g. Čast' I Dobromyslov Leonid Borisovič. Serebrânyj čekan Madžara i Ordy perioda 794-797 gg.h. Ermolov Fëdor Valentinovič. Serebrânyj čekan Madžara i Ordy perioda 794-797 gg.h. Gaev A. G. Novye atribucii drevnerusskih vislyh pečatej duhovenstva Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O kufičeskom podražanii s imenem Ahmada B. Abdullaha Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O podražaniâh kufičeskim dirhemam Krasnodvorskogo klada monet X v. Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Eŝe raz o dengah Vasiliâ I s izobražennem krylatogo životnogo Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. Ob odnom tipe poreformennoj dengi Vasiliâ Dmitrieviča Moskovskogo s dvustoronnim podražaniem arabskoj nadpisi Golemihov A. V. O kufičeskom podražanii s imenem Ahmada B. Abdullaha Gorban' P. I. Kompleks pozdnih kievskih podražanij dangam Džanibeka iz-pod sela Černogorodka Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Kompleks pozdnih kievskih podražanij dangam Džanibeka iz-pod sela Černogorodka Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). O nahodkah drevnerusskih svincovyh plomb XI-XIII vv. na ûgo-zapade Polockoj zemli i v predelah Turovskoj zemli Kavaliauskas Vilius (1951- ). O litovskom polugroše 1508 g. Klimov A. M. Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Kudrij A. A. Rannie volgo-okskie podražaniâ Lebedev Valentin Petrovič. Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Lebedev Valentin Petrovič. O podražaniâh kufičeskim dirhemam Krasnodvorskogo klada monet X v. Mihajlenko O. V. Ob odnom neobyčnom tipe russkih srednevekovyh monet Morâkov A. V. Nekotorye novye nahodki russkih denežnyh kompleksov i otdel'nyh monet XVI - načala XVII v. Morozov A. A. K voprosu o načale čekanki Devleta Giraâ I Orlov Aleksandr Sergeevič (1938- ). Krupnyj Mazepovskij klad obrezannyh dirhemov serediny X v. iz Kurskoj oblasti Petrov A. N. Legendy Bessarabii. K voprosu pročteniâ legend na mednyh monetah iz ordynskogo monetnogo dvora v s. Kostešty-Gyrlâ (Respublika Moldova) Pomanov S. Û. Klad platežnyh slitkov-poltin iz Smolenskoj oblasti Pomanov S. Û. Kvadrifolijnaâ pečat'-matrica konca XV v. iz Ivangoroda: gipoteza o proishoždenii i vladel'ce Proškin Oleg Leonidovič. Klad serebrânyh monet XVI v. iz raskopok seliŝa Sevel'evo v Moskovskoj oblasti Rublev A. I. Nahodka podražaniâ zolotomu solidu L'va III i Konstantina V v Krymskom rajone Krashodarskogo Kraâ Savčenko Aleksej Sergeevič. K probleme atribucii nekotoryh pskovskih kopeek perioda pravleniâ carâ Fedora Ivanoviča Sorokin I. Û. Znaki Rûrikovičej vtoroj poloviny XI-XII vv. (dopolneniâ k atribuciâm) Stepanov Oleg Vasil'evič. Novyj klad monet XV v. iz okrestnostej s. Vol'šie Atrâsi (Tetûšskij rajon Tatarstana) Šinakov E. A. O podražaniâh kufičeskim dirhemam Krasnodvorskogo klada monet X v. Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Eŝe raz o dengah Vasiliâ I s izobražennem krylatogo životnogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Kstat'e "Poludengi Vasiliâ Dmitrieviča Moskovskogo konca XIV - načala XV v., čekanennye v Pereslavle-Zalesskom" (utočneniâ i dopolneniâ) Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Ob odnom tipe poreformennoj dengi Vasiliâ Dmitrieviča Moskovskogo s dvustoronnim podražaniem arabskoj nadpisi Ušankov E. M. Klad zapadnoevropejskih monet XVII v., najdennyj bliz g. Korostyševa Žitomirskoj oblasti. Materialy k svodke kladov zapadnoevropejskih monet XVI-XVII vv. v sobranii ON GIM Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Klad serebrânyh monet XVI v. iz raskopok seliŝa Sevel'evo v Moskovskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Klad platežnyh slitkov-poltin iz Smolenskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Kompleks pul konca XV v. iz Âroslavskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasil'evič (1963- ). Mednye monety novgorodskoj čekanki XV-XVI vv. Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Kiâžeskie vislye pečati vtoroj poloviny XIII - pervoj četverti XIV v. Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Ob atribucii vislyh pečatej novgorodskogo kiâzâ Gleba Svâtoslaviča (1069-1078)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda. 7
