Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Filmy i seriale
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Łoziński Jerzy Zygmunt (1925-1996)
Wiśniewska Monika (1974- )
Wolff-Łozińska Barbara (1920-1990)
Gregorczyk Monika
Ryszkiewicz Andrzej (1922-2005)
Wolski Ignacy
Szymanowski Karol (1882-1937)
Malinowski Jerzy (1950- )
Kopera Feliks (1871-1952)
Samek Jan (1930-2007)
Chylińska Teresa (1931- )
Piwocka-Wawrzewska Elżbieta
Purchla Jacek (1954- )
Kluczwajd Katarzyna (1962- )
Juruś Jerzy
Kornecki Marian (1924-2001)
Król Anna (1958- )
Ostrowski Jan K. (1947- )
Kałamajska-Saeed Maria (1941-2023)
Feliks Anna
Sikorski Bogumił (numizmatyka)
Wawrzewski Maciej
Betlej Andrzej (1971- )
Clemen Paul (1866-1947)
Możdżyńska-Nawotka Małgorzata
Wyspiański Stanisław (1869-1907)
Kopicki Edmund (1924-2017)
Michta Jerzy (1953- )
Bochnak Adam (1899-1974)
Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- )
Lelewel Joachim (1786-1861)
Bałus Wojciech (1961- )
Gumowski Marian (1881-1974)
Chrobak Józef (1948-2015)
Chrzanowski Tadeusz (1926-2006)
Woźniak Michał (1952- )
Grabowski Ambroży (1782-1868)
Holzman Joanna (1945- )
Kubala Ludwik (1838-1918)
Nowodworski Michał (1831-1896)
Welte Benedikt (1805-1885)
Wetzer Heinrich Joseph (1801-1853)
Łuszczkiewicz Władysław (1828-1900)
Białostocki Jan (1921-1988)
Tyczyńska-Skromny Anna (1942-2020)
Krzyżanowski Lech (1931-2017)
Turecka Agata
Wawrzyńczak Marcin (1968- )
Żygulski Zdzisław jun. (1921-2015)
Zlat Mieczysław (1927-2014)
Łepkowski Józef (1826-1894)
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata
Sitkowska Maryla (1951- )
Juszczak Wiesław (1932-2021)
Kowalczyk Jerzy (1930-2018)
Estreicher Karol (1906-1984)
McMaster Graham
Blum Helena (1904-1984)
Omilanowska-Kiljańczyk Małgorzata (1960- )
Szczepański Alfred (1840-1909)
Wróblewska Danuta (1934-2013)
Gradowski Michał (1932-2014)
Biliński Lucjan (1930-2015)
Czubińska Magdalena (1957- )
Galicka Izabella (1931-2019)
Pini Tadeusz (1872-1937)
Szczerski Andrzej (1971- )
Tomkowicz Stanisław (1850-1933)
Czerni Krystyna (1957- )
Dobrowolski Tadeusz (1899-1984)
Estreicher Karol (1827-1908)
Kowalska Bożena (1930- )
Martyna-Michalska Ewa
Meij Johannes van der
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Porębski Mieczysław (1921-2012)
Starzyński Juliusz (1906-1974)
Stronczyński Kazimierz (1809-1896)
Sygietyńska-Kwoczyńska Hanna (1930-2017)
Jaroszewski Tadeusz Stefan (1931-2000)
Kotula Krystyna
Michałowski Kazimierz (1901-1981)
Nicieja Stanisław Sławomir (1949- )
Pawłowska-Wilde Beata (1932-2015)
Prugar-Myślik Anna
Turski Marcin
Bobrow Ryszard
Eyk Jacques van
Gołubiew Zofia (1942-2022)
Kwiatkowska Agnieszka
Marcinek Roman (1962- )
Ostrowska-Kębłowska Zofia (1931-2010)
Oszczanowski Piotr (1965- )
Płoszewski Leon (1890-1970)
Radomski Maciej Tomasz
Vasari Giorgio (1511-1574)
Łoziński Władysław (1843-1913)
Derwich Marek (1956- )
Filipow Krzysztof (1956- )
Gąsiorowski Antoni (1932- )
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1950 - 1959
1940 - 1949
1930 - 1939
1920 - 1929
1910 - 1919
1900 - 1909
1890 - 1899
1880 - 1889
1870 - 1879
1860 - 1869
1850 - 1859
1840 - 1849
1830 - 1839
1820 - 1829
1810 - 1819
1800 - 1809
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
Bośnia i Hercegowina
nieznany (da)
Arabia Saudyjska
nieznany (scr)
brak kontekstu językowego (dokument nietekstowy)
nieznany (it)
chiński (mandaryński)
wiele języków
norweski bokmål
Malarstwo polskie
Rysunek polski
Sztuka polska
Grafika polska
Rzeźba polska
Muzeum Narodowe (Kraków)
Sztuka europejska
Architektura polska
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Fotografia polska
Literatura polska
Aukcja sztuki
Malarstwo europejskie
Muzeum Narodowe (Warszawa)
Dom Aukcyjny Rempex
Zamki i pałace
Monety polskie
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Ochrona zabytków
Medale polskie
Kościoły i kaplice
Muzyka polska
Architektura sakralna polska
Pamiętniki polskie
Grafika europejska
Dom Aukcyjny "Desa Unicum"
Poezja polska
Konserwatorstwo polskie
Sztuka sakralna polska
Sztuka sakralna
Wyspiański, Stanisław (1869-1907)
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sztuk Pięknych (Kraków)
Zbiory biblioteczne
Listy polskie
Ordery i odznaczenia
Muzeum Narodowe (Wrocław)
Muzeum Narodowe (Poznań)
Pisarze polscy
Matejko, Jan (1838-1893)
Szkolnictwo artystyczne
Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
Zamek Królewski (Warszawa)
Dramat polski
Muzeum Okręgowe (Toruń)
Stare druki
Polacy za granicą
Życie codzienne
Rzemiosło artystyczne polskie
Kościół katolicki
Zbiory muzealne
Centralne Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych
Maria (Matka Jezusa Chrystusa)
Muzeum Sztuki (Łódź)
Aukcja księgarska
Parki i ogrody
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki (Kraków)
Ikonografia chrześcijańska
Malarstwo niemieckie
Muzeum Narodowe (Gdańsk)
Muzeum Ziemi Kujawskiej i Dobrzyńskiej (Włocławek)
Malarze polscy
Tkaniny artystyczne
Pieniądz zastępczy
Temat: dzieło
Wojna 1939-1945 r.
Kultura (czasop. ; Paryż)
Opis starożytnych pomników Królestwa
Ołtarz Mariacki w kościele Mariackim w Krakowie
Matka Boska Częstochowska (obraz)
Panorama Racławicka
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa Kulturalnego i Przyrodniczego UNESCO
Poczet królów polskich
Biblia. ST
Dar Pomorza (żaglowiec)
Pan Tadeusz
Bitwa pod Grunwaldem
Fundacja Zbiorów im. Ciechanowieckich
Krzyż Niepodległości
Mała Panorama Racławicka
Medal Niepodległości
Psałterz floriański
Rocznik dla Archeologów, Numizmatyków i Bibliografów Polskich
Sąd Ostateczny
Wojny 1604-1634 r. polsko-moskiewskie
"Format" (czas.)
"Kwartalnik Historyczny" (czas.)
Biblia. NT
Bitwa pod Somosierrą
Biuletyn Numizmatyczny (czasop.)
Divina commedia
Hołd pruski
Kresy wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej
Krzyż Walecznych
Matka Boska Myślenicka (obraz)
Matka Boska Zebrzydowska (obraz)
Międzynarodowa Rada Ochrony Zabytków
Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Wolności Kultury
Monetae cudendae ratio
Męka Pańska
Ogniem i mieczem
Powszechna Wystawa Krajowa (1894 ; Lwów)
Przekrój (czasop.)
Rozbiór 1793 r. Polski
Rozbiór 1795 r. Polski
Skład Apostolski
Statuty Kazimierza Wielkiego
Sztuka i Naród (czasop.)
Verbum (czasop.)
Wiosna Ludów
Wojna 1618-1648 r. trzydziestoletnia
Wojna 1620-1621 r. polsko-turecka
Wojna 1756-1763 r. siedmioletnia
Wojna 1918-1919 r. polsko-ukraińska
Wojny 264-146 r. p.n.e. punickie
Wojny 500-449 r. p.n.e. perskie
Zapiski Iosifa mitropolita litovskago...
Zdjęcie z Krzyża
Życie (czasop. ; 1897-1900)
"Dziennik Poznański"
"Gazeta Toruńska"
"Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki"
"Monumentum pro Rei Publicae ordinatione" (Polska)
"Negre i creu de guix"
"Newesweek" (czas.)
14 lutego 1950 roku w Nicei
Aleksander Wielopolski
Autoportret (czasopismo)
Autorska Pracownia Architektury Kuryłowicz & Associates
Baccanale degli Andrii
Biblia. NT. Apokryfy
Bracia Polscy
Chimera (czasop.)
Chryje z Polską. Rzecz o Stanisławie Wyspiańskim
Chrystus błogosławiący dzieci
Chrystus u Marii i Marty
Codex Theodosianus
Codex aureus gnesnensis
Colloquium Charitativum (1645 ; Toruń)
Cronica et gesta ducum sive principum Polonorum
Cud mniemany, czyli Krakowiacy i górale
Czterej Apostołowie
Czy Polacy wybić się mogą na niepodległość?
Czy kolonje polskie zakładać potrzeba i godzi się, oraz gdzie je zakładać można a gdzie ich pod żadnym warunkiem zakładać nie należy
De cerimoniis aulae byzantinae
Defensorium inviolatae perpetuaeque virginitatis castissimae genetricis Mariae
Driu liet von de maget
Drzwi gnieźnieńskie
Drzwi płockie
Temat: czas
400-301 p.n.e.
500-401 p.n.e.
300-201 p.n.e.
600-501 p.n.e.
200-101 p.n.e.
100-1 p.n.e.
700-601 p.n.e.
800-701 p.n.e.
1300-1201 p.n.e.
1000-901 p.n.e.
1100-1001 p.n.e.
1200-1101 p.n.e.
1400-1301 p.n.e.
900-801 p.n.e.
1500-1401 p.n.e.
1600-1501 p.n.e.
1700-1601 p.n.e.
1800-1701 p.n.e.
1900-1801 p.n.e.
2000-1901 p.n.e.
2100-2001 p.n.e.
2200-2101 p.n.e.
2300-2201 p.n.e.
2400-2301 p.n.e.
2500-2401 p.n.e.
2600-2501 p.n.e.
2700-2601 p.n.e.
2800-2701 p.n.e.
2900-2801 p.n.e.
3000-2901 p.n.e.
3100-3001 p.n.e.
3200-3101 p.n.e.
3300-3201 p.n.e.
3400-3301 p.n.e.
3500-3401 p.n.e.
3600-3501 p.n.e.
3700-3601 p.n.e.
3800-3701 p.n.e.
3900-3801 p.n.e.
4000-3901 p.n.e.
4100-4001 p.n.e.
4200-4101 p.n.e.
4300-4201 p.n.e.
4400-4301 p.n.e.
4500-4401 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Kraków (okręg)
Śląsk, Górny
Kresy wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej
Rzym (państwo)
Kresy Wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej
Tatry (góry)
Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
Pomorze Zachodnie
Przemyśl (okręg)
Lublin (okręg)
Toruńska, diecezja (katol.)
