Źródło opisu
Biblioteka Muzeum Narodowego
Forma i typ
tylko na miejscu
Księgozbiór podręczny
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata
Marschner Joanna
Stanilewicz Karolina
Wardman Roger H
Wetter Evelin (1969- )
Abey-Koch Madelaine. History of housekeeping
Andrzejewska Ewa (historia sztuki). O tym jak postrzegano i badano dawne tekstylia w Polsce
Auberson Laurent (1962- ). Saints and wolves in the Middle Ages: ecclesiastical discourse folklore and relationship to the environment
Backes Martina. The hunt for the unicorn: ambivalent representation of a mythical figure in text and image
Baka-Theis Małgorzata
Baka-Theis Małgorzata. Współczesna tkanina artystyczna wobec tradycji tkackich Afryki Subsaharyjskiej
Bast Gerald (1955- ). Preface
Bayer-Hohenwarter Gerrit (1976- )
Bender Agnieszka (1962- ). Czy warto zajmować się badaniem zabytkowych tkanin?
Bendix Caroline. Books
Betts Jonathan (1955- ). Clocks and watches
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata. Rola kultury bizantyńskiej i krajów Bliskiego Wschodu w kształtowaniu polskiego ubioru kontuszowego
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata. The cross-cultural role of textiles exemplified by textiles with Arabic inscriptions and some other motifs
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata. Tkaniny - dzieła sztuki. Refleksje nad teorią i praktyką badawczą
Bielak Anna (japonistyka). The kimono as a fashion phenomenon in modern Japan and beyond
Bodzek Joanna. To mend* : a reflection on the Lee Edelkoort anti-fashion manifesto the kimono reconstruction project : my personal vision on how mended clothes can mean style in the future and how this is connected with the Boro textiles of Japan
Bonnefoit Regine (1966- )
Bonnefoit Regine (1966- ). Introduction
Bonnefoit Regine (1966- ). The reception of Wiener Werkstatte fabrics in the United States in the early 1920s
Bools Anita. Photographs
Bridges Margaret. Fifteenth-century English and Scots narrative contexts for creatures of the gaze: The Basilisk and the Caladrius
Brown Susan (1965- ). Beautiful specimens: Wiener Werkstatte pattern designs at Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
Browne Clare Woodthorpe (1961- )
Bullock Linda. Chemical agents of deterioration
Bullock Linda. Display cases and exhibitions
Burghartz Susanna (1956- ). Protestantische Kirchenschleier in Zurich und Basel. Zur Kleiderpolitik im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert
Bush Andrew. Glazed framework paper and other materials
Bush Andrew. Paper
Calnan Christopher. Lacquer and japanning
Calnan Christopher. Leather
Capadose Jeremy. Furniture
Capadose Jeremy. Gilded and painted wood
Capadose Jeremy. Woodwork
Carboni Stefano
Celio-Scheurer Marie-Eve (1969- )
Celio-Scheurer Marie-Eve (1969- ). Introduction
Celio-Scheurer Marie-Eve (1969- ). The Wiener Werkstatte Collection within the Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection: from Austria to the United States via Switzerland
Child Robert. Biological agents of deterioration
Christiansen Carol A
Condell Caitlin. Beautiful specimens: Wiener Werkstatte pattern designs at Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
Cook Nettie. Events: planning and protection
Cornali. Lisa. Bright colors stylized flowers: notes on Asunta a fabric pattern by Maria Likarz-Strauss
Cotgrove Caroline. Events : planning and protection
Crowe Yolande
Cybulska Maria (włókiennictwo). Nowoczesne metody analizy i wizualizacji tekstyliów zabytkowych dla potrzeb dokumentacji rekonstrukcji i konserwacji
Cybulska Maria (włókiennictwo). Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design
Cybulska Maria (włókiennictwo). Z dalekiej Azji na polsko-litewskie pogranicze
Daintith Christine. Ceramics
Daniels Mark. Health and safety
Daniels Vincent. Plastics
Davison Sandra. Glass
Davison Sandra. Mosaics and decorative tiles
Davison Sandra. Stone plaster and terracotta
Derbyshire Alan. Portrait miniatures
Desrosiers Sophie (1951- )
Desrosiers Sophie (1951- ). Orsoio and Velluti: a new yarn for a new fabric?