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/7 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Kravcov Konstantin Valer'evič. Akopân Aleksandr Vladimirovič. Meždu Džučidami i Džalajiridami: monety Čubanidov, Ahjčuka i ih sovremennikov 754-759 gg. h. (150 let izučeniâ – ot generala Bartolomea do naših dnej) Alchomari Alaa Aldin (1980- ). La circulation monétaire en al-Djazïra en l0ème sigle AD. d’après les donnés du trésor de Tiflīs (Bortchalo) Batrakov O. A. K voprosu čekana serebrânyh tanga Šejbanida 'Ubajdallah-hana v 918-919 gg. h. / 1512-1513 gg. Begovatov E. A. O geoinformacionnoj sisteme "Topografiâ nahodok vostočnyh monet (sasanidskih i kufičeskih) na territorii Rossii" Belâev V. A. Džučidskaâ moneta s kitajskoj legendoj Bragin Andrej Olegovič. K voprosu čekana serebrânyh tanga Šejbanida 'Ubajdallah-hana v 918-919 gg. h. / 1512-1513 gg. Bragin Andrej Olegovič. Nahodki dvuh serebrânnyh monet amira Timura v okruge zolotoordynskogo goroda Azaka Coceliâ Medeâ Vladimirovna. Arabo-sasanidskie klady Nacionaľnogo muzea Gruzii Donovan Peter. Da Yuezhi and Kushan coinage from Bactria from the collection of the American Numismatic Society, New York Enukov V. V. Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Fomičev N. M. Nahodki dvuh serebrânnyh monet amira Timura v okruge zolotoordynskogo goroda Azaka Gariboldi Andrea (1971- ). A hoard of Bukharkhuda drachms from Sanjarshah (Tajikistan) Kazarov Aleksandr A. Monety hana Ibrahima Kolbas Judith G. (1942- ). Mamlūk glass coin weights Koloda Volodimir Vasil'ovič (1955- ). Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Kovalev Roman K. Dirham mint output in the Southern Caspian Sea Provinces of Gflan, Tabaristan, Jurjan and Qumis in the tenth-early eleventh centuries Kravcov Konstantin Valer'evič. A glassweightin the name of Harthama b. al-Nadr from the Hermitage collection Lebedev Valentin Petrovič. Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Mosanef F. Meždu Džučidami i Džalajiridami: monety Čubanidov, Ahjčuka i ih sovremennikov 754-759 gg. h. (150 let izučeniâ – ot generala Bartolomea do naših dnej) Nastič Vladimir Nilovič (1949- ). Coin forgeries in the capacity of historical source (as evidenced by Islamic coinage) Paghava Irakli. Circulation of Kufic Fulūs in the Tiflīs Emīrate Phillips Marcus. The contribution of the meetings of the Seventh Century Syria Numismatic Round Table (1992-2011) to the study of early Islamic coinage Ponomarev Andrej Leonidovič. Dvuâzyčnye dangi tatarskogo "imperatora” Ramaḍān Āṭif Manṣūr Muḥammad. The early Shi‘i Sarbadar coin (6 dirhams of Sabzawar dated 748 AH) Reva R. Û. Monety hana Ibrahima Schindel Nikolaus. Umayyad copper coins from the mint of Wasi Sedyh Valerij Nikandrovič. O geoinformacionnoj sisteme "Topografiâ nahodok vostočnyh monet (sasanidskih i kufičeskih) na territorii Rossii" Sidorovič S. V. Džučidskaâ moneta s kitajskoj legendoj Srećković Slobodan. Lack of Ottoman Die Engravers in the late 16th and early 17th centuries at the Belgrade Mint Talvio Tuukka (1948- ). C. M. Fraehn and the origin of Islamic numismatics in Finland Turkia Severiane. Circulation of Kufic Fulūs in the Tiflīs Emīrate Tyler-Smith Susan. Vardanyan Aram R. Hārūn al-Rashīd's accession to the throne and the ‘Abbasid administration in "Armnīyy" as reflected in sources Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Monety hana Ibrahima
Indeks R0: BMNK
T. monogr.: Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaža. [T.] 81 (2017).
Mat. międzynarodowej konf. zorg. w Ermitażu od 24 do 29 września 2012 r.
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. III 786/81 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Schenk Gerrit Jasper (1968- ). Doba Karla IV. mezi rozkvětem a bídou - Katastrofy, krize a klimatické změny ve 14. století Šefců Ondřej (1958- ). Most královny Judity Lindner Michael. Mezi Skyllou a Charybdou - Život ve stínu císaře Karla IV. Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Mládí Karla IV. Původ - výchova k vladařským povinnostem - první zkoušky Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Umělecká reprezentace raných let - vzory a rozmanitost stylového jazyka výtvarného umění do roku 1350 Tresp Uwe. Bitva u Kresčaku 1346 Schlotheuber Eva (1959- ). Sacrum Romanorum Imperium - Císařská korunovace Karla IV., Zlatá bula a dohoda s církví Schlotheuber Eva (1959- ). Karel jako autor - "moudrý vládce" Bauch Martin (1978- ). Zbožný vládce - Uctívání svatých a ostentativní zbožnost jako prostředek upevnění moci a posílení legitimity vlády Rader Olaf B. (1961- ). Collector coronarum - Karel IV. jako sběratel korun Gajdošová Jana. Karlovo hlavní město Praha - Velké staveniště a pokusná laboratoř nového směru gotické architektury Grossmann G. Ulrich (1953- ). Hrady a rezidence Karla IV. Baumbauer Benno. Lesní hospodářství v říšských lesích u Norimberka za vlády Karla IV. Baumbauer Benno. Norimberk - karlovská metropole Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Norimberk - karlovská metropole Fajt Jiří (1960- ). Nové dvorské umění - Od napodobování k císařskému stylu Bobková Lenka (1947- ). Země Koruny české - Budování a rozvoj Franzen Wilfried (1943- ). Nové dvorské umění – Od napodobování k císařskému stylu Otavsky Karel (1938- ). Zlatnické umění v panovnické praxi císaře Karla IV. Stehlíková Dana (1954- ). Poklad cechu zlatníků v Praze Jaeger Susanne (1964- ). Móda, luxusní látky a textilní umění v době Karla IV. Knejfl Jana. Móda, luxusní látky a textilní umění v době Karla IV. Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Opory císaře? Svobodná říšská města a císařská reprezentace Eben David (1965- ). Karel IV. a hudba Žůrek Václav (1981- ). Sňatková politika Karla IV. Müller Jörg R. Karel IV. a Židé Weber Andreas. Karel IV. a Židé Burghardt Ivonne (1981- ). Hornictví a dálkový obchod Vaněk Vojtěch. Hornictví a dálkový obchod Fried Torsten. Peněžnictví a mincovnictví Šmahel František (1934- ). Poslední zásvity císařského majestátu: cesta Karla IV. do Paříže a jeho pražská pompa funebris Franzen Wilfried (1943- ). Karlovi dědici: Václav IV. a Zikmund Royt Jan (1955- ). Druhý život Karla IV. Küpper René (1969- ). Největší Čech všech dob, Němec, velký Evropan? Obraz Karla IV. v historiografii a na veřejnosti Adrian Anne. Antoine-König Élisabeth. Bartlová Milena (1958- ). Breisig Eva Maria. Brožková Helena (1946- ). Cossart Kaja von. Čumlivski Denko (1949- ). Eser Thomas (1962- ). Forster Christian. Gottfried Libor. Horn Karsten (1961- ). Kammel Frank Matthias (1961- ). Kirchweger Franz (1965- ). Kmochová Hana. Koch Pavel. Kubínová Kateřina (1975- ). Machilek Franz (1934- ). Margue Michel (1969- ). Mock Markus Leo (1971- ). Ostrowitzki Anja (1963- ). Paredis-Vroon Monica. Le Pogam Pierre-Yves (1964- ). Polanský Luboš (1972- ). Raczkowski Juliusz (1975- ). Sagstetter Maria Rita (1962- ). Saliger Arthur (1944- ). Seibert Hubertus (1954- ). Schnurbein Rüdiger Wolf Marcus von (1971- ). Schürer Ralf. Schurr Marc Carel (1965- ). Sirocko Frank. Stöver Kerstin. Studničková Milada (1955- ). Stürzebecher Maria. Suckow Dirk. Suchomel Filip (1966- ). Šulc Jaroslav. Tångeberg Peter (1942- ). Timmermann Achim. Ursini Chiara. Wenzel Kai (1978- ). Winzeler Marius (1970- ). Wischnewsky Jenny. Čadský Vladimír. Eich Marta. Bauch Martin (1978- ). Jako druhý Konstantin - Karel IV. a římská jízda roku 1368/1369 Hörsch Markus (1960- ). Karel a duchovenstvo - biskupové jako opory říšské politiky. K roli vzájemných vazeb ve vývoji „parléřovského umění“ za Karla IV.
Indeks R0: BMNK
Publikacja towarzysząca wystawom: Národní galerie v Praze, Praga, 15 kwietnia - 25 września 2016 ; Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Praga, 14 kwietnia - 31 sierpnia 2016 ; Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Norymberga, 20 października 2016 - 5 marca 2017.
Na grzb.: K*700.
Bibliogr. s. 625-665. Indeksy.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23298 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Sztuka Europy Wschodniej = Iskusstvo vostočnoj Evropy = The Art of Eastern Europe / red. Jerzy Malinowski & Irina Gavrash, ISSN 2353-5709 ; t. 4)
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Gavrash Irina (1985-2023). Maleszko Katarzyna. Karpova Tatʹâna Lʹvovna (1960- ). Miziołek Jerzy (1953- ). "Dirke chrześcijańska" i inne tematy all'antica w twórczości Henryka Siemiradzkiego Biały Aneta (1956- ). Monachijski tygiel, włoskie przestrzenie - rok z życia Henryka Siemiradzkiego Adamczyk Paulina. Monachijski tygiel, włoskie przestrzenie - rok z życia Henryka Siemiradzkiego Pniewski Dariusz (1972- ). Jezus i kobiety Siemiradzkiego Klimov Pavel Û. (1965- ). Rospisi G. I. Semiradskogo v moskovskom hrame Hrista Spasitelâ Sarkowicz Dominika. "Pochodnie Nerona" - nowe spojrzenie na dzieło Henryka Siemiradzkiego Sieklucka Marzena. "Pochodnie Nerona" - nowe spojrzenie na dzieło Henryka Siemiradzkiego Kunińska Magdalena. "Obraz to bezmyślny, czczy i pusty": za co Marian Sokołowski krytykuje Henryka Siemiradzkiego Morozova Ol'ga Vladislavovna. "Slavânskij cikl" Genriha Semiradskogo Królikowska-Dziubecka Marzena. Dzieje pewnej kompozycji Adamczyk Paulina. Idylliczność akademizmu - wybrane obrazy i studia rysunkowe do "sielanek" i "idylli" Henryka Siemiradzkiego ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie Czajkowska Katarzyna Anna. Wizja antycznej Grecji w obrazie Henryka Hektora Siemiradzkiego "Fryne na święcie Posejdona w Eleusis" Karpova Tatʹâna Lʹvovna (1960- ). "Frina" Genriha Semiradskogo - manifestaciâ idei Krasoty v hudožestvennoj atmosfere 1880-h godov Dobrowolski Witold (1939-2019). "Triumf Wenus" Henryka Siemiradzkiego Aksenenko Margarita B. Poslednij zamysel Genriha Semiradskogo Kapyrina Svetlana L. Put' k kartine Markova Nina Kirillovna. O grafičeskom nasledii Genriha Semiradskogo Bagińska Agnieszka (1985- ). "Via Gaeta numero primo!" - pracownia Henryka Siemiradzkiego w Rzymie Chasjanowa Lejła S. (1963- ). Henryk Siemiradzki w ocenie rosyjskiej krytyki artystycznej Skotniczna Ewa (1985- ). Twórczość Henryka Siemiradzkiego w świetle badań do dziejów rynku sztuki w Polsce Tarnowska Magdalena. Zagraniczne stypendium Rafała