Wilno (okręg)
Kielce (okręg)
Rzeszów (okręg)
Zabór rosyjski
Bliski Wschód
Śląsk Cieszyński
Pieniny (góry)
Wielka Brytania
Wolne Miasto Kraków
Krosno (okręg)
Opole (okręg)
Polska Północna
Radom (okręg)
Śląsk, Dolny
Katalogi wystaw
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi aukcyjne
Katalogi zbiorów
Księgi pamiątkowe
Wydawnictwa popularne
Dokumenty elektroniczne
Katalogi numizmatyczne
Źródła historyczne
Pamiętniki polskie
Czasopisma o sztuce polskie
Przewodniki turystyczne
Katalogi księgarskie
Słowniki biograficzne
Katalogi handlowe
Szkice literackie polskie
Czasopisma polskie
Czasopisma społeczno-kulturalne polskie
Listy polskie
Poezja polska
Wydawnictwa dla dzieci
Katalogi antykwarskie
Publicystyka polska
Gazety polskie
Podręczniki akademickie
Czasopisma regionalne i lokalne polskie
Wydawnictwa dla dzieci i młodzieży
Czasopisma historyczne polskie
Czasopisma literackie polskie
Dokumenty audiowizualne
Czasopisma muzealne polskie
Dokumenty dźwiękowe
Katalogi twórczości
Poezja okolicznościowa polska
Katalogi zabytków
Mowy pogrzebowe polskie
Opowiadanie polskie
Czasopisma kobiece polskie
Czasopisma ludowe polskie
Czasopisma naukowe polskie
Słowniki polskie
Dramat polski
Pamiętniki rosyjskie
Plany miast
Proza polska
Tablice i wzory
Czasopisma archeologiczne polskie
Czasopisma bibliotekarskie polskie
Czasopisma katolickie polskie
Czasopisma polityczne polskie
Druki ulotne
Inwentarze archiwalne
Kalendarze polskie
Katalogi wydawnicze
Literatura podróżnicza polska
Literatura polska
Mowy polskie
Podręczniki dla szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Spisy osobowe
Bibliografia adnotowana
Czasopisma etnograficzne polskie
Czasopisma fachowe polskie
Czasopisma muzyczne polskie
Czasopisma teatralne polskie
Czasopisma turystyczne polskie
Film dokumentalny
Powieść polska
Słowniki niemiecko-polskie
Słowniki terminologiczne
Czasopisma architektoniczne polskie
Czasopisma dziecięce polskie
Czasopisma historyczne bułgarskie
Czasopisma hobbystyczne polskie
Czasopisma o sztuce ukraińskie
Czasopisma rolnicze polskie
Czasopisma satyryczne polskie
Film polski
Karta dań
18928 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
(Epigraphica & Sepulcralia : fórum epigrafických a sepulkrálních studií, ISSN 2336-3363 ; 13)
Chlíbec Jan (1953- ). Marešová Jana (1975- ). Uhlíková Kristina (1974- ). Vrána David (1980- ). Albu Ioan (1959- ). Memoria digni: on the epigraphic formulary of funerary monuments in medieval Hungary, Wallachia, and Moldavia Albu Ioan (1959- ). Memoria digni. K epigrafickým formulářům funerálních památek ve středověkých Uhrách, Valašsku a Moldávii Benešovská Klára (1950- ). Kamenná socha Madony s nápisem - výzva nejen pro epigrafiky Benešovská Klára (1950- ). Stone statue of the Madonna with an iscription - a challenge not only for epigraphers Chlíbec Jan (1953- ). Náhrobky a epitafy Italů žijících v českých zemích v období 1500-1620 Chlíbec Jan (1953- ). Per sepulchra ad astra Chlíbec Jan (1953- ). Tombstones and epitaphs of Italians in the Czech lands Čovan Miroslav (1978- ). Epigrafia a jej prínos pre prozopografický a archívny výskum na príklade osobností z Bardejova v 16. a v 17. storočí Čovan Miroslav (1978- ). Epigraphy and its contribution to prosopography and archival research in the example of Bardejov personalities in the 16th and 17th centuries Czechowicz Bogusław (1967- ). Epigrafický archaismus versus primitivismus. Několik poznámek ke vztahu epigrafiky a architektury na konci středověku Czechowicz Bogusław (1967- ). Epigraphy archaism versus primitivism: a few comments on the relations between epigraphy and architecture at the end of the Middle Ages Benešovská Klára (1950- ). Gaudek Tomáš (1980- ). Epitaf Markéty Pichlerové. Jeho ikonografie a kulturně-historické souvislosti Gaudek Tomáš (1980- ). Epitaph of Markéta Pichlerová: its iconography and cultural and historical contexts Herucová Marta (1956- ). Starobylý motív okrídleného slnka (náhrobok Františky Wittchen na Spiši) Herucová Marta (1956- ). The ancient motif of the winged sun (epitaph of Franziska Wittchen at Spiš) Hlaváček Ivan (1931- ). Vzpomínka, která těší Hlinomaz Milan (1959- ). Glorofocation depiction of Hermann Kurtz, abbot of Vyšší Brod Hlinomaz Milan (1959- ). Glorifikační obraz vyšebrodského opata Hermanna Kurtze Hlobil Ivo (1942-2021). K výzkumu a autenticitě tovačovského quattrocenta Hlobil Ivo (1942-2021). On the research and authenticity of the Tovačov quattrocento Hrdinová Martina (1974- ). Medieval sepulchral monuments of the calced Augustinians in Domažlice through the eyes of baroque monastic historiographers Hrdinová Martina (1974- ). Středověké sepulkrálie kláštera obutých augustiniánů v Domažlicích očima barokních klášterních historiografů Ježková Veronika (1990- ). Bibliografie prací Jiřího Roháčka za léta 1988-2021 Kessler Vojtěch (1985- ). Hrob známého vojína. De-anonymizace válečných pomníků a hromadných hrobů jako modernizační proces? Kessler Vojtěch (1985- ). Tomb of a known soldier: de-anonymization of war memorials and mass graves as a modernization process Klapetek Martin (1977- ). Research of Roman letter inscription on Muslim graves in Germany and Austria Klapetek Martin (1977- ). Výzkum nápisů psaných latinkou na muslimských hrobech v Německu a Rakousku Lővei Pál (1955- ). The reutilisation of Roman gravestones in medieval Hungary Lővei Pál (1955- ). Znovuvyužití římských náhrobků ve středověkých Uhrách Mezihoráková Klára (1975- ). The lost epitaph and tombstone of Václav Hájek of Libočany Mezihoráková Klára (1975- ). Ztracený epitaf a náhrobník Václava Hájka z Libočan Michlová Marie (1989- ). Hrob známého vojína. De-anonymizace válečných pomníků a hromadných hrobů jako modernizační proces? Michlová Marie (1989- ). Tomb of a known soldier: de-anonymization of war memorials and mass graves as a modernization process Müller Karel (1958- ). Náhrobník olomouckého probošta Ondřeje Pavláta z Olšan z roku 1553. Další nalezená sepulkrální památka z katedrály sv. Václava v Olomouci Müller Karel (1958- ). Tombstone of Ondřej Pavlát of Olšany, provost of Olomouc, from 1553: another sepulchral monument from Saint Wenceslas cathedral in Olomouc Oulík Jan (1962- ). Putování "Vavákovskou" Krajinou Oulík Jan (1962- ). Travelling through "Vavák's" countryside Przybyłowicz Olga Miriam. The funeral and tombstone expenses of the Norbertine canonesses in Zwierzyniec in the oldest convent accounts from 1662-1679 Przybyłowicz Olga Miriam. Wydatki norbertanek na Zwierzyńcu na pogrzeby i nagrobki w najstarszych rachunkach klasztornych 1662-1679 Ryantová Marie (1964- ). Epitaf Viléma z Janovic v Tübingenu Ryantová Marie (1964- ). Epitaph of William of Janovice in Tübingen Šedivý Juraj (1971- ). Epigraphic culture of Bratislava in the early and high Middle Ages Šedivý Juraj (1971- ). Nápisová kultura v ranom a vrcholnom stredoveku Soukupová Blanka (1965- ). Jewish cemeteries as part of the czech landscape in the changing perspective of the wider public and researchers: on the variety of interest motivation, achieved research results, and the conflict between professional and lay enthusiasm and the social-political situation Soukupová Blanka (1965- ). Židovské hřbitovy jako součást české krajiny v měnícím se pohledu veřejnosti a badatelů. K různorodosti motivací zájmu, k dosaženým výsledkům výzkumu a ke konfliktu mezi odborným i občanským zápalem a společenskopolitickou situací Šrámek Josef (1982- ). Hrob známého vojína. De-anonymizace válečných pomníků a hromadných hrobů jako modernizační proces? Šrámek Josef (1982- ). Tomb of a known soldier: de-anonymization of war memorials and mass graves as a modernization process Szyma Marcin (1968- ). První kaple a náhrobek svatého Hyacinta v dominikánském kostele v Krakově Szyma Marcin (1968- ). The first chapel and tomb of St Hyacinth in the Dominican church in Cracow Trnka Ján (1972- ). Glorofocation depiction of Hermann Kurtz, abbot of Vyšší Brod Trnka Ján (1972- ). Glorifikační obraz vyšebrodského opata Hermanna Kurtze Vrána David (1980- ). Nejstarší hroby v katedrále sv. Víta a otázka jejich datování Vrána David (1980- ). The earliest graves in Saint Vitus cathedral and their dating issue Walczak Marek (1965- ). První kaple a náhrobek svatého Hyacinta v dominikánském kostele v Krakově Walczak Marek (1965- ). The first chapel and tomb of St Hyacinth in the Dominican church in Cracow
Indeks R0: BMNK
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 36447 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bacon Louise. Child Bob. Harris Kerren. Lauder Dee. Phippard Julie. Pinniger David (1943- ). Winsor Peter. Xavier-Rowe Amber. Åkerlund Monika (1946- ). The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Allan Ed. The problems of house mice in hostoric houses and museums Arenstein Rachael Perkins. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Ball Marieanne Davy. Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins Bancroft Anne. Minus 20 degrees in the sun Berg Jan-Erik. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Bisulca Christina. Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins Blyth Valerie. Minus 20 degrees in the sun Blyth Valerie. Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries: a successful campaign Borig Janelle. Mobigas at the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia and the struggle for recognition by quarantine authorities Bridal Jonathan. Moths, Exosex and floor voids at Hampton Court Palace Cahill Fiona. Quick, quick, put the lid back on! Child Robert. The wider use and interpretation of insect monitoring traps Doyle Adrian. Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London Duncan Neil. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Elkin Lisa Kronthal. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Evans Chloe. Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London Evans Gretel. Driven to distraction by moths: IPM on the Riverside Museum Project Grøntoft Terje (1962- ). The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Hakanen Eva Helena. Outsmarting the persistent moths: strategic planning for pest control at Nordiska Museet Hidaka Shingo (1971- ). Integrated pest management at the National Museum of Ethnology, japan: re-evaluation of preventive measures and control strategies Higgs Sam. Moths, Exosex and floor voids at Hampton Court Palace Houston Mel. The measured, slimline implementation of integrated pest management at he National Trust for Scotland Kigawa Rika. Effects of fumigants and non-chemical treatments on DNA molecules and proteins: case studeis on natural history specimens and proteinaceous components of museum objects Kigawa Rika. Efficacy, effects, economics: the problem of distributting pest control advice to cover contingency Kwindt Marcie. Building with pest management in mind: a case study from the Canadian Museum of Nature Lauder Dee. Ten years of integrated pest management at English Heritage Leonard Leona. Dealing with an infestation of Reesa vespulae while preparing to move to new stores Macgregor Colin. To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia Martin Lucy. Quick, quick, put the lid back on! Norris Christopher A. Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's developement of resources and best practices for the museum community Odegaard Nancy (1955- ). Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins Pinniger David (1943- ). Ten years on - from vodka beetles to risk zones Querner Pascal. Developing and implementing an integrated pest management concept in the large collections of the National Museums in Berlin Roach Alex. To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia Roberts Heather Mackay. To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia Ryhl-Svendsen Morten. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Schmidt Anne Lisbeth. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Simon Stephan. Developing and implementing an integrated pest management concept in the large collections of the National Museums in Berlin Smith David A. Mapping museum pest activity: a review of the development of KE EMu as a tool for pest management Smith Suzanne. Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries: a successful campaign Smyk Laura. Building with pest management in mind: a case study from the Canadian Museum of Nature Sonoda Naoko (1958- ). Integrated pest management at the National Museum of Ethnology, japan: re-evaluation of preventive measures and control strategies Stengaard Hansen Lise. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Strang Tom. Effects of fumigants and non-chemical treatments on DNA molecules and proteins: case studeis on natural history specimens and proteinaceous components of museum objects Strang Tom. Efficacy, effects, economics: the problem of distributting pest control advice to cover contingency Thompson-Webb Jane. But how do I know I've got pests? Vagn Jensen Karl-Martin. The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affect its future pest status? Vaucheret Sylviane. Dealing with an infestation of Reesa vespulae while preparing to move to new stores Watson Elizabeth F. Minus 20 degrees in the sun Xavier-Rowe Amber. Ten years of integrated pest management at English Heritage Yanez-Lopez Maria. Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26552 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(ICOMOS, Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees ; 40)
