Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Nesbitt John W. (1939- )
Oikonomides Nikolaos (1934-2000)
Basilake Maria
Bobrow Ryszard
Bordzoł Monika
Budzałek Anna
Burno Filip. Constructions of modernity in the electric state: structures networks perception. Polish architecture in 1926-1939
Burno Filip. Konstrukcje nowoczesności w elektrycznym państwie: struktury sieci percepcja. Architektura polska 1926-1939
Czubińska Magdalena (1957- )
Deluga Waldemar (1961- )
Gawryszczak Marcin
Gutkowska Dorota
Herudzińska-Oświecimska Marta
Juszkiewicz Piotr (1959- )
Juszkiewicz Piotr (1959- ). Utopia of agency
Juszkiewicz Piotr (1959- ). Utopia sprawczości
Kilijańska Alicja
Korduba Piotr (1976- )
Kostrzyńska-Miłosz Anna
Kostuch Bożena
Kowalska Joanna Regina
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). Nurt odrodzenia sztuki religijnej i inspiracje neobizantyjskie w modernizmie polskim i ukraińskim
Kruk Mirosław Piotr (1967- ). The revival of religious art and Neo-Byzantine inspiration in Polish and Ukrainian modernism
Maga Anna (1957- )
Maguire Henry (1943- )
Małodobry Agata (1978- )
McGeer Eric (1955- )
Mieleszkiewicz Stefan
Myśliński Michał (1967- )
Paś Monika
Postawka Helena
Serafin Sabina (1974- ). Promocja nowoczesnego stylu życia w polskich czasopismach kobiecych dwudziestolecia międzywojennego na przykładzie Bluszczu Mojej Przyjaciółki i Kobiety Współczesnej
Serafin Sabina (1974- ). Promotion of a modern lifestyle in Polish women's magazines of the interwar period based on Bluszcz Moja Przyjaciółka and Kobieta Współczesna
Siwińska Monika (1976- )
Skibiński Paweł (1973- ). A new beginning. The political context of Polish culture in the interwar period
Skibiński Paweł (1973- ). Nowy początek. Polityczny kontekst kultury polskiej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym
Sobczak-Jaskulska Renata
Szczerski Andrzej (1971- )
Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). A new beginning. Modernism in the Second Polish Republic
Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Nowy początek. Modernizm w II RP
Szerle Weronika
Uchowicz Katarzyna (1974- ). Polirytmia modernizmu. Architektura II RP
Uchowicz Katarzyna (1974- ). Polyrhythm of modernism. Architecture in the Second Polish Republic
Wood Karl
Święch Magdalena. New trends in Polish art photography in the interwar period
Święch Magdalena. Nowe trendy w polskiej fotografii artystycznej okresu międzywojennego
Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation
Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems
Achache Steve. Le Tresor du Loiret: typologie des monnaies de l'Orleanais et liaisons de coins entre ateliers monetaires
Adam-Veleni Polyxene. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki
Adamowicz Jarosław. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies
Adamowicz Jarosław. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań
Agapiou Athos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications The ICAROS Project intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus
Agapiou Athos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains
Aggelidi Christina (1950- ). Veneration of the Virgin Hodegetria and the Hodegon monastery
Agosti Maristella (1950- ). CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections
Agouridis Savas-Christos (1921-2009 ). Virgin Mary in the texts of the gospels
Aheimastou-Potamianou Murtale. The conservation of icons in Byzantium
Akopan Aleksandr Vladimirovic. Dvin in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. City history in the light of new numismatic materials
Al-Mukhtar Muzahim (1957- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration
Alexakis Dimitrios D. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications The ICAROS Project intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus
Alexakis Dimitrios D. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains
Alexopoulou-Agoranou Athena. The contribution of digital image-processing to the identification of pigments
Allotta Benedetto. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites
Alrawi Osama Mohammad. Model-based user interface design for the Encyclopedia of Islamic Architecture
Amato Alba. Mobile devices for the visit of Anfiteatro Campano in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
Ancarkova E
Ancarkova Ulia (1970- )
Andaroodi Elham. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos
Andrejcikova Nadezda (1966- ). Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage
Andrews Murray. Noble fair and fine: Single finds of English gold coin from later medieval England and Wales
Angelini Maria Giuseppa. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy)
Apostolou Charalambos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia
Argyros Antonis A. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki
Arico Rocco. Le kharrube dei due Ruggeri: un tentativo di classificazione
Aristidou Andreas. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances
Arnold David B. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities
Artese Maria Teresa. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web
Asgari Nusin
Asolati Michele. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion
Aspra-Bardabake Maire. Observations on a thirteenth-century Sinaitic Diptych representing St. Procopius the Virgin Kykkotissa and Saints along the border
Assimakopoulou Ianthi. Images of the Human Body in the Italian Renaissance: Innovative features of a reborn form
Atasoy Sumer
Athanasiou George S. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms
Auberson Laurent (1962- ). Saints and wolves in the Middle Ages: ecclesiastical discourse folklore and relationship to the environment
Audy Florent. A link to the past? The ritual use of Roman coins in Viking Age graves
Avramides Ioannis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage
Awianowicz Bartosz (1978- ). Peculiarities in the legends of Flavian aurei and denarii minted in Syria
Bacci Michele (1970- ). With the paintbrush of the evangelist Luke
Backes Martina. The hunt for the unicorn: ambivalent representation of a mythical figure in text and image
Badach Artur (1969- ). Fenomen obecności malarstwa manierystycznego w kilku wczesnorenesansowych kościołach we Florencji
Badach Artur (1969- ). The phenomenon of the presence of Mannerist painting in a few Early Renaissance church in Florence
Baglivo Antonio. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories
Bailey Eoin. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections
Bainos Nikos. The use of holographic methods in the study of the conservation of Byzantine icons
Bakolas Asterios. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection
Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). Miliarenses and silver grossi in the Western Mediterranean: new documents and perspectives
Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). The overstriking on Italian Medieval coins: a preliminary taxonomy and some motivations
Baldi Elena. Coins of the mint of Salona from the archaeological contexts of Classe. New evidence and interpretation
Baldi Marialuisa (1952- ). Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1960 - 1969
1940 - 1949
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Wielka Brytania
Sztuka bizantyńska
Dumbarton Oaks
Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Sztuka sakralna bizantyńska
Architektura polska
Ikony bizantyńskie
Rzemiosło artystyczne bizantyńskie
Ciało ludzkie
Fotografia polska
Ikonografia chrześcijańska
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Mitologia grecka
Muzeum Narodowe (Kraków)
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Sztuka polska
Akademie věd České republiky
Architekci polscy
Architekci rosyjscy
Architektura bizantyńska
Architektura rosyjska
Baltimore Museum of Art
Benaki-Museum (Ateny)
Chagall, Marc (1887-1985)
Cleveland Museum of Art
Drukowanie przestrzenne
Gosudarstvennyj Muzej Izobrazitel'nyh Iskusstv im. A. S. Puškina (Moskwa)
Hagia Irene (Stambuł)
Ikonen-Museum der Stadt Frankfurt - Stiftung Dr. Schmidt-Voigt
Ikony greckie
Ikony włoskie
Kratiko Mouseio Sýgchronīs Technīs (Saloniki)
Kultura chrześcijańska
Malarstwo europejskie
Malarstwo polskie
Malarstwo sakralne bizantyńskie
Malarstwo sakralne włoskie
Maria (Matka Jezusa Chrystusa)
Medale europejskie
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nowy Jork)
Mitologia rzymska
Monety bizantyńskie
Monety rzymskie
Musei Vaticani
Muzej russkoj ikony (Moskwa)
Nowosielski, Jerzy (1923-2011)
Národní galerie (Praga)
Ochrona zabytków
Pamiątki z podróży
Regiony przygraniczne
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Strahovský klášter (Praga)
Stworzenia fantastyczne
Systemy informacyjne
Sztuka europejska
Sztuka grecka
Sztuka rzymska
Sztuka wczesnochrześcijańska
Tkaniny artystyczne
Victoria and Albert Museum
Zbiory archiwalne
Zbiory biblioteczne
Zwierzęta baśniowe i mityczne
Święci i błogosławieni
Źródła historyczne
Temat: czas
100-1 p.n.e.
1000-901 p.n.e.
1100-1001 p.n.e.
1200-1101 p.n.e.
1300-1201 p.n.e.
1400-1301 p.n.e.
1500-1401 p.n.e.
200-101 p.n.e.