Hadziewicza (1803-1886) w latach 1829-1832 w rysunkach ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie Markina Lûdmila Alekseevna. Hudožniki Carstva Pol'skogo na stranicah al'boma P. I. Krivcova Świętosławska Agnieszka (1984- ). Pod skrzydłami Akademii Šmite Edvarda (1937- ). Ûlius Dering: proezdom v Poznani Hlopina Elena Û. S. K. Zarânko - ètalon salonnogo iskusstva ili čistyj živopisec? Karpova Tatʹâna Lʹvovna (1960- ). Fenomenologiâ morâ v tvorčestve Ajvazovskogo Kaiser Caroline. Jan Matejko at the World Exposition 1873 Vienna Nitka Maria. Polacy na Pierwszej Międzynarodowej Wystawie Sztuk Pięknych w Rzymie w 1883 roku Ûdenkova Tatʹâna Vitalʹevna‏. Obraz Hrista v tvorčestve I. N. Kramskogo: ot ikony k kartine Nesterova Elena Vladimirovna (1956- ). Pozdneakademičeskaâ živopis' v Rossii Kazarinova Nina Vasil'evna (1938- ). "Očarovannye Rimom" Goch Marcin. Recepcja "rzymskich" obrazów Wilhelma Kotarbińskiego na polskim rynku aukcyjnym Bogoslovskaâ Irina. Maloizvestnye stranicy žizni i tvorčestva S. Bakaloviča po materialam rossijskoj i pol'skoj pressy Górenowicz Maria A. Akademickie prace Jana Ciąglińskiego (1858-1913) Kacprzak Dariusz (1971- ). Malarstwo rosyjskie srebrnego wieku w zbiorach Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi Poprzęcka Maria (1942- ). Recenzja książki dr Marii Nitki "Twórczość malarzy polskich w papieskim Rzymie w XIX wieku", Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata & Wydawnictwo Tako, Warszawa - Toruń 2014 Lameński Lechosław (1949- ). Recenzja książki dr Agnieszki Świętosławskiej "Obrazy codzienności. Polskie malarstwo rodzajowe pierwszej połowy XIX wieku", Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata & Wydawnictwo Tako, Warszawa - Toruń 2015
Indeks R0: BMNK
Na grzb. wyłącznie tyt. serii.
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 22483 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Bibliothēkē tēs Hellēnikēs Nomismatikēs Hetaireias ; 10)
Papaeuthymiu Elenē G. Turatsoglu Giannēs (1940- ). Basileiou-Seibt Alexandra-Kuriakē. Bemerkungen zur Einrichtung der militärischen Verwaltungseinheit Paradunabon (Paradoúnabon) und seinen Kommandanten Bendall Simon (1937-2019). An update on Constantinopolitan palaeologan Overstrikes Cheynet Jean-Claude (1947- ). Le monastère impérial de Lakapè Gkantzios Drápelová Pavla. Unusual bronze coins from the Protonotarios collection (6th century - beginning of 7th century) Ivanišević Vujadin (1958- ). The image of a throne - "sella aurea" - on Serbian medieval coins Jordanov Ivan (1949- ). Seals of the Palaeologoi family from the territory of modern Bulgaria Karamesíni-Oikonomídou Mánto (1927-2015). Petros Protonotarios and the Numismatic Museum, 1964-1994 Kásdaglē Anna Maria. Hospitaller derniers: fresh evidence from two forgotten finds Kōfopoulos Sabbas K. Lead seal of Irene Komnene daughter of the queen Koltsida-Makrē Ioanna. Lead seals as documents of the Byzantine society Kourempanas Theodoros. Un "trésor" de monnaies en bronze de la dernière période des Paléologues provenant de Lemnos Krikelikos Dimitrios I. Numismatic evidence from the excavaton of the "Late Anquity House" in Dium (a preliminary report) Kurou Adōnis K. The protobyzantine solidi from Spetses and the historical issue of the find Lianta Eleni (1975- ). Notes on the classification of coin finds and their reliability as a primary source Maladakēs Baggelēs. A copper token of magistros Gregorios Taronitis at the Athonite monastery of Zygos Mazarkēs Andreas D. (1946- ). Lead seal of Irene Komnene daughter of the queen Mazarkēs Andreas D. (1946- ). The icon of the Virgin Acheiropoietos of the monastery of the Avramites Metcalf David Michael (1933-2018). An imperial initiative in the time of Tiberius III (698-705) Morrisson Cécile (1940- ). Le demi-basilikon de Matthieu Cantacuzène (1354-1357) de la collection Protonotarios à Dumbarton Oaks Nikoláou Giórka. The two Chrysobulls of the Numismatic Museum. Elementary and quantitative analysis Papadopoulou Pagōna (1976- ). "Holokotinarea", "Protocharagea, "Stamenarea": three 12th - and 13th - century Byzantine units of measurement Touratsoglou Ioannēs (1940- ). Trachéa en électrum de la péride comnénienne et post-comnénienne (1092-1261) : le témoignage der trésors et quelques remarques Žekova Ženiâ. A new "pattern" coin of Emperor Romanus I Lecapenus (920-944) from Bulgaria
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przedm. P. Protonotariosa s. 13-14.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 25429 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
VIII Bienal de São Paulo : Fundação Bienal de S. Paulo : catalogo : [set/nov 1965]. - São Paulo : Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, [1965]. - 464 s., [136] s. tabl. (w tym złoż.) : il. ; 18 cm.