Borig Janelle. Schädler-Saub Ursula (1955- ). Ziesemer John (1965- ). Basile Giuseppe (1942-2013). La restituzione del testo pittorico nel ciclo di Giotto alla Capella Scrovegni a Padova e nei dipinti murali della Basilica Superiore di San Francesco in Assisi Baumer Ursula. Stabilität und Wiederablösbarkeit von Retuschen auf Gemälden - eine Betrachtung aus materialtechnischer Sicht Brajer Isabelle. Dilemmas in the restoration of wall paintings: conflicts between ethics, aesthetics, functions and values illustrated by examples from Denmark Brambilla Barcilon Pinin. Il trattamento delle lacune, un esempio attuale: il restauro del Cenacolo Ciatti Marco (1955- ). Il Laboratorio di Restauro della Fortezza da Basso a Firenze e gli sviluppi della metodologia del restauro di Umberto Baldini. Esempi attuali di restauro pittorico dei dipinti mobili Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Überlegungen zum Umgang mit historischen Ergänzungen und Retuschen in der Gemälderestaurierung Hack Ute. Ästhetische Ansprüche an eine Restaurierung: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit Hartwieg Babette (1958- ). Heile Welt? Die Präsentation fragmentierter Kunstwerke im Museum - Vier Beispiele aus dem Niedersächsischen Landesmuseum Hannover Heimberg Bruno. Die Restaurierung der Münchener Dürer-Gemälde nach dem Säureattentat von 1988 Jakobs Dörthe (1959- ). Zur Präsentation fragmentarisch überlieferter Wandmalerein ind Raumfassungen Koller Johann. Stabilität und Wiederablösbarkeit von Retuschen auf Gemälden - eine Betrachtung aus materialtechnischer Sicht Koller Manfred (1941- ). Fragment und Alterswert - zum Ästhetizismus in Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege seit dem 18. Jahrhundert Lanfranchi Mariarosa (1962- ). La "riscoperta" di due facciate rinascimentali fiorentine. Recenti esperienze dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure nel trattamento delle lacune per le pitture murali e decorazioni affini Lipp Wilfried. "In restauro" - Assoziationen zu einer Metapher Nejedlý Vratislav. Zur Entwicklung der Gemälderetusche in den tschechischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert Parronchi Agnese (1957- ). Prioritá conservative nel restauro monumentale e loro incidenza estetica Perusini Giuseppina. Il dibattito sulla reintegrazione della scultura lignea policroma dal 1950 ad oggi ed i restauri italiani Pursche Jürgen (1943- ). Edelmetall, Buntmetall - Altmetall? Die Restaurierungsproblematik metallischer Fassungen auf Stuck Reichwald Helmut F. (1937-2014). Kriegszerstörte Kirchen in Nowogrod und Umgebung - Beispiele zum Umgang mit Wandmalereifunden Ringer Cornelia. Grau im Hier und Jetzt oder "Rückkehr ins Mittelalter"? Ergebnisse der restauratorischen Untersuchung des Rosenheimer Altaraufsatzes Schädler-Saub Ursula (1955- ). Italia und Germania: die italienischen Restaurierungstheorien und Retuschiermethoden und ihre Rezeption in Deutschland Schaible Volker. Das Maschinenzeitalter in der Gemälderestaurierung Springob Caroline. Der Weissenburger Altar im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum, seine Restaurierung und Präsentation unter ästhetischen Gesichtspunkten Tomaszewski Andrzej (1934-2010). Ars Perennis: Autor - Kunstwerk - Restaurator Trampedach Kirsten. Treatment and presentation of fragmentary medieval wall paintings in Denmark Treek Peter van. Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Präsentation fragmentarisch überlieferter Glasmalereien und Mosaiken Weskott Hanne. Alles nur Fassade: der Einfluss von Zeitgeschmack und Gegenwartskunst auf die Restaurierungsästhetik
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26532 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Dąbrowska Karolina. Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Simanavičiūtė Aušra. Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Ališauskas Vytautas (1957- ). Gate of Dawn Andriulytė Algė (1972- ). Awakening the glory of the past Andriulytė Algė (1972- ). Ferdynand Ruszczyc (1870-1936) Antanavičiūtė Rasa (1972- ). Symbolic places of interwar Vilnius Antanavičiūtė Rasa (1972- ). Vilnius in history and art history Antanavičiūtė Rasa (1972- ). Zbigniew Pronaszko's monument to Adam Mickiewicz Bryl Mariusz (1959- ). Eugeniusz Kazimirowski's painting of the Merciful Jesus: the triple original Chmielewska Agnieszka (socjologia). Graphic art - the art of the Second Republic of Poland? Chmielewska Agnieszka (socjologia). Vilnius art on the cultural map of Poland Czubińska Magdalena (1957- ). Janina Dłuska (1899-1932) Drėmaitė Marija (1971- ). Architecture for living Drėmaitė Marija (1971- ). Urban development Dżurkowa-Kossowska Irena (1955- ). "Oh Vilnius, city of unparalleled charm and magical colours, where is your art of painting!" Gelūnas Arūnas (1968- ). Preface Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). A preserved image of Vilnius Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Artists' portraits and self-portraits Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Âzèp Goryd (1896-1939) Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Beside the canon Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Bronisław Jamontt (1886-1957) Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Exodus and nostalgy Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Exodus i nostalgia Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Fania (Uma) Olkienicka (1899-1943/1944) Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Integration od artworks by Vilnius' artists into Lithuanian national art collections during 1939-1944 Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Introduction Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Jerzy Hoppen (1891-1969) Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Józef Horyd (1896-1939) Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Petras Rimša in the struggle for Lithuanian Vilnius Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). The Vilnius trace in Polish post-war culture and three students of the Vilnius Academy of Arts Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Views of everyday life of Vilnius in art of Vilnius Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Art education in interwar Vilnius Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Interwar Vilnius in art - between imagination and reality Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Michał Rouba (1893-1941) Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). Polish art societies in interwar Vilnius Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). The artistic community of Vilnius 1919-1939 Konstantynów Dariusz (1963- ). The Mausoleum of the Mother and the Sons's Heart in the Rasos Cemetery Laučkaitė Laima (1956- ). The Jewish art of interwar Vilnius: exclusion and thriving Laučkaitė Laima (1956- ). "Visit Vilnius - city of monuments": tourist posters and guidebooks to the city Liutkus Viktoras (1950- ). The short spring of the avant-garde Luba Iwona (1968- ). Art in the struggle for Polish Vilnius Luba Iwona (1968- ). New art exhibition Luba Iwona (1968- ). The struggle for Vilnius Mačiulis Dangiras (1969- ). "We shall not rest without Vilnius!": the image of Vilnius in interwar Lthuania Mažeikienė Ilona. Artists' portraits and self-portraits Mažeikienė Ilona. Prints for subscribers: nostalgia for the glorious past and locus amoneus Piątek Grzegorz (1980- ). Ghosts in the bastion: the image of Vilnius in interwar Poland Pietrasik Agata (1985- ). Andrzej Wróblewski (1927-1957) and Vilnius: complicated beginnings Pszczółkowski Michał (1981- ). The city's texture and symbolic places Ruggeri Giorgio (1991- ). On the documentary film Piove a Wilno (It rains in Vilnius) Sienkiewicz Jan Wiktor (1960- ). Piłsudski in the defence of Vilnius Širkaitė Jolanta (1958- ). Âzèp Drazdovìč (1888-1954) Širkaitė Jolanta (1958- ). Jazep Drazdovich (1888-1954) Smilingytė-Žeimienė Skirmantė. The image of the Merciful Jesus in the Lithuanian tradition of piety Suchocka Izabela. Ludomir Sleńdziński (1889-1980) Szczerski Andrzej (1971- ). Preface Szymanowicz Maciej (1975- ). Jan Bułhak (1876-1950)
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Katalog wystawy prezentowanej w Litewskim Narodowym Muzeum Sztuki w Wilnie, od 9 listopada 2023 do 4 lutego 2024.
Katalog związ. z wystawą: Integration od artworks by Vilnius' artists into Lithuanian national art collections during 1939-1944 w Narodowej Galerii Sztuki w Wilnie, od 14 grudnia 2023 do 3 marca 2024.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 27068, III 27069 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
(Muzeologia : teoria, praktyka, podręczniki ; vol. 20)
Figiel Joanna (1985- ). Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- ). Gaburová Jasna. Jaskanis Paweł (1958- ). Kellner Elke. Lehmannová Martina (1978- ). Anděl Lubomír (1978- ). Economy: impact of museums on local development & financial sustainability Blackmore Magdalena. Museums of Migration: migrants' identity and implementing the Museum’s Mission Statement - case studies from Poland and Canada Colombo Silvia (1962- ). "Spontaneous museums" in Northern Sweden: cultural narratives within Norrbotten Da Milano Cristina. Museums as social landscapes Folga-Januszewska Dorota (1956- ). Identity builds development. How museums stimulate regional changes Gaburová Jasna. Impact of museum on cultural landscapes and social networks Godłowski Jan. Krakow Salt Works Museum at Wieliczka as an active player in the building of mining heritage community Itzel Constanze. Extending to Europe. The House of European History in Brussels Jonášová Markéta. "The second Centre Pompidou". The display of modern and contemporary art collection at the National Gallery in Prague in the light of the post-communist transformation of Czech national identity Kellner Elke. Perspectives: different identities and missions of museums Kotowski Robert (1970- ). Museum as a platform for personal development Kowal Paweł (1975- ). Eight axes of debate on the presentation of European history at the House of European History Küster Katharina (1979- ). A matter of direction? Museum occupations between resistance and complicity Lehmannová Martina (1978- ). Museums and identities. Planning an extended museum Machková Prajzová Naďa (1976- ). Agriculture: rediscovered identity in the context of fast-changing World Majewski Piotr (1970- ). Planning a museum in its surroundings, i.e. Museum in Context - introductory reflexions Malinowski Michał (1966- ). Museum - a small spark that can ignite a great flame Moran Lisa. Inheritance and transformation and the Irish Museum of Modern Art Morpurgo Guido (1964- ). A tale of two cities. Designing an extended museum of the present with the former Warsaw ghetto fragments: the Waliców Project Nessel-Łukasik Beata. Through the doorstep. Museum in relations to its millieu Novák Zdeněk (1958- ). Landscape museum for breeding and training of ceremonial carriage horses at Kladruby nad Labem in Czechia Ondruš Jindřich (1965- ). Wallachian Open-Air Museum and local development. Economic impacts of Wallachian Open Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm Petelska Michalina. Museums of Migration: migrants' identity and implementing the Museum’s Mission Statement - case studies from Poland and Canada Potocka Maria Anna (1950- ). The genesis and strategies of MOCAK collection in relation to the city and its history Půček Milan Jan (1968- ). Agriculture: rediscovered identity in the context of fast-changing World Šimčik Antonín. Agriculture: rediscovered identity in the context of fast-changing World Supeł Robert. Through the doorstep. Museum in relations to its millieu Whitehead Christopher (1972- ). De-bordering the museum: voice, empathy and archaeologies of inequality Yaşdağ Meltem. The reconstruction of a cultural landscape by emigrant’s identity: population exchange museums in Turkey Zisook Jonathan. Towards a sociological analysis of the synagogue museum in contemporary Poland
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34194, II 33817 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
(Tegumentologia Polska = Polish Bookbinding Studies Today ; 3)
Ryszkowska-Mirowska Danetta. Wagner Arkadiusz (1976- ). Wronka Anna (bibliotekarz). Baszko Agnieszka (1979- ). Sixteenth-century bindings for early printed materials in the Raczyński Library collection Baszko Agnieszka (1979- ). Szesnastowieczne oprawy starych druków w zbiorach Biblioteki Raczyńskich Chlebus Ewa. Late Gothic bindings in the collection of Elbląg Library Chlebus Ewa. Oprawy późnogotyckie w zbiorach Biblioteki Elbląskiej Czapnik Marianna (1953- ). Bindings of the 16th century books in the collection of the University of Warsaw Library. An attempt at characterisation Czapnik Marianna (1953- ). Oprawy druków XVI wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie. Próba charakterystyki Garczewska-Semka Katarzyna. Garwoliński Tomasz. Characteristics of bindings for early printed material kept in the Library of the Metropolitan Seminary of Warmia, "Hosianum", in Olsztyn Garwoliński Tomasz. Charakterystyka opraw starych druków Bibłioteki Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Metropolii Warmińskiej "Hosianum" w Olsztynie Gryzio Beata (1970- ). "Scholis decus urbi ornamentum". Bindings from Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio's books collection Gryzio Beata (1970- ). "Scholis decus urbi ornamentum". Oprawy z księgozbioru Jana Bernarda Bonifacia Koziak-Podsiadło Magdalena (1982- ). 5oo stamps / 90 type cases: on a project presenting the resources of a Model Bookbinding Workshop Koziak-Podsiadło Magdalena (1982- ). 5oo tłoków / 90 kaszt. O projekcie prezentacji zasobów Wzorcowego Warsztatu Introligatorskiego Małecka Monika (językoznawstwo). Tower of Babel. Bindings in Kórnik Library Małecka Monika (językoznawstwo). Wieża Babel. Oprawy w Bibliotece Kórnickiej Muraszko Michał. Book bindings produced in the workshop of Kraków-based Kasper Rajman (the Elder) Muraszko Michał. Oprawy ksiąg z warsztatu introligatora krakowskiego Kaspra Rajmana starszego Myśliński Michał (1967- ). Olszewska Magdalena (1960- ). Partyka Jacek (1973- ). ,,Rara et curiosa". Niezwykłe oprawy starych druków Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej Partyka Jacek (1973- ). "Rara et curiosa". Unusual bindings for early printed material held by the Jagiellonian Library Paś Monika. Tegumentologica "miscellanea" in the collections of the Department of Craft, Material Culture and Militaria of the National Museum in Kraków: an attempt to describe the collection Paś Monika. Tegumentologiczne ,,miscellanea" w zbiorach Działu Rzemiosła, Kultury Materialnej i Militariów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie. Próba charakterystyki Płaszczyńska-Herman Katarzyna. Bindings in the private book collection of Melchior of Mościska OP as part of the library collection of the Dominican Order in Krakóvo Płaszczyńska-Herman Katarzyna. Oprawy prywatnego księgozbioru Melchiora z Mościsk OP w kontekście zbiorów biblioteki dominikanów w Krakowie Pokorzyńska Elżbieta (historia książki). Oprawy wydawnicze w zbiorach polskich. Rekonesans badawczy Popławska Sylwia (1988- ). Bindings for antiquebookskeptin schoollibrary colłections'mWarsaz Popławska Sylwia (1988- ). Oprawy zabytkowych książek w warszawskich bibliotekach szkolnych Pronobis-Brzezińska Małgorzata. Przewięźlikowska Joanna. Ryszkowska-Mirowska Danetta. Introduction Ryszkowska-Mirowska Danetta. Wstęp Sidorowicz-Mulak Dorota (1972- ). Incunabula in the Ossolineum collection - characteristics of their bindings Sidorowicz-Mulak Dorota (1972- ). Inkunabuły kolekcji ossolińskiej - charakterystyka opraw Siemieniako Ewa. Szulc Alicja (1975- ). "Tegumina de chartis ". Oprawy z kart pergaminowych rękopisów średniowiecznych w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu Szulc Alicja (1975- ). "Tegumina de chartis". Parchment bindings protecting mediaeval manuscripts from the collection of the University Library in Poznań: an overview Wagner Arkadiusz (1976- ). Introduction Wagner Arkadiusz (1976- ). Wstęp Wajnert Aleksandra. Werszler Rafał (1968- ). Wronka Anna (bibliotekarz). Introduction Wronka Anna (bibliotekarz). Wstęp
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Materiały z III Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Oprawoznawczej, Toruń, 13-14 grudnia 2018 r.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34850 (1 egz.)