300-201 p.n.e.
400-301 p.n.e.
500-401 p.n.e.
600-501 p.n.e.
700-601 p.n.e.
800-701 p.n.e.
900-801 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Afryka Północna
Anatolia (Turcja)
Śródziemnomorski, region
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Katalogi zbiorów
Katalogi numizmatyczne
Czasopisma o sztuce polskie
46 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
(Sztuka Europy Wschodniej = Iskusstvo vostočnoj Evropy = The Art of Eastern Europe / red. Jerzy Malinowski & Irina Gavrash, ISSN 2353-5709 ; t. 6)
Gavrash Irina (1985-2023). Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Pospiszil Agnieszka. Bazilevič Michail Evgenʹevič. Creative heritage of the Polish-Russian architects in the Russian Far East at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Bazilevič Michail Evgenʹevič. Tvorčeskoe nasledie pol'sko-russkih arhitektorov na rossijskom Dal'nem Vostoke na rubeže XIX-XX v. Belinceva Irina Viktorovna. Architecture of the 19th-20th-century Catholic churches in the Kaliningrad oblast‘ (a former North-Eastern part of East Prussia) Belinceva Irina Viktorovna. Arhitektura katoličeskih hramov Kaliningradskoj oblasti (byvšaâ severo-vostočnaâ čast' Vostočnoj Prussii) XIX-XX vv.: istoriâ i sovremennost' Bembel' Irina O. Arhitektura Mareka Budzynskogo v kontekste postmodernizma Bembel' Irina O. Marek Budzyński’s architecture in the post-modern context Bertaš Aleksandr Vitalʹevič (1964- ). M. T. Preobrazhensky, an architect and his heritage in the Baltic States and Eastern Europe Bertaš Aleksandr Vitalʹevič (1964- ). Arhitektor Mihail T. Preobraženskij i ego nasledie v stranah Baltii Červonnaâ Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). Stefan Kričinskij (1874-1923) : ego vklad v arhitekturu Peterburga i drugih gorodov Rossii načala XX veka Červonnaâ Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). Stefan Kryczyński: his contribution to the architecture of St. Petersburg and other early 20th-century Russian cites Deluga Waldemar (1961- ). Series Byzantina on the occassion of the 15th anniversary of the first publication Deluga Waldemar (1961- ). Series Byzantina. Studies on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine art w piętnastolecie publikacji Januszkiewicz Agnieszka (architektura). About atypical architecture of a typical church. The projects of Orthodox churches in Suwałki, Dynaburg and Grodno and their transformation after 1915 Januszkiewicz Agnieszka (architektura). O nietypowej architekturze świątyni typowej. Projekty prawosławnych cerkwi w Suwałkach, Dyneburgu i Grodnie i ich przekształcenia po 1915 roku Kolâda Ekaterina Mihajlovna. Country estates of the Branicki family on the territory of the Russian Empire (Alexandria in Belaya Tserkov and Alupka in the Crimea) Kolâda Ekaterina Mihajlovna. Gennady Romanovsky, a mining engeneer and his role in the development of the towns and country estates in the Crimea Kolâda Ekaterina Mihajlovna. Gornyj inžener Gennadij Romanovskij i ego rol' v razvitii gorodskoj i usadebnoj zastrojki v Krymu Kolâda Ekaterina Mihajlovna. Usad'by roda Branickih na territorii Rossijskoj imperii ("Aleksandriâ" v Beloj Cerkvi i "Alupka" v Krymu) Roguska Jadwiga. Petersburgian motives in the Warsaw architectural oeuvre of Marian Lalewicz Roguska Jadwiga. Petersburskie wątki w warszawskiej twórczości architektonicznej Mariana Lalewicza Stefański Krzysztof (1955- ). A review of the book by Tomasz Śleboda Edgar Norwerth 1884-1950. Architekt i człowiek, Warszawa-Toruń 2018) Stefański Krzysztof (1955- ). Absolwenci Politechniki Ryskiej w architekturze Łodzi na przełomie XIX i XX wieku Stefański Krzysztof (1955- ). Architekt Edgar Norwerth - artysta i człowiek niezwykły (recenzja książki autorstwa Tomasza Ślebody pt. Edgar Norwerth 1884-1950. Architekt i teoretyk architektury, Warszawa-Toruń 2018) Stefański Krzysztof (1955- ). Contribution of graduates of the Riga Polytechnical University to the architecture of Łódź at the turn of the 20th century Śleboda Tomasz. A review of the book by Il'â Pečonkin, Ol'ga Šurygina Arhitektor Ivan Žoltovskij, Epizody iz nenapisannoj biografii (Moskva 2017) Śleboda Tomasz. Recenzja książki Il'â Pečonkin, Ol'ga Šurygina Arhitektor Ivan Žoltovskij, Epizody iz nenapisannoj biografii (Moskva 2017) Uścinowicz Jerzy (1963- ). Molennaya and its iconostasis - the theological-aesthetic aspects of transformation Uścinowicz Jerzy (1963- ). Molenna i jej ikonostas - teologiczno-estetyczne aspekty transformacji Uścinowicz Jerzy (1963- ). New rotonda in Grodno - in the renewal of the tradition of worship and of the culture Uścinowicz Jerzy (1963- ). Nowa rotunda w Grodnie - w odnowie tradycji kultu i kultury Ziółkowska-Ganc Emilia. Konstantin Thon’s Orthodox churches projects for the Kingdom of Poland Ziółkowska-Ganc Emilia. Projekty cerkwi Konstantina Thona dla Królestwa Polskiego Žvanko Lûbov Mikolaïvna (1972- ). Architects of Polish extraction in Kharkiv: the outline of biographies and artistic works Žvanko Lûbov Mikolaïvna (1972- ). Arhitektektory pol'skogo proishoždeniâ v Har'kove : biografičeskie i tvorčeskie punktiry (vtoraâ polovina XIX - načalo XX v.) Žvanko Lûbov Mikolaïvna (1972- ). Spuścizna architektów Polaków na mapie Charkowa
Indeks R0: BMNK
Na grzb. wyłącznie tyt. serii.