Indeks R0: BMNK
Data wyd. wg daty konkursu.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: I 10417 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bibliogr. publ. S. Albuma s. XXI-XXIII. Bibliogr. przy art.
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 24523 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Amosov M. A. Ob odnom iz rannih tipov nadčekanok Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 772-773 gg. h. Č. 1, (772 g. h.) Bulava Leonid Mikolajovič (1959- ). Klad dangov iz okrestnostej Azova načala 1370-godov Bugarčev Aleksej Igorevič. Monety XV veka s solârnym znakom Dergačeva L. V. Nadčekanka monety v Moldavii i Litve v pervoj polovine XV v. po dannym klada iz ukrainskogo sela Stižok Dobromyslov Leonid Borisovič. Praktika èksporta monetnyh štempelej Saraj Al-Džedida pri hane Toktamyše. Č. 3 Ermolov Fëdor Valentinovič. Praktika èksporta monetnyh štempelej Saraj Al-Džedida pri hane Toktamyše. Č. 3 Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O nekotoryh raznovidnostâh deneg Vasiliâ I s izobraženiem dvunogžogo drakona Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Goglov Sergej Aleksandrovič. O rannem poreformennom tipe deneg Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo so vsadnikom s mečom Guba K. A. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Atribuciâ aktovyh pečatej pervogo polockogo knâzâ Rogvoloda Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Dve zametki o platežnyh slitkah ruskogo srednevekov'â Guleckì Dzmìtryj Ûladzìmìravìč (1981- ). Eŝe raz o denežnom sčete domongoľskoj Rusi Morozov A. A. Issledovaniâ sostava metalla metodom RFA i rekonstrukciâ monetnogo čekana v Krymskom Hanstva pri Sahib Girae I Orlov Kirill Vladimirovič‏. Novyj tip anonimnyh deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Orlov Kirill Vladimirovič‏. Ob odnom tipe deneg knâzâ Andreâ Dmitrieviča Možajskogo Petrov A. N. Atribuciâ aktovyh pečatej pervogo polockogo knâzâ Rogvoloda Petrov A. N. Nadčekanka monety v Moldavii i Litve v pervoj polovine XV v. po dannym klada iz ukrainskogo sela Stižok Romanov Sergej Ûr'evič. Gruppa monet c nadpis'û "FEDOTOVA" iz Sobolevskogo kompleksa 1408-1410 gg. Romanov Sergej Ûr'evič. Novye nahodki monetnyh kompleksov XVII v. iz Centraľnoj Rossii Sarajkin Aleksandr Sergeevič. Dva klada mednyh monet Alekseâ Mihajloviča Šatohin Gerbert Gennadievič. Dva klada mednyh monet Alekseâ Mihajloviča Savčenko Aleksej Sergeevič. Novgorodskie monety perioda pravleniâ Borisa Godunova Ševčuk A. A. Čekan dangov hana Muhammeda monetnogo dvora Orda v 772-773 gg. h. Č. 1, (772 g. h.) Ševčuk A. A. Klad dangov iz okrestnostej Azova načala 1370-godov Štalenkov Ìl'â Mìkalaevìč. Serebrânnye grivny iz sobranii Nacionaľnogo Muzeâ v Varšave Šulepko M. I. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Tiškin V. E. Berëzovskij kompleks džučidskih dangov i podražanij, tezavrirovannyj v načale pravleniâ hana Pulada Tiškin V. E. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Novyj tip anonimnyh deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O nekotoryh raznovidnostâh deneg Vasiliâ I s izobraženiem dvunogžogo drakona Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O nekotoryh tipah deneg Moskovskogo knâžestva 1420-1430-h godov s izobraženiem vsadnika s kop'em Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. O rannem poreformennom tipe deneg Vasiliâ Dmitreviča Moskovskogo so vsadnikom s mečom Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Ob odnom tipe deneg knâzâ Andreâ Dmitrieviča Možajskogo Titov Georgij Anatol'evič. Poludenga Âroslavskogo knâžestva Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). Neskoľko redkih i neopisannyh monet iz nahodok v Naro-Fominskom rajone Moskovskoj oblasti Zajcev Vasilij Vasilʹevič (1963- ). O proishoždenij vesovoj normy rannih deneg Velikogo Knâžestva Moskovskogo Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Berëzovskij kompleks džučidskih dangov i podražanij, tezavrirovannyj v načale pravleniâ hana Pulada Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Džučidskij han Abu-l-Hajr i ego monety Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. K voprosu o nazvanii nominala serebrânyh monet Zolotoj Ordy v XV v. Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Novomoskovskij kompleks dangov Toktamyša Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Vislye pečati knâzâ Aleksandra Âroslaviča Nevskogo 1228-1263 gg. Žukov Igor' Anatol'evič. Ob atribucii vislyh pečatej velikih knâaej vladimirskih (pervaâ polovina XIII v.)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. okł.: Rus', Litva, Orda. Vyp. 4
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Zapytaj bibliotekarza o dostępność egzemplarzy do wypożyczenia: Gabinet Numizmatyczny sygn. III 23191/4 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Brommelle Norman S. Smith Perry. Baer Norbert S. (1938- ). Berger Gustav A. (1920-2006). Formulating adhesives for the conservation of paintings Biemann Klaus (1926-2016). Bykova Galina Zaharovna. Delbourgo Suzy. Application of the electron microprobe to the study of some Italian paintings from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century Feller Robert L. (1919-2018). Problems in the investigation of picture varnishes Feller Robert L. (1919-2018). The relative solvent power needed to remove various aged solvent-type coatings Flieder Françoise (1929-2017). Frinta Mojmír Svatopluk (1932- ). On the punched decoration in mediaeval panel painting and manuscript illumination Gallo Fausta. The work of the biology laboratory, Istituto di Patologia del Libro, during the ten years from 1961 to 1972 Gay Marie Christine. Application of the staining method to cross-sections in the study of the media of various italian paintings of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries Gettens Rutherford J. (1900-1974). Japanese paintings - technical studies at the freer gallery of arts Graaf J. A. van de. Harley Rosamond Drusilla (1934- ). Artists' brushes - historical evidence from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century Hulmer Eric C. Notes on the formulation and application of acrylic coatings Indictor Norman. Ivanova A. V. Joel Abraham. Johnson Ben B. Oriental mounting techniques in the conservation of Western prints and drawings King Antoinette G. Conservation of the collage roses by Juan Gris Lank Herbert. Picture varnishes formulated with resin MS2A Lazzarini Lorenzo (1947- ). Margaritoff Tasso. Removing successive layers of painting - further work Masschelein-Kleiner Liliane. Contribution to the study of aged proteinaceous media Mills John S. (1928- ). The gas chromatographic examination of paint media. Some examples of medium identification in paintings by fatty acid analysis Mills John S. (1928- ). The identification of paint media - an introduction Mokrecova Inna Pavlovna. Murrell Jim. The restoration of portrait miniatures Pas Monique de. Pemberton-Pigott Viola. Plahter Leif Einar (1929-2016). Plahter Unn (1936- ). Plesters Joyce. Plossi Zappalà Mariagrazia. Rabin Bernard. Radosavlević Vera. Rogers George de Witt. Stolow Nathan (1928- ). Watherston Margaret M. Weidner Marilyn Kemp. Weiss Norman R. White Raymond. Wilson William K. (1913-2003).
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencji: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works zorg. w Lizbonie w październiku 1972.
Bibliogr. w przypisach przy ref. Indeks.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24470 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Meta space : Distanz / [publisher: Alfred Weidinger, Fabian Mueller-Nittel and Markus Reindl]. - Berlin : DISTANZ Verlag ; Linz : OÖ Landes-Kultur, 2022. - 560 s. : il. (gł. kolor.) ; 26 cm.
Mueller-Nittel Fabian. Reindl Markus. Weidinger Alfred. Ahmed Sara Radi (1995- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Armenteros Puchades Carmen (1993- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Bartalesi Valentina. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost Biscossi Edoardo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation Bürger Maria. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Bürger Stefan. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Calise Anna. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost Campani Cosimo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation Canali Corinna. Can I be naked in the metaverse? Cocciolillo Laura. Second life: first steps into the virtual scape in visual arts Dawkins Chad. On space: from the white cube to the #FFFFFF screen Dicuonzo Fabiana (1990- ). Isn't metaverse just a secular version of paradise? The visual experience of possible realities Dimopoulos John. Arcade fire: videogame spatiality and hypermodern subjectivity Escudero Andaluz César. Metattention. Art and economy in the age of behavioral modification Faccin Giulia. Can I be naked in the metaverse? Fiore Marrese Vincenzo. Point-of-view performances Fuggetti Claudia (1993- ). Visions of space and images of the world in the visual arts García Castañeda Victor G. Through and after the Web Grabianski Juliusz. An architectural history of virtual space: ownership and power in the metaverse Hodges Benjamin K. Orangeries, heat sinks, and walled gardens: architectures of microclimates and the metaverse Jacobo Mónica. Augmented reality and videogames in art spaces during coronavirus pandemic. Some notes Kärtner Jurit. Unsettling space. With Kippenberger's metro-net into the metaverse Klietsch Katrin. On teh sociology of analog space Komitska Anna. Art and culture in the metaverse: oscillating between dystopia and non-human perspectives Lamoncha Fabricio. Post-bio-Internet Lemcool Ivana. Denoting the space beyond: the sings of the zodiac in decoration of medieval ecclesiastic monuments Lengua Diana. Moving towards digital lands: on processes of interaction in museum's virtual spaces Lengua Margo. Moving towards digital lands: on processes of interaction in museum's virtual spaces Livne Weitzman Ben. Towards an augmented space of appearance Maithani Charu. Reconceptualizing space: screen portals as "any-space-whatevers" Mueller-Nittel Fabian. From verse to space - an introduction Naveau Manuela (1972- ). Interface cultures - entry and exit. Imaginary worlds viewed through local glasses Nolasco-Rózsás Lívia. Dimensioning - towards a processual augmentation of space Profaska Justyna. Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Reiman Joshua. Unintentional vices 2.0. A few thoughts on sculpture, education, and mediated technology Reindl Markus. From verse to space - an introduction Resta Giuseppe (1957- ). Isn't metaverse just a secular version of paradise? The visual experience of possible realities Reuss Charlotte. Beyond binaries - the digital sphere Rutz Sara (1997- ). An architectural history of collective virtual spaces in games Schadow Friedrich. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Schroter Anika. The skin of the metaverse: a tactile journey Schuller Roswitha (1984- ). Arcadia and metatopies Scott Steven. Alternations and misalignments Stanusch Natalia. Taming the uncanny: how the surreal inhabits the ideology of the metaverse Talpade Apurva. The other drawings Thun Diana. Visual strategies of polarity and intertwining: notes on the work of the architectural avant-garde of the 1970s and 1980s and its significance today Tzitsas Yorgos. Passing through terra ludica: vision of Weidinger Alfred. Expanded reality Zeilinger Martin (1978- ). Towards a non-totalising metaverse
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: Francisco Carolinum Linz, 1.09.2022 - 8.01.2023.