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(Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology / series ed. Andrew Oddy)
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Oddy William Andrew (1942- ). Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA Bomford David. Foreword Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers, tensioning, and attachments Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions Castelli Ciro. Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Digney-Peer Shawn. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Dixon Thomas. Framing, glazing, backing, and hanging of paintings on canvas Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting Fuster-López Laura. Filling Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds Gritt Stephen. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Hutchings Jeremy. Sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds Perry Roy A. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds, 1400-1900 Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction Streeton Noëlle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting, 1960-66 Swicklik Michael. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Thomas Karen. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Tomkiewicz Carolyn J. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Townsend Joyce H. A brief survey of historical varnishes Townsend Joyce H. Binding media Townsend Joyce H. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Townsend Joyce H. Imitative retouching of easel paintings Townsend Joyce H. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Wadum Jørgen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Walsh Valentine. Optical microscopy Whitten Jill. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Young Christina. History of fabric supports
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 765-866. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 23047 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Dessin Sous-Jacent et la Technologie dans la Peinture = Underdrawing and Technology in Painting ; symposium 19)
Borchert Till-Holger (1967- ). Couvert Jacqueline. Dubois Anne. Ainsworth Maryan Wynn (1950- ). The Middendorf altarpiece by a follower of Hugo van der Goes Allart Dominique. A case of mistaken identity - a version of the Good Shepherd by Pieter Brueghel the Younger Baum Katja von. Master or assistant? – painted alterations in the Pleydenwurff workshop Billinge Rachel. The Beaune last judgement - sorting out Rogier van der Weyden and his assistants Brink Peter van den (1956- ). Two “new” paintings by Jan de Beer – technical studies, connoisseurship and provenance research Bücken Véronique. Le Triptyque de l'Adoration des Mages (Turin-Gênes) et le mecenat d'Hendrik Keddekin, abbe de Ter Doest Ciulisová Ingrid (1960- ). The Saint Michael altarpiece in Spišská Kapitula - a preliminary report Chorley Claire. Hans Holbein Hans of Antwerp - findings from the recent examination, cleaning and restoration Christie Nicola. The Calling of Saint Matthew attributed to the Master of the Abbey of Dielegem Currie Christina. A case of mistaken identity - a version of the Good Shepherd by Pieter Brueghel the Younger Debaene Marjan (1978- ). Reading between the lines... - attribution problems regarding early sixteenth century Louvain painters Dubois Anne. XRF analysis of pigments in the Donne Hours (Louvain-la-Neuve, Archives de l’Université, ms. A2) Dyballa Katrin. The oeuvre of Jan Swart van Groningen reconsidered Eckstein Lisa. Master or assistant? – painted alterations in the Pleydenwurff workshop Ewing Dan. Two "new" paintings by Jan de Beer – technical studies, connoisseurship and provenance research Faries Molly (1940- ). Identifying two family members in Jacob Cornelisz's Amsterdam workshop: Cornelis Buys and Cornelis Anthonisz Fraiture Pascale. A case of mistaken identity - a version of the Good Shepherd by Pieter Brueghel the Younger Fransen Bart (1973- ). The Polyptych of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin in the Museu Frederic Mares - as unusual altarpiece Fücker Beate. Master or assistant? – painted alterations in the Pleydenwurff workshop Galassi Maria Clelia (1954- ). Revising Friedländer - the "underdrawing connoisseurship” and the Master of the Turin Adoration Gifford E. Melanie. Keynotlecture - Willem van Aelst and the market for still-life painting in Paris - reattribution of an aarly work Hartwieg Babette (1958- ). The Goldene Tafel from Liineburg, c. 1420 - new findings about painting process and characteristics Henderiks Valentine. Albrecht Bouts in Sibiu: a unique self-portrait in "Memento mori" Hirschfelder Dagmar (1973- ). Master or assistant? – painted alterations in the Pleydenwurff workshop Kemperdick Stephan (1960- ). Philip the Good bare-headed - in search for original and copy Kempski Mary. Who is the man in red and who painted him? Lainé David. Reading between the lines... - attribution problems regarding early sixteenth century Louvain painters Limentani Virdis Caterina (1940-2018). A new Virgo Lactans of the Gold Brocade group Meuwissen Daantje (1970- ). Identifying two family members in Jacob Cornelisz's Amsterdam workshop: Cornelis Buys and Cornelis Anthonisz Niessen Judith (1971- ). The triptych of the True Cross in Veurne in connection to a drawing in Rotterdam - working process and attribution Oosterwijk Anne van. The contribution of technical art history to the reconstruction of the oeuvre of Pieter I Claeissens Périer-D'Ieteren Catheline (1944- ). The painted wings of the Passion Altarpiece of Giistrow - a vast collective enterprise Sandalinas Linares Carmen. The Polyptych of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin in the Museu Frederic Mares - as unusual altarpiece Saverwyns Steven. A case of mistaken identity - a version of the Good Shepherd by Pieter Brueghel the Younger Steyaert Griet (1965- ). The Beaune last judgement - sorting out Rogier van der Weyden and his assistants Van Eyck Elisabeth. The Polyptych of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin in the Museu Frederic Marés - as unusual altarpiece Waterman Joshua P. (1974- ). Master or assistant? – painted alterations in the Pleydenwurff workshop Whitaker Lucy. The Calling of Saint Matthew attributed to the Master of the Abbey of Dielegem Whitaker Lucy. Who is the man in red and who painted him? Wolters Margreet (1958- ). The triptych of the True Cross in Veurne in connection to a drawing in Rotterdam - working process and attribution
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Konferencja zorganizowana przez: Université catholique de Louvain, Musée de Louvain-la-Neuve, and Musea Brugge in collaboration with KIK-IRPA, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Illuminare - Centre for Study of Medieval Art - KULeuven - University of Leuven.
Druk. dedyk.: In memoriam Roger Van Schoute.
Bibliogr. s. 351-369.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24321 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Studia o Sztuce Nowoczesnej = Studies on Modern Art ; t. 6)
Geron Małgorzata. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Sienkiewicz Jan Wiktor (1960- ). Bobrowska Ewa (1958- ). Les associations artistiques polonaises en France dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle : vers une intégration du milieu Blonka-Drzażdżewska Aleksandra. Jerzy Brodnicki - Van Haardt - une vie, deux biographies Červonnaâ Svetlana Mihajlovna (1936- ). Kaunas - Vilnius - Paris: Lithuanian parallel of Polish artistic exile during and after World War II Durda-Dmitruk Magdalena. Mirror Mirages of Gabriela Morawetz Dzierżyc-Horniak Anna (1975- ). "Polish art is an interest, otherwise it won’t be seen, as in comparison with what is being done in the world…". Foksal Gallery and Polish-French artistic relations Geron Małgorzata. Roman Zrębowicz "O nowoczesnym malarstwie francuskim. Wspomnienia i refleksje paryskie" [On modern French painting. Parisian memoirs and reflections] (1959) Grabowska-Konwent Anna. Roman Cieślewicz - Meanders of Imagination in Archival Order Grubba-Thiede Dorota (1972- ). From the "Wailing Wall" through affirmative participation to situational "whisper" : notes on the Paris works of Wostan, Alina Szapocznikow, Wanda Czełkowska and Andrzej Wojciechowski in years 1946-1973 Gryglewicz Tomasz (1949-2022). Paris motifs in the art of Jan Lebenstein as an image of man’s downfall in a big city Ignaczak Paweł (1978- ). Les graveurs polonais en France après 1945, dans les collections artistiques de la Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). Zofia Lipecka - L’Art et l’infinie harmonie du Chaos Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka. Le "Dossier Pologne" de la galerie l’Ollave de Lyon Kuczyńska Agnieszka (historia sztuki). Seulement la liberté. Zbigniew Makowski, Paris and Surrealism in 1962 Kulpińska Katarzyna (1973- ). The graphic work and publishing activities of Franciszek Prochaska (1891-1972) Majewski Piotr (1970- ). Le voyage de Pierre Restany pour la Pologne en 1960 et ses échos dans les écrits du critique Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Jewish artists from Poland in post-war Paris Marciniak Piotr (architektura). L’émigration polonaise en France après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, et son influence sur la création de l’espace urbain Milczanowska Henryka. Nothing objectively existing. Arika Madeyska - a sketch to her portrait Przybył Marlena. Les commencements d'Edward Baran. Vers la dé-matérialisation de la peinture Raniewicz Aleksandra. L’émigration polonaise en France après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, et son influence sur la création de l’espace urbain Reinhard-Chlanda Małgorzata (1954- ). Włodzimierz Hodys - between Paris and Kraków Rudek-Śmiechowska Anna. Cryptic notes from everyday life. Michał Batory’s graphic statements Sawczuk Magdalena. "Chassés du paradis". Les facettes inconnues de la scène artistique polonaise à Paris après la Seconde Guerre mondiale Sienkiewicz Jan Wiktor (1960- ). Searching for the bright spot. The work of Joanna Wierusz-Kowalska-Turowska Stępnik Małgorzata (1975- ). La non-existence fructueuse. Piotr Szmitke et simulacrum parisien Szomko-Osękowska Dorota. Jan Ekiert - The artist of quiet voice Zelmańska-Lipnicka Anna. Janusz Strzałecki - artwork revisions and the idea to establish Parisian Studio of Copy as the Gdańsk State Higher School of Fine Arts Department Ziembińska Ewa. Les sculptrices polonaises à Paris après 1945 Zychowicz Karolina (1982- ). The cooperation between the Louise Leiris gallery in Paris and CBWA "Zachęta". Exhibitions of Pablo Picasso (1965, 1968) and André Beaudin (1968)
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. przy rozdz.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 32929, II 32930 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Meta space : Distanz / [publisher: Alfred Weidinger, Fabian Mueller-Nittel and Markus Reindl]. - Berlin : DISTANZ Verlag ; Linz : OÖ Landes-Kultur, 2022. - 560 s. : il. (gł. kolor.) ; 26 cm.
Mueller-Nittel Fabian. Reindl Markus. Weidinger Alfred. Ahmed Sara Radi (1995- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Armenteros Puchades Carmen (1993- ). Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Bartalesi Valentina. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost Biscossi Edoardo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation Bürger Maria. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Bürger Stefan. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Calise Anna. UCRONIA: towards the creation of eccentric worlds. Cosmogonies and cosmographies in the work of Camille Henrot and Laure Prouvost Campani Cosimo. Spatial revolutions and the seductive power of virtual salvation Canali Corinna. Can I be naked in the metaverse? Cocciolillo Laura. Second life: first steps into the virtual scape in visual arts Dawkins Chad. On space: from the white cube to the #FFFFFF screen Dicuonzo Fabiana (1990- ). Isn't metaverse just a secular version of paradise? The visual experience of possible realities Dimopoulos John. Arcade fire: videogame spatiality and hypermodern subjectivity Escudero Andaluz César. Metattention. Art and economy in the age of behavioral modification Faccin Giulia. Can I be naked in the metaverse? Fiore Marrese Vincenzo. Point-of-view performances Fuggetti Claudia (1993- ). Visions of space and images of the world in the visual arts García Castañeda Victor G. Through and after the Web Grabianski Juliusz. An architectural history of virtual space: ownership and power in the metaverse Hodges Benjamin K. Orangeries, heat sinks, and walled gardens: architectures of microclimates and the metaverse Jacobo Mónica. Augmented reality and videogames in art spaces during coronavirus pandemic. Some notes Kärtner Jurit. Unsettling space. With Kippenberger's metro-net into the metaverse Klietsch Katrin. On teh sociology of analog space Komitska Anna. Art and culture in the metaverse: oscillating between dystopia and non-human perspectives Lamoncha Fabricio. Post-bio-Internet Lemcool Ivana. Denoting the space beyond: the sings of the zodiac in decoration of medieval ecclesiastic monuments Lengua Diana. Moving towards digital lands: on processes of interaction in museum's virtual spaces Lengua Margo. Moving towards digital lands: on processes of interaction in museum's virtual spaces Livne Weitzman Ben. Towards an augmented space of appearance Maithani Charu. Reconceptualizing space: screen portals as "any-space-whatevers" Mueller-Nittel Fabian. From verse to space - an introduction Naveau Manuela (1972- ). Interface cultures - entry and exit. Imaginary worlds viewed through local glasses Nolasco-Rózsás Lívia. Dimensioning - towards a processual augmentation of space Profaska Justyna. Design in the - a speculative investigation into the spatial perception at the virtual-analog frontier Reiman Joshua. Unintentional vices 2.0. A few thoughts on sculpture, education, and mediated technology Reindl Markus. From verse to space - an introduction Resta Giuseppe (1957- ). Isn't metaverse just a secular version of paradise? The visual experience of possible realities Reuss Charlotte. Beyond binaries - the digital sphere Rutz Sara (1997- ). An architectural history of collective virtual spaces in games Schadow Friedrich. If Jan van Eyck had designed on the computer - a comparison of spatial-sociological relationships of late medieval painting and virtual reality Schroter Anika. The skin of the metaverse: a tactile journey Schuller Roswitha (1984- ). Arcadia and metatopies Scott Steven. Alternations and misalignments Stanusch Natalia. Taming the uncanny: how the surreal inhabits the ideology of the metaverse Talpade Apurva. The other drawings Thun Diana. Visual strategies of polarity and intertwining: notes on the work of the architectural avant-garde of the 1970s and 1980s and its significance today Tzitsas Yorgos. Passing through terra ludica: vision of Weidinger Alfred. Expanded reality Zeilinger Martin (1978- ). Towards a non-totalising metaverse
Indeks R0: BMNK
Katalog wystawy: Francisco Carolinum Linz, 1.09.2022 - 8.01.2023.
