W koszyku
(World Art Studies : conferences and studies of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies / ed. Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski, ISSN 2543-4624 ; vol. 17)
Gawarski Maurycy. Red. Kubiak Ho-Chi Beata (1958- ). Red. Rynarzewska Ewa. Red. Kluczewska-Wójcik Agnieszka (1960- ). Red. serii. Malinowski Jerzy (1950- ). Red. serii. Rodowicz-Czechowska Jadwiga Maria (1954- ). Farewell to Professor Zbigniew Osiński Rutkowska Iga. Research on the reception of the theatre of East Asia in Poland: from the example of Zbigniew Osiński's work Sun Mei (1955- ). Tradition and modern transformation of indigenous Chinese theatre or "xiqu" Łakomska Bogna. Performances for the underground spirits Park Chan E. (1951- ). Inter-cultural discourse on "p'ansori": the theatre of the imagination Fujii-Karpoluk Yōko. Revived "nō" dramas: issues and perspective Rynarzewska Ewa. From village comedian to celebrity: metamorphosis of the Korean actor in the years of Japanese occupation (1910-1945) Lee Sang Woo. Between art and scandal: the actresses of "Towolhoe" and the gender politics of "scandal" Li Wei. On female consciousness in contemporary "xiqu" in China Wesołowska Marta (japonistyka). Role of women in the musical life of early and medieval Japan Steiner Marta (1971- ). Corporeal mode of acting on the "xiqu" stage Görlich Aleksandra (1981- ). Kaoyo Gozen and attendants - realtionships between the costumes of the "kabuki" actors of the "Kanadehon Chūshingura" play and their woodblock-print illustrations Hirsch Mary E. (1958- ). What does Chinese Shadow Theatre tell us? Lis Marianna. Wacinwa Kubiak Ho-Chi Beata (1958- ). Tragedy and the tragic in the Japanese puppet theatre Rutkowska Iga. Need to laugh - comic elements in Japanese performing arts - on the example of "kabuki" theatre Gawarski Maurycy. Chinese opera theatrical poster in Beijing in the first half of the twentieth century Kaulbach Barbara M. (1950- ). Chinese theatre at the crossroads - Ouyang Yuqian and the West Nordeborg Martin (1961- ). Translated Western plays as a symbol of modernity in Japan of the 1920s Lee Insoo. Intercultural call from the Third World: Jaram Lee's Brecht "pansori", "Sacheonga" Żeromska Estera (1956- ). Some reflections on "Mask" by Mori Ōgai Inoue Takashi. Particularity and new possibilities of Mishima's dramas Wolska-Lenarczyk Joanna. Concept of romantic heroism in Mishima Yukio's play"My friend Hitler" Hibino Kei (1967- ). Making comedy naturalised and vulgar: the theatre of Soganoya Gorō, the Japanese King of "Kigeki" Adamowicz Klaudia. Searching for the fantasy: the theatre of Takarazuka Lecińska-Ruchniewicz Monika. Entering the "world of dreams" Li Ying. Theatre and politics in China (PRC) in the recent years Komatsu Hiroshi. Similarity and difference Furmanik-Kowalska Magdalena. Chinese opera ("xiqu") as a significant element of contemporary artwork Wang Yun. Justice or "yi": the fate of "The Orphan of Zhao" being deconstructed in Europe Hánová Markéta. Sada Yakko and the reception of Japanese theatre in the context of Japonisme in the Czech lands Yagishita Emi. Sada Yokko's and Hanako's performances: images of exotic Japan in the West in the early twentieth century Deja Katarzyna (1987- ). Józef Jankowski's play "Kesa" as an example of transculturality in Polish modernism Chudzikowska Monika. "Chinese Play given in the Chinese Manner" Wodarska-Ogidel Katarzyna (1974- ). "Recipe for a fairy tale": a Japanese performance made by Polish P.O.W.'s in 1941 Paek Sŭng-suk (1967- ). Imagined geographies of city space in 1942: Seoul, Shanghai, Warsaw, Tokyo Mond-Kozłowska Wiesna. Western aesthetic needs turning to "nō" theatre Rodowicz-Czechowska Jadwiga Maria (1954- ). Tadeusz Kantor in the theatrical life of Japan, 1979-2015 Gawarski Maurycy. Polish research on Chinese theatre since the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day Gawarski Maurycy. List of Polish publications on Chinese theatre since the beginning of the twentieth century
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Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23753 (1 egz.)
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Uwaga ogólna
Materiały z konf.: Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej „Manggha”, Kraków, 20-22 października 2015 r.
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