W koszyku
Campigli Marco Civic values and rivalry between artists in Florence. From the 1401 competition to the arrangement of Piazza della Signoria Deiters Wencke. Paragone - theory and practice of the contest between the arts since classical antiquity Graul Jana (1978- ). Intrigues, punches, and a poisoned salad. The dark side of artistic rivalries Gründler Hana (1976- ). Agón and the undepictable - variations of artists' contests in classical antiquity and the early modern era Haag Sabine (1962- ). Foreword Haug Henrike. '... by which means this man had amassed great wealth...' Strategies and reasons for artistic collaborations in the early modern era Jonietz Fabian. Intrigue and lope for the arts. Rivalries among European collectors in the seventeenth century Löhr Wolf-Dietrich. 'A powerfull force in our hearts'. Imitatio and aemulatio as vectors of the competition Leonhard Karin (1969- ). The lawof the jungle - rivalries in the animal kingdom Lörnitzo Anna. Awards and prestige. Prize medals for the art academies in the eighteenth century Macho Thomas H. (1952- ). Between rivalry and play. Cutural-historical reflections on artistic competitions Mayer Gernot. In the arena of artistic rivalry. Aemulation and competition in the academy and the salon Messling Guido (1967- ). Unrivalled? Artists at the court of emperor Rudolf II Plattner Georg. Agon - the role of contest in the cultural history of classical antiquity Swoboda Gudrun (1934- ). Driving forces and conditions of artistis contest
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 26758 (1 egz.)
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Uwaga dotycząca bibliografii
Bibliogr. s. 274-291.
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