Bibliogr. s. 536-553.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26507 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Epigraphica & Sepulcralia ; 3)
Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Belčaková Ingrid (1963- ). Neogotické hrobky aristokratických rodov na Slovensku, alebo: Kult predkov, stredoveká inšpirácia a fenomén krajiny Bělová Jana (1977- ). Litinové kříže v 19. století na Podbrdsku. Krátká zpráva o probíhajícím výzkumu Boldan Kamil (1966- ). Epitaf Půty Švihovského z Rýzmberka od Bohuslava Hasištejnského z Lobkovic Čemus Petronilla. Bl. Karel Spinola SJ a jeho vztah Čechám ve světle epigrafických památek Chlíbec Jan (1953- ). Italské typy funerálních monumentu v české a moravské sepulkrální skulptuře konce 15. - počátku 17. století Dobalová Sylva (1973- ). Pamětní deska Matouše Collina z Chotěřiny: poznámky její ikonografii Donath Günter (1950- ). Der Meißner Dom als Grablege Hlinomaz Milan (1959- ). Nápisy na rakvi Petra Voka z Rožmberka a rodové funerální konsekvence (ke 400. jubileu vymření rodu) Hlobil Ivo (1942-2021). Nástěnný náhrobník Burjana Osovského (t 1563) s podobiznou sochaře Mikuláše Krká Hnídková Vendula (1978- ). Architekt Pavel Janák a idea kremační Horák Petr (1984- ). Chronos v barokním sochařství Čech Horová Veronika. Náhrobek Budka z Čemovic Jakubec Ondřej (1976- ). Renesanční epitafy v českých zemích a jejich "konfesionalita" Jirák Matouš (1981- ). Obtíže typologické specifikace raně novověkých figurálních sepulkrálních památek Kudláčová Markéta (1974- ). Příběh dvou hrobek. Místa posledního odpočinku Ringhofferových a Daubků a jejich umělecké zpracování Kudláčová Markéta (1974- ). Sepulkrální umění poslední třetiny 19. století ve středních Čechách Kudlíková Martina (1981- ). Sepulcra sub fornicibus: Středověké křížové chodby a jejich pohřební funkce Kuchtová Vladislava. "Atribut" zesnulého jako výzdoba náhrobku v 19. a 20. století Kuchtová Vladislava. Firemní a umělecká produkce náhrobků konce 19. století a první třetiny 20. století v Praze Müller Karel (1958- ). "Slezské vývody erbovní." K problematice erbovních vývodů na šlechtických náhrobnících českého Slezska Myslivečková Hana (1948- ). Náhrobní deska Jindřicha Supa z Fulštejna (+ 1538) v kostele sv. Martina v Bohušové Myslivečková Hana (1948- ). Náhrobek Matyáše Dobše z Olbramic (+ 30. 1. 1579) v Čemíkovicích. Pokus o rekonstrukci jeho původní podoby a zařazení do autorských a objednavatelských souvislostí Nešlehová Mahulena (1944- ). Pojetí náhrobku v sochařské tvorbě Jana Koblasy Pavlíčkova Radmila (1974- ). (Ještě jednou) pohřební kázání Matěje Cyra nad Petrem Vokem z Rožmberka roku 1612. Jednota bratrská a mediální propagace Pohaničová Jana (1966- ). Ignatz Feigler ml. a bratislavské cintoríny Pohaničová Jana (1966- ). Neogotické hrobky aristokratických rodov na Slovensku, alebo: Kult predkov, stredoveká inšpirácia a fenomén krajiny Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Národní jazyky v teritoriálně českých náhrobních nápisech Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Projekt soupisu sekundárního dochování epigrafických a sepulkrálních památek ve fondech a sbírkách archivů České republiky Říhová Vladislava (1978- ). Mistr náhrobku rodiny Littwitzů v Moravské Třebové Soukupová Helena (1946- ). Náhrobky v klášteře sv. Anežky a erbovní deska diplomata a biskupa Petra Filarga (minority a od roku 1409 papeže Alexandra V.) z roku 1396 Všetečková Zuzana (1949- ). Krátký příspěvek ke středověkým křížovým náhrobkům Walanus Wojciech (1976- ). Die Grabplatte des Plocker Suffragans Piotr Lubart in der Marienkirche zu Krakau und die Frage der Bestattungen von Weihbischöfen Walczak Marek (1965- ). Die Grabplatte des Plocker Suffragans Piotr Lubart in der Marienkirche zu Krakau und die Frage der Bestattungen von Weihbischöfen Woitschová Klara (1977- ). Nákresy sepulkrálních památek ve Wunschwitzové genealogické a heraldické sbírce Záhorka Jindřich (1972- ). Hrobka hrabat Chotků v Nových Dvorech u Kutné Hory
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. w przypisach.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34252 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The conservation of easel paintings / edited by Joyce Hill Stoner and Rebecca Rushfield. - 2nd ed. - London ; New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2022. - XXXIV, 914 s. : il. (gł. kolor.) ; 25 cm.
(Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology / series ed. Andrew Oddy)
Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Oddy William Andrew (1942- ). Ackroyd Paul. The structural conservation of paintings on wooden panel supports Bartoletti Angelica. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Baade Brian. Recommending materials to artists Berg Klaas Jan van den (1964- ). Modern oil paints Birkenbeul Ina. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Bisacca George. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Blewett Morwenna R. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Blewett Morwenna R. Notes on the history of conservation documentation: examples from the UK and USA Bomford David. Foreword Bomford David. Picture cleaning: positivism and metaphysics Boon Jaap J. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Breare Caitlin. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Buck Susan L. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Buckley Barbara A. Stretchers, tensioning, and attachments Bucklow Spike. The classification of craquelure patterns Burnstock Aviva. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Carlyle Leslie. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Carlyle Leslie. Exploring the grammar of oil paint through the use of historically accurate reconstructions Clarke Mark (1962- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Cross Maureen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Cushman Matthew. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings DeGhetaldi Kristin. Recommending materials to artists Digney-Peer Shawn. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Dixon Thomas. Framing, glazing, backing, and hanging of paintings on canvas Dixon Thomas. Storage of easel paintings Dolgikh Irina V. (1974- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Druzik James. The lighting of easel paintings Eastaugh Nicholas. Optical microscopy Eastaugh Nicholas. Pigments in Western easel painting Finn Clare. Written documentation for paintings conservation Fuster-López Laura. Filling Golden Mark (1948- ). Varnishing of acrylic paintings by artists Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Goltz Michael von der (1956- ). Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Gottsegen Mark D. Recommending materials to artists Gottsegen Mark D. Twentieth-century grounds Gritt Stephen. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Hackney Stephen. Lining easel paintings Heiber Winfried (1938-2009). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Hermens Erma (1958- ). Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Hermens Erma (1958- ). Binding media Hoenigswald Ann. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Holubec Inken Maria. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Horovitz Isabel. Consolidation of flaking paint and ground Hummelen IJsbrand. Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Hutchings Jeremy. The sustainable conservation management of exhibitions Katlan Alexander. History of fabric supports Keune Katrien. Research into and analysis of the materials of easel paintings Klein Peter. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Klocke Jens. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Learner Thomas J. S. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Learner Thomas J. S. Modern paints Lee Judith. Modern oil paints Lee Judith. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Emergency preparedness and recovery Levenson Rustin S. (1947- ). Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Loon Annelies van (1970- ). Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Lowengard Sarah. Pigments in Western easel painting Ludvigsen Loa. Image documentation for paintings conservation MacBeth Rhona. The technical examination and documentation of easel paintings Marvelde Mireille te. Lining easel paintings Massing Ann. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Mayer Debora D. Identification of textile fibres found in common painting supports Mayer Lance. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Myers Gay. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings McClure Ian. Framing and microclimate enclosures for panel paintings McGinn Mary. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Michalski Stefan (konserwatorstwo). The lighting of easel paintings Nadolny Jilleen. A history of early scientific examination and analysis of painting materials ca. 1780 to the mid-twentieth century Nadolny Jilleen. Art technological source research: documentary sources on European painting to the twentieth century, with appendices I-VII Nadolny Jilleen. History of visual compensation for paintings Nadolny Jilleen. Pigments in Western easel painting Noble Petria. Ageing and deterioration of traditional oil and tempera paints Olley Peggy A. Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Ormsby Bronwyn. Cleaning concerns for acrylic emulsion paints Ormsby Bronwyn. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Ormsby Bronwyn. Modern oil paints Ormsby Bronwyn. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Ormsby Bronwyn. Twentieth-century grounds Perry Roy A. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Petersen Karin. Understanding the deterioration of paintings by microorganisms and insects Phenix Alan. A brief survey of historical varnishes Phenix Alan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Proctor Robert G. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Ramsay Barbara A. Travelling exhibitions and transporting paintings Reifsnyder Joan. Lining easel paintings Rossol Monona. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Rushfield Rebecca (1954- ). Conservation organizations and professional standards Saunders David. Image documentation for paintings conservation Scharff Mikkel. Lining easel paintings Scharff Mikkel. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Schmitt Sibylle. Research on the pettenkofer method and the historical understanding of paint film swelling and interaction Scholte Tatja (1953- ). Collecting and archiving information from living artists for the conservation of contemporary art Spaabaek Lin Rosa. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stassinopoulos Stergios. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stavroudis Chris. Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Stols-Witlox Maartje (1972- ). Grounds, 1400-1900 Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Considerations on removing or retaining overpainted additions and alterations Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). International public outreach projects Stoner Joyce Hill (1946- ). Introduction Streeton Noëlle Lynn Wenger. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Stringari Carol. Case study in the use of lasers to remove overpaint from ad Reinhardt's black painting, 1960-66 Swicklik Michael. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Thomas Karen. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Tomkiewicz Carolyn J. Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Townsend Joyce H. A brief survey of historical varnishes Townsend Joyce H. Binding media Townsend Joyce H. Health and safety concerns in the paintings conservation studio Townsend Joyce H. The imitative retouching of easel paintings Townsend Joyce H. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleanings agents Townsend Joyce H. Research and instrumental analysis in the materials of easel paintings Wadum Jørgen. History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings Walsh Valentine. Optical microscopy Whitten Jill. Varnishing as part of the conservation treatment of easel paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Aqueous methods for the cleaning of paintings Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Cross-section microscopy analysis and fluorescent staining Wolbers Richard (1949- ). Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents Young Christina. History of fabric supports Zumbühl Stefan. Removal of varnish: organic solvents as cleaning agents
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Bibliogr. s. 792-890. Indeks.
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: II 35746 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Conferences and Studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies / editorial board Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski ; vol. 13)
Markowska Anna (1962- ). Bandura Agnieszka. Politics of replacing in New Romanticism Bernatowicz Piotr (1973- ). Removal of Communist monuments: obliteration of the past or healing the memory? Bojarska Katarzyna (1981- ). Spectrality and the possibility of seeing (loss). Photography against the referentiality of history Eysymontt Rafał (1959- ). The town as a palimpsest. Erasing and recovering the medieval town Filipczyk-Topolnicka Joanna (1969- ). Fine arts in the context of the "degermanization" in the region of Opolian Silesia after 1945 Gradinaru Camelia. Visual tyranny as autopoiesis Gut Anna (1984- ). The condemnation of memory in the modern epitaphs of Central Pomerania Ilnicka Zuzanna. Gerhard Richter’s failing memory. The October 18, 1977 and the need to allow doubt Ilnicki Rafał (1984- ). Digital Lethe of transhumanism: weak mind uploading as erasure of individual and collective memory Jarosz Andrzej (1971-2019). The absent ones – placing the post-war Wrocław painting in the context of Polish art Jedlińska Eleonora (1954- ). A nook at Wolborska Street, or expunged remains of Jewish culture in Łódź Klimczak-Dobrzaniecka Alicja. Erasure. Memory Exercises Kłos Agnieszka. The disappearing memory of Birkenau. A story of the power of nature Krzyżanowska Małgorzata Ksenia. "Nothing is getting as old as modernity" – i.e. why the trend for Nine Graphic Artists Group has passed Kubala Agata. Damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial art Markowska Anna (1962- ). Conspicuously absent Jews, alien environments: Polish artists Mirosław Bałka and Rafał Jakubowicz on the Holocaust Morawiecka Maria Magdalena (1986- ). Terra incognita. On cartographic silence on old maps (Middle Ages and the beginning of the Early Modern Period) Narušytė Agnė (1970- ). Memory of erased time in The Soldier’s Diary by Lithuanian artist Gintaras Zinkevičius Niemira Konrad (1989- ). Isolation / Erasure / Oblivion. An artwork in Marcel Proust’s "A la recherche de temps perdu" Nieszczerzewska Małgorzata. Erasure of time. Photographs of abandoned places Palęcka Alicja. Visualizing the other: ethnographic film as thick description Popa Lucia. Removing Romania: the Western art world colonized by the "East" Scheflan-Katzav Hadara (1963- ). Re-representation – critical art and the return of the repressed Sikora Patrycja (1978- ). Erasure. Memory Exercises Sikora-Sabat Anna. Romantic creation and socialist erasure: representation of Vincent van Gogh in the printed media of the People’s Republic of Poland Sinicka Agnieszka. Wilhem Sasnal’s photophobia Smolińska Marta (1975- ). Jan Berdyszak. Between paradigms of modernity or nowhere? Subjective remarks across the post-war history of art in Poland Soczyńska Agata. Marek Oberländer – a painter undesired by the time Speare Jed. Washing up memories: some strategies of Milan Kohout’s performance activism Stec Anna (1987- ). Anish Kapoor, "Memory" Szczepaniak Barbara. Strategy of erasing, manipulation and destruction in photography – interpretation Aneta Grzeszykowska’s "Album" Tsiftsi Xanthi. Void, the art of erasure. Representing absence in the Jewish Museum Berlin Worłowska Magdalena. "Let self-effacement be my way of blazing" – erasure in the vegetal works of Philippe Jaccottet and Bob Verschueren Zarzycki Jakub (1988- ). Polish history painting in the second half of the nineteenth century as a "quasi-metanarrative". Visible tyranny of Idea? Zawada Michał (1985- ). Imaging iconoclasm Zięba Magdalena (1985- ). Authenticity (aura) recycled. Erasing originality in appropriation art Ziębińska-Witek Anna (1971- ). Historical museums: between representation and illusion
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Tyt. grzbietowy: Politics of erasure
Bibliogr. przy ref.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23601, III 23426 (2 egz.)
