W koszyku
(The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, ISSN 2450-5692 ; vol. 4)
Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata. Red. Görlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Red. Biedrońska-Słotowa Beata. The cross-cultural role of textiles exemplified by textiles with Arabic inscriptions and some other motifs Bielak Anna (japonistyka). The kimono as a fashion phenomenon in modern Japan and beyond Bodzek Joanna. To [mend]* : a reflection on the Lee Edelkoort anti-fashion manifesto, the kimono reconstruction project : my personal vision on how mended clothes can mean "style" in the future and how this is connected with the Boro textiles of Japan Cybulska Maria (włókiennictwo). Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design Dróżdż Tomasz. Traditional japanese Shibori and contemporary textile design Goto Kosuke (1983- ). The Celestial Lotus: on the sources of ornamental patterns woven in silk samite Janik Paweł (archeologia). The faces from Noin Ula's Embroidery - Xiongnu or Kushans? Karadag Racep. Characterisation of dyes, metal threads and silk yarns from 16-18th-century Ottoman silk brocades Klein Astrid. The language of Kučean clothing: a comparative study of wall paintings and textiles Martini Małgorzata (1953- ). Kumihimo: an ancient art or a present-day one? Orlińska-Mianowska Ewa (1963- ). Reception of the Orient in the eighteen-century European silk industry Rosati Maria Ludovica. Textiles patterns on the move: looking at the iconographical exchanges along the Silk Route in the pre-modern period as cultural processes Šabalina Natal'â Mihajlovna. Colour is a sign of national traditional ornamental art Szewczyk Barbara (1983- ). "How the kimono released women from corsets" - Japonism in fashion at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Tuna Cemile (1950- ). Silk trade from Bursa to Krakow on the Silk Road Żuchowska Marta (1975- ). Transferring patterns along the Silk Road: vine and grape motifs on Chinese silks in the 1st Millenium AD
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 25959/4 (1 egz.)
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Materiały z konf., Kraków, Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej "Manggha", 11-13 września 2015.
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