W koszyku
(Polen : Kultur, Geschichte, Gesellschaft = Poland: Culture, History, Society ; Bd. 3)
Kleinmann Yvonne (1970- ). Red. Heyde Jürgen (1965- ). Red. Hüchtker Dietlind (1962- ). Red. Kałwa Dobrochna. Red. Nalewajko-Kulikov Joanna (1976- ). Red. Steffen Katrin (1967- ). Red. Wiślicz Tomasz (1969- ). Red. Chu Winson. "Something has destroyed my memory": Stalingrad and Karl Dedecius's Second World War Friedrich Karin (1963- ). Political loyalties in the Commonwealth's borderlands: Bogusław Radziwił (1620-1669) and the problem of treason Górny Maciej (1976- ). Identity under scrutiny: The First World War in local comminities Grześkowiak-Krwawicz Anna. The political discourse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: towards an analysis Heyde Jürgen (1965- ). Introduction to the Medieval Section Heyde Jürgen (1965- ). Migration and ethnicity in medieval Poland Holste Karsten (1973- ). Reform from above and politics from below: Peasants in the Prussian partition of Poland Hüchtker Dietlind (1962- ). Gender, youth, and popular culture: Telling Polish history during Socialism Hüchtker Dietlind (1962- ). Introduction to the nineteenth century section Kałwa Dobrochna. Introduction to the twentieth-century section Kleinmann Yvonne (1970- ). Introduction to the Early Modern Section Kończal Kornelia (1982- ). The quest for German property in East Central Europe after 1945: The semantics of plunder and the sens of reconstruction Linkiewicz Olga. Bearers of local stories: Memories of the Eastern Borderlands and the grand narratives of the Polish Kresy Nalewajko-Kulikov Joanna (1976- ). Introduction to the nineteenth century section Rosik Stanisław (1969- ). The "Baptism of Poland": power, institution and theology in the shaping of monarchy and society from the tenth through twelfth centuries Rosman Murray Jay (1949- ). How polish is Polish history? Sereda Ostap. On the frontiers of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Polish theater in Russian-Ruled Kyiv before 1863 Sowina Urszula (1952- ). Spaces of communication: Patterns in Polish towns at the turn of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times Steffen Katrin (1967- ). Introduction to the twentieth-century section Szady Bogumił (1969- ). Religious regionalization of the Polish Crown in the second half of the eighteenth century: A geographical-historical approach Wiślicz Tomasz (1969- ). Introduction to the Early Modern Section Zazulâk Ûrij. Ius Ruthenicale in Late Medieval Galicia: Critical reconsiderations
Indeks R0
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 31665 (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Inny tyt: Imaginations and configurations of Polish society
Uwaga ogólna
Materiały z konferencji zorg. w październiku 2014 r. w Halle i Lipsku.
Uwaga dotycząca bibliografii
Bibliogr. przy art.
Uwaga dotycząca finansowania
Wyd. przy wsparciu Deutsch-Polnischen Wissenschaftsstiftung (DPWS) i Deutsches Forschungsgemeinschaft.
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