Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
Achache Steve. Le Tresor du Loiret: typologie des monnaies de l'Orleanais et liaisons de coins entre ateliers monetaires
Aikema Bernard (1949- ). Baldung and Italy: emulation or rebellion?
Akopan Aleksandr Vladimirovic. Dvin in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. City history in the light of new numismatic materials
Allen Robert. Naphthalene (1992)
Amiot Francois (1889-1971)
Andrews Murray. Noble fair and fine: Single finds of English gold coin from later medieval England and Wales
Antoniszczak Sabina. Childlike simplicity
Antoniszczak Sabina. Dziecinnie proste
Arico Rocco. Le kharrube dei due Ruggeri: un tentativo di classificazione
Asbeck Hans (1943- )
Audy Florent. A link to the past? The ritual use of Roman coins in Viking Age graves
Averill Elisabeth
Awianowicz Bartosz (1978- ). Peculiarities in the legends of Flavian aurei and denarii minted in Syria
Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). Miliarenses and silver grossi in the Western Mediterranean: new documents and perspectives
Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). The overstriking on Italian Medieval coins: a preliminary taxonomy and some motivations
Baldi Elena. Coins of the mint of Salona from the archaeological contexts of Classe. New evidence and interpretation
Ballard Mary W. Climate and conservation (1994)
Ballard Mary W. Hanging out: strength elongation and relative humidity: some physical properties of textile fibres (1996)
Barański Łukasz. Protestantyzm w Wielkopolsce
Barbato Marta. The Roman Republican coins from excavations in the Sacred Area of the Largo di Torre Argentina (Rome): New data in the light of recent research
Becker Jan-Erik. Die Rekonstruktion des Brakteatenfundes bei Leipzig (1831). Ein Beitrag zur Munzgeschichte des Osterlandes am Ubergang vom 13. zum 14. Jahrhundert
Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen Gerard van
Bellinger Louisa. Basic habits of textile fibres (1963)
Bengtsson Sven (1932- ). Preservation of the Wasa sails (1975)
Białecki Konrad. Kościół ewangelicko-augsburski w Polsce i Wielkopolsce po II wojnie światowej
Bilić Tomislav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia
Blazquez Cerrato M. Cruces. Circulación monetaria en el territorium de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de Reina Badajoz Espana)
Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. La fin du monnayage annamite sous le regne de Bao Dai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapeque
Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. Les frappes de deniers imperiaux a Alexandrie a la fin du IIe siecle ap. J.-C.: premiers resultats d'analyses
Bochnak Anna. The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Type Dorogichin Seals in Their East European Context
Bodzek Jarosław. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report
Boelter Christfried (1948- ). Evangelisch im Posener Land. Von der Unierten Kirche in der Provinz Posen zur Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Posener in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Boelter Christfried (1948- ). Ewangelicy w Poznańskiem. Od Koscioła Ewangelicko-unijnego w Prowincji Poznańskiej do Wspólnoty Ewangelickich Poznańczyków w Republice Federalnej Niemiec
Boersma Foekje (1969- ). Solvent reactivation of hydroxypropyl cellulose (Klucel G®) in textile conservation: recent developments (1997)
Bohde Daniela. Korper im Helldunkel. Baldungs Imaginationen von Frauenleibern
Bompaire Marc (1957- ). Pieforts medievaux. Reflexions sur l'origine et les fonctions d'un objet monetaire mal connu
Bonanno Maurizio. Le monete locali di Messina del 1474
Borowicz Kazimierz (1903-1989)
Bransbourg Gilles (1965- ). The Currencies of the Roman Republic. Summary of an Argument on Weights and Currency Reform
Brecht Martin (1932- )
Breitsprecher Victoria Johanna. Sicheres Zeichen? Asylstadte und ihre Tempeldarstellungen
Bringel Anne-Rose. A conservation/restoration technique (2000)
Brooks Mary M
Brooks Mary M. New insights into textiles: the potential of x-radiography as an investigative technique (2005)
Brooks Mary M. To clean or not to clean: the value of soils and creases (1996)
Brown Elizabeth. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005)
Bruckle Irene (1960- ). Korper im Helldunkel. Baldungs Imaginationen von Frauenleibern
Bruni Stefano (1960- ). An AE3 mule of Priscus Attalus: new light on dating the Urbs Roma Felix series
Bruni Valerio. La moneta provinciale in Spagna durante la guerra sertoriana (82-72 a.C.)
Bruselius Scharff Annemette. Synthetic dyestuffs for textiles and their fastness to washing (1999)
Brutillot Andre. Reflections on slit stitching in tapestries (2002)
Buchholz Werner (1948- ). Cuius latifundium eius religio? : Grundzuge der Reformation in Grob- und Kleinpolen
Buchholz Werner (1948- ). Cuius latifundium eius religio? : zarys dziejów Reformacji w Wielkopolsce i w Małopolsce
Buenger Nancy. Wet with blood: the investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's Cloak (2000)
Bumiller Casimir (1951- ). Hans Baldung Grien. Herkunft und Verwandtschaft
Burckhardt Jacqueline
Burnham Eva. Preventative conservation with the help of volunteers: a successful race against time (1992)
Burstrom Nanouschka (1969- ). Coin finds in religious contexts: introducing the theme
Burstrom Nanouschka (1969- ). Introduction to the Round Table session
Bębnik Grzegorz (1970- ). Henryk Wegner-Wojnowski - clergyman publicist publisher
Bębnik Grzegorz (1970- ). Ks. Henryk Wegner-Wojnowski - duszpasterz publicysta wydawca
Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- )
Calabria Patrizia. Le zecche provinciali: una diversa prospettiva di studio
Campo Diaz Marta. La moneda en las necrópolis del arco mediterraneo de Hispania (siglos I-II d.C.)
