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Kravcov Konstantin Valer'evič. Red. Akopân Aleksandr Vladimirovič. Meždu Džučidami i Džalajiridami: monety Čubanidov, Ahjčuka i ih sovremennikov 754-759 gg. h. (150 let izučeniâ – ot generala Bartolomea do naših dnej) Alchomari Alaa Aldin (1980- ). La circulation monétaire en al-Djazïra en l0ème sigle AD. d’après les donnés du trésor de Tiflīs (Bortchalo) Batrakov O. A. K voprosu čekana serebrânyh tanga Šejbanida 'Ubajdallah-hana v 918-919 gg. h. / 1512-1513 gg. Begovatov E. A. O geoinformacionnoj sisteme "Topografiâ nahodok vostočnyh monet (sasanidskih i kufičeskih) na territorii Rossii" Belâev V. A. Džučidskaâ moneta s kitajskoj legendoj Bragin Andrej Olegovič. K voprosu čekana serebrânyh tanga Šejbanida 'Ubajdallah-hana v 918-919 gg. h. / 1512-1513 gg. Bragin Andrej Olegovič. Nahodki dvuh serebrânnyh monet amira Timura v okruge zolotoordynskogo goroda Azaka Coceliâ Medeâ Vladimirovna. Arabo-sasanidskie klady Nacionaľnogo muzea Gruzii Donovan Peter. Da Yuezhi and Kushan coinage from Bactria from the collection of the American Numismatic Society, New York Enukov V. V. Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Fomičev N. M. Nahodki dvuh serebrânnyh monet amira Timura v okruge zolotoordynskogo goroda Azaka Gariboldi Andrea (1971- ). A hoard of Bukharkhuda drachms from Sanjarshah (Tajikistan) Kazarov Aleksandr A. Monety hana Ibrahima Kolbas Judith G. (1942- ). Mamlūk glass coin weights Koloda Volodimir Vasil'ovič (1955- ). Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Kovalev Roman K. Dirham mint output in the Southern Caspian Sea Provinces of Gflan, Tabaristan, Jurjan and Qumis in the tenth-early eleventh centuries Kravcov Konstantin Valer'evič. A glassweightin the name of Harthama b. al-Nadr from the Hermitage collection Lebedev Valentin Petrovič. Bezlûdovskij klad 1930 g. – tipologiá, metrologiá, graffiti Mosanef F. Meždu Džučidami i Džalajiridami: monety Čubanidov, Ahjčuka i ih sovremennikov 754-759 gg. h. (150 let izučeniâ – ot generala Bartolomea do naših dnej) Nastič Vladimir Nilovič (1949- ). Coin forgeries in the capacity of historical source (as evidenced by Islamic coinage) Paghava Irakli. Circulation of Kufic Fulūs in the Tiflīs Emīrate Phillips Marcus. The contribution of the meetings of the Seventh Century Syria Numismatic Round Table (1992-2011) to the study of early Islamic coinage Ponomarev Andrej Leonidovič. Dvuâzyčnye dangi tatarskogo "imperatora” Ramaḍān Āṭif Manṣūr Muḥammad. The early Shi‘i Sarbadar coin (6 dirhams of Sabzawar dated 748 AH) Reva R. Û. Monety hana Ibrahima Schindel Nikolaus. Umayyad copper coins from the mint of Wasi Sedyh Valerij Nikandrovič. O geoinformacionnoj sisteme "Topografiâ nahodok vostočnyh monet (sasanidskih i kufičeskih) na territorii Rossii" Sidorovič S. V. Džučidskaâ moneta s kitajskoj legendoj Srećković Slobodan. Lack of Ottoman Die Engravers in the late 16th and early 17th centuries at the Belgrade Mint Talvio Tuukka (1948- ). C. M. Fraehn and the origin of Islamic numismatics in Finland Turkia Severiane. Circulation of Kufic Fulūs in the Tiflīs Emīrate Tyler-Smith Susan. Vardanyan Aram R. Hārūn al-Rashīd's accession to the throne and the ‘Abbasid administration in "Armnīyy" as reflected in sources Zajončkovskij Ûrij Valentinovič. Monety hana Ibrahima
Indeks R0
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. III 786/81 (1 egz.)
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Uwaga ogólna
T. monogr.: Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaža. [T.] 81 (2017).
Mat. międzynarodowej konf. zorg. w Ermitażu od 24 do 29 września 2012 r.
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