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Izdebski Adam (1984- ). Red. Jasiński Damian. Red. Chmiel Piotr (1941- ). You are Christians without a light from Heaven. A pluriconfessional encounter: an image of Georgians according to the seventeenth-century Theatine missionaries' writing Chrulska Elżbieta. Between distance and identification: reception of the ancient tradition in the Protestant religious poetry, the case of Wrocław, Gdańsk and Toruń in the context of Northern Humanism Glińska Klementyna Aura. Transcribing 'Elegiac Comedies': transformation of Greek and Latin theatrical traditions in twelfth- and thirteenth- century poetry Grinčenko Ol'ga. Slavonic Kontakaria and their Byzantine counterparts: adapting a liturgical tradition Grondkowska Barbara. The authority of the church fathers in sixteenth-century Polish sermons: Jakub Wujek, Grzegorz of Żarnowiec and their postils Horeczy Anna. An Italian intermediary in the transmission of the ancient classical treditions to renaissance Poland: Leonardo Bruni and the humanism in Cracow Izdebska Anna (orientalistka). The attitudes of medieval Arabic intellectuals toward Pythagorean philosophy: different approches and ways of influence Izdebski Adam (1984- ). Cultural contacts between the superpowers of late antiquity: the Ssyriac school of Nisibis and the transmissions of Greek educational experience to the Persian empire Jakubowycz Mychajło. Jan Latosz (1539-1608) and his natural philosophy: reception of Arabic science in early modern Poland Jasiński Damian. Stories from Afar and a local star: the Eastern imagery in the Dialogues by Sulpicius Severus and his view on the church in Gaul Mroziewicz Karolina Anna. 'When the Turk roamed around Belgrade': the Ottomans' advent to the Hungaria borderlands in the pre-Mohács Flugschriften Sahner Christian. Old martyrs, new martyrs and coming of islam: writing hagiography after the conquests Stammler Lilly. Old traditions and new models: travelling monks in the late Byzantine hagiography from the Balkans
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Zapytaj bibliotekarza: Czas. II 981/8 (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
T. monogr.: "Byzantina et Slavica Cracoviensia". 8 (2014).
Uwaga dotycząca finansowania
Publikacja finansowana w ramach programu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego pod nazwą "Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki" w latach 2012-2014.
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