W koszyku
Iršėnas Marius (1970- ). Red. Račiūnaitė Tojana (1967- ). Red. Aidukaitė Ignė. Tł. Bartkutė Diana. Tł. Stewart Malcolm. Tł. Aleksandravičius Egidijus (1956- ). Changes in agrarian culture after the abolition of serfgom Aleksandravičius Egidijus (1956- ). Lithuanian national revival and the Catholic Church Aleksandravičius Egidijus (1956- ). Occupation and the Soviet fiction of statehood Aleksandravičius Egidijus (1956- ). Resistance against the conquerors and the political struggle for liberation Aleksandravičius Egidijus (1956- ). Russian authorities and the Catolic Church Aleksandravičius Egidijus (1956- ). Russias repression following the revolt of 1863 Aleksandravičius Egidijus (1956- ). The war and post-war tragedy Aleksandravičiūtė Aleksandra (1953- ). Religious orders and their buildings Aleksandravičiūtė Aleksandra (1953- ). Sacred spaces Aleksandrovič Volodimir Stepanovič (1956- ). Visible signs of power and faith Andriulytė Algė (1972- ). The vitality of the Lost Capital Andriulytė Algė (1972- ). The activity of public, national and artistic groups Andriušytė-Žukienė Rasa (1960- ). The Émigré art and its reception in Lithuania Baronas Darius (1973- ). Presentiments of the end of the world and the emergence of Lithuania Baronas Darius (1973- ). The orthodoxy and Lithuania: attraction - dissociation - marginalization Butrimas Adomas. The Jewish role in the history of Lithuania Butrimas Adomas. The role of the Tartars and Karaites in the history of Lithuania Butvilaitė-Petrauskienė Rasa. The reach of Manor culture Butvilaitė-Petrauskienė Rasa. The residences of the magnats Čepaitienė Auksuolė. Lithuanian folk art: the poetics of the everyday life of the peasantry Drėmaitė Marija. The rise of the economy and the development of city culture Dubonis Artūras (1962- ). From Mindaugas to Traidenis Dubonis Artūras (1962- ). The origins of Statehood Genzelis Bronius (1934- ). The political development of Lithuania: from Sąjūdis to the European Union Jankauskas Vidmantas (1962- ). Nostalgia for the Capital: cultural initiatives in Vilnius in the 2nd half of the 19th century Jankauskas Vidmantas (1962- ). The demise of nobilitary culture and the formation of the modern Lithuanian nation Jankauskas Vidmantas (1962- ). The loss of Vilnius and "Central Lithuania" Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). Modern Kaunas Jankevičiutė Giedrė (1960- ). The quest for national identity in artistic culture Janonienė Rūta (1960- ). Changes in taste and lessons of citizenship Janonienė Rūta (1960- ). The gothic in Eastern Europe Janonienė Rūta (1960- ). Visible signs of power and faith Kiaupienė Jūratė (1947- ). Lithuanians - the relationship between citizenship and ethnicity Klajumienė Dalia (1963- ). Castle Klajumienė Dalia (1963- ). City Klajumienė Dalia (1963- ). State Laučkaitė Laima (1956- ). Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis and symbolism Liškevičienė Jolita (1970- ). Post-tridentine rhetoric: ut pictura poesis Liškevičienė Jolita (1970- ). The Eastern Church and question of union Lukšionytė-Tolvaišienė Nijolė (1954-2014). City culture: from historicism to modernism Markauskaitė Neringa (1967- ). Religious art: anonymous and authored creative work Paknys Mindaugas (1973- ). Rulers, magnates and nobles Paknys Mindaugas (1973- ). The townspeople and their communities Petrauskas Rimvydas (1972- ). Christianity and politic Petrauskas Rimvydas (1972- ). The strengthening and expansion of the State Pleikienė Ieva. The arrested moments of everyday life: between melancholy and irony Pleikienė Ieva. The expression of national identity in the art of the Soviet period: historical dramas, myths and fairytales Pociūtė-Abukevičienė Dainora (1967- ). Lithuanian culture in Prussia Pociūtė-Abukevičienė Dainora (1967- ). Reformation: the search for Christian truth Pociūtė-Abukevičienė Dainora (1967- ). The church and the book Poškus Vidas. Search for the sources of European culture Poškus Vidas. The military aspect of the renaissance culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Puodžiukienė Dalė. Baroque wooden architecture: manors and churches Ramonienė Dalia. Historical opportunities and the eruptions of art Raila Eligijus. Educational reform and science Raila Eligijus. The University and Vilnius Educational Disctrict: horizons of the memory of the GDL Šabasevičius Helmutas (1964- ). Art for history and freedom Šabasevičius Helmutas (1964- ). Romantic artistic topography - the symbolic space of spiritual life Stankevičienė Regimanta. A crown for the Queen of Heaven and patron of the Homeland Streikus Arūnas (1973- ). Restrictions of faith and activity of the church Streikus Arūnas (1973- ). The restitution of the Church and its new journey Tamošaitis Mindaugas. Land reform and changes in agrarian culture Tamošaitis Mindaugas. Restoration of the state Tamošaitis Mindaugas. The revival of national education Trilupaitytė Skaidra (1969- ). The past in the changing present Vaišvilaitė Irena (1954- ). The reform of the Catholic Church and Latin culture Vaitkevičius Vykintas (1974- ). Fire - the centre of the ancient Baltic region Vaitkevičius Vykintas (1974- ). The outlines of ancient Baltic culture Vasiliūnienė Dalia (1966- ). Art and liturgy: church textile and metal ware
Indeks R0
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: II 30714 (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Tyt. oryg.: Lietuva, 1009-2009
Uwaga dotycząca bibliografii
Uwaga dotycząca finansowania
Finansowanie: Research Council of Lithuania.
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