Canto Garcia Alberto. Monedas fatimies en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia Espana)
Carbone Frederico. Semissi pestani a Pompei: dati sulla circolazione
Carbone Lucia Francesca. The epigraphic attestations of denarii in the Provincia Asia (133 BC - AD 96)
Carrasco Julia (1978- ). Ein Fall von selbstbewusster Ambivalenz. Die Adam-und-Eva-Darstellungen Baldungs und ihr Verhaltnis zu Durer
Carroccio Benedetto (1964- )
Carvalheiro Porto Vagner. Western and Eastern Provincial Roman Coins: a view from the margins
Casoli Andrea. Due conii ritoccati di Nerone
Castrizio Daniele (1964- )
Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Le emissioni in bronzo bizantine della zecca di Alessandria. Una revisione cronologica
Ceccaroni Emanuela. I reperti numismatici provenienti dai recenti scavi del santuario di Ercole di Alba Fucens
Chiappini Alessia. Virtu e personificazioni nel Libro delle Medaglie da Cesare a Commodo di Pirro Ligorio
Chinowska Agata
Chinowska Agata. Detsky sen
Chinowska Agata. Detsky sen (Childhood dream)
Chojecka Ewa (1933- ). Dziedzictwo protestanckiej kultury artystycznej na Górnym Śląsku. Od leśnych kościołów do postmodernizmu
Chojecka Ewa (1933- ). The heritage of Protestant art culture in Upper Silesia (from forest churches to postmodernism)
Clavir Miriam (1948- ). Preserving conceptual integrity: ethics and theory in preventive conservation (1994)
Clayton Sarah. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003)
Clua Mercadal Maria. Alternativas monetarias adoptadas en Catalunya durante la Baja Edad Media
Conejo Delgado Noe. Villae Romanas y Via de la Plata: aproximacion a la economia rural romana de la parte occidental de la Peninsula Iberica a traves del registro monetario
Conti Susanna. Loss in textiles: technological and color problems (2004)
Contini Roberto
Cooke Bill (historia sztuki). Creasing an ancient textiles (1988)
Cruickshank Pippa. Lining a banana fibre belt: a cool vacuum table technique (1993)
Cupa Adam. Badania nieniszczące i fizykochemiczne
Czarnecka Daria. Evangelicals from Upper Silesia who lost their lives in KL Auschwitz
Czarnecka Daria. Górnośląscy ewangelicy zmarli w KL Auschwitz
Czartoryska Urszula (1934-1998)
D'Angelo Giulia (1942- ). Un lingotto con il segno del ramo secco dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno
Dahmen Karsten (1969- ). The 1740 hoard of Roman denarii from Preussisch-Gorlitz near Osterode in Eastern Prussia (Gierłoż/Ostróda in Poland)
Dal-Pra Patricia. In situ maintenance and storage: the unique case of textiles (2000)
Daly Hartin Debra. Local stain removal from Oceanie la mer by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk ultrasonic mister and airbrush (2009)
Daniel-Rops Henri (1901-1965)
Daniels Vincent. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001)
Darley Rebecca. All that glitters...: the Byzantine gold solidus c. 300-1092
Day William R. Secundum ducatos venetos: the Roman Senatorial Gold Ducat 1368-1439
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
1970 - 1979
1960 - 1969
1950 - 1959
1910 - 1919
1900 - 1909
1890 - 1899
1870 - 1879
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Malarstwo francuskie
Sztuka europejska
Grubinger, Eva (1970- )
Iparművészeti Múzeum
Malarstwo polskie
Medale europejskie
Szapocznikow, Alina (1926-1973)
Sztuka austriacka
Sztuka polska
Sztuka sakralna
"Evangelium Lucae"
Antonisz, Julian Józef (1941-1987)
Architektura europejska
Architektura sakralna
Artyści amerykańscy
Artyści angielscy
Bakos, Ildikó (1948- )
Baldung Grien, Hans (1484-1545)
Baranowsky, Heike (1968- )
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Monachium)
Bergman, Anna-Eva (1909-1987)
Biblia. NT. Apokryfy
Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych (Kielce)
Biżuteria chorwacka
Borowa, Agata (1979- )
Brzeski Olaf (1975-)
Bröhan-Museum (Berlin)
Ceramika europejska
Ceramika węgierska
Choung-Fux, Eva (1935- )
Clegg, Michael (1957- )
Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877)
Erdei, Krisztina (1976- )
Ewa (postać bibl.)
Ewangeliarz gnieźnieński (11 w.)
