W koszyku
Krogulska-Czekalska Dominika (1978- ). Red. Rudzka-Habisiak Jolanta (1958- ). Wstęp. Maciaszczyk Magdalena. Tł. Dios Lala de. Networking for textile culture: the European textil network Jenko Marija (1961- ). Pedagogical praxis between art and design Lauri Pirita. DigiPrintNetwork (DPN): network for designers, manufactures and consumers Lee Joyce Safe. Nature of sound Matthews Janette. Designing knotted textiles based on mathematical diagrams Naumchuk Maryna. Textile in non-textile branches of art: media-art, performance, land-art and installations Niinimäki Kirsi. DigiPrintNetwork (DPN): network for designers, manufactures and consumers Nimkulrat Nithikul (1974- ). Designing knotted textiles based on mathematical diagrams Orbán Anna Mária. From textile structures to textures & beyond Paju Tuiti. DigiPrintNetwork (DPN): network for designers, manufactures and consumers Paavilainen Heidi. DigiPrintNetwork (DPN): network for designers, manufactures and consumers Shpakovych Oksana. Art textile in Lviv scenography in XX Century Škopová Jitka (1974- ). Experiment and vision Toiviainen Hanna. DigiPrintNetwork (DPN): network for designers, manufactures and consumers Véssey Anna. Seeking ways between applied and autonomous art Vetoškina Lûbov. DigiPrintNetwork (DPN): network for designers, manufactures and consumers Vinglerová Markéta (1977- ). Textile design education approaches at the Academy of Arts Architecture and Design in Prague in the Framework of the international movements in art and design
Indeks R0
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30769 (1 egz.)
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Uwaga ogólna
Wydarzenie towarzyszy 2. Międzynarodowemu Triennale Tkaniny Młodych YTAT - Łódź 2016 oraz 15. Międzynarodowemu Triennale Tkaniny Łódź 2016.
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