Dios Lala de. Networking for textile culture: the European textil network
Doyal Sherry. World culture collections
Dróżdż Tomasz. Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design
Duits Rembrandt (1966- )
Duits Rembrandt (1966- ). The role of velvet in renaissance painting
Dunn-Sixt Marilyn. Linens and whitework
Durham Andrew
Dybała Izabella. O nieznanych szatach liturgicznych z Lubelszczyzny z przełomu gotyku i renesansu
Ertl Thomas (1968- )
Ertl Thomas (1968- ). Uncouth headlesse thing come pacing downe the hill: velvet in late-medieval and early-modern sumptuary law
Fircks Juliane von (1969- )
Fircks Juliane von (1969- ). Black velvet: the account book of Wilhelm and Matthaus Runtinger and the transalpine trade in silks from Venice and Lucca before 1400
Fircks Juliane von (1969- ). Flying westward: dragons and phoenixes in Italian silk weaving at the time of Mongolian rule over Asia
Fisher Alfred. Window glass
French Ann. Costume and accessories
Ginter-Frołow Magdalena. Stroje Azji Środkowej ze zbiorów Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku w Warszawie
Golonka Jan (1936- )
Gorlich Aleksandra (1981- )
Goto Kosuke (1983- ). The Celestial Lotus: on the sources of ornamental patterns woven in silk samite
Gough Louise
Greenacre Mary. Living in historic houses
Grupa Małgorzata (1958- ). Tkanina wyklęta?
Hansch Amalie. Der kuriose Knopf des Reformators. Detailstudie anlasslich eines Forschungsprojektes zu fruhen Lutherbildnissen
Harris Rupert. Arms and armour
Harris Rupert. Metals
Harris Rupert. Metalwork
Harris Rupert. Outdoor metals
Hayward Maria
Hayward Maria. The king of the beasts: the appeal of big cats in late Medieval English heraldry
Hayward Maria. Velvet at the court of Henry VII
Hess Daniel (1963- ). Vorwort
Hickey Sarah. Transporting objects
Hilpert Martin. Preface
Horvath Iringó T. Textilien des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts der reformatieren Kirchengemeinden von Siebenburgen: Gattungen und Provenienz
Houze Rebecca. Appropriating the peasant: Wiener Werkstatte fashions before World War I
Hryszko Helena
Hubach Hanns. Oberdeutsche Reformatoren und die Kunst religioser Bildwirkerei: Matthias Erb und Heinrich Bullinger
Ichter Marie-Anne
Jackson Frances. Vehicles
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Tkaniny artystyczne
Tkaniny jedwabne
Szaty liturgiczne
Sztuka europejska
Ubiór europejski
Aparatura naukowo-badawcza
Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa (Łódź)
Dywany perskie
Historycy sztuki
Instrumenty muzyczne
Jedwabny szlak
Kamienie budowlane
Konserwatorzy zabytków
Malarstwo europejskie
Mańkowski, Tadeusz (1878-1956)
Międzynarodowa Rada Muzeów
Museo Nazionale del Bargello
Rzemiosło artystyczne
Rzemiosło artystyczne europejskie
Stworzenia fantastyczne
Sztuka Azji
Sztuka Bliskiego Wschodu
Sztuka polska
Textile Museum (Waszyngton)
Textilmuseum Max Berk (Heidelberga)
Tkaniny artystyczne perskie
Turnau, Irena (1925-2008)
Tworzywa sztuczne
Wiener Werkstätte
Wnętrza architektoniczne
Wojtczak, Mirosława (1954-2015)
Wyposażenie wnętrz
Zbiory muzealne
Zegary i zegarki
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Materiały konferencyjne
Katalogi wystaw
Księgi pamiątkowe
24 wyniki Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 19700 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Riggisberger Berichte / Abegg-Stiftung Riggisberg ; 23)
Starkey Kathryn (1966- ). Wetter Evelin (1969- ). Auberson Laurent (1962- ). Saints and wolves in the Middle Ages: ecclesiastical discourse, folklore and relationship to the environment Backes Martina. The hunt for the unicorn: ambivalent representation of a mythical figure in text and image Bridges Margaret. Fifteenth-century English and Scots narrative contexts for creatures of the gaze: The Basilisk and the Caladrius Fircks Juliane von (1969- ). Flying westward: dragons and phoenixes in Italian silk weaving at the time of Mongolian rule over Asia Hayward Maria. The king of the beasts: the appeal of "big cats" in late Medieval English heraldry McClanan Anne L. (1966- ). Illustrious monsters: representations of griffins on Byzantine textiles Müller Kathrin (1972- ). Amour d'oiseaux - amour de chiens: practices and ideals of the courtly hunt in Italian silks of the fourteenthand fifteenth century Rasmussen Ann Marie (1952- ). Medieval symbols of virtue and mutual devotion: noble dogs in images, badges, and in Konrad von Würzburg's Partonopier and Meliur Schorta Regula (1961- ). Woven textiles and narratives Schröder Maria. Animals and the Medieval art of love: carvings on fifteenth-century bone-saddles Starkey Kathryn (1966- ). Animals in Medieval text(il)es - introduction Starkey Kathryn (1966- ). On deer and dragons: textiles and the poetics of Medieval storytelling in König Rother Stolz Michael (1960- ). Ibi quasi allegorice - ibi tamen ad litteram: imagined animals on natura's dress in Alan of Lille's De planctu naturae Theiss Alissa. Heraldic animals in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival Van den Abeele Baudouin (1961- ). Horns, falcon hoods, books and tapestries: hunting culture in the 1420 Inventory of John the Fearlesse, Duke of Burgundy Wetter Evelin (1969- ). Animals in Medieval text(il)es - introduction Wetter Evelin (1969- ). Animals of the Physiologus represented in textiles: their roles and functions in Medieval liturgy Zander-Seidel Jutta. Animals on Minne tapestries: symbols of lordship and ornament
Indeks R0: BMNK
Bibliogr. s. 275-300.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24563 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The National Trust manual of housekeeping : care and conservation of collections in historic houses. - Edition revised. - Swindon : National Trust, 2011. - [6], 922 s. : il. (gł. kolor.) ; 29 cm.