Bibliogr. s. 536-553.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26507 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Brunetti Brunetto Giovanni. Miliani Costanza. Sgamellotti Antonio. Ernst Richard R. Science and art - my two passions Siano S. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Fratini F. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Mascalchi M. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Patrizi G. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Mazzei B. Study and laser uncovering of hypogean early Christian wall painting of Roma's catacombs of Santa Tecla and Domitilla Mazzeo Rocco. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Sciutto Giorgia. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Prati Silvia. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Bonacini Irene. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Ling He. Scientific examination for the investigation and conservation for Far East Asian mural paintings Baglioni P. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Carrasco Vargas R. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Cordeiro Baqueiro M. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Chelazzi David. Maya mural paintings in Calakmul Domenici Davide (1968- ). Colours of indigenous memory Buti David. Colours of indigenous memory Miliani Costanza. Colours of indigenous memory Brunetti Brunetto Giovanni. Colours of indigenous memory Sgamellotti Antonio. Colours of indigenous memory Zetina Sandra. Material study of the Codex Colombino Ruvalcaba José Louis. Material study of the Codex Colombino Falcón Tatiana. Material study of the Codex Colombino Arenas Alatorre Jesús. Material study of the Codex Colombino Yanagisawa Saeko. Material study of the Codex Colombino Álvarez Icaza Longoria Marisa. Material study of the Codex Colombino Hernández Eumelia. Material study of the Codex Colombino Giorgi R. Unveiling the artistic technique of the Florentine Codex Chelazzi David. Unveiling the artistic technique of the Florentine Codex Magaloni Kerpel Diana Isabel (1961- ). Unveiling the artistic technique of the Florentine Codex Melo Maria João. Colour in medieval Portuguese manuscripts Castro Rita. Colour in medieval Portuguese manuscripts Miranda Adelaide. Colour in medieval Portuguese manuscripts Andreotti Alessia. Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Matteini Mauro (1943- ). Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Paolucci Antonio. Wall paintings of the monumental cemetery of Pisa Peggie David. Chemistry and chemical investigation of the transition from egg tempera painting to oil in Italy in the 15th century Szmelter Iwona (1952- ). Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Cartechini Laura. Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Romani Aldo. Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Pezzati Luca. Multi-criterial studies of the masterpieces "The Last Judgement", attributed to Hans Memling, at the National Museum of Gdańsk (2010-2013) Ciatti Marco (1955- ). Science and conservation at the Florentine O. P. D. and Raphael's "Madonna of the Goldfinch" Bellucci Roberto. Underdrawing in paintings Frosinini Cecilia. Underdrawing in paintings Pouli Paraskevi. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Melessanaki Kristalia. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Tornari V. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Bernikola Eirini. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Filippini Giuseppe (1940- ). Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Anglos D. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Fotakis Costas. Integrated approach to the study and preservation of painting using laser light technology Glanville Helen. Mens agitat molem Rousselière Hélène. Mens agitat molem Viguerie L. de. Mens agitat molem Walter Ph. Mens agitat molem Leona Marco. Designing nature Londero Pablo S. Designing nature Perry Jennifer. Designing nature Fukunaga Kaori. Designing nature Bailey Gregory H. Designing nature Hale Charlotte (1959- ). Designing nature Vila Anna. As time passed by came sunset Monrad Kasper (1952-2018). As time passed by came sunset Filtenborg Troels (1951- ). As time passed by came sunset Wadum Jørgen. As time passed by came sunset Janssens Koen H. A. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Alfeld Matthias (1981- ). Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Snickt Geer van der. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods De Nolf Wout. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Vanmeert Frederik. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Monico Letizia. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Legrand Stijn. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Dik Joris. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Cotte Marine. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Falkenberg Gerald. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Struick van der Loeff Luuk. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Leeuwestein Margje. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Hendriks Ella. Examination of Vincent van Gogh's paintings and pigments by means of state-of-the-art analytical methods Berrie Barbara Hepburn. Vibrant surface Casadio Francesca. Vibrant surface Dahm K. Vibrant surface Strumfels Y. Vibrant surface Tedeschi M. Vibrant surface Walsh John (1937- ). Vibrant surface Bommel Maarten R. van. After the fact Janssen Hans (1954- ). After the fact Spronk Ron (1957- ). After the fact Marte Fernando. Argentinean murals Gallegos Damasia. Argentinean murals Rosado Alessandra. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Mendes Isolda. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Motta Edson. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Teixeira Cláudio Valério. Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Souza Luiz A. C. (1962- ). Material and technical studies of a selected group of paintings by Candido Portinari, a major Brazilian modernist painter Patti Mattia. Modern painted palimpsests Anselmi C. Modern painted palimpsests Doherty Brenda. Modern painted palimpsests Daffara Claudia. Modern painted palimpsests Fontana Raffaella. Modern painted palimpsests Rosi Francesca (1977- ). Burri project De Cesare G. Burri project Iazurlo Paola. Burri project Daveri Alessia. Burri project Vagnini Manuela. Burri project Valentini F. Burri project Basile Giuseppe (1942-2013). Burri project Ormsby Bronwyn. John Hoyland Learner Thomas J. S. John Hoyland Crook Jo (1963- ). John Hoyland Smithen Patricia. John Hoyland Rava Antonio. Outdoor painted surfaces in contemporary art Chiantore Oscar. Outdoor painted surfaces in contemporary art Mirabile Antonio. Elusive nd transitory materials in contemporary drawings Moretti Patrizia. Elusive nd transitory materials in contemporary drawings Presciutti Federica. Elusive nd transitory materials in contemporary drawings
