W koszyku
(World Art Studies : conferences and studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies / ed. Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski, ISSN 2543-4624 ; vol. 20)
Deluga Waldemar (1961- ). Red. Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Red. serii. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Red. serii. Chookaszian Emma (1990- ). Sur quelques pages issues d'un manuscrit de l'ecole de Crimee Deluga Waldemar (1961- ). Introduction Gaûk Irina Âkovlevna‏. Collecting in the environment of the Armenian diaspora of the Eastern Europe Grigoryan Hermine. The Gulbenkian Bible (17th c.): an interdisciplinary study of a precious Armenian heritage Košt'álová Petra (1981- ). The cultural heritage of the Armenian traveler Simeon Lehatsi from Poland to the Ottoman Empire: a contribution to the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Macios Dominika Maria. Armenian cultural heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh - aspects of the current situation with an appendix by Patrick Donabedian Macios Dominika Maria. Leopold Gaszczyk - unknown photographer of Armenian diaspora in Syria (1923–1947) Melo Maria João. The Gulbenkian Bible (17th c.): an interdisciplinary study of a precious Armenian heritage Miranda Adelaide. The Gulbenkian Bible (17th c.): an interdisciplinary study of a precious Armenian heritage Mutafian Claude (1942- ). Les Armeniens des Carpates face au proselytisme romano-grec Rodrigues Jorge (historia sztuki). The Gulbenkian Bible (17th c.): an interdisciplinary study of a precious Armenian heritage Rokou Vasso. Un paradoxe de l'image, le mariage d'Alexandre en Sogdianee. Un Alexandre de tradition armenienne a Tachkent Tarnowska Magdalena. Rafał Hadziewicz (1803–1886) and his paintings in Warsaw churches Tolidjan Beatrice. The art of church building and facade decoration in Ottoman Macedonia. Resonances from medieval Armenia: an overview
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