W koszyku
Mrowczyk Jacek (1972- ). Mrowczyk Jacek (1972- ). Od redaktora Rypson Piotr (1956- ). Pierwsze pokolenia Czubińska Magdalena (1957- ). Karol Józef Frycz 1877-1963 Czubińska Magdalena (1957- ). Wojciech Jastrzębowski 1884-1963 Huml Irena (1928-2015). Bonawentura Lenart 1881-1973 Frankowski Artur (1965- ). Adam Półtawski 1881-1952 Frankowska Magdalena. Ludwik Gardowski 1890-1965 Frankowski Artur (1965- ). Ludwik Gardowski 1890-1965 Lubin Urszula. Edmund Bartłomiejczyk 1885-1950 Szlązak Anna (historia sztuki). Stefan Norblin 1892-1952 Szablowska Anna. Tadeusz Gronowski 1894-1990 Zagrodzki Janusz (1941- ). Władysław Strzemiński 1893-1952 Frankowska Magdalena. Mieczysław Szczuka 1898-1927, Teresa Żarnower 1895-1950 Frankowski Artur (1965- ). Mieczysław Szczuka 1898-1927, Teresa Żarnower 1895-1950 Zagrodzki Janusz (1941- ). Henryk Stażewski 1894-1988 Frankowska Magdalena. Henryk Berlewi 1894-1967 Frankowski Artur (1965- ). Henryk Berlewi 1894-1967 Zagrodzki Janusz (1941- ). Kazimierz Podsadecki 1904-1970 Warda Michał (1974- ). Jan Lewitt 1907-1991, Jerzy Him 1900-1982 Kaczorowski Jan. Bolesław Barcz 1906-1944, Anatol Girs 1904-1990 Zagrodzki Janusz (1941- ). Janusz Maria Brzeski 1907-1957 Rypson Piotr (1956- ). Mieczysław Berman 1903-1975 Lenk Krzysztof (1936-2018). Wolność pod kontrolą Satalecka Ewa (1959- ). Jan Hollender 1907-1989 Lenk Krzysztof (1936-2018). Tadeusz Trepkowski 1914-1954 Grabowska-Konwent Anna. Henryk Tomaszewski 1914-2005 Schubert Zdzisław (1942- ). Wiktor Górka 1922-2004 Knorowski Mariusz. Julian Pałka 1923-2002 Przymus Irena. Hubert Hilscher 1924-1999 Frankowska Magdalena. Andrzej Heidrich ur. 1928 Frankowski Artur (1965- ). Andrzej Heidrich ur. 1928 Frankowska Magdalena. Leon Urbański 1926-1998 Grabowska-Konwent Anna. Józef Mroszczak 1910-1975 Kurpik Maria (1956- ). Wojciech Zamecznik 1923-1967 Zabrzeska-Pilipajć Anna. Maciej Urbaniec 1925-2004 Grabowska-Konwent Anna. Jan Młodożeniec 1929-2000 Giżycki Marcin (1951-2022). Jan Lenica 1928-2001 Grabowska-Konwent Anna. Roman Cieślewicz 1930-1996 Przymus Irena. Waldemar Świerzy 1931-2013 Misiak Marian (1981- ). Bronisław Zelek ur. 1935 Schubert Zdzisław (1942- ). Leszek Hołdanowicz ur. 1937 Kubasiewicz Jan. Bogusław Balicki 1937-2010, Stanisław Łabęcki ur. 1935 Satalecka Ewa (1959- ). Roman Duszek ur. 1935 Warda Michał (1974- ). Karol Śliwka ur. 1932 Michura Piotr (1976- ). Ryszard Otręba ur. 1932 Satalecka Ewa (1959- ). Tadeusz Pietrzyk 1933-1999 Satalecka Ewa (1959- ). Elżbieta Strzałecka ur. 1938, Bogdan Żochowski 1936-2006 Mrowczyk Jacek (1972- ). Krzysztof Lenk ur. 1936 Matul Katarzyna (1976- ). Rosław Szybo ur. 1933 Knorowski Mariusz. Franciszek Starowieyski 1930-2009 Stanny Katarzyna (1979- ). Janusz Stanny 1932-2014 Czubińska Magdalena (1957- ). Jan Sawka 1946-2012 Mrowczyk Jacek (1972- ). Andrzej Krajewski ur. 1933 Sowula Grzegorz (1954- ). Jan Bokiewicz ur. 1941, Wojciech Freudenreich ur. 1939 Satalecka Ewa (1959- ). Andrzej Klimowski ur. 1949 Szydłowska Agata (1983- ). Estetyka niedoboru i naiwny optymizm Sowula Grzegorz (1954- ). Lech Majewski ur. 1947 Michura Piotr (1976- ). Władysław Pluta ur. 1949 Warda Michał (1974- ). Maciej Buszewicz ur. 1952 Sowula Grzegorz (1954- ). Janusz Górski ur. 1953 Oslislo Marian (1955- ). Piotr Młodożeniec ur.rn 1956, Marek Sobczyk ur. 1955 Knorowski Mariusz. Lex Drewinski ur. 1951 Matul Katarzyna (1976- ). Michał Batory ur. 1959 Warda Michał (1974- ). Darek Komorek ur. 1960
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Inny tyt: VeryGraphic 2015
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 22590 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Readings in Conservation ; 4)
Brooks Mary M. Eastop Dinah. Allen Robert. Naphthalene (1992) Ballard Mary W. Climate and conservation (1994) Ballard Mary W. Hanging out: strength, elongation, and relative humidity: some physical properties of textile fibres (1996) Bellinger Louisa. Basic habits of textile fibres (1963) Bengtsson Sven (1932- ). Preservation of the "Wasa" sails (1975) Boersma Foekje (1969- ). Solvent reactivation of hydroxypropyl cellulose (Klucel G®) in textile conservation: recent developments (1997) Bringel Anne-Rose. A conservation/restoration technique (2000) Brooks Mary M. New insights into textiles: the potential of x-radiography as an investigative technique (2005) Brooks Mary M. To clean or not to clean: the value of soils and creases (1996) Brown Elizabeth. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Bruselius Scharff Annemette. Synthetic dyestuffs for textiles and their fastness to washing (1999) Brutillot André. Reflections on slit stitching in tapestries (2002) Buenger Nancy. Wet with blood: the investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's Cloak (2000) Burnham Eva. Preventative conservation with the help of volunteers: a successful race against time (1992) Clavir Miriam (1948- ). Preserving conceptual integrity: ethics and theory in preventive conservation (1994) Clayton Sarah. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Conti Susanna. Loss in textiles: technological and color problems (2004) Cruickshank Pippa. Lining a banana fibre belt: a cool vacuum table technique (1993) Cooke Bill (historia sztuki). Creasing an ancient textiles (1988) Dal-Prà Patricia. In situ maintenance and storage: the unique case of textiles (2000) Daly Hartin Debra. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Daniels Vincent. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Dodd Wendy. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Eastop Dinah. Decision making in conservation: determining the role of artefacts (1998) Eastop Dinah. To clean or not to clean: the value of soils and creases (1996) Eastop Dinah. Two contrasting minimally interventive upholstery treatments: different roles, different treatments (1997) Estham Inger (1928-2016). Eighty years of Pietas (1988) Fields John. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Fikioris Margaret A. Charting the future: conservation principles of Henry Francis du Pont (1986) Finch Karen (1921-2018). Note on the damaging effect of flameproofing on a tapestry hanging (1969) Finch Karen (1921-2018). Textiles as documents of history and those who care for them (2000) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Conservation with needle and thread (1988) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Examples of textile conservation in the historical Museum, Bern (1957/58) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Introduction to "Textile conservation and research" (1988) Fogelmarck Stig (1916-2006). John Böttiger: keeper of textiles (1988) French Ann. Textile or art? The conservation, display and storage of modern textile art (2004) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Brief reply from Dr. Geijer, Stockholm, 12 June 1961 (1961) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Dangerous methods for the conservation of textiles (1961) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Preservation of textile objects (1963) Gill Kathryn. Solvent reactivation of hydroxypropyl cellulose (Klucel G®) in textile conservation: recent developments (1997) Gill Kathryn. Two contrasting minimally interventive upholstery treatments: different roles, different treatments (1997) Gill Victoria. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Haldane Elizabeth-Anne. Avendale for reformation: conservation of a 17th century covenanting banner (2003) Hartog Frances. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Hayward Maria. Naphthalene (1992) Heald Susan. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Hefford Wendy. The restoration of the tapestries (1971) Herrmann Hannelore. Looking back at thirty years of textile conservation and restoration in the Federal Republic of Germany (1989) Hillyer Lynda. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Hinkel Ada. A sleeveless doublet circa 1585 from the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg (2002) Hofenk de Graaff Judith H. Some recent developments in the cleaning of ancient textiles (1982) Jędrzejewska Hanna (1906-2002). Problems in the conservation of textiles: needle versus adhesive (1981) Jędrzejewska Hanna (1906-2002). Problems of ethics in the conservation of textiles (1980) Johansen Katia (1948- ). Perfumed garments, their preservation and presentation: "...the good smell of old clothes" (1999) Johnson Jessica S. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Kajitani Nobuko. A contact/pressure mounting system (1986) Kajitani Nobuko. Care of fabrics in the Museum (1977) Kaminitz Marian A. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Kirkpatrick Bridie. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Kite Marion. Conservator safety: Mercury in felt hats (2003) Kite Marion. The conservation of an English embroidered picture using an oriental paper method: a joint approach (1995) Kovács Tibor (1940-2013). A thousand-year-old relic in a new setting Krippendorf Agnes. "Information is defense": conservation in Auschwitz (2002) Landi Sheila. Three examples of textile conservation in the Victoria and Albert Museum (1966) Leene Jentina E. Restoration and preservation of ancient textiles, and natural science (1963) Leene Jentina E. The "Delft" methods for the conservation of textiles: response to Dr. Agnès Geijer, Stockholm (1961) Leene Jentina E. The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Lennard Frances. The conservation of the United Tin Plate Workers' Society Banner of 1821 (1989) Lister Alison. Making the most of mounts: expanding the role of display mounts in the preservation and interpretation of historic textiles (1997) Lodewijks Johan. The history of conservation and restoration of flags and banners in the Netherlands (1980) Lugtigheid Renée. A tale of two tapestries: considerations of restoration, de-restoration, and re-restoration (1995) Maheux Anne F. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Marko Ksynia. Two case histories: a seventeenth-century Antwerp tapestry and an eighteenth-century English Soho tapestry (1989) Martin Graham (1952- ). Conservator safety: Mercury in felt hats (2003) Martin Graham (1952- ). State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Masschelein-Kleiner Liliane. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) McClean Lynn. Avendale for reformation: conservation of a 17th century covenanting banner (2003) McHugh Kelly. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Meert Geert. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) Morgan Helen. Lining a banana fibre belt: a cool vacuum table technique (1993) Niekamp Bettina. Alterations, historical restorations, restoration and conservation interventions (2008) O'Connor Sonia A. New insights into textiles: the potential of x-radiography as an investigative technique (2005) Odegaard Nancy (1955- ). Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Orlofsky Patsy. The role of connoisseurship in determining the textile conservator's treatment options (1993) Peacock Elizabeth E. Drying archaeological textiles (1992) Phipps Elena. A contact/pressure mounting system (1986) Pool Marilen. Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Raster Barbara. Removal of previous "restorations" from Islamic textiles in the Bouvier Collection: analysis and treatment (1994) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. I: general chemical and physical structural features of the natural textile fibres (1962) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. V: the characterisctics of soils and stains encountered on historic textiles (1964) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. VI: the wonders of water in wetcleaning (1966) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. VIII: Drycleaning of fine and fragile textiles (1967) Richardson Emma. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Ringgaard Maj. An investigation of the effects of borohydride treatments of oxidized cellulose textiles (2002) Rinuy Anne. Removal of previous "restorations" from Islamic textiles in the Bouvier Collection: analysis and treatment (1994) Robinson John M. Uppark restored: the conservation of the contents (1996) Rowell Christopher. Uppark restored: the conservation of the contents (1996) Ruggles Anne. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Sadongei Alyce (1959- ). Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Semečkin P. A. "Workshop for the repair of antique needlework": on the history of the decorative arts section of the Central State Restoration Workshops, 1919-1934 (2000/2001) Seth-Smith Alexandra. Animal glue removal from sixteenth-century Flemish tapestry fragments: a comparative study of three cleaning methods (1996) Sieders R. The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Singer Poppy. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Stauffer Annemarie. A study of the conservation problems of archaeological textiles treated with synthetic consolidants (2005) Sykas Philip A. Caring or wearing? (1987) Temmink-van Dijkhuizen Marike. Textiles in all conditions: opinions about restoration and conservation from changing perspectives (1990) Timar-Balazsy Agnes (1948-2001). Drying behaviour of fibres (1999) Tinker Zenzie. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Trupin Deborah Lee. Flag conservation then and now (2003) Trupin Deborah Lee. The role of connoisseurship in determining the textile conservator's treatment options (1993) Tse Season. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Uytenbogaart J. W. H. (1897-1964). The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Vandermeersch-Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge Bernadette. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) Vuori Jan. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Webber Pauline. The conservation of an English embroidered picture using an oriental paper method: a joint approach (1995) Windsor Deirdre. Preserving the historic document: minimal conservation intervation for 18th- and 19th-century needlework and pictorial embroidery (1999) Wingham Andrew. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Wyeth Paul. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Zhang Xiaomei. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008)
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Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: III 26994 (1 egz.)
Długość kolejki oczekujących: 1.