Bibliogr. przy art.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24579 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Błotnicka-Mazur Elżbieta (1973- ). Lameński Lechosław (1949- ). Pastwa Marcin (1970- ). Badach Artur (1969- ). Fenomen obecności malarstwa manierystycznego w kilku wczesnorenesansowych kościołach we Florencji Badach Artur (1969- ). The phenomenon of the presence of Mannerist painting in a few Early Renaissance church in Florence Błotnicka-Mazur Elżbieta (1973- ). Between optic and haptic seeing. The dynamics of Adam Marczyński's works in space and time Błotnicka-Mazur Elżbieta (1973- ). Na granicy optyczności i haptyczności widzenia. Dynamika w czasie i przestrzeni dzieł Adama Marczyńskiego Cichoń Krzysztof. Hazy borderlands of art. Art as a liminal form of thinking Cichoń Krzysztof. Pogranicze zamglone i bezludne. Sztuka jako graniczna forma myślenia Eysymontt Rafał (1959- ). Flanders, Wallonia and Silesia. Cities and people Eysymontt Rafał (1959- ). Flandria, Walonia i Śląsk. Miasta i ludzie Fiuk Piotr (1964- ). Architektura wielokulturowego miasta Fiuk Piotr (1964- ). The architecture of the multicultural city Gronek Agnieszka. A new perspective on the icons of the C. Z. monogrammist. A contribution to the research on Orthodox painting on the Russian-Ukrainian borderlands Gronek Agnieszka. Jeszcze o ikonach monogramisty C. Z. Przyczynek do studiów nad malarstwem cerkiewnym polsko-słowackiego pogranicza Gyalókay Zoltán. Gothic Painting on the borderland of the Kingdom of Poland and Hungary around the middle of the 15th century. State of research and new perspectives Gyalókay Zoltán. Malarstwo tablicowe około połowy XV wieku na pograniczu Królestwa Polskiegi i Węgierskiego. Stan i perspektywy badań Howorus-Czajka Magdalena (1973- ). Jan Berdyszak - transgresja przestrzeni a graniczność ściany Howorus-Czajka Magdalena (1973- ). Jan Berdyszak - transgression of space and the limits of the wall Jankowski Aleksander (historia sztuki). Malarskie dekoracje ścienne dwudziestolecia międzywojennego w wielkopolskich kościołach drewnianych - między tradycją a nowoczesnością Jankowski Aleksander (historia sztuki). Wall painting decorations of wooden churches in Greater Poland (Wielkopolska) in the interwar period - between tradition and modernity Kobylińska-Bunsch Weronika. Symboliczny potencjał pogranicza - polska powojenna "fotografia miejsca" a włoski neorealizm Kobylińska-Bunsch Weronika. The symbolic potential of the borderland - Polish post-war "photography of the place" and Italian neorealism Korneluk Paulina (1992- ). Concepts of the repolonisation of Zamość in the interwar period Korneluk Paulina (1992- ). Koncepcje repolonizacji Zamościa w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym Kozieł Andrzej (1966- ). Can state borders stop artists? Kozieł Andrzej (1966- ). Czy granice państwowe mogą zatrzymać artystów? Krypczyk-De Barra Aleksandra. "Tam twa ojczyzna, synu, gdzie się z komina kopci". Sztuka górnośląskiego pogranicza w latach 1929-1940 Krypczyk-De Barra Aleksandra. "Ther is your homrland, son, where the smoke goes out from the chimney". The art of the Upper Silesian borderland 1929-1940 Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). Socialist Realism vs Surrealism. The offensive of Socialist Realism against André Breton and French Surrealism Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). Socrealizm vs surrealizm. Ofensywa realizmu socjalistycznego wobec André Bretona i francuskiego surrealizmu Łupienko Aleksander (1980- ). The identity of Polish Lviv in the 19th century Łupienko Aleksander (1980- ). Tożsamość polskiego Lwowa w XIX wieku Mazur Adam (1977- ). Pogranicza fotografii. Stan badań i perspektywy rozwoju historii fotografii środkowoeuropejskiej Mazur Adam (1977- ). The borderlands of photography. The state of research and development perspectives of the history of Central European photography Mącik Hubert (1980- ). Układy urbanistyczne miast w XVI wieku na pograniczu Małopolski i Rusi Koronnej - zarys problemu Mącik Hubert (1980- ). Urban layouts of town in the 16th century on the border of Lesser Poland and Ruthenia - outline of the subject Mulczyński Jarosław (1962- ). Polish and German artistic life in Poznań in the 19th and the 1st half of the 20th century (until 1945) Mulczyński Jarosław (1962- ). Polskie i niemieckie życie artystyczne w Poznaniu w XIX i I połowie XX wieku (do 1945 roku) - dwie drogi rozwoju Pastwa Marcin (1970- ). Borderlands in Lublin Pastwa Marcin (1970- ). Pogranicza w Lublinie (zamiast wstępu) Piórecka Agnieszka. Selected issues in medieval building techniques in Serbia, Vladimir-Suzdal, Byzantinum and Armenia - contribution to the consideration of architectural borrowings Piórecka Agnieszka. Wybrane zagadnienia na temat średniowiecznych technik budowlanych na terenach Serbii, Rusi Suzdalsko-Włodzimierskiej, Bizancjum i Armenii - przyczynek do rozważań na temat zapożyczeń Sadowski Łukasz Mikołaj (1973- ). "Alexandria ad Aegyptum". Architektura europejska egipskiej metropolii od połowy XIX wieku do 1952 roku Sadowski Łukasz Mikołaj (1973- ). "Alexandria ad Aegyptum". European architecture of the Egyptian metropolis from the middle of the 19th century to 1952 Smorąg-Różycka Małgorzata. Bizantyńskie malowidła w Polsce Jagiellonów: nowe perspektywy malarskie Smorąg-Różycka Małgorzata. Byzantine wall paintings in Poland during the Jagiellonian period: new research perspectives Soćko Adam (1975- ). Lublin - ośrodek budowlany polsko-litewskiego pogranicza w I połowie XVI wieku Soćko Adam (1975- ). Lublin - the architecture centre at the Polish-Lithuanian borderland in the 1st half of the 16th century Staniszewska Maria. The Sings in the borderland. Marian columns in Early Modern Scepusium - form, iconography, function Staniszewska Maria. Znaki na pograniczu. Kolumny maryjne na nowożytny Spiszu - formy, ikonografia, funkcja Stano Bernadeta (1971- ). Inwazja malarzy i rzeżbiarzy na Białostocczyznę Stano Bernadeta (1971- ). Invasion of painters and sculptors to the Białystok region Stojak Grażyna. The battle of Olgierd Łotoczko to preserve the cultural heritage of the borderlands of the Łopiennik valley Stojak Grażyna. Walka Olgierda Łotoczki o zachowanie dziedzictwa kulturowego pogranicza w dolinie Łopiennika Sygowski Paweł. Drewniana, dwuwieżowa cerkiew unicka w Kodeńcu na Lubelszczyźnie - ostatnia taka świątynia w Polsce Sygowski Paweł. Wooden, two-tower Uniate church in Kodeniec in the Lublin region - the last such temple in Poland Szykuła-Żygawska Agnieszka (1980- ). Benevenuto Losy de Losennau - architekt (inżynier i kartograf) cyrkułu zamojskiego końca XVIII wieku Szykuła-Żygawska Agnieszka (1980- ). Benevenuto Losy de Losennau - the architect (engineer and cartographer) of Zamość district from the end of 18th century Świętosławska Agnieszka (1984- ). Under the influence of Vienna. Views of Galicia by Antoni Lange and Jan Nepomucen Głowacki Świętosławska Agnieszka (1984- ). W orbicie Wiednia. Antoniego Langego i Jana Nepomucena Głowackiego widoki Galicji Tracz Szymon (1973- ). Newly discovered Gothic wall painting in the Church of St. George in Cieszyn Tracz Szymon (1973- ). Nowo odkryte gotyckie malowidła ścienne w kościele św. Jerzego w Cieszynie
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały z 66. sesji naukowej Stowarzyszenia Historyków Sztuki, 16-17 listopada 2017 r., Lublin.
Bibliogr. przy ref. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 32923 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Mączyński Ryszard (1954- ). Adamowicz Jarosław. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań Adamowicz Jarosław. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies Brandys Iwona. In the workshop of Wincenty Drabik - scenography painter and pedagogue. Introduction to the research Brandys Iwona. W pracowni Wincentego Drabika – malarza scenicznego i pedagoga. Przyczynek do badań Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Some remarks concering the art of painter Gebhard Flatz Brzezina-Scheuerer Katarzyna (1970- ). Uwagi na temat warsztatu artystycznego malarza Gebharda Flatza Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Characteristics if icon painting from the Cretan School using the example of the post-byzantine triptych from the Princes Czartoryski Collection in Kraków Chmielewska Małgorzata (konserwator). Charakterystyka malarstwa ikonowego szkoły kreteńskiej na przykładzie pobizantyńskiego tryptyku ze zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Tools, techniques and signatures of Persian Shamshir makers. Hidden meanings of inscriptions and of the magic square. Issues of artibution Chodyński Antoni Romuald (1945- ). Warsztaty i sygnatury twórców perskich szamszirów. Ukryte znaczenia napisów i magicznego kwadratu. Problemy atrybucji Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). Warsztat Szymona Czechowicza (1689–1775) – wybrane zagadnienia Doleżyńska-Sewerniak Ewa (1977- ). The painting workshop of Szymon Czechowicz (1689-1775) - selected issues Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Architect's workshop. A new object and a historic building - similarities and differences in project work Fitta-Spelina Agnieszka. Warsztat architekta. Obiekt nowy a obiekt zabytkowy – podobieństwa i różnice w pracy projektowej Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Around the didactic aspects of the artist's workshop carving in wood Giełdoń-Paszek Aleksandra (1961- ). Wokół zagadnień dydaktyki warsztatu artysty rzeźbiącego w drewnie Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Obrazy i ich ramy. Rola artysty w wyborze opraw Grochowska-Angelus Anna. Paintings and their frames. The role of artists in choosing them Jasiński Mateusz. Caravaggistic revolution in the way of building the picture Jasiński Mateusz. Rewolucja caravaggionistyczna w sposobie budowania obrazu Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Impact of new technologies on the practice of an artist based on David Hockney's work and the author's own experience as a painter Kaczmarska Małgorzata. Wpływ nowych technologii na praktykę artysty malarza na podstawie twórczości Davida Hockneya i działalności artystycznej autorki Kata Eurydyka. Material typography, or tools in the work of a typographer and designer Kata Eurydyka. Typografia materialna, czyli narzędzia w pracy typografa i projektanta Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Klisińska-Kopacz Anna. Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Korpała Małgorzata. Nietypowe rozwiązania barokowego malarstwa ściennego na wybranych przykładach z terenu Mazowsza Korpała Małgorzata. Unusual solutions in baroque wall paintings on selected examples from Mazovia Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). Budowniczowie sukcesu Kowalewska Marta (historia sztuki). The makers of success Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get in the engraver's house. The peculiarity of Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz's technique on the example of collection from Museum of the Lubomirski Princes Kuś-Joachimiak Hanna (1982- ). Get w Domku Miedziorytnika. Specyfika warsztatu Eugeniusza Stankiewicza na przykładzie zbiorów Muzeum Książąt Lubomirskich Kwaśny Marek. Tajniki warsztatu malarskiego Johanna Jacoba Eybelwiesera (1666–1744), wrocławskiego mistrza doby baroku Kwaśny Marek. The secrets of painting workshop of Johann Jacob Eybelwieser (1666-1744) - Wrocław master of the baroque era Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). XIXth-century stained-glass workshop. A case study of Carl Geyling's Erben in Vienna Laskowski Andrzej (1973- ). Warsztat dziewiętnastowiecznego witrażownika. Próba rekonstrukcji na przykładzie wiedeńskiej firmy Carl Geyling’s Erben Lenartowicz Światosław. Malarstwo Zofii Stryjeńskiej (1891–1976) – warsztat a ewolucja formy Lenartowicz Światosław. The painting of Zofia Stryjeńska (1891-1976) - technique and evolution of form Łabądź Justyna Weronika. Matrices, 3D modeling, fxes and rendering - the set of video mapping tools in the work of new media artist Łabądź Justyna Weronika. Matryce, modeling 3D, FX-y i renderowanie – zestaw narzędzi video mappingowych w warsztacie nowomedialnego artysty Martynowicz Iwona. Techniki malarskie w ołtarzu mariackim Wita Stwosza w świetle dawnych i nowych badań Martynowicz Iwona. Painting techniques in the St. Mary's altar by Veit Stoss in the light of former and present studies Masłowska Anna. Malarz i fotografia. O obecności nowego medium w warsztacie twórczym malarza w drugiej połowie XIX wieku Masłowska Anna. Painter and photography. The presence of a new medium in the painter's workshop in the second half of the 19th century Mączewska Katarzyna. In the search of the professional fulfillment. Alexander Lesser - a Calendar of Journeys, the artist's interests and workshop seen from the perspective of his iconographic legacy Mączewska Katarzyna. W poszukiwaniu spełnienia zawodowego. Aleksander Lesser – kalendarium podróży, zainteresowania i warsztat artysty z perspektywy jego ikonograficznej spuścizny Misztal Małgorzata (konserwatorstwo). Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Misztal Małgorzata (konserwatorstwo). Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych Niemira Izabella. „Alchemia” fotografii, czyli warsztat fotografa gumisty Niemira Izabella. "Alchemy" of photography that means a method of photographer using the gum bichromate technique Novljaković Katarzyna. Bernardo Strozzi, workshop if an Italian Caravaggionist. A restorer's considerations over the recognition of an author's replica Novljaković Katarzyna. Trzej filozofowie Bernarda Strozziego ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie jako przykład warsztatu włoskiego carravagionisty. Rozważania konserwatora nad rozpoznaniem autorskiej repliki Paś Monika. Paintbrushes, palettes, easels. Painting accessories from legacies of artists kept in the collection of the Department of Applied Art, Material Culture and Militaria of the National Museum in Krakow Paś Monika. Pędzle, palety, sztalugi. Akcesoria malarskie ze spuścizn po artystach przechowywane w zbiorach Działu Rzemiosła Artystycznego, Kultury Materialnej i Militariów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie Pawelska-Jagniątkowska Irmina. A new perspective on the so-called "Dominican workshop" Pawelska-Jagniątkowska Irmina. Nowe spojrzenie na „warsztat dominikański” Szustakiewicz Iwona. System weryfikacji umiejętności warsztatowych architektów w Królestwie Polskim w XIX wieku Szustakiewicz Iwona. The system of verifying professional skills of architects in the Kindgom of Poland in the 19th century Waszak Przemysław (historia sztuki). Rekonstruowanie i kontekstualizowanie warsztatu Tilmana Riemenschneidera na polu literatury naukowej i fikcji literackiej Waszak Przemysław (historia sztuki). The reconstruction and contextualization of Tilman Riemenschneider's practice in the context of academic literature and fiction Winterhagen Marc Tobias. CTRL+Z – (nie)korzyść komputera w procesie twórczym Winterhagen Marc Tobias. CTRL+Z: the (dis)adventage of computers in the creative process Wrana Jan (1946- ). Architect's workshop. A new object and a historic building - similarities and differences in project work Wrana Jan (1946- ). Warsztat architekta. Obiekt nowy a obiekt zabytkowy – podobieństwa i różnice w pracy projektowej Zaguła Artur. Analog techniques in the workshop of architects of the new classicism trend Zaguła Artur. Techniki analogowe w warsztacie architektów nurtu nowego klasycyzmu Zygier Elżbieta. Portrait works of Rafał Hadziewicz (1803-1886) in the light of interdyscyplinary research Zygier Elżbieta. Twórczość portretowa Rafała Hadziewicza (1803–1886) w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferencyjne: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 19-21 października 2017 r.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34697/1 (1 egz.)
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W koszyku
Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- ). Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Puglisi Mariangela. Salamone Grazia. Barbato Marta. The Roman Republican coins from excavations in the Sacred Area of the Largo di Torre Argentina (Rome): New data in the light of recent research Bransbourg Gilles (1965- ). The Currencies of the Roman Republic. Summary of an Argument on Weights and Currency Reform Bruni Valerio. La moneta provinciale in Spagna durante la guerra sertoriana (82-72 a.C.) D'Angelo Giulia (1942- ). Un lingotto con il segno del "ramo secco" dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Martín Esquivel Alberto. Un lingotto con il segno del "ramo secco" dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Hollstein Wilhelm (1960- ). Zum Prägeort des Sicinius/Coponius-Denars (RRC 444) Katz Rebecca. Muttonis Mutunus: Q. Titius and the Case of the Obverse Head Magalhães Maricí Martins. Le monete romane repubblicane del Museo Storico Nazionale di Rio de Janeiro e la Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Brasil McCabe Andrew. The Roman Bronze Coinage struck in Apulia and South East Italy in the Second Punic War Pizzilli Emanuele. Il caso dei Bacchanalia nel documento monetale Ripollès Alegre Pere Pau (1953- ). The Unofficial Roman Republican Asses produced in Spain Gozalbes Fernández de Palencia Manuel. The Unofficial Roman Republican Asses produced in Spain Schwei David. Forgers’ Misunderstanding of Roman Coin Types Zawadzka Anna (1976- ). Some Gallic attributes on Roman Republican coins in the light of recent archaeological findings Bruni Stefano (1960- ). An AE3 mule of Priscus Attalus: new light on dating the Urbs Roma Felix series Carbone Frederico. Semissi pestani a Pompei: dati sulla circolazione Casoli Andrea. Due conii ritoccati di Nerone Ceccaroni Emanuela. I reperti numismatici provenienti dai recenti scavi del santuario di Ercole di Alba Fucens Molinari Maria Cristina. I reperti numismatici provenienti dai recenti scavi del santuario di Ercole di Alba Fucens Chiappini Alessia. Virtù e personificazioni nel Libro delle Medaglie da Cesare a Commodo di Pirro Ligorio Degler Adam (1978- ). Aureus of Postumus with the owner’s graffito (Gounthiou) Dell'Oro D'Amico Federica. Le Puellae Faustinianae nella monetazione di età antonina Dowling Melissa Barden. The Letter E at Delphi: a reconsideration of Plutarch, Faustina, and the appearance of the mystery on Roman coinage Drost Vincent (1979- ). The Seaton Down hoard (UK, Devon): c. 22,900 Constantinian nummi Ellithorpe Corey. Striking a Dissonant Chord: The Geographical Targeting of Trajan’s Debellator Coinage in Dacia Girod Virgine. Mammae gratias ago: mères et fils dans le monnayage impérial des Julio-Claudiens Küter Alexa. Imitatio Alexandri - Drusus Minor auf einer Tessera des Münzkabinetts der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin Lanchi Cristina. La circolazione monetaria in epoca adrianea: alcuni esempi da Roma, dall’Italia e dal limes germanico-retico Lempereur Olivier (1977- ). Les frappes de deniers impériaux à Alexandrie à la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.: premiers résultats d’analyses Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. Les frappes de deniers impériaux à Alexandrie à la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.: premiers résultats d’analyses Marveggio Chiara. The Sabetta coin collection Mondello Cristian. Nuove osservazioni sui contorniati: la serie dei Literaten-Büsten Ortiz Córdoba José. Set of coins from late antiquity found in the town of Ronda (Málaga, Spain) Perassi Claudia (1957- ). Monete dal suburbio di Mediolanum. La documentazione dalla grande fossa di asportazione 10114 Staffieri Giovanni Maria (1944- ). I ritratti senza corona sui bronzi imperiali alessandrini Tonisch Mareike. Prices, wages and values in the Roman Empire: The Analysis of the Epigraphical Evidence Vicari Sottosanti Maria Agata. Testimonianze della circolazione degli antoniniani in Italia meridionale e insulare Zanchi Pierre. Le monnayage de Diocletien seul empereur (été 285-Mars 286) à Siscia Ziegert Martin. Aus alt mach neu. Nachahmungen und Legitimationsstrategien in der Münzprägung Vespasians Awianowicz Bartosz (1978- ). Peculiarities in the legends of Flavian aurei and denarii minted in Syria Bilić Tomislav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia Nađ Miroslav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia Blázquez Cerrato M. Cruces. Circulación monetaria en el territorium de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de Reina, Badajoz, España) Bodzek Jarosław. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Kopij Kamil. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Smagur Emilia. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Breitsprecher Victoria Johanna. Sicheres Zeichen? Asylstädte und ihre Tempeldarstellungen Calabria Patrizia. Le zecche provinciali: una diversa prospettiva di studio Campo Díaz Marta. La moneda en las necrópolis del arco mediterráneo de Hispania (siglos I-II d.C.) Carbone Lucia Francesca. The epigraphic attestations of denarii in the Provincia Asia (133 BC - AD 96) Carvalheiro Porto Vagner. Western and Eastern Provincial Roman Coins: a view from the margins Conejo Delgado Noé. Villae Romanas y Via de la Plata: aproximaciòn a la economia rural romana de la parte occidental de la Peninsula Ibérica a través del registro monetario Dahmen Karsten (1969- ). The 1740 hoard of Roman denarii from Preussisch-Görlitz near Osterode in Eastern Prussia (Gierłoż/Ostróda in Poland) Deloum Said. Le Trésor Monétaire Inédit de Guernine (Djendel - Algérie): Étude Historique et Monétaire Di Jorio Francesco. Il culto di Cibele in Gallia: preesistenza di un culto o diffusione di tipologie da Roma verso la “periferia” dell’impero? Draganov Dimit"r (1952- ). The coinage of Anchialus: Iconography Dymowski Arkadiusz. The inflow of Roman Republican coins to the territory of present-day Poland Flueck Jonas Emmanuel. The Augustean monetary circulation at Lugdunum on the basis of stratigraphical and statistical analyses Găzdac Cristian (1970- ). Patterns of hoarding in the Roman provinces from the Middle and Lower Danube (2nd-3rd c. AD) Geneviève Vincent. Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Sarah Guillaume (1983- ). Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Duval Florian. Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Grozdanova Lily. The development of Pautalia (province of Thracia) during the 2nd-3rd century AD viewed through the city coinage. Some observations Iaculli Ughetta. Aspetti della monetazione provinciale: atletismo ed identità civica Jellonek Szymon. Dynastic propaganda of Caligula-imperial patterns and provincial answers Keleş Vedat. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Oyarçin Kasim. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Yilmaz Michael Deniz. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Kourempanas Theodoros. The bronze coinage of the Roman quaestors of Macedonia Miškec Alenka. Roman coin hoards from 3rd century in the territory of present day Slovenia Mora Serrano Bartolomé (1960- ). "Literatura numismática" en el sur de la Península Ibérica: Mitos regionales e historias locales Munteanu Lucian. Some considerations of the Roman coin finds in the hinterland of the provinces of Dacia and Moesia Inferior Peter Ulrike (1966- ). Die Münzen ohne kaiserliches Porträt von Philippopolis (Thrakien) Pilon Fabien (1965- ). Les monnayages d’imitation de la seconde moitié du IIIe siècle après J.-C. dans les provinces nord-occidentales de l’Empire romain. Importance des découvertes de Châteaubleau (France) pour leur étude Romanowski Andrzej (1973- ). Roman coin finds from Przeworsk Culture settlements in Lesser Poland (Małopolska) Schinzel Christian. Coin Finds in the Swiss Canton of Solothurn and Roman Hoards Trommenschlager Ludovic (1987- ). Un atelier de faux monnayage magnentien à Martinvelle (88): de l’enquête à la résolution Fetet Pierre (1961- ). Un atelier de faux monnayage magnentien à Martinvelle (88): de l’enquête à la résolution Tsagkalia Christina. The Iconographical Type of Dionysus Lyceus/Aesymnetes on the Provincial Coinage of Patrae: An Interpretative Approach Watson George. The system of coin production in Roman Asia Minor: new light on an old problem Zając Barbara (historia). Circulation of Trajan’s silver Greek imperial coins struck in Lycia and Cappadocia in the light of coin finds in Europe Baldi Elena. Coins of the mint of Salona from the archaeological contexts of Classe. New evidence and interpretation Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Le emissioni in bronzo "bizantine" della zecca di Alessandria. Una revisione cronologica Darley Rebecca. All that glitters...: the Byzantine gold solidus, c. 300-1092 Gkantzios Drápelová Pavla. Eastern mints in the early Byzantine period (6th century AD) Guruleva Vera V. Syracusan folles of Leo V in Chersonesos Hahn Wolfgang (1945- ). The sequence of issues struck by the mint of Rome from emperor Leo III to pope Hadrian I Leonard Robert D. Jr. Andronicus Comnenus’s Invasion Money of 1181-1182 Marani Flavia (1981- ). Il cosiddetto "Tesoretto di Sessa Aurunca" e la tesaurizzazione in Italia centrale alla metà del VI secolo Šeparović Tomislav. Notes on Byzantine Coins from the 7th to 9th century found in Croatia Squires Donald A. Unpublished Transitional Hyperpyra of John III Vatatzes Totev Boyan. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Dobrev Dobri. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Mihajlov Stoân. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Lavyš Kristina Anatol'evna (1978- ). The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Ünal Ceren (1972- ). A lead seal of Alexius I Comnenus from Agora sector/ Excavations Smyrna/İzmir Ünal Ceren (1972- ). Kavakli hoard from Aydin Archaeology Museum. "A group of gold coins from the reign of Constans II" Ersoy Akin. A lead seal of Alexius I Comnenus from Agora sector/ Excavations Smyrna/İzmir Achache Steve. Le Trésor du "Loiret": typologie des monnaies de l’Orléanais et liaisons de coins entre ateliers monétaires Akopân Aleksandr Vladimirovič. Dvin in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. City history in the light of new numismatic materials Andrews Murray. "Noble, fair and fine": Single finds of English gold coin from later medieval England and Wales Aricò Rocco. Le kharrūbe dei due Ruggeri: un tentativo di classificazione Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). Miliarenses and silver grossi in the Western Mediterranean: new documents and perspectives Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). The overstriking on Italian Medieval coins: a preliminary "taxonomy" and some motivations Becker Jan-Erik. Die Rekonstruktion des Brakteatenfundes bei Leipzig (1831). Ein Beitrag zur Münzgeschichte des Osterlandes am Übergang vom 13. zum 14. Jahrhundert Bochnak Anna. The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Type Dorogichin Seals in Their East European Context Wołoszyn Marcin (1970- ). The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Type Dorogichin Seals in Their East European Context Bompaire Marc (1957- ). Piéforts médiévaux. Réflexions sur l’origine et les fonctions d’un objet monétaire mal connu Bonanno Maurizio. Le monete "locali" di Messina del 1474 Canto García Alberto. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Martín Escudero Fátima. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Doménech Belda Carolina. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Clua Mercadal Maria. Alternativas monetarias adoptadas en Catalunya durante la Baja Edad Media Day William R. "Secundum ducatos venetos": the Roman Senatorial Gold Ducat, 1368-1439 De Benetti Massimo. The Alberese hoard. Seventy-six gold florins of the second half of 13th century Dergaciova Lilia. Newly Discovered Coin Hoard in the Republic of Moldova. North Pontic Factors in the Local Money Circulation Elfver Frédéric. Export of dies between Denmark and the Slavonic area during the 11th century Emmerig Hubert (1958- ). Der Beitrag der schriftlichen Quellen zur Frage nach der Monetarisierung des frühen Österreichs im 12. Jahrhundert Garbaczewski Witold (1971- ). Die sog. "Krönungs-" und "Inaugurationsmünzen" im mittelalterlichen Polen und Böhmen (bis zum Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts) Grossmannová Dagmar (1973- ). Der Schatzfund von Zlechau/Zlechov (Tschechische Republik) und dessen Bedeutung für das Münzwesen im 13. Jahrhundert Hürlimann Florian. Die mittelalterlichen Fundmünzen aus Ingelheim am Rhein Jonsson Kenneth (1950- ). The earliest coinage on Gotland and in the Baltic countries Kelleher Richard. The monetisation of Medieval England and Wales: new interpretations from single finds (c.1150 - c.1300) Locatelli Stefano. Aspects of the Monetary Circulation of the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily in the Sixteenth Century. Two Unpublished Coin Hoards from the Island of Lipari Märcher Michael (1979- ). The monetary development in Bornholm in the 12th-13th centuries Nassar Magdi A. M. (1994- ). Il ritratto fisionomico realistico sulla monetazione medievale italiana Novák Vlastimil (1964-2020). Islamic silver in the newly discovered hoard dated back to the 10th century from central Moravia, the Czech Republic Paghava Irakli. Muslim Tiflis before Georgian Conquest: Numismatic Evidence. Monetary Issues in the Name of al-Mustazhir Paszkiewicz Borys (1959- ). Lusatian seigneurial coinage of Żary and Przewóz Piercy Jeremy. Hammered Lives: studies from a New Database of the Late Anglo-Saxon Moneyers Polanský Luboš (1972- ). Marginal legends and images on Bohemian deniers of the 10th century Raemy Tournelle Carine. Aperçu de la circulation monétaire en Pays de Vaud sous le prisme de cinq églises Rossini Fabrizio. Renaissance portrait coins: the innovation, its forerunners and the diffusion in Italy and Europe Sarcinelli Giuseppe. Rinvenimenti di moneta in Puglia tra Bisanzio e i Normanni. Note a margine dell’edizione aggiornata de "La monetazione nell’Italia normanna" di Lucia Travaini Screen Elina M. Anglo-Saxon coin imports to Norway: the die-linking evidence Spufford Peter (1934-2017). Some Economic Effects of Debasement Valci Mariele. A hoard of denari anconetani and ravennati from the Forum of Nerva, Rome Dobrovolskaâ Lidiâ I. Russian-French Friendly Relations in the late 19th - early 20th cent. in Medals, Badges and Jettons (on the basis of the Hermitage collection) Gimeno Javier. Vt quiescat Atlas: un estado de la cuestión Günther Sven (1978- ). Authority or Just Reference? A Case Study on a Russian Medal of Empress Elizabeth (1741-1762) Haidenthaller Y. Producing the Pole Star. Early modern Swedish medals Järvinen Outi (1961- ). Medallic art of Emil Wikström. A source study Jiménez Martínez Francisco. El botón contemporáneo: fantasía e imitación del antiguo sistema monetario romano Sanders George P. (1961- ). The Triumph Medals of the Dutch Republic. An instrument of politics and propaganda Schaal Katia. "Il faut pour le bon renom de l’Art Français que la médaille et la plaquette de 1900 soient des modèles sortant des mains de nos maîtres les plus renommés". Genèse et réalisation des œuvres de Jules-Clément Chaplain et d’Oscar Roty Simmons Frances. Commissioning the medal Specht Edith (1943- ). A medal for books. The "Description de l’Égypte" Turricchia Arnaldo (1933- ). Five Centuries of Italian Medals. A Preliminary Statistical Overview Francisco Olmos José María de (1964- ). La influencia de la iconografía de la moneda castellana de los Reyes Católicos en sus descendientes (siglos XVI-XVII) Gianazza Luca (1974- ). Coin clipping and monetary crisis: the case of the Italian ducatone Jambu Jérôme (1977- ). Évaluer la circulation monétaire en "Flandre". L’enquête justifiant la réforme de l’argent espagnol et l’ouverture d’une Monnaie française Joyaux François (1938- ). La fin du monnayage annamite sous le règne de Bảo Đai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapèque Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. La fin du monnayage annamite sous le règne de Bảo Đai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapèque Kleeberg John M. John J. Ford Jr., Paul Franklin and their Forgeries of Western Gold Bars Marcos Alonso Carmen (1960- ). El último viaje de la fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. Un tesoro cultural recuperado Otero Paloma. El último viaje de la fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. Un tesoro cultural recuperado Poddi Stefano. I buoni dei prigionieri di guerra Santiago Fernández Javier de. Acuñación de moneda en la España de los Austrias. Asientos para la fabricación del vellón de Carlos II Śnieżko Grzegorz (1987- ). The plague of forged coins - counterfeits of the copper shillings of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half of 17th century Vanhoudt Hugo. The coinage of Philip V in the Spanish Low Countries (1700-1712) Vorel Petr (1963- ). The activities of the Roman Mint