Reynolds Fiona. Staniforth Sarah. Conservation: principles, practice and ethics Staniforth Sarah. Paintings Rowell Christopher. The historic house context : The National Trust Experience Abey-Koch Madelaine. History of housekeeping Lloyd Helen. Ceramics Lloyd Helen. Collections outdoors Lloyd Helen. Decorative light fittings Lloyd Helen. Floor coverings Lloyd Helen. Floors Lloyd Helen. Light as an agent of deterioration Lloyd Helen. Opening historic houses Lloyd Helen. Physical agents of deterioration Lloyd Helen. Staffing historic houses Lloyd Helen. Window glass Lithgow Katy. Building work : planning and protection Lithgow Katy. Housekeeping tasks Lithgow Katy. Outdoor wood Lithgow Katy. Physical agents of deterioration Lithgow Katy. Planning and managing housekeeping Lithgow Katy. Polychrome sculpture Lithgow Katy. Storage Julien Sophie. Chemical agents of deterioration Bullock Linda. Chemical agents of deterioration Bullock Linda. Display cases and exhibitions Child Robert. Biological agents of deterioration Proudfoot Trevor. Mosaics and decorative tiles Proudfoot Trevor. Plasterwork Proudfoot Trevor. Polychrome sculpture Proudfoot Trevor. Stone, plaster, and terracotta Proudfoot Trevor. Stonework Stewart John. Mosaics and decorative tiles Davison Sandra. Glass Davison Sandra. Mosaics and decorative tiles Davison Sandra. Stone, plaster, and terracotta Sitwell Christine. Lacquer and japanning Sitwell Christine. Painted interiors: wall paintings and painted decoration Sitwell Christine. Polychrome sculpture Sandiford Mark. Wallpaper Mapes Phillippa. Wallpaper Capadose Jeremy. Furniture Capadose Jeremy. Gilded and painted wood Capadose Jeremy. Woodwork Fisher Alfred. Window glass Harris Rupert. Arms and armour Harris Rupert. Metals Harris Rupert. Metalwork Harris Rupert. Outdoor metals Mortimer Martin. Decorative light fittings Daintith Christine. Ceramics Jackson Patricia. Glass Betts Jonathan (1955- ). Clocks and watches Seeley Nigel. Commissioning conservation work Seeley Nigel. Historic house technology Seeley Nigel. Plastics Seeley Nigel. Scientific instruments Marsland Victoria. Gilded and painted wood Calnan Christopher. Lacquer and japanning Calnan Christopher. Leather Rendell Caroline. Keeping records Rendell Caroline. Textiles Marko Ksynia. Tapestries, carpets, and rugs Dunn-Sixt Marilyn. Linens and whitework Mackenzie Althea. Costume and accessories French Ann. Costume and accessories Bush Andrew. Glazed framework paper and other materials Bush Andrew. Paper Storey Graeme. Glazed framework paper and other materials Storey Graeme. Paper Bendix Caroline. Books Pickwoad Nicholas. Books Bools Anita. Photographs Derbyshire Alan. Portrait miniatures Moore Simon. Natural history collections Doyal Sherry. World culture collections Murray Christine. World culture collections Shelley Linda. World culture collections Sully Dean. Archaeological collections Daniels Vincent. Plastics Jackson Frances. Vehicles Nicholson Christopher. Vehicles Daniels Mark. Health and safety Martin Tim. Historic house technology McCarthy Catherine. Events : planning and protection Cotgrove Caroline. Events : planning and protection Macalister Fiona. Display cases and exhibitions Cook Nettie. Events: planning and protection Nicky Ingram. Interpreting conservation Greenacre Mary. Living in historic houses Vint Julie. Living in historic houses Reid Margaret. Transporting objects Hickey Sarah. Transporting objects Staniforth Sarah. Agents of deterioration Staniforth Sarah. Chemical agents of deterioration Staniforth Sarah. Relative humidity as an agent of deterioration
Indeks R0: BMNK
Wyd. popr., oparte na trzeciej edycji z 2008 r.
Bibliogr. s. 884-887 i przy art. Indeks.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23120 (1 egz.)
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