W koszyku
Acun Hakkı. Yozgat Müzesi'ndeki Selçuklu Kâseleri Ådahl Karin (1942- ). The Ralamb paintings and the von Celsing Collection at Biby Manor Turkish motifs from the 17th and 18th centuries in Sweden Ahunbay Zeynep (1946- ). Osmanlı Mimargığında "Od" Taşı Akın Günkut. Türk Mimargığında Yükseltilmiş Mekân Akın Nur. Balkanlar'da Osmanlı Dönemi Evleri Üzerine Görüşler Aksulu Işık. Tokat Deveci Hanı Aktuğ İlknur. Ayazma Camisi İnşaat Defteri Akyıl Z. Ayșe‏. İznik İsmail Bey Hamamı Alfieri Bianca Maria. Reflections of Turkish art in India Alioğlu E. Füsun‏. Mardin'de Bir Konak/Milli Evi Alper Berrin. Kemaliye(Eğin) Evlerinin Anadolu Konut Mimarlığı İçindeki Yeri ve Önemi Alper Mehmet. Urfa - Tarihi Süreç İçersinde Kentin Gelişimi ve Mekansal Yapı Özellikleri And Metin (1927-2008). 17. Yüzyıl Türk Çarşı Ressamları ve Resimlerinin Belgesel Önemi Arel Ayda. Architecture and the Turkmene Emirates of the Aegean Area: a general appraisal Arpat Atilla (1924- ). II. Selim Türbesi'nin Planında Oranlar ve Nümerik Sembolizm Arslan Necla. Beşiktaş Saraı Artan Tülay. In the tracks on a lost palace Aslanapa Oktay (1914-2013). Türk Sanatından Yabancı Adların Yerleşmesi Akyut Muhittin. Türk Mimarlığında İç Mekanlarda Su Kompozisyonları Kullanımı Baer Eva (1920-2017). The Mamluk mirror in the TKS Museum: a re-examination Bağcı Serpil (1965- ). Ankara Etnografya Müzesi'ndeki Gümüş Kapı Bahnassi Afif. The Damascene tilework in the Ottoman buildings Bakırer Ömür (1948- ). Window grilles at the Sahip ata Hanikah in Konya Barışta Örcün (1942- ). 19. Yüzyıla ait Türk Halılarından Nevşehir'de Bulunan Beş Örnek Baş Ali. Beylikler Dönemi Hanlarında Uygulanan Plan Şemaları Başaran Tijen. Dolmabahçe Saraı Hareminde Kumaşın Kullanımı Açısından İlginç Bir Mekan Bates Ülkü Ü. Eighteenth century fountains of Istambul Batur Afife (1931- ). 19. Yüzyıl Uluslararası Sanayi Sergileri ve Osmanlı Sergi Yapıları Bayoğlu B. Buket. Osmanlı Kuyumculuğunda Necef Kullanımı Bayraktaroğlu Suzan. Harput Sare Hatun Camii Halıları Bayram Alya. Influences de l'arte turc sur les costumes traditionnels tunisiens Bayram Sadi (1943- ). Sultan II. Bayezid'in Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Arşivi'nde Bulunan Vakfiyelerindeki Tezyinat ve Kültürümüzdeki Yeri Bernardini Michele (1960- ). Vat.Turco Elyazması Bilgin İlhami. Manisa Sarayı Bilici Z. Kenan (1961- ). Kastamonu "Balkapanı Hanı" - Tarihlendirilmesi ve Restitüsyonu Problemi Bilirgen Emine. Osmanlı Saray Hazinesindeki Murassa Kitap Kapları, Cüz Keseleri ve Cilbentler Işiğinda Osmanlı Saray Kuyumculuğu Binan Can Ş. 13. Yüzyıl Anadolu Kervansarayları Koruma Sorunları ve Müdahele Önceliklerinin Saptanması Bozer Rüstem. Kemerli Şemaya Sahip Selçuklu Devri Ahşap Kapı Kanatları Brend Barbara (1940- ). Elements from painting of Eastern Islamic area in early Ottoman manuscripts of the Khamseh of Amîr Khusrau Dihlavî Cantay Gönül. Günuümüze Gelmeyen Hünkâr Kasırları Carswell John (1931- ). A matter of etiquette Cezar Mustafa (1920-2009). Sanatta Batı'ya Açılış Döneminde Mimarlar Colonas Vassilis. L'éclestisme, style officiel ottoman à Salonique à la fin du 19ème siècle Crowe Yolande. From inner Asia to Istanbul: some artistic transfers or from the sublime to the riduculous Cuneo Paolo. The multi-dome Mosque architecture of Tripoli, Libya, between regional tradition and Ottoman influence Çağman Filiz (1940-2021). Ahmed Karahisari'ye Atfedilen Ünlü Kur'an-ı Kerim Çakmak Şakir (1964- ). Boğaziçi Kasabası Eski Cami(Baklan/Denizli) Çam Nusret (1950- ). Müezzin Mahfilleri ve Gaziantep Camilerinin Ahşap Müezzin Çelik Nurçin. Bursa Ulu Cami'nde Güney Tesirleri Çetintürk E. Nihal. Ahlat'ta Erzen Hatun Künbeti Çoruhlu Yaşar (1964- ). Türk Sanatında Hâle Karamağaralı Nakış. Ahlat Seramikleri Meyer zur Capellen Jürg (1941- ). Sultan portraits in European printed books of the 16. century the "Cronica Breve" of 1598
Indeks R0: BMNK
Tyt. grzbietowy: Bildiri Özetleri. Summary of Contributions
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31305/1 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Prix Dalibor (1961- ). Benešovská Klára (1950- ). Záboří a Olomouc: vandrující umělci, skicáře, kopie, vzorníky a úloha uvědomělých stavebníků Bláha Josef (1946- ). Dva nálezy drobné hrnčířské plastiky Madony s dítětem z Olomouce. Několik doplňků ke studiu devocionálií a lidové zbožnosti ve středověku Bláhová Zdeňka (1951- ). Západní portál kostela sv. Mořice v Olomouci a přenášení vzorů v pozdně gotické architektonické tvorbě Bukovinská Beket. Terra sigillata v rudolfinské kunstkomoře Bregantová Polana (1954- ). Bibliografie prací Ivo Hlobila Černý Pavol. Zobrazení Zvěstování Panny Marie v Kodexu vyšehradském z Kodexu hnězdenském. Pokus o jejich ikonografickou interpretaci Chlíbec Jan (1953- ). Poznámka o náhrobku císaře Friedricha III. a reflexe sepulchrálního sochařstvív českých cestopisech 1450-1550 Chupík František. Fortifikační stavitelstvímezi gotikou a renesancí Czajkowski Petr (1969-). Jonass Drentwert a Leopold kníže z Dietrichsteina. Sonda do vztahu objednavatele a tvůrce na přelomu 17. a 18. století Daniel Ladislav (1950- ). Pět věží. Giovan Battista Marino a gonzagovské "poesie" Francesca Albaniho Dáňová Helena. Chrám sv. Ducha v Hradci Králové. Příspěvek k poznání vývoje architektury kostela ve středověku Grůza Antonín (1931- ). K historii bývalého dominikánského kostela sv. Václava v Opavě Hlaváčkova Hana (1940- ). Herzogenburská Moralia. Řehnoř Veliký, Moralia sive expositio in librum B. Job Homolka Jaromír (1926-2017). Královská kaple Všech svatých na Pražském hradě Hrbáčová Jana (1974- ). Zobrazení čelenek v české deskové malbě 14. století Jakubec Ondřej (1976- ). Olomoučtí biskupové jako renesanční mecenáši? Kaplanová Kristina. Babiččino údolí - areál spravovaný Národní kulturní komisí Kohout Štěpán (1969- ). Další "bernardinské slunce" alezeno Konečný Lubomír (1946- ). Andrea Alciato a Jan Žižka" i po smrti strašlivý" Kořán Ivo (1934- ). Románská Kalvárie ze Strakonic Kouřil Pavel (1950- ). Menasova ampule z hradu Rychleby (?) ve Slezsku Kouřilová Dana (1949- ). Bývalý kostel sv. Václava v Opavě - výsledky průzkumu fasád Kratochvíl Petr (1950- ). Kontextualismus v soudobé architektuře. Reflexe teoretických východisek Kropáček Jiří (1930-2009). Jacob Burckhardt a dějiny idejí Kuthan Jiří (1945- ). K Parléřovu chóru kostela sv. Bartoloměje v Kolíně nad Labem Lahoda Vojtěch (1955-2019). Modernismus starých mistrů. Antonín Procházka, Kroměříž a otisky vizuální paměti Merhautová-Livorová Anežka (1919-2015). Téma z minulosti s vizí budoucnosti Mezerová Ľubica (1954- ). Renesanční náhrobníky v kostele sv. Martina v Bohušově Mezihoráková Klára (1975- ). Architektura středověkého kostela dominikánek sv. Kateřiny v Olomouci Müller Karel (1958- ). Heraldická výzdoba stavovské sněmovny v Opavě ze 2. poloviny 16. století Nešlehová Mahulena (1944- ). Koblasův cyklus Plazit jazyk Pavlíček Martin (1974- ). Neznámé dílo Matyáše Bernarda Brauna Platovská Marie. Vývoj stavebních dispozic na Královských Vinohradech Prix Dalibor (1961- ). Kostel nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Andělské Hoře (okr. Bruntál) a jeho renesanční podoba Prixová Dvorská Hana. Kostel nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Andělské Hoře (okr. Bruntál) a jeho renesanční podoba Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). K sepulkrální plastice v Corpusu insriptorium Bohemiae Royt Jan (1955- ). Utrakvistická ikonografie v Čechách 15. a první poloviny 16. století Šopák Pavel (1970- ). Pacov Václava Wagnera Šroněk Michal (1952- ). Obrazy u soudu Štěpánek Pavel (1942- ). Dědictví španělsko-arabské tradice za Václac IV. Živá tradice Alfonsových tabulek Studničková Milada (1955- ). Úvodní iluminace Sníškovského graduálu jako klíč k interpretaci rukopisu Švácha Rostislav (1952- ). Co se stalo s Prahou 1948-1989? Bitva o devatenácté století Svobodová Markéta (1971- ). Věčný ruch a věčná nespokojensot nad strahovským stadionem (Příspěvek k historii sportovních staveb) Teryngerová Hana. Středověké poutnictví a jeho odraz v archeologickém materiálu. K nálezu poutního odznaku z Opavy Togner Milan (1938-2011). Jacopo Confortini v olomoucké sbírce kreseb Varhaník Jiří (1954- ). Předpoklady památkové ochrany městských památkových rezervací prohlášených v letech 1970-1982 Vlček Pavel (1948- ). Urbanistické zásady a nový typ renesančního domu na Malé Straně v Praze Vojtal Petr. Hacknerovská variace na pomezí Moravy a Slezska Všetečková Zuzana (1949- ). Gotické nástěnné malby v kostele sv. Apolináře v Praze
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Bibliogr. prac. I. Hlobila s. 409-425.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24727 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Publication Series of the Museum Europäischer Kulturen ; vol. 24)
Boersma Susanne (1992- ). Edenheiser Iris. Scott Joel. Tietmeyer Elisabeth (1960- ). Aksoy Suay. What’s Missing? - Sticking to the margins Ataman Ferda (1979- ). Our heymat! Your museum? – Towards a more diverse museum culture. Susan Kamel in conversation with Ferda Ataman about childhood, museums and the power of belonging Avramidou Sophia. The "Greek crisis" and the tale of an unemployment card - A biographical card Beitl Matthias. Collecting is communicating Boersma Susanne (1992- ). The archive of forgotten memories - A participatory process of reflection Buchczyk Magdalena. Horezu bowl - The lacklustre nature of tradition Buchczyk Magdalena. Pandora’s box? Transforming everyday collections Burns Kieran. Mind the gap(s)! – The challenges of delineating a narrative at the house of European history Chahine Anne. The archive of forgotten memories - A participatory process of reflection Chevallier Denis (1951- ). Collecting contemporary items to study and exhibit social issues – Experiences of the MuCEM, Marseilles, France Chevallier-Kause Eva. Yellow vests Edenheiser Iris. Introduction - Towards new filters and relations Edenheiser Iris. Kum’a Mbape and Ndumb’a Lobe on a Berlin pictorial broadsheet Edenheiser Iris. Open the gates - Museum methods and structures Gouaffo Albert (1965- ). Kum’a Mbape and Ndumb’a Lobe on a Berlin pictorial broadsheet Gruda Hans-Joachim. #CollectingCorona Gul Fatma. Transnational solidarity - Transgender voices in the museum Harlin Eeva-Kristiina (1972- ). Ládjogahpir rematriated - The Sámi ontology of a museum object Heck Brigitte (1964- ). Another story to tell? New narrations for European exhibitions Hotopp-Riecke Mieste. The Fez, emancipation, and homelands - What a Crimean Tatar Feaz in Berlin is albe to tell us Kamel Susan. Our heymat! Your museum? – Towards a more diverse museum culture. Susan Kamel on conversation with Ferda Ataman about childhood, museums and the power of belonging Kaschuba Wolfgang. Between cultural heritage and looted art - European museums in turbulent times Köbsell Swantje (1958- ). "There’s never anyone like me..." On the (Mis-)representation of disability Kupka Mahret Ifeoma. Contemporary Muslim fashions - Racism and diversity in European museums Kuti Klára. Community of remembrance versus the politics of memory - The example of a Hungarian museum Lehrer Erica T. (1969- ). From "heritage communities” to "communities of implication" Macdonald Sharon (1961- ). Seven modes of museum forgetting Malik Saad. Queerness - free delivery to your home! McMaster Gerald (1953- ). (Re)presenting the European – The virtual platform for indigenous art Moehring Markus (1958- ). Cross-border exhibitions to reflect upon and overcome national imaginaries Mori Akiko (1957- ). Exhibiting Europe in an ethno logical museum in Japan - Redefining the opposition between self and other Mouliou Marlen. Absences and silences in Greek museums - Tracing the gaps in untold stories Mouliou Marlen. The "Greek crisis" and the tale of an unemployment card - A biographical card Mucha Franziska. The archive of forgotten memories - A participatory process of reflection North Ace. Revoking the future Oleszkiewicz Małgorzata (1955- ). Between collecting “Traditional Folk Culture” and the challenges of contemporary collection policies – Current dilemmas facing ethnographic museums Pardue Diana F. Treasures from home - European identities in the Ellis Island Immigration Museum Peschel Tina. What am I missing? A look inside the MEK collection Rahemipour Patricia (1972- ). "It’s sad to watch Europe rot from the inside out" Redlin Jane. Cosplay - Collecting youth culture Sado Dachil (1992- ). The leggings Sandell Richard (1967- ). Bringing queer home Schmid Anna (1960- ). Europe as blind spot – Struggling for connectivity Schühle Judith. Global Europe – of objects, objections and objectifications Schühle Judith. Here to stay or here to go? Simon Hermann. Hanukkah Calendar - In the style of a advent calendar Smith Matt. Bringing queer home Tafari-Am Imani M. Ontology of objects - The political economy of our common colonial heritage Tietmeyer Elisabeth (1960- ). 20 years of the MEK - Have we reached our goals? Tietmeyer Elisabeth (1960- ). What’s missing? The story (or stories) behind the objects Wild Beate (1956- ). The most fragile in bubble wrap - A comic about the exhibition project comiXconnection Wittenzellner Jana (1980- ). Whereof one cannot speak... Should not be collected? "Sexual objects" within the MEK Collection Ziehe Irene. Portrait of Amare Romagnas in a POW Camp Zwart Inge. The archive of forgotten memories - A participatory process of reflection
