W koszyku
Studničková Milada (1955- ). Red. Theisen Maria (1963- ). Red. Černý Pavol. Das Pontifikale des Albert von Sternberg. Einige Programideen seiner Illuminationsauschmückung Boehm Barbara Drake. Songs of the Lord in a Foreign Land: A Bohemian Choral Bifolium in New York Fortunato Lara. The Iconographic program of the Boskovice Bible - a preliminary observation Gaudek Tomáš (1980- ). Scriptum per me fratrem canonicum regularem. Die illuminierten Handschriften der Augustiner Chorherren in Böhmen zur Regierungszeit König Wenzels IV. Gromadzki Jan (1957- ). University in Leipzig and the Bohemian style book painting before 1450 Hadrava Petr. Czech Contexts of the Corpus al-Sufi Latinus Hadravová-Dohnalová Alena (1956- ). Czech Contexts of the Corpus al-Sufi Latinus Hlaváčkova Hana (1940- ). Prague Illuminated Manuscript Pal. lat. 609 from the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Horníčková Kateřina (1973- ). The Bohemian Illustrated Life of Christ. Artistic Prevenance, Iconography and Commission of Cod. 485 (Vienna, Austrian National Library) Jenni Ulrike (1945- ). Astrologie am prager Hof von zirka 1350 bis 1400 im Kontext der Höfevon Friedrich II. in Palermo, Alfonso X el Sabio in Toledo und Sevilla sowie von Charles V le Sage in Paris Kubínová Kateřina (1975- ). Andrew from Austria - The Scribe of the So-called Morgan Bible Morzé Irina von. Illuminierte Wyclif-Handschriften der ÖNB aus dem Nachlass Kaspar von Niedbrucks Panuškova Lenka. Astrologie. Was steht hinter den Diagrammen des Codex Clm 826? Rywiková Daniela (1976- ). Ars moriendi - The Krumlov Miscellanea and its illuminations in the service of Late Medieval pastoral care Theisen Maria (1963- ). The Bohemian Illustrated Life of Christ. Artistic Prevenance, Iconography and Commission of Cod. 485 (Vienna, Austrian National Library)
Indeks R0
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 24406 (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
Materiały z konferencji: Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga, 12-14 listopada 2013 r.
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Teksty w jęz. niem lub ang. Streszcz. w jęz. ang. przy art.
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