at the end of the pontificate of Urban VIII. The rolling of Papal gold, silver and copper coins during the years 1634-1644 Zilch Reinhold (1952- ). The numismatic iconography of successor state banknotes in Central and Eastern Europe, 1918-1939 Meadows Andrew. Introduction Duyrat Frédérique (1970- ). The catalogue of the Greek coin collection of the BnF Peter Ulrike (1966- ). Corpus Nummorum Thracorum - A Research Tool for Thracology and an Example of Digital Numismatic Collaboration Van Alfen Peter Gerrit. The PELLA Project: coin types of the Argead kings Wartenberg Ute. PHANES: A database of early archaic electrum coinage Markou Evangeline (1975- ). Kyprios Character Website: Grandjean Catherine (1957- ). Monnaies de fouille en ligne Reinhard Andrew. Digital Publication, Recent Developments at the American Numismatic Society Burström Nanouschka (1969- ). Introduction to the Round Table session Burström Nanouschka (1969- ). Coin finds in religious contexts: introducing the theme Houlbrook Ceri. "So Money Really Does Grow On Trees": The British Coin-Tree Custom Kelleher Richard. Pilgrims, Pennies and the Ploughzone: folded coins in Medieval Britain Naismith Rory (1983- ). Pecuniary Profanities? Money and Ritual in the Early Middle Ages Perassi Claudia (1957- ). Baptism and Coins in Late Antiquity. Written sources and numismatic finds reconsidered Audy Florent. A link to the past? The ritual use of Roman coins in Viking Age graves Horsnæs Helle W. (1961- ). Sacred or Secular? The roles of Landscape, Tradition and Social Context for the function of Roman coins in a non-Roman environment Kemmers Fleur (1977- ). Worthless? The practice of offering counterfeit coinage in Roman religious contexts Ehrnsten Frida (1984- ). Cheap Salvation? Post-reformation offerings in Finnish churches Gullbekk Svein H. (1967- ). Medieval Scandinavian Women in Search of Salvation Wigg-Wolf David. Final Comments Nomikou Effrosini. ICOMON, Purposes and Goals
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(Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, Jan van Leeuwen, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 7616)
Caffo Rosella. Davies Rob. Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Ioannides Marinos. Leissner Johanna. Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Goos Gerhard (1937- ). Hartmanis Juris (1928- ). Leeuwen Jan van (1946- ). Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Image-based low-cost systems for automatic 3D recording and modelling of archaeological finds and objects Lindstaedt Maren. Image-based low-cost systems for automatic 3D recording and modelling of archaeological finds and objects Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Cefalu Alessandro. Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Wenzel Konrad (1986- ). Photogrammetric point cloud collection with multi-camera systems Trinks Immo (1972- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Neubauer Wolfgang (1963- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Doneus Michael (1967- ). Prospecting archaeological landscapes Hollaus Fabian. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Gau Melanie. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Sablatnig Robert. Multispectral image acquisition of ancient manuscripts Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Del Pizzo Silvio. Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Troisi Salvatore. Low-cost and open-source solutions for automated image orientation - a critical overview Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Keller Friedrich (1943- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Saenger Jerome. Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Schiewe Jochen (1965- ). Automated generation of an historic 4D city model of Hamburg and its visualisation with the GE Engine Balzani Marcello (1962- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Bughi Carlo. Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Ferrari Federico (1969- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Rossato Luca (1979- ). Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Tursi Alessandra. Alberti's Box: the cultural multimedia project on the architectures of Leon Battista Alberti Moussa Wassim (1979- ). Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Abdel-Wahab Mohammed. Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Fritsch Dieter (1950- ). Automatic fusion of digital images and laser scanner data for heritage preservation Bernikola Eirini. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Tsiranidou Elsa. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Tornarē Bibē. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Detalle Vincent (1969- ). Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Bodnar Jean Luc. Mapping of defect structural micro-morphology in the documentation of conservation approaches Sidiropoulou-Velidou Dafni. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Georgopoulos Andreas. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Lerma García José Luis. Exploitation of thermal imagery for the detection of pathologies in monuments Doulamis Nikolaos. On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Yiakoumettis Christos (1981- ). On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Miaoulis George. On-line spectral learning in exploring 3D large scale geo-referred scenes Drap Pierre. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Merad Djamal. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Seinturier Julien (1979- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Boï Jean-Marc (1956- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Peloso Daniela. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Vannini Guido (1949- ). Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Nucciotti Michele. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Pruno Elisa. Information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database: "The Shawbak Castle Project" Agapiou Athos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Hadjimitsis Diofantos G. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Georgopoulos Andreas. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Sarris Apostolos. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Alexakis Dimitrios D. Towards an archaeological index: identification of the spectral regions of stress vegetation due to buried archaeological remains Gigliarelli Elena. Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Carlea Donato (1953- ). Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Corcella Angela. Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Porfyriou Heleni (1956- ). Historical social housing: smart analysis and design for conservation and energy regeneration Rodriguez Echavarria Karina. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Kaminski Jaime. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Arnold David B. 3D heritage on mobile devices: scenarios and opportunities Fleury Philippe (1952- ). Reviving ancient Rome: virtual reality at the service of cultural heritage Madeleine Sophie (1980- ). Reviving ancient Rome: virtual reality at the service of cultural heritage Zotti Georg. Virtual reconstructions in a desktop planetarium for demonstrations in cultural astronomy Neubauer Wolfgang (1963- ). Virtual reconstructions in a desktop planetarium for demonstrations in cultural astronomy Fernández-Palacios Belén Jiménez. Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Rizzi Alessandro (1965- ). Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Nex Francesco. Augmented reality for archaelogical finds Rahaman Hafizur. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Das Rana. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Zahir Shehzad. Virtual heritage: exploring photorealism Kersten Thomas P. (1960- ). Virtual architectural 3D model of the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) of Königslutter, Germany through terrestial laser scanning Lindstaedt Maren. Virtual architectural 3D model of the imperial cathedral (Kaiserdom) of Königslutter, Germany through terrestial laser scanning Kioussi Anastasia. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Karoglou Maria. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Bakolas Asterios. Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Integrated documentation protocols enabling decision making in cultural heritage protection Blaško Miroslav (1983- ). Monument damage ontology Cacciotti Riccardo. Monument damage ontology Křemen Petr. Monument damage ontology Kouba Zdeněk (1960- ). Monument damage ontology Schröttner Martin. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Havemann Sven. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Theodoridou Maria. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Doerr Martin. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Fellner Dieter W. Generic approach for generating cultural heritage metadata Costamagna Erik. Semantic models for architectural heritage documentation Spanò Antonia. Semantic models for architectural heritage documentation Graf Roman. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Huber-Mörk Reinhold. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Schindler Alexander. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Schlarb Sven. Expert system for quality assurance of document image collections Carfagni Monica. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Furferi Rocco. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Governi Lapo. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Volpe Yary. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Tennirelli Giovanna. Tactile representation of paintings: an early assessment of possible computer based strategies Alrawi Osama Mohammad. Model-based user interface design for the Encyclopedia of Islamic Architecture Renda Giuseppina. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Gigli Stefania Quilici. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Amato Alba. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Venticinque Salvatore. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Di Martino Beniamino. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Cappa Francesca Romana. Mobile devices for the visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Athanasiou George S. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Michail Harris E. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Gregoriades Andreas. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Ioannides Marinos. Evolution of the e-museum concept through exploitation of cryptographic algorithms Bein Matthias. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Peña Serna Sebastian. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Stork André. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Fellner Dieter W. Completing digital cultural heritage objects by sketching subdivision surfaces toward restoration planning Doulamis Anastasios. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Kioussi Anastasia. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Karoglou Maria. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Matsatsinis Nikolaos. Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Collective intelligence in cultural heritage protection Maronidis Anastasios. Automated methodology for assessing the damage on Byzantine icons Lanitis Andreas. Automated methodology for assessing the damage on Byzantine icons Stefani Chiara. 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Brunetaud Xavier (1978- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Janvier-Badosa Sarah (1986- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Beck Kevin (1978- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration De Luca Livio (1975- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Al-Mukhtar Muzahim (1957- ). 3D information system for the digital documentation and the monitoring of stone alteration Žarnić Roko. Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Rajčić Vlatka. Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). Identity card of cultural heritage: how to collect and organize data Pan Xueming. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Schiffer Thomas. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Schröttner Martin. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Berndt René. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Hecher Martin. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Havemann Sven. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Fellner Dieter W. Enhanced distributed repository for working with 3D assets in cultural heritage Vodopivec Barbara. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Eppich Rand. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Maxwell Ingval. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Gandini Alessandra. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Žarnić Roko. Contribution to a unified approach in policy making through documenting cultural heritage Cessari Luciano. Heritage-led eco-regeneration: the case of Zhejiang Water Towns protection, restoration and preservation Gigliarelli Elena. Heritage-led eco-regeneration: the case of Zhejiang Water Towns protection, restoration and preservation Dimitropoulos Kosmas. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Gunay Osman. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Kose Kivanc. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Erden Faith. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Chaabane Ferdaous. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Tsalakanidou Filareti. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Grammalidis Nikos. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Cetin Enis Ahmet. Flame detection for video-based early fire warning for the protection of cultural heritage Grussenmeyer Pierre. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Burens Albane. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Moisan Emmanuel (1988- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Guillemin Samuel. 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Carozza Laurent (1966- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Bourrillon Raphaëlle (1979- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Petrognani Stéphane (1980- ). 3D multi-sacle scanning of the archaeological cave "Les Fraux" in Dordogne (France) Bonacini Elisa (1975- ). Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark D'Agostino Graziana. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Galizia Mariateresa. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Santagati Cettina. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Sgarlata Mariarita. Catacombs of San Giovanni in Syracuse: surveying, digital enhancement and revitalization of an archaeological landmark Stavrakis Efstathios. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Aristidou Andreas. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Savva Maria. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Himona Stephania Loizidou. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Chrysanthou Yiorgos. Digitization of Cypriot folk dances Smith Joanna S. (1965- ). Modeling the past: digital technologies and excavations in Polis, Cyprus Rusinkiewicz Szymon M. Modeling the past: digital technologies and excavations in Polis, Cyprus Karaszewski Maciej. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Hołowko Elwira. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Wojsz Jerzy. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Sitnik Robert. Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Bunsch Eryk (1973- ). Automated view integration techniques for numerous 3D clouds of points Nony Nicolas. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements De Luca Livio (1975- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Godet Aymeric. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Pierrot-Deseilligny Marc (1962- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Remondino Fabio (1974- ). Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Van Dongen Alexandre. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Vincitore Mauro. Protocols and assisted tools for effective image-based modeling of architectural elements Costantino Maria. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy) Angelini Maria Giuseppa. Process modeling and photogrammetric production for structural investigations concerning to the collapse of Palazzo Edilizia in Salerno (Italy) Unver Ertu. Virtual Stonehenge reconstruction Taylor Andrew. Virtual Stonehenge reconstruction Verdiani Giorgio (1968- ). Ancient fragment collection at the Museo Archeologico in Florence, Italy, a digital proposal to allow its access Braghiroli Andrea. Ancient fragment collection at the Museo Archeologico in Florence, Italy, a digital proposal to allow its access Verdiani Giorgio (1968- ). Geometry behind the "Fontana di Sala Grande" a case study of reverse modeling Fantini Filippo. Geometry behind the "Fontana di Sala Grande" a case study of reverse modeling Andaroodi Elham. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos Taqipour Zeinab. Architectural photogrammetry by non-metric cameras: CAD-based 2D drawing of facades from rectified photos Allotta Benedetto. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Bargagliotti Sergio. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Botarelli Lucia. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Caiti Andrea. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Calabrò V. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Casa G. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Cocco M. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Colantonio Sara (1979- ). Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Colombo C. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Costa S. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Fanfani Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Franchi L. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Gambogi P. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Gualdesi L. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites La Monica D. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Magrini Massimo. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Martinelli Massimo. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Moroni Davide. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Munafò A. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pace Gordon J. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Papa C. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pascali Maria Antonietta. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Pieri Gabriele. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Reggiannini Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Righi Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Salvetti Ovidio. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Tampucci Marco. Thesaurus Project: design of new autonomous underwater vehicles for documentation and protection of underwater archaeological sites Themistocleous Kyriacos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Hadjimitsis Diofantos G. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Georgopoulos Andreas. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Agapiou Athos. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Alexakis Dimitrios D. Development of a low altitude airborne imaging system for supporting remote sensing and photogrammetric applications "The ICAROS Project" intended for archaeological applications in Cyprus Tato Mike. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Papanikolaou Petros. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Papagiannakis George. From real to virtual rapid architectural prototyping Laska Tatyana V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Tcymbal Irina V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Petrova Yulia A. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Golubkov Sergey V. Reconstruction of monumental painting of the church on Nereditsa Hill in the city Novgorod the Great: methodology of painting and virtual reconstruction combination Faresin Emanuela. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Baschiera Adriano. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Salemi Giuseppe. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Asolati Michele. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Crisafulli Cristina. Micrometer multiresolution laser scanning of a renaissance medallion Oreni Daniela. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Cuca Branka. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Brumana Raffaella. Three-dimensional virtual models for better comprehension of architectural heritage construction techniques and its maintenance over time Papantoniou Giorgos. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Loizides Fernando. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Lanitis Andreas. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Michaélidès Dimitri. Digitization, restoration and visualization of terracotta figurines from the "House of Orpheus", Nea Paphos, Cyprus Gkintzou Christina. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Georgopoulos Andreas. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Valle Melón José Manuel. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Miranda Álvaro Rodríguez. Virtual reconstruction of the ancient state of a ruined church Charalambous Panayiotis. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Iliadou Hesperia. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Apostolou Charalambos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Chrysanthou Yiorgos. Reconstruction of everyday life in 19th century Nicosia Berg Evy. Use of GIS in the National System for Cultural Heritage Management and Dissemination to the general public in Norway: case study: the heritage management database "Askeladden" and the system for dissemination to the public, "Kulturminnesøk" Bartolomucci Carla. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Trizio Ilaria. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Bonzagni Daniele. Reintegration of urban lacunas at Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ) after the 2009 earthquake: the use of GIS 3D as a project monitoring tool Yang Wun-Bin. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Yen Ya-Ning. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Cheng Hung-Ming. Integrated management system for historical buildings: the case study of Dihua historical street districts in Taiwan Grammeons Dimitris. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Zabulis Xenophon. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Michel Damien. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Padeleris Pashalis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Sarmis Thomas. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Georgalis Giannis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Koutlemanis Panagiotis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Tzevanidis Konstantinos. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Argyros Antonis A. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Sifakis Michalis. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Adám-Veléni Polyxène. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Stephanidis Constantine. Macedonia from fragments to pixels: a permanent exhibition of interactive systems at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Linaza Maria Teresa. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums García Ander. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums Rodriguez Mikel. Personalized multimedia experiences in technology museums Liestøl Gunnar. Solving the centre-periphery problem in cultural heritage by means of situated simulations Luzzi Damiana. Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case Baldi Marialuisa (1952- ). Interaction for a shared knowledge with reperio: the Cardano case Cerise Remi. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Graça Fernando da. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Magoulès Frédéric. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Callet Patrick. Natural lighting and medieval glass - scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering Crable Charles. Venus: a unique fast, effective and safe publishing system for high-resolution 3D digital models Pekárek Aleš. Europeana Newspapers - a gateway to European newspapers online Willems Marieke. Europeana Newspapers - a gateway to European newspapers online Coralini Antonella. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Guidazzoli Antonella. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Lenzi Fiamma. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Spigarolo Micaela. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Baglivo Antonio. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Liguori Maria Chiara. Google cloud approach to implement a graphical data access interface binding heterogeneous cultural repositories Hampson Cormac. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Agosti Maristella (1950- ). CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Orio Nicola. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Bailey Eoin. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Lawless Seamus. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Conlan Owen. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Wade Vincent. CULTURA Project: supporting next generation interaction with digital cultural heritage collections Artese Maria Teresa. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web Gagliardi Isabella. Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web Paneva-Marinova Desislava. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Pavlov Radoslav. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Goynov Maxim. Two integrated digital libraries for knowledge and iconography of orthodox saints Parcero-Oubiña César (1969- ). Heritage-oriented spatial data infrastructures in Spain: waiting on the World to change Pantazis George (1965- ). Preserving monuments' astronomical orientation by using different databases Lobovikov-Katz Anna. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Konstanti Agoritsa. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Labropoulos Kyriakos. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Moropoúlou Antōnía (1952- ). EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Cassar JoAnn. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage De Angelis Roberta. EUROMED 4 Project "ELAICH": e-tools for a teaching environment on EU mediterranean cultural heritage Izani Mohamad. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Grant Michael. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Razak Aishah. Proposal for mobile game based learning to promote knowledge of the A Famosa fortress Cappellini Valeria. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Stefani Chiara. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Nony Nicolas. Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach De Luca Livio (1975- ). Surveying masonry structures by semantically enriched 2.5D textures: a new approach Harsányi Zoltán. Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Rozinajová Viera. Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Andrejčíková Nadežda (1966- ). Identifying semantic relationships in digital libraries of cultural heritage Damala Areti (1976- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Stojanovic Nenad (1980- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Schuchert Tobias (1980- ). Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Moragues Jorge. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Cabrera Ana. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Gilleade Kiel. Adaptive augmented reality for cultural heritage: ARtSENSE Project Grøntoft Terje (1962- ). MEMORI Technology - an innovative tools for the protection of movable cultural assets Dahlin Elin (1953- ). MEMORI Technology - an innovative tools for the protection of movable cultural assets Bernardi Adriana (1957- ). Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Becherini Francesca. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Bonazza Alessandra. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Krupińska Barbara. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Pockelè Luc. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Grieken René E. van (1945- ). Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project De Grandi Sandro. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Ozga Izabela. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Rico Alejandro Jose Veiga. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Mercero Oihana Garcia. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Vivarelli Arianna. Methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces: the TeACH Project Wood Richard L. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Hutchinson Tara C. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Wittich Christine E. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Kuester Falko. Characterizing cracks in the frescoes of Sala degli Elementi within Florence's Palazzo Vecchio Markevicus Tomas. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Olsson Nina. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Carfagni Monica. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Furferi Rocco. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Governi Lapo. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Puggelli Luca. IMAT Project: from innovative nanotechnology to best practices in art conservation Patelli Alessandro. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Favaro Monica. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Simon Stefan. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Storme Patrick. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Scopece Paolo. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Kamenova Veska. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Kamenarov Zdravko. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Lorenzon Andrea. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion De Voeght Frank. PANNA Project - plasma and nano for new age soft conseravtion Cordoncillo Elisa. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Machado T. R. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Ferrazza Livio. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Juanes David. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured BaO solutions: appilcation in conservation of wall paintings Torres Juan Carlos. Information system to analize cultural heritage information López L. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Romo C. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Soler F. Information system to analize cultural heritage information Myers David (1945- ). Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Dalgity Alison. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Avramides Ioannis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Wuthrich Dennis. Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage Wittich Christine E. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Hutchinson Tara C. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Wood Richard L. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis Kuester Falko. Methodology for integrative documentation and characterization of culturally important statues to support seismic analysis McKeague Peter. Historic environment and INSPIRE - a view from Scotland Yen Ya-Ning. CH based integrative management framework on the value priority aspect Newhouse Steven J. EGI: an open e-infrastructure ecosystem for the digital European research area and the humanities Brewer Stephen. EGI: an open e-infrastructure ecosystem for the digital European research area and the humanities Basso Peressut Luca. Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Postiglione Gennaro. Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Lanz Francesca (1980- ). Contemporary museums in an age of migrations: the reinterpretation of European cultural heritage Boochs Frank. COSCH - colour and space in cultural heritage, a new COST action starts Koussiaki Fotini. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Tornarē Bibē. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Kouloumpi Eleni. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Lembessis Alkis. Science in aid of expert opinion: a tell-tale on disputed artworks Juanes David. Computed tomography studies applied to polychromed sculpture: the making process in three different times Ferrazza Livio. Computed tomography studies applied to polychromed sculpture: the making process in three different times
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