Indeks R0: BMNK
Materiały konferecyjne: Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Berlin, 26-28 czerwca 2019 r.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 34780 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
el-Shishini Naima (1929- ). A comparative aesthetic analytic evaluation of some Ottoman miniatures Kara Pilehvarian Nuran (1961- ). Bursa Muradiye Camii Saçak Silmeleri Üzerine Düşünceler Ögel Semra. III. Mustafa Devri Yapılarında Yeni İfade Yolları ve Bir Değişim Başlangıcı Olarak Nuruosmaniye Camii Önder Mehmet (1926-2004). Türk Hat (Yazı) Sanatında "Besmele" İstifleri Öner Sema. Türk Resminin Gelişiminde Sarayın Yeri (1839-1923) Önge Yılmaz. Anadolu'nun Tarihi Güvercinlikleri Önkal Hakkı (1944- ). Birgi Ulu Camii Hakkında Bazı Mülahazalar Özbek Yıldıray (1967- ). Havadan Köyü Şeyh Hacı İbrahim Tekkesi Özer Cebe. Edirne'de Üsküflü Mezartaşı Örnekleri Özer Filiz. III. Mustafa Devri'nin Mimari Üslubu Özsayıner Zübeyde Cihan. Yarpak Üzerine Yazılan Hatlar Öztürk İsmail. Yayınlanmış Narh Defterleri, Fermanlar ve Belediye Kanunları Işığında 16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Kumaş Sanatı ve Standardizasyonu Pavlović Dobroslav-Boǰko St. (1916-2009). L'influence culturelle de l'Islam en Yougoslavie Petronōtēs Argyrēs (1924- ). Die ruinierte alte Steinerne Peneiosbrücke am Thessalischen Tempe, Griechenland Rogers John Michael (1940- ). Chinese monsters, the Turks and the Mongols Rosen-Ayalon Myriam (1930- ). Are there Seljuk origins for Malamuk art? Rozen Minna (1947- ). Encounter in history - the impact of Turkish art and culture on the funerary art and rites of the Jewish Cementary of Hasköy Rührdanz Karin. Zu Hinweisen auf die Anfertigung von illustrierten "Prophetengeschichten" im Osmanischen Reich Şahin Faruk. Kütahya Eski Çini Fırınları ve Buluntularının Değerlendirilmesi 1990 Yılı Buluntuları Saint Laurent Beatrice. The Dome of the Rock - restorations and political significance 1560-1907 Şaman Nermin. Karma Tipte Hanların Bir Çeşitlemesi Üzerine Görüşler Sänger Reinhard W. Results of technical and historical examinations on objects of the "Karlsruher Türkenbeute" Scarce Jennifer M. The impact of Ottoman art and culture in Romania painted frescoes in the 16th century churches of Moldavia Seçkin Nadide. Osmanlı Mimarisinde 15. Yüzyıla İlişkin İki Saray Yerleşimi: Edirne (Yeni) Sarayı ve Topkapı Sarayı Sims Eleanor. An illuminated manuscript copied by Shaykh Hamdullah in the Library of Congress in Washington DC Sinemoğlu Nermin. Askeri Müze'de Bulunan Resim Koleksiyonu Soucek Priscilla Parsons. Ethnic depictions in Warqah ve Gulshah Sönmez Zeki. 18. Yüzyılda Türk Kumaş Sanatında Gelişmeler ve Selimiye Kumaşları Speiser Philipp (1951- ). 18th century domestic architecture in Egyptian Provincial towns: according to the descripion de l'Egypte Subaşı Hüsrev. Edebiyat ve Hatt San'atımızda Hilye Geleneği Süslü Özden. Sitti Hatun Camii Mihrabi Üzerine Düşünceler Tanındı Zeren (1943- ). Kadife Ciltler Tezcan Hülya (1945- ). Saray Nakkaşhanesinin Erken Resim Programına Göre Hazırlanmış Türk Kumaş ve İşlemeleri Theunissen Hans (1960- ). Lamps Tsitroulis Théodore. La restauration du minaret de la mosquée de Süleyman, à Rhodes Tuncel Mehmet. Ladik'de İki Türbe Tunsch Thomas (1960- ). Türkisches Rokoko und lokale Tradition in Damaskus: Betrachtung eines Interieurs Uluçam Abdüsselam. Eski Arapgir'de Bir Akkoyunlu Eseri: Şeyh Hasan (Cafer Paşa) Camii Ünal Rahmi Hüseyin (1937- ). A propos de la destination de l'édifice situé au sud-est du khan de Kızılören Urak Gediz. Amasya'da İki Saray Hamamı Uysal Ali Osman. Germiyanoğullları Beyliği Dönemi Türbeleri Vitković-Žikić Milena (1951- ). Jube - oriental influence on women's costume Yalman Bedri (1943- ). Bursa Yeşil Cami Pencere Parmaklıklarındaki Gümüş Kakma Motifler Yamanlar Minako Mizuno. Hatayî Motifinin Menşei Yavuz Ayşıl Tükel. Mirçinge Han and concentric planned Anatolian Seljuk period caravanserais Yavuz Yıldırım (1939- ). Mescid-i Aksa ve Mimar Kemalettin Yenişehirlioğlu Filiz. XVII. Yüzyıl Başkent-Taşra İlişkileri Kapsamında Yanya (İonnina) Şehri Yetkin Şerare (1929-1995). Türk Çini ve Keramik Sanatında Yeni Buluntular Yildirim Sercan Özgencil. Kent Kurgusu ve Tek Yapı (Yapı Grubu) İlişkisi - Edirne Örneği Yıldız Netice. Osmanlı Dönemi Kıbrıs Türk Mimari ve Sanatı Yılmaz Tarcan. Değişik Bir Grup Gümüş Eser Yum Şule. Son Dönem Osmanlı Saray Yapılarındaki Bazı Tasvirler Üzerine Gözlemler Zangheri Luigi. The cultural relations between the Medici and the Ottoman empire Zick-Nissen Johanna. Triple-ball and stripes-an ornament and its Turkish tradition Żygulski Zdzisław jun. (1921-2015). Turquoise in Turkish art
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Tyt. grzbietowy: Bildiri Özetleri. Summary of Contributions
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31305/3 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Epigraphica & Sepulcralia : fórum epigrafických a sepulkrálních studií ; 8)
Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Balážová Barbara (1976- ). Erinnerungsmal für Christoph Füssl aus dem Jahr 1561 und andere Wiener Sepulkralkunstwerke für die Bürger der mittelslowakischen Bergbaustädte Balážová Barbara (1976- ). Památník pro Christopha Füssla z roku 1561 a další vídeňská sepulkrální díla pro měšťany středoslovenských horních měst Balounová Helena. Kurcpachovské pohřebiště ve Stvolínkách Balounová Helena. The Kurcpach cementary in Stvolínky Bornschlegel Franz-Albrecht. Eingeweideinschrift für Kaiser Otto III. von 1513/14 im Augsburger Dom und ihre epigrapische Bedeutung Bornschlegel Franz-Albrecht. Nápis na hrobu vnitřností pro císaře Otu III. z 1513/14 v augsburském dómu a jeho epigrafický význam Čovan Miroslav (1978- ). "...nam quia Tu vivis, vivemus" Goeth Mirjam. Dětské náhrobky v Bavorsku od pozdního středověku do poloviny 17. století Goeth Mirjam. Kindergrabmäler in Bayern von ausgehenden Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts Hamrlová Anna (1988- ). Renaissance tombstone of Anna Magdalena Vencelikova from Malovice in Kamenice nad Lipou: a unique work on the border of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands Hamrlová Anna (1988- ). Renesanční náhrobek Anny Magdaleny Vencelíkové z Malovic v Kamenici nad Lipou - odjedinělé dílo na pomezí Českomoravské vysočiny Hlinomaz Milan (1959- ). K náhrobníku Perchty z Rožmberka Hlinomaz Milan (1959- ). On the tombstone of Perchta of Rožmberg (Rosenberg) Jakubec Ondřej (1976- ). Vanished words and images: memory loss and the Sepulchral Monuments in the Czech Lands, circa 1600 Jakubec Ondřej (1976- ). Zmizelá slova a obrazy: Ztráta paměti a sepulkrálni památky v českých zemích kolem roku 1600 Janáčová Eva (1981- ). Svědek zašlých časů: Starý židovský hŕbitov v Libni Janáčová Eva (1981- ). Witness of Times Past: The Old Jewish Cementary in Libeň Jirák Matouš (1981- ). Epitaf Kašpara Nusse (1606) a jeho grafická předloha Jirák Matouš (1981- ). Epitaph of Kašpar Nuss (1606) and its graphic model Kalinová Gabriela. Malostranský hřbitov v Praze a jeho rekonstrukce Kalinová Gabriela. The Lesser Town Cementarty in Prague and its reconstruction Kessler Vojtěch (1985- ). "Kdybychom na ty padlé zapomněli, je to, jako by zemřeli podruhé" Kessler Vojtěch (1985- ). "Should the fallen be fortotten it is as if they died for the second time" Kilián Jan (1976- ). Early modern sepulchral monuments in the church of. St. Anna in Krupka Kilián Jan (1976- ). Raně novověké sepulkrální památky v kostele sv. Anny v Krupce Klapetek Martin (1977- ). Muslim gravestones in contemporary Germany and Austria Klapetek Martin (1977- ). Muslimské náhrobky v současném Německu a Rakousku Klenovský Jaroslav (1954- ). Budovy na židovských hřbitovech v českých zemích Klenovský Jaroslav (1954- ). Buildings at Jewish cementeries in the Czech lands Krzemińska-Szołtysek Sylwia (1976- ). Production of the Master of the Tomb slab of Dluhomil as the culminating point of Upper Silesian sculpture of the period of the Renaissance and Mannerism Krzemińska-Szołtysek Sylwia (1976- ). Twórczość Mistrza Płyty Dluhomila jako punkt kulminacyjny górnośląskiej plastyki doby renesansu i manieryzmu Petrusová Lucie B. (1981- ). The Jewish Cementary in Dřevníkov Petrusová Lucie B. (1981- ). Židovský hřbitov v Dřevíkově Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Introduction Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Dvě "alternativní" epigrafické soupisové akce a jejich význam pro studium sepulkrálních památek Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). K sepulkrální memorii v epigrafické kampani. Pražská města po událostech roku 1648 Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). On the sepulchral memory in an epigraphic campaign: the towns of Prague after the events of 1648 Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Two "alternative" epigraphic inventory acts and their significance for the study of sepulchral monuments Roháček Jiří (1962-2023). Úvodem Soukupová Blanka (1965- ). Jewish cementeries in the Czech lands after World War II Soukupová Blanka (1965- ). Židovské hřbitovy v českých zemích po druhé světove válce Soukup Daniel (1976- ). K sekundárnímu užití židovských náhrobků v Olomouci: kapitola z dějin protižidovských perzekucí v pozdním středověku Soukup Daniel (1976- ). The secondary use of Jewish tombstone in Olomouc: a chapter on the history of anti-Jewish persecutions in the late Middle Ages Skružná Jarmila. The depiction of mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) on the tombstone of Elisabeth Jane Weston in an interdisciplinary context Skružná Jarmila. Vyobrazení mandragory lékařské (Mandragora officinarum) na náhrobku Alžběty Johanny Westonie v mezioborových souvislostech Šrámek Josef (1982- ). "Kdybychom na ty padlé zapomněli, je to, jako by zemřeli podruhé" Šrámek Josef (1982- ). "Should the fallen be forgotten it is as if they died for the second time" Steinová Iva (1952- ). Symbolika výzdoby židovských náhrobků v Čechách Steinová Iva (1952- ). Symbolism of the decoration of the Jewish tombstones in Bohemia and Moravia Svoboda Lukáš. Documentation of Jewish cementeries in the Karlovy Vary region Svoboda Lukáš. Dokumentace židovských hřbitovů v Karlovarském kraji Svoboda Milan. Cementeries of the Frýdlant district Svoboda Milan. Hřbitovy Frŷdlantska
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Bibliogr. w przypisach.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 33646 (1 egz.)
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