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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: III 23496 (1 egz.)
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Uwaga dotycząca bibliografii
Bibliogr. s. 398-406. Indeks.
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera: Foreword / Timothy Rub. Introduction / John Ittmann. John S. Phillips as a collector of German prints / John Ittmann. Central Europe between 1770 and 1850: the rise and fall of German Romantic art and culture / Warren Breckman. Albrecht Dürer and his hallowed city of Nuremberg / John Ittmann. Raphael's Sistine Madonna domesticated: a return to purity and piety in German prints / Cordula Grewe. The Galeriewerk and the reproductive print of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / John Ittmann. Glazed and framed: Kunstverein prints for the parlor / John Ittmann. The wanderer: travel imagery in German romantic prints / Mitchell B. Frank. Sacred woods and ancient ruins: the landscapes of Germany and Norway, Italy and Arcadia / F. Carlo Schmid. Johann Christian Reinhart (1761-1847) and his circle in Italy / F. Carlo Schmid. Landscape prints in Vienna / F. Carlo Schmid. Portrait prints, 1770-1850: friends and family / Mitchell B. Frank. The German Romantic reading public: Taschenbücher and other illustrated books / Catriona Macleod. The living past: folklore and fairy tales in literature and art / Catriona Macleod. Outline and arabesque: simplicity and complexity in German prints, and the allure of the antique / Cordula Grewe. Johann Heinrich Lips (1758-1817) and Philipp Otto Runge (1777-1810): Times of day / Cordula Grewe. Ferdinand Olivier (1785-1841) and Adrian Ludwig Richter (1803-1884): the Salzburg albums / Cordula Grewe. Johann Gotthard Müller (1747-1830) / Mitchell B. Frank. Johann Christian Klengel (1751-1824) / John Ittmann. Carl Wilhelm Kolbe the Elder (1759-1835) / John Ittmann. Joseph Anton Koch (1768-1839) / John Ittmann. Ludwig Emil Grimm (1790-1863) / John Ittmann. Adrian Ludwig Richter (1803-1884) / John Ittmann. Eugen Napoleon Neureuther (1806-1882) / John Ittmann.
Uwaga dotycząca finansowania
Wyd. z funduszy The Andrew W. Mellon Fund for Scholarly Publications przy Philadelphia Museum of Art.
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