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31075 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Cultural Heritage Science, ISSN 2366-6226)
Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Degano Ilaria (1982- ). Nevin Austin (1978- ). Alfeld Matthias (1981- ). Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Andreotti Alessia. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Berg Klaas Jan van den (1964- ). Direct and hyphenated mass spectrometry to detect glycerolipids and additives in paint Bertrand Loïc. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Bonaduce Ilaria. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Burnstock Aviva. The role of technical study and chemical analysis on questions of attribution and dating of paintings and on easel painting conservation practice: selected case studies Centeno Silvia A. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Clerici Ermanno Avranovich. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Colombini Maria Perla. (1951- ). Analytical approaches to the analysis of paintings: an overview of methods and materials Cotte Marine. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Cotte Marine. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods D'Imporzano Paolo (1988- ). Lead isotope ratios of lead white: from provenance to authentication Davies Gareth R. Lead isotope ratios of lead white: from provenance to authentication De Meyer Steven. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods De Nolf Wout. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Degano Ilaria (1982- ). Analysis of natural and synthetic organic lakes and pigments by chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques Degano Ilaria (1982- ). Analytical approaches to the analysis of paintings: an overview of methods and materials Delaney John K. (1961- ). Visible and infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy of paintings and works on paper Deleu Nina. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Depuydt-Elbaum Livia. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Dik Joris. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Dooley Kathryn A. Visible and infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy of paintings and works on paper Duvernois Isabelle. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Elgammal Ahmed. Automated analysis of drawings at the stroke level for attribution and authentication using artificial intelligence Erdmann Robert G. The eye versus chemistry? From twentieth to twenty-first century connoisseurship Farmer Jana S. Approaches to current issues with art forgery, restoration and conservation: legal and scientific perspectives Finnefrock Adam C. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Gestels Arthur. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Gonzalez Victor. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Hageraats Selwin (1992- ). Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Hajdas Irena. Dating of artwork by radiocarbon Janssens Koen H. A. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Janssens Koen H. A. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Kang Yan. Automated analysis of drawings at the stroke level for attribution and authentication using artificial intelligence Keune Katrien. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects La Nasa J. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Leeuw Milko den. Automated analysis of drawings at the stroke level for attribution and authentication using artificial intelligence Legrand Stijn. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Mass Jennifer L. Approaches to current issues with art forgery, restoration and conservation: legal and scientific perspectives Mass Jennifer L. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Modugno Francesca. Analytical pyrolysis of organic paint materials for authentication and attribution Monico Letizia. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Nevin Austin (1978- ). Analytical approaches to the analysis of paintings: an overview of methods and materials Nevin Austin (1978- ). Fluorescence for the analysis of paintings Plicht Johannes van der. Dating of artwork by radiocarbon Pollak Rebecca. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Rousaki Anastasia. Raman analysis of inorganic and organic pigments Sabatini Francesca. Analysis of natural and synthetic organic lakes and pigments by chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques Saverwyns Steven. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Shugar Aaron N. Scientific study, condition challenges, and attribution questions in Yves Tanguy's oeuvre Thoury Mathieu (1977- ). Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: state-of-the-art and future prospects Tummers Anna (1974- ). The eye versus chemistry? From twentieth to twenty-first century connoisseurship Snickt Geer van der. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Van Espen Piet. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Vandenabeele Peter. Raman analysis of inorganic and organic pigments Vanmeert Frederik. Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artists' pigments, paints and paintings by means of X-Ray imaging methods Werf Inez Dorothé van der. Direct and hyphenated mass spectrometry to detect glycerolipids and additives in paint
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy art.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 36712 (1 egz.)
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