Ewangelicyzm augsburski
Fotografia amerykańska
Fulla, L'udovít (1902-1980)
Galeria Arsenał (Białystok)
Galeria Miejska "Arsenał" (Poznań)
Galeria Sztuki Artemis (Kraków)
Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej (Opole)
Galerie Bernheim Jeune (Paryż)
Galerie Eva Poll (Berlin)
Galerie des Polnischen Instituts (Berlin)
Gemäldegalerie (Berlin)
Gonzalès Éva (1849-1883)
González-Torres, Félix (1957-1996)
Grafika norweska
Gramz, Zofia (1981- )
Grzeszykowska, Aneta (1974- )
Guttmann, Martin (1957- )
Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart (Berlin)
Harmadyová, Eva (1962- )
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig
Hesse, Eva (1936-1970)
Horn, Roni (1955- )
Hüttner, Florian (1964- )
Janoušková, Věra (1922-2010)
Jarman, Derek (1942-1994)
Jelonek, Wiesław (1933- )
Kmentová, Eva (1928-1980)
Konieczna Matysek-Mazur Ewa
Kotátková, Eva (1982- )
Kołacz Ewa Anna
Královský letohrádek (Praga)
Kunstamt Tiergarten - Obere Galerie (Berlin)
Köves Éva (1965-)
Literatura chrześcijańska amerykańska
Loderer, Angelika (1984- )
Lumezi Šimatović, Eva (1976- )
Lumezi, Lazer Rok (1945- )
Marcillat, Guillaume de (1470-1529)
Miedzioryt holenderski
Mittelrheinisches Landesmuseum (Moguncja)
Monety bizantyńskie
Monety rzymskie
Mróz, Tomasz (1979- )
Mureşan, Ciprian (1977- )
Museum für Gegenwart (Berlin)
Muzej Mimara (Zagrzeb)
Muzeum Artystów (Łódź)
Muzeum Miedzi (Legnica)
Muzeum Sztuki (Łódź)
Muzeum Sztuki Medalierskiej (Wrocław)
Temat: dzieło
Biblia. NT. Apokryfy
Biblia. NT. Ewangelia św. Łukasza
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Ausseerland (Austria)
Śląsk, Górny
Katalogi wystaw
Materiały konferencyjne
51 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
(Readings in Conservation ; 4)
Brooks Mary M. Eastop Dinah. Allen Robert. Naphthalene (1992) Ballard Mary W. Climate and conservation (1994) Ballard Mary W. Hanging out: strength, elongation, and relative humidity: some physical properties of textile fibres (1996) Bellinger Louisa. Basic habits of textile fibres (1963) Bengtsson Sven (1932- ). Preservation of the "Wasa" sails (1975) Boersma Foekje (1969- ). Solvent reactivation of hydroxypropyl cellulose (Klucel G®) in textile conservation: recent developments (1997) Bringel Anne-Rose. A conservation/restoration technique (2000) Brooks Mary M. New insights into textiles: the potential of x-radiography as an investigative technique (2005) Brooks Mary M. To clean or not to clean: the value of soils and creases (1996) Brown Elizabeth. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Bruselius Scharff Annemette. Synthetic dyestuffs for textiles and their fastness to washing (1999) Brutillot André. Reflections on slit stitching in tapestries (2002) Buenger Nancy. Wet with blood: the investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's Cloak (2000) Burnham Eva. Preventative conservation with the help of volunteers: a successful race against time (1992) Clavir Miriam (1948- ). Preserving conceptual integrity: ethics and theory in preventive conservation (1994) Clayton Sarah. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Conti Susanna. Loss in textiles: technological and color problems (2004) Cruickshank Pippa. Lining a banana fibre belt: a cool vacuum table technique (1993) Cooke Bill (historia sztuki). Creasing an ancient textiles (1988) Dal-Prà Patricia. In situ maintenance and storage: the unique case of textiles (2000) Daly Hartin Debra. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Daniels Vincent. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Dodd Wendy. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Eastop Dinah. Decision making in conservation: determining the role of artefacts (1998) Eastop Dinah. To clean or not to clean: the value of soils and creases (1996) Eastop Dinah. Two contrasting minimally interventive upholstery treatments: different roles, different treatments (1997) Estham Inger (1928-2016). Eighty years of Pietas (1988) Fields John. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Fikioris Margaret A. Charting the future: conservation principles of Henry Francis du Pont (1986) Finch Karen (1921-2018). Note on the damaging effect of flameproofing on a tapestry hanging (1969) Finch Karen (1921-2018). Textiles as documents of history and those who care for them (2000) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Conservation with needle and thread (1988) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Examples of textile conservation in the historical Museum, Bern (1957/58) Flury-Lemberg Mechthild (1929- ). Introduction to "Textile conservation and research" (1988) Fogelmarck Stig (1916-2006). John Böttiger: keeper of textiles (1988) French Ann. Textile or art? The conservation, display and storage of modern textile art (2004) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Brief reply from Dr. Geijer, Stockholm, 12 June 1961 (1961) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Dangerous methods for the conservation of textiles (1961) Geijer Agnes (1898-1989). Preservation of textile objects (1963) Gill Kathryn. Solvent reactivation of hydroxypropyl cellulose (Klucel G®) in textile conservation: recent developments (1997) Gill Kathryn. Two contrasting minimally interventive upholstery treatments: different roles, different treatments (1997) Gill Victoria. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Haldane Elizabeth-Anne. Avendale for reformation: conservation of a 17th century covenanting banner (2003) Hartog Frances. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Hayward Maria. Naphthalene (1992) Heald Susan. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Hefford Wendy. The restoration of the tapestries (1971) Herrmann Hannelore. Looking back at thirty years of textile conservation and restoration in the Federal Republic of Germany (1989) Hillyer Lynda. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Hinkel Ada. A sleeveless doublet circa 1585 from the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg (2002) Hofenk de Graaff Judith H. Some recent developments in the cleaning of ancient textiles (1982) Jędrzejewska Hanna (1906-2002). Problems in the conservation of textiles: needle versus adhesive (1981) Jędrzejewska Hanna (1906-2002). Problems of ethics in the conservation of textiles (1980) Johansen Katia (1948- ). Perfumed garments, their preservation and presentation: "...the good smell of old clothes" (1999) Johnson Jessica S. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Kajitani Nobuko. A contact/pressure mounting system (1986) Kajitani Nobuko. Care of fabrics in the Museum (1977) Kaminitz Marian A. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Kirkpatrick Bridie. Clear as mud: how cultural significance determines preservation choices (2003) Kite Marion. Conservator safety: Mercury in felt hats (2003) Kite Marion. The conservation of an English embroidered picture using an oriental paper method: a joint approach (1995) Kovács Tibor (1940-2013). A thousand-year-old relic in a new setting Krippendorf Agnes. "Information is defense": conservation in Auschwitz (2002) Landi Sheila. Three examples of textile conservation in the Victoria and Albert Museum (1966) Leene Jentina E. Restoration and preservation of ancient textiles, and natural science (1963) Leene Jentina E. The "Delft" methods for the conservation of textiles: response to Dr. Agnès Geijer, Stockholm (1961) Leene Jentina E. The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Lennard Frances. The conservation of the United Tin Plate Workers' Society Banner of 1821 (1989) Lister Alison. Making the most of mounts: expanding the role of display mounts in the preservation and interpretation of historic textiles (1997) Lodewijks Johan. The history of conservation and restoration of flags and banners in the Netherlands (1980) Lugtigheid Renée. A tale of two tapestries: considerations of restoration, de-restoration, and re-restoration (1995) Maheux Anne F. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Marko Ksynia. Two case histories: a seventeenth-century Antwerp tapestry and an eighteenth-century English Soho tapestry (1989) Martin Graham (1952- ). Conservator safety: Mercury in felt hats (2003) Martin Graham (1952- ). State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Masschelein-Kleiner Liliane. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) McClean Lynn. Avendale for reformation: conservation of a 17th century covenanting banner (2003) McHugh Kelly. Practical aspects of consultation with communities (2005) Meert Geert. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) Morgan Helen. Lining a banana fibre belt: a cool vacuum table technique (1993) Niekamp Bettina. Alterations, historical restorations, restoration and conservation interventions (2008) O'Connor Sonia A. New insights into textiles: the potential of x-radiography as an investigative technique (2005) Odegaard Nancy (1955- ). Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Orlofsky Patsy. The role of connoisseurship in determining the textile conservator's treatment options (1993) Peacock Elizabeth E. Drying archaeological textiles (1992) Phipps Elena. A contact/pressure mounting system (1986) Pool Marilen. Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Raster Barbara. Removal of previous "restorations" from Islamic textiles in the Bouvier Collection: analysis and treatment (1994) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. I: general chemical and physical structural features of the natural textile fibres (1962) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. V: the characterisctics of soils and stains encountered on historic textiles (1964) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. VI: the wonders of water in wetcleaning (1966) Rice James W. Principles of textile conservation science, no. VIII: Drycleaning of fine and fragile textiles (1967) Richardson Emma. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Ringgaard Maj. An investigation of the effects of borohydride treatments of oxidized cellulose textiles (2002) Rinuy Anne. Removal of previous "restorations" from Islamic textiles in the Bouvier Collection: analysis and treatment (1994) Robinson John M. Uppark restored: the conservation of the contents (1996) Rowell Christopher. Uppark restored: the conservation of the contents (1996) Ruggles Anne. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Sadongei Alyce (1959- ). Addressing the problem: the team approach (2005) Semečkin P. A. "Workshop for the repair of antique needlework": on the history of the decorative arts section of the Central State Restoration Workshops, 1919-1934 (2000/2001) Seth-Smith Alexandra. Animal glue removal from sixteenth-century Flemish tapestry fragments: a comparative study of three cleaning methods (1996) Sieders R. The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Singer Poppy. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Stauffer Annemarie. A study of the conservation problems of archaeological textiles treated with synthetic consolidants (2005) Sykas Philip A. Caring or wearing? (1987) Temmink-van Dijkhuizen Marike. Textiles in all conditions: opinions about restoration and conservation from changing perspectives (1990) Timar-Balazsy Agnes (1948-2001). Drying behaviour of fibres (1999) Tinker Zenzie. Evaluating the use of adhesives in textile conservation: part I, An overview and surveys of current use (1997) Trupin Deborah Lee. Flag conservation then and now (2003) Trupin Deborah Lee. The role of connoisseurship in determining the textile conservator's treatment options (1993) Tse Season. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Uytenbogaart J. W. H. (1897-1964). The restoration and preservation of old fabrics: a new method of mounting on a rigid backing (1956) Vandermeersch-Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge Bernadette. Conservation of historic textiles (2): the Noorderwijk pennant (1980/81) Vuori Jan. Local stain removal from "Océanie, la mer" by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush (2009) Webber Pauline. The conservation of an English embroidered picture using an oriental paper method: a joint approach (1995) Windsor Deirdre. Preserving the historic document: minimal conservation intervation for 18th- and 19th-century needlework and pictorial embroidery (1999) Wingham Andrew. Surfactant investigations into alternatives for synperonic N® (2001) Wyeth Paul. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008) Zhang Xiaomei. State of the art: non-invasive interrogation of textiles in museum collections (2008)
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Brak okładki
W koszyku
Caccamo Caltabiano Maria (1946- ). Carroccio Benedetto (1964- ). Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Puglisi Mariangela. Salamone Grazia. Barbato Marta. The Roman Republican coins from excavations in the Sacred Area of the Largo di Torre Argentina (Rome): New data in the light of recent research Bransbourg Gilles (1965- ). The Currencies of the Roman Republic. Summary of an Argument on Weights and Currency Reform Bruni Valerio. La moneta provinciale in Spagna durante la guerra sertoriana (82-72 a.C.) D'Angelo Giulia (1942- ). Un lingotto con il segno del "ramo secco" dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Martín Esquivel Alberto. Un lingotto con il segno del "ramo secco" dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Hollstein Wilhelm (1960- ). Zum Prägeort des Sicinius/Coponius-Denars (RRC 444) Katz Rebecca. Muttonis Mutunus: Q. Titius and the Case of the Obverse Head Magalhães Maricí Martins. Le monete romane repubblicane del Museo Storico Nazionale di Rio de Janeiro e la Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Brasil McCabe Andrew. The Roman Bronze Coinage struck in Apulia and South East Italy in the Second Punic War Pizzilli Emanuele. Il caso dei Bacchanalia nel documento monetale Ripollès Alegre Pere Pau (1953- ). The Unofficial Roman Republican Asses produced in Spain Gozalbes Fernández de Palencia Manuel. The Unofficial Roman Republican Asses produced in Spain Schwei David. Forgers’ Misunderstanding of Roman Coin Types Zawadzka Anna (1976- ). Some Gallic attributes on Roman Republican coins in the light of recent archaeological findings Bruni Stefano (1960- ). An AE3 mule of Priscus Attalus: new light on dating the Urbs Roma Felix series Carbone Frederico. Semissi pestani a Pompei: dati sulla circolazione Casoli Andrea. Due conii ritoccati di Nerone Ceccaroni Emanuela. I reperti numismatici provenienti dai recenti scavi del santuario di Ercole di Alba Fucens Molinari Maria Cristina. I reperti numismatici provenienti dai recenti scavi del santuario di Ercole di Alba Fucens Chiappini Alessia. Virtù e personificazioni nel Libro delle Medaglie da Cesare a Commodo di Pirro Ligorio Degler Adam (1978- ). Aureus of Postumus with the owner’s graffito (Gounthiou) Dell'Oro D'Amico Federica. Le Puellae Faustinianae nella monetazione di età antonina Dowling Melissa Barden. The Letter E at Delphi: a reconsideration of Plutarch, Faustina, and the appearance of the mystery on Roman coinage Drost Vincent (1979- ). The Seaton Down hoard (UK, Devon): c. 22,900 Constantinian nummi Ellithorpe Corey. Striking a Dissonant Chord: The Geographical Targeting of Trajan’s Debellator Coinage in Dacia Girod Virgine. Mammae gratias ago: mères et fils dans le monnayage impérial des Julio-Claudiens Küter Alexa. Imitatio Alexandri - Drusus Minor auf einer Tessera des Münzkabinetts der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin Lanchi Cristina. La circolazione monetaria in epoca adrianea: alcuni esempi da Roma, dall’Italia e dal limes germanico-retico Lempereur Olivier (1977- ). Les frappes de deniers impériaux à Alexandrie à la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.: premiers résultats d’analyses Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. Les frappes de deniers impériaux à Alexandrie à la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.: premiers résultats d’analyses Marveggio Chiara. The Sabetta coin collection Mondello Cristian. Nuove osservazioni sui contorniati: la serie dei Literaten-Büsten Ortiz Córdoba José. Set of coins from late antiquity found in the town of Ronda (Málaga, Spain) Perassi Claudia (1957- ). Monete dal suburbio di Mediolanum. La documentazione dalla grande fossa di asportazione 10114 Staffieri Giovanni Maria (1944- ). I ritratti senza corona sui bronzi imperiali alessandrini Tonisch Mareike. Prices, wages and values in the Roman Empire: The Analysis of the Epigraphical Evidence Vicari Sottosanti Maria Agata. Testimonianze della circolazione degli antoniniani in Italia meridionale e insulare Zanchi Pierre. Le monnayage de Diocletien seul empereur (été 285-Mars 286) à Siscia Ziegert Martin. Aus alt mach neu. Nachahmungen und Legitimationsstrategien in der Münzprägung Vespasians Awianowicz Bartosz (1978- ). Peculiarities in the legends of Flavian aurei and denarii minted in Syria Bilić Tomislav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia Nađ Miroslav. Coin circulation 3rd c. BC - 31 BC in north-west Croatia Blázquez Cerrato M. Cruces. Circulación monetaria en el territorium de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de Reina, Badajoz, España) Bodzek Jarosław. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Kopij Kamil. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Smagur Emilia. Finds of Roman Coins in Poland - Lesser Poland. Preliminary Report Breitsprecher Victoria Johanna. Sicheres Zeichen? Asylstädte und ihre Tempeldarstellungen Calabria Patrizia. Le zecche provinciali: una diversa prospettiva di studio Campo Díaz Marta. La moneda en las necrópolis del arco mediterráneo de Hispania (siglos I-II d.C.) Carbone Lucia Francesca. The epigraphic attestations of denarii in the Provincia Asia (133 BC - AD 96) Carvalheiro Porto Vagner. Western and Eastern Provincial Roman Coins: a view from the margins Conejo Delgado Noé. Villae Romanas y Via de la Plata: aproximaciòn a la economia rural romana de la parte occidental de la Peninsula Ibérica a través del registro monetario Dahmen Karsten (1969- ). The 1740 hoard of Roman denarii from Preussisch-Görlitz near Osterode in Eastern Prussia (Gierłoż/Ostróda in Poland) Deloum Said. Le Trésor Monétaire Inédit de Guernine (Djendel - Algérie): Étude Historique et Monétaire Di Jorio Francesco. Il culto di Cibele in Gallia: preesistenza di un culto o diffusione di tipologie da Roma verso la “periferia” dell’impero? Draganov Dimit"r (1952- ). The coinage of Anchialus: Iconography Dymowski Arkadiusz. The inflow of Roman Republican coins to the territory of present-day Poland Flueck Jonas Emmanuel. The Augustean monetary circulation at Lugdunum on the basis of stratigraphical and statistical analyses Găzdac Cristian (1970- ). Patterns of hoarding in the Roman provinces from the Middle and Lower Danube (2nd-3rd c. AD) Geneviève Vincent. Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Sarah Guillaume (1983- ). Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Duval Florian. Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datées des années 70/90-110 p.C. dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule Grozdanova Lily. The development of Pautalia (province of Thracia) during the 2nd-3rd century AD viewed through the city coinage. Some observations Iaculli Ughetta. Aspetti della monetazione provinciale: atletismo ed identità civica Jellonek Szymon. Dynastic propaganda of Caligula-imperial patterns and provincial answers Keleş Vedat. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Oyarçin Kasim. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Yilmaz Michael Deniz. Roman colonisation of Parion in light of coins Kourempanas Theodoros. The bronze coinage of the Roman quaestors of Macedonia Miškec Alenka. Roman coin hoards from 3rd century in the territory of present day Slovenia Mora Serrano Bartolomé (1960- ). "Literatura numismática" en el sur de la Península Ibérica: Mitos regionales e historias locales Munteanu Lucian. Some considerations of the Roman coin finds in the hinterland of the provinces of Dacia and Moesia Inferior Peter Ulrike (1966- ). Die Münzen ohne kaiserliches Porträt von Philippopolis (Thrakien) Pilon Fabien (1965- ). Les monnayages d’imitation de la seconde moitié du IIIe siècle après J.-C. dans les provinces nord-occidentales de l’Empire romain. Importance des découvertes de Châteaubleau (France) pour leur étude Romanowski Andrzej (1973- ). Roman coin finds from Przeworsk Culture settlements in Lesser Poland (Małopolska) Schinzel Christian. Coin Finds in the Swiss Canton of Solothurn and Roman Hoards Trommenschlager Ludovic (1987- ). Un atelier de faux monnayage magnentien à Martinvelle (88): de l’enquête à la résolution Fetet Pierre (1961- ). Un atelier de faux monnayage magnentien à Martinvelle (88): de l’enquête à la résolution Tsagkalia Christina. The Iconographical Type of Dionysus Lyceus/Aesymnetes on the Provincial Coinage of Patrae: An Interpretative Approach Watson George. The system of coin production in Roman Asia Minor: new light on an old problem Zając Barbara (historia). Circulation of Trajan’s silver Greek imperial coins struck in Lycia and Cappadocia in the light of coin finds in Europe Baldi Elena. Coins of the mint of Salona from the archaeological contexts of Classe. New evidence and interpretation Castrizio Daniele (1964- ). Le emissioni in bronzo "bizantine" della zecca di Alessandria. Una revisione cronologica Darley Rebecca. All that glitters...: the Byzantine gold solidus, c. 300-1092 Gkantzios Drápelová Pavla. Eastern mints in the early Byzantine period (6th century AD) Guruleva Vera V. Syracusan folles of Leo V in Chersonesos Hahn Wolfgang (1945- ). The sequence of issues struck by the mint of Rome from emperor Leo III to pope Hadrian I Leonard Robert D. Jr. Andronicus Comnenus’s Invasion Money of 1181-1182 Marani Flavia (1981- ). Il cosiddetto "Tesoretto di Sessa Aurunca" e la tesaurizzazione in Italia centrale alla metà del VI secolo Šeparović Tomislav. Notes on Byzantine Coins from the 7th to 9th century found in Croatia Squires Donald A. Unpublished Transitional Hyperpyra of John III Vatatzes Totev Boyan. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Dobrev Dobri. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Mihajlov Stoân. The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Lavyš Kristina Anatol'evna (1978- ). The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara (preliminary report) Ünal Ceren (1972- ). A lead seal of Alexius I Comnenus from Agora sector/ Excavations Smyrna/İzmir Ünal Ceren (1972- ). Kavakli hoard from Aydin Archaeology Museum. "A group of gold coins from the reign of Constans II" Ersoy Akin. A lead seal of Alexius I Comnenus from Agora sector/ Excavations Smyrna/İzmir Achache Steve. Le Trésor du "Loiret": typologie des monnaies de l’Orléanais et liaisons de coins entre ateliers monétaires Akopân Aleksandr Vladimirovič. Dvin in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. City history in the light of new numismatic materials Andrews Murray. "Noble, fair and fine": Single finds of English gold coin from later medieval England and Wales Aricò Rocco. Le kharrūbe dei due Ruggeri: un tentativo di classificazione Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). Miliarenses and silver grossi in the Western Mediterranean: new documents and perspectives Baldassarri Monica (1967- ). The overstriking on Italian Medieval coins: a preliminary "taxonomy" and some motivations Becker Jan-Erik. Die Rekonstruktion des Brakteatenfundes bei Leipzig (1831). Ein Beitrag zur Münzgeschichte des Osterlandes am Übergang vom 13. zum 14. Jahrhundert Bochnak Anna. The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Type Dorogichin Seals in Their East European Context Wołoszyn Marcin (1970- ). The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Type Dorogichin Seals in Their East European Context Bompaire Marc (1957- ). Piéforts médiévaux. Réflexions sur l’origine et les fonctions d’un objet monétaire mal connu Bonanno Maurizio. Le monete "locali" di Messina del 1474 Canto García Alberto. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Martín Escudero Fátima. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Doménech Belda Carolina. Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) Clua Mercadal Maria. Alternativas monetarias adoptadas en Catalunya durante la Baja Edad Media Day William R. "Secundum ducatos venetos": the Roman Senatorial Gold Ducat, 1368-1439 De Benetti Massimo. The Alberese hoard. Seventy-six gold florins of the second half of 13th century Dergaciova Lilia. Newly Discovered Coin Hoard in the Republic of Moldova. North Pontic Factors in the Local Money Circulation Elfver Frédéric. Export of dies between Denmark and the Slavonic area during the 11th century Emmerig Hubert (1958- ). Der Beitrag der schriftlichen Quellen zur Frage nach der Monetarisierung des frühen Österreichs im 12. Jahrhundert Garbaczewski Witold (1971- ). Die sog. "Krönungs-" und "Inaugurationsmünzen" im mittelalterlichen Polen und Böhmen (bis zum Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts) Grossmannová Dagmar (1973- ). Der Schatzfund von Zlechau/Zlechov (Tschechische Republik) und dessen Bedeutung für das Münzwesen im 13. Jahrhundert Hürlimann Florian. Die mittelalterlichen Fundmünzen aus Ingelheim am Rhein Jonsson Kenneth (1950- ). The earliest coinage on Gotland and in the Baltic countries Kelleher Richard. The monetisation of Medieval England and Wales: new interpretations from single finds (c.1150 - c.1300) Locatelli Stefano. Aspects of the Monetary Circulation of the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily in the Sixteenth Century. Two Unpublished Coin Hoards from the Island of Lipari Märcher Michael (1979- ). The monetary development in Bornholm in the 12th-13th centuries Nassar Magdi A. M. (1994- ). Il ritratto fisionomico realistico sulla monetazione medievale italiana Novák Vlastimil (1964-2020). Islamic silver in the newly discovered hoard dated back to the 10th century from central Moravia, the Czech Republic Paghava Irakli. Muslim Tiflis before Georgian Conquest: Numismatic Evidence. Monetary Issues in the Name of al-Mustazhir Paszkiewicz Borys (1959- ). Lusatian seigneurial coinage of Żary and Przewóz Piercy Jeremy. Hammered Lives: studies from a New Database of the Late Anglo-Saxon Moneyers Polanský Luboš (1972- ). Marginal legends and images on Bohemian deniers of the 10th century Raemy Tournelle Carine. Aperçu de la circulation monétaire en Pays de Vaud sous le prisme de cinq églises Rossini Fabrizio. Renaissance portrait coins: the innovation, its forerunners and the diffusion in Italy and Europe Sarcinelli Giuseppe. Rinvenimenti di moneta in Puglia tra Bisanzio e i Normanni. Note a margine dell’edizione aggiornata de "La monetazione nell’Italia normanna" di Lucia Travaini Screen Elina M. Anglo-Saxon coin imports to Norway: the die-linking evidence Spufford Peter (1934-2017). Some Economic Effects of Debasement Valci Mariele. A hoard of denari anconetani and ravennati from the Forum of Nerva, Rome Dobrovolskaâ Lidiâ I. Russian-French Friendly Relations in the late 19th - early 20th cent. in Medals, Badges and Jettons (on the basis of the Hermitage collection) Gimeno Javier. Vt quiescat Atlas: un estado de la cuestión Günther Sven (1978- ). Authority or Just Reference? A Case Study on a Russian Medal of Empress Elizabeth (1741-1762) Haidenthaller Y. Producing the Pole Star. Early modern Swedish medals Järvinen Outi (1961- ). Medallic art of Emil Wikström. A source study Jiménez Martínez Francisco. El botón contemporáneo: fantasía e imitación del antiguo sistema monetario romano Sanders George P. (1961- ). The Triumph Medals of the Dutch Republic. An instrument of politics and propaganda Schaal Katia. "Il faut pour le bon renom de l’Art Français que la médaille et la plaquette de 1900 soient des modèles sortant des mains de nos maîtres les plus renommés". Genèse et réalisation des œuvres de Jules-Clément Chaplain et d’Oscar Roty Simmons Frances. Commissioning the medal Specht Edith (1943- ). A medal for books. The "Description de l’Égypte" Turricchia Arnaldo (1933- ). Five Centuries of Italian Medals. A Preliminary Statistical Overview Francisco Olmos José María de (1964- ). La influencia de la iconografía de la moneda castellana de los Reyes Católicos en sus descendientes (siglos XVI-XVII) Gianazza Luca (1974- ). Coin clipping and monetary crisis: the case of the Italian ducatone Jambu Jérôme (1977- ). Évaluer la circulation monétaire en "Flandre". L’enquête justifiant la réforme de l’argent espagnol et l’ouverture d’une Monnaie française Joyaux François (1938- ). La fin du monnayage annamite sous le règne de Bảo Đai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapèque Blet-Lemarquand Maryse. La fin du monnayage annamite sous le règne de Bảo Đai (1925-1945): le cas de la sapèque Kleeberg John M. John J. Ford Jr., Paul Franklin and their Forgeries of Western Gold Bars Marcos Alonso Carmen (1960- ). El último viaje de la fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. Un tesoro cultural recuperado Otero Paloma. El último viaje de la fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. Un tesoro cultural recuperado Poddi Stefano. I buoni dei prigionieri di guerra Santiago Fernández Javier de. Acuñación de moneda en la España de los Austrias. Asientos para la fabricación del vellón de Carlos II Śnieżko Grzegorz (1987- ). The plague of forged coins - counterfeits of the copper shillings of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half of 17th century Vanhoudt Hugo. The coinage of Philip V in the Spanish Low Countries (1700-1712) Vorel Petr (1963- ). The activities of the Roman Mint at the end of the pontificate of Urban VIII. The rolling of Papal gold, silver and copper coins during the years 1634-1644 Zilch Reinhold (1952- ). The numismatic iconography of successor state banknotes in Central and Eastern Europe, 1918-1939 Meadows Andrew. Introduction Duyrat Frédérique (1970- ). The catalogue of the Greek coin collection of the BnF Peter Ulrike (1966- ). Corpus Nummorum Thracorum - A Research Tool for Thracology and an Example of Digital Numismatic Collaboration Van Alfen Peter Gerrit. The PELLA Project: coin types of the Argead kings Wartenberg Ute. PHANES: A database of early archaic electrum coinage Markou Evangeline (1975- ). Kyprios Character Website: Grandjean Catherine (1957- ). Monnaies de fouille en ligne Reinhard Andrew. Digital Publication, Recent Developments at the American Numismatic Society Burström Nanouschka (1969- ). Introduction to the Round Table session Burström Nanouschka (1969- ). Coin finds in religious contexts: introducing the theme Houlbrook Ceri. "So Money Really Does Grow On Trees": The British Coin-Tree Custom Kelleher Richard. Pilgrims, Pennies and the Ploughzone: folded coins in Medieval Britain Naismith Rory (1983- ). Pecuniary Profanities? Money and Ritual in the Early Middle Ages Perassi Claudia (1957- ). Baptism and Coins in Late Antiquity. Written sources and numismatic finds reconsidered Audy Florent. A link to the past? The ritual use of Roman coins in Viking Age graves Horsnæs Helle W. (1961- ). Sacred or Secular? The roles of Landscape, Tradition and Social Context for the function of Roman coins in a non-Roman environment Kemmers Fleur (1977- ). Worthless? The practice of offering counterfeit coinage in Roman religious contexts Ehrnsten Frida (1984- ). Cheap Salvation? Post-reformation offerings in Finnish churches Gullbekk Svein H. (1967- ). Medieval Scandinavian Women in Search of Salvation Wigg-Wolf David. Final Comments Nomikou Effrosini. ICOMON, Purposes and Goals
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Grzywacz Małgorzata (1962- ). Barański Łukasz. Protestantyzm w Wielkopolsce Białecki Konrad. Kościół ewangelicko-augsburski w Polsce i Wielkopolsce po II wojnie światowej Boelter Christfried (1948- ). Evangelisch im Posener Land. Von der Unierten Kirche in der Provinz Posen zur Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Posener in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Boelter Christfried (1948- ). Ewangelicy w Poznańskiem. Od Koscioła Ewangelicko-unijnego w Prowincji Poznańskiej do Wspólnoty Ewangelickich Poznańczyków w Republice Federalnej Niemiec Buchholz Werner (1948- ). "Cuius latifundium, eius religio?" : zarys dziejów Reformacji w Wielkopolsce i w Małopolsce Buchholz Werner (1948- ). "Cuius latifundium, eius religio?" : Grundzüge der Reformation in Groβ- und Kleinpolen Derkowska Aneta. Wacław z Szamotuł - człowiek renesansu Domasłowski Jerzy. Parafia ewangelicko-augsburska w POznaniu dawniej i dziś Gruew Georgi (1986- ). Wybrane świątynie protestanckie na terenach wiejskich okolic Nowego Tomyśla od końca XVIII w. do końca lat 40. XX w. Grzywacz Małgorzata (1962- ). Reformacja - Europa - Polska - Wielkopolska Grzywacz Małgorzata (1962- ). Z dziejów Kościoła ewangelicko-unijnego na ziemiach wielkopolskich (1817-1914) Hintz Marcin (1968- ). Teologiczne aspekty Reformacji Kłaczkow Jarosław (1972- ). Kościół ewangelicko-augsburski w II Rzeczypospolitej - geneza, działalność i liczba członków Kruszona Michał (1964- ). Wstęp [do zbioru studiów Reformacja : Europa - Polska - Wielkopolska - Szamotuły] Labuda Adam Stanisław (1946- ). Reformacja i obraz religijny. O niektórych dziełach Cranachów Podmostko-Kłos Adriana (1979?- ). Zabytki sztuki protestanckiej w zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu. Zarys problematyki
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Publikacja ukazuje się z okazji jubileuszu 500-lecia Reformacji.
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(L'Evangile au Vingtième Siècle)
W tekście notatki J. Czapskiego.
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Evangile de l'enfance de N. S. J. C.
Wydr. także wersję luksusową, egz. numerowane: 50 z 3 oryg. grafikami i 100 egz. z 2 oryg. grafikami. - Tyt. okł.: "L'Evangile de l'enfance de N. S. J. C.".
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Les Évangiles et la seconde génération chrétienne / par Ernest Renan. - Paris : Calmann-Lévy. Ancienne Maison Michel Lévy Frères, 1877 (Paris : Impr. J. Claye - A. Quantin et Cie). - [4], XXXV, 552 s. ; 23 cm.
(Histoire des origines du christianisme / Ernest Renan ; livr. 5)
(Oeuvres complètes d'Ernest Renan)
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Qui comprend depuis la destruction de la nationalité juive jusqua' la mort de Trajan (74-117
Tyt. z. 5 na s. przedtyt.: "Qui comprend depuis la destruction de la nationalité juive jusqua' la mort de Trajan (74-117)".
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Zawiera faksymilia Złotego Kodeksu wraz z transkrypcją i tł. na jęz. pol.
Bibliogr. s. 196-206.
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